Fuse Issue 18: Worship

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LI VIN G A L IF E O F W O R S H IP Helen Morris

WO R S H IP F O R O U R T IM E Noel Richards

WOR S H IP AN D P O L IT IC S Andy Flannagan






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Now is the time to worship. In every human being there is a desire - a need - to worship and it is connected to our identity. We worship that which we value and prize most highly and we gain a sense of significance from it. Our worship affirms our identity and is a focus of hope.



Features & Interviews

04 Living a Life of Worship

Helen Morris

Noel Richards

Andy Flannagan

08 Worship for Our Time 12 Worship and Politics 16 Creative Worship

20 Interview: Mo Crawley

22 Interview: Esther Kovoor Fusion

24 About Fusion

OUR LIVES STAND OUT AS A SIGNPOST TO GOD’S GOODNESS AND LIFE IN HIS KINGDOM. Moments of worship help remind us who God is as we gaze on Him and, therefore, who we are made to be as His image bearers. These moments are designed to regularly punctuate a lifestyle of worship where our lives stand out as a signpost to God’s goodness and life in His Kingdom. What does it mean to worship God whilst studying at university? How can that worship be outworked in the different clubs and societies? What does it look like in the pubs and parties? God is raising up a generation of students who aren’t just asking these questions; they are committed to living out the answers and inviting other students to direct their worship towards God. Rich Wilson

Team Leader Fusion

Follow Rich on twitter @richwilson01

26 Road Trip Update

30 Fusion in Numbers 32 Global Update

36 Church Networks and Key Partners

44 Church Connection Directory 54 Fusion Giving

Design: Creative Hope Studio www.creativehopestudio.com For advertising opportunities please contact: Editor: Caroline Harmon E: caroline@fusion.uk.com Fusion UK is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 3679369 and a registered charity No. 1073572 18 The Office Village | North Road Loughborough | LE11 1QJ Printed on 120 Cocoon 100% recycled, FSC® certified paper, totally chlorine free. Printed with vegetable inks. 3

Helen Morris


Living a Life of Worship

involved in church? Why sing songs?

“And so, dear brothers and sisters,

I would otherwise to read some

I plead with you to give your bodies

scripture and pray? Over recent years,

to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice - the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.” (Romans 12:1 [NLT]) It’s this verse I turn to more than any other to remind myself and others that worship isn’t a once-a-week singing-in-church event; it’s about the way I live my whole life. What I do on a Monday morning matters just as much to God as how I sing to him on a Sunday morning. So does how I behave around the people I play frisbee with. I can worship God as much through a huck (frisbee lingo for a long throw) as I can when I’m playing my guitar in church. More importantly, how I conduct myself when a frisbee game isn’t going my way, how honestly and boldly I let people know about my faith in Christ, how much I drink on a night out... can all either be part of my

Why get up half an hour earlier than

people promoting a whole-life view of worship have often pointed to the fact that the Israelites had a ‘holistic’ view of life. They argue that they didn’t create divisions between the sacred and the secular, instead seeing God as much in the mundane as they did in their temple worship, rituals and sacrifices. It’s true that the Israelites generally had a more holistic view of faith and worship than we’ve tended to have in the West, where we have often relegated our faith to the private sphere, behaving one way on a Sunday and another during the rest of the week. However, what is interesting about the Israelites is that, for them, setting aside a special day in the week for corporate worship, having particular rituals and festivals to help them remember God’s acts in history,

worship to God or bring grief to him.

eating certain things at certain times,

Life of Worship or Times of

and so on, didn’t seem to detract from


sung worship, pre-written prayers, a whole life of worship. Rather they appear to be an intrinsic part of it.

But if worship should be a whole-life venture what’s the point of getting


Whole Life Worship and Times of Worship

known in my frisbee club when I’ve been inspired by other people’s stories whilst sitting in a church meeting.

‘Worship slots’ and whole-life worship aren’t mutually exclusive options.

Let’s aspire to a whole-life of

Rather the first has the potential to fuel

worship and let’s also recognise that

and inspire the second. We should

designated times of worship are

aspire to a whole life of worship. We

essential in cultivating and maintaining

need to recognise that how we behave

an attitude of worship in every sphere

on a night out with our friends can

of our lives.

be as much worship to God as when we sing together in church. But this

“Don’t copy the behaviour and

doesn’t mean that the habits, rhythms,

customs of this world, but let God

rituals and corporate meetings we get

transform you into a new person by

involved in don’t matter.

changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for


you, which is good and pleasing and



WITH OTHERS IN A CORPORATE GATHERING. On the contrary, I am better equipped to worship God on my own in the library when I’ve spent time praising him with others in a corporate gathering. I am better able to discern what kind of behaviour pleases God, and will therefore be best for me and those around me, when I’ve been regularly reading the Bible in the morning and committing my day to him. I am bolder in making my faith


Helen Morris is in her final year of a PhD in Contemporary Ecclesiology through St Mary’s University in Twickenham. When not sitting in the library she can be found teaching theology on Moorlands College’s Elivate programme and playing Ultimate Frisbee.



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I stopped ‘going to church’ 35 years ago,

This was a radical concept to me, having

when I became involved with a Christian

grown up in a traditional Pentecostal

community near London. I

church where Sunday meetings were the

wholeheartedly embraced their mantra –

main focus. Worship was what you did at

‘Church is what you are, not where you

11am on a Sunday. Now I was learning

go.’ As a ‘new church’ we did not meet

that worship was 24/7, something that

on a Sunday but on a Thursday, so that

embraced the whole of our lives. How we

weekends were free for people to enjoy

lived was as important an expression of

time with family, friends and neighbours.

worship as our prayers and songs.

Our shared life together, living out our

Since then, I have had the privilege of

faith within the community and making

being involved in the modern worship

a difference, was the reason for our

movement that sprang from the birth of

existence. Public meetings were a bonus.

the ‘new churches’ in the latter period

In fact, all public meetings were scrapped

of the 20th century. I am grateful for

during the summer months, because

the abundance of new songs and the

people were on holiday. A great idea –

proliferation of musicianship and creativity

why do we need a meeting every week?

across so many church streams.

But has this worship movement ‘grown-up’ and come to maturity? On the surface, perhaps; today, the church is well served with an abundance of hymn and songwriters of outstanding calibre and high standards of theology. However, we need to avoid the trap of settling here. Worship is a journey, not a destination. Great meetings and worship experiences have a place in our lives; yet so much time, money and energy can be expended on having an ‘awesome time of worship’ on a Sunday, that we become consumers of worship, rather than true worshippers. Singers, songwriters and worship facilitators are not intended to be purveyors of soft-rock platitudes to the faithful. Our ultimate purpose is not to fill our churches with new songs and have better, more attractive meetings. Rather it is to continually turn the hearts of Christians outwards as well as heavenwards. Worship should embrace both the vertical (Love the Lord your God with everything you have) and the horizontal (Love your neighbour as you love yourself).

Worship and Mission Go Together Graham Cray once said: ‘Worship without mission is self indulgent. Mission without worship is self defeating.’ If the role of our liturgy, hymns and songs is to teach the church – we are what we sing – we need content that addresses the real issues that our world and the church is facing now. Many of the hymns of the past did that and reflect the time in which they were written. How do our current songs speak about the needs of the poor, injustice, consumerism, suffering, unanswered prayers and finding God, amidst the pressure of living in today’s world? Does our sung worship focus on how we can engage with our multi-cultural/ multi-faith society and connect with our communities? We also need to ensure that the language we use is inclusive not exclusive. When my wife and I wrote ‘All Heaven Declares’ in 1987, noone challenged our use of the phrase 9


‘to reconcile man to God’. In this

Let’s continually default to being true

gender-inclusive era, lyrics like that need

worshippers – loving God with all our


hearts and loving and serving the communities where we live.

Our world continues to change at an incredible rate and we must keep moving, otherwise we will be living in the time-warped cosiness of our Christian ghettos, standing still and not engaging with our communities. Our worship will be nostalgic rather than prophetic! It will also be irrelevant. In Jesus Wants to Save Christians, Rob Bell wrote: “Jesus wants to save our church from the exile of irrelevance. If we have any resources, any power, any voice, any influence, any energy, we must convert them into blessing for those who have no power, no voice, no influence.” So let’s stop ‘going to church’ and get back to what it means to be church. 10

NOEL RICHARDS Noel Richards has been involved in the worldwide contemporary Christian worship movement since the 1970s and, together with his wife Tricia and others, has written many modern hymns and songs. Perhaps the best known of these is All Heaven Declares. He currently has 17 songs that feature in the CCLI top 500, Church Copyright listing.




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Speakers include:

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You rarely see these two words in the same sentence. Andy Flannagan does, but he has the privilege of leading worship in Parliament. With a national election in 2015, he considers whether, on a deeper conceptual level, there really is a connection? Worship is fundamentally about who we

human beings is believing that political

bow the knee to. We may worship at

authority is the ultimate authority.

the altar of celebrity, career or family. We

The scale of weapons systems, the

may worship at the altar of self. But who

grandeur of parliaments, and the media’s

or what we worship is given authority

obsessive gaze fool us into thinking that

in our lives whether we are aware of it

politics is all important. Don’t get me

or not. And if that object of worship is

wrong, I believe it is important. In fact

not God, we will be sorely disappointed.

my job is convincing Christians that they

Look at the frustration that abounds in

should get involved in politics. But we

the UK at the moment about politics and

need to see it in context.

politicians. Are we looking in the wrong direction for what we need?

Give to Caeser What is Caesar’s One day while Jesus was teaching, a

One of our most common mistakes as 12

group of Pharisees tried to trap him

by asking: ‘Is it right to pay taxes to

on everything, including taxes, he is in

Caesar?’ (Matt 22:17). What they are

authority over all of it. Jesus reiterated

really saying is: ‘are you a revolutionary

this when he told Pilate that he would

– someone opposed to Roman rule; or

have no authority unless ‘it had been

are you a compromiser – someone who

given to you from above’. Psalm 24

supports Roman rule?’ This is a common

says that ‘The earth is the Lord’s and

trap for any Christian in politics.

everything in it.’ This clearly must include shipping forecasts, Hadron colliders, the

The response Jesus gives is

life cycles of moths, and party politics.

devastatingly brilliant. He ignores their flattery, exposes their hypocrisy, and

‘There is no part of our existence,

refuses to be tricked into giving a

cultural, political, historical or communal

simplistic answer. Jesus reminds us of

which is not called, through conversion,

the way things really are, and what’s

to become the stuff of which the

really important. He says: ‘Give to God

Kingdom of God is being fashioned.’

what is God’s and to Caesar what is

Jane Collier

Caesar’s’. Jesus reminds us that we should not confuse temporary earthly

It is so important for Christians to be

power with God - the eternal heavenly

involved in politics. And it is perhaps

power. Jesus firmly places all politics,

more important for politicians than

and all government, under God’s

anyone else to be on their faces in


worship. We need to be constantly reminded of where our delegated

This passage has been used unhelpfully

authority comes from. When you hold

in the past to drive a wedge between

power, it is an easy temptation to believe

the secular and the sacred, between

that you are the source of the power.

