Fuse Issue 17: Prayer

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B E I NG A PE O P L E W H O P R AY Brian Heasley

W H IP P IN G U P A P RAYE R S T OR M James Aladiran



In dedicating an issue of Fuse to prayer the motivation has been much more than ‘this is what good Christians should be doing and we’ve not done something on prayer before’. At the start of 2014 we sensed that God wanted to turn up the heat when it came to student mission and we needed to be a movement of people who could carry God’s fire and light new fires. Prayer for this next season doesn’t feel like an option, it feels absolutely essential.



Features & Interviews

04 Being a People Who Pray

Brian Heasley

08 Whipping Up a Prayer Storm

James Aladiran

12 Student Interview

14 Meditation and Contemplation

Micha Jazz

18 What’s Your Prayer Personality? Fusion

22 About Fusion

25 Student Work Update 26 Road Trip Update

30 The Way We Walk


32 Fusion Resources

34 Church Networks and Key Partners 42 Church Connection Directory

We have connected more purposefully with movements like 24-7 Prayer and Prayer Storm. We share a common vision with them and many others that we want to see the student world set on fire. We want frozen perceptions of God and his church to melt, we want cold hearts to be strangely warmed and we want to see a huge spiritual climate change. Desperate, reckless and heartfelt prayer has always been the main ingredient in student mission movements, let’s join in with heaven’s anthem of prayer and be ready for a heatwave. Rich Wilson Team Leader Fusion Follow Rich on twitter @richwilson01

54 Fusion Giving

Design: Creative Hope Studio www.creativehopestudio.com For advertising opportunities please contact: Editor: Caroline Harmon E: caroline@fusion.uk.com Fusion UK is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 3679369 and a registered charity No. 1073572 18 The Office Village | North Road Loughborough | LE11 1QJ Printed on 120 Cocoon 100% recycled, FSC® certified paper, totally chlorine free. Printed with vegetable inks.


Arthur Wallis said that all great

was put in a prison cell with a

revivals are birthed in prayer,

guy who had just become a

sustained by prayer and they

Christian; my probation officer

bring forth prayer. This hunger

was a Christian; my solicitor

and passion to know Jesus, but also to make his kingdom known, seems to be intricately linked to prayer.

was a Christian. It was like God haunted me and in my dark days he was at work, but from an external person’s point

The Psalmist says ‘Be still and

of view they would think their

know that I am God’ (Psalm

prayers weren’t working.

46:10). But I think the church is incredibly busy and we’re

We need be a people who

not very good at being still.

pray because God is at work

We try to be God. I believe in a

and sometimes he’s at work

God who rocks up and makes

even when we don’t see it.

a difference, but sometimes I’m more keen to rock up and

BEING A PEOPLE WHO PRAY Brian Heasley is the National Director of 24-7 Prayer in Great Britain and previously pioneered their work in Ibiza. He talks prayer – answered, unanswered and with unusual prayer partners – with Caroline Harmon. Why should we prioritise prayer?

make a difference for Him than allowing Him to do this.

the seed in prayer rather than always see the result of our prayer. Eventually I came back

How has prayer been

to God and I would attribute

answered in your own life?

that to the faithful prayers of my father who didn’t give up.

At the age of 18 I had fallen away from the church and my

You set up 24-7’s work in

faith and I ended up in prison

Ibiza. What was that like?

four times. My father was a Christian and he prayed for me every day. I’m sure there


Sometimes our job is to sow

Our experience with the clubbing scene was that people

The priority has always been Jesus

were days when he thought

and being disciples of Jesus. To

that his prayers just weren’t

be an effective disciple I need a

being answered – I was out

relationship with him, I need to

of prison then I was back in,

of something that is other

speak to him, I need to listen to

I got in fights, I got in trouble.

– a spirituality. People were

him. Prayer is a natural overflow of a

But I’m struck by the secret

incredibly open to being prayed

desire for intimacy with Jesus.

history behind every history. I

for on the street.

aren’t necessarily into church but they are increasingly aware


I spent each summer with a team wandering around saying to people ‘Can I pray for you?’ and they often said yes. I’ve prayed for a guy dressed in a batman suit. I’ve prayed for seven girls who only had hot pants and gold nipple paint on, which was an interesting prayer group! I’ve prayed for students on their summer

GET INVOLVED Pray: Run a 24-7 Prayer Room on your campus or in your church. Register: your prayer room and download resources from www.24-7prayer.com

break who wouldn’t connect with church but connect with prayer. You do have to be prepared for a bit of rejection – it wouldn’t be a request if people couldn’t say no. But I’ve always been surprised by who says yes. What would you say to someone who is disillusioned with prayer? One of the biggest challenges of our faith is unanswered prayer. I’m in my forties

Learn: The Vision Course is a five month course which will help you lay foundations of biblical knowledge, cross-cultural mission character development and, of course,prayer, Course begin in September and February. Go: Join a two week mission trip to some of the poorest and neediest areas of Europe where you’ll be supporting the longer term work of 24-7 communities.

and I look with hindsight at some of the things I prayed for and I can see now why they didn’t happen, although at the time I was devastated. But then I have other things I look back at, like the death of my


mother when I was 11, and I still don’t really understand why that happened. I don’t want to give a pat answer but I do feel that God’s in control. That might sound naïve but we have to trust that if all goes well God is involved and if all goes badly God is involved. And I’ve probably learnt more through my pain in unanswered prayer than through the easy stuff. 6

Brian is the British Director of 24-7 Prayer, having previously pioneered a remarkable work on the Mediterranean island of Ibiza where he lived with his wife Tracy and their two sons for eight years. Raised in Northern Ireland, Brian became a Christian in prison and communicates his faith with contagious humour and passion.

You lead Prayer Storm. So you

money. I am believing for more of this

must be pretty good at prayer?

but that paradigm – of petitioning God and bring our need before him - is just

I see myself as a prayer evangelist

one dimension of prayer.

because in the area of prayer and

James Aladiran

intercession the body of Christ within

Every other relationship that means a

our nation is an unreached people

lot to us in our lives is not based on

group. Prayer Storm is calling the

the fact that we can get things from

people of God to give themselves

people. Fundamentally my prayer life

to this lifestyle and not relegate it to

is based on the fact that I want to

someone else who we think is good

know God and I want to encounter

at prayer.

different facets of his nature and who He really is. If my prayer life is driven

Take worship leaders. We’re all called

by my needs and problems then

to worship, but they have a grace to

when I have a problem it becomes

lead in it, to facilitate more of it. I see

the focus instead of God. When the

myself like that. I want to facilitate

problem goes or doesn’t go, then

more people praying, but we need to

momentum to pray gradually drops

break down this idea in people’s mind

until the next issue come along. If

that some people have an anointing

instead I’m building a desire to know

for prayer and intercession and the

God and go after Him then there is a

rest of us don’t.

constant drive to prayer. Psalm 27v4 is foundational – read it!

How much emphasis should we

James Aladiran leads Prayer Storm, an organisation seeking to awaken a generation to a lifestyle of prayer and intercession. He explains why prayer is for everyone to Caroline Harmon. 8

place on seeing answers to our

Praying for my needs, and those


of others, then comes about as an offshoot of this reality. It’s not that my

I have seen so many answers to

needs are irrelevant but I’m going

prayer – people having leg amputation

to get burned out if I’m constantly

operations cancelled because

asking God for things.

their cancer has been healed, God providing uncountable amounts of


What would say to someone who is disillusioned with prayer? You’re not alone. I’ve been through hard times with prayer. But there are things you can do to help. Firstly, your current state of mind and heart is a manifestation of what and who you inhabit and have community with. When you spend time with people and things that inspire prayer and you spend time around atmospheres that feed your spirit, then your desire to pray is

GET INVOLVED • Prayer Storm’s twice yearly

gatherings in Manchester are a

chance to pray and fast for our

nation with others. The next one is

on 1st November 2014.

www.prayerstorm.org for

more information.

• Prayer Storm are hoping to start a

10 month internship in Autumn

2015: keep an eye on their website

for details.

stirred up. Secondly, desire without discipline will dissipate. Prayer needs to become part of your routine. I pray when I feel like it, I pray when I don’t, I pray when it’s easy, I pray when it’s hard. Sometimes it’s amazing, other times I don’t feel anything but I know something is happening. It’s faith – we walk by faith and not by sight or feeling.

JAMES ALADIRAN James leads Prayer Storm which, since 2009, has become a catalytic movement in seeing people catch a heart for intercession. James also co-ordinates Prayer Strategy for the Message Trust.

One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. Psalm 27v4


www.prayerstorm.org www.facebook.com/prayerstorm @PrayerStormUK

STUDENT INTERVIEW Bethany Fisher is a student at Loughborough University who had just finished her first year when she spoke to Fuse. Her church recently began holding weekly Prayer Lock-Ins. What are Prayer Lock-Ins? They’re an hour on a Sunday evening to make a space to relax in God’s presence. Everyone arrives by 8pm, then we lock the doors and pray for an hour. For me, they’re definitely less about praying for specific things and more about reflecting on God and spending time with Him. Before I went to a Prayer Lock-in I hadn’t really thought that much about not necessarily praying for anything in particular but just resting in God’s presence. It’s really relaxing and gives you a bit of balance.

completely changed after that! I think He

thank-you’s to God, things I’m asking for;

was waiting for me to give up control of it.

It’s like a conversation. I’ve really found

What difference do you think prayer can make to uni life? It helps you connect to God, especially when you’re just starting uni. When you don’t know people very well, prayer reminds you that he’s always there and you can always turn to him. The more I did that this year the easier things became.

it helpful to be able to look back over I feel like there’s a difference between just

my first year of uni in my prayer journal

praying for something and praying for it

because it’s been a really big year and so

but knowing that God’s still in control.

much has happened. When I pray without

Rather than praying for it because you want it to happen, praying for it because

Have you ever felt disappointed by prayer? This year there was one thing in particular I was praying for and it got to the point where I wasn’t sure why something wasn’t happening for me. I was tired of either praying for it or being disappointed that it wasn’t happening. Then, I pretty much just laid it down in front of God and I think that reminded me that He still is aware of what’s going on. The situation


it’s something that God’s got planned for you.

journaling I tend to lose concentration but when I writing things down it keeps me focused. Set aside a bit of time every day to pray.

Do you have any top prayer tips for

Although uni’s really busy it’s been really

other students?

helpful to have contact with God in my day. I usually pray just before I go to bed

Other than Prayer Lock-ins my main way

and if there’s been pressures that day I lay

of praying is prayer journaling. I write

them down in front of God. It really takes

down what I’m thinking in my head –

the weight out of the situation. 13

As an Anchor for our Life and Witness

effectively through all

I live on the south coast of England and,

the storm itself that is

walking my dog along the shore, watch the lobster boats working amongst their pots. They work the same collecting pattern everyday. Unless of course their work is interrupted by a mighty storm, after which many pots will have been torn from their anchors and carried away in

Dr Micha Jazz has been walking the path of a Contemplative Activist for around ten years. Here he explores the difference between meditation and contemplation and looks at them in three different ways.

