Fuse Issue 11: Biblical

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Isn’t the Bible sexist? AMY ORR-EWING

The Bible and My Studies ALAN STORKEY

Students and Scripture ROGER ELLIS

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– he has a mum and a dad who love him, he isn’t poor and he eats at least 3 meals a day. He has plenty of clean water to drink and wash with when he feels like it. He can read and write, in fact he is at university. You could say he has everything he needs and more to exist. On the surface seeing a picture of him and reading his story doesn’t stir your emotions.

So we’re not asking you to give money to help Pete, we’re asking you to give your money so that a generation of Christian students can help a generation of students like Pete. That’s right, Pete and millions like him have everything but the one thing that matters – a relationship with Jesus. Help us** transform a life today and see a new generation live for the glory of God. Please make a donation today. Just Text FUSN00 £10 to 70070 *Actually, this is a posed photo. This Pete might know Jesus or he might not,

C O N T E N T S features 04 Students and Scripture


08 The Bible & My Studies


10 Isn’t the Bible Sexist?


regulars 14 Christian Selvaratnam


fusion 20 22 24 28

studentlinkup.org loveyouruni.org Church connection Student work

but we estimate that there are currently over 11,000 other ‘Petes’ who aren’t.

txt FUS00 £1/£2/£5/£10 to 70070

E: james@greenflashmedia.co.uk

A great new way to give to student mission :)

DESIGN: James Norton

**Fusion is working to connect every school leaver to a church at university and serve over 500 connected churches with over 10,000 students to be effective in student mission.

Fusion UK is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 3679369 and a registered charity No. 1073572 Registered Office: Revelation Centre, Quarry Lane, Chichester, PO19 8PR

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“Churches live, grow and flourish with God’s word, but they languish and perish without it.” J. Stott Any healthy Christian spirituality will be anchored in a love of God’s written word, Old and New Testaments. The desire to explore and to engage with scripture should go hand in hand with the hunger to learn more. This hunger should be earthed in a willingness to question and to wrestle with this diverse and sometimes complex book from a heart attitude of worship, submission and responsiveness towards God. Any discipline, spirituality or emphasis that fails to place a high value and authority on scripture or neglects to measure itself maturely against it has at best, a limited usefulness, and at it’s worst could also wander off course. Despite this, the wonderful treasures of scripture lie undiscovered by many. We live in a society which is image-driven and captive to the ‘sound bite’. The generations coming are more visual, intuitive, web based and networked and less likely to engage with the written form, particularly in books, than previous generations. This should provoke us to re-imagine how theological reflection, bible teaching and Christian learning should take place in this fresh cultural environment. I was talking recently with a prolific Christian writer, about scripture and particularly the Old Testament. I remarked how much we had learned from studying it in our local Church. His positive response was tempered by the fact that he had been told by two leading Christian publishers that ‘we are not publishing anything on the Old Testament because if just doesn’t sell in today’s climate’! This shook me up a little. We live in a culture where it’s vital that we continue to enable and equip people to grow in a love


Roger Ellis

and appreciation for the scriptures and to understand how central they are to a healthy, relevant and powerful faith which will ‘cut it’ in contemporary culture. To this end perhaps all Christians should be ‘students of scripture’?

Wake up call Though the Creator reveals himself in creation, in world events (providence) and culture, He reveals Himself supremely and perfectly in Jesus Christ, and we know Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit goes about his work of revelation. •

The Bible is accurate; the only clear, historical and reliable testimony we have to lead us forward and shape faith in our day.

It is authoritative in all matters of faith and conduct.

It can save us from deception, blind alleys, the follies of our cultural milieu, from wishful thinking and even the tyranny of political correctness - if we give it a chance!

It is trustworthy; both historically and philosophically.

It is spiritual and living; the only ‘God breathed’ source of material we have to show us what God is like, reveal the truth about the human condition and point ‘the way’ forward.

We should not underestimate the power of Scripture.

Mentoring As we seek to equip new Christian students to grow in Christ, to engage with student culture and reach their friends for Christ, it is crucial that we teach them these principles, but also we should illustrate from our experience the power of scripture. We should mentor others in appreciating the wonder and beauty of the living word, and encourage them in the reading of it regularly, thoughtfully and responsively. A friend of mine thought my passion for fishing was somewhat strange, but was intrigued. In a charitable auction we both bought a day’s fly fishing for trout. In the moment of capturing his first trout he ‘caught more than a fish’- and that initial experience has ‘baptised him’ into fishing! I believe a similar task faces us as we help people ‘catch’ the passion to embrace and outwork


biblical values in their lives and in contemporary culture, and to ‘catch’ the adventure of being led by the Spirit through scripture. We must stand alongside them and impart our passion and experience. We can help them break through their invisible barriers, discover how the Holy Spirit wants to open God’s written word to them and then we might have the joy of sitting back and enjoy watching them discover the riches that have captivated every generation of God’s people throughout salvation history. Paul spoke of this same joy when the Thessalonians church learned similar lessons (1 Thessalonians 3:8-10).

Truth and Grace I have spoken of neglect, and of the power of the word, but we may also need to be mindful of the self destructive tendencies that have damaged the reputation of scripture and Christians over the ages. Christian Leaders in each generation have warned that a dry, dusty, dogmatic approach to scripture can be as damaging as one which is all passion and no truth. Today we can also stray into unthinking dogmatism or a ‘thought police’ mentality. Contemporary media means that these tendencies are now not just unwise and unhealthy ‘family issues’ within evangelicalism. They have become potentially damaging to our witness to Christ as they are so unattractive and irrelevant to mainstream culture and even to most Christian young people. Sometimes we build on a flimsy foundation of ‘pat answers’ and naïve ‘proof texts’. We fail to acknowledge the fear of not knowing the right answers immediately! Over the years this foundation begins to crack and the faith of some will crumble under a painful experience. This is so unnecessary, as often careful study and thoughtful enquiry will in time bring us the answers we need if we are struggling with an area of our faith or to understand and interpret rightly a specific passage. At other times when, in the midst of life’s suffering and struggles, answers seem a little thin on the ground we must learn to hold any paradox or struggle with apparent contradiction and live

with the grey areas of human life, experience and suffering. At these times we remain rooted into what we already know of God’s goodness through his word and in our experience trusting that light will emerge from the darkness. Amongst God’s people we must learn to pursue truth together in a context of love and grace, engaging with biblical truth in humility and with respect for others. Convictions about truth are crucial, but so too is an ability to share and explore our worldview, framed by the Word in a way that honours our humanity and integrity.

...perhaps all Christians should be ‘students of scripture’?

Roger Ellis Roger is a pioneering leader and helped start and build both the student ministry Fusion and Revelation Church, Chichester. In the last 2 years he has successfully handed the leadership of both over to leaders he has helped train and retains an input into both settings. Roger is part of the Leadership team of the Pioneer network of Churches and is involved in training and mentoring Church Leaders, helping shape Churches and ministries. He’s an author, runs a fishing business and is married to Maggie, and they have two teenagers.

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to Students and Graduates at the find a job section of our new site. Do you want to advertise your job opportunities to new and soon to be graduates? Do you have a vacancy for a new Student Worker or Intern – or maybe you want to be one. Do you need inspiration for what to do with your year out?

To find out more go to www.fusion.uk.com/hello/ resources/find-a-job

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The Bible & My Studies Alan Storkey

We need some perspective on our studies, and the best way is to move from the Bible to our discipline and area of study. The Bible is God’s revelation to humankind and it addresses all of human understanding and knowledge.

... it is time we got together and shared our common understanding of God’s good news for humankind.

