Fuse Issue 12: Winning Gold

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Winning Gold





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Amy Williams

Attributes of an Athlete

Pete McKnight

Mission: London Calling Miriam Swaffield

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serving churches developing leaders making 21st century disciples in England and Scotland

features 04 Attributes of an Athlete

orinth was a city famous for the Isthmus Games. Attendance at the Games was considered the high point and an experience of a lifetime - they had a similar prestige to the Olympic Games today. Paul is sharing a deep spiritual truth through an event that would have been very familiar to the people of Corinth. In the Isthmus Games if you signed your name up for a particular race, you were expected to run and you were competing for the ultimate accolade - a wreath made out of olive branches for the winner. Paul, however, is revealing that all who choose to sign up to run for Christ are destined to receive a prize that is eternal. It isn’t about how fast you run that counts but how you run, that our lives have purpose every day and everyone who runs for Christ wins - today and at the finish line. The London 2012 Olympic Games is a celebration of youth and will be a once in a lifetime occasion. Be inspired by the stories in this edition of Fuse and join us in summoning thousands of Christian students to make a difference during the 2012 Games.

Rich Wilson National Team Leader, Fusion Follow Rich on twitter: @richwilson01

Pete McKnight

08 London Calling

Miriam Swaffield

interviews 12 Dan Hockley 14 Amy Williams 15 Martin MacDonald

fusion 16 About Fusion 18 studentlinkup.org 20 loveyouruni.org 22 Church Connection 25 Student Work 28 Fusion Resources 30 Church Networks & Key Partners 40 Church Connection Directory DESIGN: James Norton E: james@greenflashmedia.co.uk

For advertising opportunities please contact: Editor: Caroline Harmon E: caroline@fusion.uk.com Fusion UK is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 3679369 and a registered charity No. 1073572 The Schofield Centre 4 Greenclose Lane Loughborough LE11 5AS

Printed on evolution 100% recycled paper, totally chlorine free, Printed with vegetable inks

Attributes of an Athlete Pete McKnight


What’s your goal? Athletes need goals; targets; aspirations. They need to know what they are aiming for, so that they can work towards their goal. As we approach the games this summer, there are some athletes who will have trained for 10 years just to be there. Others will have dreams of qualifying for a final or perhaps winning a medal - maybe even gold! As Christians we too need a goal, to know where we are going. God has given us some general guidelines in pursuing him and advancing his Kingdom. How we outwork this is largely up to us. Do you have a goal? Are you focused, or are you drifting? Athletes at the top are almost blinkered, so focused that they seem blind to anything other than their goal. As Christians at university there is much we can learn from their behaviour that will help us in our pursuit of God. Some of these attributes you will possess naturally, others you will need to work hard to cultivate.

1) Perseverance... or will the sniff of something more appealing entice you? It takes an extremely high level of commitment and dedication to pursue success at the highest level in sport. You cannot rely solely on your talent. Athletes train daily for years to hone their skills, improve their fitness, strength and endurance, and practice executing their race or match plan. Some days it hurts just to get out of bed. They have to plan and monitor their nutrition meticulously, and push through training sessions, even when they don’t feel like it. If we want to achieve our goals as Christians we need to take the same approach of day-in day-out, dogged perseverance to keep going.


2) Consistency: up and down like a yo-yo? No athlete will experience ongoing success without consistency. Consistency in training, consistency in lifestyle, consistency in relationships with coaches, and consistency in performance. This all boils down to consistency in character. Yes, you can get short-term success with natural talent, but it is consistency that will give you longevity in sport. It’s the same in the Christian life. We need to be steady, reliable and dependable to keep walking the journey with integrity and purpose.

Do you have a goal? Are you focused, or are you drifting?

the team, losing a lot of money or sponsorship deals, or even having to learn to walk again. Those who learn from their failures and shortcomings, or just the disappointments that life brings their way – in both sport and faith will be the ones who go on to become great.

4) Go on… have a laugh! As an athlete there needs to be a sense of fun and enjoyment throughout the process. You can’t be so focused on the future goal that you forget the reality of the moment. Nor can you be so consumed by the difficulty of the task that it leaves you exhausted and burnt out. You need to live for the moment and find fun and excitement in all that life brings. There needs to be a level of balance in all you do. I love walking with Jesus because it brings excitement, joy, fun, and surprise, and he provides a light when it’s dark and a support through times of trouble and difficulty. In one of my favorite verses in the bible, the Psalmist sums it up quite nicely: “You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever” (Ps 16:11, NLT).

5) Get across the line Finally, when the victory is in sight, you need to see it through to completion. Being a good finisher is fundamental to being a successful sports person. There’s nothing worse than taking your foot off the gas, and coasting along, only to be beaten at the finishing line. Make sure you finish well and then celebrate the success. Athletes will throw a huge party after the Olympics are over, have a much-needed short break, and then it’s back to business as usual. As Christians at university are we prepared to make sure we make it to the finish line?

Pete McKnight 3) Pushing through One of the hardest times in an athlete’s career is dealing with disappointment. I have worked with a number of athletes who have had to deal with long-term illness, injury, lack of form, or failure to perform when it matters. The real impact of these can be being dropped from


Pete McKnight has worked as a Strength & Conditioning Coach with Olympic athletes for the last 10 years. He now lives in Annecy, France with his wife and three boys where he leads a church planting team and continues to coach athletes. He is also involved in sports science research, writing, speaking, and driving the field of elite fitness and conditioning forwards.

Follow him on twitter @petemcknight.

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London Calling Miriam Swaffield

Fusion’s Miriam Swaffield caught up with Jon Burns, UK Director of More Than Gold to talk about mission opportunities for students in London this summer. Jon Burns may be one of the busiest men on the planet at the moment, as over three years of planning and preparation for mission at the games in 2012 come together. Yet he still made time to tell us just how key students are for this summer. Jon is mobilising churches, denominations and organisations to get into action in London this summer and make the most of the world coming to Great Britain. He is particularly passionate about students and student workers getting involved: ‘It’s a big youth party, a celebration of youth.’ Fusion recognises that students are bestplaced to reach people of their own generation. You know this because you see it happening in your church. We know this because we see it happening nationally. More Than Gold know this too, which is why they’ve partnered with Fusion to get you to the games.

Jon gave a flavour of the sort of mission students can get involved in: ‘The opportunity to serve the city is huge. Whether that’s prayer walking, serving with clean-ups, or distributing water to guests that are coming through. Whether it’s about serving churches who want to do the community outreach stuff or… working the late shift when there’s thousands of people around Trafalgar square at midnight.



need to go for this as part of the bigger UK picture too: ‘I’ve heard that a major church leader in Sydney said that “Sydney changed when the Olympics came to town. It’s never been the same since; relationships between the churches, our engagement in community mission, everything changed when the Olympics came.” We’ll have some of that! We went to Vancouver and saw hits and misses. My abiding memory was ministers who felt they’d missed the moment. There’s a determination in me now: if Sydney didn’t (miss the chance) and Vancouver did, Britain can’t.’

The party is in the city. I think students should get into town. They’ll never have another moment in London like it.’ Given that the Olympic Games will probably never return to our country in our lifetime, Jon believes that this is about seizing the opportunity: ‘It’s about the moment that we need to make the most of. Sometimes we get so worried about what will happen next we don’t do the now.’ London 2012 is also being talked about as “the legacy games” - a principle the church also looks at in mission. Jon has been thinking about this: ‘Let’s do the now and be thinking about the next. For me there’s several bits of legacy... One is churches engaging in sports ministry that perhaps never have before. Another is churches twinning with other churches or student groups elsewhere (beyond London), that become long term partners and keep coming back, keep serving, keep helping and keep praying.’ Student mission teams which go to serve and share Jesus tend to bless and build not only the communities they go to, but also the team who are on the adventure together. Jon also has global perspective on how we, as catalysts of the students of this country,


At Fusion we don’t want to look back and wish we’d done more when we get to this time next year. Fusion and More Than Gold are determined to go for it this summer. As a generation of students let’s not miss this! You can sign up right now to go with your mission team to London 2012, here’s how: •

Visit fusion.uk.com and you will see the More Than Gold Olympic logo.

Click on the link and either register as a mission team leader or download the mission applicant form if you are a member of a team.

It’s easy: read the info, print and fill-out the form and send it to More Than Gold… then get excited!

As Jon says, ‘It’s like anything in life, the more you put in, the more you get out.’

Miriam Swaffield Miriam is Fusion’s Student Mission Developer. She can’t wait to do mission in London this summer and is determined to see Britain’s students involved. She thinks she’s more of a surfer than she actually is.

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My sport had become my idol Dan Hockley

is a tri-athlete from Leeds. He is part of The Oak Church.

Do you feel pressure to succeed? How seriously do you take your sport? Very. I fit life around training. It’s almost full time, so study and work all get done but I just have to order my diary well! You can’t have an Olympic dream without being serious about your sport.


