Fuse Issue 16: Calling

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DI S C O V E R IN G GOD ’ S C A L LI NG Ness Wilson


P RE PA R IN G F OR T H E W O R K P L ACE Ben Collins

www.fusion.uk.com PA S S I O N AT E




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The bible starts with God working. God’s job is creator and life giver. God works and is satisfied. God creates humanity to bear his image, to exercise creativity (name the animals), to create life (multiply) and to work (govern). We receive God’s image first and the command to work second. The order is important. There is nothing we can do to increase our worth in God’s eyes. Work doesn’t give us our deep foundational identity, we work because we are full of worth and work is good.



Features & Interviews

04 Discovering God’s Calling

Ness Wilson

08 Called to Be a Student

Stanley Hauweras

14 Preparing for the Workplace

Interview with Ben Collins

18 Making the Jump Sarah-Jane Marshall 22 Recent Graduate Interviews Fusion

26 About Fusion

28 Fusion Resources 30 Student Linkup


32 The Road Trip Update

34 Student Work Training 36 Church Networks and Key Partners

The same root word for work can also be used for worship. This makes sense as our lives are to reflect

42 Church Connection Directory 54 Fusion Giving

the glory of God and for Jesus to be the centre of every activity. Paul prays along these lines for God’s people in Colossae, he prays ‘that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work’ (Col 1:10). The university scene is brimming with potential. That potential is unlocked as we partner with God and work hard. As we explore calling, work and study in this edition of Fuse we hope that you will be inspired to work hard, fulfil your potential and bring much glory to God now and in your future workplaces.

Rich Wilson Team Leader Fusion Follow Rich on twitter @richwilson01

Design: Creative Hope Studio www.creativehopestudio.com Cover Photo: Mike Macdonald www.macmacphotography.com mike@macmacphotography.com For advertising opportunities please contact: Editor: Caroline Harmon E: caroline@fusion.uk.com Fusion UK is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 3679369 and a registered charity No. 1073572 18 The Office Village | North Road Loughborough | LE11 1QJ Printed on 120 Cocoon 100% recycled, FSC® certified paper, totally chlorine free. Printed with vegetable inks.


Ness Wilson explores the desperate desire most of us have to find God’s calling for our lives CALLING STARTS WITH GOD, NOT WITH US. RATHER THAN ASK ‘WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR MY LIFE?’ A BETTER QUESTION IS ‘HOW CAN MY LIFE FIT INTO YOUR PLANS?’


God is a visionary God, the Great Dreamer, who, at the beginning of time, in the empty darkness, created what did not yet exist. We are created in his image; that is why we can dream and have a vision for our futures. When not connected to the God of vision, we are like a train with no station, lost wanderers with no vision or perhaps a misdirected vision focused on money, fame, power or popularity. God is on a mission of redemption. This began with the Fall and will end when Jesus returns and renews the whole earth. We can ‘hasten that day’ by connecting with God’s mission and advancing it forward (2 Pet 3: 11-12). We are his primary agents for this mission, redeeming and transforming the world with heaven’s values: ‘Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’.

Discovering our calling means identifying our particular way to bring heaven to earth. Be First, Do Second We are before we do. The Israelites were called to be God’s people (Eze 36:28) and in being that they would then be a light to the Gentiles (Isa 49:6). In the New Testament we are called first and foremost to be ‘in Christ’, children of God ‘adopted into the family of God’. It is a disposition which leads us naturally to a sense of destiny and an understanding that God has good things for our lives. This is so important that God sometimes puts the brakes onto doors opening into calling to ensure we first have deep roots in place.

Top Tips •

Discover your calling in discussion with others. Friends, family and other Christians will be able to see your embryonic giftings as well as your blind spots.

Be faithful in the small things and God will add to this, using situations in your life as preparation. I thought that going to university was just a way to bide time until I was old enough to be a missionary, but God short-circuited the whole process and I realised my mission field is my university town.

Calling is essentially about serving. If you’re unsure about your role, get on and do something good that brings a little more goodness to this earth.

God needs agents of change in every sphere, not just Christian ministry. People are called in music, cancer research, teaching... the list goes on.

Sow where you want to go. Commit prayer, time and money to what you’re called to. Go on courses, attend conferences, get mentors around you.

• Make life choices carefully. For instance, who you choose to marry could either kill or ignite your calling. •

Know that grace is available every day for the mistakes you will make along the way. Don’t get into cycles of regret about the past (Php 3:13-14). Every experience can be redemptive (Rom 8:28) and your calling may be around the worst thing that has happened to you (2 Cor 1:4).

Value the gift of prophecy highly, but treat it wisely. It often confirms what we already know deep in our hearts but is only part of the overall picture given primarily to start a dialogue and a discovery process with God. Create space to pray, fast and listen to God. Prophecy is not unconditional (Matt 13:1-23).


• Don’t let your age, gender or the opinions of others distract you. Believe what God has said about you. If you don’t fit the stereotypes, stuff the stereotypes (Eph 2:10). •

Be prepared to make sacrifices. At my university we studied in this little market town called Loughborough and then people went off to start their graduate careers in big cities. I decided to stay and plant a church.

Discovering God’s calling is a process and often happens step by step, with mistakes along the way. David Livingstone first thought God was calling him to China, and then went to Africa. William Carey felt he should serve in Tahiti, and ended up in India.

DON’T ASK YOURSELF WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS. ASK YOURSELF WHAT MAKES YOU COME ALIVE, AND GO DO THAT, BECAUSE WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS IS PEOPLE WHO HAVE COME ALIVE. - HOWARD THURMAN • When do you feel most fully alive? • What stirs your emotions when you think about it or hear about it? • What subjects would keep you chatting into the early hours of the night? • Which people inspire you and you would like to do some of what they do? • What are you naturally good at doing? • What would your friends say you’re passionate about? • What don’t you like to see done badly? • What roles do you keep finding yourself in?

NESS WIILSON Ness Wilson leads Open Heaven Church in Loughborough. She started the church 20 years ago with a group of friends who had a desire to reach students. She is married to Rich Wilson and they have two daughters.



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The Christian religion, is inescapably ritualistic (one is received into the Church by a solemn washing with water), uncompromisingly moral (‘be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect,’ said Jesus), and unapologetically intellectual (be ready to give a ‘reason for the hope that is in you,’ in the words of 1 Peter) - Robert Louis Wilken, The Spirit of Early Christian Thought

CALLED TO BE A STUDENT Stanley Hauerwas writes an open letter to Christians starting university 8

Ritualistic, moral, and intellectual: may these words characterise your student days. Be Faithful in Worship Going to university is a heavily mythologised event that everybody tells you will ‘change your life,’ which is probably at least half true. Don’t imagine that you can take a vacation from church, worship or bible reading. Be Uncompromisingly Moral Undergraduate life tends in the direction of neo-pagan excess. Good kids from good families use their time at university to get drunk and throw up on one another. Too often they do so on their way to the condom dispensers. What a waste! Living this way will prevent you from doing the intellectual work the Christian faith demands. Be Deeply Intellectual We - that is, the Church - need you to do well in academic study. A Privileged Calling To be a student is a serious calling and an extraordinary gift. In a world of deep injustice and violence, a people exists that thinks some can be given time to study. You are a Christian. You cannot go to university just to get a better job or have a better life. The years you spend as an undergraduate are like everything else in your life. They’re not yours to do with as you please; they’re Christ’s.


a suffering servant as pointing to Christ. That seems obvious, but it wasn’t to the Ethiopian eunuch to whom the Lord sent Philip to explain things. Christ is written everywhere, not only in the prophecies of the Old Testament but in the pages of history and the ‘book’ of nature. The Church has been explaining, interpreting, and illuminating this since its beginning. Physics, Sociology, French Literary Theory - in fact, everything you will study - is bathed in the light of Christ. It takes the eyes of faith to see that light, and it takes an educated mind to understand and articulate it. There’s another dimension to this call: ‘Always be prepared to make a defence to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you’ (1 Pet 3:15). The contemporary university is largely a place of unbelief. Thus, the Church has a job to do: to explain why belief in the risen Lord actually makes sense. There’s no one formula, no one argument, you won’t find the magic defence against all objections. You can, however, offer the reasonable defence Peter asks for. Lots of people feel lost because they imagine being a sophisticated, contemporary intellectual makes faith impossible. The Church wants to reach these people, but to do so requires an ambassador at home in the intellectual world. That’s you. Share in a love of learning and you’ll become the leaven in the lump of academia. At the same time, remember who serves what. Universities focus on learning; they can create the illusion that being smart and well educated is the be-all and end-all. In fact, you do not need to be educated to be a Christian. Christ is most visible to the world in the person who simply responds to his call, “Come, follow me.” Journey with Others

Christ’s call on you as a student is to meet the needs of the Church, both for its own life and the life of the world, and the Church needs your mind. Christians read Isaiah’s prophecy of

You can’t do this on your own; you’ll need friends in the form of teachers and fellow students, but also books. C.S. Lewis has remained popular with Christian students, not least because he makes himself available to 9









intellectual makes faith impossible. The Church wants to reach these people, but to do so requires an ambassador at home in the intellectual world. That’s you. Share in a love of learning and you’ll become the leaven in the lump of academia. At the same time, remember who serves what. Universities focus on learning; they can create the illusion that being smart and well educated is the be-all and end-all. In fact, you do not need to be educated to be a Christian. Christ is most visible to the world in the person who simply responds to his call, “Come, follow me.” Journey With Others You can’t do this on your own; you’ll need friends in the form of teachers and fellow students, but also books. C.S. Lewis has remained popular with Christian students, not least because he makes himself available to his readers as a trusted friend in Christ.


That’s true for many other authors; get to know them. Don’t try to avoid being identified as an intellectual. The word is often associated with people who betray self-indulgence; knowledge for knowledge’s sake is their dogma. But if you’re clear about your calling as a student, you can avoid this temptation. Don’t resist this calling just because others are misusing it. You owe it to yourself and to the Church not to let the incoherence, laziness, and the self-critical excesses of the contemporary university demoralize you. Being a Christian Student Your calling is to be a Christian student. The Christian part and the student part are inseparable. That may sound strange, because many who represent Christian values relegate the Christian part of being a student to what is done outside the classroom. It will be frustrating at times

because you won’t be able to fully work out how the two go together. There will be a temptation to compartmentalize, to assign your faith to the heart, and then carry on with your academic work. Don’t do this. As you progress through university you will specialise within your subject area but you should continue reading broadly. It may seem that the more you know about less and less, the smarter you’ve become but, in truth, knowing more about less and less should teach you humility. Gain historical insight into you subject area. For example, often students have no idea how and why ‘the sciences’ research agendas developed into their current form of practice. To read Isaac Newton can come as a shock because he interwove scientific analysis with theological arguments. You shouldn’t take this as a mandate for doing the same thing in the twenty-first century. It should, however, make you realize that modern science has profound metaphysical and theological dimensions.

Interrogate theologically what you are learning. You may major in economics, a discipline currently dominated by mathematical models and rational-choice theories. Those theories may have some utility but may also entail anthropological assumptions that a Christian cannot accept. You will not be in a position even to see the problem, much less address it, if you let your intellectual life be defined by your discipline. To worship God and live faithfully are necessary if you are to survive university. But you are called to do more than survive. You are called to use the opportunity to learn to construe the world as a creature of a God who would have us bask in the love that brought us into existence. God has given your mind good work to do. As members of the Church, we’re counting on you. It won’t be easy. It never has been. But I can testify that it can be a source of joy. What a wonderful adventure you have before you. I wish you well.


