Fly Phonics Teacher's Guide 2

Page 1

cont ents Unit





Lesson Flow Downloadable Resources Scope & Sequence



-an -at



-am  -ap


Review 1 / Story 1



-eg  -et



-ed  -en


Review 2 / Story 2



-ig  -ip


6 8






6 7 8 9 10

-in  -it


Review 3 / Story 3


-og  -op


-ot  -ox


Review 4 / Story 4


-ug  -un


-ub  -ut


Review 5 / Story 5


Summary Assessment Board Game

60 6 1 63

Lesson Flow ‌ ly Phonics 2 focuses on the isolation and combination of sounds. Each unit F

is carefully designed so that learners can recognize the target letters and read the target words on their own. Kinesthetic learning also helps internalize phonics more effectively.



-an -a

Listen and repeat.


•‌‌ I ntroduction of of the target sounds and words.






p an








Listen and repeat.





•‌‌ L earn additional target words containing the target sounds.

Unit 1

p an

m an

f an

v an

c at

h at

m at

-at -an -a 4

Let’s sing along.


– an pan man fan van a have –at e v a h a t a m t a bat cat h


•‌‌ R eview the target words and sounds through songs.

b at

-an -at


-an -at


Listen and circle.




-an -at 3.


-an -at 6

-an -at

-an -at

•‌‌ L isten and distinguish the correct target sounds.


Listen, circle and write.





Unit 1



•‌‌ L isten and write the missing letters.


-an -a

•‌‌ L earn to combine letters to form the target words.

Match and write. 1.






h m


h v


f c













Read and circle.

Unit 1

•‌‌ R ead and complete the sentences using the target words.


The cat is on the

mat . fan

The pan is on the

cat . van

The hat is on the

man . cat

The fan is on the

van . hat




-an -a 7

Listen and circle.




















Read aloud.

8 CD1


c e ll e n t


-an pan

man fan



-at bat





•‌‌ L isten and distinguish the correct target words.

-an -at


•‌‌ P ractice reading the target sounds and words. Story Let’s read the story.

9 10 CD1


Unit 1

•‌‌ P ractice reading sentences including target and sight words through short stories.

The man has the funny hat. The man has the funny van.

The man has the funny cat. The cat has the funny mat. Sight words

the has funny

-an -at


Downloadable Resources ‌ Activities, Flashcards, Practices, etc., for teachers and students are available from Fly Phonics website:

Fly Phonics 2

Craft 2 Resources (Cut the dotted lines.) Unit 5

wig dig big lip

Unit Activities

rip zip

Craft Activities Unit 6

Circle the words of the pictures.




f 3



g o

m l




x o





Paste the picture.

Paste the picture.

Paste the picture.

Paste the picture.





Paste the picture.

Paste the picture.

Paste the picture.

Paste the picture.

Cut out a hole.


Cut out a hole.

Cut out a hole.


Cut out a hole.


o t


Unit 7

t g

g o



d p


o c

t o



Craft 2 Unit 7

p 6


Phonics Sentence Cards 2 •‌‌ I mprove phonics skills through intriguing and fun activities.

Phonics Word Word CardsCards 2 Phonics 2 8


Unit 7 Activity

The man has the cat.

The bat is on the man.

catcat Phonics Word Cards


Phonics Sentence Cards 2



bat bat

The cat is on the mat.

7 -og -op


Paste the correct picture in the blank.

The hat is on the man.


•‌‌ A dditional reviews provided with various activites

The bat is on the man.

Phonics Sentence Cards The man has the cat.


hat hat

The hat is on the man.


bat <back>


mat <back>


•‌‌ P ractice the target words using mat mat corresponding pictures.



cat is on the mat. •‌‌ S tudy the targetThewords by seeing how they can be used in sentences.

Activity Cards •‌‌ U se for “Activities & Games” in Teacher’s Guide.

You can also download cat



- ‌ Answer Keys / Curriculum / Unit Tests / MP3 Files

Listening Practice

Reading Practice

Writing Practice

Reading Practice

The ram has the ham.

Listen and write.

-an 1.




Check the ones that you can read.















jam The bat has the jam.




The man has the map.



Listen and write. 1.

The fan is on the 2.

The hat is on the





The ram has the map.


The man has the tap.


Ham is in the pan.


The cat and ram are under the mat.

The cat has the cap.

Unit 2 Writing Practice -am, -ap

Unit 2 –am -ap

Unit 1 Listening Practice -an, -at

•‌‌ A dvanced exercises to enhance listening skills

•‌‌ A dditional exercises to enhance reading skills

•‌‌ A dditional drills to reinforce writing skills

Extra Resources

Sight Sight Word Word CardsCards

This This is a is bug. a bug. a Cards SightaWord

Alphabet Cards Alphabet CardsCards Alphabet

am am

I amI Jam ames. J ames.



•‌‌ I ntroduce the sight andapple. show how Thiswords This is anisapple. an they are used in sentences.


Sight Word The Worksheets The fox and fox and ox ox

and and

•‌‌ P ractice sight words by writing and reading aloud.

Sight Words Color and write.

a big bear


Bb Bb

•‌‌ R einforce letter recognition through word and picture association.

Letter Cards

Cc Cc

(Uppercase) Letter Cards

(Lowercase) Letter Cards

Letter Card Letter Card

Letter Card

A Dd Dd






You can also download


- ‌ Placement Tests / Board Games / Wallcharts

d Letter Card


Letter Card Letter Card

Letter Card


Letter Card

Letter Card Letter Card

Letter Card


Letter Card

Letter Card Letter Card

Letter Card

Fill in the blank and read.

Write and read aloud.


•‌‌ P ractice forming the target sounds and words.

big big


havehave dots.dots.

AA aa


Letter Card


Scope & Sequence ‌ Each book contains 10 units and 5 reviews. Each unit introduces two or three target sounds.

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Unit 1

Aa Bb

-an -at

-ave -ake -ane

sl- cl- fl-

Unit 2

Cc Dd

-am -ap

-ape -ame -ace

pl- gl- bl-

Review 1 Unit 3

Ee Ff

-eg -et

-ive -ide -ine

br- cr- pr-

Unit 4

Gg Hh Ii

-ed -en

-ite -ike -ire

dr- gr- tr-

Review 2 Unit 5

Jj Kk Ll

-ig -ip

-one -ope -ome

sm- sw- st-

Unit 6

Mm Nn Oo

-in -it

-ole -ose -oke

sk- sn- sp-

Review 3 Unit 7

Pp Qq Rr

-og -op

-une -ube -uke

-ck -ng -nt

Unit 8

Ss Tt

-ot -ox

ai ay

-mp -nd -nk

Review 4 Unit 9

Uu Vv Ww

-ug -un

ee ea

-ch -th -sh

Unit 10

-Xx Yy Zz

-ub -ut

oa ow

kn- wr- -mb

Review 5 Assessment

Phonics Words

Sight Words the, fas, funny

Unit 1

pan, man, fan, van, bat, cat, hat, mat

Unit 2

jam, ham, dam, ram, cap, map, tap, lap

where, is, the, in

Story 1

words in units 1-2

a, and, are, eat, has, in, is, on, the, under

Unit 3

leg, egg, keg, beg, net, wet, vet, jet

my, is, not

Unit 4

bed, red, Ted, wed, hen, pen, ten, den

jump, on, the

Story 2

words in units 3-4

a, are, eat, he, his, is, no, of, on, out, want, with

Unit 5

wig, pig, dig, big, lip, dip, rip, zip

I, see, the, has

Unit 6

pin, bin, fin, win, sit, hit, kit, pit

I, on, the, in, need

Story 3

words in units 5-6

a, am, an, I, is, my, no, that, the, this

Unit 7

dog, jog, fog, log, top, hop, mop, pop

the, in, on

Unit 8

pot, dot, cot, hot, box, fox, ox

the, has, and, have, they, are, on

Story 4

words in units 7-8

a, and, do, has, is, it, like, not, take, the, we

Unit 9

rug, hug, bug, mug, bun, run, sun, fun

the, like, on, they, have, in

Unit 10

tub, cub, rub, sub, hut, nut, cut

the, is, in, are

Story 5

words in units 9-10

a, an, and, are, at, big, in, is, it, that, this, we, what

Unit 1

The objective of this section is to introduce the target sounds, short vowel /a/ with /n/ and /t/ endings. • ‌ Write “a” and “n” on the board. Ask students to

say the sounds the letters make separately and together. Say /ӕ/, /n/, /ӕn/ and have students repeat. Write “a” and “t” and repeat the process.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 2 and have students listen and

repeat the sounds a few times. Show students how to put their index finger under “a” and slowly move to “n” as they say the sounds. Then have them put their finger under “a” and quickly slide to “n” as they read “an.” Repeat with “at.”

• ‌ Have students find and put “an” and “at” stickers in

the correct places.


pan, man, fan, van, bat, cat, hat, mat


Flashcards, CD1, CD player

repeat a few times. Tell them to put their finger under “p” and slide to “an” as they read “pan.” Do the same with the rest of the words.

• ‌ Read the target words together pointing to each

picture. Then call out the words at random and have students point to the correct pictures. Track 3

/p/ /an/ pan, pan /m/ /an/ man, man /f/ /an/ fan, fan /v/ /an/ van, van

/b/ /at/ bat, bat /c/ /at/ cat, cat /h/ /at/ hat, hat /m/ /at/ mat, mat

Activities & Games Word formation activity Materials: ‌ several sets of letter cards, pocket chart

Track 2

/a/ /t/ /at/ (x2) /b/ /at/ bat (x2)

Listen and repeat The objective of this section is to learn the target words with the target sounds. • ‌ Put letter cards “a” and “n” on the board. Place the


Student Book pp. 4-11, Workbook pp. 4-7

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 3 and have students listen and

Listen and repeat

/a/ /n/ /an/ (x2) /p/ /an/ pan (x2)


letter “p” on the left side saying /p/. Have students guess how the letters would sound if they put them together. Have students repeat a few times as the teacher says /p/, /æn/, /pæn/. Repeat the process with letters “m,” “f,” and “v.” Do the same with the rest of the words.

Scatter letter cards on the table face up, and ask one student to come up to the front. Call out a word and have the student put the cards in the pocket chart in the correct order to make the word. Repeat until everyone has had a chance to participate.