Well London 2012 was the aim and there were times when I thought it was a real possibility. At the moment though that looks very unlikely as Great Britain has the top two ranked athletes in the world in the Brownlee brothers, and there are excellent athletes all competing for the third spot in the team. I would love to go to the games but really the lesson I have learned is to follow

Interviews God’s call not a worldly dream. The journey training for this has been amazing and I feel that I have been at the centre of God’s will. There is no better place to be. Ultimately my goal isn’t what defines me, God does.

Basically though, I am just unashamed about what I believe and the fact that I go to church. I get plenty of banter about it but also some real genuine questions.

the lesson I have learned is to follow God’s call not a worldly dream I have come to a realisation that we are all failures at a very basic level of humanity. Yet God, through his grace, chooses to rescue us. I remember being on a really painful, long run and I was thinking about my atheist housemate who I wanted to share the gospel with. I felt God ask me, ‘would you give up your life to see him saved?’ and my response was instantly ‘yeah definitely!’ Then I felt God ask me, ‘would you give up triathlon for me?’ and I realised I couldn’t. My sport had become my idol. It was more important to me than even my mate’s salvation. So I spent about three grueling weeks sorting my heart out before God, making sure He was truly the number one thing in my life. Have you been able to share your faith with your tri-athlete mates? Yeah, although it’s not easy as blokes don’t really talk openly that much, especially before training. I find it gets easier after a tough training session. I guess we have been through the mill together for an hour or more so it’s easier to chat.

my goal isn’t what defines me, God does. What advice would you give a student sportsperson? Get involved and go for it! University is such a unique time of life to share the gospel and sport is such a great medium to do it through. Do life to the full. Be prepared to talk about Jesus unashamedly and God will cover the rest!


We each need to have a clear focus

Amy Williams

won GB’s only medal at the 2010 Winter Olympics and the first Gold Medal in an individual event for 30 years. Following an Art Foundation course, she studied Sports Performance at the University of Bath. How did you get into Skeleton Racing and end up at the Winter Olympics in 2010? I was in the right place at the right time in 2002, when British Skeleton set up its base in my home town of Bath and was


looking for athletes to join its development programme. I realised I would not be able to win at national, let alone international, level as a 400m sprinter, but I wanted to have a chance to represent my country in an Olympic sport, so I grasped the opportunity to give skeleton a try. Having missed out on selection for the single place in the women’s skeleton at the 2006 Games in Turin, for the next four years I was completely focused on gaining a place in the team for Vancouver.

How do you feel your faith helps you in your sport? Besides the high times, there are also many low times during training and while away from home for long stretches on the competition circuit. It is so helpful to know, whatever happens, that you are valued by God and that your life has a purpose. We are all on spiritual journey, and my sporting experience teaches me that we each need to have a clear focus and to be disciplined in what we do and how we do it.


Seeing the bigger picture makes It possible for me to support athletes Martin MacDonald

is a Performance Nutritionist and consults for a number of Olympic sports such as the GB Olympic Weightlifting Team and the Paralympic Powerlifting Team. Martin is also Nutrition Editor for Men’s Running Magazine. He studied at Loughborough University and is a member of Open Heaven Church in Loughborough. Why did you become a performance nutritionist? Not only did I have a passion for it but I was also quite good at it. Being able to help people achieve certain health and performance goals was a really encouraging prospect. How do you feel your faith helps you in your work? Working in the world of sport can be extremely stressful at times for both the athletes and support staff. Things that may seem like small occurrences can actually have huge impacts on athletes and their sense of well-being and happiness. Sometimes being able to see the bigger picture makes it

possible to be a support to these individuals. Having Christianity as a framework allows me to see perhaps where ‘science’ doesn’t add up. The things athletes are told to eat and not eat by the media because of modern ‘science’ goes against the idea that food comes from God. Having to eat specially processed foods because they are ‘healthier’ just doesn’t make sense in that framework. How do you feel your work helps your faith? Working in the field of nutrition and physiology helps my faith because the complexities of the human body never fail to astound me. It reinforces that we are perfectly and intricately designed. www.facebook.com/MacNutr www.Twitter.com/MacNutrition www.mac-nutrition.com


[What] 7 million students, 46,000 churches – unleashing the potential [How] Fusion connects student to church and church to student. Not just one or two but serving thousands of churches in reaching and discipling millions of students. We are convinced that local church needs to be at the heart of student mission and students at the heart of local church.

Fusion’s values underpin all that we do and outline how our mission is outworked. We are committed to being:

Biblical, Relational, Missional, Catalytic and Inclusive

[Why] Fusion is committed to catalysing a relentless student movement that sees thousands respond to Jesus and prioritise their lives and ambitions around God’s Kingdom agenda.

Register your church with Fusion: www.fusion.uk.com/ registernow

A New Sport for 2012?

For this edition of Fuse the Fusion Team have answered a very important question:

If you could invent a new sport what would it be? 16

‘Olympic Masterchef or pie-eating.’ - Rich Wilson, National Team Leader, Fusion


Our core purposes 1.Serving Churches

Testimonies of what God is doing amongst students across the UK.

Catalysing and helping to build local churchbased student work and student mission

Inspiration and catalysing creativity in student mission. ‘My church back home is like a big family to me; Fusion helped me find a church that treats everyone like a family member and made me feel at home.’ Claire Edwards, first year student, G2, part of St Michael le Belfrey, York

Fusion believes God’s mission is best carried out through the local church so we are committed to serving local churches: • • • •

Helping churches prepare school leavers for uni. Equipping churches to connect with new students. Providing resources, inspiration and connections to equip, reach and disciple students. Promoting growth and good practise in student mission.

Wherever your church is located, we believe it can contribute something to this vision. You can connect your church into this mission opportunity. ‘As a church that sends lots of students to university, we are very grateful for the Fusion Student Connection. This helps us to prepare our students through resources and connects them to a vibrant church in their university location through the Student Link Up service.’ Rev. Ian Parkinson, All Saints, Marple

2.Working with Students Facilitating mission, evangelism and discipleship Fusion work with students in local churches in the lead up to and during their time at university providing: •

Access to resources to prepare, connect, equip, inspire and disciple students.

3.Developing Student Workers Fusion works to train, coach and network student workers from local churches around the country: • • • • •

The Student Work Programme encourages and strengthens church based student workers. Providing a forum where student workers from differing streams and locations can interact and share information. Offering training and networking three times a year through Student Work Equipping Days. Delivering an annual Student Work Conference. Access to a range of resources and student work consultations. ‘The teaching at the Student Work Training is fantastic there’s loads of practical, student-related training that’s totally different to what you get to hear in church or at other Christian conferences. It’s a great opportunity to meet other student workers from up and down the UK and be inspired by each other’s stories and experiences. We’ve found them to be a real help to us in working with students in Swansea.’ Steve Aston, Lifepoint Swansea

‘Toasting Marshmallows on a campfire - how deliciously burnt on the outside and gorgeously melted on the inside could you get them without them falling off the stick.’ - Caroline Harmon, Fuse Editor

Ready, Set….. Go! Going to uni this autumn? Pippa Winterburn has some advice to get you ready for the starting blocks. Heart beating. Adrenaline pumping. Breath steaming. Eyes on the prize… Waiting for that starting gun is a precious moment. Every muscle ready, every thought focused, both ears listening… If you’re going to uni in the autumn, you’ll be at the starting line in a matter of months. No athlete can just turn up on the day, unprepared, and expect to thrive in the race. Victory requires preparation – the right diet, the right training, and the right coach.

The Right Diet: Devour Your Bible You are irrevocably loved, intentionally made and before you lies the potential of a thrilling, risky, joy-filled life. Knowing those kind of truths sets you up to hit the ground running with confidence, purpose and major excitement! Devour your bibles now – start with Acts and a gospel – that life is at your fingertips. Stay away from lies that tell you you’re not good enough and that your academic success defines your value. God has an amazing plan for you – his word will show you your true worth. Let that give you energy to be the best you can be. Know his word now; step out with faith in September.


Before you lies the potential of a thrilling, risky, joy-filled life.

The Right Training: Practise being a student Take steps of independence – try

cooking, do your own laundry (at least once!) and tell your friends about Jesus. Take responsibility for your faith –

decide to go for it yourself NOW and don’t rely on others’ opinions. Pray now for the people you’ll meet when you arrive at Uni. Start leading. Why not run a youth alpha course for your mates after school’s finished – it’s a great excuse to still hang out together. Have courage, students do it all the time. Check out www.youthalpha.org to see how.