It was given over a period of a thousand or more years across many different cultures, always addressing the human condition. In Christ especially we have God’s selfrevelation to us, ordinary and deep, the world’s greatest teacher, the focus of all knowledge. Our response can never be mechanical; without the Spirit of God our understanding will be lost. This book is the light that shines on all knowledge. As the Bible teaches us, our knowledge has a number of different levels. First it is knowledge of the creation, and science is largely uncovering the glory of God’s creation. The complexity, richness and intellectual depth of science merely reflects something of the creation order. Our understanding is a response of faith and praise. It is also incomplete and provisional. Scientism is a false god, raising intellectual self-worship above

the humility of great scientists like Newton, Faraday and Einstein. Really in most scientific study we are looking at a small part of one aspect of God’s magnificent creation. Second, the Bible teaches us about human sin and fallibility. Sins of many different kinds warp us morally and intellectually. Many isms are forms of mental idolatry which need uncovering and critiquing. The Bible gives us norms and insight in how we are meant to live, think and study. Thomas at the resurrection thought he should trust his eyes, but Christ showed how limited that was, even as he appeared to him. In the human disciplines much of the study should be about discerning how we are meant to live, and where we have taken wrong turnings. For example, our culture has espoused consumerism, militarism and narcissism, but economics, politics and psychology have hardly identified these as problems until they were under our nose. In each of our disciplines there are fundamental answers from the Bible about how to understand what we are studying. A biblical view of the economy sees it in terms of stewardship and fairness; it addressed global warming long before it arose. Our study therefore seeks wisdom, not the flat accumulation of facts or techniques. The deepest meaning of education is learning to live. Education and study has often misplaced faith. Comte believed that sociology would sort out the world’s ultimate problems. Slight problem there. Often psychologists have looked for the key that will put us right. Economists we’ll pass over in silence. Sometimes faith has been in techniques and methods of gathering knowledge. These faiths have failed so often or been shown to be limited or misplaced that now knowledge is fragmented. Much education does not hope any more that there can be solutions and answers to the deepest human problems. But the biblical and Christian meaning of salvation points in a different direction. For key in all areas is coming back to the centre and relearning that the fear and worship of

God is the necessary beginning of all wisdom. It is seeing the fullness of God’s creation and recognizing how we are meant to live. It is identifying sin and idolatry and coming to be a student of Jesus Christ. It is personal salvation under the grace of God. A disciple is a student, and all of us can be in the class of the world’s greatest teacher for free. Over the last few years I have been studying one sentence from Jesus. It is: “Those who take the sword will perish by the sword” and it is played out throughout history including the horrors of the First World War and the Second World War. Still we have not learned it. We pumped weapons into Afghanistan and Iraq, and the body bags keep coming back. In any area we might study these deep lessons are present. We can learn what love and peace are. We can understand markets and states or food and cosmology, or what you are studying now. It is time a whole body of Christian students took the deep understanding of the Bible and began engrafting it again in their studies. Soon you will find help and understanding from other students of Jesus past and present. For example in looking at war I found, Leo Tolstoy who moved on from what is agreed to be the world’s greatest novel, War and Peace, to espouse a deeper understanding of Jesus teaching which looked at War or Peace. There are good Christian scholars all over the world studying all the disciplines and it is time we got together and shared our common understanding of God’s good news for humankind.

Alan Storkey Alan Storkey is a writer, researcher, artist – husband, father & grandfather. Much of his academic work has been engaged in looking at a Christian understanding of the three disciplines of economics, sociology and politics in relation to their secular foundations.




Today there is a widespread belief around that the Bible is some kind of powerful patriarchal conspiracy which has been used to oppress women. As a female speaker, I find that this question frequently comes: ‘How can you, as a woman, promote such a sexist book? The church has tried to keep women down!’ Even as I have been writing this chapter, I have had two such conversations with women outside of the faith for whom this question looms large. It is important, as with other questions, to realize that there could be all kinds of circumstances and experiences behind a question like this. The Christian should be sensitive to the issues which underlie such an emotive question. While it may indeed seem to be the case that women have been discriminated against by religion, the Bible itself deserves closer examination on the subject. What does the text itself have to say about this matter? How is it that many of the greatest Jewish and Christian pioneers have been women – Florence Nightingale, Elizabeth Fry, the Suffra-gettes, Catherine Booth, Rosa Luxemburg and Ernestine Rose – to name but a few. What does the Bible really say about this subject? Throughout the Bible there are numerous positive images of women and stories which involve women. In the Old Testament women share the image of God at creation. At the end of time at the Second Coming of Jesus, the church is represented as the bride of Christ. Right the way through, from beginning to end, the Bible includes the feminine as an integral part of the Judaeo-Christian tradition. While it is true that the Bible was written over a long period of time in specific cultures, and some of these contexts did not give equal social advantages to women, it would not be true to say that the message of the Bible is sexist or discriminatory against women.


It is true to say that the Old Testament does also contain stories in which terrible things such as rape or violence occur against women, but these are not condoned. Much of the text of the Old Testament is narrative and not didactic in style. Sometimes the author does not comment to condone or condemn particular incidents – it is an account of what happened and the reader is left to respond. However, we do find that the sufferings of women are empathized with – for example, those who are barren and longing for children, such as Hannah, Sarah or Rebekah, are written of tenderly. While many of the stories of the Old Testament have central male heroic characters, this is not exclusively the case. Again, we must remember the Ancient Near Eastern context in which these narratives were written in order to appreciate the importance of the stories about women such as Deborah in Judges, Queen Esther who saved her people, or Ruth who becomes an ancestor of David and hence of Jesus. Perhaps even more striking are the passages of the Old Testament which use feminine imagery to describe God. We have seen that Jesus shocked his listeners by doing this in first-century Palestine, but we also see examples of this in the Old Testament. In Isaiah 42:13–14 God draws an analogy between himself and a warrior, and then between himself and a woman giving birth: The Lord will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies. ‘For a long time I have kept silent, I have been quiet and held myself back. But now, like a woman in childbirth, I cry out, I gasp and pant . . . ’

This is an interesting and graphic portrait of God using earthy language from the realm of female experience. Another example of God


ascribing female characteristics to himself comes in Isaiah 66:13: ‘As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.’ When we come to the text of the Bible with the issue of sexism in mind, we must be clear that while God is predominantly spoken of with male imagery and ultimately incarnates himself as the man Jesus, this is not to say that women are undermined or undervalued. Some female imagery is used of God, and Jesus constantly affirms the value of women, teaching them and interacting with them as human beings. Both male and female are created in the image of God, and both are so precious that Christ came to the earth to redeem them with his blood shed on the cross.

Amy Orr-Ewing Amy Orr-Ewing is the UK director of RZIM Europe and Curriculum Director for the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. She has also written ‘But is it real?’, and she speaks and lectures on Christian apologetics around the world. Amy and her husband Frog are parents to three boys. They live in Buckinghamshire where they have recently planted a new church called Latimer Minster.

Why Trust the Bible. Challenged by her friends, and later as a student by theological staff, Amy Orr-Ewing was determined to leave no stone unturned in her eagerness to prove that the Bible was unique and wholly reliable. Her passion drove her to complete an in-depth study of the answers to ten of the most frequently raised objections she encountered. Sensitively yet convincingly, the author addresses the arguments. Get your copy now:


o t e t c a e n r t A e r v

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Naked Bible // Interview with Christian Selvaratnam

Luke Smith caught up with Christian Selvaratnam, who is a Pioneer Minster in the Church of England. He leads G2 in York, part of St Michael le Belfrey, and also heads up Alpha in the North of England. He has started a movement of people who are memorising whole books of the Bible. So how did this whole thing start? A while ago, I heard about a guy who had memorised the book of Ephesians. He was clearly knowledgeable about the Bible and read it regularly, but he explained how there was breathtaking benefit in committing the whole text to memory. I suppose it becomes part of you. It’s a real challenge as well, which adds to the enjoyment for me.

So what did you DO about it? Well it seemed like a good New Year project to learn the book of Philippians by Easter. So I thought I would spread the love and start a Facebook group, invite a bunch of people and see what happens. It grew pretty rapidly and there are now people all over the world who are learning scripture by heart. We have all been learning five verses a day, which is just enough to make it hard, but it is possible too. It is enough that the poetry and the rhythm really enters your heart. It is like the contrast between a picture and a video; somehow it moves you more deeply.

What has the fruit been? One of the people who has been memorising Philippians woke up in the middle of the night panicking about something. She immediately had some of the word of God in her head, which was relevant to what she was anxious about. So she used it to pray and because it was scripture she prayed with great confidence and was completely relieved. Someone else in Canada goes running every week with her staff team and she recites the passage that she has learned whilst on the run with her staff.


Lots more people have been commenting on the group saying how memorising Philippians has inspired, challenged and moved them.

What happened to you? I have found that through memorising the Bible, it stirs something within me. It is like the difference between dipping your toe in a lake and diving in. The more I learn, the deeper I go. The more I immerse myself into the Bible, the more I change. When I read a verse from the Bible, I might read a statement that is true; since learning a whole book, I have been transformed by the whole word. The way, the truth and the life living within me. In the ancient world, Jewish boys that were being discipled by a rabbi would have learned enormous amounts of scripture off by heart. They wouldn’t have had their own copies of the Torah, they just memorised it. Paul teaches us to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom”. In order for it to dwell in me, to live in me, I have to give space, time and discipline for it to take up residence. Memorising is a great way of making this happen.