Stanley Hauerwas is an American theologian, ethicist and public intellectual. He is Gilbert T. Rowe Professor of Theological Ethics at Duke Divinity School in the USA. He was named ‘America’s Best Theologian’ by Time Magazine in 2001. A longer version of this letter is available online: www.fusion.uk.com/forstudentworkers/ whitepapers www.stanleyhauerwas.blogspot.org.uk 12

PREPARING FOR THE WORKPLACE Ben Collins runs a group of BMW dealerships in North and South London as well as a number of start-up enterprises. He is also a Fusion Trustee. He shared his thoughts on being a Christian in the workplace with Caroline Harmon. How can Christian students prepare for moving onto the workplace? Invest time in researching the organisation you want to work for. What drives their business? What are their values? What will the company expect from you and does this fit with your own worldview? If it doesn’t then that’s going to be a pretty bad start to your working life. All too often people come to interview without considering these questions, yet you can find out so much about a company though social media and the internet. Do you think the Bible has any advice to offer us? In the Bible the word ‘work’ is synonymous with the word ‘worship’. I feel quite strongly that work should be part of our faith walk, a holistic part of our whole lives. As soon as we separate work from the rest of our lives we put ourselves in a very difficult and potentially dangerous position. You’ll probably spend more time in the workplace than anywhere else so it’s really important to consider if where you’re putting yourself will be helpful for your personal walk with Jesus.


Some people will be reading this and thinking: “But I’ll just have to take whatever job is out there. There are so few of them right now.” We do have to be pragmatic. There’s not a perfect church, and if there was we would ruin it by joining it! The same is true of the workplace. So we just have to have our eyes wide open to the best possible fit for us. We can’t and shouldn’t hold our company to a higher set of standards than we hold ourselves to. All too often we’re very good at being consumers. We’re very good at saying “the company needs to do this and that for me. “We expect more of a company than we do of ourselves. It’s also worth bearing in mind that 14% of those working in the UK are self-employed. Whilst it’s not for everyone, be open minded about the possibility of your skills and talents lending themselves to beginning your own adventure. IN THE BIBLE THE WORD ‘WORK’ IS SYNONYMOUS WITH THE WORD ‘WORSHIP’.

Do you have any inspiring stories from your workplace? In my company we encourage people to care for their colleagues. We had a technician who passed an exam which meant he got a pay rise and a reward. He decided to share the reward with his apprentice because he felt that it was due to his apprentice that he was able to achieve that qualification. In a secular workplace that’s pretty unheard of. He’s not a Christian; he just picked up the values from the company. If you live your values you can influence other people’s mindset. On another occasion we accidentally undervalued a car someone was part-exchanging by around £1500. When they came to pick up their new car our Sales Manager, who knew the values of the company, gave them a cheque for the difference. He didn’t need to do that because the customer was already happy with what we’d offered and most people would have taken the money as extra profit, but he knew it was the right thing to do. If you’re going to really live your values it’s going to cost you something. It might be your money, or your time or something else, but if it’s not costing you something you’re probably not living them.


How can we sustain our faith and live well in this new life? Time discipline is underrated. As a student I could say yes to everything because I had the time, whereas once you graduate it’s really important to learn the power of ‘no’. If you have a bit of time think about the best way to spend it. Do the things you’re doing or being asked to do lend themselves well to your gifts and talents or are they something that someone else could do better?

Spiritual habits are important when you have less time. Whether that’s spending some time with God at the beginning of the day even though ‘whatever o’clock’ feels really early; making sure you incorporate prayer into your working day; or reading a bit of a Christian book just before you go to bed at night. Have some really good accountability. When you go in to the workplace, who’s asking you those spiritual formation questions? Who’s asking you those accountability questions? Who have you given permission to check on you?



People Obsession

Unrivalled Service

Unquestionable Honesty

Outrageous Creativity

Making a difference

Ben Collins



Sarah-Jane Marshall of the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity (LICC) explains what the results of their graduate survey tell us about transitioning into the world of work.

For many graduates the transition from education into the world of work is a bit of a bumpy ride. It’s a time characterised by choices (what? where? how?) and changes (new projects, new people, new pace). Alarmingly, it’s also a point at which many young adults drift away from church and God. It’s a problem we can’t ignore; so we joined forces with Fusion to try to better understand the challenges. Together we surveyed 450 Christian recent graduates. Here’s what they had to say.

‘Pray, pray, pray and then pray some more’ - Ruby, 28 Overwhelmingly, the most commonly cited piece of advice for transitioning students was to pray more. We can pray to God for guidance in where to work, but also to transform how we see our job. Isabel put it this way, ‘I struggled on the first day with feeling inadequate. I prayed through my role and asked God to do it through me. This put the role in proper perspective – I am not in this alone. It removed the crippling pressure to perform and freed me to enjoy showing up every day to work hard and love the people around me.’ ‘Don’t worry if you struggle – you’re not alone’ - Caz, 26 If social media is all you go on, it’s easy to think that all your friends are having a great time and doing well in jobs they love. But behind the projected image, most people will be finding things hard in one way or another. So be proactive in seeking the support you need – don’t suffer in silence, there is no shame in admitting you’re finding it tough. Keep an eye out for any friends who might be struggling too, be careful not to become entirely inward looking.

‘Be intentional about seeking out a church’ - Dave, 27


Unsurprisingly, over half of the graduates (55%) who said that their personal relationship with God suffered during the

transition also said that they had found it hard to settle in a new church. Being part of a community of believers is vital, so despite the potential obstacles (working late, weekends away visiting friends, the fear of being the newbie) make it a priority to find a good church and get stuck in. ‘Try to establish a healthy new routine’ - Anna, 25 The most commonly named struggle was time-management. Working full-time is exhausting at first. It’s very tempting to try to continue to do everything you did as a student, but the result will inevitably be burn-out. Some things will have to change, so think carefully about what you say ‘yes’ to. Anna says, ‘Don’t panic if you mourn the loss of your social life and all that leisure time you had as a student. Just because you have to say ‘no’ to some things it doesn’t mean you’re failing at multi-tasking, you’re just moving on. Be selective and then commit with confidence.’ ‘Be excited! Work is an incredible place of witness’ - Jordan, 26 You sometimes hear it said that university is the best place to tell people about Jesus, but God is with us everywhere we go. At work, you’ll be with the same people, day in and day out, and they will watch your life in stressful and easy situations. It is a powerful place to build relationships and demonstrate the difference Jesus makes in your life.

1. Time management and tiredness 2. Loneliness and isolation 3. Uncertainty and lack of career direction 4. Maintaining personal relationship with God 5. Finding community in a new church 19


So whether you can’t wait to graduate or the thought of getting a job fills you with dread, try to be proactive in preparing yourself for the transition ahead. Let’s not be a generation

that goes missing at this juncture, but instead makes the jump, with a strong community around us, excited about living for Jesus in this new stage of the adventure!

HOW CAN STUDENT WORKERS HELP? Only 21% of graduates felt that the student work at their church had equipped them well for the transition into work. Here are five ways to help:

students to meet up with older 3) Enable Christians working in their sector

4) jobs as ambassadors for Jesus, whether

Commission graduates into their new

students to think Christianly 1) Challenge about their academic subjects – equipping for the workplace starts here (see page 8)

Host an evening for students to explore 2) their calling and vocation

working for the church, Asda or Deloitte

5) away until they are settled in a new

Keep in touch with students that move church

SARAH-JANE MARSHALL www.licc.org.uk/work-forum

@liccltd @s_jmarshall

Sarah-Jane lives and worships in South London with her husband Joe who shares her love of box-sets and dinner parties. She works as part of LICC’s WorkForum team and is particularly passionate about serving the 18-30s. To arrange for an LICC speaker to visit your church or uni, get in touch. 20

Graduate Interviews Richard Gibson Richard Gibson studied German and Spanish in Edinburgh, followed by a PGCE in York. He now teaches in Bicester, Oxfordshire and lives in Oxford. How did you find the transition from student to worker? There was a lot of change and a lot of the unknown and it took me a long time to settle. I had to start in a new city where I only knew one person. I think I expected God to beam a light down on the church I should join and he didn’t. How do you feel 18 months later? I’m living with people from my church and I’m involved in youth work, the worship band and prayer ministry. I’ve had a promotion at work which allows me to do more pastoral work. There’s a lot of young teachers in my school and I’m building good friendships. It’s taken a long time to get to this stage and I’m really enjoying it. What advice would you offer to someone who’s graduating soon? Leave it at least six months before you evaluate how it’s going. If I’d done that too soon I could have ended up leaving Oxford. Give yourself time to find a church and mates and get into your job. Trust the fact that God has gone before you even if things don’t go smoothly. Go for what’s best for you rather 22

than what’s most comfortable. Be a witness. I got through my PGCE year without really telling anyone I was a Christian. I came to Oxford determined to make more of a stand. Initially I got a cold response but one year in other teachers started asking me to pray for sick members of their family. How did your churches support you? My church in York let me know I was going to be missed. It doesn’t take much to say that but it makes a difference. They prayed for me, and sent me on my way. One guy gave me a Sat Nav that was invaluable for getting around when I first arrived in Oxford. Most of the churches I visited in Oxford were really welcoming and let me know what was on offer. They can’t do much more than that – you have to choose to get involved rather than just spectating. Not long after I joined, the sermon was about serving and the areas the church needed people to serve in. So I approached the Minister and offered to do something. He said: “You’ve just moved here. You’ve got so much to get to grips with, don’t worry about serving, the time will come for that.” I was so impressed that he said that despite the need they had.

Rosie Smithells graduated from Paedriatric Nursing at the University of York in October 2013.

What’s it like staying in the city you studied in?

What do you do for work?

I have a heart for York, so it’s nice to stay here. It was quite a hard adjustment because most of my friends left. I’ve also struggled to know how much to continue to invest in the lives of students. I still meet up for coffee with some students, but I also feel the need to invest in my workplace, so I have to balance the two.

I work at a painting and ceramic studio. It was my favourite place in York as a student. There were elements of nursing that I loved, but lots of elements I found hard and all through my degree I doubted if I wanted to do it as a career. That might not sound like a big deal but there’s a lot of pressure culturally to know what your career’s going to be, and if you’ve done a vocational degree people expect you to go into that career. My nursing friends just didn’t understand why I wouldn’t want a good job with a salary right away. Yet God never says ‘I’ve come to bring life and life is work.’ Work is great but there is more to life. How was your faith while you were transitioning? I struggled because I like to know what I’m doing and what the next step is. I have to remind myself that God has provided my job in the studio. I find myself downplaying it when I talk about it, like it’s not a proper job. In reality I love it, I work really hard and it’s what is right for me at this point in my life. God knows what He’s doing even when I don’t know.

What advice would you offer people graduating in the summer? Go with what’s on your heart because often that’s from God. Sometimes people have something they love but they just can’t see how they could do it as a paid job but if you really have a passion for something you shouldn’t just dismiss it. Don’t feel the pressure to know exactly what you’re doing. Most adults I know do a job that isn’t related to their degree. Some recent graduates I know, who went straight into their career, wish they hadn’t because they now feel trapped. They wish they’d had a bit of time out after uni. That doesn’t mean you should waste time, but it does mean that it’s okay to not know immediately what you want to do. That will come with time and trust in God.

God never says ‘I’ve come to bring life and life is work.