the political and the spiritual. But here is

You don’t need me to tell you of all

the crucial mistake. When we talk about

the carnage that has sprung from that

what is God’s and what is Caesar’s we

presumption in human history.

are not talking about two separate realms where one has jurisdiction in the sacred and one has jurisdiction in the secular. Caesar has a small delegated area of authority within the context of God’s overall authority. God has an opinion

God in Parliament The very fabric of parliament attempts to underline this source of authority. There are angels looking down on parliamentarians from every angle in many parts of the palace. There is a 13

huge, dramatic painting of a very early

very core of the building, is a profound

piece of legislation hanging at the top

and prophetic statement. And boy, do

of Westminster Hall. It depicts Moses

we need to hear it. Sadly, plenty of ‘vain

receiving the stone tablets on which the

labour’ happens in those corridors and

Ten Commandments were written.

halls. But how fantastic that those words

Even if you have never been inside Parliament, you may well have heard the chimes of Big Ben. Interestingly what it is

the ether, calling those who lead to also serve and listen.

ringing out to the Palace of Westminster

Called to Govern

is the tune of an old hymn:

Put at its simplest, if we are made in the

Lord our ‘OO Lord our God, God,

Be thou thou our Be our guide. guide. And by And by thy thy power, power,

No foot slide. No foot shall shall slide.’ Again a tangible reminder for those with ears to hear, that there is a higher authority at work, whose wisdom is open and available if only we would seek it. If I am bringing people into the Houses of Parliament I always get them to pray with me in the middle of the central lobby. At that point you can look one way and see the throne from which the Queen delivers her speech in the House of Lords, and look the other way and see the famous green leather of the Speaker’s chair in the House of Commons. Best of all, if you look downwards you can see Latin inscribed in the border of the rosepiece tile arrangement on the floor. It is Psalm 127:1 – ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the workers labour in vain.’ There, right in the foundations, at the 14

have echoed through the centuries into

image of God, we are called to govern because He governs. It should be as natural for a young Christian to want to be a politician as to want to be a worship leader. Both play a part in confirming the right ordering of our relationships to each other and to God. Worship and Politics. Born to be together but dangerous when left separate. You end up with either touchy-feely, warmfuzzy, world-escaping heads-in-theclouds or cold-headed, power-hungry ignorance of the invisible. Without both vertical and horizontal planes operating, we may not become the threedimensional Jesus-mimics we are called to be.


is a London-based, Irish singersongwriter. His campaigning songwriting dragged him into the political arena, so he can often be found annoying MPs around Parliament. www.andyflan.com

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CREATIVE WORSHIP Worship in groups doesn’t have to involve singing. God has given us a wide range of creative gifts we can use to praise him. The following ideas will work well in small groups.

WRITE A PSALM Many of the psalms were originally written and used as hymns. Select

READ A POEM Read out a poem, or maybe an old hymn. Then pray together.

one to read out, then ask everyone to write their own. Emphasise that the aim is to connect with God rather than to produce a literary

Gather around a big sheet of paper

masterpiece! No one will be judged

with marker pens and ask everyone

on the quality of their writing. End

to write down words that describe

with people reading out what they

God. Discuss why different people

have written.

wrote what they did.



Look at the stars, go for a walk in

This one works best when it’s

a park, climb some trees together, find some leaves/flowers to look at. Spend some time taking in what you see, smell, hear and feel. Ask God

dark outside. Light a single candle, gather around it and turn off the lights. Have everyone focus on the light from the candle

what he wants to say to you.

while someone reads a suitable

Try Sensio Divina:

Mathew 5v14-16, John 1v1-18,




scripture. E.g.: Isaiah 9v2, John 8v12.

BREAK BREAD could find some liturgy online,


read a bible passage about the

Make a powerpoint presentation or

Take communion together. You

first communion, or do something creative that focuses on the work of the cross.

short video to illustrate a passage from the bible, e.g.: the Lord’s Prayer. Show it to the group with some background music playing, then go into a time of prayer.

MAKE SOME ART Gather some art materials and ask

If you have the time, make the presentation or video as a group.

everyone to make a piece of art that reflects how they feel about God. There are endless ways to do this: get a stack of old magazines and make a collage; use cardboard boxes to make a 3D sculpture, make a picture with paint, crayons or felt tips; or take photos and

MAKE SOME NOISE! All make noise together - singing out in tongues, humming, speaking out praise to God. Encourage people to step out and give a public tongue or sing a prophetic song.

print them out. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

BE QUIET MEDITATE ON SCRIPTURE Choose a passage most people will be familiar with, e.g.: Pslam 23. Read the passage one line at a time and focus on what it is saying. Allow some silence between each line and time afterwards for people to explain what they were thinking

Spend ten minutes in silence listening to God (set a timer on someone’s phone). If people find their minds wandering they shouldn’t feel bad: they should simply bring their mind back to listening to God. Afterwards ask people to share what God said to them. Did people find it easier or harder than they thought to be quiet?

and hearing from God.


MEMORISE SCRIPTURE Write out a verse on a large sheet of paper. Have everyone read it out loud a few times, then cover up a couple of the words and read

GET RID OF RUBBISH Give everyone a piece of paper and ask them to write down what they have been forgiven of, or hindrances

it again. Keep covering up more and more words until the whole verse is covered and the group can recite the verse from memory.

that stand between them and God, or burdens they are carrying. Screw up the paper into a metal container and burn it (do this outside!) or have a bowl of warm water to symbolically wash your hands of it. End with prayers of thanks to God.

TELL YOUR STORIES Ask one or two people to bring a testimony. Then thank God for what he’s doing in their life and what He is going to do.

WASH EACH OTHER’S FEET Grab some washing up bowls, soap and towels and wash each other’s feet. As you do so reflect together on the fact that Jesus washed the feet of his followers.

SPEAK TO EACH OTHER Ahead of meeting allocate each person one or two others in the group. Ask everyone to pray and come with something they think God might be saying to these

TRAVEL THROUGH A LABYRINTH Labyrinths are an ancient way of travelling with God. Find out more about making one, or do an online one, here: www.labyrinth.org.uk


people. This could be through a picture, object or scripture.

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INTERVIEW Mo Crawley is a worship leader who has been involved in Bristol Organic Worship, a movement that has had a big impact on the city and its students. What is Bristol Organic Worship? We hold evenings where people can come and focus on spontaneous worship without set songs. A band will just start playing chords and start a rhythm and then if anyone has a song they will sing it out. Often a song with a simple message will last for about 45 minutes which is really amazing. It’s a form of worship I

What has God done in your city though Bristol Organic Worship? It’s created a strong movement of united prophetic worship. Students from different churches have come together to lead worship nights. Organic Worship has been involved in Unite Bristol, a time

hadn’t experienced before.

for churches in Bristol to come together

A bunch of songs came from those

up here and it’s only in the last few years

evenings and so we went away for a weekend and recorded them. We created


an album called His Love Endures.

to worship and pray for the city. I grew that I’ve become properly aware of people in other churches. It’s amazing to

know there are so many of us. What advice would you give to students who are just starting to lead sung worship?

effort into the practical things, that’s made leading people into his presence a lot easier because the practical stuff is almost out of the way.

times that I’ve taken the most risk that

Why should students prioritise worship?

I’ve really met with God and grown in

The sooner you start, the better it is, the

Don’t be afraid to take risks. It’s in the

worship. For example, Andrew (who leads Bristol Organic Worship) would call me out and ask me to sing a song in front of however many people and for me that was one of the most scary things - my knees would buckle - but I’d do it anyway. In those time I really felt God’s presence. I’ve grown loads as a worship leader and into what it looks like to lead people into the presence of God. It’s not about us, it’s about how we can honour (God’s presence) and usher it in. Pursue excellence with your vocals and your instrument. Since trying a lot harder with learning songs and putting more

deeper you go, the quicker you learn. Don’t get to 40 and think “I wish I was here in my faith.” God does a new thing in each generation. It’s really exciting see what’s happening in Bristol, to be involved in what’s going on in our generation as students and to grow in it and push it. We can learn from the generation above and teach the generation below. We’re missing out on part of the story if we don’t worship. His Love Endures is available online: http://calltofamily.co.uk 21

GOD CREATED US TO WORSHIP’ Esther Kovoor, 20, is a Worship Intern at her local church, Christ Church Clifton, in Bristol. How did you get involved in leading worship? When I was 15 I sang in a talent show in my church youth group. I then started singing in the worship band and later on leading worship. It’s been amazing how God has taken something I was doing in vanity to begin with and now it’s something I see as my calling. I went from an attitude of ‘I want to be worshipped’ – for people to like my singing – to worshipping Jesus daily as a

Then, in the following week I felt the presence of God in my life like nothing else. For me it came back to seeing my whole life as being worship to God, not just having worship times that work out as I planned them. Yet, the following weekend I led again and it was one of the most amazing times of worship I’ve experienced. The presence of God was there, people were so excited and there was a real shift of atmosphere.


Why should we prioritise worship?

So for you is it about a ‘lifestyle of worship’ rather than ‘times of worship’?

God created us to worship. When

It’s both. Recently I was leading worship and the sound stopped working just as I was about to start. I had to put down my guitar and lead without it. By the end I felt like everything had gone wrong; I 22

hadn’t worshipped, I was distracted.

we’re not prioritising worship we’re not prioritising the thing that make us, us. When a keyboard is plugged into its power source it sounds great. When it’s not plugged in there just is no sound. When we’re plugged into God through worship things makes sense and we understand our calling.

Date: 4th - 5th September Loughborough University Students’ Union

www.fusion.uk.com/swc 23

ABOUT >>WHAT? 7 million students, 46,000 churches – unleashing the potential ‘Fusion has inspired and encouraged us as students in how we are integral to the church body and that we have a big role to play in being missional even though we may only be part of the church for three years.’

- Joel Home, Student, Light & Life Church, Falmouth


Fusion connects students to churches and churches to students. Not just one or two but serving thousands of churches in reaching and discipling millions of students. We are convinced that local church needs to be at the heart of student mission and students at the heart of local church.

‘When I consider the whole Fusion team, the common characteristic is not just passion but intentional outworking of student mission.’

- Adam Clewer, Church Leader in Southampton


Fusion is committed to catalysing a relentless student movement that sees thousands respond to Jesus and prioritise their lives and ambitions around God’s kingdom agenda.

Fusion’s values underpin all that we do and outline how our mission is outworked. We are committed to being: 24


OUR CORE PURPOSES Equipping Students

Serving Churches

Preparing & inspiring students for a life of mission & discipleship at university.

Connecting students into the heart of local church and encouraging churches to be at the heart of student mission.

This happens through: The Student Linkup App and the Student Linkup sessions. The Road Trip and the loveyouruni project.

Resources that prepare, connect, equip, inspire and disciple students.

Sharing stories of what God is doing amongst students across the UK and beyond

This happens through: Advising and resourcing churches to prepare school leavers for the university experience and to send them well.

Equipping churches to welcome and connect with new students in their city.

Putting local churches on the map of student mission.

Developing Student

Workers Training, resourcing and strengthening all those in church based student ministry.

This happens through:

Providing local and national forums where student workers from different churches and locations can connect and support each other.