Why is memorising scripture necessary? I think we are very literate nowadays. We have got books in hard copy, electronic and audio formats, but there is something very powerful about having God’s word written on your heart. I have noticed that a lot of people believe the Bible to be true but they don’t really know it, or even read it very often. The Bible tells us that the word of God is the sword of the spirit (Eph: 6v17). It is a weapon for battle, for a purpose. A good swordsman becomes so adept and comfortable with his sword that it is almost an extension of him. It is the same with a professional golfer and his club or the conductor of an orchestra with her baton. Memorising scripture helps us to become more effective wielders of the sword of the spirit. I want to be like a Samurai swordsman not a Neanderthal bludgeoner!


Why memorise whole books? I realise it is quite a lot to remember. It is common in the evangelical tradition to quote single verses or tiny sound bites that back up a point being made in conversation or a sermon. But when we do that we miss the depth and breadth of the Bible. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with memorising single verses; it’s good to do that. Those verses are true because the Bible is true. The Bible is also true in the broad sweep of its entire landscape. It has some epic proportions and you lose that if you only have a small drop of it. I don’t want to make the Bible into bullet points. Sometimes the truth of the Bible is in the poetry or apocalyptic visionary texts. These don’t lend themselves to a ten-word quote. You need the whole thing to get the whole picture. Imagine an actor playing Hamlet who decided he would only memorise “to be or not to be” and not bothering with the rest because that line sums everything else up. You would feel

a bit short changed if you went to see that play! It’s a similar thing with just remembering ten word highlights from the Bible. I want the word of God to invade every part of me, and that means I need to breathe a lot of it in. We have also done two weeks at church, which we have called Naked Bible. This is where we have just read books of the Bible in their entirety. We did the gospel of Mark, then Philippians. No one preached those weeks, different people had memorised different chapters and then performed them. Some made videos of their chapter, some people recited in another languages and put subtitles on the screen. It was very creative and powerful to hear God’s word spoken to you and not read to you in a churchy, Bible voice. The word is living, vibrant and transformational and I am learning to give it space in my life.

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I N F O R M A T I O N 18 About Fusion 20 studentlinkup.org 22 loveyouruni.org 24 Church Connection 28 Student Work 32 Fusion Resources 34 Key Partners 41 Fusion Connection Directory

We have asked students around the UK what inspires them to read the Bible - and what methods they use to get a bit deeper into the Word - hopefully it will inspire you too!

“I read the bible just before I go to sleep ... or when panicking”

Jonny Stewart // 3rd Year // Lancaster


Fusion serves, equips, inspires and resources hundreds of local churches. We believe that a move of God is underway among students and an army of workers is being mobilised to invest in the student mission field. There are millions of students in the UK but less than 2% follow Jesus. This means that the universities are home to one of the largest ‘unreached’ people groups in the UK. Local churches are ideally placed to reach out and engage with students. We are convinced that every local church in the UK has a vital and significant role to play in student mission.

To register your church with Fusion go to www.fusion.uk.com/registernow

Our values

Fusion is committed to outwork the values of being Relational, Biblical, Missional, Catalytic and Inclusive whilst we carry out our three core purposes. 18


Our core purposes

Access to resources to prepare, connect, equip, inspire and disciple students.

1.Serving Churches

Testimonies of what God is doing amongst students across the UK.

Catalysing and helping to build local churchbased student work and student mission

Inspiration and catalysing creativity in student mission.

Fusion believes God’s mission is best carried out through the local church so we are committed to serving local churches: •

Helping churches prepare school leavers for uni.

Equipping churches to connect with new students.

Providing resources, inspiration and connections to equip, reach and disciple students.

Promoting growth and good practise in student mission.

Wherever your church is located, we believe it can contribute something to this vision. You can connect your church into this mission opportunity. “We partner with Fusion because the task of reaching 70,000 students is too big on our own. We want to work with like-minded churches and tap into the experience and creative ideas of the Fusion team across the country.”

Jonathan Clark, St Georges, Leeds

2.Working with Students Facilitating mission, evangelism and discipleship Fusion work with students in local churches in the lead up to and during their time at university providing:

“I have learned more about doing life well and grown more as a leader through being part of a church that Fusion resources, than I have throughout my whole degree.”

Clare, G2, part of St Michael le Belfrey, York

3.Developing Student Workers Fusion works to train, coach and network student workers from local churches around the country: •

The Student Work Programme encourages and strengthens church based student workers.

Providing a forum where student workers from differing streams and locations can interact and share information.

Offering training and networking three times a year through Student Work Equipping Days.

Delivering an annual Student Work Conference.

Access to a range of resources and student work consultations. “Fusion connect us with freshers who are coming to our city. They also help us to network with other student workers from around the UK. It’s a kind of ideas exchange where we steal everyone’s good ideas and share a couple as well.”

“I like to read my bible in the morning, before I get up, to start the day with God”

Steve Aston, Life Point Church, Swansea

Libby Haggie // 4th Year // York

School Leavers... now’s your chance...

University is Bex’s chance to find out who she is, PIPPA WINTERBURN what really 20 matters. STUDENT LINKUP DEVELOPER

pippa@fusion.uk.com 07885761894

s t u d e n t l i n k u p . o r g She can get to know people free from the preconceptions she’s carried since playgroup. She can ditch the nickname she has had since year 6 after the unfortunate incident with the marker pen. No-one knows how quiet she was in school. She can find out who she really is and what was just her parents. She can find where she fits, where she doesn’t, what she’s all about. Uni is Bex’s time to decide what matters. Over those university years millions of students like Bex have the chance to get stuck into so many activities. Juggling, sports, Douglas Adams societies; para-gliding, pole-exercise (sure, exercise), and even bobbin lace-making club?! Then there are course mates, house mates, church mates to hang with; society mates, clubbing mates and your mates’ mates to know. There’s a smorgasbord of experience to enjoy. The trouble is you can’t do everything; the question is what is going to get prioritised? You have to work at building new friendships, instead of just hanging out with the same old group. Similarly, where your relationship with God may have been carried along by the familiar routines of church on Sunday, youth groups and mates, you need to be active and make good decisions to keep growing in your faith whilst at university. For many Christian students, God is put on pause and this generally continues after graduation. Before you arrive, it’s worth thinking about why you believe what you believe. At university no-one will wake you up to go to church, but will you decide to be

“I like having the bible read to me through clever apps”

part of a church community anyway? You will be old enough to drink legally and there won’t be anyone sleeping when you get home, but will you decide not to get drunk anyway? Most people at uni will have sex before marriage, but will you decide to set your boundaries before your go so that you can honour God through creating stable, healthy relationships? The decisions you make on these things and many others will define who you become. What really matters? I have spoken to lots of people who sacked in the church thing for their first year at uni, sidelined God and when they eventually connected to church in their second or third year, their exclamations were the same – ‘why didn’t I do this sooner?!’ Does that surprise you? What they saw when they plugged into church was lives of freedom. They saw that pursuing God matters. It matters because Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, because he brings light to your friendships with the rest of the rowing team. He brings answers for your friend who is self harming in the dark. He brings passion when apathy grows around you and he brings transformation to your life. It matters because it is not just a Christian club, it is the Holy Spirit, living within you. It is the Word that brings wisdom, comfort and hope, and it is the opportunity to be more ‘you’ than you’ve ever been. Fusion, through studentlinkup.org is helping thousands of school leavers connect with local churches in the city they are going to. We are working with churches who are passionate about seeing students find freedom, challenge, life and transformation. So if you are heading to uni this year, or know someone who is, get to studentlinkup.org and make it matter.

Tom Clark // 2nd Year // Cliff College

Miriam Swaffield

Miriam Swaffield, Fusion’s new Student Mission Developer, is 22 and has just graduated from the University of York after studying Writing, Directing and Performance. We wanted to take this opportunity to let Miriam share her heart for students and vision for loveyouruni... Student Mission I guess I don’t want to put a label on specific stuff I’ve done at Uni as ‘student mission’, because I don’t reckon we should separate any part of our lives from being part of our mission to represent Jesus and share Him. My experience of being a student is my experience of student mission. Living with my housemates for three years; being on the football team; performing in plays with my course mates = mission. Organising gig nights and socials for students at my church to bring their mates to; getting friends together to decorate the house of a family in need; feeding freshers in my college after a night out = mission.

Highlights Of Student Life Trying to pick highlights from my time as a student is like trying to pick your favourite film... too many to chose from. The day one of my housemates got baptised and all our friends turned up to witness it was incredible. Not a dry eye in the house and that day sparked off us doing Student Alpha together as a group of friends. Then there was the time we managed to steal my friend’s bed and hide it in the shower...golden moments.

l o v e y o u r u n i . o r g Discovering Loveyouruni

Vision For The Future

At the start of my second year, I visited the evening celebration loveyouruni event in Leeds and got to hear about how students are sharing Jesus in their city. I prayed for the student workers and church leaders of Leeds and it was at that moment, back in November 2009, that I caught the vision for changing our nation by loving our universities.