Rosie Smithells


Paul Brian

Why did you decide to do a PGCE? I realised I wasn’t cut out for my job. I didn’t feel I had the right background to be an expert in what I was doing. It was the only job I got when I was applying, so maybe I convinced myself it was the right job for me when it wasn’t. I’d had teaching in the back of my mind for a while, but I hadn’t wanted to go straight into it from university. What would you say to someone who’s graduating this summer?

It’s a huge change in pace, everyone struggles at first. Paul Brian studied Chemistry in Oxford from 2008-2012. He worked for a year as a Management Consultant before returning to study, this time for a PGCE to be a chemistry teacher. How did you find the transition from university to workplace? It’s a huge change in pace and I found it quite draining at first, having a routine every day that you have to stick to, being in the office from 9 ‘til 5:30. I’ve realised that everyone struggles with this at first. My faith took a real hit too. I moved from Oxford and found it quite hard to find a church. I didn’t really have the community of Christian friends I had at university to challenge me in my faith. At the same time, it’s exciting to start earning money and providing for yourself. I’ve really enjoyed being more independent. Halfway through the year I decided to change church and my new church had a 20-30s group. That helped build up my faith again and I made some really good friends.


It’s very easy to have a worldly mind set and think you should want to be successful but being successful for God is better. Don’t be drawn in by money. Do what you really want to do and don’t get fixated by what people around you are doing. It’s quite nice to do a couple of different things in your early 20s; if a job doesn’t go well after a year it doesn’t mean your life has failed. I gained a lot of skills from my first job and learnt a lot about the real world. Seek out a small group of friends. I’m still in touch with friends from uni but I also want to know the people who are living around me now. When I first graduated I chose one church over another based on the style of church I was used to. But people are more important than style. You need a community of people who are going to build you up.


7 million students, 46,000 churches – unleashing the potential

“The team at Fusion have been a consistent and high quality source of encouragement to me as a young leader and the students I’m responsible for. They’ve encouraged me to release leaders and entrust students with large responsibilities because it’s essential for their growth. The Fusion team have become dear friends too, which is a reflection of their heart in what they do”

– Andrew, Student Worker at Pip ‘n’ Jay Church, Bristol


Fusion connects students to churches and churches to students. Not just one or two but serving thousands of churches in reaching and discipling millions of students. We are convinced that local church needs to be at the heart of student mission and students at the heart of local church.


Fusion is committed to catalysing a relentless student movement that sees thousands respond to Jesus and prioritise their lives and ambitions around God’s kingdom agenda.

Fusion’s values underpin all that we do and outline how our mission is outworked. We are committed to being:

“Fusion have revolutionised our student ministry. In what is a freshly pioneered area, they have supported and modelled for us how to remain out of our comfort zones and sow seeds that God is already growing. We are grateful for this, as are the individual students who can now spend eternity with their heavenly Father!”

– Adam, Student and Student Worker, Tyneside Vineyard


OUR CORE PURPOSES Serving Churches

Working with Students

Catalysing and helping to build local churchbased student work and student mission

Catalysing mission, evangelism and discipleship

Fusion believes God’s mission is best carried out through the local church so we are committed to serving local churches: Helping churches prepare school leavers for uni. Equipping churches to connect with new students. Providing resources, inspiration and connections to equip, reach and disciple students. Promoting growth and good practise in student mission.

Fusion works with students in local churches in the lead up to and during their time at university, providing:

Access to resources to prepare, connect, equip, inspire and disciple students.

Testimonies of what God is doing amongst students across the UK. Inspiration and catalyst for creativity in student mission.

Developing Student Workers Fusion works to train, coach and network student workers from local churches around the country: Student Work Training encourages church based student workers. Providing a forum where student workers from differing streams and locations can interact and share information.

Offering training and networking three times a year through Student Work Resonate Days.

Delivering an annual Student Work Conference. Access to a range of resources and student work consultations.

Wherever your church is located, we believe it can contribute something to this vision. You can connect your church into this mission opportunity.

Register your church with Fusion: www.fusion.uk.com/churches

FUSIONRESOURCES An A-Z for starting university

£5 (also available on Kindle) An A-Z for starting university

The Student Alphabet travels quickly from A to Z with everything you need to know about starting university. It is light-hearted, practical and shares hundreds of tips, stories andadvice throughout. It covers alcohol, budgeting, fresher’s week, halls, lectures and relationships.

Written by Anna Mathur, Rich Wilson and Kelly Punton

The Student Linkup Box £10 Everything you need university in one box.



University is full of opportunities, people and learning. Your school years have prepared you for so much, but what about everything else? The Student Linkup Box will give you all the important advice, as well as time and space to reflect, pray and plan for your next life stage at university.


The Stuff of Life £5 The Stuff of Life is about the stuff that affects all of us. It’s the stuff that affects our relationships, values and outlooks. It’s stuff that, if not faced, can diminish a lot of freedom and enjoyment in day-to-day living.expectations.

Studentscape £5

Graduate Alphabet

An A-Z For Life After University

the graduate alphabet

Studentscape is an honest and reflective discipleship tool and bible study for any student new to or within the university culture. Using a value-based approach to disciple, it will challenge and equip you for this life stage. It covers topics such as identity, work, friendships, money and cultural expectations.

£5 (also available on Kindle) The Graduate Alphabet is a light-hearted, fresh and practical guide to life after graduation. It celebrates the many new opportunities in this life stage, and offers wisdom for its challenges too. It talks about adulthood, bosses, interviews, parents, responsibility, singleness and success.

Contributions from Liz Clark, George Critchley, James Featherby, Alexander Lee, Sarah-Jane Marshall and Anna Mathur.

Living Mission £5 (also available on Kindle) HEARTBEAT



This book invites you into the adventures of students intentionally living mission-shaped lives and sharing God with friends and communities. Living Mission looks again at a message that makes us alive as human beings and how we can spread it in a way that’s natural, instinctive and fulfilling. All these resources and more are available online: www.fusion.uk.com/resources 29

STARTING UNIVERSITY WELL We asked Christian students from across the country what advice they would offer to those who are starting university this year. “A new start leaves an opportunity for a new ‘you’, but make sure it is still you. ‘New’ just means you have no baggage, nothing holding you back, no stereotypes or preconceptions. Become who you want – your own person – and make the most of it!” - Paul, Recent Grad, Sociology & Criminology “Spend time with Jesus. It seems an obvious piece of advice for any Christian fresher, but it simply is so important in setting our ‘culture’ and defining who we are amongst our peers at university.” - Joe, 2nd Year, Writing, Directing and Performance

“Read the Bible first, build a strong relationship with God and everything else will fall into place.” - Charlie, Recent Grad, Education

“Make sure you go out to as many parties as possible, make as many friends as possible. There are some amazing God conversations to be had at 2am.” - Harry, 3rd year, Psychology

“Don’t leave God out of your uni life and work. If you embrace the fact he is with you at every moment (even when writing your essays or on a night out) you’ll see his love, grace and hope poured over your life.” - Radostina, 3rd Year, Computer Science

Find a church in your university town or city: studentlinkup.org


Then, at his command, it all melts. He sends his winds, and the ice thaws. - PSALM 147:18


E T A D UP Miriam Swaffield’s on a road trip. She’s visiting every university location in the UK over two years in an orange camper van to inspire and equip those who are involved in student mission. Rather than tell you how great the Road Trip is ourselves, we thought we’d hand the job to some students and churches who’ve already experienced it. “Miriam and the VW came, inspired us and equipped us to reach students. Our faith expectation was raised as the Lord showed us exactly who he wanted us to meet as we went onto campus to live student mission. We’ve now got inspired students inviting their mates to church and the whole church family is buzzing about student mission. I could not be more excited about the year ahead following our time with the Road Trip.” Lucy, Liverpool

How uplifting and encouraging it was for Miriam to come, spur us on and join hands in our evangelism with freshers. She brought energy and a fridge magnet!! Simon, Hull

Why the campervan? Because we all need encouragement... because what you see is not always the whole picture... because everyone needs love... because you can change a life. Charlie, London

The message Miriam gave could not have been more spot on for us as a student group and a church. We’re looking forward to putting in to practice what she preached! Alex Wood, Brighton

It was a great reminder of the body of Christ, knowing we are part of a body of student ministries as one church. We are the church, so when one of us gets a win we all do!

Join The Road Trip


2) 3)

Pray. Check out our prayer updates on Twitter (@loveyouruni) and Facebook (facebook.com/loveyouruni) Join us. Check out our itinerary or book Miriam to come to your town or city: www.fusion.uk.com/roadtrip Fuel the Mission. No petrol, no road trip. Donate a couple of quid a month: www.fusion.uk.com/roadtrip

Ryan, Brighton

Knowing that God’s mission is a lot bigger than just your university and city, that he wants to reach every student in every uni and city, encouraged me to be a better witness to my friends and not give up on them. Julia, Liverpool

Having Miriam with us was a visible sign of going beyond ourselves to connect with others. Brilliant preach and a great time of encouragement with our student leadership team; shared stories, experience and dreams together. We’re now better equipped for the opportunities that lie ahead. Jude, Liverpool



miriam@fusion.uk.com 07843 142 315 @miriamswaff

GRADUATINGWELL We asked some Student Workers for their top tips on preparing students for graduation and the workplace “Make sure that international students graduate with a God-breathed, outrageous vision for their lives, a vision way bigger than just spiritual ‘survival’ back home (revival in China? Why not!), because otherwise the challenges that await can be overwhelming. Help them find a Christian community in which to live out that vision and, where possible, link them up with others who’ve returned home.” Chernise, Westwood Coventry, International Student Worker

“Get practical and join up the age dots in your church - your church will be full of older and wiser types with real life jobs and stories! Why not put on a drinks evening where students can meet these guys, gain advice and perhaps a longer term relationship?” Lydia, St Paul’s Hammersmith London

“In a nutshell: your job (or a lack of one) is not what you are defined by. You’re a Christian called to be in a workplace; you are not an office worker, teacher, doctor or engineer that just happens to have faith. When you get your identity right, it’s easier to deal with the stress of finding and not getting a job, or working with people you don’t get on with, or being in places that value money over relationships.” Alan, Ivy Manchester


“Gather your final year students at the start of their last semester and have a couple of evening’s teaching on the transition from student to work. Have some recent graduates share their experiences and then spend time praying for them. Not all of your students will have figured out exactly what they want to do but having a night or two dedicated to them helps them know how valued they are to your church family. It also helps them realise that not everyone has clear cut plans.”

“Graduating for some can feel like going from top dog to rock bottom in only a few weeks. That’s really hard! But, as you start out, don’t believe the lie of insignificance. Your value does not come from whether you have found a job or not. Find your identity in what God says about you. Allow these truths to shape your job hunt, your relationships with your colleagues and your role within your church. And probably go through your Facebook and delete all dodgy photos - employers check those!”

Student Worker: SW STUDENT WORK TRAINING quotes

Ciara, Central Edinburgh

Matt, St Mary’s London

18th June

National Day of Prayer For Students

5th & 6th September

The Student Work Conference: Climate Change

3rd December

Resonate: Mission



pippa@fusion.uk.com 07885 761894 @this_is_pip




Fusion serves a number of church networks, strengthening their work amongst students and young adults and helping them become increasingly effective in sending, receiving and reaching students.

New Wine is a growing network of, currently, well over 1,200 local churches working together with one vision: to see the nation changed. God is at work in the world touching hearts and transforming lives – and he’s invited us to be part of it. Come and join us and be part of a movement to see this nation changed!