-an –at

Let’s sing along

Listen, circle and write

The objective of this section is to review the target words and sounds through a song. Students can recognize that the target words have common ending sounds. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 4 and have students listen to the

song. Play the CD again and sing along a few times. Track 4

pan man fan van all have /an/ bat cat hat mat all have /at/

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct ending letters by listening to the target words. • ‌ Have students look at the pictures and say the

words. Play CD1 Track 5 and have them listen and circle the correct ending letters.

The objective of this section is to choose the correct pictures of the target words by listening and to write the ending letters. • ‌ Have students read the letters in boxes at the top.

Have them look at the pictures and say what they are. Play CD1 Track 6 and have students listen, circle the correct pictures and write the ending letters.

• ‌ Call out the words on page 7 at random and have

students point to the corresponding pictures. This time, say the first sound and pause so that the students guess the rest of the word. For example, say /m/, pause, say /æt/. Track 6

1. hat, hat 2. man, man

3. cat, cat 4. pan, pan

Track 5

1. /at/ /at/ bat 2. /an/ /an/ van

3. /at/ /at/ mat 4. /an/ /an/ fan


-an –at

Match and write The objective of this section is to match the beginning consonants with the ending letters to write the words correctly. • ‌ Ask students what the first picture is. Have them

match the correct letters and write the words on the lines. Have them do the rest of the exercises on their own. Then have them read each word out loud. Ask individual students to read the words.

Read and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct words to complete the sentences that describe the pictures. Students will practice reading the sentences with sight words such as “on” and “the.” • ‌ Have students look at the first picture and ask

where the cat is. Explain the meaning of “on” using classroom objects. Read the sentence in number 1 correctly and ask students to repeat. Have students do numbers 2 to 4 by themselves. Help them out if necessary.

• Hold two flashcards and place one over the ‌

other. Ask students what word is on top. Ask students to make a sentence using the format, “The OO is on the .”


Activities & Games Letter trace relay Materials: ‌ board, markers Divide the class into two teams and line them up facing the board. Using a finger, a teacher writes a word on the back of the last students of the lines. When the teacher says “Go!”, the students write the word on the back of the students in front of them. The first students in lines write the word on the board. The team that writes the word correctly wins a point. The first students go to the back of the lines and repeat.

-an –at

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct target words by listening without pictures. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 7. Have students listen and circle

the words that they hear. Track 7

1. pan, pan 2. hat, hat 3. van, van

4. mat, mat 5. cat, cat 6. fan, fan

Read aloud Through this section students will review the target words once again, and apply the pattern to read new words which are presented in grey. • ‌ Have students read the words together rhythmically

and then individually.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 8 and check if they read the words

correctly. Put an “excellent” sticker if one reads all the words.

together a few times. Have students read the story together again, pointing to the words in red. • Discuss each picture asking questions such ‌

as “What is this?”, “What does the man have?”, “Would you like to wear a hat like this?”. Ask students which of the four funny things they would like to have the most. Explain the meaning of “has” to students. Ask students to make sentences using “has” by describing other students in the class.

• Read the sight words out loud together. Play ‌

CD1 Track 10 and repeat after each sentence. Track 9/10

The man has the funny hat. The man has the funny van. The man has the funny cat. The cat has the funny mat.

Activities & Games Bingo

Track 8

Materials: handouts with 3 by 3 square grid

1. /an/ pan, man, fan, van, can 2. /at/ bat, cat, hat, mat, rat

Distribute handouts and have students fill in each blank with the target words learned in this unit. Tell them they can also use the words “has” or “an.” Call out the words and have students cross out the words they hear. Repeat until a student has crossed out three words in a row either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally and shouts “Bingo!”. Whoever shouts first wins the game.

Let’s read the story The objective of this section is to read the sentences including the target words. • Ask students what they see in the pictures. Play CD1 ‌

Track 9 and have students listen to and read


Unit 2

The objective of this section is to introduce the target sounds, short vowel /a/ with /m/ and /p/ endings. • ‌ Write “a” and “m” on the board. Ask students to

say the sounds the letters make separately and together. Say /ӕ/, /m/, /ӕm/ and have students repeat. Write “a” and “p” and repeat the process.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 11 and have students listen and

repeat the sounds a few times. Show students how to put their index finger under “a” and slowly move to “m” as they say the sounds. Then have them put their finger under “a” and quickly move to “m” as they read “am.” Do the same with “ap.”

• ‌ Have students put “am” and “ap” stickers in the

correct places.


jam, ham, dam, ram, cap, map, tap, lap


Flashcards, CD1, CD player

repeat a few times. Have them put their index finger under “j” and quickly slide to “am” as they read the word “jam.”

• ‌ Read the target words together pointing to each

picture. Call out the words at random and have students point to the correct pictures. Track 12

/j/ /am/ jam, jam /h/ /am/ ham, ham /d/ /am/ dam, dam /r/ /am/ ram, ram

/c/ /ap/ cap, cap /m/ /ap/ map, map /t/ /ap/ tap, tap /l/ /ap/ lap, lap

Activities & Games Pick and say

Track 11

Materials: letter cards, board, markers

/a/ /p/ /ap/ (x2) /c/ /ap/ cap (x2)

Listen and repeat The objective of this section is to learn the target words with the target sounds. • ‌ Put up letter cards “a” and “m” on the board.


Student Book pp. 12-19, Workbook pp. 8-11

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 12 and have students listen and

Listen and repeat

/a/ /m/ /am/ (x2) /j/ /am/ jam (x2)


Place the letter “j” on the left side saying /dʒ/. Have students guess how the letters would sound if they put them together. Have students repeat a few times as the teacher says /dʒ/, /æm/, /dʒæm/. Repeat the process with letters “h,” “d,” and “r.” Do the same with the rest of the words.

Write “an,” “at,” “am,” and “ap” on the board and prepare all the beginning consonant letter cards learned in unit 1 and 2. Hold three of the consonant cards face down, and have one student pick one of them. Have the student make a word using any of the four endings on the board. If the word makes sense, have the student choose the next three cards for the next student. Repeat until all students have had a chance to participate.

-am -ap

• ‌ Have students read the letters in boxes at the top.

Let’s sing along The objective of this section is to review the target words and sounds through a song. Students can recognize that the target words have common ending sounds. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 13 and have students listen to the

song. Play the CD again and have them sing along a few times. Track 13

jam ham dam ram all have /am/ cap map tap lap all have /ap/

Have them look at the pictures and say the words. Play CD1 Track 15 and have students listen, circle the correct pictures and write the ending letters.

• ‌ Call out the words on page 15 at random and have

students point to the correct pictures. Track 15

1. cap, cap 2. ram, ram

3. map, map 4. jam, jam

Activities & Games Erasing game Materials: board, markers, eraser

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct ending letters by listening to the target words. • ‌ Have students look at the pictures and say the

words. Play CD1 Track 14 and have students listen and circle the correct ending letters. Track 14

1. /am/ /am/ ham 2. /ap/ /ap/ map

3. /ap/ /ap/ tap 4. /am/ /am/ jam

Write all the target words learned so far on the board at random. Have one student come up to the board, listen to the word that the teacher says, and erase the word from the board. If the student does this correctly, have him/her choose the next student, and repeat the process until there are no words left on the board. This can be played in teams.

Listen, circle and write The objective of this section is to choose the correct pictures of the target words by listening and to write the ending letters.


-am -ap

Match and write The objective of this section is to match the beginning consonants with the ending letters to write the words correctly. • ‌ Ask students what the first picture is. Have them

match the correct letters and write the words on the lines. Have them do the rest of the exercises on their own. Then have them read each word out loud. Ask individual students to read the words.

Read and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct words to complete the sentences that describe the pictures. Students will practice reading the sentences with sight words such as “has.” • ‌ Have students look at the first picture and say what

they see. Read the sentence in number 1 correctly and have students repeat. Have students do numbers 2 to 4 by themselves. Walk them through this process if necessary.

.” on the board and show students two flashcards. Have students make a sentence using the words on the flashcards. Repeat a few times, and have students choose their own words to make sentences.

• ‌ Write “The OO has the


Activities & Games Chair game Materials: flashcards, two chairs Place two chairs in the middle of the room. Divide students into two teams and have one student from each team stand in the center. Place two flashcards on the chairs. Call out one of the words on the chairs and the student who sits in the corresponding chair first wins. For a bigger challenge, increase the number of chairs and flashcards.

-am -ap

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct target words by listening without pictures. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 16. Have students listen and circle

the words that they hear. Track 16

1. ham, ham 2. cap, cap 3. jam, jam

4. lap, lap 5. tap, tap 6. dam, dam

Read aloud Through this section students will review the target words once again, and apply the pattern to read new words which are presented in grey. • ‌ Have students read the words together rhythmically

and then individually.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 17 and check if they read the words

correctly. Put an “excellent” sticker if one reads all the words. Track 17

1. /am/ jam, ham, dam, ram, yam 2. /ap/ cap, map, tap, lap, gap

Let’s read the story The objective of this section is to read the sentences including the target words. • ‌ Ask students what they see in the pictures. Play

CD1 Track 18 and have students listen to and read

together a few times. Have individual students read the story. • Put ‌ up a marker and say, “This is a marker.” Put it in

a bag and say, “The marker is in the bag.” Move it into a basket and ask, “Where is the marker?” Help students make a sentence such as “The marker is in the basket.” Have students practice a few times using different classroom objects.

• Read the sight words out loud together. Play ‌

CD1 Track 19 and repeat after each sentence. Track 18/19

Where is the jam? The jam is in the ram.

Where is the map? The map is in the ram.

Activities & Games Reading with emotions Materials: ‌ paper cup, strips of paper with the words “happy,” “sad,” “angry,” “sleepy,” and “surprised” written on one end of the strip with pictures of faces Ex :

happy sad

Show students each strip of paper and teach them the five emotion words. Put the strips of paper in a paper cup so the students cannot see the words and faces. Have each student pull out a strip and read the story on page 19 in the voice of the emotion they picked.


Review 1

Review Activity

Choose and write • ‌ Have students read each ending in the box at the

top. Ask students what the first picture is and have them write the correct ending letters. Have students do numbers 2 to 6 and go over the answers. Ask students which words have the same ending sound.