The more the churches of our nation catch the vision for what God is doing with students, the more important loveyouruni is for sharing mission resources, ideas and testimonies so that every church can be fuelled for student mission throughout the year. I’d love to help create a constantly dynamic and up-to-date central base where people can access all the mission inspirations and stories that are happening across the country. That way students and churches will never be short of encouragement and as much help as they want in making mission happen. Equally, I pray that the loveyouruni project becomes a culture; a total lifestyle shift for everyone who is a follower Jesus; an attitude, a focus and a commitment to sharing the gift that is our faith. If we were to instil that attitude in every Christian, in every university town, loveyouruni wouldn’t just grow, it would explode into a life-giving movement that I believe will be unmissable to those yet to know Jesus.

The loveyouruni project covers so much that students do to share their faith. I’ve seen people heading into the grime of halls of residence and doing the washing up for complete strangers. I’ve seen football cages up on campus with lads sharing their passion for the beautiful game and their reason for existence. There have been students hitting the streets to pray for people, and students bringing their mates who don’t yet know Jesus along to loveyouruni events: brilliantly diverse and creative stuff. There are no rules really, no walls around what the loveyouruni project covers, no limits to what God will inspire. It has to go bigger than a weekend, because life and students living for Jesus is 24/7, 365 days a year. Yes, a day or an evening of everyone getting together from all the nearby churches to seek God and pray for the universities and students of your area is so encouraging and powerful. It can be a catalyst for students being more proactive about sharing their faith with their mates and praying for our generation. But it can’t be a one hit wonder, or an annual buzz that you try and live off for the rest of the year. I reckon local churches are catching the vision for the excitement and ongoing adventure of student life and all the opportunities to share Jesus that it brings.

I genuinely can’t wait to see what God is going to do with my generation of students... keep connected, there are going to be some seriously exciting stories of lives being transformed by our God, and of course, I fully expect you will be part of those testimonies too!



miriam@fusion.uk.com 07843142315

“I like to read the bible just before I go to bed or when I’m feeling overwhelmed or stressed”

Olly Allison // 1st Year // Brighton

Builders Wanted. Luke Smith

Imagine a builder. Do it right now. Then delete the image of a member of The Village People or some bloke on a stag do. Start again and imagine an actual workman, a builder, a labourer. A bloke in a dusty, high-vis jacket and a pneumatic drill at the side of a road is a pretty good picture of who Jesus was looking for when he came to earth. He wanted people who could build something, create things, fix problems, dream of new cities. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus said “Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” Jesus is clear that he came to build something eternal and he wants us to be involved. And we know it’s a big job that needs more people working on it because in Matthew 9 he says, “the harvest is great, but the workers are few”. We need grafters. Students are some of the most dynamic, energetic, vision-filled people you can possibly work with. They are connected to hundreds of other people their own age and they are assessing what their life is going to be about. It makes complete sense that churches would work with this group of people and it is starting to happen more and more. It is a fantastic way to build the church; lots of students stick around after graduating, get jobs and have families. Students are perfectly placed to build something, create things, fix problems and dream of new cities.

C H U R C H The good workman on the side of the road is clear on his task and he gets the job done and he knows the dangers involved so he wears the right gear. He knows how to use a pneumatic drill. Fusion are working with local churches all over the UK to see an army of students who are clear on their purpose and get the job done; who are aware of the temptations of this world and keep themselves set apart for God. A generation who are trained and experienced in using the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. This is the job of the local church. If you are from a church that has students, could you do more to help them become builders of God’s church? If you don’t have students in your church and you could do, get in touch with me on luke@fusion.uk.com and Fusion will help you get started. Either way, make sure you are registered with Fusion at www.fusion.uk.com

To register your church with Fusion, go to www.fusion.uk.com/registernow


luke@fusion.uk.com 07912 361450

“I read it following the readings my church hands out”


Interview with Major Andrew Spivey Salvation Army, Leeds Central Why have you recently connected to Fusion? Since taking up spiritual leadership here I instantly realised the important impact students from the universities have on the spiritual journey of the life of this church. We are doing a pretty good job of reaching out to students but felt we could do better and more. We were introduced to Fusion and felt this partnership would help us to move closer to our vision of saving souls and serving suffering humanity.

How will Fusion resource your student work? As church leaders, we often struggle to engage with this challenging group of people and are left frustrated with the lack of materials to help with this. But with the Fusion resources we have begun to put together Bible Fellowships which will help us to tackle issues with students today. It is a changing culture and we want to equip our students to be Jesus in the midst of it.

Roz Kendall // 4th Year // Leeds

C H U R C H What is your vision for student work at your church? I want to see more and more students getting involved in our church because of the links we have begun to forge with Fusion. My vision is that no Christian students coming to the universities of Leeds be left alone and disconnected from Church. We want them to be welcomed, loved, valued and spiritually fed with God’s word. They will be the ones to work with the next generation because of the impact of places like ourselves and what Jesus is doing through Fusion.

Interview with Rev. Rupert Charkham Holy Trinity Church, Cambridge

Why is your church connected to Fusion? We believe it’s so important for students to settle in a church so they grow in their faith while at university. Fresher’s week is make or break time and connecting quickly with other Christian students who are full of life and looking to live an authentic Christian lives is essential. Fusion’s studentlinkup.org is one fantastic way for students to do this.

Why is it important to work with students? University is an incredibly formative time. Our vision is to equip people to follow Christ for


C O N N E C T I O N life. Many students who are not yet believers ask themselves “What do I really believe?”, “What am I here for?”, “Does God exist and if so, what is he like?”. We encourage people to take a look at what Jesus says about these things. The Alpha Course is a useful way of providing opportunities to explore these issues. We put a lot of energy into encouraging every student to come to Christ, learn to love and love to learn. It’s fantastically rewarding.

What is the best good news story involving students you have heard recently? It’s hard to find just one! James arrived in Cambridge to study Physics and was, in his words, a hardened atheist. He became friends with two other students on his course and noticed that there was something different about them. They always had time for people and seemed to be filled with a sense of joy and peace. He suspected it was because they were Christians and so when they invited him to a talk about Jesus he agreed to go. He started to read Luke’s gospel and began to find the Jesus he read about irresistible. James then came to Holy Trinity one Sunday where he heard more about Jesus. After several weeks of coming James said that he, ‘Eventually decided to stop running from Jesus and finally give in!’ and he made him Lord of his life. James was baptised at church in front of his family and many friends. I’ll end with what he wrote about becoming a Christian, ‘Picking up my cross and following Jesus over the last year or so has been simply exhilarating, challenging and full of joy. I am so thankful for how He has turned my life on its head and am excited about a life walking with Him.’

Pioneering a Student Ministry Hannah Bowring

S T U D E N T The tide is turning across the UK with more churches than ever before are starting up student ministries. We often get asked where to start so I invited Rachel Magowan from St Stephen’s Twickenham to give us her reflections on starting out in student ministry: “Last September we had very few students at St Stephen’s, but now have a flourishing student cell, with more and more students interested in finding out about Jesus. Here are some top tips in order to make student work happen in your local church.

Invest in the lives of students Gather the students that you already have and invest in their lives. This means making them feel welcome in the church, and can involve taking them out for coffee, praying with them, and mentoring them. Once you have a small committed group of students, encourage them to set up a small group with agreed values, such as discipleship and mission. A thriving small group will naturally draw in others who have not yet found churches or who are simply interested in the Christian faith.

Plan and think about the future Start planning for the future. Dream dreams and ask questions about what could be. Get an overall vision of what you want the student work to look like in a few years time. But keep in close contact with your church leadership to make sure that your vision for student ministry reflects the vision of the church.


Once you have a vision write it down. Then think about how you are going to make it happen. This involves asking questions, such as ‘What practical steps do I need to take to make this vision happen?’ This takes time; I find that it is good to set aside a bit of time once a week to pray and think through the ‘how’ part of your vision.