The Ground Level Network is made up of churches throughout the UK that are committed to welcome, empower, release and support students and other young adults to discover their God given destinies and make a lasting difference in this world. We are passionate about providing students with a vibrant, welcoming and supportive church family when they go to uni and we’re grateful for our mates at Fusion who help us to make this happen. Ground Level also hosts the ONE event (formerly Grapevine).










Pioneer is a network of networks, church hubs and ministries committed to church planting, leadership development, training and the support of innovative caring projects. We are committed to nonreligious Christianity, building missional church and working in partnership wherever we can. We host a variety of gatherings throughout the year - our Annual Leaders Conference, Summer School of Theology and the National Churches Forum - to encourage and support leaders.


Elim has been serving cities, towns and villages across the UK for almost 100 years. Our 550 local churches often vary both in style and size and are united by a desire to reach the lost and make effective disciple makers. Many of our churches, particularly those in university cities, have worked over many years to welcome and resource students. We are working closely with Fusion to develop this further.

Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland participates in the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the work of local Vineyard churches that communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and practice. Across the country, university cities have Vineyard Churches that would love to welcome you into a community of people who are working out their faith practically, making room for those who are seeking, in a fun, accepting environment. We train and equip young people to make an impact in this world, in whatever sphere God has called them. We are working with Fusion to achieve this.

Since the early days of Salt & Light we have been about partnering in the mission of God to make disciples of all peoples and to go together as family. Comprising around 75 chrurches in the UK and a family of churches worldwide, S&L have a vision to plant new churches, develop strong equipping hub churches worldwide, S&L have a vision to plant new churches who send others on mission, equip & train leaders as well as ultimately transforming our society with power of the Gospel.












Through the Key Partner programme Fusion is acting as a doorway to other ministries working with, supporting, serving and resourcing students. Our hope is that areas of specialism that have been honed and developed over many years can be much more readily accessible to students. We believe this will lead to greater joined up thinking and action that will better serve God’s purposes in this nation and beyond.

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions introducing people to the Christian faith. Over the last 10 years Alpha has proved to be one of the most effective evangelistic tools for University Students and young adults. Its simple format has seen courses run everywhere from churches and halls, on campus, nights clubs, Thai restaurants and bowling alleys! Check out alpha. org. to find out how to run Alpha in your university today.

CARE’s vision is to see a society that has a greater respect for the sanctity and value of human life. It works in the political world on issues concerning the vulnerable and the needy. CARE’s Leadership Programme is a 10-month educational initiative which combines academic study with practical experience in parliament or the third sector. Over the past twenty years, it has equipped more than 240 graduates to engage their faith with culture in the public square.

We are a network of young people and students who believe the world doesn’t have to be the way it is. We’re not content to tiptoe through life. We want to shout out against injustice, challenging the systems that keep people poor. We want to run towards a new world. A better world. To be love in action. Together we can be the generation that ends poverty. Together we are Collective.










Compassion supports some of the world’s most vulnerable children and, through individual sponsors, helps them break the cycle of poverty, giving them hope for the future. Compassion works through local churches in 26 developing countries to release children from physical, economic, social and spiritual poverty.

Tearfund are passionate about seeing the world changed through a generation who have the guts to become the kind of people that change the world. We are excited about developing habits, regular patterns in our lives that change us and the world as we live out Jesus’ values of generocity, advocacy, contentment, and connection. We call this Rhythms. To join the community and sign up to Rhythms, head over to the website.

Our heart is to help young people capture first a vision of Jesus, then to equip, train, empower and release them into his ministry in their everyday lives. We do this in many different ways including: conferences, retreats, resources, local church-based events, training events, discipleship courses and mentoring programs. Momentum is our conference for students and twenty-something’s. Come along for relevant teaching, intimate worship, ministry and a whole lot of fun!











GREAT HOPE IN JESUS I love stories. A vast portion of my childhood was spent reading novels and I progressed to researching real life stories and events as a student. Unsatisfied with the realisation that I only knew about the past, I finished my history degree and flew over to East Africa with Tearfund. My naivety was all too evident, “Jemimah you’ve brought everything.” Stationery, rain coat, string, migraine tablets (to this day I’ve never had one), washing up liquid – I hadn’t just packed; I’d planned for every eventuality. I maintain that there is nothing wrong with organisation but looking back on my packing lists now I laugh. They reek with anxiety, my desire to control and a knee jerk reaction to fear: an attitude of self-preservation. During the drive from the capital up the mountain to our placement community the poverty around us was so evident. We drove past slum areas and barefoot street children playing by the road side. Immediately I was uncomfortable and this was just the start of feeling out of my depth. My English possessions and Western worldview were of little use! I adopted a new motto, ‘take one day at a time’, and despite how uncomfortable I was with this option I placed a bit more trust in

God. And He provided! Opportunities arose to get deeply involved with the community that we couldn’t have expected. My team and I worked in a school that provides catch up education or vocational training for vulnerable children. At art club we got out the paint, glue, crayons, fabric…and it was chaos! Cultural differences emerged as no one touched the water pots I had put out for the brushes – such clean water would normally only be used for drinking. But we began to learn names and together we drew, often laughing at my attempts to converse in Kinyarwanda. We asked the children to express their dreams for the future on sacking. Oliver wants to be a journalist and Felix an artist. When we asked the children to draw the problems that stopped their dreams, repeatedly we were told stories of struggle because they were an orphan. To try and support yourself without a strong family network in Rwanda is very difficult.

‘Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.’ (James 1:27)

key partner

In one step of faith I saw a world bigger than I imagined and encountered much more of God. There is great hope in Jesus and great hope needed in our world. These

friends have changed my world as I learn to truly value my family now I’m home. Jemimah, 22, is spending this year finding out what God is up to in local communities in Rwanda, and now in Bristol. She is also a Rhythms writer. Check out rhythms.org for more blogs by Jemimah

Tearfund dot.tyler@tearfund.org @TearfundRhythms facebook.com/TearfundRhythms rhythms.org


Imagine what life would be like if you woke up every day with nothing shielding you from violence – if there were no police to protect you, no courts to defend you, no one to make you safe. This is everyday life for billions of the world’s poorest. Far below the headlines, a plague of hidden, everyday violence – including rape, forced labour, land theft, trafficking, police abuse and other brutality – is devastating the developing world and undermining our efforts to end poverty. International Justice Mission partners with local authorities around the world to rescue victims of exploitation, bring the criminals to justice, restore survivors to safety and strength, and help law enforcement build a safe future that lasts. When public justice systems are made to protect the poor, millions of vulnerable children, women and men will never be abused. Amazing work is happening and thousands of victims are experiencing freedom and

empowerment. We believe that together we can make a real difference in the world and stand up to fight for what matters.

‘Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.’ - Isa 1:17 Be a part of the conversation and find out how you can be involved by following IJM on Facebook and Twitter’

Twitter: @IJM_UK | Facebook: www.facebook.com/IJM.UK | Website: www.ijmuk.org/

YOURSMALLGROUP CANCHANGETHEWORLD Is another world possible? One where strangers are welcomed, creation valued, stuff is just stuff and justice is the norm? CMS says yes! After all, CMS began in 1799 with a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens like William Wilberforce and John Newton who were passionate about following Jesus in practical, life-changing ways. Like the Old Testament prophets before him, Jesus presents his followers with a radical challenge about how to live in the present, as well as a transforming hope for the future. How can we live out both this challenge and this hope in our universities, our villages, towns and cities? The Possible World is a practical, missionfocussed course that will help your student group or church group do just that. The course pack comes with a 50-page guide and a DVD featuring interviews with inspiring, pioneering people who are creating new possibilities where they are. After completing The Possible World course, one participant, from a 20s/30s group in Oxford, said, “This is the first course I’ve participated in where I actually did something practical in response to it.”

In seven sessions, you will tackle the following issues: One: Jesus, a prophet. Me, a prophet? Two: Hospitality: All right for some? Three: Consumer culture: I want to live simply…but I like stuff Four: The environment: For God so loved the world Five: Human suffering: How can I show I care? Six: Injustice: So many issues, so few of us Seven: Now what? Joining the prophetic and the practical Small groups can change the world. To watch a video trailer for the course and find out more, go to www.cms-uk.org/ possibleworld Special Fuse discount of 40%. Enter FUSE40 when making your online purchase. Valid until 30 June 2014. For more information contact Debbie James: debbie.james@cms-uk.org

CHURCH CONNECTION Directory ABERDEEN Aberdeen Vineyard Church www.aberdeenvineyard.org.uk City Church Aberdeen www.citychurchaberdeen.org Crown Terrace Methodist Church www.aberdeenmethodist.org.uk Gerrard Street Baptist Church www.gerrardstreet.com ABINGDON Christ Church www.cca.uk.net

St Michael’s Twerton www.stmichaelstwerton.com

Church Alive Birmingham www.churchalive.org.uk

St Swithin’s Walcott www.stswithinswalcot.org.uk

Church of God of Prophecy www.cogop.org.uk

St Thomas Trowbridge www.stthomastrowbridge.org.uk

Hope City Church Birmingham www.hopecitychurch.tv

Wells Vineyard www.wellsvineyard.com

Jesus Fellowship Church www.birmingham.jesus.org.uk


Connect Church www.connectchurchuk.com

Brickhill Baptist Church www.allnationsbedford.org Christ Church www.christchurchbedford.org.uk King’s Arms Church www.kingsarms.org


Potton Vineyard Church www.pottonvineyard.org.uk

Elim Aberystwyth www.elimaberystwyth.com

Russell Park Baptist Church www.russellpark.org

St Michael’s Church www.stmikes.org

BELFAST (NI) Belfast City Vineyard Church www.belfastcityvineyard.com City Church Belfast www.citychurchbelfast.org

BANGOR Assemblies of God Bangor Pentecostal Church www.aogbangor.org.uk Bangor Community Church www.bangorcc.co.uk Hope Church Bangor www.hopechurchbangor.org i61 Church www.i61.org BARNSLEY Hope House Barnsley www.hopehousechurch.org.uk

St John’s Harbourne www.stjohns-church.co.uk St Martin’s in the Bullring www.stmartininthebullring.com Vineyard Network Church www.vineyardnetworkchurch.com Zion Christian Centre www.zionnetwork.org BLACKBURN Blackburn Vineyard www.blackburnvineyard.org.uk St Gabriel’s www.stgabriels-blackburn.co.uk BLACKPOOL

Fisherwick Presbyterian Church Belfast www.fisherwick.net

Christchurch with All Saints www.ccasblackpool.co.uk

South Belfast Elim www.southbelfastelim.org


The Church of the Resurrection, Belfast www.thehubbelfast.org The Dock Belfast www.the-dock.org Life Church Belfast www.lifechurchhome.com/belfast

Kings Church www.kingschurchlife.com Deane Church Bolton www.deanechurch.org Farnworth Baptist Church www.farnworthbaptist.org.uk Liberty Christian Centre www.libertycc.co.uk