The Right Coach Who is supporting you through this transition? Is there a youth worker or mentor you can chat this through with? Have you got a friend you can dream big dreams with? Get yourself a School Leaver Pack* from our website and go through it with someone. Now is your time. Your exams are only part of preparing for this move. Start praying big expectant prayers, get reading and wrestling with the Bible, and begin talking to your friends about Jesus. This stuff will bring life to what otherwise can be months of unrelenting hard work. This is the best opportunity you’ll get to take God out of that predictable little box and risk seeing him for who he truly is.

See you at the start line! *Our School Leaver Pack includes two books: The Student Alphabet and Studentscape, plus the School Leaver Pack DVD. Price: £9.97 Order from: www.fusion. uk.com/resources.


pippa@fusion.uk.com 07885 761 894 @this_is_pip ‘Hand stand races at all standard lengths of race. Feet aren’t allowed to touch the ground from start to finish.’ - Pippa Winterburn

Let the Games Begin… Miriam Swaffield finds out why a potato obssessed student worker miles away from London is so excited about the Olympics. My friend Gav has just become a student worker at G2, part of St. Michael Le Belfrey Church in York… a city that is nowhere near London. So why is it that Gav, the potato-loving, over-excitable Northern Irish chap, is already buzzing about 2012 in the capital? How do the games affect a lad living in the north, whose sports of choice are rugby, golf and American football, and definitely not athletics?


I grabbed an early-morning coffee with Gav and asked him what all the fuss was about: ‘If you look at the Royal Wedding, some people don’t even care about weddings but the whole country was still gripped by it. 2012 will be so much more. It’s like three weeks of the biggest sporting event in the world, in our country. People will just be going nuts; we have to take advantage of that.’ But it’s all kicking off in London Gav… not inside the castle walls of Ye Olde York… ‘It’s in London but the whole country will be affected. It doesn’t matter where you are, you’re still going to be gripped by Olympic fever.’ Fair enough. Perhaps we’ll all just watch it on the telly as most of us didn’t get tickets. But why, as a student worker, do you think the games are particularly relevant?

‘Most of the people in London 2012 are going to be from the younger generation, that’s the demographic the Olympics hits; it’s a big party! If my students want to go to London, I’m going to send them. Through Fusion, who are partnering with More Than Gold, I can get my students linked to churches in London who are doing mission, to get them involved and give them a taste of the experience down there.’ Find out more on page 10.

So you’re sending student mission teams to London. Immense. But you’re not going to London yourself? What’s your plan? ‘For those whose passion is York, we will stay here and put on events for the community within which our church is based; things like street parties and activities for kids. We don’t want to hide behind our church walls – we want to be a place where people have fun and we want to model what “life to the full” really looks like.’ This is why I like Gav, he isn’t afraid to just go for it wherever he sees the chance. If he can’t move York to London, he’ll make the party of London 2012 happen in York. What would he say to any other student workers and students reading this, who are now starting to think Olympics? ‘Get your students involved; link them up with Fusion to connect them to churches in London. If you can’t get to London, do it where you are. Close down a street and put on a party; get a big screen that everyone can watch the opening ceremony on; run Olympic-themed games afternoons for kids during the summer - their parents will love you for it! I’d just say, give it a go wherever you are.’

After gleaning these excellent thoughts from my Irish friend, I ask Gav the all-important and highly serious question: If you had to compete in the Olympics, which event would you choose? ‘Wrestling, ‘cause it would make me feel more manly.’ Awkward… and if you had to make up your own Olympic event in which you could be the champion, it would have to be… ‘A potato eating competition…fantastic.’ Any final words to the students and student workers of the nation Gav? ‘I was given this advice recently: “Soon is not as good as now”. Get plans in place now because, to be honest, you do not want this opportunity to pass you by. This is too big to ignore.’ On that brilliant sound-byte, Gav gets up, grabs his bag and heads off to work, far more energised than when he walked in. It may be called London 2012, but this goes bigger than our capital city. Let’s catch the Olympic fever and get a vision for how this nation’s students have a key part to play. Let the games begin!.



miriam@fusion.uk.com 07843 142 315 @miriamswaff

‘Travelathon. How many countries around the world can you visit during the time of the Games, just by hitching lifts.’ - Miriam Swaffield

Stop Talking, Start Walking.


We need to be prepared to make mistakes in student mission

C H U R C H Spend more time talking about mission than doing it? Luke Smith thinks we just need to go for it, and be prepared to make some mistakes along the way. Just don’t touch his iPhone! I have an iPhone. I love it and I would wrestle someone who tried to steal it from me. The level of hysteria, anticipation and discussion that surrounds the launch of a new iPhone & accompanying software is rarely equaled. There are whole websites, magazines and even conferences dedicated to discourse on the latest operating system. For a phone. To many people, this is captivating and will only be replaced by the launch of the next software. I prefer to just get on with it. Download the software, find out how it works by using it and talk about the cricket match that the iPhone allows me to follow. Some Christians have a tendency to be like this when it comes to evangelism, constantly debating the latest mission method or theological hypothesis. To many people, this is captivating and will only be replaced by the launch of a favourite author’s new book. I prefer to just get on with it. Take the new ideas, add them to the eternal, unchanging truth of the gospel, find out what works best by trying it and talk about Jesus to anyone who will listen. The danger is that, as believers in Jesus Christ, we hide behind the theory and discussion about mission and don’t actually do any. We learn the most while doing something rather than talking

C O N N E C T I O N about it, so let’s get stuck in. I’m not saying we shouldn’t read, or even enjoy debate about, mission. I’m simply saying, if we don’t get round to practicing the mission itself we won’t know whether it works and the debate was pointless. There are a few simple truths about mission that we would do well to hang on to:

The gospel works It isn’t broken and it never was. We don’t need to change it in an attempt to make it more ‘relevant’ to people today. We do need to contextualize it to meet people where they’re at. People are still in desperate need of the Creator’s love, the Saviour’s grace and the Spirit’s comfort. The name of Jesus remains powerful and still transforms lives. We are the ones who need to change and become more relevant and compassionate towards a broken world.

The Church is God’s chosen vehicle for mission The historic failure of the local church to do its job as preacher of the good news, proclaimer of freedom to the captives, recovery of sight for the blind and release for the oppressed has led to other Christian organisations stepping up and doing so. They have done a great job but things have changed. The local church today is geared up for mission and para-church organisations are adapting appropriately to facilitate the local church. This is why Fusion’s whole strategy is to encourage and equip local churches to reach students with the gospel. After all, you can’t separate mission and discipleship, and this is at the heart of local church.

‘City Golf. A full 18 holes of golf but in an actual city with people going about their daily business. Ball theft is a real risk. Some greens are on rooftops.’ - Luke Smith


We need to fail to succeed You won’t find anyone in the bible, apart from Jesus, who didn’t mess up and made mistakes. From Jonah to Joseph, King David to the Apostle Paul, they made some howlers. It wasn’t just personal sin - they had their mission strategy and theology all wrong at times as well. Yet God blessed their ministry anyway. It is the same today. We need to be prepared to make mistakes in student mission, adjust and apologise if we get it wrong, and keep going. God doesn’t ask for perfection, he asks for our heart, our obedience and our participation in his Kingdom.

the local church is the best launch pad for creative, sustainable student mission Fusion is connected to over 600 churches that are looking to engage with student mission. We are committed to supporting and cheering local churches who want to have a go at bringing the King to a few of the 2.3 million students in the UK. We are convinced that this outrageous gospel that has transformed lives, cultures and nations for centuries is still true today and just as powerful. We believe that the local church is the best launch pad for creative, sustainable student mission all over the UK. And we are prepared to make mistakes, get it wrong, fail and learn as we have a go at reaching this generation of students for Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.



luke@fusion.uk.com 07912 361 450 @Luke20Smith Register your church with Fusion: www.fusion.uk.com/registernow



Interview with Jon Soper Exeter Network Church

Why is your church connected to Fusion? It’s a really important thing for us to see what God is doing in the city and join in. We know that we share this value with Fusion. We also want to be the carriers of God’s presence wherever we are and we are keen to partner with a body of people who are similarly minded. On a wider scale it’s exciting to be part of a diverse variety of churches that are pursuing God’s will for UK universities. Why is it important to work with students? The University of Exeter represents a vital part of our city and we want to impact Exeter as a whole, so it makes sense to give some attention to the university. There is a huge demographic spike of people aged 16-24 in Exeter, most of whom don’t know Jesus, so they are an important group to engage with. It is also a massive encouragement to have students as active participants in our church. They bring a fantastic level of enthusiasm, passion and energy to our life together and we are really grateful to them. How are you working with students at the moment? It’s been exciting to see our relationship with the Student’s Union grow recently. We are looking to work in partnership with them on the big student club night where we will be giving out water and flip flops, and chatting to and offering to pray for people.