Get your church involved Draw together a team from your church to help and support you in this work. Communicate your vision clearly with your team and ask for their advice and help. Publicise student ministry in the church and get your church praying for what you are doing. So if you invest in the lives of students, plan and think about the future and get your church involved, pioneering a student ministry should be both fun and fruitful.”


hannah@fusion.uk.com 07812 567248


7th December 2011 7th March 2012 30th May 2012

“I like to read the bible in bed in the mornings, when my head is the clearest”

Jonny Winterburn // 1st Year // Bristol

Student Work

Interview with Adam Clewer New Community Church, Southampton S T U D E N T Adam Clewer New Community Church, Southampton

Why are you a student worker? For the last 10+ years I have worked in the area of youth work. For too long I have been aware of a mass exodus of Christians leaving for university and ‘losing’ their faith somewhere along the way. Soul Survivor attracts over 20 thousand young people to their events yet Momentum (for students and young adults) attracts about a quarter. What happens to the 75%? I’m not ok with that statistic. I recognise that we the church need to identify this departing generation and pour energy, resource and creative initiatives into stopping it, whilst evangelising the lost with a sense of urgency and intention.

What is the vision of New Community’s student work? We love students. Our church was planted by students 30 years ago and we believe this history carries a heritage, which is very much ongoing today. In Southampton we have two universities totalling 40,000 students. Our building is used daily by one of the universities for various events, lectures and even exams. We have a coffee shop that offers generous discounts to students; it’s an excellent venue for meeting and reaching students. Our building is their building. We want to embrace them, “First thing in the morning with my cornflakes”


encourage them to be part of things – not just attendees. Sure we feed them, love them, mentor them etc but we also invite them to shape things. They are our church, they make decisions, they create ideas. We succeed because we recognise we all need each other.

What do you spend your time doing as a student worker? My week is never the same. I like it that way. In my role I oversee students and young adults, explore our missional responsibility to our immediate parish and also am currently implementing a new youth strategy and line managing a team. The student side of things is obviously quite date dependant and I prioritise my time accordingly. I have already implemented a new student team for 2011-2012 and organised some key events for the year. Life is never boring.

What do you love most about your job? Diversity. Vibrancy. Excitement. Unpredictability...the list could go on. I feel alive going to work and feel a sense of excitement about what has happened, what is happening and what is on the horizon.

What do you value about your connection with Fusion? Through the Student Work Programme I get support from various like minded people in various locations. It feels like we aren’t trying to copy and paste the latest ideas but rather share vision, enthusiasm and purpose in reaching the student world. That works for me!

Andy Hills // 2nd Year // St Andrews

Check out our

new resources! only £19.97!

only £9.97!

R E S O U R C E S University: The Big Challenge 360° preparation for uni life Price: £4.97 This is a brand new resource for parents and youth workers. It is packed full of reassuring, encouraging and practical advice for parents and youth workers for how we prepare and send the young adults we know to university.


Price: £4.97 Studentscape has been written with the 18-25 age group in mind and is a values-based approach to discipleship. It has been specifically written for those in or going into higher and further education and is an essential resource for every young person who intends going onto college or university.

Student Alphabet: an A-Z of Student Life. Price: £4.97 The Student Alphabet travels quickly from A to Z on everything you need to know about starting university. Its light hearted and practical approach shares 100’s of tips, comments, stories and advice. It covers everything from Alcohol to Lectures to Zzz highlighting 90 other topics along the way. Every new student and parent will benefit from this practical, humorous and challenging collection of insights.


Studentlinkup TRAINER PACK Price: £19.97 The Student Linkup trainer pack is packed full of resources to help you provide the best possible preparation for school leavers heading off to university. It includes a comprehensive range of resources - University: The Big Challenge, Studentscape and the Trainer Pack DVD, so anyone can deliver fantastic preparation for uni, whatever their own level of experience of university life.

Studentlinkup SCHOOL LEAVER PACK Price: £9.97 The Student Linkup school leaver pack includes a range of resources designed for anyone starting university. The pack is a head start, an insight into what to expect and encouragement to help new students make the most of university life. It works well on its own, makes a perfect gift from a parent or youth leader and can also be used alongside a mentor who has a Student Linkup Trainer Pack.

All these resources and more are available at www.fusion.uk.com/ resources 33


Key Partners

Through the key partner programme Fusion is acting as a doorway to other ministries working with, supporting, serving and resourcing students. Our hope is that areas of specialism that have been honed and developed over many years can be much more readily accessible to students. We believe this will lead to greater joined up thinking and action that will better serve God’s purposes in this nation and the nations.

For more than 60 years Christian Aid, driven by the gospel of good news to the poor, has worked to expose the scandal of poverty, root it out from the world, and change the systems that favour the rich and powerful over the poor and marginalised. To be really effective we need to speak out and challenge the systems that are keeping people poor. To become part of a movement for change keep checking this page for new ways to Pray, Act and Give with Christian Aid.


youth@christianaid.org.uk christianaid.org.uk

CARE’s vision is to see the transformation of society into one that has a greater respect for the sanctity and value of human life from conception to death. CARE’s intern programme started with two Interns in Westminster in 1993; and has now seen over 150 young people pass through its corridors. In addition to the parliamentary placements in Westminster, Brussels and Edinburgh, CARE now offers placements in media, leading UK charities and Third Sector organisations.

Our heart is to help young people capture first a vision of Jesus, then to equip, train, empower and release them into his ministry in their every day lives. We do this in many different ways including: conferences, retreats, resources, local church-based events, training events, discipleship courses and mentoring programs. Momentum is our conference for students and twenty-somethings. Come along for relevant teaching, intimate worship, ministry and a whole lot of fun!

Open Door’s vision is of a world in which every Christian who is persecuted is remembered and supported by other Christians. We seek to alleviate their suffering, and to help them extend God’s Kingdom in their part of the world. Open Doors work has extended to Asia, SE Asia, Africa, Latin America, Central Asia and the Middle East. We mobilize young people to do something about it. We want to challenge students to choose to live for Jesus whatever comes their way.






mail@care.org.uk www.care.org.uk





We aim to show how the Bible connects with life. We make Scriptures available where there are none. And we work with the Church to help it live out the Bible’s message. lyfe (or Life Your Faith Encounters) is all about connecting you with God and your world. It’s about meeting with your friends to connect God, us and everyday life. Encountering the Bible with your heart and mind.

Compassion seeks out some of the world’s most vulnerable children and through individual sponsors helps them break the cycle of poverty and create a bright future. Through individual child sponsors Compassion works with local churches in developing countries to release children from physical, economic, social and spiritual poverty.

Sharing Jesus, changing lives. CMS is an evangelistic mission working to transform the world by the love of Jesus. We offer you inspiration, challenge, adventure and growth through short-term mission experiences. Stepping into mission with CMS gives you an authentic taste of a very different culture – and leaves you changed forever.







The re-evangelisation of our universities and the transformation of society by giving every student in the UK an opportunity to attend a Student Alpha course. Student Alpha is an easy, accessible way of enabling university students to think about Christianity, to explore this person called Jesus Christ and to develop their faith as a Christian.

The purpose of Tearfund is to serve Jesus Christ by enabling those who share evangelical Christian beliefs to bring good news to the poor. We aim to inspire and educate you to make positive lifestyle choices for the poor as a student, helping you to campaign, pray, act, go and give through and with Tearfund.

CVM equip the local church to introduce every man in the UK to Jesus Christ. The UK church is haemorrhaging men and a lot of churches have no idea what to do to halt the exodus of Christians, let alone introduce men to Jesus. We have proven strategies to reach outside the church walls and some cracking ideas to gear local churches up for men. CVM is a rapidly growing Band of Brothers across the UK. CVM has made a public declaration to put its shoulders to the plough.
















Evangelism: The Student Alpha Way Louise Boswell

Louise, also known as Boz, works for Student Alpha as the UK Relationship Manager and looks after, loves and develops all things Student Alpha in the UK. She is passionate about seeing students equipped and released to share their faith with their mates, and see transformed lives whilst at Uni. Boz is also very excited to be getting married this summer to her fiancĂŠ Tom.