Listen and circle • Play CD1 Track 20 and have students listen and circle ‌ ‌ the correct ending letters in number 1. Play the rest of the CD and have them do numbers 2 to 4. Pause after each number and check the answers together. Track 20

1. van, van, fan, fan 2. ham, ham, dam, dam


3. map, map, lap, lap 4. mat, mat, bat, bat

• ‌ ‌ Have students look at the picture and say the

things they know. Write them on the board. Have students take a colored pencil and mark the things using the legend in the box. Go over the answers together.

Story 1 How to teach 1. ‌ Picture walking: Ask students what words they can identify in the pictures . Write the words on the board. Help them to describe what is going on in the pictures . 2. Listen ‌ to the story: Play CD2 Track 43 and listen to the story. 3. ‌ Repeat: Play CD2 Track 44 and repeat after each sentence.

Poor Bat 7. ‌ Application: Ask students what food they like and what they can cook. Ask them what they would do if animals came into their house and ate their food. Ask students how they would feel. 8. ‌ Review vocabulary: Go to the glossary on page 52 and read the phonics words and sight words together. Make sure all the students can read the words correctly, and know the meanings. Track 43/44

4. ‌ Read along: Together as a class, read the story without the CD, pointing to the target words.

A man has a pan. Ham is in the pan. The man eats the ham and jam. The man is in a nap. A cat and ram eat the ham and jam. A hat is on the ram. The cat is on a mat. Ah, a bat! The man is mad. The cat and ram are under the mat.

5. ‌ Individual reading: Have students take turns reading each sentence. 6. ‌ Comprehension: Ask students some questions about the story: “What does the man have?”, “What is in the pan?”, “What does the man eat?”, “What is the man doing?”, “Who else is in the story?”, “What do they eat?”, “What is on the ram?”, “Where is the cat?”, “What is this?”, “How is the man feeling?”, “Where are the cat and the ram?”.

A Who eats the ham and jam?

Ask students what picture number 1 is. Ask them if the man eats the ham and jam, and circle the answer. Ask students to do the rest of the numbers and let them circle O or X.


Write the correct word Have students read the words in the box. Let them look at the pictures and write the correct words. Go over the answers together.


Unit 3

Listen and repeat The objective of this section is to introduce the target sounds, short vowel /e/ with /g/ and /t/ endings. • ‌ Write “e” on the board and ask students what

sound it makes. Write a few words to compare the sound with /ӕ/ and have them practice saying the words: “bat/bet,” “and/end,” “bag/beg,” “pan/ pen,” etc. Write “eg” and “et” on the board and ask students what sounds they would make.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 21 and have students listen and

repeat a few times. Show students how to put their index finger under “e” and slowly move to “g” as they say the sounds. Then have them put their finger under “e” and quickly slide to “g” as they read “eg.” Repeat the process with the word, “et.”

• ‌ Have students put “eg” and “et” stickers in the

correct places.

/e/ /t/ /et/ (x2) /n/ /et/ net (x2)

Listen and repeat The objective of this section is to learn the target words with the target sounds. • ‌ Put letter cards “e” and “g” on the board. Place the

letter “l” on the left side saying /l/. Have students guess how the letters would sound if they put them together. Have students repeat a few times as the


Student Book pp. 22-29, Workbook pp. 14-17


leg, egg, keg, beg, net, wet, vet, jet


Flashcards, CD1, CD player

teacher says /l/, /eg/, /leg/. Repeat the process with letters “k” and “b.” Do the same with the rest of the words. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 22 and have students listen and

repeat a few times. Have students put their finger under “l” and quickly slide to “eg” as they read the word “leg.” Do the same with the other words.

• ‌ Read the target words together pointing to each

picture. Call out the words at random and have students point to the correct pictures. Track 22

/l/ /eg/ leg, leg /eg/ egg, egg /k/ /eg/ keg, keg /b/ /eg/ beg, beg

/n/ /et/ net, net /w/ /et/ wet, wet /v/ /et/ vet, vet /j/ /et/ jet, jet

Activities & Games Listen and slap

Track 21

/e/ /g/ /eg/ (x2) /l/ /eg/ leg (x2)


Materials: ‌ flashcards learned so far Divide the class into two teams and place two flashcards on the table. Have one student from each team come up to the table. Call out one word and have the students slap the correct flashcard. The one who slaps the card first wins a point for their team. For a challenge, increase the number of flashcards on the table.

-eg –et

Let’s sing along

Listen, circle and write

The objective of this section is to review the target words and sounds through a song. Students can recognize that the target words have common ending sounds. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 23 and have students listen to the

song. Play the CD again and have them sing along a few times.

The objective of this section is to choose the correct pictures of the target words by listening and to write the ending letters. • ‌ Have students read the letters in boxes at the top.

Have them look at the pictures and say the words. Play CD1 Track 25 and have students listen, circle the correct pictures and write the ending letters.

• ‌ Call out the words on page 25 at random and have

Track 23

leg egg keg beg all have /eg/ net wet vet jet all have /et/

students point to the correct pictures. Track 25

1. keg, keg 2. net, net

Listen and circle

3. beg, beg 4. jet, jet

The objective of this section is to choose the correct ending letters by listening to the target words. • ‌ Have students look at the pictures and say the

words. Play CD1 Track 24 and have students listen and circle the correct ending letters. Track 24

1. /et/ /et/ wet 2. /eg/ /eg/ leg

3. /eg/ /eg/ beg 4. /et/ /et/ net


-eg –et

Match and write The objective of this section is to match the beginning consonants with the ending letters to write the words correctly. • ‌ Ask students what the first picture is. Have them

match the correct letters and write the words on the lines. Have them do the rest of the exercises on their own. Then have them read each word out loud. Ask individual students to read the words.

Read and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct words to complete the sentences that describe the pictures. Students will practice reading the sentences with sight words such as “in” and “on.” • ‌ Have students look at the first picture and say what

they see. Read the sentence in number 1 correctly and have students repeat. Have students do numbers 2 to 4 by themselves. Walk them through this process if necessary.

• Write “The OO is in the ‌

.” and “The OO is on the .” on the board and show students two flashcards. Have students make a sentence using the words on the flashcards. Repeat a few times, and have students choose their own words to make sentences.


Activities & Games Hopping cards game Materials: several sets of flashcards Give each student a flashcard. A teacher says one word and the students with that card jump up putting up the flashcard and repeat after the teacher. Call out the words at random and have students trade cards occasionally. For a challenge, have students with the cards that have the same ending sound jump up at the same time.

-eg –et

• ‌ Ask students what they see in the pictures. Play

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct target words by listening without pictures. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 26. Have students listen and circle

the words that they hear. Track 26

1. beg, beg 2. jet, jet 3. vet, vet

4. leg, leg 5. egg, egg 6. wet, wet

CD1 Track 28 and have students listen to and read together a few times. Have individual students read the story.

• Write “My OO is wet.” and “My ‌

is not wet.” on the board and have students make their own sentences.

• Read the sight words out loud together. Play ‌

CD1 Track 29 and repeat after each sentence. Track 28/29

Read aloud Through this section students will review the target words once again, and apply the pattern to read new words which are presented in grey. • ‌ Have students read the words together rhythmically

and then individually.

• Play CD1 Track 27 and check if they read the words ‌

correctly. Put an “excellent” sticker if one reads all the words. Track 27

1. /eg/ leg, egg, keg, beg, Meg 2. /et/ net, wet, vet, jet, pet

My leg is wet. My egg is wet.

My net is wet. My keg is not wet.

Activities & Games Writing race Materials: ‌ board, markers Divide students into two teams and line them up facing the board. Write a word on the back of the last students using a finger. With the word “Go!”, the students write the word on the back of the students in front of them. The first students in lines write the word on the board. The first team that writes the word on the board correctly gets a point. Change the order of students and repeat.

Let’s read the story The objective of this section is to read the sentences including the target words.


Unit 4


Student Book pp. 30-37, Workbook pp. 18-21


bed, red, Ted, wed, hen, pen, ten, den


Flashcards, CD1, CD player

• ‌ Place letter cards “e” and “n” together on the

Listen and repeat The objective of this section is to introduce the target sounds, short vowel /e/ with /d/ and /n/ endings. • ‌ Write “e” on the board and ask students what

sound it makes. Write “ed” and “en” on the board and ask students what sounds they would make.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 30 and have students listen and

repeat a few times. Show students how to put their index finger under “e” and slowly move to “d” as they say the sounds. Then have them put their finger under “e” and quickly slide to “d” as they read “ed.” Repeat with “en.”

• ‌ Have students put “ed” and “en” stickers in the

correct places.

board. Ask students how the letters would sound if they put those two sounds together. Place the letter “h” in front of “en” and ask students how the letters would sound. Repeat the process with letters “p,” “t,” and “d.”

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 31 and have students listen and

repeat a few times. Have students put their finger under the letters and follow the arrow as they read the words. Track 31

/b/ /ed/ bed, bed /r/ /ed/ red, red /t/ /ed/ Ted, Ted /w/ /ed/ wed, wed

/h/ /en/ hen, hen /p/ /en/ pen, pen /t/ /en/ ten, ten /d/ /en/ den, den

Track 30

/e/ /d/ /ed/ (x2) /b/ /ed/ bed (x2)

/e/ /n/ /en/ (x2) /h/ /en/ hen (x2)

Activities & Games Concentration Materials: two sets of flashcards (acivity cards)

Listen and Repeat The objective of this section is to learn the target words with the target sounds. • ‌ Put letter cards “e” and “d” on the board. Place the

letter “b” on the left side saying /b/. Have students guess how the letters would sound if they put them together. Have students repeat a few times as the teacher says /b/, /ed/, /bed/. Repeat the process with letters “r,” “T,” and “w.”


Shuffle two sets of flashcards and place each set face down on the table. Have students take turns flipping a card from each set and say the words on the cards. If the two cards match, the student keeps the cards. When all the cards are gone, the student with the most cards wins. Reshuffle and repeat.

-ed -en

Let’s sing along

Listen, circle and write

The objective of this section is to review the target words and sounds through a song. Students can recognize that the target words have common ending sounds. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 32 and have students listen to the

song. Play the CD again and have them sing along a few times.