Meditation and contemplation are

to draw close and encounter God

two distinct prayer disciplines forming

afresh. Contemplation invites us to wait

part of the fivefold framework for

for God to approach to us directly and

encountering God: Thanksgiving,

so involves the disciplines of silence

Confession, Intercession, Meditation

and stillness.

and Contemplation. We can look at meditation and Meditation uses some external reference, say a scripture or a scene from nature, and invites the imagination 14

contemplation in three ways.

often it’s the intensity of the reason we lose sight of God. Then, torn from our moorings, we doubt our security in Christ and His ways whilst bobbing about helplessly and aimlessly upon life’s vast ocean. James writes, ‘...for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed

ferocious seas.

by the wind. For that person must not

The essential essence of prayer is to

the Lord’ (James 1:6-7).

anchor us in the faith of Christ. This


the storms of life. Yet so

is especially the case with meditation & contemplation since, rather than us initiating prayers, we quietly open ourselves up to listen to God’s voice.

suppose that he will receive anything from

Therefore, to remain stable and true to God through the trials and tribulations of life, we take time to develop the practices of Meditation & Contemplation.

It is this voice of God that will guide us

As an Encounter with the Triune God

The end result was six

Whilst experiencing a strong encounter


months off work with physical and emotional

with God at my conversion aged 19, I very quickly fell in love with the work of God as

When we fail to pause,

an evangelist with Youth for Christ. I made

or to ‘Be still and know’ as the psalmist

the mistake of stopping my disciplined

says (Psalm 46:10), we stop nourishing

prayer life, convincing myself that the work

our spiritual nature within. It’s like refusing

of God was itself really prayer. Foolishness

to eat food in order to save time, failing to

and pride combined to ensure that, whilst

acknowledge that our physical strength

I gained profile and platform, I lost sight of

will fail as a result.

the person and presence of my Saviour.


As a Revelation to Ourselves and to Others

eternal encounter and

Mediation & contemplation ensure that

himself into a human

we regularly encounter God. We are

body, and chose freely

invited to live in the flow of encounter and

to live among us. Women and men, old

embrace. Crafted by God’s love, each

and young, poor and rich, encountered

one of us is a unique expression of the

firsthand the very reality of God in person.

Trinity’s love and life, itself a picture of

Eventually executed for no greater crime

the eternal God’s embrace. We take time

than loving people, Jesus’ arms were

each day in encountering God to engage

stretched out upon a crude wooden

with the One who sustains all life. In such

gibbet in readiness to embrace a lost and

encounters we seek to discover more of

broken humanity, including both you and

the truth and reality of God ourselves. We



embrace within the Trinity, Jesus literally squeezed


become refreshed and re-energised. Such moments clarify our call and strengthen

In like manner we are now invited and

our resolve in following closely in the

commissioned to return from that Divine

footsteps of Jesus. Embraced by The

embrace, our meditation & contemplation,

Lord, we return to incarnate, or ‘flesh out’

and live out a life of love in serving others,

the reality of love’s embrace throughout

emancipating those oppressed by

the earth.

circumstances beyond their immediate control. Through such acts of service we

The only way God was able to

extend God’s embrace to those living at

communicate his love to humanity was

the margins of our society, be they down

through incarnation. Stepping from his

the street or around the world.

DR MICHA JAZZ Micha is a writer, broadcaster & community peacebuilder. He leads spiritual formation workshops and retreats in churches and within St Cuthbert’s Oratory: www.stcuthbertsoratory.wordpress.com He provides online five minute meditations: premier.org.uk/bestill

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Church Army is a Registered Charity Nos: 226226 and SC040457

WHAT’S YOUR PRAYER PERSONALITY? God has made us all unique and there are many different ways to pray. Take the Prayer Personality Quiz to find out what sort of prayer might suit you.




B) Checking that everyone was okay

B) The future – it holds so many possibilities

C) Trouble-shooting and tackling the big problems

C) The present – there’s so much to interact with

D) Instructing others and bringing order

D) The future – let’s make things happen


I AM ENERGISED BY: A) Regular rhythms of life and serving others


B) Ideals I try to live my life by C) No rules!

C) No confinements, the freedom to go wherever life takes me

D) High goals and strategies to reach them

D) Vision and achieving what I’ve set out to do


WHEN I MAKE A DECISION: A) I stick to it B) I might stick to it C) I could change it at any time D) I think it through


I LIKE TO SET MYSELF: A) Sensible goals

B) Creativity, conversation and selfexpression


RULES ARE THERE: A) To be followed B) To look after people C) To be broken D) To serve a purpose



B) Empathise with them

C) Mediate and help find a way forward D) Tell them what they should do

IN A CRISIS I WOULD BE THE PERSON: A) Practically doing whatever needed to be done

A) The past – it has so much to teach us


IN A SWIMMING POOL I WOULD BE: A) Swimming B) Floating and Relaxing C) Dive bombing and splashing D) Aware of my surroundings: who’s there, what they’re doing and what could happen next





You’re like the gospel writer Matthew. He had a great sense of the past and continuity. He understood how Jesus is the culmination of Jewish history. Try some Ignatian prayer:

You’re like the gospel writer Mark. He was focused on action and told the dynamic stories of Jesus’ life. Try some Franciscan prayer:

Ignatius encouraged people to make the bible come alive by using all their senses. • Read Luke 10v25-37. Invite the Holy Spirit to be with you as you read, think and pray. • Consider where the scene takes place, who is involved and why. • Imagine you are present – what can you see, smell, touch, hear and taste?

Francis saw God’s glory in all of creation and He and his followers practiced an awareness of God’s presence throughout the work and activity of the day. Try praying in this interactive way today. Go for a walk around your university campus or your neighbourhood, town or city. Look at the people and at your surroundings – the buildings, the pavement, nature (tree, grass, weeds in the pavement). Look for signs of God’s presence; his goodness, love, power and beauty. Talk to God thanking Him for showing himself in the world around you. Respond to what you see in prayer.

• Using your imagination, take on the role of the different characters – what is the impact of the story on them? • Invite God to speak to you through the passage. • What practical fruit can you draw from what you’ve read? Are you injured like the man in the story? Do you need Jesus’ healing touch today? Are you the religious men? Do you need Jesus to stop you in your tracks to make space for Him and others? Are you the Samaritan? Do you need Jesus’ love and replenishing strength today? Ask God for what you need. • Finish with the Lord’s Prayer.

IF YOU MOSTLY SCORED ‘D’ You’re like the gospel writer John. He emphasised the knowledge and truth that Jesus revealed and how it should impact our lives. Try some Thomastic prayer: Thomas liked to engage the mind and intellect in prayer. Try using your mind to awaken your spirit in conversation with God today. • Read Luke 1v26-38. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you as you contemplate the words

IF YOU MOSTLY SCORED ‘B’ You’re like the gospel writer Luke. He was people orientated and showed how Jesus interacted and cared for those He encountered. Try some Augustan

• Why is it important? • Who do you know who has great faith?


• How does it affect their life and how did it affect Mary’s life?

Augustine encouraged us to read the word of God like it is addressed to us today. Read Isaiah 43v1-5 and replace the names ‘Jacob’ and ‘Israel’ with your own. The aim is not to ready for study, but to hear God’s voice speaking

• When in your life have you needed faith?

to you. Try to imagine the Lord speaking these words directly to you in your present situation. What is the Lord referring to when he says ‘fear not’? What is He saying to do in times of danger? What does God feel about you today? How are these verses true for your current situation? Spend time in prayer responding to what God says to you. 20

• Mary was credited with having faith. What is faith?

• Where do you need faith today? • What changes do you need to make in your life to learn from Mary and exercise greater faith? • Talk to God about your conclusions.

For more great prayer resources visit: www.24-7prayer.com Reproduced with kind permission of 24-7 Prayer 21



>>WHAT? 7 million students, 46,000 churches – unleashing the potential “Becoming a Fusion Church is one of the best decisions we’ve made for our student work. They constantly challenge us to think outside of the box whilst also giving us the tools in order to do it.”


- Alex Morgan, Elim Newcastle, Pastor & Student Worker

We are convinced that local church needs to be at the heart of student mission and students at the heart of local church.

Fusion connects students to churches and churches to students. Not just one or two but serving thousands of churches in reaching and discipling millions of students.

Equipping Students

Serving Churches

Preparing & inspiring students for a life of mission & discipleship at university.

Connecting students into the heart of local church and encouraging churches to be at the heart of student mission.

This happens through: “I love running prep for uni meetings – it reminds me what a precarious, exciting, scary, but potentially world changing time this is in their lives. It is so essential to prepare them as fully as possible!”

- John Tattersall, Youth Worker, St John’s Harbourne, Birmingham


The Student Linkup App and the Student Linkup sessions. The Road Trip and the loveyouruni project.

Resources that prepare, connect, equip, inspire and disciple students.

Sharing stories of what God is doing amongst students across the UK and beyond

This happens through: Advising and resourcing churches to prepare school leavers for the university experience and to send them well.

Equipping churches to welcome and connect with new students in their city.

Putting local churches on the map of student mission.

Developing Student

Workers Training, resourcing and strengthening all those in church based student ministry.

This happens through:

Providing local and national forums where student workers from different churches and locations can connect and support each other.

Access to a wide range of specialist resources, white papers and student work experts.

Student Work Conferences.

Fusion is committed to catalysing a relentless student movement that sees thousands respond to Jesus and prioritise their lives and ambitions around God’s kingdom agenda.

Fusion’s values underpin all that we do and outline how our mission is outworked. We are committed to being: 22


Register your church with Fusion: www.fusion.uk.com/churches 23

WHAT’S OCCURING? >>> Scotland and Wales We recently welcomed Ciara McBrien and Chloe Richards to the Fusion team. Ciara will be developing Fusion Scotland and Chloe, Fusion Wales. They will develop a team of people who can establish and strengthen a strong church-based student mission movement for those nations. They will share the values of the wider Fusion movement in resourcing local churches to send and receive students effectively, strengthening student ministry and inspiring students to live missional lives. Ciara lives in Edinburgh and Chloe in Swansea.