Access to a wide range of specialist resources, white papers and student work experts.

Student Work Conferences.

Register your church with Fusion: www.fusion.uk.com/churches 25

UPDATE Miriam Swaffield’s on a road trip. She’s visiting every university location in the UK in a camper van.

In just over a year we have seen the

I’m sat in a coffee shop by the River Tyne

People are wanting to be part of this

in Newcastle. This is the 44th uni location I’ve visited in Benedict the camper van. Only 25 more stops to go and I can’t believe how far we’ve come. 26

local churches of the nation catch the vision for student mission, flag down the VW and get on board with the road trip. crazy, prayer-fuelled story of connecting up the student church of the UK and seeing us together as a family, go invite our universities to know more of Jesus.

Outreach on Halloween in Aberdeen

come to church for the first time from the relationships that were formed. In In Scotland, we visited nine uni locations

Coventry, the church hosted a mini

in nine days straight… let me tell you,

student mission conference then we

driving to Aberdeen in a 40 year old VW

went praying for people on the streets,

and not having a single break-down is

exercising our boldness in sharing our

nothing short of miraculous! We actually

faith. In Manchester, five local churches

did the biggest club outreach I’d ever

gathered together to worship, pray for

done on Halloween in Aberdeen with City

their city and be equipped for student

Church. There were literally thousands

mission… stunning unity!

of fake-blood-covered students on the streets and the local church was

The van may have no working heating,

right there in the thick of it. Many of the

the windscreen wipers may be appalling

churches’ students had never done that

in bad conditions, and it is still a faith

before. Awesome courage.

goal to make it all the way to Falmouth, but I cannot deny how encouraging it

In Worcester we invited freshers on

has been to serve so many different

campus to church and the cocktail party

expressions of local church in loving

that happened afterwards. In Birmingham

students. I’ve met students who have got

we threw a party for the private halls of

saved just because they became friends

residence just down the road from the

with Christians. I have met others who

local church and saw some students

only found church because Jesus-


followers left the building and took to the dance floors and sports teams. I believe we’ve still barely scraped the surface when it comes to seeing a move of God amongst students. We know this mission is still a big one, an impossible one without Jesus but, therefore, exactly the mission I want to be part of. See you on the road.

‘It was great having Miriam and her team here in Middlesbrough as we continue in our outreach to students. It was really helpful to get together and to gain insights from other churches knowing that we are all in this together, working for the same God, with the same goal. To know that we are being supported and prayed for is an ongoing encouragement.’ Matt Strand, St Barnabus, Middlesborough

‘For me and my team, the Fusion road trip reminded and inspired us that God is doing something in our nation that was beyond us and our little group. The tide is rising and something extraordinary is happening. The best is ahead.’ Dan Everett, Destiny Church, Edinburgh


JOIN THE ROAD TRIP Pray. Check out our

prayer updates on Twitter (@loveyouruni) and

Facebook (facebook.com/ loveyouruni)

Join us. Check out our

itinerary or book Miriam to


come to your town or city: www.fusion.uk.com/ roadtrip

Fuel the Mission. No

petrol, no road trip. Donate a couple of quid a month: www.fusion.uk.com/ roadtrip

@miriamswaff miriam@fusion.uk.com 01509 268 505



I love the Student Linkup box so much. I used them prepare my youth group for uni. - POLLY


Fusion have revolutionised our student ministry. They have supported and modelled for us how to remain out of our comfort zones. We are grateful for this, as are the individual students who can now spend eternity with their Heavenly Father! - ADAM


Fusion helps students find our church by being an approachable, connected network through which students can get prepared and plugged in. We are committed to working with them to pioneer the church into the student world. - ANTHONY


2008 - Fusion team expands and appoints

a Student Mission Developer, Student Work

2006 - Fusion shift away from a cell planting model to focus on championing, training & equipping the local church.

I was pleased that through Student Linkup my daughter knew people in churches before she went so it wasn’t like going into a strange place, not knowing a soul. - KAREN

2005 - 1200 students pack out the Student Evolution venue.


2003 - 360 missional cell communities in 88 universities catalysed so far

Fusion are amazing. Their resources on graduating well are brilliant and helped me loads. I’m now a teacher! - ROSIE

2001- 500+ students attend the national Fusion gathering in Derby


1997 - Fusion is launched in London – the inquisitive, the desperate and the adventurous show up.

Once you find the right church everything makes more sense and having the support network makes uni life much easier. I want to urge every Christian student to commit to a church in the first few weeks of the year! - LINDSEY

1999 - 40 students our trained at the first national weekend


The Future - What could be? Over the next 25 years over 1 billion students will go through the world’s colleges and universities…

2015 - Rollout of the Student Linkup app internationally. Student workers are multiplied through excellent training and development.

2014 - The Student Linkup apps launch and the 1000th Fusion connection church registers. 850 attend student worker events and training.

2013 - A two year ‘Road Trip’ in a VW campervan to visit every university city in the UK gets underway

2010 - New preparation for university resources for students launched

2009 - The 200th Fusion Church connects and 20 university cities visited on the loveyouruni tour

Developer and Church Relations Manager







GLOBAL UPDATES Could it be that in Europe a fire is being stoked and the universities are the kindling?

Spain and The Netherlands >> Fusion hung out at the 24-7 Prayer Euro leaders gathering in Madrid in Oct 2014. 23 different nations attended and one of the recurring themes was students and young people. Towards the end of November 2014 Fusion joined forces with 24-7 NL and the Navigators to pray around The Netherland’s university cities. The 60 hour adventure included two overnight ferry journeys, driving over 1700km and visiting 12 Dutch university cities. Launching the App >> The Student Linkup app is now live in France, The Netherlands, South Africa and New Zealand. Our hope is that as more churches create profiles in other nations the Student Linkup App will soon be available elsewhere.

Escape and Pray – June 2015 >> We will be sending teams out to European cities to pray for students, churches, cities and Europe. What seeds could be planted? What might it catalyse? It is going to be an adventure; if you are up for joining us please visit the Fusion website: www.fusion.uk.com International Leaders Day - 3rd Sept 2015 >> At the Student Work Conference this year we will be opening the doors a day early to international guests. This day will be designed to build connections, share stories and pray into how the local church is working with students in different nations. 32





FUSIONRESOURCES The Student Linkup Box ÂŁ10

Everything you need for starting university in one box University is full of opportunities, people and learning. Your school years have prepared you for so much, but what about everything else? The Student Linkup Box will give you all the important advice, as well as time and space to reflect, pray and plan for your next life stage at university. The box contains four resources: The Student Linkup Sessions, Studentscape, Student Alphabet & Fuse magazine.

All these resources and more are available online: www.fusion.uk.com/resources 34

The Stuff of Life

Living Mission


The Stuff of Life is about the stuff that affects all of us. It’s the stuff that affects our relationships, values and outlooks. It’s stuff that, if not faced, can diminish a lot of freedom and enjoyment in day-to-day living.




Student Linkup Sessions


An A-Z For Life After University

the graduate alphabet

Studentscape is an honest and reflective discipleship tool and bible study for any student new to or within the university culture. Using a value-based approach to discipleship, it will challenge and equip you for this life stage. It covers topics such as identity, work, friendships, money and cultural expectations.

Contributions from Liz Clark, George Critchley, James Featherby, Alexander Lee, Sarah-Jane Marshall and Anna Mathur.


£5 (also available on Kindle) This book invites you into the adventures of students who are intentionally living mission-shaped lives and sharing God with friends and communities.


The Student Linkup Sessions prepare new students for their next big life stage at university. The book is creatively designed and practically focused around four areas; The Start, The Culture, The Opportunities and The Legacy. It can be read as an individual or in a group as part of a preparation for university course. Also available as part of the Student Linkup Box.

Graduate Alphabet

£5 (also available on Kindle) The Graduate Alphabet is a light-hearted, fresh and practical guide to life after graduation. It celebrates the many new opportunities in this life stage, and offers wisdom for its challenges too. It talks about adulthood, bosses, interviews, parents, responsibility, singleness and success.

Student Alphabet

£5 (also available on Kindle) An A-Z for starting university The Student Alphabet travels quickly from A to Z with everything you need to know about starting university. It is light-hearted, practical and shares hundreds of tips, stories and advice throughout. It covers alcohol, budgeting, fresher’s week, halls, lectures and relationships.

Loveyouruni Bundle £10

The loveyouruni bundle contains a trio of resources for current students for just £10 (£5 off). Living Mission, The Stuff of Life and The Graduate Alphabet. 35



Fusion serves a number of church networks, strengthening their work amongst students and young adults and helping them become increasingly effective in sending, receiving and reaching students.

New Wine is a movement of local churches working together with one vision: to see the nation changed. We do this through a network of church leaders, training events, discipleship courses, resources and conferences including the United National Gatherings each summer. We believe this nationwide change will be brought about by the spiritual transformation of individual lives, and through the renewal, strengthening and planting of churches. Join us!

The Ground Level Network is made up of churches throughout the UK that are committed to welcome, empower, release and support students and other young adults to discover their God given destinies and make a lasting difference in this world. We are passionate about providing students with a vibrant, welcoming and supportive church family when they go to uni and we’re grateful for our mates at Fusion who help us to make this happen. Ground Level also hosts the ONE event (formerly Grapevine).










Pioneer is a network of networks, church hubs and ministries committed to church planting, leadership development, training and the support of innovative caring projects. We are committed to nonreligious Christianity, building missional church and working in partnership wherever we can. We host a variety of gatherings throughout the year - our Annual Leaders Conference, Summer School of Theology and the National Churches Forum - to encourage and support leaders.


Elim has been serving cities, towns and villages across the UK for almost 100 years. Our 550 local churches often vary both in style and size and are united by a desire to reach the lost and make effective disciple makers. Many of our churches, particularly those in university cities, have worked over many years to welcome and resource students. We are working closely with Fusion to develop this further.

Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland participates in the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the work of local Vineyard churches that communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and practice. Across the country, university cities have Vineyard Churches that would love to welcome you into a community of people who are working out their faith practically, making room for those who are seeking, in a fun, accepting environment. We train and equip young people to make an impact in this world, in whatever sphere God has called them. We are working with Fusion to achieve this.

Since the early days of Salt & Light we have been about partnering in the mission of God to make disciples of all peoples and to go together as family. Comprising around 75 chrurches in the UK and a family of churches worldwide, S&L have a vision to plant new churches, develop strong equipping hub churches worldwide, as well as ultimately transforming our society with power of the Gospel.












Through the Key Partner programme Fusion is acting as a doorway to other ministries working with, supporting, serving and resourcing students. Our hope is that areas of specialism that have been honed and developed over many years can be much more readily accessible to students. We believe this will lead to greater joined up thinking and action that will better serve God’s purposes in this nation and beyond.

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. No pressure. No follow up. No charge. Check out alpha.org to find out how you can run Alpha in your University today. We want to see a generation of students invite their friends to explore life on Alpha.

The Christian Aid Collective is a movement of people who want to create a different world, without poverty and injustice. Where everyone has what they need to live life in all its fullness. We believe that community has the potential to change the world. That by joining up to take action where we are, we can impact our global community for the better and make it poverty free. Poverty over: a beautiful plan.