The objective of this section is to choose the correct pictures of the target words by listening and to write the ending letters. • ‌ Have students read the letters in boxes at the top.

Have them look at the pictures and say the words. Play CD1 Track 34 and have students listen, circle the correct pictures and write the ending letters.

• ‌ Call out the words on page 33 at random and have

Track 32

bed red Ted wed all have /ed/ hen pen ten den all have /en/

students point to the correct pictures. Track 34

1. bed, bed 2. den, den

Listen and match

3. ten, ten 4. red, red

The objective of this section is to choose the correct ending letters by listening to the target words. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 33 and have students listen and

match the pictures with the correct ending letters. Track 33

1. /ed/ /ed/ Ted 2. /en/ /en/ hen

3. /ed/ /ed/ wed


-ed -en

Circle and write The objective of this section is to choose the beginning consonants and ending letters to write the target words correctly. • ‌ Ask students what the first picture is. Have them

circle the correct letters and write the word on the lines. Ask students what the other pictures are and have them do the rest of the exercises on their own. After the students finish, ask individual students to read the words.

Read and check The objective of this section is to choose the correct sentences that describe the pictures. Students will practice reading the sentences with sight words such as “with” and “by.” • ‌ Have students look at the first picture and say what

they see. Read the sentences in number 1 correctly and ask students which sentence describes the picture correctly. Have students look at the picture in number 2 and read the sentences together. Ask them which one describes the picture, and what “by” means. Tell them that “by” means “next to.”

• Have students do numbers 3 to 4 by themselves. ‌

Walk them through this process if necessary.


Activities & Games Line up Materials: flashcards Give each student a flashcard, and say the words in any order. Have students listen and stand in a line in the order of words called. Have students exchange cards and repeat the game, changing the order of the words. This can be played as a team with more than one set of flashcards.

-ed -en

Let’s read the story

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct target words by listening without pictures.

The objective of this section is to read the sentences including the target words.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 35. Have students listen and circle

• ‌ Ask students what they see in the pictures. Play

the words that they hear. Track 35

1. bed, bed 2. hen, hen 3. pen, pen

4. Ted, Ted 5. den, den 6. wed, wed

Read aloud Through this section students will review the target words once again, and apply the pattern to read new words which are presented in grey. • ‌ Have students read the words together rhythmically

and then individually.

• Play CD1 Track 36 and check if they read the words ‌

correctly. Put an “excellent” sticker if one reads all the words. Track 36

1. /ed/ bed, red, Ted, wed, fed 2. /en/ hen, pen, ten, den, men

CD1 Track 37 and have students listen to and read together a few times. Have students read the story pointing to the words in red. Have individual students read the story.

• Demonstrate the word “jump” by jumping, and ‌

have students jump.

• Read the sight words out loud together. Play ‌

CD1 Track 38 and repeat after each sentence. Track 37/38

Ted jumps on the bed. The hen jumps.

Ten hens jump. Ten hens jump on Ted.

Activities & Games Bingo Materials: handouts with 4 by 4 square grid Distribute handouts and have students fill in each blank with the target words learned so far. Call out the target words and have students cross out the words they hear. Repeat until a student has crossed out four words in a row either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally and shouts “Bingo!”. Whoever shouts first wins the game.


Review 2

Review Activity

Choose and write • ‌ Have students read each ending in the box at the

top. Ask students what the first picture is and have them write the correct ending letters. Have students do numbers 2 to 6 and go over the answers. Ask students which words have the same ending sound.

Listen and circle • ‌ Play CD1 Track 39 and have students listen and

circle the correct letters in number 1. Play the rest of the CD and have them do numbers 2 to 4. Pause after each number and check the answers together. Track 39

1. egg, egg, leg, leg 2. wed, wed, red, red


3. pen, pen, den, den 4. net, net, jet, jet

• ‌ ‌ Have students look at the pictures number 1

through 8 and say what they are. Ask students how they would spell those words. Have students fill in the blanks.

Story 2

Ted’s Day ask students whether they have had a bad day like Ted before. Ask them what they would do if they were Ted.

How to teach 1. ‌ ‌ Picture walking: Ask students what words they can identify in the pictures. Write the words on the board. Help them to describe what is going on in the pictures 2. ‌ Listen to the story: Play CD2 Track 45 and listen to the story.

8. ‌ Review vocabulary: Go to the glossary on page 52 and read the phonics words and sight words together. Make sure all the students can read the words correctly, and know the meanings.

3. ‌ Repeat: Play CD2 Track 46 and repeat after each sentence.

Track 45/46

Ted is out of bed. Ted is on a keg. He eats jam. Ted is a vet. He wants ten pens. Oh, no! Ted is wet. His leg is red. A net is on Ted. Ted is with hens. Eggs are on Ted. Oh, Ted begs?

4. ‌ Read along: Together as a class, read the story without the CD, pointing to the target words. 5. ‌ Individual reading: Have students take turns reading each sentence. 6. ‌ Comprehension: Ask students some questions about the story: “What is the name of the man?”, “Where is he?”, “What does he eat?”, “What is his job?”, “What does he want?”, “What happened to him?”, “What color is his leg?”, “What is on him?”, “What animals are in this story?”. 7. ‌ Application: Ask students what they usually have for breakfast. Talk about what they can get at the stationary store. Discuss how Ted’s day was, and



3 e









A Number the pictures in order

Have students number the pictures in the order of the story, then go over the answers.


Match and write Read the ending letters in the box together. Have students identify the pictures, match and write the ending letters.


Unit 5

Listen and repeat


Student Book pp. 40-47, Workbook pp. 24-27


wig, pig, dig, big, lip, dip, rip, zip


Flashcards, CD1, CD player

Listen and repeat

The objective of this section is to introduce the target sounds, short vowel /i/ with /g/ and /p/ endings.

The objective of this section is to learn the target words with the target sounds.

• ‌ Write “i” on the board and ask students what sound

• ‌ Put letter cards “i” and “g” on the board. Place the

it makes. Write “ig” and “ip” on the board and ask students how they would read them.

• ‌ Make sure that students say the “i” as a short /ɪ/

sound rather than a long /i / sound. Tell them that they need to keep their lips and cheeks relaxed instead of making a big smile. Have them compare listening to the following minimal pairs and repeat after the teacher: bin/bean, chip/cheap, it/eat, hip/heap, lip/leap.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 40 and have students listen and

repeat a few times, pointing to the arrow and moving along with their index finger.

• ‌ Have students put “ig” and “ip” stickers in the

correct places.

• ‌ Make sure the students are pronouncing /zip/

correctly, not /jip/. Have students say “/sip/ and /zip/” and tell them that these two sounds are the same except for the vibration of the vocal cords (voicing). Saying /bzzzzz/ like a bee also helps them practice the /z/ sound.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 41 and have students listen and

repeat a few times, pointing to the arrow with their index finger and moving along as they read.

• ‌ Read the target words together pointing to each

Track 40

/i/ /g/ /ig/ (x2) /w/ /ig/ wig (x2)

letter “w” on the left side saying /w/. Have students guess how the letters would sound if they put them together. Have students repeat a few times as the teacher says /w/, /ig/, /wig/. Repeat the process with the other words.

/i/ /p/ /ip/ (x2) /l/ /ip/ lip (x2)

picture. Call out the words at random and have students point to the correct pictures. Track 41

/w/ /ig/ wig, wig /p/ /ig/ pig, pig /d/ /ig/ dig, dig /b/ /ig/ big, big


/l/ /ip/ lip, lip /d/ /ip/ dip, dip /r/ /ip/ rip, rip /z/ /ip/ zip, zip

-ig -ip

Let’s sing along

Listen, circle and write

The objective of this section is to review the target words and sounds through a song. Students can recognize that the target words have common ending sounds. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 42 and have students listen to the

song. Play the CD again and have them sing along a few times.

• ‌ Have students read the letters in boxes at the top.

Have them look at the pictures and say the words. Play CD1 Track 44 and have students listen, circle the correct pictures and write the ending letters.

• ‌ Call out the words on page 43 at random and have

Track 42

wig pig dig big all have /ig/ lip dip rip zip all have /ip/

students point to the correct pictures. Track 44

1. lip, lip 2. dig, dig

Listen and match The objective of this section is to choose the correct ending letters by listening to the target words. • ‌ Have students look at the pictures and say the

words. Play CD1 Track 43 and have students listen and match the pictures with the correct ending letters. Track 43

1. /ig/ /ig/ pig 2. /ip/ /ip/ dip

The objective of this section is to choose the correct pictures of the target words by listening and to write the ending letters.

3. /ig/ /ig/ dig

3. zip, zip 4. wig, wig

Activities & Games Word formation activity Materials: ‌ several sets of letter cards, pocket chart Scatter letter cards on the table face up, and ask one student to come up to the front. Call out a word including one of the short vowel sounds learned so far, and have the student put the cards in the pocket chart in the correct order. Repeat until everyone has had a chance to participate.


-ig -ip

Circle and write The objective of this section is to choose the beginning consonants and ending letters to write the target words correctly. • ‌ Ask students what the first picture is. Have them

circle the correct letters and write the word on the lines. Ask students what the other pictures are and have them do the rest of the exercises on their own. After the students finish, ask individual students to read the words.

Read and check The objective of this section is to choose the correct sentences that describe the pictures. Students will practice reading the sentences with sight words such as “has,” “likes,” and “are.” • ‌ Have students look at the first picture and say what

they see. Read the sentences in number 1 correctly and ask students which sentence describes the picture correctly. Have students do numbers 2 to 4 by themselves and monitor around the class. Go over the answers together.


Activities & Games Whisper Have the class stand in one line. Whisper a target sound and word like “/ig/, big” or “/ip/, zip.” Have the students whisper what they hear into the next student without repeating themselves. After the students deliver the target sound and word to the end of the line in both directions, have the last students say the original sound and word. For a challenge, mix in other words learned in the previous lessons such as “big” and “red.”

-ig -ip

Let’s read the story

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct target words by listening without pictures.