w o r k

Interview with Tim May Student work at Morningside Baptist Church in Edinburgh

Why did you decide to become a student worker? While I was a student I started a missional community in my flat by accident. It was meant to be a small group for a few friends but it kept growing and all sorts of characters kept turning up. God led us into a season of incredibly fruitful mission which resulted in some of our friends becoming Christians. I’ve never seen so much spiritual growth and vitality. I’ve never really recovered from that experience and as a result I went straight into church leadership when I graduated. When our student pastor moved on I took over student work, realising it was my passion. I’m convicted of the need and compelled by the opportunity that universities present and I don’t think I could not work with students. How does your church love the universities in Edinburgh? We want to see the 100,000 students who study in Edinburgh encounter the culture of the kingdom of God, be drawn into faith in Jesus Christ and propelled into mission. The fulfilment of church will always be mission. Though we are a big church, with a lot of students, it can feel as though we are a drop in the ocean of the culture around us, but we believe small things can have a disproportionate effect

on their surroundings. We want to make a noise and proclaim with all that we are that Jesus is Lord and by doing so wake up our universities to the reality of Jesus. We do this primarily through Student Communities: around 12 people joining together for discipleship and mission. Each community burns with a desire to grow in love for God and others. Every community does mission and discipleship together, in word and deed communicating the love of God. I like to think of them as small groups with balls. What do you love most about your job? I once heard it said that ‘if you capture the hearts of today’s students, you have already captured the hearts of tomorrow’s world.’ This is the dream: that students would be captured by Christ and the world transformed. Living in the hope of that vision is the best part of my job. Why do you work with Fusion? I love Fusion. I think they’re great at spotting gaps and filling them. Student Linkup, for example, is fantastic and a great service to the local church. Fusion staff are great people to know, I really appreciate their friendliness; they’re the kind of people I’d invite out for a cheeky beer.

‘Endurance Returning. Athletes have to get to a specified airport as fast as they can, and in time for a flight, by any human - powered means they can blag (run, cycle, pedalo, windsurf, paraglide etc). The Gold medalist flies home first class, the silver medalist business class, and bronze goes economy. Everyone else makes their own way home.’ – Tom Dean

What are we training them for? HANNAH BOWRING STUDENT WORK DEVELOPER


hannah@fusion.uk.com 07812 567 248 @hannah_bowring

S T U D E N T If we want our students to become world-class athletes in the category of ‘Living Life for Jesus’ how do we mobilise this generation to run after Jesus with all their might? Hannah Bowring has some ideas. Expectations I’ve been thinking about expectations. They can be a negative thing, a pressure we have to live up to. But they can also set a culture. I have heard all sorts of derogatory things said of students. They are lazy, self-centred and commitment phobes who only turn up to things if they feel like it in the moment. The problem is, we can end up expecting them to be just like that. But if we expect our students to be selfish and lazy, why would they be anything else? I can’t believe that’s how God sees this generation. Aren’t they more likely to become world-class athletes if we give them the vision for it and expect them to be world-class athletes? I think a crucial question is what are we training them for? Isn’t it for a life of walking with God through any situation? Dealing with their stuff so that they are living in freedom? Where hard times push them into God not away from him. Where their rootedness in God overflows into their lives, enabling them to live a life of love for those around them. Where they’re engaged in the world in a way that draws people closer to Jesus. Let’s have this vision in mind when we’re planning our programmes and events.


Time Well Spent We need to learn how to spend our time well. With that in mind, is it really the best for students to spend all their time in Christian meetings? I meet students with diaries that are full of prayer meetings, small groups, Alpha courses, CU planning meetings and socials. As important as all these things are, I believe there needs to be balance. We need students who are firmly rooted in a church community but also at the centre of communities within their university life. Students with time to build proper friendships with their housemates and coursemates. Time to dance like a crazy person in the student union or go out with their sports team. Time so that they are there just at the point when their friend is dumped and needs a shoulder to cry on and some words of hope. Are we creating a culture where this is valued as highly as attendance at church?

Who Are We? Our students need to understand themselves and who God who created them to be. Richard Rohr writes, “It is not optional to know ourselves. It’s not optional to be willing to make mistakes. Such qualities are essential on our spiritual journey.” Getting to know ourselves and taking risks is part of what leads us “to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ” (Eph 4:13). We are all on the journey of becoming self-aware people who better understand our identity and purpose. Let’s keep asking God for his perspective and stay full of hope for what God has in store for the students in our cities and towns.

‘Tea tasting. Differentiate between different black, green, yellow, white and oolong blends whilst blindfolded.’ - Hannah Bowring

Check out our

resources online! University: The Big Challenge 360° preparation for uni life Price: £4.97 This is a brand new resource for parents and youth workers. It is packed full of reassuring, encouraging and practical advice for parents and youth workers for how we prepare and send the young adults we know to university.

Price: £4.97

The Stuff of Life

The Stuff of Life is the sort of stuff that affects all of us to a greater or lesser extent. It’s stuff that already impacts our relationships and outlook on life, stuff that, if not faced, can diminish a lot of our freedom and enjoyment of day-to-day living. This book is primarily aimed at students Facing challenges, and 20-somethings but will also be living life well of enormous benefit to parents in understanding the pressures their children face, youth workers in suggesting pathways and help for common ‘stuff,’ and teenagers in helping them better understand themselves and their friends.


R E S O U R C E S Studentscape

Price: £4.97 Studentscape has been written with the 18-25 age group in mind and is a values-based approach to discipleship. It has been specifically written for those in or going into higher and further education and is an essential resource for every young person who intends going onto college or university.

Student Alphabet: an A-Z of Student Life. Price: £4.97 The Student Alphabet travels quickly from A to Z on everything you need to know about starting university. Its light hearted and practical approach shares hundreds of tips, comments, stories and advice. It covers everything from Alcohol to Lectures to Zzz - highlighting 90 other topics along the way. Every new student and parent will benefit from this practical, humorous and challenging collection of insights.

Student Linkup TRAINER PACK Price: £19.97 The Student Linkup trainer pack is packed full of resources to help you provide the best possible preparation for school leavers heading off to university. It includes a comprehensive range of resources - University: The Big Challenge, Studentscape and the Trainer Pack DVD, so anyone can deliver fantastic preparation for uni, whatever their own level of experience of university life.

Student Linkup SCHOOL LEAVER PACK Price: £9.97 Perfect for anyone heading to university, the School Leaver Pack includes The Student Alphabet, Studentscape and a CD. It offers a head start, an insight into what to expect and encouragement to help new students make the most of university. It works well on its own, makes a perfect gift from a parent or youth leader and can also be used alongside a mentor who has a Student Linkup Trainer Pack.

All these resources and more are available at www.fusion.uk.com/ resources 29

Church Networks Fusions serves a number of church networks, strengthening their work among young adults and helping them become increasingly effective in sending, receiving and reaching students.

Elim has been serving cities, towns and villages across the UK for almost 100 years. Our 550 local churches often vary both in style and size and are united by a desire to reach the lost and make effective disciple makers. Many of our churches, particularly those in University cities, have worked over many years to welcome and resource students. We are working closely with Fusion to develop this further.

New Wine is a network of local churches working together with one vision: to see the nation changed. God is at work in the world touching hearts and transforming lives – and he’s invited us to be part of it. Come and join us and be part of a movement to see this nation changed!

Mark Pugh Mark.Pugh@serious4god.co.uk www.elim.org.uk www.serious4god. @elimpentecostal


Key Partners

Through the key partner programme Fusion is acting as a doorway to other ministries working with, supporting, serving and resourcing students. Our hope is that areas of specialism that have been honed and developed over many years can be much more readily accessible to students. We believe this will lead to greater joined up thinking and action that will better serve God’s purposes in this nation and the nations.

New wine info@new-wine.org www.new-wine.org.uk

Our heart is to help young people capture first a vision of Jesus, then to equip, train, empower and release them into his ministry in their every day lives. We do this in many different ways including: conferences, retreats, resources, local church-based events, training events, discipleship courses and mentoring programs. Momentum is our conference for students and twenty-somethings. Come along for relevant teaching, intimate worship, ministry and a whole lot of fun!

SARAH ETHERIDGE sarah.etheridge@soulsurvivor.com @SoulSurvivorGB www.soulsurvivor.com/uk


CARE’s vision is to see a society that has a greater respect for the sanctity and value of human life from fertilisation to its natural end. CARE impacts the political world and has concern for the vulnerable and needy. The Leadership Programme, launched in 1993 and now counting over 220 alumni, equips graduates to think seriously about the co-existence of faith and culture by combining the study of Christian thought with practical experience in parliamentary, media and third sector placements.”

Anna Campbell

Compassion supports some of the world’s most vulnerable children and, through individual sponsors, helps them break the cycle of poverty, giving them hope for the future. Compassion works through local churches in 26 developing countries to release children from physical, economic, social and spiritual poverty.