New Mossley Elim, Newtownabbey www.newmosleyelim.com

All Saints Weston www.allsaintsonline.org.uk

Ulster Temple Elim Church www.utbelfast.org

St Lukes Church Bolton www.westboltonteam.org.uk/churches/ st-lukes

Bath Abbey www.bathabbey.org

Willowfield Parish Church www.willowfieldchurch.co.uk


Bath City Church www.bathcitychurch.org.uk


St Andrews www.standrewskinson.org

Kings Road Church Berkhamsted www.kingsroadchurch.org

Bournemouth Vineyard Church www.bournemouthvineyard.com

Northchurch Baptist Church www.northchurch.com

Moordown Baptist Church www.moordownbaptist.org.uk

Sunnyside Church Berkhamsted www.sunnysidechurch.org.uk

Winton Salvation Army www.wintonsa.org.uk



Bethany Pentecostal Church www.bethanypentecostal.org

Kerith Community Church www.kerith.co.uk

Birmingham Christian Centre www.birminghamcc.co.uk

Winton Salvation Army

Bath & Avon Vineyard www.bathandavonvineyard.org.uk Bath Trinity St Matts www.htcd.org/community/st-matts Elim Pentecostal Church www.bathelim.org Fathers House www.fathershousebath.org Freedom Bath and Bristol www.freedombathandbristol.com Hay Hill Baptist Church www.hayhill.org Holy Trinity Combe Down www.htcd.org St Luke’s Church www.stlukesbath.com St Michaels Church www.stmichaelsbath.org.uk 42

Fellowship Church Belfast www.thisiscfc.com

Riverside Church Birmingham www.riverside-church.org.uk

California Christian Centre www.calcc.org.uk Christ Church Birmingham www.christ-church-selly-park.org.uk Christian Life Centre www.christianlifecentre.com

Bournemouth Community Church www.bournemouthcommunitychurch.com Freedom Bournemouth www.freedombathandbristol.com BRADFORD Life Church Bradford www.lifechurchhome.com

City Valley Church www.cityvalley.org

Severn Vineyard Church www.severnvineyard.org

Oakhall Church www.oakhallchurch.org.uk

Buttershaw Baptist Church www.buttershawbaptist.org.uk

Simple Church www.simplechurch.co.uk

St Andrews Canterbury www.sstandrewscanterbury.org

Global Ministry of Champions www.aog.org.uk/location/1463-GlobalMinistry-of-Champions

St John the Baptist Frenchay www.frenchaychurch.org.uk

St Mary’s Bredin Canterbury www.smb.org.uk

St Michaels Stoke Gifford www.st-michaels-church.org.uk


Pudsey Parish Church www.pudseyparish.org.uk St John’s Great Horton www.achurchnearyou.com/st-johns-greathorton St Peters Shipley www.stpetes.org.uk BRIDLINGTON Christ Church www.christchurchbridlington.com

St Mark’s Baptist Church www.stmarkseaston.org.uk St Matthew’s Church Bristol www.stmatthews-bristol.org.uk Victoria Methodist Church www.vic-methodist-bristol.org.uk Westbury-on-Trym Baptist Church www.westburybaptist.org.uk

All Nations Church Cardiff www.allnationschurch.org.uk Albany Rd Baptist Church www.albanyroadbaptist.org.uk Bethel Baptist Church www.bethelcardiff.org.uk Calvary Baptist Church www.calvarybaptist.co.uk Capital City Church www.capcitycardiff.org.uk


Woodlands Church Bristol www.woodlandschurch.net

Church of Christ the King www.cck.org.uk


Freedom Church Cardiff www.freedomchurch.co.uk

Bromley Baptist Church www.bromleybaptist.com

Cardiff Vineyard www.cardiffvineyard.org

Bromley Town Church www.bromleytownchurch.com

City Temple www.citytemple.info

Southborough Lane Baptist Church www.slbc.org.uk

The Gap Church www.thegapcardiff.co.uk

St Augustines Church www.st-augustines.org.uk

Glenwood Church www.glenwoodchurch.org


Life Church Cardiff www.lifecardiff.org

Church on the Rock www.cotr.co.uk CityCoast Church Brighton www.citycoastchurch.co.uk City Gate Church www.citygatechurch.org.uk Holland Road Baptist Church www.hrbc.org.uk One Church Brighton www.onechurchbrighton.org St Peter’s www.stpetersbrighton.org

West Suffolk Vineyard www.wsvc.org.uk

Woodville Baptist Church www.woodybap.org.uk River City Church Cardiff www.rivercitychurch.org.uk

Crawley Baptist Church www.crawleybaptistchurch.org.uk BRISTOL


St Mark’s Cardiff www.stmarks-cardiff.co.uk

BCF Aardvark www.aardvarkers.wordpress.com

Cambridge Community Church www.cthree.org


Resound www.resoundbristol.co.uk

Cambridge Vineyard Church www.cambridgevineyard.org.uk

Bourne Christian Centre www.bristolcommunitychurch.org

City Life Church Cambridge www.citylifechurch.net

Bristol Vineyard www.bristolvineyard.com

Daybreak Community Church, Huntingdon www.daybreakcommunitychurch.org.uk

Christ Church Clifton www.ccweb.org.uk

Faith Life Church www.faithlifechurch.org.uk

City Church www.citychurch.org.uk

Holy Trinity www.htcambridge.org.uk

East Street Baptist Church www.bedminsterchurches.net

KingsGate Community Church www.kingsgateuk.com

Ebenezer Evangelical Church www.ebe.org.uk

St Barnabas Cambridge www.stbs.org.uk

Edge Church International www.edgechurch.co.uk

Zion Baptist Church www.zionbc.org.uk

Ashingdon Elim www.ashingdonelim.co.uk

Elim @ Bristol City Church www.elimbristol.org

Fenstanton Parish Church www.fenstantonparishchurch.org.uk

Chelmsford Community Church www.chelmsfordcommunitychurch.co.uk

Highgrove Church www.highgrove.org.uk

Royston Community Church www.tlc-royston.org.uk

CGC Chelmsford www.cgcchelmsford.com

Hope Community Church Bristol www.hopechapel.co.uk

St John the Evangelist www.ely.anglican.org/parishes/casjohn

Life Church Chelmsford www.lifechurchchelmsford.com

Ivy Church www.ivychurch.net



Canterbury Baptist Church www.canterburybaptistchurch.org.uk

C3 Cheltenham www.ccccheltenham.com

Canterbury Vineyard www.canterburyvineyard.com

Cheltenham Bridge www.thebridgecheltenham.co.uk

Dayspring Community Church www.dayspringcanterbury.org.uk

Glenfall Church www.glenfall.org.uk

New Life Pentecostal Church www.newlifecanterbury.org

Elim Christian Centre www.cheltenhamelim.org

Kingswood Congregational Church Bristol www.lovegodlovelife.org.uk Pip and Jay www.pipnjay.org.uk Parish of Bishopston and St Andrew’s www.bishopstonandstandrews.org.uk RCCG, Garden of the Lord www.gardenofthelord.org.uk

Carlisle Vineyard www.carlislevineyard.com Eden Community Church www.ecchurch.co.uk Elim Community Church www.elimcarlisle.org CARMARTHEN Bethel Christian Centre www.bethelchristiancentre.co.uk Towy Community Church www.towychurch.co.uk The Well Church www.iwell.org.uk CHELMSFORD


Godfirst www.godfirst.org.uk Holy Apostles www.hachelt.co.uk St Matthew’s Church www.stmstm.org.uk St Paul’s Cheltenham www.stpaulscheltenham.com Trinity Church www.trinitycheltenham.com

COVENTRY Coventry City Corps www.coventrycitycorps.org.uk St Anne and All Saints Coventry www.the4-6.blogspot.co.uk

Dublin Vineyard Church www.dublinvineyard.ie

Every Nation Church www.everynation.ie St Mary Magdalen Church www.stmarymagdalenchurch.wordpress.com Liffey Valley Vineyard www.liffeyvalleyvineyard.ie Christian Life Ministries www.clmchurch.co.uk DUDLEY


Coventry Cathedral www.coventrycathedral.org.uk

Champions Church Dudley www.championschurch.org.uk

All Saints Hoole www.allsaintshoole.org

Coventry Vineyard www.coventryvineyard.org.uk


Christ Church Chester www.ccnewtown.wordpress.com

Elim Pentecostal Church www.elim-coventry.org.uk

Hoole Baptist Church www.hbc.org.uk

Jesus Fellowship Church www.jesus.org.uk/ja/local_coventry.shtml

North Gate Church www.northgate.org.uk

Jubilee Church Coventry www.jubileechurchcoventry.org

The Community Church Chester www.tccchester.org

Kings Church www.kingschurchcoventry.org

Waverton Evangelical Fellowship www.wefchurch.net

Walsgrave Baptist Church www.walsgraveaptists.org.uk


Westwood Church www.westwoodchurch.co.uk

Acorn Christian Ministries www.acm-uk.org/ Christian Life Church Chesterfield www.lifechurch.org.uk

CROYDON Croydon Community Church www.stnicholasallestree.org.uk

Lifehouse Church www.lifeworthliving.co.uk Aldwick Baptist Church Bognor Regis www.aldwickbaptist.org Bognor Vineyard Church www.bognorvineyard.org.uk Chichester Baptist Church www.chichesterbaptist.org.uk Chichester Family Church www.chichesterfamilychurch.com Revelation Church www.revelation.org.uk

Elim Church Colchester www.elimcolchester.co.uk SOURCE Christian Community www.sourcehythe.co.uk St Stephen’s Church www.ststephens-colchester.org.uk CORK (IRE) Dungarvan Christian Fellowship www.dungarvanchurch.org Grace Christian Fellowship www.graceireland.com

Durham Vineyard www.durhamvineyard.org.uk Emmanuel Church Durham www.emmanuel.org.uk Kings Church Durham www.kcd.org.uk

Eastbourne Family Church www.elimfamilychurch-eastbourne.org.uk

DERBY Christian Life Church Derby www.lifechurch.org.uk

Derby Vineyard www.derbyvineyard.com

Colchester Baptist Church www.colchesterbaptistchurch.org.uk

Bethshan www.bethshanchurch.net



St Johns Church www.stjohnscolchester.org.uk


Emmanuel Dartford

Derby City Church www.derbycitychurch.co.uk

Kingsland Church Lexden www.kingsland.org.uk/lexden

The Steeple Church www.thesteeplechurch.org.uk


St Andrew’s Chorleywood www.st-andrews.org.uk

Colchester Area Community Church www.colchesterareacommunitychurch.org.uk

St Paul’s Cathedral www.saintpaulscathedral.net

Elim Pentecostal Church www.elim-darlington.org.uk

Community Church Derby www.communitychurchderby.org


Gate Church International www.gatechurch.co.uk



Causewaycoast Vineyard www.causewaycoastvineyard.com

Destiny Church Dundee www.destinydundee.com

St Nicholas www.stnics.org.uk



Destiny Church www.destinychurch.ie

Haven Christian Centre www.havencc.co.uk Jubilee Church www.jubilee.org.uk Littleover Methodist Church www.lmclife.org.uk St Alkmunds www.alkmunds.org.uk St Barnabas www.stbd.org.uk St John the Evangelist www.stjm.org.uk Trinity Baptist Church Derby www.feedyoursoul.org.uk DONCASTER All Saints, Woodlands & Highfields www.all-saints-church.net

Living Stones Church www.livingstoneschurch.co.uk St Johns Church, Meads www.stjm.org.uk Victoria Baptist www.victoriabaptist.org.uk EDINBURGH All Nations Christian Fellowship www.ancf.org.uk Bridge Family Church www.bridgefamilychurch.com Barclay Viewforth www.barclayviewforth.org.uk Edinburgh City Vineyard www.edinburghcityvineyard.co.uk Capital City Church International www.3cint.co.uk Carrubbers Christian Centre www.carrubbers.org Charlotte Chapel Edinburgh www.cbcequip.org Community Church Edinburgh www.cce.uk.net Destiny Church www.destinyedinburgh.com