The objective of this section is to read the sentences including the target words.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 45. Have students listen and circle

• ‌ Ask students what they see in the pictures. Play

the words that they hear. Track 45

1. pig, pig 2. zip, zip 3. rip, rip

4. big, big 5. lip, lip 6. dig, dig

Read aloud Through this section students will review the target words once again, and apply the pattern to read new words which are presented in grey. • ‌ Have students read the words together rhythmically

and then individually.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 46 and check if they read the words

correctly. Put an “excellent” sticker if one reads all the words. Track 46

1. /ig/ wig, pig, dig, big, fig 2. /ip/ lip, dip, rip, zip, tip

CD1 Track 47 and have students listen to and read together a few times. Have students read the story pointing to the words in red. Have individual students read the story.

• Write “I see ~.” on the board and have students ‌

make their own sentences using classroom objects or flashcards. Write “The pig has the ~.” on the board. Tell students to change the story ending and have the pig find something else. Have students make their own sentences using the same sentence format.

• Read the sight words out loud together. Play ‌

CD1 Track 48 and repeat after each sentence. Track 47/48

I see the big pig. The pig has big lips. I see the pig dig. The pig has the wig.


Unit 6

Listen and repeat


Student Book pp. 48-55, Workbook pp. 28-31


pin, bin, fin, win, sit, hit, kit, pit


Flashcards, CD1, CD player

Listen and repeat

The objective of this section is to introduce the target sounds, short vowel /i/ with /n/ and /t/ endings.

The objective of this section is to learn the target words with the target sounds.

• ‌ Write “i” on the board and ask students what sound

• ‌ Put letter cards “i” and “n” on the board. Place the

it makes. Write “in” and “it” on the board and ask students what sounds they would make.

• ‌ As the students practiced in the previous unit,

make sure that students are saying the “i” as a short /ɪ/ sound rather than a long /i:/ sound. Tell them that they need to keep their lips and cheeks relaxed instead of making a big smile.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 49 and have students listen and

repeat a few times. Have them put their index finger under “i” and slowly move to “n” as they say the sounds. Then have them put their finger under “i” and quickly slide to “n” as they read “in.” Repeat with the other word. Have students put “in” and “it” stickers in the correct places. Track 49

/i/ /n/ /in/ (x2) /p/ /in/ pin (x2)

/i/ /t/ /it/ (x2) /s/ /it/ sit (x2)

letter “p” on the left side saying /p/. Have students guess how the letters would sound if they put them together. Have students repeat a few times as the teacher says /p/, /ɪn/, /pɪn/. Repeat the process with letters “b,” “f,” and “w.”

• ‌ Place letter cards “i” and “t” together on the board.

Ask students what sound it would be if they put those two together. Place the letter “s” in front of “it” and ask students what sound they would make. Repeat the process with letters “h,” “k,” and “p.”

• ‌ Make sure the students are pronouncing “sit”

correctly, not “shit.” Play CD1 Track 50 and have students listen and repeat a few times, putting their index finger on the arrow and moving along as they read.

• ‌ Read the target words together pointing to each

picture. Call out the words at random and have students point to the correct pictures. Track 50

/p/ /in/ pin, pin /b/ /in/ bin, bin /f/ /in/ fin, fin /w/ /in/ win, win


/s/ /it/ sit, sit /h/ /it/ hit, hit /k/ /it/ kit, kit /p/ /it/ pit, pit

-in -it

Let’s sing along

Listen, circle and write

The objective of this section is to review the target words and sounds through a song. Students can recognize that the target words have common ending sounds. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 51 and have students listen to the

song. Play the CD again and have them sing along a few times.

• ‌ Have students read the letters in boxes at the top.

Have them look at the pictures and say the words. Play CD1 Track 53 and have students listen, circle the correct pictures and write the ending letters.

• ‌ Call out the words on page 51 at random and have

Track 51

pin bin fin win all have /in/ sit hit kit pit all have /it/

students point to the correct pictures. Track 53

1. fin, fin 2. kit, kit

Listen and match The objective of this section is to choose the correct ending letters by listening to the target words. • ‌ Have students look at the pictures and say the

words. Play CD1 Track 52 and have students listen and match the pictures with the correct ending letters. Track 52

1. /it/ /it/ hit 2. /in/ /in/ bin

The objective of this section is to choose the correct pictures of the target words by listening and to write the ending letters.

3. /it/ /it/ sit

3. pin, pin 4. sit, sit

Activities & Games Writing race Materials: blank sheets of paper, stopwatch Divide the class into teams of 3 or 4. Have each team prepare one sheet of paper and sit around a table. Give students a minute to write as many three-letter words as possible. A teacher stops them after one minute. The team with the most number of words written without repeating or wrong spelling wins.


-in -it

Circle and write The objective of this section is to choose the beginning consonants and ending letters to write the target words correctly. • ‌ Ask students what the first picture is. Have them

circle the correct letters and write the word on the lines. Ask students to read each word out loud together and do the rest of the exercises on their own. After the students finish, ask individual students to read the words.

Read and check The objective of this section is to choose the correct sentences that describe the pictures. Students will practice reading the sentences with sight words such as “on” and “in.” • ‌ Have students look at the first picture and say what

they see. Read the sentences in number 1 correctly and ask students which sentence describes the picture correctly. Have students do numbers 2 to 4 by themselves and monitor around the class. Go over the answers together.


Activities & Games Pull and say Materials: flashcards (activity cards) Divide the class into 2 or 3 teams. Shuffle flashcards and hold three of them face down. Have one student pull out one of the cards and read the word. If the student reads the word correctly, the team wins a point. Repeat until all students have participated.

-in -it

• ‌ Ask students what they see in the pictures. Play

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct target words by listening without pictures. • ‌ Play CD1 Track 54. Have students listen and circle

the words that they hear.

• ‌ Write “I sit on the ~.” and “I sit in the ~.” on

Track 54

1. pin, pin 2. kit, kit 3. sit, sit

CD1 Track 56 and have students listen to and read together a few times. Have students read the story pointing to the words in red. Have individual students read the story.

4. bin, bin 5. pit, pit 6. win, win

Read aloud Through this section students will review the target words once again, and apply the pattern to read new words which are presented in grey. • Have students read the words together rhythmically ‌

and then individually.

• ‌ Play CD1 Track 55 and check if they read the words

correctly. Put an “excellent” sticker if one reads all the words. Track 55

1. /in/ pin, bin, fin, win, tin 2. /it/ sit, hit, kit, pit, fit

Let’s read the story The objective of this section is to read the sentences including the target words.

the board and have students make their own sentences. Help them out with some examples such as chair, mat, floor, box, basket, bathtub, etc. Write “I need the ~.” on the board and have students make their own sentences. Provide examples such as fan, gloves, hat, chopsticks, fork, tissue, etc., explaining the situations where they will need those items.

• ‌ Read the sight words out loud together. Play CD1

Track 57 and repeat after each sentence. Track 56/57

I sit on the pin. I sit in the bin.

The man hits the bin. Oh, I need the kit.

Activities & Games Hot potato Materials: ‌ big eraser Have students sit in a circle. Give one student a big eraser and say it is the hot potato. Have everyone read the story on page 55, tossing the eraser quickly to the person on their right. When the story finishes at the word “kit,” the one with the eraser is out of the game. The last in the circle is the winner.


Review 3

Review Activity

Choose and write • ‌ Have students read each ending in the box at the

top. Ask students what the first picture is and have them write the correct ending letters. Have students do numbers 2 to 6 and go over the answers. Ask students which words have the same ending sound.

Listen and circle • ‌ Play CD1 Track 58 and have students listen and

circle the correct ending letters in number 1. Play the rest of the CD and have them do numbers 2 to 4. Pause after each number and check the answers together. Track 58

1. dip, dip, zip, zip 2. hit, hit, kit, kit


3. wig, wig, big, big 4. bin, bin, fin, fin

• ‌ Have students help the mole find the apple by

drawing a path through the maze. Have the class follow the line together and read the words that they encounter along the way. Ask students what each picture is.

Story 3 How to teach 1. ‌ Picture walking: Ask students what words they can identify in the pictures. Write the words on the board. Help them to describe what is going on in the pictures. 2. Listen ‌ to the story: Play CD2 Track 47 and listen to the story. 3. ‌ Repeat: Play CD2 Track 48 and repeat after each sentence.

Fish Race 7. ‌ Application: Ask students if they know any names of fish. Describe the characteristics of each fish. Ask them if they have been in a race before, and let them share their experiences. 8. ‌ Review vocabulary: Go to the glossary on page 53 and read the phonics words and sight words together. Make sure all the students can read the words correctly, and know the meanings. Track 47/48

4. ‌ Read along: Together as a class, read the story without the CD, pointing to the target words.

Zip is a small fish. He has small fins. A big fish has big fins. That fish has a wig. A pig fish has big lips. The big fish hits the pig fish. A net is over Zip. Zip rips the net. Go Zip, go! Zip wins!

5. ‌ Individual reading: Have students take turns reading each sentence. 6. ‌ Comprehension: Ask students some questions about the story: “Which one do you think is Zip?”, “How do you know that?”, “What does Zip have?”, “What are the fish doing?”, “What does the big fish have?”, “What does the pig fish have?”, “What does the big fish do?”, “What is over Zip?”, “What does Zip do?”, “Who wins the race?”.

A Circle True(T) or False(F)

Read number 1 together and ask students if it is true or false. Read the rest of the numbers together and let students circle T or F. Go over the answers together.


Match the word with the picture Read the words on the left side together. Let students match them with the pictures on the right. Go over the answers together.


Unit 7

The objective of this section is to introduce the target sounds, short vowel /o/ with /g/ and /p/ endings. • ‌ Write “o” on the board and tell students that they

will learn words with an “o” which can sometimes have an /ɔ/ and sometimes an /ɑ/ sound. Write “og” and “op” on the board and read them. Have students repeat the sounds few times. Play CD2 Track 2. Show students how to put their index finger under “o” and slowly move to “g” as they say the sounds. Then have them put their finger under “o” and quickly slide to “g” as they read “og.” Repeat with “op.”