Compassion supports some of the world’s most vulnerable children and, through individual sponsors, helps them break the cycle of poverty, giving them hope for the future. Compassion works through local churches in 26 developing countries to release children from physical, economic, social and spiritual poverty.










Tearfund are passionate about seeing the world changed through a generation who have the guts to become the kind of people that change the world. We are excited about developing habits, regular patterns in our lives that change us and the world as we live out Jesus’ values of generocity, advocacy, contentment, and connection. We call this Rhythms. To join the community and sign up to Rhythms, head over to the website.

Our heart is to help young people capture first a vision of Jesus, then to equip, train, empower and release them into his ministry in their everyday lives. We do this in many different ways including: conferences, retreats, resources, local church-based events, training events, discipleship courses and mentoring programs. Momentum is our conference for students and twenty-something’s. Come along for relevant teaching, intimate worship, ministry and a whole lot of fun!

The Salvation Army is a worldwide Christian church and registered charity working in 126 countries, demonstrating Christian principles through practical support, friendship, and hands on help to people of all ages, backgrounds and needs. Students can get involved in all sorts of ways; through volunteering with fundraising initiatives and activities as well as attending church services and groups.












wholehearted follower of Jesus and an

faith, church, politics and social change

innovator for social change. Through

who took Paul’s words to Timothy very

his belief that certain things are not

seriously. “Don’t let anyone look down

impossible, he brought a radical anti-

on you because you are young, but set

slavery message to the nations. His

an example for the believers in speech,

assurance that change could happen

in conduct, in love, in faith and in

gave him extraordinary energy to see

purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12.

the gospel in action through people’s lives, through our political system and

One of the greatest gifts of being

through our treatment of others.

students and young adults is that we are young enough to really believe that

Wilberforce is no longer with us but his

boundaries can be broken and limits

legacy is a powerful testament to the

can be pushed, the status quo can

power of Jesus in our world. Today I

change and we can be part of it. We

see many ‘Wilberforces’ in action…

can look at a world in need and believe that in God we find greater hope,

…Students like Eli who believes firmly

greater love and greater faith than we

in Jesus and refuses to believe that

see right now.

modern day slavery is too big and impossible to change. Instead he


Wilberforce was a relentless advocate

walks in the footsteps of Jesus, with

for the power of the gospel, a

cheering from heroes of the faith as he

key partner

raises awareness, raises money and petitions government on behalf of the 3,300 children trafficked every day. …Students like Tim who refuses to believe that homelessness is par for the course in our university cities. Instead he walks in the footsteps of Jesus, with cheering from heroes of the faith as he volunteers in his local homeless outreach work and talks to local politicians about how to support and care for people well. …Students like Hannah who believes that our phones shouldn’t be causing war because of the minerals in them. Instead she walks in the footsteps of Jesus, with cheering from heroes of the faith as she mobilises students to consider what they’re buying. I hope to always be young enough to

with God-sized hope for our world, cities, universities and friends. If this has felt inspiring for you, please check out Rhythms.org for ideas on what you can be doing in your life, in your city and among your mates. The website is packed full of ideas and stories of other students like you living differently.

believe in the impossible. While you are students, while you are in your city for such a time as this; now is the perfect time to be young enough


to have large dreams, big hearts and


eyes wide open to what Jesus wants


to do in the world. Now is the perfect time to follow Jesus wholeheartedly

facebook.com/TearfundRhythms www.rhythms.org


BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING We live in a culture where children

complain about having to go to school and others go to university to fill in a few years before having to face the responsibilities of adulthood.

In a country where we take education

as a right, and sometimes an annoying

one at that, it’s hard to imagine a world

where you could be sat down at the age of eight and told that you can’t go to school anymore.

That’s exactly what happened to Febri.

Her parents worked hard, but the money they made just wasn’t enough to cover school fees. Growing in up in rural

Indonesia, her culture taught her to aim for self-sufficiency and to be satisfied

with survival, but she longed for more; she longed to thrive. 40

Febri’s life was set on a different track

when she joined her local Compassion project. Not only was her schooling

funded, she was encouraged to dream big about the future God had planned for her. Now, aged 21, she is the

first person from her village to go to university.

But she’s not just studying, she’s

serving. Febri knows that education is

a privilege and has chosen to volunteer as a mentor in a Compassion project;

to help other children just like her. She’s chosen to seize responsibility with both

hands. ‘My whole life is a gift from God,’

she explains, ‘I am glad he has given me this opportunity to serve.’

Miriam Swaffield, Student Mission

Leader at Fusion and Compassion

key partner

Ambassador, comments on Febri's story, ‘It challenges us to consider

that being a student isn't a right, it's a privilege and one that can be shared.

We have more time and resources at uni than we realise. Our degree years aren't years off from serving our world, they

can actually become the foundations for how we live the rest of our lives.’

You can tell a child like Febri, 'I'm here for you' by sponsoring them at: www.compassionuk.org 41






Nelson Mandela

‘I’ve only been on the Discipleship Year for three months yet it’s already helped me onto the path to become the person God wants me to be. I’ve been able to discuss some of the questions that have been on my mind for years in a safe, friendly environment which, in turn, has helped me be more confident in my place in God’s kingdom.’ Luke Harmer, Canterbury DY student 2014-15

‘Following my Masters degree, the DY has provided me with great opportunities to focus on God. It can be very easy to lose sight of the ‘big picture’: why we are doing what we are doing. The DY has been a time of seeing God in every activity, consciously glorifying him in day-to-day life. I have been welcomed warmly into an unfamiliar Christian community and had many opportunities to serve and do ministry. The access to quality teaching and opportunities to be mentored by experienced Christians has helped build (or re-enforce) firm foundations in the faith.’ Ian Hough, Canterbury DY student 2014-15

‘I have loved the in-depth Bible teaching alongside subjects like leadership, mission and our identity in God. It has been my first year away from home and the Discipleship Year has equipped and shaped me both through the teaching and the quality time spent with others. I’ve hugely enjoyed the variety of ministry, relationships, fun and challenges!’ Maddie Hall, Cheltenham

‘The course material has been inspiring and has opened my eyes to so many different ways that I can build my relationship with God and hear him. It has developed my knowledge of the Bible and given me practical ways of reading God’s word and living it out. I can’t wait to see what God does this year!’

Katie Hunt, Plymouth DY student 2014-15

‘I had an amazing year on DY. I was blessed to be able to serve my local church and be a part of what God has planned there. I’m now preparing to marry my fellow intern, Ben!’ Georgina Carpenter, Canterbury DY student 2013-14


Confirmed Training Centres for 2015/16 can be found at www.new-wine.org/DY.


Bolton Manchester & the West Peaks






North East London

West London Canterbury

DY student 2012-13



How to Apply 1 Pray about it. 2 Visit www.new-wine.org/DY for further info and an application form. 3 Get ready for a life-changing year of adventure and discovery!

In association with



ABERDEEN Aberdeen City of Joy www.cojscotland.net Aberdeen Vineyard Church www.aberdeenvineyard.org.uk City Church Aberdeen www.citychurchaberdeen.org Crown Terrace Methodist Church Aberdeen www.aberdeenmethodist.org.uk Destiny Church Aberdeen www.destiny-church.com Gerrard Street Baptist Church, Aberdeen www.gsbaptist.org King’s Community Church Aberdeen www.kingscommunitychurch.org New Life International Church Aberdeen www.newlife-internationalchurch.org ABERYSTWYTH Elim Aberystwyth www.elimaberystwyth.com St Michael’s Church www.stmikes.org The Salvation Army Aberystwyth www.salvationarmy.org.uk/aberystwyth


AOG Bangor Pentecostal Church www.aogbangor.org.uk Bangor Community Church www.bangorcc.co.uk Hope Church Bangor www.hopechurchbangor.org BATH All Saints Weston www.allsaintsonline.org.uk Bath & Avon Vineyard www.bathandavonvineyard.org.uk Bath Abbey www.bathabbey.org Bath City Church www.bathcitychurch.org.uk Elim Pentecostal Church Bath www.elimbath.org Fathers House, Bath www.fathershousebath.org

St Luke’s Church www.stlukesbath.com

California Christian Centre Birmingham www.calcc.org.uk

St Michaels Church Bath www.stmichaelsbath.org.uk

Christ Church Birmingham www.christ-church-selly-park.org.uk

St Michael’s Twerton, Bath www.stmichaelstwerton.com

Christian Life Centre Birmingham www.christianlifecentre.com

St Swithin’s Walcot, Bath www.stswithinswalcot.org.uk

Church Alive, Birmingham www.churchalive.org.uk

St Swithins www.stswithinswalcot.org.uk/contact-us

Church of God of Prophecy Birmingham www.cogop.org.uk

Trinity St Matts www.trinitystmatts.org.uk

Connect Church Birmingham www.connectchurchuk.com


Destiny International Christian Assembly, Birmingham

All Nations Church Bedford www.allnationsbedford.org Christ Church Bedford www.ccbedford.org King’s Arms Church Bedford www.kingsarms.org Russell Park Baptist Church www.russellpark.org Woodside Church www.woodsidechurch.com BELFAST Belfast City Vineyard Church www.belfastcityvineyard.com Christian Fellowship Church Belfast www.thisiscfc.com Christian Fellowship Church: Belfast South www.thisiscfc.com/belfast-south City Church Belfast www.citychurchbelfast.org Fisherwick Presbyterian Church Belfast www.fisherwick.net Life Church Belfast www.lifechurchbelfast.com South Belfast Elim www.southbelfastelim.org The Church of the Resurrection, Belfast www.thehubbelfast.org The Dock, Belfast www.the-dock.org UT Belfast www.utbelfast.org Wells www.boringwells.org Willowfield Parish Church www.willowfieldchurch.co.uk BERKHAMSTED Kings Road Church Berkhamsted www.kingsroadchurch.org Northchurch Baptist Church www.northchurch.com

Freedom Bath & Bristol www.freedombathandbristol.com/p/students Sunnyside Church Berkhamsted www.sunnysidechurch.org.uk Hay Hill Baptist Church, Bath www.hayhill.org BIRMINGHAM


Holy Trinity Combe Down Bath www.htcd.org

Bethel Free Baptist Church www.bethelfreebaptist.com

Oldfield Park Baptist Church www.oldfieldparkbaptist.org.uk

Birmingham Christian Centre www.birminghamcc.co.uk

Hope City Church Birmingham www.hopecitychurch.tv Jesus Fellowship Church Birmingham www.birmingham.jesus.org.uk Living Stones www.living-stones.co.uk Oikos Church www.oikoschurch.co.uk Riverside Church Birmingham www.riverside-church.org.uk St John’s Church Harborne Birmingham www.stjohns-church.co.uk St Martin in the Bullring, Birmingham www.bullring.org True Vine International www.truevineint.org Vineyard Network Church Birmingham www.vineyardnetworkchurch.com Yardley Baptist Church www.yardleybaptist.co.uk BLACKBURN Blackburn Vineyard Church www.blackburnvineyard.org.uk Community Church Blackburn www.ccblackburn.org Elim Pentecostal Church Blackburn www.elimblackburn.org St Gabriel’s, Blackburn www.stgabriels-blackburn.co.uk United Blackburn BOLTON Christian Way of Life Bolton Deane Church Bolton www.deanechurch.org King’s Church, Bolton www.kingschurchlife.com Liberty Christian Centre www.libertycc.co.uk Northfield Community Church www.northfieldchurch.org.uk St Luke’s Church Bolton BOURNEMOUTH Bournemouth Community Church www.bournemouthcommunitychurch.com