KEY PARTNER FEATURE It’s Sunday morning… The birds are singing, the sun’s shining (through your very thin, questionably patterned Hall of Residence curtains) and then the ridiculously loud alarm clock your mum bought you so you don’t miss your lectures goes off!!!!!!! You hurtle out of bed attempting to hit the snooze button before it wakes up everyone in your corridor, whilst desperately trying to think of any excuse for their unwelcome wake up call, other than the real reason you’re getting up obscenely early on a Sunday (10.30am!) ‘I fancied going for a run around campus?’ (who are you kidding), ‘Errr I needed to call my Granny - it’s her birthday’ (no excuse, Granny can wait till post X factor re-run), ‘I thought it was Monday?’ (plausible but just plain stupid if true) … No, in fact the real reason is - you’re going to Church! Having rudely awoken your new flat mates, how do you even begin to explain that not only are you getting up to go to church of all places, but that you are in fact… a CHRISTIAN! For some of us just the thought of it brings us out in a cold sweat, for others we’re thinking, ‘Ok that’s manageable but how I am ever going to be able to tell them about this God stuff so that they might be interested to find out more? And if they are interested how on earth do I explain what I believe without them thinking I’m crazy?’ So fear not, help is at hand. Why not offer your lovely new flatmates this: some free grub and a chance to find out a bit more about this Jesus guy you get up early on a Sunday for, in a relaxed, non-cringey way. Give them the opportunity to thrash out some of their big questions in life without anyone getting a soap box out to preach from. Student Alpha could be just the ticket! It’s a 7 week course giving the opportunity to explore the meaning of life and introducing people to


the Christian faith. It’s the same as the Classic Alpha course just it’s been ‘squeezed’ (into 7 weeks to fit into a University term), ‘squashed’ (into 30 minute talks) and ‘spiced’ (with multimedia ingredients). You can run the course wherever you like from pubs to clubs, coffee shops to curry houses, Student Union’s to Halls of Residence’s common rooms and if you don’t fancy leaving your flat then why not run it in your kitchen or lounge with your slippers on… can’t get much more chilled than that. Student Alpha is a practical and effective tool for evangelism; it allows you to go on a journey with your mates and gives you a theologically solid explanation of the Gospel and central tenets of the Christian faith to grapple with together. No one has to have all the answers and you certainly don’t have to be a preacher to be able to tell your mates about your faith. This kind of ‘side by side’ evangelism is something that everyone can have a go at and no one should be afraid of giving a try. If you want to find out more, read some stories from students who’ve run the course, pick up some top tips for reaching your friends at Uni or want to run a course yourself then check out our website www.studentalpha. org … Everything you need to run Student Alpha and more is available here for free and coming soon in 2011 will be the Student Alpha DVD! So watch this space…

Alpha “is aStudent practical and effective tool for evangelism LOUISE BOSWELL





Bible-bored? Rob Hare

I sometimes read the Bible, but it bores me to death. Keith Richards (Guitarist with The Rolling Stones)



I suspect Keith speaks for more of us than we’d like to admit. Historians and broadcasters may well have been singing the Bible’s praises in this 400th anniversary year of the King James Bible. The Bible may still be the world’s most sold and most shoplifted book. But – and it pains me to say this – recent research by Bible Society, for whom I work, suggests that most copies stay largely on the shelf – even in the homes of most Christians. Maybe it’s because we are becoming a less literate society, because we live in a more visual culture or, if we are brutally honest, perhaps we are simply Bible-bored? Over the years I have had my share of ups and downs with the Bible. At times I’ve found it inspirational, a joy to read; at other times dry, dusty and confusing. But let me share some thoughts I’ve come to. Firstly, let me let you into a secret – I don’t like those ‘Bible in a year’ type of resources. I fall behind on the dates and find guilt a terrible motivator. I heed Dallas Willard’s words here: ‘You may enjoy the reputation of one who reads the Bible through each year … But will you become more like Christ and more filled with the life of God? … It is better to have ten good verses transferred into the substance of our lives than to have every word of the Bible flash before your eyes.’ (Hearing God, Dallas Willard) I remember Tony Campolo once saying he spent a whole year in one book of the Bible, reading it over and over until its message stuck. Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from the bees which dive deeply into the flower to remove its nectar rather than skim its surface. The Bible is best read thoroughly, slowly, prayerfully and humbly.


Recently, I have discovered the practice of lectio divina (latin for Divine Reading) to be inspiring. It’s a practice that calls us to study, ponder, listen and pray through the scripture. Starts by focusing (initially) on scriptures that you know – perhaps Psalm 23 or 1 Corinthians 13, then follow these stages: Pause - Breathe deeply, relax and switch off from the busyness around you. Invite the Holy Spirit to be with you. Read - Read through the passage slowly, carefully, several times and notice what you are drawn to – a phrase, key words etc. Reflect - Meditate on these key words, chew them over, focus on them. Respond - Pray and dialogue with God. Ask questions about these words and why they are important to you right now. Bible Society’s lyfe resource uses a form of lectio as its main way of engaging with the Bible in small groups. Using a simple rhythm of reading, reflecting and responding in a small group setting, I am amazed at how we can dig deep into scripture together and learn from one another. For me and many others this has been a transforming, refreshing way of meeting with God through the Bible.



Rob Hare is lyfe and Spiritual Formation Development Officer at Bible Society



Connecting God, us and everyday life lyfe is about going deeper into the Bible to connect God, us and everyday life. It’s about making discoveries through reading and reflecting on the Bible with others. And it’s about joining the conversation and community of people seeking a richer relationship with God. The new lyfe website features a host of video interviews, articles and further resources to help you set up a small group and begin discovering a deeper life with God.

Visit lyfe.org.uk today

Bible Society, Stonehill Green, Westlea, Swindon SN5 7DG. T: 01793 418100 F: 01793 418118 biblesociety.org.uk Charity Registration No 232759 Patron: Her Majesty The Queen

C H U R C H Aa Aberdeen Aberdeen Vineyard Church www.aberdeenvineyard.org.uk

Crown Terrace Methodist Church www.aberdeenmethodist.org.uk

Abingdon Christ Church www.cca.uk.net

Alsager Alsager Community Church www.alsagercc.co.uk

Altrincham Altrincham Baptist Church www.altrinchambaptist.org

Ascot Ascot Baptist Church


Bb Bangor Assemblies of God (Bangor) Pentecostal Church www.aogbangor.org.uk

Bangor Community Church www.bangorcc.com

Hope Church Bangor


Bath Bath City Church


Freedom Bath and Bristol


Hay Hill Baptist Church www.hayhill.org

Holy Trinity Combe Down www.htcd.org

St Luke’s Church


St Michaels Church


St Michael’s Twerton


St Swithin’s Walcott


Bedford Brickhill Baptist Church




Belfast (NI) City Church Belfast

Bournemouth St Andrews

BERKHAMSTED Kings Road Church Berkhamsted

Bowdon St Mary’s

Northchurch Baptist Church

Bradford Buttershaw Baptist Church


www.kingsroadchurch.org www.northchurch.com

Beverley Beverley Community Church www.beverleycommunitychurch.org

Birmingham Bethany Pentecostal Church www.bethanypentecostal.com

Birmingham Christian Centre




St John’s Great Horton www.stjohnsgh.org.uk

Abundant Life Church www.alm.org.uk

Bridlington Christ Church



California Christian Centre

Brighton Church of Christ the King


Christ Church Birmingham


Christian Life Centre


Church of God of Prophecy www.cogop.org.uk

Hope City Church Birmingham www.hopecitychurch.tv


City Gate Church


St Peter’s


Bristol BCF Aardvark

Jesus Fellowship Church


Kings Christian Centre


Riverside Church Birmingham


St John’s Harbourne


Vineyard Network Church


Zion Christian Centre


www.jesus.org.uk/ja/local_birmingham.shtml www.kingschristiancentre.com www.riverside-church.org.uk www.stjohns-church.co.uk www.vineyardnetworkchurch.com

BCF Resound Bristol Community Church Bristol Vineyard City Church

East Street Baptist Church


Ebenezer Evangelical Church

Blackburn St Gabriel’s

Edge Church International




Elim @ Bristol City Church

BOLTON Christian Way of Life Bolton Kings Church


St Lukes Church Bolton


Highgrove Church www.highgrove.org.uk

Ivy Church

Christ Church


King’s Arms Church


Pip and Jay

Boston Holy Trinity

RCCG, Garden of the Lord

www.christchurchbedford.org.uk www.kingsarms.org

www.pipnjay.org.uk www.gardenofthelord.org.uk

www.Holytrinityboston.org This list is current as of Tuesday 12th July 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard



Coventry Christian Life Ministries

Severn Vineyard Church

Woodville Baptist Church

Simple Church

St Mark’s Cardiff

St John the Baptist Frenchay

Carlisle Eden Community Church


Elim Community Church

Elim Pentecostal Church


www.simplechurch.co.uk www.frenchaychurch.org.uk

St Michaels Stoke Gifford www.st-michaels-church.org.uk

St Mark’s Baptist Church www.stmarkseaston.com

Woodlands Church Bristol www.woodlandschurch.net

Broadstairs Harvest New Anglican Church www.harvestimechurch.net

Bromley Bromley Baptist Church www.bromleybaptist.com

Bromley Town Church


Southborough Lane Baptist Church www.slbc.org.uk

St Augustines Church www.st-augustines.org.uk

Bury St Edmunds West Suffolk Vineyard


Cc Cambridge Cambridge Community Church www.cthree.org

Cambridge Vineyard Church www.cambridgevineyard.org.uk

City Life Church Cambridge www.citylifechurch.net

Faith Life Church







Chelmsford Central Baptist Church


CGC Chelmsford


Elim Christian Centre www.elim.org

Canterbury Canterbury Vineyard


Dayspring Community Church www.dayspringcanterbury.org.uk

New Life Pentecostal Church www.newlifecanterbury.org

St Mary’s Bredin Canterbury


Glenfall Church




St Paul’s Cheltenham


Trinity Church


Chepstow Chepstow Baptist Church www.chepstowbaptist.org.uk

Chertsey Jubilee Church


Hoole Baptist Church www.hbc.org.uk

Chesterfield Acorn Christian Ministries www.acm-uk.org/

Zion Church


Chichester Chichester Family Church



Cardiff Albany Rd Baptist Church



Freedom Cardiff


Cardiff Vineyard


The Gap Church


Glenwood Church


Jesus Fellowship Church Kings Church


Westwood Church


Crewe New Life Community Church www.newlifecentre.co.uk

West Street Baptist Church


Cheltenham Cheltenham Bridge

Chester Christ Church



Carmarthen Towy Community Church

KingsGate Community Church Zion Baptist Church

Coventry Vineyard




Coventry Cathedral


Holy Trinity



Revelation Church

COLCHESTER Colchester Area Community Church www.colchesterareacommunitychurch.org.uk

St Johns Church Cork (ire) Dungarvan Christian Fellowship www.dungarvanchurch.org

Cullompton St Andrews


Dd Dartford Emmanuel Dartford


Derby Community Church www.ccd.xtn.org

Trinity Vineyard


Haven Christian Centre St Nicholas Church Jubilee Church www.jubilee.org.uk

St Alkmunds


St Barnabas Doncaster All Saints, Woodlands & Highfields Dublin (IRE) Cornerstone Church www.cornerstonechurch.ie

Destiny Church


Every Nation Church www.everynation.ie

Dundee Gate Church International www.gatechurch.co.uk

The Steeple Church


Durham Bethshan


Kings Church Durham www.kcd.org.uk

St Nicholas


Grace Christian Fellowship www.graceireland.com

This list is current as of Tuesday 12th July 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard



Ee Eastbourne Community Church


Glasgow Westend Vineyard www.gwvineyard.co.uk

Victoria Baptist



Edinburgh All Nations Christian Fellowship www.ancf.org.uk

Kirkintilloch Baptist Church Gloucester Gloucester Community Church www.gcchurch.co.uk

One Church Gloucester



Lancaster Father’s House


Lancaster Baptist Church


Lancaster Free Methodist Church www.lfmc.co.uk

Barclay Viewforth



Capital City Church International

Grantham New Life Grantham

Guildford Guildford Baptist Church


Destiny Church

Morningside Baptist Church

Guildford Boiler Room


St Paul’s and St George’s

Guildford Community Church

The Rock Elim

St Johns Stoke

www.barclayviewforth.org.uk www.3cint.co.uk

Community Church Edinburgh www.cce.uk.net

www.destinyedinburgh.com www.mbc.org.uk




www.guildfordboilerroom.webeden.co.uk www.guildfordcommunitychurch.org.uk



Egham Harvestime Church



Runnymede Christian Fellowship www.e-runnymede.co.uk

St John’s Egham

St Saviours

Westborough Church Guildford www.westborough-urc.co.uk

Hh Halifax All Saints

St Thomas Church Lancaster LEAMINGTON SPA St Paul’s Leamington Spa Leeds Blenheim Baptist Church Bridge Street Church Leeds www.bridgestreetchurch.org

Christ Church Upper Armley City Church Leeds www.citychurchleeds.net/

Gateway Church Leeds www.gatewayleeds.net

Hope City Leeds


Leeds Central Salvation Army




Mosaic Leeds

The Journey

High Wycombe Kings Church High Wycombe

South Parade Baptist Church


United Church of Egham


Exeter City Community Church www.cccexeter.org

Exeter Network Church www.enc.uk.net

Exeter Vineyard


Isca Church


Night Church


St Andrews Exwick Exeter Ee Falmouth Oasis Church Penryn www.oasiscornwall.com

Gg Gillingham Ff Ebenezer Community Ministries www.ebenezer-ecm.co.uk

Beulah Christian Fellowship



Kings Church


Kibworth Beauchamp St Wilfreds

Glasgow Elim Church


St Mark’s Gillingham


The Voice


Glasgow Destiny Church Glasgow www.destiny-church.com


North Thames Vineyard


St Brinus and St John www.banjos.org.uk

Hitchin Christ Church


www.mosaic-church.org.uk www.spbc.org.uk

St Georges


St Johns Yeadon


The Oak Church


The Wharfedale Vineyard www.wharfedale-vineyard.org

Huddersfield Community Church

Leicester Church of the Martyrs

Huddersfield Salvation Army

City Church Leicester

Huddersfield Christian Fellowship

Holy Trinity Leicester

Huntingdon Fenstanton Parish Church Hull City Life Church

Hope Hamilton Church

www.community-church.co.uk www.salvationarmy.org.uk/huddersfield www.huddersfieldchristianfellowship.com


Hull Vineyard


Kk Kendal St Thomas Church Kettlewell Scargill House Skipton www.scargillmovement.org


www.citychurchleicester.org www.leicesterchristianfellowship.co.uk www.hopehamiltonchurch.org.uk

Leicester Christian Fellowship


Leicester City Vineyard




Lincoln Grace Church


New Life Christian Fellowship www.newlifelincoln.org.uk/

This list is current as of Tuesday 12th July 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard



Liverpool Devonshire Road Christian Fellowship

Holy Trinity Swiss Cottage www.htsc.org

Hope City Church

Hope Christian Centre Staines


Hoxton Vineyard

Grace Family Church

Ichthus Forest Hill

Jesus Fellowship

Ichthus New Life Greenwich

Mossley Hill Church

Jesus Fellowship Church

South Liverpool Vineyard

Kensington Temple

St Andrews Clubmoor Liverpool

Kings Church Kingston

St James in the City

Kings Cross Church (KXC)

St James “Campus Congregation”

Kingsgate Church Richmond

St Stephen’s

Kingston University Chaplaincy

www.hopecitychurch.tv www.frontline.org.uk www.gfc-liverpool.org www.jesus.org.uk

www.mossleyhillchurch.org.uk www.southliverpoolvineyard.com www.standrewsclubmoor.org.uk www.stjamesinthecity.org.uk www.stjamesinthecity.org.uk

www.hopechristiancentre.org.uk www.hoxtonvineyard.org.uk www.ichthusforesthill.com www.ichthus.org.uk www.jesus.org.uk www.youth.kt.org