STUDENT WORK UPDATE “Thank you for all of the support that you give us. I’m not sure that there would be any student work in our church at the moment if it wasn’t for Fusion. And we definitely wouldn’t be where we are now if it wasn’t for your wisdom and help.” Hannah, Student Worker, Derby Community Church

“It is really useful to meet others involved in student work to pool ideas. Many of the issues we have been facing, others have already faced. It has given us an idea of what student work looks like nationally. It is always good to know that one is not alone! We have found that since we have implemented many of the ideas that have come out of the Resonate days, the student group at Trinity has changed for the better. The church is at its most powerful when it is united, and in terms of student work, it seems that Fusion is playing a big role in helping to achieve this.” Joe, Student Work Leader, Trinity Cheltenham and Chaplain, University of Gloucestershire

>>> Europe and Beyond In early Summer 2014 we jumped up and down in celebration as we reached a significant milestone and our 1000th church connected with Fusion. This coincided with the launch of the Student Linkup app (available for Android and Apple) and a new function that allows churches anywhere in the world to create a profile so that students can find them. Our hope is that as word gets out more and more churches will create profiles and soon the Student Linkup app will work in many more nations as students both travel to study within their own nation and also cross borders. The numbers of students studying outside their home nation is set to rise to over eight million in the coming years. Imagine what a difference it would make if many of them received a warm welcome from local churches and Christian students arrived fully prepared to join in.

STUDENT WORK TRAINING 3rd Dec 2014, Resonate Day 4th March 2015, Resonate Day 3rd June 2015, Resonate Day 4th & 5th September 2015: Student Work Conference



pippa@fusion.uk.com 07885 761894

www.studentlinkup.org 24





in an orange camper van to inspire and

strong. We have made memories,

if you want to go by camper van, we can

equip those who are involved in student

collected stories, served on the streets,

do that.’ And now here we are, rumbling

mission. This crazy #fusionroadtrip started

preached in the churches and generally

around the nation in a tool for mission

as a dream and a whispered prayer

had a brilliant time cheering on hundreds

that reminds me daily that our God does

whilst driving home in summer 2012.

of students. It’s amazing what a simple

listen and can respond with the seemingly

Looking back, I’ve realised that we cannot

prayer can do ‘Jesus, please can we


underestimate the power of a short prayer

have a camper van to serve your student

for a big dream.

church?’ I think Jesus was less bothered about the specifics of the VW, it was

Two years later and Benedict the forty

more a case of ‘Miriam, as long as we

Miriam Swaffield’s on a road trip. She’s

year old camper van has visited nearly

go together I don’t really mind how. So

halfway through a two year mission to

thirty of the sixty-something university

visit every university location in the UK

locations in the UK and is still going


In Carlisle we worked with a church plant that has spent the last two years building community from scratch. The University of Cumbria campus didn’t have any social activities to gather students until a tiny team of people, passionate about this generation, began loving their local uni. They now host the biggest weekly gathering of students for the uni outside of the club nights. The local church are the ones who have created a sense of family where anyone is welcome and all types of student come. One of the biggest prayers for the road trip was that through physically reaching every uni location and praying for each place, the local churches and students around the UK would know that they are part of a movement that goes beyond their own stories. It has been amazing to see groups of students praying for another uni as the van has left their place to head on to the next. The sense of family across the student population is growing.

Having Fusion spend time with us helped us turn up the volume on what we were already doing and made a real impact on some of the students we work with. We’ve been so encouraged to put even more into reaching students with the good news of Jesus and practise speaking prophetic words into peoples lives. It’s definitely been a highlight of the year and will have a lasting impact on our work. Andy Dykes, Carlisle The Road Trip really inspired and challenged our student group to go out there and share Jesus with our friends by simply being ourselves. As the student worker it was so helpful talking through ideas, issues and challenges with Miriam especially in a job that can sometimes feel a bit lonely. It was a wonderful reminder that we are connected and part of an amazing community of student workers and churches looking to love and support their students. Ida Leonhardt, High Wycombe It was so amazing having Miriam with us at City Church. She injected life into our plans and thoughts, and inspired us as we seek to engage with student culture. She spoke with clarity and insight, and I couldn’t recommend her and the work of Fusion more highly enough. As a church worker, I value the support and connection of Fusion, and love that we get to call Miriam a friend of our church and ministry. Bruce Gardiner-Crehan, Belfast


We’ve made it to Northern Ireland and Dublin (we went on the boat and everything) and met people with huge hearts and commitment to reach students. We’ve been down south to Bristol and Exeter, up north to Carlisle and Durham; we’ve seen students come to church from a conversation in the van in Liverpool, we took a hitchhiker to work when we went to Northampton. We’ve broken down twice, jump-started more times than I can count, driven more than 7000 miles, seen healings and a Freshers’ Fair salvation, given out over 1000 cups of tea and bottles of water from the van, and taken 35 student leaders on the road with us. And we aren’t even half way yet. What is your whispered prayer the outrageous dream you barely dare to voice? What is your “camper van road trip” equivalent, and what if you decided

Join The Road Trip 1 2 3

Pray. Check out our prayer updates on Twitter (@loveyouruni) and Facebook (facebook.com/loveyouruni) Join us. Check out our itinerary or book Miriam to come to your town or city: www.fusion.uk.com/roadtrip

Fuel the Mission. No petrol, no road trip. Donate a couple of quid a month: www.fusion.uk.com/roadtrip

to talk to Jesus about it?



miriam@fusion.uk.com 01509 268 505 @miriamswaff


The Way we Walk is a call to the Jesus followers of today to live out the fullness of life they were made for. Our prayer is that it reminds us that more is possible with Jesus in our everyday lives and inspires courage to actually walk out this world-shattering love of God with our friends. This isn’t about clever words and edgy visuals making a good film. This piece was breathed out of a prayer for a move of God in this generation and from a hungry heart imagining what that might look like if it happened in our lifetime. Maybe it’s the way we walk...

Watch the full video here: www.fusion.uk.com/walk 30


The Stuff of Life



This preparation is key to your personal

The Student Linkup Sessions prepares

and spiritual growth at university; taking

school leavers for their next big life stage at

some time to work out who you want to


be during your time at university, what God

£5 The Stuff of Life is about the stuff that affects all of us. It’s the stuff that affects our relationships, values and outlooks. It’s stuff that, if not faced, can diminish a lot of freedom and enjoyment in day-to-day living.

practically focused around four areas; The

is an invaluable place to start. It can be

Start, The Culture, The Opportunities and

read as an individual or in a group as part

The Legacy.

of a preparation for university course. The Student Linkup Sessions are also available as part of The Student Linkup Box.


An A-Z For Life After University

and priorities are before you get to university

the graduate alphabet

The book is creatively designed and

Contributions from Liz Clark, George Critchley, James Featherby, Alexander Lee, Sarah-Jane Marshall and Anna Mathur.




Living Mission


£5 (also available on Kindle) This book invites you into the adventures of students intentionally living mission-shaped lives and sharing God with friends and communities. Living Mission looks again at a message that makes us alive as human beings and how we can spread it in a way that’s natural, instinctive and fulfilling.

Studentscape is an honest and reflective discipleship tool and bible study for any student new to or within the university culture. Using a value-based approach to discipleship, it will challenge and equip you for this life stage. It covers topics such as identity, work, friendships, money and cultural expectations.

wants to say to you and what your values


Graduate Alphabet £5 (also available on Kindle)

The Graduate Alphabet is a light-hearted, fresh and practical guide to life after graduation. It celebrates the many new opportunities in this life stage, and offers wisdom for its challenges too. It talks about adulthood, bosses, interviews, parents, responsibility, singleness and success.

The Student Linkup Box £10 Everything you need for starting university in one box. University is full of opportunities, people and learning. Your school years have prepared you for so much, but what about everything else? The Student Linkup Box will give you all the important advice, as well as time and space to reflect, pray and plan for your next life stage at university.

Student Alphabet £5 (also available on Kindle) An A-Z for starting university The Student Alphabet travels quickly from A to Z with everything you need to know about starting university. It is light-hearted, practical and shares hundreds of tips, stories and advice throughout. It covers alcohol, budgeting, fresher’s week, halls, lectures and relationships. 32

All these resources and more are available online: www.fusion.uk.com/resources




Fusion serves a number of church networks, strengthening their work amongst students and young adults and helping them become increasingly effective in sending, receiving and reaching students.

New Wine is a growing network of, currently, over 1,500 local churches working together with one vision: to see the nation changed. God is at work in the world touching hearts and transforming lives – and he’s invited us to be part of it. Come and join us and be part of a movement to see this nation changed!

Elim has been serving cities, towns and villages across the UK for almost 100 years. Our 550 local churches often vary both in style and size and are united by a desire to reach the lost and make effective disciple makers. Many of our churches, particularly those in university cities, have worked over many years to welcome and resource students. We are working closely with Fusion to develop this further.

The Ground Level Network is made up of churches throughout the UK that are committed to welcome, empower, release and support students and other young adults to discover their God given destinies and make a lasting difference in this world. We are passionate about providing students with a vibrant, welcoming and supportive church family when they go to uni and we’re grateful for our mates at Fusion who help us to make this happen. Ground Level also hosts the ONE event (formerly Grapevine).



Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge. Check out alpha.org to find out how you can run Alpha in your University today. We want to see a generation of students invite their friends to explore life on Alpha.

The Christian Aid Collective is a movement of people who want to create a different world, without poverty and injustice. Where everyone has what they need to live life in all its fullness. We believe that community has the potential to change the world. That by joining up to take action where we are, we can impact our global community for the better and make it poverty free. Poverty over: a beautiful plan.

Compassion supports some of the world’s most vulnerable children and, through individual sponsors, helps them break the cycle of poverty, giving them hope for the future. Compassion works through local churches in 26 developing countries to release children from physical, economic, social and spiritual poverty.



















Pioneer is a network of networks, church hubs and ministries committed to church planting, leadership development, training and the support of innovative caring projects. We are committed to nonreligious Christianity, building missional church and working in partnership wherever we can. We host a variety of gatherings throughout the year - our Annual Leaders Conference, Summer School of Theology and the National Churches Forum - to encourage and support leaders.



Through the Key Partner programme Fusion is acting as a doorway to other ministries working with, supporting, serving and resourcing students. Our hope is that areas of specialism that have been honed and developed over many years can be much more readily accessible to students. We believe this will lead to greater joined up thinking and action that will better serve God’s purposes in this nation and beyond.

Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland participates in the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the work of local Vineyard churches that communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and practice. Across the country, university cities have Vineyard Churches that would love to welcome you into a community of people who are working out their faith practically, making room for those who are seeking, in a fun, accepting environment. We train and equip young people to make an impact in this world, in whatever sphere God has called them. We are working with Fusion to achieve this.

Since the early days of Salt & Light we have been about partnering in the mission of God to make disciples of all peoples and to go together as family. Comprising around 75 chrurches in the UK and a family of churches worldwide, S&L have a vision to plant new churches, develop strong equipping hub churches worldwide, as well as ultimately transforming our society with power of the Gospel.

Tearfund are passionate about seeing the world changed through a generation who have the guts to become the kind of people that change the world. We are excited about developing habits, regular patterns in our lives that change us and the world as we live out Jesus’ values of generocity, advocacy, contentment, and connection. We call this Rhythms. To join the community and sign up to Rhythms, head over to the website.