Our complete directory of worldwide Fusion connection churches is available at: www.fusion.uk.com/find-a-church

Bournemouth Vineyard Church www.bournemouthvineyard.com

Resound, Bristol www.resoundbristol.co.uk

Freedom Bournemouth www.freedombournemouth.com

Severn Vineyard Bristol www.severnvineyard.org

Moordown Baptist Church, Bournemouth www.moordownbaptist.org

Simple Church Bristol www.simplechurch.co.uk

St Andrew’s Church Bournemouth www.standrewskinson.org

Saint Stephens Bristol City www.saint-stephens.com

St Swithun’s Bournemouth www.stswithuns.net

Staple Hill Salvation Army www.staplehillcitadel.com

Winton Salvation Army www.wintonsa.org.uk

St Mark’s Baptist Church Bristol www.stmarkseaston.org.uk


St Matthew’s Church, Bristol www.stmatthews-bristol.org.uk

Buttershaw Baptist Church Bradford www.buttershawbaptist.org.uk City Valley Church Bradford www.cityvalley.org Global Ministry of Champions www.assembliesofgodbradfordgmc.org Life Church Bradford www.lifechurchhome.com St. Augustine’s Bradford www.staugustinesbradford.org.uk St Peter’s Shipley www.stpetes.org.uk SoulSpace The Light Church, Bradford www.thelightchurch.org.uk BRIGHTON Church on the Rock Brighton www.cotr.co.uk City Gate Church Brighton www.citygatechurch.org.uk CityCoast Church Brighton www.citycoastchurch.co.uk One Church Brighton www.onechurchbrighton.org St Peter’s Brighton www.studentsatstpeters.org BRISTOL BCF AARDVARK www.aardvarkers.wordpress.com Bourne Christian Centre www.bristolcommunitychurch.org Bristol Vineyard www.bristolvineyard.com Calvary Chapel Bristol www.calvarybristol.com City Church Bristol www.citychurch.org.uk Ebenezer Church, Bristol www.ebe.org.uk Edge Church, Bristol www.edgechurch.co.uk Elim @ Bristol www.elimbristol.org Highgrove Church Bristol www.highgrove.org.uk Holy Trinity Hotwells www.holytrinityhotwells.org Ivy Church Bristol www.ivychurch.net Kingswood Congregational Church www.lovegodlovelife.org.uk

St Michael’s Stoke Gifford, Bristol www.stmichaelsbristol.org The Salvation Army, Bristol Easton Corps www.salvationarmy.org.uk/bristol-easton Victoria Methodist Church, Bristol www.vic-methodist-bristol.org.uk Waterbrook Church www.waterbrook.org.uk Westbury-on-Trym Baptist Church www.westburybaptist.org.uk Woodlands Church Bristol www.woodlandschurch.net


CAMBRIDGE Cambridge Community Church (C3) www.cthree.org Cambridge Vineyard Church www.cambridgevineyard.org.uk

www.bethelcardiff.org.uk Calvary Baptist Church www.calvarybaptist.co.uk Capital City Church Cardiff www.capcitycardiff.org.uk Cardiff Vineyard www.cardiffvineyard.org City Temple Cardiff www.citytemple.info Glenwood Church Cardiff www.glenwoodchurch.org Hope Community Church Pontypridd www.h4p.org.uk Life Church Cardiff www.lifecardiff.org RCCG, Garden of the Lord Cardiff www.gardenofthelord.org.uk River City Church Cardiff www.rivercitychurch.org.uk St Mark’s Gabalfa Cardiff www.stmarks-cardiff.co.uk The Gap Cardiff www.thegapcardiff.co.uk Woodville Baptist Church Cardiff www.woodybap.org.uk CARLISLE Border Kirk www.theborderkirk.org Carlisle Vineyard www.carlislevineyard.com Elim Community Church Carlisle www.elimcarlisle.org The Way Carlisle www.thewaycarlisle.co.uk CHELMSFORD

City Life Church Cambridge www.citylifechurch.net

Central Baptist Church Chelmsford www.centralbaptistchelmsford.org.uk

Faith Life Church Cambridge www.faithlifechurch.org.uk

CGC Chelmsford www.cgcchelmsford.com

Holy Trinity Cambridge www.htcambridge.org.uk

Chelmsford Community Church www.chelmsfordcommunitychurch.co.uk

KingsGate Community Church, Cambridge www.kingsgateuk.com/cambridge

Chelmsford Vineyard

St Barnabas Cambridge www.stbs.org.uk St John the Evangelist, Cambridge www.ely.anglican.org/parishes/camsjohn/ Zion Baptist Church Cambridge www.zionbc.org.uk CANTERBURY Canterbury Baptist Church www.canterburybaptistchurch.org.uk Canterbury Vineyard www.canterburyvineyard.org Dayspring Community Church www.dayspringcanterbury.org.uk New Life Church Canterbury www.newlifecanterbury.org St Andrews Canterbury www.standrewscanterbury.org St Mary Bredin Church www.smb.org.uk/students CARDIFF

Parish of Bishopston and St Andrew’s www.bishopstonandstandrews.org.uk

Albany Rd Baptist Church Cardiff www.albanyroadbaptist.org.uk

Pip ‘n’ Jay Bristol www.pipnjay.org.uk/students

All Nations Church Cardiff www.allnationschurch.org.uk Bethel Baptist Church

Life Church Chelmsford www.elim.org CHELTENHAM C3 Church, Cheltenham www.ccccheltenham.org.uk Cheltenham Bridge Church www.thebridgecheltenham.co.uk Cheltenham Network Church www.glenfall.org.uk Elim Christian Centre Cheltenham www.cheltenhamelim.org Glenfall Church Cheltenham www.glenfall.org.uk Godfirst Cheltenham www.godfirst.org.uk Holy Apostles www.hachelt.co.uk Trinity Cheltenham www.trinitycheltenham.com St Mary with St Matthew Church, Cheltenham St Matthews Church, Cheltenham www.stmstm.org.uk St Paul’s Cheltenham www.stpaulscheltenham.com CHESTER

To find a church near you, please Linkup now using the Student Linkup mobile app or online at: www.fusion.uk.com/linkup


All Saints Hoole www.allsaintshoole.org

Elim Pentecostal Church Coventry www.elim-coventry.org.uk

Christ Church Chester www.christchurchchester.com

Holy Trinity Coventry www.holytrinitycoventry.org.uk

Freedom Church Chester newfrontierschester.org

Jesus Fellowship Church Coventry www.covjc.co.uk

Hoole Baptist Church Chester www.hbc.org.uk

Jubilee Church Coventry www.jubileechurchcoventry.org

Northgate Church www.northgate.org.uk

King’s Church Coventry www.kingschurchcoventry.org

Queen Street Christian Centre www.qsccchester.org.uk

St Anne and All Saints Coventry www.stanneandallsaints.yolasite.com

The Community Church Chester www.thecommunitychurches.org.uk

St Mary Magdalen Church www.st-mary-magdalen.org.uk

Vineyard 53 www.vineyard53.org

Westwood Church Coventry www.westwoodchurch.co.uk

Waverton Evangelical Fellowship www.wefchurch.net Acorn Christian Ministries Chesterfield www.acm-uk.org


Kings Church Eastbourne www.kingschurch.eu

Christian Life Church Chesterfield www.lifechurch.org.uk

Destiny Church Dublin www.destinychurch.ie

Living Stones Community Church Eastbourne www.livingstoneschurch.co.uk

Lifehouse Chesterfield www.lifeworthliving.co.uk

Dublin Vineyard Church www.dublinvineyard.ie

St Johns Church, Meads www.stjm.org.uk

St Johns Chesterfield www.stjohnswalton.co.uk

Liffey Valley Vineyard www.liffeyvalleyvineyard.ie

Victoria Baptist www.victoriabaptist.org.uk


St. Marks Church Dublin


Chichester Baptist Church www.chichesterbaptist.org.uk


All Nations, Edinburgh www.ancf.org.uk


Chichester Family Church www.chichesterfamilychurch.com Revelation Church www.revelation.org.uk

Destiny Church Dundee www.destinydundee.com


Gate Church International, Dundee www.gatechurch.co.uk

Elim Church Colchester www.elimcolchester.co.uk

St. Paul’s Cathedral www.saintpaulscathedral.net

Kingsland Church Lexden www.kingsland.org.uk/lexden

The Steeple Church Dundee www.thesteeplechurch.org.uk

SOURCE Christian Community www.sourcehythe.co.uk


St John’s Colchester www.stjohnscolchester.org.uk St Luke’s Church, Highwoods www.stlukescolchester.org.uk St Stephen’s Church www.ststephens-colchester.org.uk

Bethshan Durham www.bethshanchurch.net Durham Community Church www.durhamcommunitychurch.org.uk Durham Vineyard www.durhamvineyard.org.uk


Emmanuel Church Durham www.emmanuel.org.uk

Causewaycoast Vineyard www.causewaycoastvineyard.com

King’s Church Durham www.kcd.org.uk


St Nic’s Durham www.stnics.org.uk

i61 Church Conwy www.i61.org

St Alkmund’s Church Derby www.alkmunds.org.uk St Barnabas www.stbd.org.uk St Nicholas Church, Allestree www.stnicholasallestree.org.uk Trinity Baptist Church www.trinitybaptistderby.com


EASTBOURNE All Souls Eastbourne Community Church Eastbourne www.churchinthecommunity.co.uk Eastbourne Family Church www.elimeastbourne.org.uk

Barclay Viewforth Edinburgh www.barclayviewforth.org.uk Bellevue Chapel www.bellevuechapel.org Bridge Family Church www.bridgefamilychurch.com Capital City Church International Edinburgh www.3cint.co.uk Carrubbers Christian Centre www.carrubbers.org Central: Jesus at the heart www.jesusattheheart.org Centrepoint Church Edinburgh www.edinburgh.centrepointchurch.org Community Church Edinburgh www.cce.uk.net Crossroads Church Edinburgh www.crossroadsedinburgh.com Destiny Church Edinburgh www.destinyedinburgh.com Edinburgh City Vineyard www.edinburghcityvineyard.co.uk


Edinburgh Elim www.edinburghelim.com

Christian Life Church Derby www.lifechurch.org.uk

King’s Church Edinburgh www.kingschurchedinburgh.org

Community Church Derby www.communitychurchderby.org

Life Church, Edinburgh www.lifechurchedinburgh.org

Central Hall Coventry www.centralhall.info

Derby City Church www.derbycitychurch.co.uk

St Paul’s and St George’s Edinburgh www.pandgchurch.org.uk

Christian Life Ministries Coventry www.clmchurch.co.uk

Derby Vineyard www.derbyvineyard.com

The Gathering Edinburgh www.gatheringedinburgh.com

Coventry Cathedral www.coventrycathedral.org.uk

Haven Christian Centre


Jubilee Church Derby www.jubilee.org.uk

Runnymede Christian Fellowship Egham www.e-runnymede.co.uk

Littleover Methodist Church www.lmclife.org.uk

St John’s Egham www.stjohnsegham.com

North East Derbyshire Christian Fellowship

The Journey Egham

COVENTRY Canley Community Church www.canley.org.uk

Coventry Salvation Army Church www.coventrycitycorps.org.uk Coventry Vineyard www.coventryvineyard.org