• ‌ Have students find and put “og” and “op” stickers

in the correct places. Track 2

/o/ /p/ /op/ (x2) /t/ /op/ top (x2)

Listen and repeat The objective of this section is to learn the target words with the target sounds. • ‌ Put letter cards “o” and “g” on the board. Place


Student Book pp. 58-65, Workbook pp. 34-37


dog, jog, fog, log, top, hop, mop, pop


Flashcards, CD2, CD player

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 3 and have students listen and

Listen and repeat

/o/ /g/ /og/ (x2) /d/ /og/ dog (x2)


the letter “d” on the left side and ask students how to read them. Have students guess how the letters would sound if they put them together. Have students repeat a few times as the teacher says /d/, /ɔg/, /dɔg/. Repeat the process with letters “j,” “f,” and “l.” Do the same with the rest of the words.

repeat a few times, putting their index finger on the arrow and moving along as they read the words.

• ‌ Read the target words together pointing to each

picture. Call out the words at random and have students point to the correct pictures. Track 3

/d/ /og/ dog, dog /j/ /og/ jog, jog /f/ /og/ fog, fog /l/ /og/ log, log

/t/ /op/ top, top /h/ /op/ hop, hop /m/ /op/ mop, mop /p/ /op/ pop, pop

Activities & Games Speed game Materials: ‌ flashcards (activity cards) including previous units, stopwatch Divide the class into two teams. Prepare 10 different flashcards for each team without showing them. Have a student come up to the front, facing the other team members. Have another student from the other team time one minute using a stopwatch. A teacher shows the first student one flashcard at a time. The student quickly describes or mimes the words so the team members can guess as many words as possible in the given time. The team that guesses the most words correctly wins the game.

-og -op

Let’s sing along

Listen, circle and write

The objective of this section is to review the target words and sounds through a song. Students can recognize that the target words have common ending sounds. • ‌ Play CD2 Track 4 and have students listen to the

song. Play the CD again and have them sing along a few times.

The objective of this section is to choose the correct pictures of the target words by listening and to write the ending letters. • ‌ Have students read the letters in boxes at the top.

Have them look at the pictures and say the words. Play CD2 Track 6 and have students listen, circle the correct pictures and write the ending letters.

• ‌ Call out the words on page 61 at random and have

Track 4

dog jog fog log all have /og/ top hop mop pop all have /op/

students point to the correct pictures. Track 6

1. log, log 2. top, top

Listen and match

3. jog, jog 4. hop, hop

The objective of this section is to choose the correct ending letters by listening to the target words. • ‌ Have students look at the pictures and say the

words. Play CD2 Track 5 and have students listen and match the pictures with the correct ending letters. Track 5

1. /og/ /og/ dog 2. /op/ /op/ mop

3. /og/ /og/ fog


-og -op

Circle and write The objective of this section is to choose the beginning consonants and ending letters to write the target words correctly. • ‌ Ask students what the first picture is. Have them

circle the correct letters and write the word on the lines. Ask students to read each word out loud together and do the rest of the exercises on their own. After the students finish, ask individual students to read the words.

Read, circle and write Through this section students will read sentences with the target words. Students will practice reading the sentences with sight words such as “has,” “in,” “by,” and “on.” • ‌ Have students look at the first picture and say what

they see. Read the sentence in number 1 correctly and ask students what the man has. Have students circle the word and write it. Have students do numbers 2 to 4 by themselves and monitor around the class. Go over the answers together.


Activities & Games Line up Materials: flashcards Give each student a flashcard, and say the words in any order. Have students listen and stand in a line in the order of words called. Have students exchange cards and repeat the game, changing the order of the words. This can be played as a team with more than one set of flashcards.

-og -op

• ‌ Ask students what they see in the pictures. Play

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct target words by listening without pictures. • ‌ Play CD2 Track 7. Have students listen and circle

the words that they hear.

• ‌ Have students look at picture number 3 and change

Track 7

1. top, top 2. fog, fog 3. hop, hop

CD2 Track 9 and have students listen to and read together a few times. Have students read the story pointing to the words in red. Have individual students read the story.

4. dog, dog 5. pop, pop 6. jog, jog

Read aloud Through this section students will review the target words once again, and apply the pattern to read new words which are presented in grey. • ‌ Have students read the words together rhythmically

and then individually.

• Play CD2 Track 8 and check if they read the words ‌

correctly. Put an “excellent” sticker if one reads all the words. Track 8

1. /og/ dog, jog, fog, log, mog 2. /op/ top, hop, mop, pop, cop

Let’s read the story The objective of this section is to read the sentences including the target words.

the word “fog” to something else that they want. Go around the class and help out with vocabulary. Have students do the same with picture number 4, changing “on the top” to something else that the students can think of. Possible examples are: in the water, in the pool, in the room, in the forest, on the mat, on the trampoline, on the table, etc.

• ‌ Read the sight words out loud together. Play CD2

Track 10 and repeat after each sentence. Track 9/10

The dog mops. The dog pops. The dog jogs in the fog. The dog hops on the top.

Activities & Games Action reading Pair up students and have them practice reading the story on page 65. Invite the pairs to the front and have one student read the story while the other student acts it out. Let them take turns playing the role of the dog.


Unit 8

Student Book pp. 66-73, Workbook pp. 38-41


pot, dot, cot, hot, box, fox, ox


Flashcards, CD2, CD player

• ‌ Place letter cards “o” and “x” together on the

Listen and repeat The objective of this section is to introduce the target sounds, short vowel /o/ with /t/ and /x/ endings. • ‌ Write “o” on the board and tell students that they

will learn more word endings with an “o” which makes /ɑ/ sound. Write “ot” on the board reading /ɑt/ and “ox” on the board reading /ɑks/. Have students repeat a few times.

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 11. Show students how to put their

index finger under “o” and slowly move to “t” as they say the sounds. Then have them put their finger under “o” and quickly slide to “t” as they read “ot.” Repeat with the other word.

• ‌ Have students put “ot” and “ox” stickers in the

correct places. Track 11

/o/ /t/ /ot/ (x2) /p/ /ot/ pot (x2)


/o/ /x/ /ox/ (x2) /b/ /ox/ box (x2)

board. Ask students how they would read them. Place the letter “b” in front of “ox” and ask students what sound they would make. Repeat the process with the letter “f.”

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 12 and have students listen and

repeat a few times.

• ‌ Read the target words together pointing to each

picture. Call out the words at random and have students point to the correct pictures. Track 12

/p/ /ot/ pot, pot /d/ /ot/ dot, dot /c/ /ot/ cot, cot /h/ /ot/ hot, hot

/b/ /ox/ box, box /f/ /ox/ fox, fox /ox/ ox, ox

Activities & Games Make a sentence Materials: flashcards (activity cards) from unit 7 and 8

Listen and repeat The objective of this section is to learn the target words with the target sounds. • ‌ Put letter cards “o” and “t” on the board. Place


the letter “p” on the left side and ask students how to read them. Have students guess how the letters would sound if they put them together. Have students repeat a few times as the teacher says /p/, /ɑt/, /pɑt/. Repeat the process with letters “d,” “c,” and “h.”

Divide students into two teams. Scatter flashcards on the table face down, and ask one student to come up to the front and pick one. Have the student make a sentence with the word. If the sentence makes sense, the student wins a point for their team.

-ot -ox

Let’s sing along

Listen, match and write

The objective of this section is to review the target words and sounds through a song. Students can recognize that the target words have common ending sounds. • ‌ Play CD2 Track 13 and have students listen to the

song. Play the CD again and have them sing along a few times. Track 13

pot dot cot hot all have /ot/ box fox ox all have /ox/

The objective of this section is to figure out the correct ending letters by listening, and complete the words. • ‌ Tell students that they will match the ending letters

with the correct pictures and write the ending letters. Play CD2 Track 15 and do number 1 together. Play the rest of the CD and have them do numbers 2 to 4 on their own. Go over the answers together. Track 15

1. fox, fox 2. box, box

Listen and circle

3. dot, dot 4. pot, pot

The objective of this section is to choose the correct ending letters and pictures by listening to the target words. • ‌ Have students look at number 1 and read the two

endings. Play CD2 Track 14 and have them listen to number 1. Ask students which ending is correct. Play the rest of the CD and have students do numbers 2 and 3. Go over the answers and have students say the words as well. Track 14

1. /ot/ /ot/ pot 2. /ox/ /ox/ box

3. /ot/ /ot/ hot


-ot -ox

Unscramble and write The objective of this section is to unscramble the letters and write the target words correctly. • ‌ Have students look at picture number 1 and ask

what it is. Tell them to unscramble the letters and write the correct word on the right side. Ask students what the other pictures are and give them some time to unscramble and write on their own. Go over the answers having students call out the spellings.

Read, circle and write Through this section students will read the target words used in sentences. Students will practice reading and sight words such as “has” and “on.” • ‌ Have students look at the picture in number 1 and

read the sentence together. Ask them what the cow has. Have students circle and write the word “box.” Have students do numbers 2 to 4 by themselves, and monitor around the class to see if anyone needs help. After the students are done, have them read each sentence together.


Activities & Games Extension activity Materials: flashcards (activity cards) Scatter flashcards on the table face down. Divide students into two teams. Have one student come up to the front and pick two flashcards. Have the student make a sentence using those two words. If the sentence makes sense, the team wins a point.

-ot -ox

• ‌ Ask students what they see in the pictures. Play

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct target words by listening without pictures. • ‌ Play CD2 Track 16. Have students listen and circle

the words that they hear.

• ‌ Introduce the word “and” by showing two

Track 16

1. box, box 2. pot, pot 3. ox, ox

CD2 Track 18 and have students listen to and read together. Have them read the story again pointing to the words in red. Have individual students read the sentences.

4. cot, cot 5. fox, fox 6. hot, hot

Read aloud Through this section students will review the target words once again, and apply the pattern to read new words which are presented in grey. • ‌ Have students read the words together rhythmically

and then individually.

• Play CD2 Track 17 and check if they read the words ‌

correctly. Put an “excellent” sticker if one reads all the words. Track 17

1. /ot/ pot, dot, cot, hot, lot 2. /ox/ box, fox, ox, cox

Let’s read the story

flashcards. Hold up two flashcards and ask what they are. Say, “OO and .” Using different flashcards, have students practice saying the word “and” a few times. Put two flashcards on the table and say, “They are on the table.” Tell students that the word “they” is used when there is more than one things.

• ‌ Read the sight words out loud together. Play CD2

Track 19 and repeat after each sentence. Track 18/19

The fox has the box. The ox has the pot.