For more than 60 years Christian Aid, driven by the gospel of good news to the poor, has worked to expose the scandal of poverty, root it out from the world, and change the systems that favour the rich and powerful over the poor and marginalised. To be really effective we need to speak out and challenge the systems that are keeping people poor. To become part of a movement for change keep checking this page for new ways to Pray, Act and Give with Christian Aid.

KATE SHARMA info@compassionuk.org











studentalpha The re-evangelisation of our universities and the transformation of society by giving every student in the UK an opportunity to attend a Student Alpha course. Student Alpha is an easy, accessible way of enabling university students to think about Christianity, to explore this person called Jesus Christ and to develop their faith as a Christian.

Tearfund Youth and the EmGen Team are passionate about empowering radical disciples to raise their voices and make radical choices to benefit people in poverty. We believe that mission involves every aspect of our lives and that, to really change the world, we too must be willing to change too. We want to equip you to develop lifestyle rhythms that make Jesus-loving justice-living real in everyday student life and demonstrate Jesus’ heart for the poor.

CVM equip the local church to introduce every man in the UK to Jesus Christ. The UK church is haemorrhaging men and a lot of churches have no idea what to do to halt the exodus of Christians, let alone introduce men to Jesus. We have proven strategies to reach outside the church walls and some cracking ideas to gear local churches up for men. CVM is a rapidly growing Band of Brothers across the UK. CVM has made a public declaration to put its shoulders to the plough.


Dot Tyler












Haiti’s infamous earthquake struck just as Eustache stepped outside into the courtyard. Fifteen of his classmates and 300,000 Haitians died that day. He took Compassion staff to look around the scene of his survival. We step over large chunks of concrete fallen on the steps where he had casually walked out of the building just seconds before the quake. There is rubble everywhere, walls leaning at precarious angles, and large fractures in the ceiling. Eustache explains how he tried to get home through the wreckage: ‘I saw many dead and injured people along the way.’ When he finally arrived, his family was alive but he found his house razed to the ground. ‘I sat down with my head in my hands and wondered what I was going to do.’

Servant Leadership On 12 January 2010, student Eustache Salomon walked down the stairs of the Human Science College in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He had decided to take a short break from his university class and headed outside to get a snack. 90 seconds later all hell broke loose.


At that moment, Eustache remembered the support he had received through Compassion, a Christian child development charity that looks after some of the world’s poorest children. ‘I am 22 years old,’ he thought, ‘and I have been a sponsored child since I was three years old. What I have learned most is to share with others and to be determined.’ So he got up and began to help those around him, befriending a woman nearby and helping her put up a tent. This concern for the welfare of others had been one of Eustache’s characteristics long before this. Through Compassion and its Leadership Development Programme, Eustache has been sponsored through university where he studies social work. Now, in the aftermath of the earthquake, he is putting his skills to use by volunteering at Compassion projects to counsel children dealing with trauma. One boy Eustache has spent a lot of time with is twelve-year-old Joseph Wesley, who broke both legs in the catastrophe. He is still in pain, has trouble sleeping and lives in a tent. The pair regularly talk and pray together. ‘Spending time with Eustache is a good thing,’ says Joseph quietly. This is just one of the ways in which Eustache is living out the lessons of servant leadership that he has learnt through the Compassion programme. With a high degree of motivation and gratitude for having been spared in the earthquake, Eustache looks forward to completing his


social work degree in 2015 and then entering the field full time: ‘God made a way for me when there didn’t seem to be one,’ he says. ‘Compassion gave me the confidence to succeed in life, and as I look to the future I am smiling because I know God has a plan for me.’ Sponsoring young people like Eustache and Joseph costs just 70p a day. For more information visit www.compassionuk. org or call 01932 836490.

KATE SHARMA info@compassionuk.org @compassionuk facebook.com/compassionuk www.compassionuk.org


Recently I invested in a pair of running shoes, some not-very-flattering-butvery-practical shorts and a matching (equally unflattering) hoodie. I had grand plans to run the Race for Life (5 km) and the Great North Run (13.1 miles), working up to the London Marathon. I set out with great intentions, headphones in, kit on, and started ‘running’. Yet instead of a graceful jog I lolloped down my road, arms flailing, hair everywhere and breathing so heavily that people thought I was having an asthma attack. Even Phoebe’s famous run in Friends had more dignity than my sorry attempt! Suffice to say, running hasn’t become a regular activity for me. I had been inspired to run after watching a programme about athletes training for a competition. Their commitment to honing, training and moulding both their bodies and minds is remarkable. They focus wholeheartedly on a goal, living their lives in unwavering pursuit of a dream. As a wannabe runner, it was too easy for me to underestimate the dedication of athletes. Their daily lives involve intentional choices. They choose to eat differently - you would never see them chomping on a hefty pizza.


KEY PARTNER FEATURE They choose to train intensely, getting up early in the morning for a run... while I continue sleeping in my cosy bed. Being an athlete absorbs their whole life: It’s a commitment to a different rhythm of life. What a challenge! What are the elements of my lifestyle that I am committed to honing as I wholeheartedly pursue life in all its fullness as a follower of Jesus? What are the different rhythms of life I want to develop? Life is already full of rhythms: we have a shower, eat breakfast, go to lectures, hang out with mates, spend copious amounts of time on social media, go to sleep. What if, like athletes, we honed these rhythms in order to pursue a dream? What if our normal lives were radical and inspiring? It could look like this: when we eat food, we prioritise fair trade food or locally sourced products because we are pursuing a dream where we honour people around the world who have worked hard to produce our food. When we go out with mates, we choose to use the bus instead of our car because we are pursuing a dream where we are not wasteful of the earth’s resources. When we’re browsing social media, we choose to follow the news on Twitter so that, as we read, we can pray and pursue a dream where people have enough food for that day.

What if our normal lives were radical and inspiring?

We still eat breakfast and hang out with friends. The difference is: we have a dream and we pursue it. As I commit to doing rhythms of life differently, I am participating in Jesus’ dream to see people across the world love him and love one another wholeheartedly. Dot is a recent addition to the Tearfund Youth and EmGen team. She loves curry, The West Wing and knitting!

Dot Tyler dot.tyler@tearfund.org @TearfundEmgen www.tearfund.org/rhythms


Olympic Size News From Student Alpha Here at Student Alpha H.Q we are excited – actually, extremely excited. 2012 is shaping up to be an epic year. For starters (in case you hadn’t heard) the Olympics are descending on our nation’s capital. It’s such an amazing opportunity for us all to come together and celebrate the unifying effects of sport as hundreds of countries & territories....well.... compete.... over the summer! But we realise that sport isn’t necessarily everyone’s thing, so we have tried to offer


something equally as exciting for you to look forward to at the beginning of 2012.....Drum roll please....THE STUDENT ALPHA DVD LAUNCH! Yes, we know. It might over-shadow London 2012, but we just couldn’t wait any longer & we knew that you couldn’t either. Some of you may be wondering what Student Alpha actually is and why a DVD is such big news. Essentially Student Alpha is a relaxed and easy way for you to share your faith with your friends. The course provides an opportunity to explore the meaning of life and to introduce people to the Christian faith. If you’ve ever been to, or helped run, the Alpha


Student Alpha is a relaxed and easy way for you to share your faith with your friends.

Course, then Student Alpha looks very similar, but it’s been ‘squeezed’ (into seven weeks to fit into a University term), ‘squashed’ (into shorter talks) and ‘spiced’ (with multi-media ingredients). All of the resources are available to download at studentalpha.org for FREE (including some pretty excellent testimonies and ideas to help you run your course) and, to top it all off, we have a shiny new DVD as well! So if you’d like to invite your friends to a course run in a pub, a church, your living room or your local swimming pool (there’s a first time for everything!) you’ll have all the tools you need to join your mates on a journey of the Gospel and untangling some of the central tenants of the Christian faith. And for those of you who are sporty (and were seriously considering the swimming pool option) why not combine your love of sport and your love of Jesus and run Student Alpha for your campus team mates? Free food, the chance to find out about Jesus and getting fit? Ideal (maybe not actually in the swimming pool, but perhaps the café afterwards though?)

There is even a new resource from Alpha to support you in your sports outreach in time for the Olympics. Free online testimonies from well known sports personalities (including one from our very own Student Alpha Ambassador, Ugo Monye) will be appearing very soon on the Alpha website (www.alpha. org) for you to use howerever you want. 2012 will be an amazing year for so many reasons. It’s such a wonderful opportunity for us, as Christians in the UK, to show our love and unity to the rest of the world. What better way to do that than to provide the opportunity to go on a journey of faith? We hope that Student Alpha can become one of the ways to help you embark on this wonderful journey with your friends.