Central Baptist Church, Dundee www.cbcdundee.org.uk


Our complete directory of worldwide Fusion connection churches is available at: www.fusion.uk.com/find-a-church

www.thejourney.org.uk EXETER Belmont Chapel www.belmontchapel.org.uk City Community Church Exeter www.cccexeter.org City Life Church Exeter www.exeterlife.org Exeter Cathedral www.exeter-cathedral.org.uk Exeter Network Church www.enc.uk.net Exeter Vineyard Church www.exetervineyard.co.uk Isca Church Exeter www.iscachurch.org.uk Riverside Church Exeter www.riversideexeter.co.uk St Andrew’s Parish Church, Exwick www.exwickchurches.org.uk The River Church www.riverchurch.tv Unlimited Exeter www.unlimitedchurch.org.uk


St Catharine’s, Gloucester www.stcatharine.org.uk

Huddersfield Christian Fellowship www.huddersfieldchristianfellowship.com

University of Gloucestershire Oxstalls Chaplaincy

Huddersfield Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org.uk/huddersfield


Kirkheaton Parish Church www.kirkheatonchurch.org.uk

Centrepoint Church www.centrepointchurch.org.uk Emmanuel Church Gildford www.emmanuelchurch.co.uk Emmaus Rd Community Church www.emmausrd.com Guildford Baptist Church www.guildfordbaptist.org

Falmouth Light & Life www.lightandlife.co.uk/falmouth


Oakes Baptist Church www.oakesbaptist.org.uk St Stephen’s Parish Church, Lindley www.ststephenslindley.org.uk HULL

Guildford Community Church www.gcconline.org.uk

Bourne Street Elim www.elimhull.com

RCCG, Winners’ Place Guildford www.rccgwinnersplace.org.uk

City Life Church Hull www.citylifehull.co.uk

St John’s Stoke Guildford www.stjohnstoke.com

Cottingham Road Baptist Church Hull www.cottroad.org.uk

St Saviours Guildford www.st-saviours.org.uk

Holy Trinity Church, Hull www.holy-trinity.org.uk

Westborough Church Guildford www.westborough-urc.co.uk

Hull Community Church www.community-house.co.uk


Hull Vineyard Church www.hullvineyard.com



New North Road Baptist Church www.nnrbc.org

All Saints Halifax www.allsaintshalifax.org.uk Christ Church Mount Pellon www.christchurchpellon.org.uk The King’s Church, Halifax www.thekingscentrehalifax.org.uk HATFIELD


Evangelical Baptist Church Hatfield www.hope4hatfield.org

Beulah Christian Fellowship Gillingham St Mark’s Gillingham

Gracemead Church www.gracemeadchurch.co.uk

Kings Community Church Hatfield www.kcchatfield.org.uk St. Luke the Evanglist Gillingham www.achurchnearyou.com/st-luke-gillingham King’s Community Church www.kcchatfield.org.uk GLASGOW St John’s Hatfield www.bishopshatfieldparish.co.uk Destiny Church Glasgow www.destiny-church.com HARLOW Glasgow City Centre Corps Freshwaters Christian Fellowship www.salvationarmy.org.uk/glasgow www.freshwaterscf.org.uk Glasgow Elim Church Light House www.glasgowelim.org.uk www.light-house.gb.net Glasgow Westend Vineyard HIGH WYCOMBE www.gwvineyard.co.uk www.stmarkschurchgillingham.co.uk

Jubilee Church Hull www.notdull.org St Aidan’s Hull www.staidans.org.uk


Keele University Chapel www.keelechapel.org KINGSTON UPON-THAMES Everyday Church Kingston www.everyday.org.uk/kingston His Church Kingston-upon-Thames www.hischurchlondon.co.uk King’s Church Kingston www.kingschurch.com KingsGate Church Kingston www.kingsgatechurch.org.uk Kingston United Reformed Church www.kingstonurc.org Kingston University Chaplaincy www.kingston.ac.uk/chaplaincy Kingston Vineyard www.kingstonvineyard.co.uk

Hope Church, Glasgow www.hopechurchglasgow.org

Christ the Servant King www.banjos.org.uk

New Life Christian Centre www.nlccdeal.co.uk

Kirkintilloch Baptist Church www.Kirkiebaptist.com

Kings Church High Wycombe www.kchw.co.uk

RCCG Grace Sanctuary for all Nations www.gracesanctuary-rccg.co.uk

Queens Park Baptist Church Glasgow www.qpbc.org

Micklefield Elim Christian Fellowship Church St Paul’s Kingston Hill North Thames Vineyard High Wycombe www.stpaulskingston.org.uk www.norththamesvineyard.org.uk


The Valley Network www.thevalleynetwork.co.uk

Gloucester Community Church www.gcchurch.co.uk Kendal Road Baptist Church Gloucester www.krbc.org.uk

Union Baptist Church High Wycombe www.unionbaptist.org HUDDERSFIELD

Mariners Gloucester www.marinersgloucester.org.uk

Community Church Huddersfield www.community-church.co.uk

One Church Gloucester www.thisisonechurch.com

Gledholt Methodist Church, Huddersfield www.gledholtmethodist.co.uk


LAMPETER Emmaus Christian Fellowship www.emmaus-lampeter.org.uk St Thomas’ Methodsit Church, Lampeter www.ceredigionmethodists.org.uk/index.php/ chaplaincy

To find a church near you, please Linkup now using the Student Linkup mobile app or online at: www.fusion.uk.com/linkup


LANCASTER Father’s House Church Lancaster www.fathers-house.co.uk

Victory Church Leeds www.facebook.com/vcleeds

Jubilee Church Liverpool www.jubileechurchliverpool.org

Lancaster Baptist Church www.lancasterbaptistchurch.org.uk


Liverpool Cathedral Liverpool City Church www.liverpoolcitychurch.org/lcc

Lancaster Free Methodist Church www.lfmc.co.uk St Thomas’s Lancaster www.st.tees.org.uk

All Nations Church Leicester www.ancl.co.uk Church of the Martyrs, Leicester www.martyrs.org.uk

Mossley Hill (St Matthews & St James) South Liverpool Vineyard www.southliverpoolvineyard.com


City Church Leicester www.citychurchleicester.org

Pioneer Engage Church Leatherhead www.pioneerengage.org.uk

Covenant Life Church Leicester www.covenantlifechurch.co.uk


Groby URC

St Andrew’s Clubmoor Liverpool www.standrewsclubmoor.org.uk

Christ Church Leamington Spa www.christchurch.org.uk

Harvest City Church www.harvestcitychurch.org.uk

St Bride’s Liverpool www.stbridesliverpool.co.uk/

Jubilee - Leamington www.jubileechurchleamington.co.uk

Holy Trinity Leicester www.holytrinityleicester.org

St James in the City www.stjamesinthecity.org.uk

Open House Warwick www.openhousewarwick.org.uk

Hope Hamilton Church Leicester www.hopehamiltonchurch.org.uk

St James in the City: Campus Congregation www.stjamesinthecity.org.uk

St Mary’s Church Leamington Spa www.stmarysleamington.com

King’s Church Leicester www.kingschurchleicester.org

St Stephen’s Liverpool www.ststephensgateacre.org.uk

St Paul’s Leamington Spa www.stpl.org.uk

KingsGate Community Church Leicester www.kingsgateuk.com/leicester

Wavertree Christian Fellowship Liverpool www.wavertreechristianfellowship.org.uk


Leicester City Vineyard www.leicestercityvineyard.org.uk


All Hallows Church Leeds www.allhallowsleeds.org.uk Blenheim Baptist Church Leeds www.blenheim.org.uk Bridge Street Church Leeds www.bridgestreetchurch.org Christ Church Upper Armley https://sites.google.com/site/ christchurcharmley

Mosaic Church www.mosaicchurch.org.uk Oadby Baptist Church www.oadby-baptist.org.uk Presence Leicester www.presence-church.com Trinity Life Church Leicester www.trinitylifechurch.org.uk

OpenWell www.openwell.co.uk

All Hallows Bow www.allhallowsbow.org.uk All Saints Peckham London www.allsaintspeckham.org.uk Amazing Grace Worship Centre www.agwc.org.uk Antioch Community with Koinonia www.koinonia.co.uk Ascension Balham Hill www.ascensionbalhamhill.org.uk

City Church Leeds www.citychurchleeds.net

Trinity Methodist Church Oadby www.oadbymethodist.co.uk

Emmanuel Cafe Church Leeds www.cafechurchleeds.wordpress.com


Ascot Life Church www.ascotlifechurch.org

Alive Church www.alivechurch.org.uk

Awaken London www.awakenlondon.co.uk

Alive Grantham www.newlifegrantham.org

Bless Community Church www.blesscc.org

Bridge Church Lincoln www.bridgechurchlincoln.co.uk

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church www.bloomsbury.org.uk

Gateway Church Leeds www.gatewayleeds.net Holy Trinity Meanwood www.holytrinitymeanwood.org.uk Hope City Church Leeds www.hopecitychurch.tv

Grace Church Lincoln Leeds Central Salvation Army www.gracechurchlincoln.org www.salvationarmy.org.uk/yks/Leeds_Central Ignite Elim Church Leeds Vineyard www.ignitelincoln.co.uk www.leedsvineyard.org Life Church Lincoln Life Church Leeds www.life-church.co.uk www.lifechurchhome.com/leeds St. Swithin’s Lister Hill Baptist Church www.stswithins.org.uk www.lhbc.org.uk TCM Baptist Church Mosaic Church Leeds www.tcmlincoln.co.uk www.mosaic-church.org.uk Threshold Revive Leeds www.thresholdchurch.co.uk www.reviveleeds.org LIVERPOOL South Parade Baptist Church Leeds www.spbc.org.uk Cornerstone Church Liverpool


Liverpool One Church www.liverpoolonechurch.com

St Augustine’s, Wrangthorn www.wrangthorn.org.uk

Devonshire Road Christian Fellowship www.devyroad.com

St Chad’s Far Headingley www.stchads.co.uk

Frontline Central www.studentchur.ch

St George’s Church Leeds www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk/students

Frontline Liverpool www.StudentChur.ch

St John’s Church, Yeadon www.stjohnsyeadon.org

Grace Family Church, Liverpool www.gracefamilychurch.co.uk

St Michael’s and All Angels www.st-michaels-headingley.org.uk

Hope City Church Liverpool www.hopecitychurch.tv

The Oak Church Leeds www.theoakchurch.co.uk

Jesus Fellowship Liverpool www.jesus.org.uk/liverpool

Canada Water Church www.canadawaterchurch.com Catch the Fire London www.ctflondon.com Central London Vineyard www.clv.org.uk Chase Fellowship London www.chasefamilychurch.com Christ Church Spitalfields www.ccspitalfields.org ChristChurch London www.christchurchlondon.org City Gates Christian Centre www.citygates.org.uk City Gates Church Soho www.citygateschurch.net City Hope Church www.cityhope.co.uk Doxa Deo London www.doxadeolondon.com Emmanuel, South Croydon www.emmanuelcroydon.org.uk Equippers Church Clapham www.equipperschurch.com/clapham Equippers Church London City www.equipperscity.co.uk