The fox and ox have dots. They are on the cot.

Activities & Games Draw a picture Materials: ‌ blank sheets of paper Have students choose one sentence from the story on page 73 and change one word. Ask them to write the new sentence and to draw a corresponding picture.

The objective of this section is to read the sentences including the target words.


Review 4

Review Activity

Choose and write • ‌ Have students read each ending in the box at the

top. Ask students what the first picture is and have them write the correct ending letters. Have students do numbers 2 to 6 and go over the answers. Ask students which words have the same ending sound.

Listen and circle • ‌ Play CD2 Track 20 and have students listen and

circle the correct letters in number 1. Play the rest of the CD and have them do numbers 2 to 4. Pause after each number and check the answers together. Track 20

1. mop, mop, pop, pop 2. pot, pot, cot, cot


3. dog, dog, jog, jog 4. fox, fox, ox, ox

• ‌ Have students look at the pictures number 1 to 6

and say what they are. Ask students how to spell each word and write them on the board. Have them find the words in the beehive and circle the words. Go around the class and help students if necessary.

Story 4

Hot Pot forest, and where they can find foxes and oxen. Ask them if they have seen a pot pop and what made it pop.

How to teach 1. ‌ Picture walking: Ask students what words they can identify in the pictures. Write the words on the board. Help them to describe what is going on in the pictures. 2. Listen ‌ to the story: Play CD2 Track 49 and listen to the story.

8. ‌ Review vocabulary: Go to the glossary on page 53 and read the phonics words and sight words together. Make sure all the students can read the words correctly, and know the meanings. Track 49/50

3. ‌ Repeat: Play CD2 Track 50 and repeat after each sentence.

Bob and a dog jog. They are in the fog. Bob is on a cot. The dog is on a log. A fox and ox want the pot. Boxes have dots. They have a mop and top. Bob and the dog run. The fox and ox take the pot. Ah! The hot pot pops! The fox and ox hop.

4. ‌ Read along: Together as a class, read the story without the CD, pointing to the target words. 5. ‌ Individual reading: Have students take turns reading each sentence. 6. ‌ Comprehension: Ask students some questions about the story: “Who is in the story?”, “What do they do?”, “Where are they?”, “Who wants the pot?”, “What is on the box?”, “What do they look like?”, “What do Bob and the dog do?”, “What do the fox and ox do?”, “What happens to the pot?”. 7. ‌ Application: Ask students if they have gone camping before and what they did. Ask them what they ate. Discuss what animals usually live in the

A Check what they do

Read number 1 together. Ask students which sentence is correct. Have students do the rest by themselves and go over the answers.


Circle and write Ask students what each picture is and tell them to circle the correct words and write them.


Unit 9

Listen and repeat


Student Book pp. 76-83, Workbook pp. 44-47


rug, hug, bug, mug, bun, run, sun, fun


Flashcards, CD2, CD player

Listen and repeat

The objective of this section is to introduce the target sounds, short vowel /u/ with /g/ and /n/ endings.

The objective of this section is to learn the target words with the target sounds.

• ‌ Ask students what vowel sounds they have learned

• ‌ Put letter cards “u” and “g” on the board. Place

so far. Tell them to say a few examples for short “a,” “e,” “i,” and “o” sounds.

• ‌ Write “u” on the board and tell students that they

will learn the short “u” sound /ʌ/. Write “ug” and “un” on the board saying /ʌg/ and /ʌn/, and have students repeat a few times.

the letter “r” on the left side and ask students how to read them. Have students guess how the letters would sound if they put them together. Have students repeat a few times as the teacher says /r/, /ʌg/, /rʌg/. Repeat the process with letters “h,” “b,” and “m.”

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 21. Show students how to put their

• ‌ Place letter cards “u” and “n” together on the

• ‌ Have students put “ug” and “un” stickers in the

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 22 and have students listen and

index finger under “u” and slowly move to “g” as they say the sounds. Then have them put their finger under “u” and quickly slide to “g” as they read “ug.” Repeat with “un.” correct places. Track 21

/u/ /g/ /ug/ (x2) /r/ /ug/ rug (x2)

/u/ /n/ /un/ (x2) /b/ /un/ bun (x2)

board. Ask students how they would read them. Place the letter “b” in front of “un” and ask students what sound it would make. Repeat the process with letters “r,” “s,” and “f.” repeat a few times, putting their index finger on the arrow and moving along as they read the words.

• ‌ Read the target words together pointing to each

picture. Call out the words at random and have students point to the correct pictures. Track 22

/r/ /ug/ rug, rug /h/ /ug/ hug, hug /b/ /ug/ bug, bug /m/ /ug/ mug, mug


/b/ /un/ bun, bun /r/ /un/ run, run /s/ /un/ sun, sun /f/ /un/ fun, fun

-ug -un

Let’s sing along

Listen, match and write

The objective of this section is to review the target words and sounds through a song. Students can recognize that the target words have common ending sounds. • ‌ Play CD2 Track 23 and have students listen to the

song. Play the CD again and have them sing along a few times.

The objective of this section is to figure out the correct ending letters by listening, and complete the words. • ‌ Tell students that they will match the ending letters

with the correct pictures and write the ending letters. Play CD2 Track 25 and have students listen, match and write the ending letters.

• ‌ Go over the answers together. Call out a few

Track 23

rug hug bug mug all have /ug/ bun run sun fun all have /un/

students and have them write the words that the teacher says on the board. Track 25

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct ending letters and pictures by listening to the target words. • ‌ Have students look at number 1 and read the two

endings. Play CD2 Track 24 and have them listen to number 1. Ask students which ending is correct. Play the rest of the CD and have students do numbers 2 and 3. Go over the answers and have students say the words as well. Track 24

1. /un/ /un/ fun 2. /ug/ /ug/ bug

3. /un/ /un/ bun

1. hug, hug 2. run, run

3. mug, mug 4. bun, bun

Activities & Games Whisper Divide the class into two teams and have students line up facing the board. A teacher whispers into the first students ear, “/ug/, bug.” The teacher says, “Go!” and the students whisper to the next student on their team. The last students write the word on the board. Teams get a point for each correct word. The teacher may use any words learned in the previous lessons for a challenge. Change the order of students and repeat the game.


-ug -un

Unscramble and write The objective of this section is to unscramble the letters and write the target words correctly. • ‌ Have students look at picture number 1 and ask

what it is. Tell them to unscramble the letters and write the correct word on the lines. Ask students what the other pictures are and give them some time to unscramble and write on their own. Go over the answers having students call out the spellings.

Read, circle and write Through this section students will read the target words used in sentences. Students will practice reading and learn sight words such as “has,” “in,” and “on.” • ‌ Have students look at the picture in number 1 and

read the sentence together. Ask them what the bug has. Have students circle and write the word. Have students do numbers 2 to 4 by themselves, and monitor around the class to see if anyone needs help. After the students have completed, have them read each sentence together.


Activities & Games Whisper and draw Materials: board, markers Divide the class into two teams and have students line up facing the board. A teacher whispers into the first students ear, “The fox has a mug.” The teacher says, “Go!” and the students whisper to the next student on their team. The last students draw pictures to describe the sentence. Teams get a point for each correct picture. Change the order of students and repeat the game.

-ug -un

• ‌ Ask students what they see in the pictures. Play

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct target words by listening without pictures. • ‌ Play CD2 Track 26. Have students listen and circle

the words that they hear. Track 26

1. bun, bun 2. hug, hug 3. bug, bug

4. fun, fun 5. sun, sun 6. mug, mug

Read aloud Through this section students will review the target words once again, and apply the pattern to read new words which are presented in grey.

CD2 Track 28 and have students listen and repeat a few times. Have students read the story together pointing to the target words in the pictures.

• ‌ Write the word “like” on the board and tell students

that “like” is used when the subject is more than two people or animals. Ask students names of animals that they know, and write them on the board. Ask individual students what those animals like, and write the words next to each animal’s name. (e.g. ram – grass/hay/water, hippo – mud/grass, dog – bone/ball, etc.) Have students make sentences using the word “like” such as “The elephants like the grass.”

• ‌ Write “The ram has fun in the water.” on the board

• Have students read the words together rhythmically ‌

and underline “ram” and “water.” Have students take turns changing the underlined words to other words that they know.

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 27 and check if they read the words

• ‌ Read the sight words out loud together. Play CD2

and then individually.

correctly. Put an “excellent” sticker if one reads all the words. Track 27

1. /ug/ rug, hug, bug, mug, tug 2. /un/ bun, run, sun, fun, gun

Track 29 and repeat after each sentence. Track 28/29

The bugs like the bun. The bugs like the mug.

The bugs hug on the rug. They have fun in the sun.

Activities & Games

Let’s read the story The objective of this section is to read the sentences including the target words.

Track 28

Reader’s theater The bugs like the bun.

Invite twolike volunteers The bugs the act out the story on page The thestudents rug. 83.bugs Let allhug theon other read the story together They fun in the the roles of the bugs. whilehave the two students


Unit 10

The objective of this section is to introduce the target sounds, short vowel /u/ with /b/ and /t/ endings. • ‌ Write “u” on the board and tell students that they

will learn short “u” with other ending sounds. Write “ub” and “ut” on the board saying /ʌb/ and /ʌt/, and have students repeat a few times.

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 30. Show students how to put their

index finger under “u” and slowly move to “b” as they say the sounds. Then have them put their finger under “u” and quickly slide to “b” as they read “ub.” Repeat with “ut.”

• ‌ Have students put “ub” and “ut” stickers in the

correct places. Track 30

/u/ /t/ /ut/ (x2) /h/ /ut/ hut (x2)

Listen and repeat The objective of this section is to learn the target words with the target sounds. • ‌ Put letter cards “u” and “b” on the board. Place

the letter “t” on the left side and ask students how to read them. Ask students how the letters would sound if they put them together. Have students repeat a few times as the teacher says /t/, /ʌb/, /tʌb/. Repeat the process with letters “c,” “r,” and “s.”


Student Book pp. 84-91, Workbook pp. 48-51


tub, cub, rub, sub, hut, nut, cut


Flashcards, CD2, CD player

• ‌ Place letter cards “u” and “t” together on the board.