Our heart is to help young people capture first a vision of Jesus, then to equip, train, empower and release them into his ministry in their everyday lives. We do this in many different ways including: conferences, retreats, resources, local church-based events, training events, discipleship courses and mentoring programs. Momentum is our conference for students and twenty-something’s. Come along for relevant teaching, intimate worship, ministry and a whole lot of fun!
















Partnerships If you’re a Church Network or an organisation doing work that students could connect with, we’d love to hear from you. hello@fusion.uk.com



a little smaller. Maybe that’s why I feel


big too? I need to be nurturing attitudes

like I’m on a path towards some nondescript destination; one that doesn’t take into account my ability to inform positive change; to dream of a better world. And I’m starting to have a hunch that I might be missing the point. You see, I believe in a big God. Shouldn’t I then act

I had big aspirations when I was a kid.

I’ve got a theory as to why that might

Believed in big things. And now? Well,

be. You see, I’ve been opening my eyes

I’m in my twenties. I have a plan. A path.

a little wider recently. I’m seeing things a

A checklist of mighty ‘to-dos’ - each

little more sharply. Let me tell you, things

gleeful tick further affirming my status

just aren’t looking so fresh. The yellow

as a genuine, functioning adult. There’s

brick road isn’t so shiny. You don’t have

undoubtedly a great deal of satisfaction

to be all that astute to see that some stuff

to be found in ticking the boxes. I mean,

is rotten. I’m walking past folk begging

who can argue with fitting neatly inside a

for money on my way to work. I’m

safe, comfortable box?

buying stuff produced by people who are suffering on my account in the name of

Degree, check.

fashion or food on demand. I’m turning

First job, check.

on the news and seeing prolific and

It makes sense.

protracted conflict. You know what I’m

talking about.

But it doesn’t feel as aspirational as being a snail. I really didn’t limit myself with that

I’m seeing injustice.


I’m seeing that it’s rife.

I’m pretty overwhelmed by it.

and cultivating habits that confront the injustice I see as soon as I step out my door. The scandals that don’t fit with the beautiful plan I know God would have intended. I need to set my self-set ways to be in line with my maker’s. If that’s down a path that isn’t quite so shiny then so be it. If it’s on a path that isn’t quite as comfortable, neat and ordered then I’m going to need better walking shoes. God, make me aspire to transformative ends. Make me break moulds and make new paths that align with your will and your beautiful plan for your creation. Make me fearless for my brothers and sisters. Give me a vision that reflects yours. Amen

your ways.’ To be honest, that petrifies

It feels too big for me to actually have

me. I can safely say my dreams have got

enough impact to enable something

smaller… and I’m only 24 years young! Uh-oh!

RACHEL LEES Rachel Lees is part of the Christian Aid Collective, a lover of people and thus of fighting injustice [and also of all things country and coastal].

‘When I grow up I want to be a change maker.’ I’m going to start now.*

They say as you get older you get ‘set in


key partner

Christian Aid

*Join the Collective and be part of a


positive, even transformative to happen.

movement of change-makers:


Maybe that’s why my dreams have got





#TryAlpha We’ve had a really exciting time last academic year running Alpha in Sheffield in different ways and unexpected places. As the year drew to an end we stepped back, took stock and asked the questions: ‘Who have we met?’, ‘What did God do?’ and ‘What is God still doing?’ Something we’ve really enjoyed seeing God teach our Alpha community is this: prayer undergirds everything we do. It’s been great to hear stories of students praying for their friends in prayer spaces that have popped up around the city. You might have heard that Alpha is a great tool to go through the basics of faith – we’re learning that it can be more. Alpha offers an opportunity for guests to experience what it’s like to live out the Christian life & be part of a faith community long before they join a church.

Everyone carries a unique question and Alpha is a space where you and a friend can begin to chat honestly about life and faith. It’s an environment where friends can pick up God-skills, like prayer or reading the Bible, and chat about what they’re learning as they take these first few exciting steps. Long before we launched Alpha this year students were praying for their friends and now some of those friends are discovering Jesus.


So what are you waiting for? Up the prayer, ask a friend and #TryAlpha. Join us to find out more about running Alpha: Run Alpha 21st-22nd November alpha.org/run14

JAMES BROWN James Brown works for Alpha and is based in Sheffield where he is a Student Worker. james.brown@alpha.org @alphacourse


# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

What really happens for people who get involved with short term mission with Church Mission Society?

Their faith grows ‘I learned that anything is possible with Jesus. If I rely on the strength Jesus gives me, I can do infinitely more.’ Rebecca (pictured above), who spent a year in India helping raise awareness of human trafficking


Their eyes are opened by connecting with Christians in a new culture ‘My time in Tanzania made me realise how important friendship and family is and how materialistic we can be. I saw great poverty but amazingly generous hospitality.’ Elsbeth, who spent six months in Tanzania before university They learn a lot New languages, skills, history, current events, flexibility, increased confidence...you name it! ‘We had the privilege of listening to stories of survivors of the 1994 genocide and hearing how the church is living in a hopeful future for Rwanda and its people.’ Dave, who spent a few weeks on an Encounter trip to Rwanda that CMS arranged for his group

They can make a difference ‘One thing I learned about mission is that’s it’s not really so much about what you do; it’s how you build relationships. You could go to a place and not come back with any major projects completed...but I guarantee if you show the love of Jesus, you’ll have helped so many people.’ Rebecca Oh and they have a really fun adventure, too! For more information about tailormade Encounter trips (1-4 weeks) for your group, gap year placements and other short or long term mission opportunities: www.cms-uk.org/missionservice Email: info@cms-uk.org

Duncan Akehurst is Associate Pastor for students and young adults at Trinity Cheltenham. He is also the Cheltenham course leader for the New Wine Discipleship Year.

As well having the best possible job as a student pastor, I also have the privilege of heading up one of the New Wine Discipleship Year training centres. I get to be surrounded by enthusiastic, energetic, inspiring young risk-takers for Jesus. These young adults aren’t the next generation; they are today’s generation displaying to the wider church what it looks like to be sold out for Jesus and his kingdom, satisfied with nothing less than the transformation of both individual lives and entire communities. It’s a beautiful thing to see! I’m regularly challenged and encouraged by the fact that many of Jesus’ disciples were in their teens and early 20s when he called them. Within a matter of years these young guys were involved in seeing the world rapidly turned upside down by the good news of Jesus and the powerful coming of his kingdom.

We hear all kinds of stats about the dire state of the church in the West and feel urged to come up with strategies to reverse the trend of 20s and 30s leaving the church. But here’s what I’m learning: Jesus says he will build his church. We’re simply invited to step out in faith, love our communities in every way possible, and boldly share the good news of Jesus with powerful displays of his kingdom. So if you’re 18-24 years old and love Jesus, you’re invited to join us on the adventure of being encouraged, equipped and empowered to do just that at one of the New Wine Discipleship Year centres around the country. Are you ready?


St Swithin’s Walcot, Bath www.stswithinswalcot.org.uk

Jesus Fellowship Church Birmingham www.birmingham.jesus.org.uk


Trinity St Matts www.trinitystmatts.org.uk

Oikos Church www.oikoschurch.co.uk

Aberdeen Vineyard Church www.aberdeenvineyard.org.uk


Riverside Church Birmingham www.riverside-church.org.uk

City Church Aberdeen www.citychurchaberdeen.org Crown Terrace Methodist Church Aberdeen www.aberdeenmethodist.org.uk Gerrard Street Baptist Church, Aberdeen www.gsbaptist.org King’s Community Church Aberdeen www.kingscommunitychurch.org New Life International Church Aberdeen www.newlife-internationalchurch.org ABERYSTWYTH Elim Aberystwyth www.elimaberystwyth.com St Michael’s Church www.stmikes.org


All Nations Church Bedford www.allnationsbedford.org Christ Church Bedford www.ccbedford.org King’s Arms Church Bedford www.kingsarms.org Russell Park Baptist Church www.russellpark.org BELFAST Belfast City Vineyard Church www.belfastcityvineyard.com Christian Fellowship Church Belfast www.thisiscfc.com Christian Fellowship Church: Belfast South thisiscfc.com/belfast-south City Church Belfast www.citychurchbelfast.org Fisherwick Presbyterian Church Belfast www.fisherwick.net


Life Church Belfast www.lifechurchbelfast.com

AOG Bangor Pentecostal Church www.aogbangor.org.uk

South Belfast Elim www.southbelfastelim.org

Bangor Community Church www.bangorcc.co.uk

The Church of the Resurrection, Belfast www.thehubbelfast.org

Hope Church Bangor www.hopechurchbangor.org

The Dock, Belfast www.the-dock.org


UT Belfast www.utbelfast.org/

All Saints Weston www.allsaintsonline.org.uk Bath & Avon Vineyard www.bathandavonvineyard.org.uk

Willowfield Parish Church www.willowfieldchurch.co.uk

Faith Life Church Cambridge www.faithlifechurch.org.uk

Chelmsford Vineyard

SoulSpace The Light Church, Bradford www.thelightchurch.org.uk

Holy Trinity Cambridge

Life Church Chelmsford www.elim.org


KingsGate Community Church, Cambridge www.kingsgateuk.com/cambridge


Church on the Rock Brighton www.cotr.co.uk

St Barnabas Cambridge www.stbs.org.uk

C3 Church, Cheltenham www.ccccheltenham.org.uk

City Gate Church Brighton www.citygatechurch.org.uk

St John the Evangelist, Cambridge www.ely.anglican.org/parishes/camsjohn/

CityCoast Church Brighton www.citycoastchurch.co.uk

Zion Baptist Church Cambridge www.zionbc.org.uk

One Church Brighton www.onechurchbrighton.org



Canterbury Vineyard www.canterburyvineyard.org

Glenfall Church Cheltenham www.glenfall.org.uk

St John’s Church Harborne Birmingham www.stjohns-church.co.uk

BCF AARDVARK www.aardvarkers.wordpress.com

Dayspring Community Church www.dayspringcanterbury.org.uk

Godfirst Cheltenham www.godfirst.org.uk

St Martin in the Bullring, Birmingham www.bullring.org

Bourne Christian Centre www.bristolcommunitychurch.org

New Life Church Canterbury www.newlifecanterbury.org

True Vine International www.truevineint.org

Bristol Vineyard www.bristolvineyard.com

St Andrews Canterbury www.standrewscanterbury.org

Vineyard Network Church Birmingham www.vineyardnetworkchurch.com

Calvary Chapel Bristol www.calvarybristol.com

St Mary Bredin Church www.smb.org.uk/students

Yardley Baptist Church www.yardleybaptist.co.uk

City Church Bristol www.citychurch.org.uk



Ebenezer Church, Bristol www.ebe.org.uk

Blackburn Vineyard Church www.blackburnvineyard.org.uk St Gabriel’s, Blackburn www.stgabriels-blackburn.co.uk United Blackburn BOLTON Christian Way of Life Bolton Deane Church Bolton deanechurch.org King’s Church, Bolton www.kingschurchlife.com Liberty Christian Centre www.libertycc.co.uk Northfield Community Church www.northfieldchurch.org.uk St Luke’s Church Bolton