Kings Church Edinburgh www.kingschurchedinburgh.org

Cornerstone Church www.cornerstonechurch.ie

Central: Jesus at the Heart www.jesusattheheart.org


St Paul’s and St George’s www.pandgchurch.org.uk

Kings Church www.kingschurchmedway.org.uk

Edinburgh Elim Church www.edinburghelim.com


Christ Church Blacklands & St. Andrew www.blacklands-parish.co.uk


Destiny Church Glasgow www.destiny-church.com

Elim Church Centre Hastings www.elimchurchcentre.org.uk

Harvestime Church www.harvestimechurch.net

Glasgow Elim Church www.glasgowelim.org.uk

Sonrise Church Hastings www.sonrisechurch.co.uk

Hope Christian Centre Staines www.hopechristiancentre.org.uk

Salvation Army Glasgow www.salvationarmy.org.uk/wsc/Glasgow_ West


Morning Star Christian Fellowship www.mscf.co.uk Jubilee Church www.jubileelife.org Runnymede Christian Fellowship www.e-runnymede.co.uk St John’s Egham www.stjohnsegham.com/

Glasgow Westend Vineyard www.gwvineyard.co.uk Kirkintilloch Baptist Church www.kirkiebaptist.com Queens Park Baptist Church www.qpbc.org GLOUCESTER

The Journey www.thejourney.org.uk

Gloucester Community Church www.gcchurch.co.uk

United Church of Egham www.united-church-of-egham.org.uk

Mariners Gloucester www.gloucestermariners.org.uk


One Church Gloucester www.thisisonechurch.com

Generation Church www.generation.org.uk EXETER Belmont Chapel www.belmontchapel.org.uk City Community Church www.cccexeter.org City Life Church Exeter www.exeterlife.org

Christ Church www.christchurchhitchin.org.uk HEREFORD Freedom Church Hereford www.freedomchurch.co.uk HIGH WYCOMBE

Micklefield Elim Christian Fellowship Church


Ley Hill Methodist Church www.leyhill.org

New Life Grantham www.newlifegrantham.org

River Church Marlow www.riverchurch.org.uk


Union Baptist Church www.unionbaptist.org.uk

GUILDFORD Emmanuel Church Guildford www.emmanuelchurch.co.uk Emmaus Road Community Church www.emmausrd.com Guildford Baptist Church www.guildfordbaptist.org Guildford Community Church www.gcconline.org.uk KC21 www.kc21.net


RCCG Winner’s Place Guildford www.rccgwinnersplace.org.uk

Highway Church www.highwaychurch.co.uk

St John’s Church Woodbridge www.stjohnswoodbridge.org.uk

Falmouth Light & Life www.falmouthlightandlife.co.uk

St John’s Stoke www.stjohnstoke.com


St Saviours www.st-saviours.org.uk

Farnham Vineyard www.farnhamvineyard.org.uk

Springs Christian Fellowship www.springscf.org.uk

St Catherine’s Gloucester www.stcatherine.org.uk

Exeter Vineyard www.exetervineyard.co.uk

St Andrews www.standrewscullompton.com

St John’s Hatfield www.bishopshatfieldparish.co.uk

Kings Church High Wycombe www.kingshighwycombe.org.uk

City Church Grimsby www.nelcitychurch.wordpress.com

St Andrews Exwick Exeter Unlimited Exeter www.devonlink.co.uk/exeter/exwickchurch

Kings Community Church www.kcchatfield.org.uk

Kendal Road Baptist Church www.krbc.org.uk

Exeter Network Church www.enc.uk.net

Isca Church www.iscachurch.org.uk

Evangelical Baptist Church www.hope4hatfield.org

Westborough Church Guildford www.westborough-urc.co.uk

HUDDERSFIELD Community Church www.community-church.co.uk Gledholt Methodist Church www.gledholtmethodist.co.uk Huddersfield Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org.uk/yks/Huddersfield Huddersfield Christian Fellowship www.huddersfieldchristianfellowship.com Kirkheaton Parish Church www.kirkheatonchurch.org.uk Christ Church www.christchurch.org.uk Life Community Church www.life-cc.org New North Road Baptist Church www.nnrbc.org St Stephen’s Parish, Lindley www.ststephenslindley.org.uk Trinity Church Ossett www.trinityossett.org.uk HULL Bourne Street Elim www.elimhull.com

GILLINGHAM Ebenezer Community Ministries www.ebenezer-ecm.co.uk Beulah Christian Fellowship www.facebook.com/Beulah-ChristianFellowship-Gillingham

HALIFAX All Saint’s Church www.allsaintshalifax.org.uk Christ Church Mount Pellon www.christchurchpellon.org.uk

Beverley Community Church www.beverleycommunitychurch.org Beverley Methodist Church www.bmcy.org.uk City Life Church www.citylifehull.co.uk Cottingham Road Baptist Church www.cottroad.org.uk

St Mark’s Gillingham www.stmarkschurchgillingham.co.uk/

The King’s Church www.thekingscentre.org.uk

Kings Treasure Church www.kingstreasure.org.uk


Christ Church Cottingham www.cccott.weebly.com

Freshwater’s Christian Fellowship www.freshwaterscf.org.uk

Holy Trinity Church www.holy-trinity.org.uk 45

Hull Community Church www.community-house.co.uk

South Parade Baptist Church www.spbc.org.uk

St Paul’s Leamington Spa www.stpl.org.uk

Hull Vineyard www.hullvineyard.com

St Georges www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk


Jubilee Church www.notdull.org

St Johns Yeadon www.stjohnsyeadon.org

New Life Hull www.ilovechurch.co.uk

The Oak Church www.theoakchurch.co.uk

St Aidan’s Hull www.staidans.org.uk

Leeds Vineyard www.leedsvineyard.org Holy Trinity Meanwood www.holytrinitymeanwood.org.uk

ILFRACOMBE Ilfracombe Christian Fellowship Church www.cfchurch.co.uk

St Chad’s Far Headingley www.hollin.org.uk/st.chads St Michael’s and All Angels www.st-michaels-headingley.org.uk


All Hallows Church Leeds www.allhallowsleeds.org.uk

Proclaimers Ipswich www.proclaimers.com


St John the Baptist Church Ipswich www.stjohsipswich.org.uk

All Nations Church Leicester www.ancl.co.uk Church of the Martyrs www.martyrs.org.uk City Church Leicester www.citychurchleicester.org

LANCASTER Christians Alive Lancaster www.christiansalive.org.uk Father’s House www.fathers-house.co.uk Lancaster Baptist Church www.lancasterbaptistchurch.org.uk Lancaster Free Methodist Church www.lfmc.co.uk Rosehill Baptist Church www.findachurch.co.uk/details/ burnley/10593.htm

Harvest City Church www.harvestcitychurch.org.uk Holy Trinity Leicester www.holytrinityleicester.org Hope Hamilton Church www.hopehamiltonchurch.org.uk King’s Church Leicester www.kingschurchleicester.org Leicester City Vineyard www.leicestercityvineyard.org.uk

St Mary’s Church www.barcombe.net/church LIVERPOOL Cornerstone Church Liverpool www.cornerstonechurchliverpool.org Devonshire Road Christian Fellowship www.devyroad.com Hope City Church www.hopecitychurch.tv Frontline www.frontline.org.uk Grace Family Church www.gracefamilychurch.co.uk Jesus Fellowship Liverpool www.jesus.org.uk Jubilee Church Liverpool www.jubileechurchliverpool.org Liverpool City Church www.liverpoolcitychurch.org Mossley Hill Church www.mossleyhillchurch.org.uk Northfield Community Church www.northfieldchurch.org.uk South Liverpool Vineyard www.southliverpoolvineyard.com St Andrews Clubmoor Liverpool www.standrewsclubmoor.org.uk St James in the City www.stjamesinthecity.org.uk Wavertree Christian Fellowship St Marks Haydock www.stmarkshaydock.org

St James, Clitheroe www.stjamesclitheroe.co.uk

Oadby Baptist Church www.oadby-baptist.org.uk

St Thomas’ Church Kendal www.stkweb.org.uk

Presence www.presence-church.com

All Hallows Bow www.allhallowsbow.org.uk

St Thomas Church Lancaster www.st.tees.org.uk

Trinity Life Church Leicester www.trinitylifechurch.org.uk

All Saints Peckham www.allsaintspeckham.org.uk


St Wilfreds www.stwilfs.freeserve.co.uk

Amazing Grace Worship Centre www.agwc.org.uk


Antioch Community Church www.antiochsheffield.org.uk

Pioneer Engage Church Leatherhead www.pioneerengage.org.uk LEEDS Life Church Leeds www.lifechurchhome.com

St John’s Community Church www.stjohnscommunitychurch.org.uk LINCOLN

Blenheim Baptist Church www.blenheim.org.uk

Alive Church www.alivechurch.org.uk

Bridge Street Church Leeds www.bridgestreetchurch.org

Bridge Church Lincoln www.bridgechurchlincoln.co.uk

Christ Church Upper Armley City Church Leeds www.citychurchleeds.net

Grace Church www.gracechurchlincoln.org

Gateway Church Leeds www.gatewayleeds.net Hope City Leeds www.hopecitychurch.tv Leeds Central Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org.uk Lister Hill Baptist Church www.lhbc.org.uk Mosaic Leeds www.mosaic-church.org.uk Revive Leeds www.reviveleeds.org 46

Covenant Life Church Leicester www.covenantlifechurch.co.uk

King’s Church Lewes www.kingschurchlewes.org

Ignite Elim Church Lincoln www.ignitelincoln.co.uk Threshold Church Nettleham www.thresholdchurch.co.uk Scunthorpe Baptist Church www.scunthorpebaptist.co.uk Holy Trinity Church Boston www.holytrinityboston.org.uk


Ascension Balham Hill www.ascensionbalhamhill.org.uk Ascot Baptist Church www.ascotbaptistchurch.org Awaken London www.awakenlondon.co.uk Bless Community Church, Ealing www.blesscc.org Brockley Community Church www.brockleycc.org Catch the Fire London www.ctflondon.com Central London Vineyard www.clv.org.uk Chase Family Church www.chasefamilychurch.com