Our complete directory of worldwide Fusion connection churches is available at: www.fusion.uk.com/find-a-church

Every Nation Church London - Stratford Every Nation Church London www.everynation.co.uk Everyday Church Wimbledon Fellowship Church London www.fellowshiplondon.com Fulham United Reformed Church www.fulhamurc.org.uk Gateway Church Leyton www.gatewaychurch.org.uk Hampden Chapel www.hampdenchapel.org.uk Harvestime Church Virginia Water www.harvestimechurch.net Hillsong London www.hillsong.co.uk/young_adults Hinde Street Methodist Church www.hindestreet.org.uk Holy Trinity Brompton www.htb.org.uk/students Holy Trinity Swiss Cottage (HTSC) www.htsc.org Hope City Church London www.hopecitychurch.tv/london Hope Church Islington www.hopechurchislington.org House of Prayer London Ichthus Forest Hill www.ichthusforesthill.com Ichthus New Life Greenwich www.ichthusnewlife.org.uk Ichthus Southcroft Church www.southcroft.org Jesus Fellowship Church London www.jesus.org.uk/london Jubilee Church Chertsey www.jubileelife.org Kahaila Church London www.kahaila.com Kensington Temple www.youth.kt.org King’s Cross Church (KXC) www.kxc.org.uk Latymer Christian Fellowship www.latymer.org.uk Lee Abbey London www.leeabbeylondon.com London City Life www.londoncitylife.co.uk London City Presbyterian Church www.londonfreechurch.org.uk London Community Church www.londonchurch.org Lumen United Reformed Church www.lumenurc.org.uk Molesey Community Church www.mccrefresh.com New Life Church North London www.newlife-london.org.uk New River Baptist Church www.newriverbaptist.net Oak Tree Acton, London www.oaktree.org.uk Oasis Church Waterloo www.oasischurchwaterloo.org Quaystone Church London www.quaystone.org Redeemer London www.redeemerlondon.org Restore Peckham www.restore-peckham.org.uk

Shoreditch Tabernacle www.shoreditchbaptist.com Shoreline Calvary London www.shorelinelondon.co.uk St Barnabas Church Woodside Park www.stbarnabas.co.uk St Barnabas Kensington www.stbk.org.uk St Dionis Fulham www.stdionis.org.uk St Gabriel’s Church Cricklewood www.st-gabriels.org St George’s Holborn www.stgholborn.org St John’s Hampton Wick www.stjohnshamptonwick.org St John’s Hoxton www.stjohnshoxton.org.uk St John’s Kingston Vale www.inthevale.org.uk St Luke’s Kentish Town www.slkt.org.uk St Mark’s Church Battersea www.stmarks-battersea.org.uk St Mark’s Church Kensal Rise www.saintms.co.uk St Marks Kennington www.stmarkskennington.org St Mary Islington www.stmaryislington.org

www.trinityvineyard.org.uk Victoria Park Baptist Church www.vpbc.org.uk Westbourne Grove Church www.westbournegrovechurch.org Westbourne Park Baptist Church www.westbourneparkchurch.org.uk/ Westminster Chapel www.westminsterchapel.org.uk/ Westminster Community Church www.westminsterchurch.org.uk LOUGHBOROUGH All Saints’ Church, Thorpe Acre with Dishley www.astad.org Elim Church Loughborough www.elim-loughborough.org.uk Emmanuel Church Loughborough www.easm.co.uk/emmanuel King’s Church Loughborough www.kingschurch.co.uk New Springs City Church www.newsprings.org.uk Open Heaven Loughborough www.openheaven.org The Junction Church Loughborough www.junctionchurch.net The Well Church Loughborough www.thewellchurch.org LUTON

St Mary’s London www.stmaryslondon.com/students

Christ Apostolic Church - East of Luton www.cacluton.org

St Michaels Church Southfields www.stmichaelssouthfields.org

City Life Church Luton www.loveluton.org

St Paul’s Church, Brixton www.stpaulsbrixton.org

Hope Church Luton www.hopechurch.co.uk

St Paul’s Ealing www.stpaulsealing.com

Luton Central Baptist Church www.centralbaptist.org.uk/

St Paul’s Hammersmith www.sph.org

Luton Christian Fellowship (LCF) www.lcf.biz

St Paul’s Kingston Hill www.stpaulskingston.org.uk

St Mary’s Luton www.stmarysluton.org

St Paul’s Shadwell www.stpaulsshadwell.org

Stopsley Baptist Church Luton www.stopsley.net

St Peter’s Bethnal Green www.stpetersbethnalgreen.org


St Peter’s Harrow www.stpetersharrow.co.uk St Simons London www.stsimons.co.uk St Thomas with St Stephen’s www.stwss.org.uk SW London Vineyard www.swlv.org.uk The Kings Church - Epsom www.thekingschurch.org The King’s Cross Baptist Church www.kingscrossbaptistchurch.com The Community Church www.community-church.org.uk The Space London The Well Community Church www.thewellcc.org.uk Tollington Parish-St Marks, Emmanuel, St Saviours www.tollingtonparish.org.uk Tower Hamlets Community Church www.thcc.org.uk Trinity Vineyard Church


!Audacious Church www.audaciouschurch.com Christ Church Manchester www.ccm.org.uk Ivy Manchester www.ivyfallowfield.org King’s Church www.makingjesusfamous.org LifeChurch Manchester www.lifechurch.uk.net Vinelife Church Manchester www.vinelife.co.uk Brunswick Parish Church www.brunswickchurch.org.uk Good News Church www.gncmacc.org Grace&Glory Didsbury www.graceandglory.co.uk

To find a church near you, please Linkup now using the Student Linkup mobile app or online at: www.fusion.uk.com/linkup


Manchester Central Vineyard www.mcvineyard.org.uk

Tyneside Vineyard www.tynesidevineyard.org.uk

Manchester International Alliance www.manchesterinternationalalliance.com

Welbeck Road Evangelical Church www.welbeckroadchurch.org.uk

South Manchester Family Church www.southmanchester.net


St Jude’s Mapperley St Nics Nottingham www.stnics.org

Bethel Community Church www.bethelnewport.co.uk

St Saviour’s www.saviours.org.uk

Christchurch Newport www.christchurchnewport.org

St Stephen’s with St Paul’s

St Clement’s Church www.st-clements.org St James’ and Emmanuel Didsbury www.stjamesandemmauel.org The Potters House www.pottershousestockport.org.uk

Kings Church Newport www.kings-church.org.uk


Malpas Road Evangelical Church www.malpasroad.org.uk

Jubilee Community Church www.jcchurch.org.uk

Nant Coch Church www.nantcoch.org.uk

River Church Maidenhead www.riverchurch.org.uk


River Church Marlow www.riverchurch.org.uk River Church Slough www.riverchurch.org.uk

Broadmead Baptist Church www.broadmead.org.uk Central Vineyard, Northampton www.centralvineyard.co.uk

St Giles West Bridgeford www.stgilesparish.com

The Rock West Bridgford, Nottingham www.the-rock.org.uk Thomas Helwys Baptist Church www.thomashelwysnottingham.org.uk Trent Vineyard, Nottingham www.trentvineyard.org


Duke Street Evangelical Church www.dukest.com

Emmanuel Church Oxford Jesus Fellowship Oxford www.facebook.com/OxfordJFC


Elim Church Northampton www.elimnorthampton.com

Oxford Bible Church www.oxfordbiblechurch.co.uk

Coulby Newham Baptist Church www.cnbaptist.com

Jesus Fellowship Church Northampton www.northampton.jesus.org.uk

Oxford Community Church www.oxford.occ.org.uk

Middlesbrough Baptist Church www.boro-baptists.org.uk

Kingdom Life Church Northampton www.klc.org.uk

Oxford Vineyard Church www.ovc.uk.com

Middlesbrough Community Church (MCC) www.middlesbroughcommunitychurch.org

New Pastures Church Northampton www.newpastureschurch.com

St Aldates Oxford www.staldates.org.uk

One Life Church Teesside www.onelifechurch.org.uk

St Giles Northampton www.stgilesnorthampton.org.uk

St Andrew’s Church www.standrewschurchdown.org.uk



St. Peter’s Maidenhead www.real-life.org.uk

St Barnabas, Middlesbrough www.st-barnabas.net Tees Valley Community Church (TVCC) www.tvcchurch.org.uk


NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE Bethshan Newcastle www.bethshanchurch.net Brunswick Methodist Church City Church Newcastle www.city-church.co.uk Cornerstone Church Newcastle www.thehousenewcastle.org Destiny Church Newcastle Upon Tyne www.destinynewcastle.com

City Church Norwich www.citychurch.co.uk Eternity Norwich www.eccnorwich.org.uk Gateway Vineyard Norwich www.gatewayvineyardnorwich.org.uk


Servant’s Church www.servantschurch.org.uk St Thomas Norwich www.stthomasnorwich.org

NOTTINGHAM Christian Centre Nottingham www.christian-centre.org Eagle’s Nest Church Nottingham www.eaglesnest.org.uk

Jesmond Methodist Church Newcastle www.jmc-newcastle.org.uk

Evangelical Free Church - Radford Gods Vineyard Ministry Nottingham www.godsvineyardchurch.org

Newcastle Baptist Church www.newcastlebaptist.org.uk

Grace Church, Nottingham www.gracechurch-nottingham.org

Solution Assembly, Newcastle Silverdale Elim Church www.elimchurchsilverdale.org.uk

Hope Church Nottingham www.hopechurchnottingham.org

STGN St George’s Newcastle www.stgn.org


Proclaimers Norwich www.proclaimers.com

Gosforth Apostolic Church www.gosforthapostolic.co.uk

St Luke’s Newcastle www.stlukesnewcastle.co.uk

Oasis Church Perth www.oasischurchperth.org.uk KingsGate Community Church www.kingsgateuk.com

Stoke Holy Cross Church Norwich Surrey Chapel Norwich www.surreychapel.org.uk

Hope City Church Newcastle www.hopecitychurch.tv


Ipswich Road Norwich Norwich Vineyard www.norwichvineyard.co.uk

Elim Church Newcastle www.elimnewcastle.org.uk

Heaton Baptist Church, Newcastle www.heatonbaptist.org


St Christopher Sneinton

Life @ The Centre Nottingham www.lifeatthecentre.com St Andrew’s Nottingham www.standrewsnottm.org.uk