Edge Church, Bristol www.edgechurch.co.uk Elim @ Bristol www.elimbristol.org Highgrove Church Bristol www.highgrove.org.uk Ivy Church Bristol www.ivychurch.net Kingswood Congregational Church www.lovegodlovelife.org.uk Parish of Bishopston and St Andrew’s www.bishopstonandstandrews.org.uk Pip ‘n’ Jay Bristol www.pipnjay.org.uk/students Resound, Bristol www.resoundbristol.co.uk


Severn Vineyard Bristol www.severnvineyard.org Simple Church Bristol www.simplechurch.co.uk

BERKHAMSTED Kings Road Church Berkhamsted www.kingsroadchurch.org

Bournemouth Vineyard Church www.bournemouthvineyard.com

St Mark’s Baptist Church Bristol www.stmarkseaston.org.uk

Bath City Church www.bathcitychurch.org.uk

Northchurch Baptist Church www.northchurch.com

Freedom Bournemouth www.freedombournemouth.com

St Matthew’s Church, Bristol www.stmatthews-bristol.org.uk

Elim Pentecostal Church Bath www.elimbath.org

Sunnyside Church Berkhamsted www.sunnysidechurch.org.uk

Moordown Baptist Church, Bournemouth www.moordownbaptist.org

St Michael’s Stoke Gifford, Bristol www.stmichaelsbristol.org

Fathers House, Bath www.fathershousebath.org


St Andrew’s Church Bournemouth www.standrewskinson.org

Victoria Methodist Church, Bristol www.vic-methodist-bristol.org.uk

St Swithun’s Bournemouth www.stswithuns.net

Westbury-on-Trym Baptist Church www.westburybaptist.org.uk

Winton Salvation Army www.wintonsa.org.uk

Woodlands Church Bristol www.woodlandschurch.net



Connect Church Birmingham www.connectchurchuk.com

Cheltenham Network Church www.glenfall.org.uk Elim Christian Centre Cheltenham www.cheltenhamelim.org

Bath Abbey www.bathabbey.org

St Michael’s Twerton, Bath www.stmichaelstwerton.com

Cheltenham Bridge Church www.thebridgecheltenham.co.uk

Canterbury Baptist Church www.canterburybaptistchurch.org.uk

St Peter’s Brighton www.studentsatstpeters.org

Bournemouth Community Church www.bournemouthcommunitychurch.com

Birmingham Christian Centre Freedom Bath & Bristol www.birminghamcc.co.uk www.freedombathandbristol.com/p/students California Christian Centre Birmingham Hay Hill Baptist Church, Bath www.calcc.org.uk www.hayhill.org Christ Church Birmingham Holy Trinity Combe Down Bath www.christ-church-selly-park.org.uk www.htcd.org Christian Life Centre Birmingham Oldfield Park Baptist Church www.christianlifecentre.com www.oldfieldparkbaptist.org.uk Church Alive, Birmingham St Luke’s Church www.churchalive.org.uk www.stlukesbath.com Church of God of Prophecy Birmingham St Michaels Church Bath www.cogop.org.uk www.stmichaelsbath.org.uk


St Peter’s Shipley www.stpetes.org.uk

Buttershaw Baptist Church Bradford www.buttershawbaptist.org.uk City Valley Church Bradford www.cityvalley.org Global Ministry of Champions www.assembliesofgodbradfordgmc.org Life Church Bradford www.lifechurchhome.com

Albany Rd Baptist Church Cardiff www.albanyroadbaptist.org.uk

Trinity Cheltenham www.trinitycheltenham.com St Mary with St Matthew Church, Cheltenham St Matthews Church, Cheltenham www.stmstm.org.uk

All Nations Church Cardiff www.allnationschurch.org.uk

St Paul’s Cheltenham www.stpaulscheltenham.com

Bethel Baptist Church www.bethelcardiff.org.uk


Calvary Baptist Church www.calvarybaptist.co.uk

All Saints Hoole www.allsaintshoole.org

Capital City Church Cardiff www.capcitycardiff.org.uk

Christ Church Chester www.christchurchchester.com

Cardiff Vineyard www.cardiffvineyard.org

Hoole Baptist Church Chester www.hbc.org.uk

City Temple Cardiff www.citytemple.info Glenwood Church Cardiff www.glenwoodchurch.org Hope Community Church Pontypridd www.h4p.org.uk Life Church Cardiff www.lifecardiff.org RCCG, Garden of the Lord Cardiff www.gardenofthelord.org.uk

Northgate Church www.northgate.org.uk Queen Street Christian Centre www.qsccchester.org.uk The Community Church Chester www.thecommunitychurches.org.uk Vineyard 53 www.vineyard53.org

River City Church Cardiff www.rivercitychurch.org.uk

Waverton Evangelical Fellowship www.wefchurch.net

St Mark’s Gabalfa Cardiff www.stmarks-cardiff.co.uk


The Gap Cardiff www.thegapcardiff.co.uk

Acorn Christian Ministries Chesterfield www.acm-uk.org

Woodville Baptist Church Cardiff www.woodybap.org.uk

Christian Life Church Chesterfield www.lifechurch.org.uk


Lifehouse Chesterfield www.lifeworthliving.co.uk

Carlisle Vineyard www.carlislevineyard.com Elim Community Church Carlisle www.elimcarlisle.org The Way Carlisle www.thewaycarlisle.co.uk



Cambridge Community Church (C3) www.cthree.org

Central Baptist Church Chelmsford www.centralbaptistchelmsford.org.uk

Cambridge Vineyard Church www.cambridgevineyard.org.uk

CGC Chelmsford www.cgcchelmsford.com

City Life Church Cambridge www.citylifechurch.net

Holy Apostles www.hachelt.co.uk

Chelmsford Community Church www.chelmsfordcommunitychurch.co.uk

St Johns Chesterfield www.stjohnswalton.co.uk

Our complete directory of world wide Fusion connection churches is available at: www.fusion.uk.com/find-a-church To find a church near you, please Linkup now using the Student Linkup mobile app or online at: www.fusion.uk.com/linkup


CHICHESTER Chichester Baptist Church www.chichesterbaptist.org.uk Chichester Family Church www.chichesterfamilychurch.com Revelation Church www.revelation.org.uk COLCHESTER Elim Church Colchester www.elimcolchester.co.uk Kingsland Church Lexden www.kingsland.org.uk/lexden SOURCE Christian Community www.sourcehythe.co.uk St John’s Colchester www.stjohnscolchester.org.uk St Luke’s Church, Highwoods www.stlukescolchester.org.uk

St. Paul’s Cathedral www.saintpaulscathedral.net The Steeple Church Dundee www.thesteeplechurch.org.uk

www.carrubbers.org Central: Jesus at the heart www.jesusattheheart.org Centrepoint Church Edinburgh www.edinburgh.centrepointchurch.org

Glasgow Elim Church www.glasgowelim.org.uk

Kings Church High Wycombe www.kchw.co.uk

Father’s House Church Lancaster www.fathers-house.co.uk

Glasgow Westend Vineyard www.gwvineyard.co.uk

Micklefield Elim Christian Fellowship Church

Lancaster Baptist Church www.lancasterbaptistchurch.org.uk

Hope Church, Glasgow www.hopechurchglasgow.org


Community Church Edinburgh www.cce.uk.net

Bethshan Durham www.bethshanchurch.net

Destiny Church Edinburgh www.destinyedinburgh.com

Durham Vineyard www.durhamvineyard.org.uk

Edinburgh City Vineyard www.edinburghcityvineyard.co.uk

Emmanuel Church Durham www.emmanuel.org.uk

Edinburgh Elim www.edinburghelim.com

Gloucester Community Church www.gcchurch.co.uk

King’s Church Durham www.kcd.org.uk

King’s Church Edinburgh www.kingschurchedinburgh.org

Kendal Road Baptist Church Gloucester www.krbc.org.uk

St Nic’s Durham www.stnics.org.uk

Life Church, Edinburgh www.lifechurchedinburgh.org

Mariners Gloucester www.marinersgloucester.org.uk


St Paul’s and St George’s Edinburgh www.pandgchurch.org.uk

One Church Gloucester www.thisisonechurch.com

The Gathering Edinburgh www.gatheringedinburgh.com

St Catharine’s, Gloucester www.stcatharine.org.uk


University of Gloucestershire Oxstalls Chaplaincy

St Stephen’s Church www.ststephens-colchester.org.uk

Christian Life Church Derby www.lifechurch.org.uk


Community Church Derby www.communitychurchderby.org

Causewaycoast Vineyard www.causewaycoastvineyard.com

Kirkintilloch Baptist Church www.Kirkiebaptist.com Queens Park Baptist Church Glasgow www.qpbc.org GLOUCESTER

North Thames Vineyard High Wycombe www.norththamesvineyard.org.uk The Valley Network www.thevalleynetwork.co.uk Union Baptist Church High Wycombe www.unionbaptist.org HUDDERSFIELD Community Church Huddersfield www.community-church.co.uk

Kirkheaton Parish Church www.kirkheatonchurch.org.uk New North Road Baptist Church www.nnrbc.org

St Stephen’s Parish Church, Lindley www.ststephenslindley.org.uk

Haven Christian Centre

The Journey Egham www.thejourney.org.uk

Emmanuel Church Gildford www.emmanuelchurch.co.uk


Jubilee Church Derby www.jubilee.org.uk


Littleover Methodist Church www.lmclife.org.uk

Belmont Chapel www.belmontchapel.org.uk

Emmaus Rd Community Church www.emmausrd.com

Coventry Cathedral www.coventrycathedral.org.uk

North East Derbyshire Christian Fellowship www.nedcf.org.uk

City Community Church Exeter www.cccexeter.org

Coventry Salvation Army Church www.coventrycitycorps.org.uk

St Alkmund’s Church Derby www.alkmunds.org.uk

Coventry Vineyard www.coventryvineyard.org

St Barnabas www.stbd.org.uk

Elim Pentecostal Church Coventry www.elim-coventry.org.uk

St Nicholas Church, Allestree www.stnicholasallestree.org.uk

Holy Trinity Coventry www.holytrinitycoventry.org.uk

Trinity Baptist Church www.trinitybaptistderby.com

Jesus Fellowship Church Coventry www.covjc.co.uk


Riverside Church Exeter www.riversideexeter.co.uk


The River Church www.riverchurch.tv

COVENTRY Central Hall Coventry www.centralhall.info Christian Life Ministries Coventry www.clmchurch.co.uk

Jubilee Church Coventry www.jubileechurchcoventry.org King’s Church Coventry www.kingschurchcoventry.org