www.kingschurch.com www.kxc.org.uk www.lci.org.uk



London All Saints Peckham



Antioch Community Church www.antioch.org.uk

Ascension Bathana Hill


Bless Community Church, Ealing www.ealingcf.org

Brockley Community Church www.brockleycc.org

Chase Fellowship


Chiswick Christian Centre www.chiswick.cc

Chinese Church in London www.ccil.org.uk/so/

Christ Church Cockfosters www.cockfosters.org.uk

Christ Church Spitalfields www.ccspitalfields.org

Church of Christ the King Plumstead www.cckpsp.com

City Gates Church Soho www.citygateschurch.net

Every Nation


Equippers Church City www.equipperscity.co.uk

Equippers Church West www.equipperswest.co.uk

Gateway Church Leyton www.gatewaychurch.org.uk

Grace Community Church Staines www.gracecommunity.org.uk

Greenwich Vineyard Church www.greenwichvineyard.org.uk

His Church Kingston-upon-Thames www.hischurchlondon.org

Holy Trinity Brompton www.htb.org.uk/students

Latymer Christian Fellowship London Community Church www.londonchurch.org

London City Life Church www.londoncitylife.co.uk

Mill Hill East Church ww.mhechurch.co.uk

Molesey Community Church www.mccrefresh.com

New Life Church (North London) www.newlife-london.org.uk

New River Church Islington www.newriverchurch.net

Oak Tree Acton www.oaktree.org.uk

Oasischurch Waterloo www.oasischurch.info

Queens Road Church Wimbledon www.qrc.org.uk

Restore (Peckham) www.restore-peckham.org

River Church Slough www.riverchurch.org.uk

River of Life ICC Riverside Vineyard


South West London Vineyard www.swlv.org.uk

St Andrew’s Chorleywood www.st-andrews.org.uk/youth

St Barnabas Kensington www.stbk.org.uk

St Cuthberts North Wembley www.stcuths.org

St Cuthberts Wood Green www.stcuthbertschurch.org.uk

St Gabriel’s Church www.st-gabriels.org

St Georges Holborn


St Luke’s Marks Battersea Rise


St Mary’s Bryanston Square www.stmaryslondon.com

St Marks Forest Gate


St Marks Kensal Rise www.saintms.co.uk

St Michaels Chester Square www.stmichaelschurch.org.uk

St Michaels Southfield


St Pauls Hammersmith www.sph.org

St Peters Harrow


St Paul’s Ealing


St Paul’s Kingston Hill


St Paul’s Shadwell


St Simons


St Stephens East Twickenham www.st-stephen.org.uk

The Community Church Putney www.thecommunitychurch.uk.com

The Crown Church Uxbridge www.crown-church.org

The Kings Cross Baptist Church www.thekingscrossbaptistchurch.com

The Well Camberwell www.thewellcc.org.uk

Tollington Parish www.tollingtonparish.org.uk

Tower Hamlets Community Church www.thcc.org.uk

Victoria Park Baptist Church www.vpbc.org.uk

Vineyard Church Sutton www.vineyardchurch.org

Westminster Community Church www.westminsterchurch.org.uk

Loughborough Elim Loughborough


Kings Church Loughborough www.kingschurch.co.uk

Open Heaven


Luton City Life Church Luton www.loveluton.org

Mm Maidenhead River Church


Malvern The Source


This list is current as of Tuesday 12th July 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard



Manchester All Saints Marple, Stockport

Hope City Church Newcastle

Audacious City Church


Christ Central


Elmwood Church Manchester


Oxfordshire Community Church

Hope Church Manchester

Newport, Wales Kings Church Newport

Jesus Fellowship Oxford


www.audaciouscitychurch.com www.christcentral.org.uk www.elmwood.org.uk www.the-hope.org.uk

Ivy Manchester


Langworthy Community Church

Jesmond Methodist Church Newcastle CLC St Luke’s (New Wine on Tyne)


The Lab


Lighthouse Christian Centre

Northampton Broadmead Baptist Church


Central Vineyard Church

Life Church

St Giles

St Chads Romiley

Storehouse Church



St Elizabeth Greater Manchester

NORWICH Gateway Vineyard Norwich

www.langworthycommunitychurch.com www.lighthousecc.co.uk

www.oasistrust.org/salfordcentralchurch/ www.smcf.org.uk


St James and Emmanuel


St Mary Magdelene, Ashton on Mersey www.stmarysaom.org

St Pauls Kersal and St Andrews www.stpaulsparish.org.uk



Marlow River Church Marlow www.riverchurch.org.uk

Melton Mowbray Melton Vineyard www.meltonvineyard.org

Merthyr Merthyr Elim Church


Middlesborough Middlesborough Community Church www.middlesboroughcommunitychurch.org

Tees Valley Community Church







Norwich Vineyard


Stoke Holy Cross


Surrey Chapel




St Aldates Oxford www.staldates.org.uk

Pp Penryn Highway Church


Peterborough KingsGate Community Church www.kingsgateuk.com

Plymouth Mutley Baptist Church www.mutleybaptist.co.uk

Plymouth Christian centre


Plymouth Methodist Central Hall www.plymouthcentralhall.co.uk

Plymouth Vineyard


St Andrews Waterfront Church

Poole St Mary’s Longfleet

Nottingham Charis Life Church www.charislife.org.uk

Christian Centre


Life @ The Centre


Outreach Church




St Andrew’s Nottingham www.standrewsnottm.org.uk

St Nicholas Nottingham

Newcastle upon Tyne Bethshan



MOIRA (NI) St John’s Moira


Oxford Oxford Vineyard



St Giles West Bridgeford





Nn Newcastle Under Lyme Newcastle Baptist Church

Ossett Trinity Church Ossett

www.stgilesparish.com www.stnics.org

St Stephens with St Pauls The Rock West Bridgford www.the-rock.org.uk

Trent Vineyard


Oo Oadby Oadby Baptist Church


Vine Christian Fellowship www.www.vinecf.org

Portsmouth Family Church


Kings Church


City Life Church www.trbc.org.uk

Preston Preston Vineyard


Ribble Valley Church


Rr Radcliffe St Andrews Reading Greyfriars Church


Harvest International Church www.harvestinternational.org.uk

Reading Vineyard Church

Destiny Church



Diocese of Newcastle

Ormskirk Ormskirk Christian Fellowship


www.destinynewcastle.com www.newcastle.anglican.org

Elim Church


St Laurence

Thameside Church Reading www.thamesidechurch.co.uk

www.yourchurch.info This list is current as of Tuesday 12th July 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard



Romford re:generation Methodist Church

SOLIHULL Solihull Renewal Christian Centre

Sunningdale Holy Trinity

Royston Royston Community Church

Southampton Central Baptist Church

Swansea Cornerstone Church

Richmond Holy Trinity Richmond

City Life Church

Elim Swansea (The City Temple)


Kings Community Church

Lifepoint Church

RIPON Holy Trinity

Life Church

Linden Christian Centre

New Community Church

Parklands Evangelical Church

Riverside Family Church

Woodlands Church




Rugby Christ Church


Ss Salisbury City Gate Salisbury


Scarborough Ebenezer Baptist


St Martin’s


www.southamptoncbc.org.uk www.citylife.org.uk www.kcc.uk.net

www.lifesouthampton.org www.newcommunity.org.uk/students www.riversidefamilychurch.org.uk

St. Mark’s


Southport Shureline Church


St Albans Network Church



Sheffield Antioch Community Church



Cemetery Road Baptist Church www.crbchurch.org.uk

City Life Christian Church

St Mark’s Colney Heath St Pauls


ST HELENS St Marks Haydock



The Eccles

Stoke on Trent Breathe City Church


Hope City Church


Jesus Fellowship Church www.jesus.org.uk/sheffield/

Kings Centre Christian Church www.kingscentreonline.com

St John’s Park




Stockton-on-Tees Destiny Church Teeside www.thedestinychurch.co.uk

St Stephens Church

Hebron Church Norton Baptist Church

St Thomas Crookes

The Vine Teesside



St Thomas’ Philadelphia

Stretton St Lawrence Church

www.stjohnpark.org.uk www.ststephenschurch.org.uk



Shipley St Peters


Shrewsbury St Thomas Sidcup Avery Hill Christian Fellowship


New Generation Church



Sunninghill Morning Star Christian Fellowship Sunderland Bethshan


Elim Sunderland


www.cornerstonechurch.co.uk www.elimswansea.org.uk www.lifepoint.org.uk


www.parklandschurch.org.uk www.woodlands.cc

Tt Tadley Taste


Totnes Totnes United Free Church www.totnesunitedfree.org.uk

Thetford Fountain of Life


TROWBRIDGE St Thomas Trowbridge


Truro Grace Church


Uu Ulverston Ulverston Parish Meeting


Ww Wakefield Destiny Christian Church www.Destinychurch.co.uk

Walsall The Rock Church


St Matthews Walsall


Walsall Community Church www.walsallcommunitychurch.org

Walton-on-Thames Walton Baptist Church www.waltonbc.org

WARWICK OpenHouse Warwick


Watford Soul Survivor Watford




St Benets

Silverdale Silverdale Elim Church

Sunderland Monkwearmouth Salvation Army

Wimborne The Warehouse


www.stbenetsparish.org.uk www.monkwearmouthsa.org.uk


Winchester Winchester Vineyard www.winvin.org.uk

This list is current as of Tuesday 12th July 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard



Wirral Wirral Christian Centre

Wolverhampton Church 18-30

Gateway Church

Worcester Baptist Church

Global York

Worcester Vineyard

The Ark


Wokingham Sindlesham Baptist Church


St Peters Baptist Church Worcester www.stpetersbaptist.org.uk/spbc/



Yy York Calvary Chapel


Lifespring Church Wolverhampton www.lifespring.uk.com

St Jude’s Wolverhampton www.stjudeschurch.org.uk

Vintage Faith Wolverhampton www.vintagefaith.co.uk/

Worcester All Saints Worcester



Christ the Light Church Huntington www.christthelight.org.uk

Clifton Parish Church www.cliftonparish.org.uk



Elim Pentecostal Church

www.gatewaychurch.co.uk www.globalyork.com www.the-ark.net

York Vineyard


St Oswalds Church


St Michael le Belfrey www.stmichaelsyork.org

St Pauls


St Thomas with Maurice York www.stthomaswithstmaurice.org.uk/


G2 York


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