Chiswick Christian Centre www.chiswick.cc

Jubilee Church Leamington Spa www.jubileechurchleamington.co.uk

Chinese Church in London www.ccil.org.uk/so

St Mary’s Church www.stmarysleamington.com

Christ Church Cockfosters www.cockfosters.org.uk

Christ Church Spitalfields www.ccspitalfields.org

Kingston Vineyard www.kingstonvineyard.co.uk

St Mary’s London www.stmaryslondon.com

Church of Christ the King Plumstead www.ccklondon.org

Everyday Church Kingston www.everyday.org.uk/kingston

St Marks Forest Gate www.stmarksforestgate.org.uk

City Gates Church Soho www.citygateschurch.net

Latymer Christian Fellowship www.latymer.org.uk

St Marks Kennington www.stmarkskennington.org

Calvary Chapel London www.shorelinelondon.co.uk

London Community Church www.londonchurch.org

St Marks Kensal Rise www.saintms.co.uk

Canada Water Church www.canadawaterchurch.com

London City Life Church www.londoncitylife.co.uk

St Mary’s Upper Street Islington www.stmarysislington.org

Every Nation www.everynation.org.uk

Lumen United Reformed Church www.lumenurc.org.uk

St Michaels Chester Square www.stmichaelschurch.org.uk

Equippers Church City www.equipperscity.co.uk

Mill Hill East Church www.millhilleastchurch.org.uk

St Michaels Southfield www.stmichaelssouthfield.org

Equippers Church West www.equipperswest.co.uk

Molesey Community Church www.moleseycommunitychurch.org.uk

St Pauls Hammersmith www.sph.org

Fellowship Church London www.fellowshiplondon.com

New Life Church (North London) www.newlife-london.org.uk

St Peter’s Bethnal Green www.stpetersbethnalgreen.org

Fulham United Reformed Church www.fulhamurc.org.uk

New River Church Islington www.newriverchurch.net

St Peters Harrow www.stpetersharrow.co.uk

Gateway Church Leyton www.gatewaychurch.org.uk

Trinity Church London www.trinitylondon.org

St Paul’s Ealing www.stpaulsealing.com

Highway of Holiness www.highwayofholiness.co.uk

Oaktree Acton www.oaktree.org.uk

St Paul’s Kingston Hill www.stpaulskingston.org.uk

Hampden Chapel www.hampdenchapel.org.uk

Oasis Church Waterloo www.oasischurch.info

St Paul’s Shadwell www.stpaulsshadwell.org

Hampton Wick Baptist Church www.hamptonwickbaptists.co.uk

Quaystone Church London www.quaystone.org

St Simon’s Shepherd’s Bush www.stsimons.co.uk

Hillsong London www.hillsong.co.uk/young_adults

Everyday Church www.Everyday.org.uk

The Community Church Putney www.thecommunitychurch.uk.com

Hinde Street Methodist www.hindestreet.org.uk

Restore Peckham www.restore-peckham.org

The Good Shepherd Mission www.goodshepherdmission.org.uk

His Church Kingston-upon-Thames www.hischurchlondon.co.uk

Holy Trinity Richmond www.htrichmond.org.uk

The Kings Cross Baptist Church www.thekingscrossbaptistchurch.com

Holy Trinity Brompton www.htb.org.uk/students

Redeemer London www.redeemerlondon.org

The Well Camberwell www.thewellcc.org.uk

Holy Trinity Swiss Cottage www.htsc.org

Riverside Vineyard www.riverchurch.org.uk

Tollington Parish www.tollingtonparish.org.uk

Hope Church Islington www.hopechurchislington.org

South West London Vineyard www.swlv.org.uk

Tower Hamlets Community Church www.thcc.org.uk

Hope City Church London www.hopecitychurch.tv

Shoreditch Tabernacle www.tabcentre.com

Victoria Park Baptist Church www.vpbc.org.uk

Hoxton Vineyard www.hoxtonvineyard.org.uk

St Alban’s Fulham www.stalbansfulham.org

Westbourne Grove Church www.westbournegrovechurch.org

Ichthus Forest Hill www.ichthusforesthill.com

St Barnabas Kensington www.stbk.org.uk

Westminster Community Church www.westminsterchurch.org.uk

Ichthus New Life Greenwich www.ichthus.org.uk

St Cuthberts North Wembley www.stcuths.org

Wealdstone Baptist Church Harrow www.wealdstonebaptist.org.uk

Jesus Fellowship Church London www.jesus.org.uk

St Cuthberts Wood Green www.stcuthbertschurch.org.uk

St Barnabas Church www.stbarnabas.co.uk

Kahaila Church www.lifecafechurch.wordpress.com

St Dionis Fulham www.stdionis.org.uk

St Paul’s Church www.stpaulsbrixton.org

Kings Community Church www.kingscommunitychurch.org.uk

St Gabriel’s Church www.st-gabriels.org

St Thomas with St Stephen’s www.stwss.org.uk

King’s Church London www.kingschurchlondon.org

St Georges Holborn www.stgeorgesholborn.org

The Bear Church www.thebear.tv

King’s Church Harrow www.kingsharrow.org

St James’ Church, New Barnet www.stjamesnewbarnet.com

Trinity Vineyard Church www.trinityvineyard.tumblr.com

Kensington Temple www.kt.org

St James Clerkenwell www.jc-church.org


Kings Church Kingston www.kingschurch.com

St James the Less Pimlico www.stjstl.net

Kings Cross Church (KXC) www.kxc.org.uk

St John’s Hampton Wick www.stjohnshamptonwick.org

Kingsgate Church Richmond www.kingsgatechurch.org.uk

St Luke’s Kentish Town www.slkt.org.uk

Kingston United Reformed Church www.kingstonurc.org

St Marks Battersea Rise www.stmarks-battersea.org.uk/

Emmanuel Church Loughborough www.easm.co.uk/emmanuel Elim Loughborough www.elim-loughborough.org.uk Kings Church Loughborough www.kingschurch.co.uk Open Heaven www.openheaven.org Junction Church www.junctionchurch.net 47

The Well Church Loughborough www.thewellchurch.org

Manchester International Alliance www.manchesterinternationalalliance.com

Newcastle Christian life Centre www.mynclc.co.uk

All Saints’ Thorpe Acre with Dishley www.astad.org

Oasis Church www.oasistrust.org/salfordcentralchurch/

Newcastle Baptist Church www.newcastlebaptist.org.uk


Life Church www.lifechurch.uk.net

Silverdale Elim Church www.elimchurchsilverdale.org.uk

St Chads Romiley www.stchadsromiley.co.uk

Bethshan www.bethshanchurch.net

St Clement’s Church Manchester www.st-clements.org

City Church Newcastle www.city-church.co.uk

St Elizabeth Greater Manchester www.stelizabethshorwich.co.uk

Destiny Church www.destinynewcastle.com

St James and Emmanuel www.stjamesandemmanuel.org

Diocese of Newcastle www.newcastle.anglican.org

St Mary Magdalene and Sale West Community Church www.stmarysaom.org

Elim Church www.elimnewcastle.org.uk

City Life Church Luton www.loveluton.org Hope Church Luton www.hopechurch.co.uk Luton Christian Fellowship www.lcf.biz St Mary’s Luton www.stmarysluton.org Stopsley Baptist Church www.stopsley.net Christ Apostolic Church www.cacluton.org

St Pauls Kersal and St Andrews www.stpaulsparish.org.uk Vinelife www.vinelife.co.uk

MACCLESFIELD Calvary Church www.calvarychurchmacclesfield.org.uk

St Mary’s www.bowdonchurch.org St Andrews www.standrewsradcliffe.org.uk

Hope City Church Newcastle www.hopecitychurch.tv Jesmond Methodist Church www.jmc-newcastle.org.uk Newcastle CLC www.mynclc.co.uk


Silverdale Elim Church www.elimchurchsilberdale.org.uk

Good News Church www.gncmacc.org

Global Generation Church Margate www.globalgeneration.co.uk

St Luke’s (New Wine on Tyne) www.stlukesnewcastle.co.uk



River Church www.riverchurch.org.uk

Melton Vineyard www.meltonvineyard.org

Tyneside Vineyard www.tynesidevineyard.org.uk

St. Peter’s Maidenhead www.real-life.org.uk


St Georges Street Baptist Church www.stgeorgesstbaptistchurch.co.uk


Merthyr Elim Church www.methyrelimchurch.co.uk

Loose Baptist Church www.loosebaptistchurch.org.uk


St. Luke the Evangelist Kent

Middlesborough Community Church www.middlesboroughcommunitychurch.org


One Life Church Teesside Tees www.onelifechurch.org.uk

The Source www.thesource.uk.com MANCHESTER Altrincham Baptist Church www.altrinchambaptist.org All Saints Marple, Stockport www.marpleparish.co.uk !Audacious Church www.audaciouschurch.com Brunswick Parish Church www.brunswickchurch.org.uk Christ Church Manchester www.cmm.org.uk Didsbury Community Church Christ Central www.christcentral.org.uk Elmwood Church Manchester www.elmwood.org.uk

Community Church www.tvcchurch.org.uk Tees Valley Community Church www.tvcchurch.org.uk Coulby Newham Baptist Church www.cnbaptist.com

NEWQUAY Blaze Church www.blazechurch.org.uk Newquay Christian Centre www.nccdream.com NEWPORT Bethel Community Church www.bethelnewport.co.uk Kings Church Newport www.kings-church.org.uk The Lab www.thelabnewport.org Chepstow Baptist Church www.chepstowbaptist.org.uk NORTHAMPTON

St Barnabas Church www.st-barnabas.net

Broadmead Baptist Church www.broadmead.org.uk

Middlesborough Baptist Church www.boro-baptists.org.uk/

Central Vineyard Church www.centralvineyard.co.uk

Stokesley Parish Church www.stokesleyparishchurch.org.uk

Elim Church Northampton www.elimnorthampton.com


Kingdom Life Church Northampton www.klc.org.uk

Grand Union Vineyard Church www.grandunionchurch.org MOIRA (NI)

New Pastures Church www.newpastureschurch.com St Giles www.stgilesnorthampton.org.uk

Grace & Glory Church www.graceandglory.co.uk

St John’s Moira www.moiraparish.org.uk

Hope Church Manchester www.the-hope.org.uk


Storehouse Church www.storehousechurch.co.uk

Fusion Church Morecambe www.fusionchurch.org.uk

Duke Street Evangelical Church www.dukest.com

Ivy Manchester www.ivymanchester.org

Jesus Fellowship Church Northampton www.jesus.org.uk/northampton

Kings Church Manchester www.makingjesusfamous.org


Heaton Road Baptist Church www.heatonbaptist.org


Langworthy Community Church www.langworthycommunitychurch.com


Lighthouse Christian Centre www.lighthousecc.co.uk

The House www.thehousenewcastle.org

City Church Norwich www.citychurch.co.uk Eternity Norwich www.eccnorwich.org.uk

Gateway Vineyard Norwich www.gatewayvineyardnorwich.org.uk

St Aldates Oxford www.staldates.org.uk

Norwich Vineyard www.norwichvineyard.co.uk St Mary, Newton Flotman www.tasvalley.org


Stoke Holy Cross www.stokeholycrosschurch.org

PENRYN Highway Church www.highwaychurch.co.uk

Surrey Chapel www.surreychapel.org.uk


Proclaimers www.proclaimers.com Fountain of Life www.folchurch.co.uk NOTTINGHAM Beeston Oasis Christian Centre www.beestonoasis.org.uk Charis Life Church www.charislife.org.uk Christian Centre www.christian-centre.org Eagle’s Nest Church www.eaglesnest.org.uk Gods Vineyard Ministry Nottingham www.godsvineyardchurch.org Grace Church Nottingham www.gracechurchnottingham.org Life @ The Centre www.lifeatthecentre.com Outreach Church www.outreachchurch.co.uk

Oasis Church Perth www.oasischurchperth.org.uk

Abbey Baptist Church Reading www.abbeybaptistchurch.org.uk All Nations Christian Centre www.allnationselim.org LifeSpring Church Reading www.lifespringchurch.org.uk


Greyfriars Church www.greyfriars.org.uk

KingsGate Community Church www.kingsgateuk.com

Harvest International Church www.harvestinternational.org.uk


Reading Family Church www.readingfamilychurch.org.uk

City Church Plymouth www.citychurchplymouth.org.uk Mutley Baptist Church www.mutleybaptist.co.uk Plymouth Christian Centre www.plymouthchristiancentre.org Plymouth Methodist Central Hall www.plymouthcentralhall.co.uk Plymouth Vineyard www.plymouthvineyard.org.uk

Reading Vineyard Church www.networkvineyard.org.uk St Laurence www.saintlaurencereading.com Thameside Church Reading www.thamesidechurch.co.uk Taste www.tasteyouth.co.uk REIGATE