JAMIE HAITH jamie.haith@htb.org.uk @studentalpha facebook.com/StudentAlpha www.student.alpha.org



A Time to Encounter:

Join the Team Rachel Knighton recommends joining one of CMS’s short-term Encounter teams, and carrying the torch for cross-cultural mission long after the Olympic flame has run its course... Blogging after a recent four week trip to the Congo to work in a refuge for street children, a member of the Encounter Community team described his time as ‘a learning experience like nothing I have ever done before’. What is evident from his journey is that Encounter isn’t


just a one-off experience, but something that stays with you when you return, allowing you to bring back those changing perspectives to your own community. As Debbie James, Discipleship team leader at CMS says, it’s about ‘allowing your life to be transformed as you discover what it means to belong to a wider Christian body.’ At CMS, mission is about leaving our everyday world and entering into someone else’s; immersing ourselves in another culture, recognising that we have much to learn from others and letting these insights help shape our perspectives on what it is to be a Christian today. It’s about sharing the message of Jesus within each other’s lives.

Charity Feature

an experience like nothing I have ever done before

CMS enables students to become a part of this global mission, sending teams to countries such as the Congo, India and Peru for two to four weeks over the summer, in order to connect with the Christian communities there and to share in each other’s lives. Debbie says such trips present ‘amazing opportunities for shared learning and, ultimately, the discovery of a ‘bigger Jesus’.’ This isn’t just a chance to travel and gain insight, but to give back to the community too. Gerald Mwangi, a student who has hosted several Encounter groups in Kenya, describes the profound interaction that occurs between people from two different cultures, ‘seeing them bond together to produce a new and inclusive way of thinking based on a mutual understanding of the love of God.’ Overcoming the cultural divide is often challenging, he explains, ‘but actions as small as washing a child’s clothes can create a relationship.’

Growing up in Kenya where my parents were CMS mission partners, I have been able to experience what it is like to be part of mission work in another country. To this day, I recognise the lasting importance of spending time in a Christian community abroad. Not only was it a truly unique and informative experience that has shaped who I am as a student today, but I was able to gain a far broader and diverse outlook on life; one that has allowed me to share an ongoing appreciation and concern for our global family.

If you are interested in joining a team to India, D.R Congo or Peru, or to encounter inspiring mission communities in the U.K, check out www.cms-uk. org/encounter or contact debbie.james@cms-uk.org.


C H U R C H Aa Aberdeen Aberdeen Vineyard Church www.aberdeenvineyard.org.uk

Crown Terrace Methodist Church www.aberdeenmethodist.org.uk

Gerrard Street Baptist Church www.gerrardstreet.com

Abingdon Christ Church www.cca.uk.net


King’s Arms Church www.kingsarms.org

Potton Vineyard Church www.pottonvineyard.org.uk

Belfast (NI) Belfast City Vineyard Church www.belfastcityvineyard.com

City Church Belfast


Alsager Alsager Community Church

The Abundant Life Church

Ascot Ascot Baptist Church




Willowfield Parish Church


BERKHAMSTED Kings Road Church Berkhamsted

Bb Bangor Assemblies of God (Bangor) Pentecostal Church www.aogbangor.org.uk

Bangor Community Church www.bangorcc.com

Hope Church Bangor


Bath All Saints Weston



Northchurch Baptist Church www.northchurch.com

Beverley Beverley Community Church www.beverleycommunitychurch.org

Birmingham Beverley Methodist Church www.bmcy.org.uk

Bethany Pentecostal Church


Blackburn Global Lancs


St Gabriel’s


BOLTON Christian Way of Life Bolton Kings Church www.kingsbolton.co.uk

Deane Church Bolton Farnworth Baptist Church www.farnworthbaptist.org.uk

Liberty Christian Centre www.libertycc.co.uk

St Lukes Church Bolton www.stlukesbolton.org.uk

Boston Holy Trinity


Bournemouth St Andrews


Bournemouth Vineyard Church www.bournemouthvineyard.com

Bowdon St Mary’s

Bath City Church


Elim Pentecostal Church


Fathers House


Freedom Bath and Bristol


Hay Hill Baptist Church


Holy Trinity Combe Down


St Luke’s Church


St Michaels Church


St Michael’s Twerton


St Swithin’s Walcott



St John’s Harbourne

Brighton Church of Christ the King

www.bathcitychurch.org.uk www.bathelim.org.uk

www.fathershousebath.org www.freedombathandbristol.com www.hayhill.org www.htcd.org

www.stlukebath.org.uk www.stmichaelsbath.org.uk www.stmichaelstwerton.com www.walcotchurch.org.uk

Bedford Brickhill Baptist Church


Christ Church


Birmingham Christian Centre California Christian Centre Christ Church Birmingham Christian Life Centre

Church of God of Prophecy Hope City Church Birmingham Jesus Fellowship Church Kings Christian Centre

Riverside Church Birmingham www.stjohns-church.co.uk

Vineyard Network Church


Zion Christian Centre www.zionnetwork.org


Bracknell Kerith Community Church www.kerith.co.uk

Bradford Bradford Aire Valley Church Plant www.bradfordav.org.uk

Buttershaw Baptist Church www.buttershawbaptist.org.uk

St John’s Great Horton www.stjohnsgh.org.uk

Abundant Life Church www.alm.org.uk

Bridlington Christ Church


Church on the Rock www.cotr.co.uk

CityCoast Church Brighton www.citycoastchurch.co.uk

This list is current as of Tuesday 31st of December 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard


Bury St Edmunds West Suffolk Vineyard

City Gate Church


Holland Road Baptist Church www.hrbc.org.uk

St Peter’s



Cc Cambridge Cambridge Community Church

Bristol BCF Aardvark www.bcfnet.com

BCF Resound www.bcfnet.com

Bristol Community Church


Bristol Vineyard


Christ Church Clifton


City Church


East Street Baptist Church


Ebenezer Evangelical Church www.ebe.org.uk

Edge Church International www.edgechurch.co.uk

Elim @ Bristol City Church www.elimbristol.org

Freedom Church Bristol www.freedomchurch.co.uk

Highgrove Church


Elim Christian Centre www.elim.org

Cheltenham Cheltenham Bridge


Glenfall Church

Cambridge Vineyard Church


City Life Church Cambridge


Faith Life Church


Holy Trinity


KingsGate Community Church

Chepstow Chepstow Baptist Church

www.cambridgevineyard.org.uk www.citylifechurch.net

www.faithlifechurch.org.uk www.htcambridge.org.uk www.kingsgateuk.com

St Barnabas Cambridge


St Paul’s Cheltenham Trinity Church


Zion Baptist Church

Chertsey Jubilee Church



Canterbury Canterbury Vineyard

Chesham Ley Hill Methodist Church

Dayspring Community Church

Chester All Saints Hoole


www.canterburyvineyard.com www.dayspringcanterbury.org.uk

New Life Pentecostal Church www.newlifecanterbury.org

St Mary’s Bredin Canterbury www.smb.org.uk


Christ Church Chester


Hoole Baptist Church www.hbc.org.uk

Hope Community Church Bristol

Cardiff All Nations Church Cardiff

Ivy Church

Albany Rd Baptist Church

Pip and Jay

Freedom Cardiff

RCCG, Garden of the Lord

Freedom Church Cardiff

Chichester Chichester Family Church

Severn Vineyard Church

Cardiff Vineyard

Revelation Church



Simple Church

City Temple

St John the Baptist Frenchay

The Gap Church

St Michaels Stoke Gifford

Glenwood Church

Clitheroe St James Church, Clitheroe COLCHESTER Colchester Area Community Church

St Mark’s Baptist Church

Life Church Cardiff

Victoria Methodist Church

Woodville Baptist Church

Westbury-on-Trym Baptist Church

St Mark’s Cardiff

Woodlands Church Bristol

Carlisle Eden Community Church


www.hopechapel.co.uk www.ivychurch.net www.pipnjay.org.uk

www.gardenofthelord.org.uk www.severnvineyard.org

www.simplechurch.co.uk www.frenchaychurch.org.uk

www.st-michaels-church.org.uk www.stmarkseaston.com

www.vic-methodist-bristol.org.uk www.westburybaptist.org.uk www.woodlandschurch.net

Broadstairs Harvest New Anglican Church www.harvestimechurch.net



www.freedombathandbristol.co.uk www.freedomchurch.co.uk

www.citytemple.info www.thegapcardiff.co.uk www.glenwoodchurch.org www.lifecardiff.org




Elim Community Church www.elimcarlisle.org

Bromley Bromley Baptist Church

Carmarthen Towy Community Church

Bromley Town Church

Chelmsford Central Baptist Church



Southborough Lane Baptist Church www.slbc.org.uk

St Augustines Church www.st-augustines.org.uk


Chesterfield Acorn Christian Ministries www.acm-uk.org/

Zion Church




St Johns Church


Cork (ire) Dungarvan Christian Fellowship www.dungarvanchurch.org

Grace Christian Fellowship www.graceireland.com

Coventry Christian Life Ministries www.clmchurch.co.uk

Coventry Cathedral


Coventry Vineyard


Elim Pentecostal Church www.elim-coventry.org.uk

Jesus Fellowship Church



CGC Chelmsford

Jubilee Church Coventry



This list is current as of Tuesday 31st of December 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard


Farnham Farnham Vineyard

Kings Church

Community Church

Walsgrave Baptist Church

Kings Church

Westwood Church

Living Stones Community Church Eastbourne

Fulham St Alban’s Fulham

Victoria Baptist

St Dionis Fulham

www.kingschurchcoventry.org www.walsgraveaptists.org.uk


Crawley Crawley Baptist Church


Crewe New Life Community Church www.newlifecentre.co.uk

West Street Baptist Church


Cullompton St Andrews


Dd Dartford Emmanuel Dartford


Derby Community Church Derby


Trinity Vineyard


www.churchinthecommunity.co.uk www.kingschurch.eu www.livingstoneschurch.co.uk www.victoriabaptist.org.uk

St John the Evangelist www.stjm.org.uk

St Mark’s Gillingham

Capital City Church International

The Voice



Charlotte Chapel Edinburgh

Glasgow Destiny Church Glasgow



Community Church Edinburgh www.cce.uk.net

Destiny Church


Morningside Baptist Church www.mbc.org.uk

St Paul’s and St George’s

St Nicholas Church



St Alkmunds


St Barnabas Trinity Baptist Church Derby www.feedyoursoul.org.uk

Doncaster All Saints, Woodlands & Highfields Dublin (IRE) Cornerstone Church www.cornerstonechurch.ie

Destiny Church


Every Nation Church www.everynation.ie

Dundee Gate Church International www.gatechurch.co.uk

The Steeple Church

The Rock Elim

Egham Harvestime Church www.fowm.org

Runnymede Christian Fellowship www.e-runnymede.co.uk

St John’s Egham


The Journey


United Church of Egham


Epsom Generation Church www.generation.org.uk


Ee Eastbourne Eastbourne Family Church www.elimeastbourne.org.uk

Glasgow Elim Church www.glasgowelim.org.uk

Glasgow Westend Vineyard www.gwvineyard.co.uk

Kirkintilloch Baptist Church www.Kirkiebaptist.com

Queens Park Baptist Church www.qpbc.org

Gloucester Gloucester Community Church www.gcchurch.co.uk

One Church Gloucester


Kendal Road Baptist Church www.krbc.org.uk

Grantham New Life Grantham


Guildford Guildford Baptist Church www.guildfordbaptist.org

Guildford Boiler Room

Exeter Vineyard


Isca Church


Night Church



St Nicholas




Durham Bethshan



Exeter Network Church www.exetervineyard.co.uk

Kings Church Durham





Beulah Christian Fellowship

Exeter Didsbury Community Church City Community Church www.cccexeter.org


St Andrews Exwick Exeter Unlimited Exeter Ff Falmouth Oasis Church Penryn www.oasiscornwall.com

Guildford Community Church www.gcconline.org.uk

RCCG Winners’ Place Guildford St John’s Church Woodbridge St Johns Stoke St Saviours

Westborough Church Guildford www.westborough-urc.co.uk

Hh Halifax All Saints


The King’s Church


This list is current as of Tuesday 31st of December 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard


Gg Gillingham Ebenezer Community Ministries

Barclay Viewforth




Haven Christian Centre

Jubilee Church


Edinburgh All Nations Christian Fellowship




Harrow King’s Church Harrow


Hastings Elim Church Centre Hastings

Kk Kendal St Thomas Church


Ipswich Proclaimers Ipswich www.proclaimers.com



Sonrise Church Hastings www.sonrisechurch.co.uk

Hatfield Evangelical Baptist Church www.hope4hatfield.org

Kings Community Church www.kcchatfield.org.uk

Kettlewell Scargill House Skipton www.scargillmovement.org

Kibworth Beauchamp St Wilfreds


Ll Lancaster Christians Alive Lancaster

St John’s Hatfield


Springs Christian Fellowship www.springscf.org.uk


Father’s House


Hereford Freedom Church Hereford

Lancaster Baptist Church



Lancaster Free Methodist Church

High Wycombe Kings Church High Wycombe

Holy Trinity Leicester


Hope Hamilton Church


Leicester Christian Fellowship


Leicester City Vineyard


Oadby Baptist Church www.oadby-baptist.org.uk



Trinity Life Church Leicester www.trinitylifechurch.org.uk

Lincoln Grace Church


New Life Christian Fellowship www.newlifelincoln.org.uk/

Lewes King’s Church Lewes



St Thomas Church Lancaster www.st.tees.org.uk

Liverpool Devonshire Road Christian Fellowship


Hope City Church

New North Road Baptist Church North Thames Vineyard

St Paul’s Leamington Spa

St Brinus and St John

Leeds Abundant Life Church Leeds


Blenheim Baptist Church

Jubilee Church Liverpool

Bridge Street Church Leeds

Mossley Hill Church



Christ Church Upper Armley City Church Leeds

South Liverpool Vineyard



Gledholt Methodist Church www.gledholtmethodist.co.uk www.nnrbc.org

www.stmarysleamington.com www.stpl.org.uk

www.norththamesvineyard.org.uk www.banjos.org.uk

Union Baptist Church




Hitchin Christ Church


Huddersfield Community Church



Huddersfield Salvation Army


Huddersfield Christian Fellowship www.huddersfieldchristianfellowship.com

Gateway Church Leeds www.gatewayleeds.net

Hope City Leeds


Leeds Central Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org.uk/leeds

Huntingdon Fenstanton Parish Church

Mosaic Leeds



Hull City Life Church



Cottingham Road Baptist Church www.cottroad.org.uk

Jubilee Church www.notdull.org

St Aidan’s Hull


Hull Community Church www.community-house.co.uk

Hull Vineyard


South Parade Baptist Church



Grace Family Church Jesus Fellowship www.jesus.org.uk


St Andrews Clubmoor Liverpool www.standrewsclubmoor.org.uk

St James in the City


St James “Campus Congregation” www.stjamesinthecity.org.uk

St Stephen’s


Wavertree Christian Fellowship


St Georges

London All Saints Peckham

St Johns Yeadon

Antioch Community Church

The Oak Church

Ascension Batham Hill

The Wharfedale Vineyard

Bless Community Church, Ealing

Leicester Church of the Martyrs

Brockley Community Church

www.stgeorgesleeds.org.uk www.stjohnsyeadon.org


www.theoakchurch.co.uk www.wharfedale-vineyard.org


City Church Leicester


www.allsaintspeckham.org www.antioch.org.uk

www.ascensionbalhamhill.org.uk www.blesscc.org


Catch the Fire London www.ctflondon.com

Chase Fellowship


This list is current as of Tuesday 31st of December 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard


Chiswick Christian Centre

Molesey Community Church

St Paul’s Shadwell

Chinese Church in London

New Life Church (North London)

St Simons

Christ Church Cockfosters

New River Church Islington

St Stephens East Twickenham

Christ Church Spitalfields

Northwest Church London

The Community Church Putney

Church of Christ the King Plumstead

Oak Tree Acton

The Crown Church Uxbridge

City Gates Church Soho

Oasischurch Waterloo www.oasischurch.info

The Good Shepherd Mission


Emmanuel South Croydon

Queens Road Church Wimbledon www.qrc.org.uk

The Kings Cross Baptist Church


Every Nation

Restore (Peckham)