All Souls Eastbourne

St Anne and All Saints Coventry www.stanneandallsaints.yolasite.com

Community Church Eastbourne www.churchinthecommunity.co.uk

St Mary Magdalen Church www.st-mary-magdalen.org.uk

Eastbourne Family Church www.elimeastbourne.org.uk

Westwood Church Coventry www.westwoodchurch.co.uk

Kings Church Eastbourne www.kingschurch.eu


Living Stones Community Church Eastbourne www.livingstoneschurch.co.uk

DUBLIN Destiny Church Dublin www.destinychurch.ie Dublin Vineyard Church www.dublinvineyard.ie Liffey Valley Vineyard www.liffeyvalleyvineyard.ie St. Marks Church Dublin DUNDEE Destiny Church Dundee www.destinydundee.com

St Johns Church, Meads www.stjm.org.uk Victoria Baptist www.victoriabaptist.org.uk

City Life Church Exeter www.exeterlife.org Exeter Network Church www.enc.uk.net Exeter Vineyard Church www.exetervineyard.co.uk Isca Church Exeter www.iscachurch.org.uk

St Andrew’s Parish Church, Exwick www.exwickchurches.org.uk

Unlimited Exeter www.unlimitedchurch.org.uk


Guildford Baptist Church www.guildfordbaptist.org Guildford Community Church www.gcconline.org.uk RCCG, Winners’ Place Guildford www.rccgwinnersplace.org.uk St John’s Stoke Guildford www.stjohnstoke.com St Saviours Guildford www.st-saviours.org.uk Westborough Church Guildford www.westborough-urc.co.uk


All Saints Halifax www.allsaintshalifax.org.uk Christ Church Mount Pellon www.christchurchpellon.org.uk The King’s Church, Halifax www.thekingscentrehalifax.org.uk

Bourne Street Elim www.elimhull.com

LEEDS All Hallows Church Leeds www.allhallowsleeds.org.uk Blenheim Baptist Church Leeds www.blenheim.org.uk Bridge Street Church Leeds www.bridgestreetchurch.org

Holy Trinity Church, Hull www.holy-trinity.org.uk

Emmanuel Cafe Church Leeds www.cafechurchleeds.wordpress.com

Hull Community Church www.community-house.co.uk Hull Vineyard Church www.hullvineyard.com Jubilee Church Hull www.notdull.org St Aidan’s Hull www.staidans.org.uk


Gateway Church Leeds www.gatewayleeds.net Holy Trinity Meanwood www.holytrinitymeanwood.org.uk Hope City Church Leeds www.hopecitychurch.tv Leeds Central Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org.uk/yks/Leeds_Central Leeds Vineyard www.leedsvineyard.org


Life Church Leeds www.lifechurchhome.com/leeds

Everyday Church Kingston www.everyday.org.uk/kingston

Lister Hill Baptist Church www.lhbc.org.uk

His Church Kingston-upon-Thames www.hischurchlondon.co.uk

Mosaic Church Leeds www.mosaic-church.org.uk


King’s Church Kingston www.kingschurch.com

Evangelical Baptist Church Hatfield www.hope4hatfield.org

KingsGate Church Kingston www.kingsgatechurch.org.uk


Gracemead Church www.gracemeadchurch.co.uk

Kingston United Reformed Church www.kingstonurc.org

Kings Community Church Hatfield www.kcchatfield.org.uk

Kingston University Chaplaincy www.kingston.ac.uk/chaplaincy

Beulah Christian Fellowship Gillingham

King’s Community Church www.kcchatfield.org.uk

Kingston Vineyard www.kingstonvineyard.co.uk

St Mark’s Gillingham www.stmarkschurchgillingham.co.uk

St John’s Hatfield www.bishopshatfieldparish.co.uk

New Life Christian Centre www.nlccdeal.co.uk

Barclay Viewforth Edinburgh www.barclayviewforth.org.uk

St. Luke the Evanglist Gillingham www.achurchnearyou.com/st-luke-gillingham


Bridge Family Church www.bridgefamilychurch.com


Freshwaters Christian Fellowship www.freshwaterscf.org.uk

St Paul’s Kingston Hill www.stpaulskingston.org.uk

Destiny Church Glasgow www.destiny-church.com

HIGH WYCOMBE Christ the Servant King www.banjos.org.uk

St Paul’s Leamington Spa www.stpl.org.uk

City Church Leeds www.citychurchleeds.net

Falmouth Light & Life www.lightandlife.co.uk/falmouth

Glasgow City Centre Corps www.salvationarmy.org.uk/glasgow

St Mary’s Church Leamington Spa www.stmarysleamington.com

Cottingham Road Baptist Church Hull www.cottroad.org.uk

All Nations, Edinburgh www.ancf.org.uk

Carrubbers Christian Centre

Open House Warwick www.openhousewarwick.org.uk

Christ Church Upper Armley https://sites.google.com/site/ christchurcharmley


Capital City Church International Edinburgh www.3cint.co.uk


City Life Church Hull www.citylifehull.co.uk



Pioneer Engage Church Leatherhead www.pioneerengage.org.uk

Jubilee Church

Huddersfield Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org.uk/huddersfield

Centrepoint Church www.centrepointchurch.org.uk

Derby Vineyard www.derbyvineyard.com


Christ Church Leamington Spa www.christchurch.org.uk

St John’s Egham www.stjohnsegham.com

i61 Church Conwy www.i61.org

Runnymede Christian Fellowship Egham www.e-runnymede.co.uk

St Thomas’s Lancaster www.st.tees.org.uk

Huddersfield Christian Fellowship www.huddersfieldchristianfellowship.com

Oakes Baptist Church www.oakesbaptist.org.uk

Derby City Church www.derbycitychurch.co.uk

Lancaster Free Methodist Church www.lfmc.co.uk

Gledholt Methodist Church, Huddersfield www.gledholtmethodist.co.uk




Gate Church International, Dundee www.gatechurch.co.uk



Our complete directory of world wide Fusion connection churches is available at: www.fusion.uk.com/find-a-church To find a church near you, please Linkup now using the Student Linkup mobile app or online at: www.fusion.uk.com/linkup


Revive Leeds www.reviveleeds.org

Devonshire Road Christian Fellowship www.devyroad.com

Doxa Deo London www.doxadeolondon.com

Oasis Church Waterloo www.oasischurchwaterloo.org

Trinity Vineyard Church www.trinityvineyard.org.uk

Manchester International Alliance www.manchesterinternationalalliance.com

South Parade Baptist Church Leeds www.spbc.org.uk

Frontline Central www.studentchur.ch

Emmanuel, South Croydon www.emmanuelcroydon.org.uk

Quaystone Church London www.quaystone.org

Victoria Park Baptist Church www.vpbc.org.uk

South Manchester Family Church www.southmanchester.net

St Augustine’s, Wrangthorn www.wrangthorn.org.uk

Frontline Liverpool www.StudentChur.ch

Equippers Church Clapham www.equipperschurch.com/clapham

Redeemer London www.redeemerlondon.org

Westbourne Grove Church www.westbournegrovechurch.org

St Chad’s Far Headingley www.stchads.co.uk

Grace Family Church, Liverpool www.gracefamilychurch.co.uk

Equippers Church London City www.equipperscity.co.uk

Restore Peckham www.restore-peckham.org.uk

Westbourne Park Baptist Church www.westbourneparkchurch.org.uk/

St George’s Church Leeds www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/students

Hope City Church Liverpool www.hopecitychurch.tv

Every Nation Church London - Stratford

Shoreditch Tabernacle www.shoreditchbaptist.com

Westminster Chapel www.westminsterchapel.org.uk/

St John’s Church, Yeadon www.stjohnsyeadon.org

Jesus Fellowship Liverpool www.jesus.org.uk/liverpool

Shoreline Calvary London www.shorelinelondon.co.uk

Westminster Community Church www.westminsterchurch.org.uk

St Michael’s and All Angels www.st-michaels-headingley.org.uk

Jubilee Church Liverpool www.jubileechurchliverpool.org

St Barnabas Church Woodside Park www.stbarnabas.co.uk


The Oak Church Leeds www.theoakchurch.co.uk

Liverpool Cathedral


Liverpool City Church www.liverpoolcitychurch.org/lcc

All Nations Church Leicester www.ancl.co.uk

Liverpool One Church www.liverpoolonechurch.com

Church of the Martyrs, Leicester www.martyrs.org.uk

Mossley Hill (St Matthews & St James)

City Church Leicester www.citychurchleicester.org Covenant Life Church Leicester www.covenantlifechurch.co.uk

St Andrew’s Clubmoor Liverpool www.standrewsclubmoor.org.uk

Groby URC

St Bride’s Liverpool www.stbridesliverpool.co.uk/

Harvest City Church www.harvestcitychurch.org.uk

St James in the City www.stjamesinthecity.org.uk

Holy Trinity Leicester www.holytrinityleicester.org Hope Hamilton Church Leicester www.hopehamiltonchurch.org.uk King’s Church Leicester www.kingschurchleicester.org KingsGate Community Church Leicester www.kingsgateuk.com/leicester Leicester City Vineyard www.leicestercityvineyard.org.uk Mosaic Church www.mosaicchurch.org.uk Oadby Baptist Church www.oadby-baptist.org.uk Presence Leicester www.presence-church.com Trinity Life Church Leicester www.trinitylifechurch.org.uk LINCOLN Alive Church www.alivechurch.org.uk Alive Grantham www.newlifegrantham.org Bridge Church Lincoln www.bridgechurchlincoln.co.uk Grace Church Lincoln www.gracechurchlincoln.org Ignite Elim Church www.ignitelincoln.co.uk Life Church Lincoln www.life-church.co.uk St. Swithin’s www.stswithins.org.uk TCM Baptist Church www.tcmlincoln.co.uk Threshold www.thresholdchurch.co.uk LIVERPOOL Cornerstone Church Liverpool


South Liverpool Vineyard www.southliverpoolvineyard.com

Every Nation Church London www.everynation.co.uk Everyday Church Wimbledon Fellowship Church London www.fellowshiplondon.com Fresh Xpression LIVE!