St Andrews Waterfront Church www.waterfrontchurch.org.uk

St Mary’s Church Reigate www.stmaryreigate.org

Devonport Community Baptist Church www.devonportbaptist.co.uk


St. Judes Plymouth www.judes.org.uk

re:generation Methodist Church www.regerationchurch.co.uk


Romford YMCA www.romfordymca.org/spiritualality

St Andrew’s Nottingham www.standrewsnottm.org.uk

St Mary’s Longfleet www.smlpoole.org.uk


St Giles West Bridgeford www.stgilesparish.com

Vine Christian Fellowship www.vinechurchpoole.com

St Nicholas Nottingham www.stnics.org

Word of Life Poole www.wordoflifepoole.com

St Stephen’s Parish Church Lindley www.ststephenslindley.org.uk


Saviours www.saviours.org.uk

St Stephens with St Pauls The Rock West Bridgford www.the-rock.org.uk Thomas Helwys Baptist Church www.thomashelwysnottingham.org.uk Trent Vineyard www.trentvineyard.org

ORMSKIRK Cottage Lane Mission www.clmchurchormskirk.org.uk

Rotherham Evangelical Church www.rotherham.ec RUGBY Christ Church www.Cnbparishes.org.uk

Coedpenmaen Baptist Church www.coedpenmaenbaptist.co.uk St Catherine’s Church www.st-caths.org



City Gate Salisbury www.citygatesalisbury.com

City Life Church www.myclc.org.uk


Family Church www.family-church.org.uk

CCM: Salford www.ccm.org.uk

Kings Church www.kingschurchportsmouth.co.uk

St. Clements Salford www.salfordchurch.org

Portsmouth Vineyard www.portsmouthvineyard.org


Trinity Methodist Church Portsmouth www.trinitysouthsea.org.uk

Ebenezer Baptist www.ebenezerbaptistchurchscarborough. org.uk


Langstone Church Portsmouth www.langstonechurch.com

St Martin’s www.stmartinandstjohn.org

Fullness of Christ Ministries www.fullnessofchristministries.co.uk



Preston Vineyard www.prestonvineyard.org

Antioch Community Church www.antiochsheffield.org.uk


Ribble Valley Church www.ribblevalleychurch.net

Cemetery Road Baptist Church www.crbchurch.org.uk

Oxford Vineyard www.ovc.uk.com

Preston Elim Pentecostal Church www.elimpreston.org.uk

City Life Christian Church www.citylifecc.com

Oxfordshire Community Church www.oxford.occ.org.uk

St Cuthbert’s Preston www.stcuthbertschurch.net

City:Base Sheffield www.citybase.org

Ormskirk Christian Fellowship www.ocf.org.uk

St Paul’s Crofton www.stpaulscrofton.org.uk

Jesus Fellowship Oxford www.jesus.org.uk/oxford

Fulwood Church www.fulwoodchurch.co.uk 49

St Mark’s, Broomhill & Broomhall www.stmarkssheffield.co.uk The Eccles www.the-eccles.com Hope City Church www.hopecitychurch.tv

Leigh Road Baptist Church www.lrbc.org.uk Rayleigh Elim www.estuaryelim.co.uk

Norton Baptist Church www.nortonbaptistchurch.org.uk The Vine Teesside www.onlinevine.org.uk Stockton Citadel, Salvation Army www.facebook.com/stocktonsa

Jesus Fellowship Church www.jesus.org.uk/sheffield/

Shoeburyness and Thorpe Bay Baptist Church www.shoeburybaptistchurch.org.uk

Kings Centre Christian Church www.kingscentreonline.com

Southend Elim www.estuaryelim.co.uk

Stockton Parish Church www.stocktonparishchurch.org.uk

New Life Millennium City Church www.newlifemillenniumcitychurch.com

Westcliff Baptist Church www.westcliffbaptist.org.uk


Sheffield Citadel Salvation Army www.sheffieldcitadel.co.uk


Bethany City Church www.bethanycitychurch.org

Calvary Church Southampton www.calvarysoton.co.uk

Bethshan www.bethshanchurch.net

Victory Gospel Church Southampton www.victory.uk.net

Elim Sunderland www.elimsunderland.org.uk

Shoreline Church www.shorelinechurch.org.uk

Enon Baptist Church www.enonbaptistchurch.org.uk


Hope City Church Sunderland www.hopecitychurch.tv

Sheffield Community Church www.sheffieldcommunitychurch.com Sheffield Vineyard www.sheffieldvineyard.org St John’s Park www.stjohnpark.org.uk St Stephens Church www.ststephenschurch.org.uk St Thomas Crookes www.churchforstudents.com St Thomas’ Philadelphia www.sttomsstudents.co.uk SHREWSBURY St Thomas Hanwood www.stthomashanwood.org.uk SIDCUP Avery Hill Christian Fellowship www.averyhill.info New Generation Church www.newgen.org.uk Sidcup Baptist Church www.sidcupbaptistchurch.org.uk SLOUGH River Church Slough www.riverchurch.org.uk SOLIHULL SCF Church www.scfchurch.co.uk Solihull Renewal Christian Centre www.renewalcc.com Olton Baptist Church www.oltonbaptist.org SOUTHAMPTON Central Baptist Church www.southamptoncbc.org.uk City Life Church www.citylife.org.uk Highfield Church Southampton www.highfield.org.uk Kings Community Church www.kcc.uk.net Life Church www.lifesouthampton.org Mercy Vineyard www.mercyvineyardsouthampton.com New Community Church www.newcommunity.org.uk Riverside Family Church www.scfchurch.net



Alloa Elim Church www.alloaelim.wordpress.com Church @ Stirling www.churchatstirling.co.uk STANFORD-LE-HOPE 24-7 Prayer Stanford www.24-7prayer.com ST ALBANS City Church St Albans www.unityworks.org.uk St Albans Vineyard www.thevineyardchurch.co.uk Network Church www.networkchurch.org

Stockton Baptist Tabernacle www.thetab.co.uk

St Benets www.stbenetsparish.org.uk Sunderland Monkwearmouth Salvation Army www.monkwearmouthsa.org.uk SUTTON Vineyard Church Sutton www.vineyardchurch.org SUTTON COLDFIELD Duke Street Church www.dukestreetchapel.org.uk Sutton Coldfield Vineyard www.scv.org.uk SWANSEA

St Mark’s Colney Heath www.stmarks.info

Cornerstone Church www.cornerstonechurch.co.uk

St Pauls St Albans www.stpauls-stalbans.org

Canopy Church Swansea www.canopyswansea.co.uk


Dunvant Christian Fellowship www.dunvant.com

Stevenage Vineyard www.stevenage-vineyard.co.uk STOKE ON TRENT Alsager Community Church www.alsagercc.co.uk Breathe City Church www.breathecitychurch.com Christchurch www.Christchurch-alsager.org.uk Longton Elim www.longton-elim.org.uk New Life Community Church www.newlifecentre.co.uk Potter’s House: 21st Century Church www.thepotterhouse.eu

Elim Swansea (The City Temple) www.elimswansea.org.uk Freedom Church Swanswa www.freedomchurch.cc Lifepoint Church www.lifepoint.org.uk Linden Christian Centre www.lindenchurch.org.uk Pantygwydr Baptist Church www.pbc247.org Parklands Church www.parklandschurch.org.uk Woodlands Church www.woodlands.cc

Hope Church Crewe www.hopechurchcrewe.com West Street Baptist Church www.weststreetchristianfellowship.org.uk



Totnes United Free Church www.totnesunitedfree.org.uk

Central Baptist Church www.centralbaptistchurch.org.uk STOCKTON-ON-TEES

St. Mark’s www.stmarkssoton.co.uk

Destiny Church Teeside www.thedestinychurch.co.uk

The Vineyard Warehouse Andover www.andovervineyard.co.uk

Hebron Church www.hebronstockton.org.uk

TONBRIDGE Tonbridge Baptist Church www.tbc-online.org.uk TRURO Emmanuel Full Gospel International www.efgi.co.uk

Grace Church www.gracetruro.org Light and Life Truro www.lightandlife.co.uk Truro Baptist Church www.trurobaptist.co.uk

WOLVERHAMPTON All Nations Christian Centre Wolverhampton www.allnations.org.uk Lifespring Church Wolverhampton www.lifespring.uk.com St Jude’s Wolverhampton www.stjudeschurch.org.uk Vintage Faith Wolverhampton www.vintagefaith.co.uk

ULVERSTON Ulverston Parish Church www.ulverstonparish.co.uk UXBRIDGE Hillingdon Park Baptist Church www.hillypark.org.uk Majesty Christian Centre Uxbridge www.majestycc.com The Crown Church Uxbridge www.crown-church.org

Heslington Church LEP www.heslingtonchurch.org.uk St Andrew’s & All Saints York www.huntingtonparish.org.uk Holy Trinity www.holytrinityripon.org United York www.unitedyork.nu

Life Christian Centre Wolverhampton www.clifec.co.uk St Lawrence Church www.strettonparish.org.uk WORCESTER All Saints Worcester www.allsaintsworcester.org.uk Consuming Fire Ministries Worcester www.consumingfireministries.org.uk Resonate Worcester www.elimresonate.co.uk St Peters Baptist Church Worcester www.stpetersbaptist.org.uk/spbc


Worcester Baptist Church www.worcesterbaptistchurch.org.uk

Destiny Christian Church www.destinychurch.co.uk

Worcester Vineyard www.worcestervineyard.org.uk



The Rock Church www.therockchurch.co.uk

ChristChurch Wrexham www.christchurchwrexham.org.uk

St Matthews Walsall www.stmatthewswalsall.co.uk

The Community Church Wrexham www.fathersplace.org.uk

Walsall Community Church www.walsallcommunitychurch.org WALTON-ON-THAMES Walton Baptist Church www.waltonbc.org



Calvary Chapel www.calvarychapelyork.com

Thomas Risley www.thomasrisley.org

Christ the Light Church Huntington www.christthelight.org.uk


Clifton Parish Church www.cliftonparish.org.uk

OpenHouse Warwick www.openhousewarwick.org.uk WATFORD Soul Survivor Watford www.soulsurvivorwatford.co.uk

G2 York www.g2york.org Gateway Church www.gatewaychurch.co.uk

The Warehouse www.warehousewimborne.co.uk

RCCG Kingdom Life Tabernacle www.rccgyork.com


United York www.unitedyork.nu

Winchester Vineyard www.winvin.org.uk WIRRAL Wirral Christian Centre www.wirralchristiancentre.com


York Vineyard www.yorkvineyard.com York City Church www.yorkcitychurch.org.uk York Community Church www.yorkcommunitychurch.co.uk

Woking Vineyard www.wokingvineyard.org

St Oswalds Church www.st-oswalds-fulford.org.uk


The Belfrey www.thebelfrey.org

Holy Trinity Sunningdale www.holytrinitychurch.editme.com


The Ark www.the-ark.net


Sindlesham Baptist Church www.sindleshambaptistchurch.com


Elim Pentecostal Church www.yorkelim.com


Winchester Family Church www.winfam.org


St Pauls www.stpaulsyork.org.uk St Thomas with Maurice York www.stthomaswithstmaurice.org.uk 51


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INVESTING IN FUSION Over the next couple of years Fusion want to continue our investment in churches and students. Specifically we want to: •

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THE STUDENT LINKUP CHALLENGE This year we are hoping to prepare and connect over 3000 UK students to churches and also begin to facilitate Student Linkup internationally. Student Linkup gives Christian students the very best start to their university life. Please join the Fusion Team in helping to raise money, raise profile and add your support to this huge challenge through donating. Thank you.



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