City Church Plymouth www.citychurchplymouth.org.uk Devonport Community Baptist Church www.devonportbaptist.co.uk Mutley Baptist Church www.mutleybaptist.co.uk Plymouth Central Hall www.plymouthcentralhall.co.uk Plymouth Christian centre www.plymouthchristiancentre.org Plymouth Vineyard www.plymouthvineyard.org.uk River Church Plymouth www.riverchurch.tv/plymouth St Andrews Church Plymouth St Andrews Plymouth www.standrewschurch.org.uk St Jude’s Plymouth www.judes.org.uk Waterfront City Church, Plymouth www.waterfrontcitychurch.com POOLE St Mary’s Longfleet Church www.smlpoole.org.uk

Our complete directory of worldwide Fusion connection churches is available at: www.fusion.uk.com/find-a-church

Vine Church Poole www.vinechurchpoole.com

Christ Central Manchester www.christcentral.org.uk

Word of Life Church Poole www.wordoflifepoole.com

Elmwood Church Salford www.elmwoodchurch.org.uk


King’s Church in Salford www.makingjesusfamous.org

ChristCentral Church www.christcentral.ch City Life Church Portsmouth www.myclc.org.uk

Mount Chapel Christian Fellowship Oasis Church Salford www.oasisuk.org

King’s Church Portsmouth www.kingschurchportsmouth.co.uk

St Paul’s, Kersal and St Andrew’s, Carr Clough www.stpaulsparish.org.uk

Langstone Church www.langstonechurch.com

St. Clements Salford www.salfordchurch.org

Portsmouth Vineyard LifeChurch www.portsmouthvineyard.org


St Simons Southsea www.stsimons-southsea.org.uk Trinity Methodist Church Portsmouth www.trinitysouthsea.org.uk XL Student Church (Family Church) www.family-church.org.uk PRESTON City Church Preston www.citychurchpreston.com Fulwood Free Methodist www.fulwoodfmc.net Longton Community Church www.longtoncommunitychurch.co.uk Preston Elim Pentecostal Church www.elimpreston.org.uk St Cuthbert’s Preston www.stcuthbertschurch.net


City Gate Salisbury www.citygatesalisbury.com

Christ Church Endcliffe www.endcliffechurch.co.uk

Southampton Lighthouse International Church www.lighthouseicc.org.uk

Christ Church Fulwood www.fulwoodchurch.co.uk/students

St Mark’s Southampton www.stmarkssoton.co.uk

City Life Christian Church Sheffield www.citylifecc.com

Victory Gospel Church Southampton www.victory.uk.net

City:Base Sheffield www.citybase.org


Eccles, Sheffield www.the-eccles.com

Sheffield Citadel Salvation Army www.sheffieldcitadel.co.uk Sheffield Community Church www.sheffieldcommunitychurch.com Sheffield Vineyard www.sheffieldvineyard.org

The Kingdom Vineyard www.thekingdomvineyard.com ST ALBANS City Church St Albans www.unityworks.org.uk Network Church St Albans www.thenetworkchurch.com St Mark’s Church Colney Heath www.stmarks.info St Pauls St Albans www.stpauls-stalbans.org Vineyard Church, St Albans www.thevineyardchurch.co.uk STAINES-UPON-THAMES Hope Christian Centre Staines www.hopechristiancentre.org.uk

St Luke’s Church, Sheffield www.slclm.org

Staines Congregational Church www.stainescong.org

St Mark’s, Broomhill & Broomhall www.stmarkssheffield.co.uk


St Stephens Church Sheffield www.ststephenschurch.org.uk

The Beacon Methodist Church www.beaconjunction.org.uk SIDCUP

St Mary’s Bowdon www.bowdonchurch.org

Avery Hill Christian Fellowship www.averyhill.info


Christ Church Sidcup www.christchurchsidcup.org.uk

CCM: Salford www.ccm.org.uk

St Andrews Baptist Church www.standrewsbaptist.org.uk

St John’s Park, Sheffield www.stjohnpark.org.uk

St Thomas Crookes Sheffield www.churchforstudents.com

St Mary Magdalene and Sale West Community Church www.stmarysaom.org

King’s Community Church Southampton www.kcc.uk.net

Riverside Family Church Southampton www.scfchurch.net

St Thomas’ Church Philadelphia Sheffield www.sttomsstudents.co.uk


Highfield Church Southampton www.highfield.org.uk

Christ Church Central www.christchurchcentralsheffield.co.uk

New Life Millennium City Church www.NewLifeMillenniumCityChurch.com


City Life Church Southampton www.citylife.org.uk

New Community Church Southampton www.newcommunity.org.uk

All Nations Christian Centre Reading www.allnationselim.org Greyfriars Reading www.greyfriars.org.uk

St Laurence Reading www.saintlaurencereading.com

Church of The Ascension

Mercy Vineyard Church www.mercyvineyardsouthampton.com

King’s Centre Christian Church Sheffield www.kingscentreonline.com

Reading Vineyard Church, The Edge www.networkvineyard.org.uk

Christ Church Southampton www.christchurchsouthampton.org.uk

Cemetery Road Baptist Church Sheffield www.crbchurch.org.uk

Abbey Baptist Church Reading www.abbeybaptistchurch.org.uk

Reading Community Church www.readingcommunitychurch.com

Central Baptist Church Southampton www.southamptoncbc.org.uk

Antioch Community Church, Sheffield www.antiochsheffield.org.uk

Jesus Fellowship Church Sheffield www.jesus.org.uk

Park United Reformed Church www.parkurc.org.uk

Calvary Church Southampton www.calvarysoton.co.uk

Life Church Southampton www.lifesouthampton.org


Network Vineyard Reading www.networkvineyard.org.uk



Hope City Church, Sheffield www.hopecitychurch.tv

LifeSpring Church Reading www.lifespringchurch.org.uk


Church @ Stirling www.churchatstirling.co.uk Stirling Baptist Church STOCKPORT All Saints Marple Stockport www.marpleparish.co.uk Chelwood Baptist Church St Chads Romiley www.stchadsromiley.co.uk STOCKTON ON TEES Amazing!GRACE www.amazinggrace.eu Destiny Church Teeside www.thedestinychurch.co.uk Norton Baptist Church Stockton on Tees www.nortonbaptistchurch.org.uk

New Generation Church Sidcup

To find a church near you, please Linkup now using the Student Linkup mobile app or online at: www.fusion.uk.com/linkup


Rivers of Life Church, Stockton-on-tees Stockton Baptist Tabernacle www.thetab.co.uk Stockton Citadel, Salvation Army www.facebook.com/stocktonsa Stockton Parish Church www.stocktonparishchurch.org.uk The Vine Church, Stockton On Tees www.onlinevine.org.uk



The Rock Church Walsall www.therockchurch.co.uk

Christ the Light Church, Huntington, York www.christthelight.org.uk

Walsall Community Church www.walsallcommunitychurch.org

Clifton Parish Church York www.cliftonparish.org.uk


Elim Pentecostal Church York www.yorkelim.com


Bethany Pentecostal Church www.bethanypentecostal.org

Breathe City Church www.breathecitychurch.com

LIFEchurch Warrington www.lifewarrington.com

Christchurch Stoke on Trent www.christchurch-alsager.org.uk


West Street Christian Fellowship www.weststreetchristianfellowship.org.uk SUNDERLAND Bethany City Church www.bethanycitychurch.org Bethshan Sunderland www.bethshanchurch.net Elim Sunderland www.sunderlandelim.org.uk Hope City Church Sunderland www.hopecitychurch.tv St Benets Sunderland www.stbenetsparish.org.uk

Heslington Church LEP www.heslingtonchurch.org.uk

City of Lights

Living Word Church www.livingwordyork.org/

Soul Survivor Watford www.soulsurvivorwatford.co.uk WINCHESTER Winchester Evangelical Church www.winchesterec.co.uk Winchester Family Church www.winfam.org Winchester Vineyard www.winvin.org.uk

Pantygwydr Baptist Church www.pbc247.org

Life Christian Centre Wolverhampton www.lifechristiancentre.org

Parklands Church Swansea www.parklandschurch.org.uk

LifeSpring Church Wolverhampton www.lifespring.uk.com

Waterfront Community Church www.waterfrontchurch.com

St Jude’s Wolverhampton www.stjudeschurch.org.uk

Woodlands Church Swansea www.woodlands.cc

Vintage Faith Wolverhampton www.vintagefaith.co.uk




Gateway Church Wrexham www.gatewaychurchwrexham.org.uk

Truro Baptist Church www.trurobaptist.co.uk

The Community Church www.fathersplace.org.uk

Light & Life Truro www.lightandlife.co.uk


Ww 52

Gateway Church York www.gatewaychurch.co.uk

All Saints Leavesden www.allsaintslife.com

WORCESTER Sunderland Monkwearmouth Salvation Army www.monkwearmouthsa.org.uk All Saints Worcester www.allsaintsworcester.org.uk SWANSEA Consuming Fire Ministries Worcester Canopy Church Swansea www.consumingfireministries.org.uk www.canopyswansea.co.uk Freedom Church City Church Swansea www.freedomchurch.cc www.elimswansea.org.uk Lifehouse Elim Church City Life Church www.wearelifehouse.org www.clcsunderland.org St Peter’s Baptist Church Worcester Cornerstone Church Swansea www.stpetersbaptist.org.uk www.cornerstonechurch.co.uk Worcester Vineyard Church Freedom Church Swansea www.worcestervineyard.org.uk www.freedomchurch.co.uk WOLVERHAMPTON Lifepoint Swansea www.lifepoint.org.uk/ All Nations Christian Centre Wolverhampton www.allnations.org.uk Linden Church Swansea www.lindenchurch.org.uk Church 18-30 Wolverhampton

Emmanuel Full Gospel www.efgi.co.uk

G2 York www.g2york.org

ChristChurch Wrexham www.christchurchwrexham.org.uk


All Saints’ & St Andrew’s,


Huntington Calvary Chapel York www.calvarychapelyork.com

St Matthew’s Walsall

Catholic Chaplaincy to The University of York

RCCG Kingdom Life Tabernacle, York www.rccgyork.com St Luke’s, York www.stlukesyork.org/ St Oswald’s York www.st-oswalds-fulford.org.uk/ St Paul’s Holgate York www.stpaulsyork.org.uk St Thomas with St Maurice York www.stthomaswithstmaurice.org.uk/ St. Denys, Walmgate The Ark Church York www.the-ark.net The Belfrey, York www.belfreystudents.org United Acomb www.unitedyork.nu United Central South www.unitedyork.nu York City Church www.yorkcitychurch.org.uk York Community Church www.yorkcommunitychurch.co.uk York Vineyard www.yorkvineyard.com

If your church is within five miles of a university, or you send young people to university elsewhere, we would love you to put your church on the Student Linkup map. We are here to encourage you in resourcing students Our complete directory of world wide to connection live for churches Jesusis available at at: Fusion www.fusion.uk.com/find-a-church university. To find a church near you, please Linkup now using the Student Linkup mobile app or online at: www.fusion.uk.com/linkup


Our complete directory of worldwide Fusion connection churches is available at: www.fusion.uk.com/find-a-church

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GOING TO UNI? Download the Student Linkup app now to connect to a church in your uni town.

Student Linkup will help you search, choose and commit to a local church community near your university or college. Student Linkup connects students to church and church to students. ‘Once you find the right church everything makes more sense and having the support network makes uni life so much easier. I want to urge every Christian student to find a church when they get to uni' Lindsey, York St John student.

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