St Barnabas Kensington www.stbk.org.uk

Fulham United Reformed Church www.fulhamurc.org.uk

St Dionis Fulham www.stdionis.org.uk

Gateway Church Leyton www.gatewaychurch.org.uk

St Gabriel’s Church Cricklewood www.st-gabriels.org

Hampden Chapel www.hampdenchapel.org.uk

St George’s Holborn www.stgholborn.org

Harvestime Church Virginia Water www.harvestimechurch.net

St John’s Hampton Wick www.stjohnshamptonwick.org

Hillsong London www.hillsong.co.uk/young_adults

St Luke’s Kentish Town www.slkt.org.uk

Hinde Street Methodist Church www.hindestreet.org.uk

St Mark’s Church Battersea www.stmarks-battersea.org.uk

Holy Trinity Brompton St James in the City: Campus Congregation www.htb.org.uk/students www.stjamesinthecity.org.uk Holy Trinity Swiss Cottage (HTSC) St Stephen’s Liverpool www.htsc.org www.ststephensgateacre.org.uk Hope Church Islington Wavertree Christian Fellowship Liverpool www.hopechurchislington.org www.wavertreechristianfellowship.org.uk House of Prayer London LONDON Ichthus Forest Hill All Hallows Bow www.ichthusforesthill.com www.allhallowsbow.org.uk Ichthus New Life Greenwich All Saints Peckham London www.ichthusnewlife.org.uk www.allsaintspeckham.org.uk Jesus Fellowship Church London Amazing Grace Worship Centre www.jesus.org.uk/london www.agwc.org.uk Jubilee Church Chertsey Antioch Community with Koinonia www.jubileelife.org www.koinonia.co.uk Kahaila Church London Ascension Balham Hill www.kahaila.com www.ascensionbalhamhill.org.uk Kensington Temple Ascot Life Church www.youth.kt.org www.ascotlifechurch.org King’s Cross Church (KXC) Awaken London www.kxc.org.uk awakenlondon.co.uk Latymer Christian Fellowship Bless Community Church www.latymer.org.uk www.blesscc.org London City Life Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church www.londoncitylife.co.uk www.bloomsbury.org.uk London City Presbyterian Church Canada Water Church www.londonfreechurch.org.uk www.canadawaterchurch.com London Community Church Catch the Fire London www.londonchurch.org www.ctflondon.com Lumen United Reformed Church Central London Vineyard www.lumenurc.org.uk www.clv.org.uk Molesey Community Church Chase Fellowship London www.mccrefresh.com www.chasefamilychurch.com New Life Church North London Christ Church Spitalfields www.newlife-london.org.uk www.ccspitalfields.org New River Baptist Church ChristChurch London www.newriverbaptist.net www.christchurchlondon.org Oak Tree Acton, London City Gates Church Soho www.oaktree.org.uk www.citygateschurch.net

St Mark’s Church Kensal Rise www.saintms.co.uk St Marks Kennington www.stmarkskennington.org St Mary Islington www.stmaryislington.org St Mary’s London www.stmaryslondon.com/students St Michaels Church Southfields www.stmichaelssouthfields.org

Emmanuel Church Loughborough www.easm.co.uk/emmanuel

River Church Slough www.riverchurch.org.uk

King’s Church Loughborough www.kingschurch.co.uk New Springs City Church www.newsprings.org.uk Open Heaven Loughborough www.openheaven.org The Junction Church Loughborough www.junctionchurch.net The Well Church Loughborough www.thewellchurch.org

City Life Church Luton www.loveluton.org

St Barnabas, Middlesbrough www.st-barnabas.net

Hope Church Luton www.hopechurch.co.uk Luton Central Baptist Church


The Space London The Well Community Church www.thewellcc.org.uk Tollington Parish-St Marks, Emmanuel, St Saviours www.tollingtonparish.org.uk Tower Hamlets Community Church www.thcc.org.uk

Middlesbrough Baptist Church www.boro-baptists.org.uk

One Life Church Teesside www.onelifechurch.org.uk

St Paul’s Kingston Hill www.stpaulskingston.org.uk

The King’s Cross Baptist Church www.kingscrossbaptistchurch.com

Coulby Newham Baptist Church www.cnbaptist.com

Christ Apostolic Church - East of Luton www.cacluton.org

Stopsley Baptist Church Luton www.stopsley.net

SW London Vineyard www.swlv.org.uk


Middlesbrough Community Church (MCC) www.middlesbroughcommunitychurch.org

St Paul’s Hammersmith www.sph.org

St Thomas with St Stephen’s www.stwss.org.uk

St. Peter’s Maidenhead www.real-life.org.uk


St Mary’s Luton www.stmarysluton.org

St Simons London www.stsimons.co.uk

Jubilee Community Church www.jcchurch.org.uk

River Church Marlow www.riverchurch.org.uk

St Paul’s Ealing www.stpaulsealing.com

St Peter’s Harrow www.stpetersharrow.co.uk


Elim Church Loughborough www.elim-loughborough.org.uk

Luton Christian Fellowship (LCF) www.lcf.biz

St Peter’s Bethnal Green www.stpetersbethnalgreen.org

St James’ and Emmanuel Didsbury www.stjamesandemmauel.org

All Saints’ Church, Thorpe Acre with Dishley River Church Maidenhead www.riverchurch.org.uk www.astad.org

St Paul’s Church, Brixton www.stpaulsbrixton.org

St Paul’s Shadwell www.stpaulsshadwell.org

St Clement’s Church www.st-clements.org

MANCHESTER !Audacious Church www.audaciouschurch.com Christ Church Manchester www.ccm.org.uk Ivy Manchester www.ivyfallowfield.org King’s Church www.makingjesusfamous.org LifeChurch Manchester www.lifechurch.uk.net Vinelife Church Manchester www.vinelife.co.uk Brunswick Parish Church www.brunswickchurch.org.uk Good News Church www.gncmacc.org Grace&Glory Didsbury www.graceandglory.co.uk Manchester Central Vineyard www.mcvineyard.org.uk

Tees Valley Community Church (TVCC) www.tvcchurch.org.uk

Nn NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE Bethshan Newcastle www.bethshanchurch.net Brunswick Methodist Church City Church Newcastle www.city-church.co.uk Cornerstone Church Newcastle www.thehousenewcastle.org Destiny Church Newcastle Upon Tyne www.destinynewcastle.com Elim Church Newcastle www.elimnewcastle.org.uk Gosforth Apostolic Church www.gosforthapostolic.co.uk

Our complete directory of world wide Fusion connection churches is available at: www.fusion.uk.com/find-a-church To find a church near you, please Linkup now using the Student Linkup mobile app or online at: www.fusion.uk.com/linkup


Heaton Baptist Church, Newcastle www.heatonbaptist.org

Eagle’s Nest Church Nottingham www.eaglesnest.org.uk

Hope City Church Newcastle www.hopecitychurch.tv Jesmond Methodist Church Newcastle www.jmc-newcastle.org.uk Newcastle Baptist Church www.newcastlebaptist.org.uk



Evangelical Free Church - Radford

St Jude’s Plymouth www.judes.org.uk

King’s Church in Salford www.makingjesusfamous.org

Christ Church Southampton www.christchurchsouthampton.org.uk

Gods Vineyard Ministry Nottingham www.godsvineyardchurch.org

Waterfront City Church, Plymouth www.waterfrontcitychurch.com

Mount Chapel Christian Fellowship

Church of The Ascension

Grace Church, Nottingham www.gracechurch-nottingham.org


Oasis Church Salford www.oasisuk.org

City Life Church Southampton www.citylife.org.uk

St Mary’s Longfleet Church www.smlpoole.org.uk

St Paul’s, Kersal and St Andrew’s, Carr Clough www.stpaulsparish.org.uk

Highfield Church Southampton www.highfield.org.uk

Solution Assembly, Newcastle

Hope Church Nottingham www.hopechurchnottingham.org

Silverdale Elim Church www.elimchurchsilverdale.org.uk

Life @ The Centre Nottingham www.lifeatthecentre.com

St Luke’s Newcastle www.stlukesnewcastle.co.uk

St Andrew’s Nottingham www.standrewsnottm.org.uk

STGN St George’s Newcastle www.stgn.org

St Christopher Sneinton

Tyneside Vineyard www.tynesidevineyard.org.uk Welbeck Road Evangelical Church www.welbeckroadchurch.org.uk NEWPORT Bethel Community Church www.bethelnewport.co.uk Christchurch Newport www.christchurchnewport.org Kings Church Newport www.kings-church.org.uk Malpas Road Evangelical Church www.malpasroad.org.uk NORTHAMPTON Broadmead Baptist Church www.broadmead.org.uk Central Vineyard, Northampton www.centralvineyard.co.uk Duke Street Evangelical Church www.dukest.com Elim Church Northampton www.elimnorthampton.com Jesus Fellowship Church Northampton www. northampton.jesus.org.uk Kingdom Life Church Northampton www.klc.org.uk New Pastures Church Northampton www.newpastureschurch.com St Giles Northampton www.stgilesnorthampton.org.uk NORWICH City Church Norwich www.citychurch.co.uk Eternity Norwich www.eccnorwich.org.uk Gateway Vineyard Norwich www.gatewayvineyardnorwich.org.uk Ipswich Road Norwich Norwich Vineyard www.norwichvineyard.co.uk Proclaimers Norwich www.proclaimers.com Servant’s Church www.servantschurch.org.uk St Thomas Norwich www.stthomasnorwich.org Stoke Holy Cross Church Norwich Surrey Chapel Norwich www.surreychapel.org.uk

NOTTINGHAM Christian Centre Nottingham www.christian-centre.org



St Giles West Bridgeford www.stgilesparish.com

Vine Church Poole www.vinechurchpoole.com Word of Life Church Poole www.wordoflifepoole.com PORTSMOUTH ChristCentral Church www.christcentral.ch

St. Clements Salford www.salfordchurch.org SALISBURY

Life Church Southampton www.lifesouthampton.org

City Gate Salisbury www.citygatesalisbury.com

Mercy Vineyard Church www.mercyvineyardsouthampton.com


New Community Church Southampton www.newcommunity.org.uk

St Jude’s Mapperley

City Life Church Portsmouth www.myclc.org.uk

Antioch Community Church, Sheffield www.antiochsheffield.org.uk

St Nics Nottingham www.stnics.org

King’s Church Portsmouth www.kingschurchportsmouth.co.uk

Cemetery Road Baptist Church Sheffield www.crbchurch.org.uk

St Saviour’s www.saviours.org.uk

Langstone Church www.langstonechurch.com

Christ Church Endcliffe www.endcliffechurch.co.uk

St Stephen’s with St Paul’s

Portsmouth Vineyard LifeChurch www.portsmouthvineyard.org

Christ Church Fulwood www.fulwoodchurch.co.uk/students

Trinity Methodist Church Portsmouth www.trinitysouthsea.org.uk

City Life Christian Church Sheffield www.citylifecc.com

XL Student Church (Family Church) www.family-church.org.uk

City:Base Sheffield www.citybase.org


Eccles, Sheffield www.the-eccles.com

The Rock West Bridgford, Nottingham www.the-rock.org.uk Thomas Helwys Baptist Church www.thomashelwysnottingham.org.uk Trent Vineyard, Nottingham www.trentvineyard.org


Fulwood Free Methodist www.fulwoodfmc.net Longton Community Church www.longtoncommunitychurch.co.uk