Listen and repeat

/u/ /b/ /ub/ (x2) /t/ /ub/ tub (x2)


Ask students how they would read them. Place the letter “h” in front of “ut” and ask students what sound they would make. Repeat the process with letters “n” and “c.”

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 31 and have students listen and

repeat a few times, putting their index finger on the arrow and moving along as they read the words.

• ‌ Read the target words together pointing to each

picture. Call out the words at random and have students point to the correct pictures. Track 31

/t/ /ub/ tub, tub /c/ /ub/ cub, cub /r/ /ub/ rub, rub /s/ /ub/ sub, sub

/h/ /ut/ hut, hut /n/ /ut/ nut, nut /c/ /ut/ cut, cut

Activities & Games Shuffle game Materials: several sets of flashcards Have students sit in a circle. Distribute flashcards randomly. A teacher calls out “cub and nut!” All the students with “cub” and “nut” flashcards stand up and change places. Play a few times with the other words.

-ub -ut

Let’s sing along

Listen, match and write

The objective of this section is to review the target words and sounds through a song. Students can recognize that the target words have common ending sounds. • ‌ Play CD2 Track 32 and have students listen to the

song. Play the CD again and have them sing along a few times. Track 32

tub cub rub sub all have /ub/ hut nut cut all have /ut/

The objective of this section is to figure out the correct ending letters by listening, and complete the words. • ‌ Tell students that they will match the ending letters

with the correct pictures and write the ending letters. Play CD2 Track 34 and have students listen, match and write the ending letters.

• ‌ Go over the answers together. Call out a few

students and have them write the words that the teacher says on the board. Track 34

1. tub, tub 2. hut, hut

Listen and circle

3. sub, sub 4. nut, nut

The objective of this section is to choose the correct ending letters and pictures by listening to the target words. • ‌ Have students look at number 1 and read the two

endings. Play CD2 Track 33 and have them listen to number 1. Ask students which ending is correct. Play the rest of the CD and have students do numbers 2 and 3. Go over the answers and have students say the words as well. Track 33

1. /ut/ /ut/ hut 2. /ub/ /ub/ cub

3. /ut/ /ut/ cut


-ub -ut

Unscramble and write The objective of this section is to unscramble the letters and write the target words correctly. • ‌ Have students look at picture number 1 and ask

what it is. Tell them to unscramble the letters and write the correct word on the right side. Ask students what the other pictures are and give them some time to unscramble and write on their own. Go over the answers having students call out the spellings.

Read, circle and write Through this section students will read the target words used in sentences. Students will practice reading and learn sight words such as “the,” “eat,” “is,” “in,” and “on.” • ‌ Have students look at the picture in number 1 and

read the sentence together. Ask them what the cats eat. Have students circle and write the word. Have students do numbers 2 to 4 by themselves, and monitor around the class to see if anyone needs help. After the students have completed, have them read each sentence together.


Activities & Games Extended practice Materials: flashcards (activity cards) Write the following sentences on the board: “The cat eats ~.”, “The cat sees ~.”, “The cat is on the ~.” Shuffle flashcards and hold three of them face down, and have one student pick a flashcard. Have the student make a sentence using any of the three example sentences written on the board. If the sentence makes sense, have the student pick three cards for the next student.

-ub -ut

• ‌ Have students look at the pictures and say what

Listen and circle The objective of this section is to choose the correct target words by listening without pictures. • ‌ Play CD2 Track 35. Have students listen and circle

the words that they hear. Track 35

1. nut, nut 2. sub, sub 3. tub, tub

4. cut, cut 5. hut, hut 6. rub, rub

they see. Ask a few questions to describe the pictures such as “What is in the tub?”, “Where are the cubs?”, “What are the cubs cutting?”.

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 37 and have students listen to and

read together a few times. Have students read the story again clapping hands at the target words in red. Have individual students read the sentences.

• ‌ Read the sight words out loud together. Play CD2

Track 38 and repeat after each sentence. Track 37/38

Read aloud Through this section students will review the target words once again, and apply the pattern to read new words which are presented in grey. • ‌ Have students read the words together rhythmically

and then individually.

• Play CD2 Track 36 and check if they read the words ‌

correctly. Put an “excellent” sticker if one reads all the words. Track 36

1. /ub/ tub, cub, rub, sub, hub 2. /ut/ hut, nut, cut, gut

The tub is in the hut. The nut is in the tub.

The cubs are in the tub. The cubs cut the nut.

Activities & Games Rhyming pairs Materials: flashcards (activity cards) from all units Place flashcards on the table face down. Have a student come up to the front, turn over two flashcards and read the words. If the two words rhyme, the student can keep the cards. If they do not rhyme, the student can choose one of them again and try another rhyme. Repeat until all the cards are gone. The student with the most cards wins.

Let’s read the story The objective of this section is to read the sentences including the target words.


Review 5

Review Activity

Choose and write • ‌ Have students read each ending in the box at the

top. Ask students what the first picture is and have them write the correct ending letters. Have students do numbers 2 to 6 and go over the answers. Ask students which words have the same ending sound.

Listen and circle • ‌ Play CD2 Track 39 and have students listen and

circle the correct ending letters in number 1. Play the rest of the CD and have them do numbers 2 to 4. Pause after each number and check the answers together. Track 39

1. bug, bug, hug, hug 2. cub, cub, rub, rub


3. bun, bun, run, run 4. cut, cut, hut, hut

Have students read the words in the box on the top. Have them look at the picture and find those words. • ‌ Ask students where each item is and have them

make sentences using prepositions. Some examples are: “The nut is on the grass.”, “The cub is by the tree.”, “The sun is behind the hut.”, “The mug is on the plate.” Have students name and describe animals and things in the picture.

• ‌ For a challenge, have students find and say other

items such as “run,” “mat,” “sub,” “cut,” “rub,” and “hat.”

Story 5

Lucky Bugs bugs live in and what they would do in such house. Compare the food the bugs have at the beach and the food the students would eat.

How to teach 1. ‌ Picture walking: Ask students what words they can identify in the pictures. Write the words on the board. Help them to describe what is going on in the pictures. 2. Listen ‌ to the story: Play CD2 Track 51 and listen to the story.

8. ‌ Review vocabulary: Go to the glossary on page 53 and read the phonics words and sight words together. Make sure all the students can read the words correctly, and know the meanings.

3. ‌ Repeat: Play CD2 Track 52 and repeat after each sentence.

Track 51/52

Bugs are in a hut. The bugs hug on a rug. The bugs are in a tub. A bug rubs a mug. The bugs get out of the hut. The bugs run and run. A bug cuts a bun. The bugs eat buns and nuts. The bugs have fun in the sun.

4. ‌ Read along: Together as a class, read the story without the CD, pointing to the target words. 5. ‌ Individual reading: Have students take turns reading each sentence. 6. ‌ Comprehension: Ask students some questions about the story: “Where are the bugs?”, “What are they doing?”, “Where are they now?”, “Where do they go?”, “What do they have?”, “How is the weather?”. 7. ‌ Application: Ask them what kind of bug they would like to be and why. Ask student what kinds of bugs they know. Ask them what kinds of houses





A Number the pictures in order

Have students number the pictures in the order of the story, then go over the answers.


Write the correct word Have students read the words in the box. Let them look at the pictures and write the correct words. Go over the answers together.


Summary Summary short vowel



-at pan

short vowel


-et leg



-en bed



-it pin





-og dog


-ox pot





-un rug


-ed net


short vowel



-ig short vowel



-eg short vowel



-ut tub


This is a summary page of all the short vowels learned through this book. • ‌ Have students see how each short vowel sound is

marked in a different color. Have students read the target sounds and words.

• ‌ Call out the ending letters like “et” and have

students point to the picture and read the word. Have a student play the role of the teacher and call out the ending letters while other students point and read the words. Have a few students do the same.

hut Summary



Activities & Games Concentration Materials: two sets of flashcards (activity cards) Shuffle two sets of flashcards and place them on the table face down. Have students take turns flipping two cards saying the words. If the cards match, the student keeps the cards. When all the cards are gone, the student with the most cards wins. Mix up cards and repeat.

Charades Materials: flashcards, board Divide students into two teams. A student from each team picks a flashcard and acts out the word for their team. The students may draw pictures on the board if the teams have a hard time guessing the word. Give them a time limit.



Circle the correct ending letters

Circle the correct picture

This section is to assess if students can find out the ending letters of each picture.

This section is to assess students’ vocabulary built up throughout this book.

• ‌ Have students look at the pictures and circle the

• ‌ Have students read the words on the left and circle

correct ending letters.

the correct pictures.



Listen and circle

Listen and circle

This section is to assess the ability to find the correct pictures by listening.

This section is to assess the ability to find the correct words by listening.

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 40 and have students listen and

• ‌ Play CD2 Track 41 and have students listen and

circle the correct pictures.

circle the words that they hear.

Track 40

Track 41

1. net, net 2. log, log 3. pot, pot 4. bun, bun 5. ox, ox 6. hut, hut

1. big, big 2. wet, wet 3. hot, hot 4. lip, lip 5. pit, pit

Listen and write This section is to figure out the correct short vowel sounds to complete the words by listening to the target words. • ‌ Play CD2 Track 42 and have students listen and

write the letters to complete each word. Track 42

1. man 2. jam 3. bed 4. jog 5. mug 6. den


Board Game B oar d Game


Help the hen get to her nest. Roll a dice and say a word that ends with the letters.

Board Game

Board Game

Board Game Through this board game, students will be able to review the target words and sounds learned throughout this book.


Dice Fly Phonics 2 Board Game Dice

• ‌ Divide students into teams of 2 or 3, and give

each team a dice. Let students roll the dice or play rockpaper-scissors to set the order of play in the game. Have students roll the dice and move their marker, using any small objects such as coins, erasers, buttons, etc., and say a word that ends with the letters they landed on.

• ‌ When a student lands on a space that says, “move

2 spaces,” the student moves 2 spaces forward as indicated. When a student lands on a space that says, “skip a turn,” the student cannot roll the dice on the next turn.

• ‌ When a student fails to say a word which has the

ending letters written on the space, the student cannot move forward but needs to go back to their original place. The first student who gets through the path and arrives at the “nest” wins the game.

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