King’s Community Church Southampton www.kcc.uk.net

Hope City Church Birmingham www.hopecitychurch.tv

Riverside Family Church Southampton www.scfchurch.net

Christchurch Stoke on Trent www.christchurch-alsager.org.uk West Street Christian Fellowship www.weststreetchristianfellowship.org.uk SUNDERLAND Bethany City Church www.bethanycitychurch.org Bethshan Sunderland www.bethshanchurch.net Elim Sunderland www.sunderlandelim.org.uk Hope City Church Sunderland www.hopecitychurch.tv St Benets Sunderland www.stbenetsparish.org.uk Sunderland Monkwearmouth Salvation Army www.monkwearmouthsa.org.uk SWANSEA

Southampton Lighthouse International Church www.lighthouseicc.org.uk

Canopy Church Swansea www.canopyswansea.co.uk

St Mark’s Southampton www.stmarkssoton.co.uk

City Church Swansea www.elimswansea.org.uk

Victory Gospel Church Southampton www.victory.uk.net

Cornerstone Church Swansea www.cornerstonechurch.co.uk


Freedom Church Swansea www.freedomchurch.co.uk

St Andrews Baptist Church www.standrewsbaptist.org.uk The Kingdom Vineyard www.thekingdomvineyard.com ST ALBANS

Lifepoint Swansea www.lifepoint.org.uk/ Linden Church Swansea www.lindenchurch.org.uk Pantygwydr Baptist Church www.pbc247.org

Hope City Church London www.hopecitychurch.tv/london

City Church St Albans www.unityworks.org.uk

Hope City Church, Sheffield www.hopecitychurch.tv

Network Church St Albans www.thenetworkchurch.com

Jesus Fellowship Church Sheffield www.jesus.org.uk

St Mark’s Church Colney Heath www.stmarks.info

King’s Centre Christian Church Sheffield www.kingscentreonline.com

St Pauls St Albans www.stpauls-stalbans.org


New Life Millennium City Church www.NewLifeMillenniumCityChurch.com

Vineyard Church, St Albans www.thevineyardchurch.co.uk

Abbey Baptist Church Reading www.abbeybaptistchurch.org.uk

Sheffield Citadel Salvation Army www.sheffieldcitadel.co.uk


Truro Baptist Church www.trurobaptist.co.uk

All Nations Christian Centre Reading www.allnationselim.org

Sheffield Community Church www.sheffieldcommunitychurch.com

Church @ Stirling www.churchatstirling.co.uk

Light & Life Truro www.lightandlife.co.uk

Greyfriars Reading www.greyfriars.org.uk

Sheffield Vineyard www.sheffieldvineyard.org

LifeSpring Church Reading www.lifespringchurch.org.uk

St John’s Park, Sheffield www.stjohnpark.org.uk

All Saints Marple Stockport www.marpleparish.co.uk


Reading Community Church www.readingcommunitychurch.com

St Luke’s Church, Sheffield www.slclm.org

Chelwood Baptist Church

KingsGate Community Church www.kingsgateuk.com

Reading Vineyard Church, The Edge www.networkvineyard.org.uk

St Mark’s, Broomhill & Broomhall www.stmarkssheffield.co.uk


St Laurence Reading www.saintlaurencereading.com

St Stephens Church Sheffield www.ststephenschurch.org.uk


St Thomas’ Church Philadelphia Sheffield www.sttomsstudents.co.uk


Emmanuel Church Oxford

Preston Elim Pentecostal Church www.elimpreston.org.uk

Jesus Fellowship Oxford www.facebook.com/OxfordJFC

St Cuthbert’s Preston www.stcuthbertschurch.net

Oxford Bible Church www.oxfordbiblechurch.co.uk


Oxford Community Church oxford.occ.org.uk Oxford Vineyard Church www.ovc.uk.com St Aldates Oxford www.staldates.org.uk St Andrew’s Church www.standrewschurchdown.org.uk


City Church Plymouth www.citychurchplymouth.org.uk Devonport Community Baptist Church www.devonportbaptist.co.uk Mutley Baptist Church www.mutleybaptist.co.uk


St Thomas Crookes Sheffield www.churchforstudents.com SIDCUP

Plymouth Central Hall www.plymouthcentralhall.co.uk

St Mary Magdalene and Sale West Community Church www.stmarysaom.org

Plymouth Christian centre www.plymouthchristiancentre.org

St Mary’s Bowdon www.bowdonchurch.org

Christ Church Sidcup www.christchurchsidcup.org.uk

Plymouth Vineyard www.plymouthvineyard.org.uk


New Generation Church Sidcup www.newgen.org.uk

River Church Plymouth www.riverchurch.tv/plymouth

CCM: Salford www.ccm.org.uk

Avery Hill Christian Fellowship www.averyhill.info


St Andrews Church Plymouth

Christ Central Manchester www.christcentral.org.uk

Calvary Church Southampton www.calvarysoton.co.uk

St Andrews Plymouth

Elmwood Church Salford

Central Baptist Church Southampton

Stirling Baptist Church STOCKPORT

St Chads Romiley www.stchadsromiley.co.uk

Parklands Church Swansea www.parklandschurch.org.uk Woodlands Church Swansea www.woodlands.cc


Emmanuel Full Gospel www.efgi.co.uk



Life Christian Centre Wolverhampton www.lifechristiancentre.org

Destiny Church Teeside www.thedestinychurch.co.uk

St Matthew’s Walsall www.stmatthewswalsall.co.uk

Norton Baptist Church Stockton on Tees www.nortonbaptistchurch.org.uk

The Rock Church Walsall www.therockchurch.co.uk

Rivers of Life Church, Stockton-on-tees

Walsall Community Church www.walsallcommunitychurch.org

Stockton Baptist Tabernacle www.thetab.co.uk Stockton Citadel, Salvation Army www.facebook.com/stocktonsa Stockton Parish Church www.stocktonparishchurch.org.uk The Vine Church, Stockton On Tees www.onlinevine.org.uk STOKE ON TRENT Breathe City Church www.breathecitychurch.com

Our complete directory of world wide Fusion connection churches is available at: www.fusion.uk.com/find-a-church To find a church near you, please Linkup now using the Student Linkup mobile app or online at: www.fusion.uk.com/linkup


WARRINGTON Bethany Pentecostal Church www.bethanypentecostal.org WATFORD City of Lights Soul Survivor Watford www.soulsurvivorwatford.co.uk

St Paul’s Holgate York www.stpaulsyork.org.uk St Thomas with St Maurice York www.stthomaswithstmaurice.org.uk/ St. Denys, Walmgate The Ark Church York www.the-ark.net


The Belfrey, York www.belfreystudents.org

Winchester Evangelical Church www.winchesterec.co.uk

United Acomb www.unitedyork.nu

Winchester Family Church www.winfam.org

United Central South www.unitedyork.nu

Winchester Vineyard www.winvin.org.uk

York City Church www.yorkcitychurch.org.uk


York Community Church www.yorkcommunitychurch.co.uk

All Saints Worcester www.allsaintsworcester.org.uk Consuming Fire Ministries Worcester www.consumingfireministries.org.uk

York Vineyard www.yorkvineyard.com

St Peter’s Baptist Church Worcester www.stpetersbaptist.org.uk Worcester Vineyard Church www.worcestervineyard.org.uk/ WOLVERHAMPTON All Nations Christian Centre Wolverhampton www.allnations.org.uk Church 18-30 Wolverhampton LifeSpring Church Wolverhampton www.lifespring.uk.com St Jude’s Wolverhampton www.stjudeschurch.org.uk Vintage Faith Wolverhampton www.vintagefaith.co.uk WREXHAM The Community Church www.fathersplace.org.uk Add ChristChurch Wrexham www.christchurchwrexham.org.uk


All Saints’ & St Andrew’s, Huntington Calvary Chapel York www.calvarychapelyork.com Catholic Chaplaincy to The University of York www.uycc.org Christ the Light Church, Huntington, York www.christthelight.org.uk

If your church is within five miles of a university or you send young people to university elsewhere, we would love you to put your church on the Student Linkup map. We are here to encourage you in resourcing students to live for Jesus at university.




Clifton Parish Church York www.cliftonparish.org.uk Elim Pentecostal Church York www.yorkelim.com G2 York www.g2york.org Gateway Church York www.gatewaychurch.co.uk Heslington Church LEP www.heslingtonchurch.org.uk Living Word Church RCCG Kingdom Life Tabernacle, York www.rccgyork.com St Luke’s, York www.stlukesyork.org/ St Oswald’s York www.st-oswalds-fulford.org.uk/

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Got an internship or gap year to advertise?

India Child Care Serve a church in Leeds as an intern and

Uganda Community Action

we’ll equip you with accommodation, training

Challenging/exciting opportunities

and the tools you need to do


something incredible!




NEEDSINVESTORS We are called to invest our lives in the Kingdom of God. We are called to invest generously, sacrificially and courageously. We want to invest in a generation of students who will invest their lives in the Kingdom of God.

INVESTING IN FUSION Over the next couple of years Fusion want to continue our investment in churches and students. Specifically we want to: •

Serve over 1000 UK churches in their involvement with students.

Visit every university city in the UK to pray and talk about Jesus.

Facilitate Student Linkup internationally so wherever a student studies in the world a local church is ready to welcome them.

WILL YOU INVEST? We need people who will invest both prayer and finance. God is stirring a movement as local churches collide with students and we are convinced the Church is being



Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS Title and Name

To the Manager Bank

positioned for much greater student mission. Over the years many have given their lives to this cause, will you journey with us, share our hope for more and share the cost?



Please fill out the Giving Form on the next page.


Giving FORM Postcode

Dear Sirs, Please set up a Standing Order payable to Fusion Barclays Bank, East Street, Chichester Account No: 00047198 Bank Sort Code Number: 20-20-62


GLOBAL STUDENT LINKUP Over the next 12 months as well preparing and connecting over 4000 UK students to churches we want to begin to make it possible for students anywhere in the world to find a church. This is an exciting and demanding project and we invite you to join us as a long term investor and friend to this movement. Thank you.

Phone Number

For the amount of


ONE OFF GIFT Please accept my gift of £200





To give via credit or debit card please go online to www.fusion.uk.com/give

If you are a UK tax payer, paying income tax or capital gains tax, you can make your gifts worth 25% more at no extra cost to you. I am a UK tax payer, and want Fusion to claim back to the tax on all donations I have made in the past four tax years and on all future gifts


Name of Account Holder(s): Account Number: Sort Code Signed



To be paid on the 1st or the 15th of the month and thereafter on a monthly basis until further notice.


Please return forms to: FUSION UK 18 The Office Village, North Road, Loughborough, LE11 1QJ Fusion UK is a company limited by guarentee registered in England and Wales No. 36799369 and a registered charity No. 1073572.

Donate online: www.fusion.uk.com/give


www.fusion.uk.com/sessions Four videos for 360째 preparation for university Watch the videos: www.fusion.uk.com/sessions Buy the book: www.fusion.uk.com/resources

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