The Space London The Well Camberwell



www.cockfosters.org.uk www.ccspitalfields.org www.cckpsp.com


Equippers Church City www.equipperscity.co.uk

Equippers Church West www.equipperswest.co.uk

Fulham United Reformed Church www.fulhamurc.org.uk

Gateway Church Leyton www.gatewaychurch.org.uk

Greenwich Vineyard Church www.greenwichvineyard.org.uk

Hillsong London


His Church Kingston-upon-Thames www.hischurchlondon.org

Holy Trinity Brompton www.htb.org.uk/students

Holy Trinity Swiss Cottage www.htsc.org

Hope Christian Centre Staines www.hopechristiancentre.org.uk

Hoxton Vineyard


Ichthus Forest Hill


Ichthus New Life Greenwich www.ichthus.org.uk

Jesus Fellowship Church www.jesus.org.uk

Kensington Temple www.youth.kt.org

Kings Church Kingston www.kingschurch.com

Kings Cross Church (KXC) www.kxc.org.uk

Kingsgate Church Richmond www.lci.org.uk

Kingston University Chaplaincy www.kingston.ac.uk/chaplaincy

Latymer Christian Fellowship www.latymer.org.uk


www.newlife-london.org.uk www.newriverchurch.net

www.northwestchurch.co.uk www.oaktree.org.uk


www.stpaulsshadwell.org www.stsimons.co.uk www.st-stephen.org.uk

www.thecommunitychurch.uk.com www.crown-church.org



River Church Slough



Tollington Parish

River of Life ICC Riverside Vineyard


South West London Vineyard

Victoria Park Baptist Church

Shoreditch Tabernacle

Vineyard Church Sutton

St Andrew’s Chorleywood

Westbourne Grove Church

St Barnabas Kensington

Westminster Community Church

St Cuthberts North Wembley

Loughborough Elim Loughborough

www.riverchurch.org.uk www.swlv.org.uk


www.st-andrews.org.uk/youth www.stbk.org.uk


St Cuthberts Wood Green www.stcuthbertschurch.org.uk

St Gabriel’s Church www.st-gabriels.org

St Georges Holborn


St James’s Church, New Barnet www.stjamesnewbarnet.com

St James the Less Pimlico www.sjtl.org

Tower Hamlets Community Church www.thcc.org.uk www.vpbc.org.uk


www.westbournegrovechurch.org www.westminsterchurch.org.uk


Kings Church Loughborough www.kingschurch.co.uk

Open Heaven


Junction 24


Luton City Life Church Luton

St John’s Hampton Wick



Hope Church Luton

St Luke’s Marks Battersea Rise


Stopsley Baptist Church


St Mary’s Bryanston Square www.stmaryslondon.com

St Marks Forest Gate


St Marks Kensal Rise www.saintms.co.uk

St Michaels Chester Square www.stmichaelschurch.org.uk

St Michaels Southfield


Mm Maidenhead River Church


Malvern The Source


St. Peter’s Maidenhead www.real-life.org.uk


St Pauls Hammersmith

Manchester Altrincham Baptist Church

London City Life Church

St Peters Harrow

All Saints Marple, Stockport

St Paul’s Ealing

Audacious City Church

St Paul’s Kingston Hill

Christ Central

London Community Church www.londoncitylife.co.uk

Lumen United Reformed Church www.lumenurc.org.uk

Mill Hill East Church ww.mhechurch.co.uk

www.stmichaelssouthfield.org www.sph.org

www.stpetersharrow.co.uk www.stpaulsealing.com www.stpaulskingston.org.uk

www.altrinchambaptist.org www.marpleparish.co.uk

www.audaciouscitychurch.com www.christcentral.org.uk

This list is current as of Tuesday 31st of December 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard


Elmwood Church Manchester

Jesmond Methodist Church

Hope Church Manchester

Newcastle CLC

Ivy Manchester

St Luke’s (New Wine on Tyne)

Langworthy Community Church

Tyneside Vineyard

www.elmwood.org.uk www.the-hope.org.uk

www.ivymanchester.org www.langworthycommunitychurch.com

Lighthouse Christian Centre www.lighthousecc.co.uk

Oasis church


Life Church


www.jmc-newcastle.org.uk www.mynclc.co.uk

www.stlukesnewcastle.co.uk www.tynesidevineyard.org.uk

Newquay Blaze Church


Newport, Wales Kings Church Newport

St Chads Romiley


St Elizabeth Greater Manchester


St James and Emmanuel

Northampton Broadmead Baptist Church

www.stchadsromiley.co.uk stelizabethshorwich.co.uk


St Mary Magdelene, Ashton on Mersey www.stmarysaom.org

St Pauls Kersal and St Andrews www.stpaulsparish.org.uk



Marlow River Church Marlow www.riverchurch.org.uk

Melton Mowbray Melton Vineyard

The Lab


Central Vineyard Church www.centralvineyard.co.uk

Kingdom Life Church Northampton www.klc.org.uk

St Giles


Storehouse Church


NORWICH Eternity Norwich


St Stephens with St Pauls The Rock West Bridgford www.the-rock.org.uk

Thomas Helwys Baptist Church www.thomashelwysnottingham.org.uk

Trent Vineyard


Oo Ormskirk Ormskirk Christian Fellowship www.ocf.org.uk

Orpington Fullness of Christ Ministries


Ossett Trinity Church Ossett www.trinityossett.org.uk

Oxford Oxford Vineyard www.ovc.uk.com

Oxfordshire Community Church oxford.occ.org.uk

Jesus Fellowship Oxford www.jesus.org.uk/oxford

St Aldates Oxford www.staldates.org.uk

Pp Penryn Highway Church


Peterborough KingsGate Community Church


Gateway Vineyard Norwich

Merthyr Merthyr Elim Church

Norwich Vineyard


Stoke Holy Cross

Plymouth City Church Plymouth


Middlesborough Middlesborough Community Church

www.gatewayvineyardnorwich.org.uk www.norwichvineyard.co.uk www.stokeholycrosschurch.org

Surrey Chapel


Mutley Baptist Church



Tees Valley Community Church


Plymouth Christian centre

Nottingham Beeston Oasis Christian Centre

Plymouth Methodist Central Hall


MOIRA (NI) St John’s Moira


Nn Newcastle Under Lyme Newcastle Baptist Church www.newcastlebaptist.org.uk



Charis Life Church www.charislife.org.uk

Christian Centre



www.plymouthchristiancentre.org www.plymouthcentralhall.co.uk

Plymouth Vineyard


St Andrews Waterfront Church


Silverdale Elim Church

Gods Vineyard Ministry Nottingham

Newcastle upon Tyne Bethshan

Grace Church Nottingham

Poole St Mary’s Longfleet

Life @ The Centre

Vine Christian Fellowship



Outreach Church

Pontypridd Coedpenmaen Baptist Church



City Church Newcastle www.city-church.co.uk

Destiny Church


Diocese of Newcastle


Elim Church


Hope City Church Newcastle www.hopecitychurch.tv






St Andrew’s Nottingham www.standrewsnottm.org.uk

St Giles West Bridgeford www.stgilesparish.com

St Nicholas Nottingham www.stnics.org



Portsmouth City Life Church www.trbc.org.uk

Family Church


Kings Church


This list is current as of Tuesday 31st of December 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard


Portsmouth Vineyard


Sheffield Antioch Community Church

Trinity Methodist Church Portsmouth


Langstone Church Portsmouth

City Life Christian Church


Preston Preston Vineyard

Ribble Valley Church



www.prestonvineyard.org www.ribblevalleychurch.net

St Mark’s, Broomhill & Broomhall


The Eccles


Hope City Church


Jesus Fellowship Church

ST HELENS St Marks Haydock

Reading Abbey Baptist Church Reading www.abbeybaptistchurch.org.uk

All Nations Christian Centre

LifeSpring Church Reading www.lifespringchurch.org.uk

Greyfriars Church


Harvest International Church www.harvestinternational.org.uk

Reading Vineyard Church www.networkvineyard.org.uk

St Laurence


Thameside Church Reading www.thamesidechurch.co.uk

Romford re:generation Methodist Church www.regerationchurch.co.uk


Kings Centre Christian Church www.kingscentreonline.com

St John’s Park



St Thomas Crookes

Longton Elim



St Thomas’ Philadelphia

Stockton-on-Tees Destiny Church Teeside

Shrewsbury St Thomas Sidcup Avery Hill Christian Fellowship www.averyhill.info

SOLIHULL Solihull Renewal Christian Centre Southampton Central Baptist Church www.citylife.org.uk

Rugby Christ Church




Sunderland Bethshan


Sunderland Monkwearmouth Salvation Army www.monkwearmouthsa.org.uk

Sunningdale Holy Trinity

New Community Church www.newcommunity.org.uk

St. Mark’s

Sunninghill Morning Star Christian Fellowship

St Benets


Salford CCM: Salford

Stretton St Lawrence Church


Life Church

Riverside Family Church


Elim Sunderland

Kings Community Church


The Vine Teesside


City Life Church




New Generation Church



Hebron Church Norton Baptist Church


RIPON Holy Trinity



Shipley St Peters

Richmond Holy Trinity Richmond





Ss Salisbury City Gate Salisbury

Stoke on Trent Breathe City Church



Royston Royston Community Church



St Stephens Church



St Mark’s Colney Heath St Pauls



St Martin’s

St Albans Network Church


Rr Radcliffe St Andrews

Stanford-leHope 24-7 Prayer Stanford www.24-7prayer.com


City:Base Sheffield

Scarborough Ebenezer Baptist


Cemetery Road Baptist Church



St Albans Vineyard



Swansea Cornerstone Church




Southport Calvary Church Southampton

Elim Swansea (The City Temple)

Victory Gospel Church Southampton


Shureline Church


www.calvarysoton.co.uk www.victory.uk.net



Lifepoint Church Linden Christian Centre Parklands Evangelical Church www.parklandschurch.org.uk

This list is current as of Tuesday 31st of December 2011. For the most recent list go to www.fusion.uk.com/churches/find-a-church. To edit your website address, and other church details, please go to your church dashboard


WARWICK OpenHouse Warwick

Woodlands Church www.woodlands.cc


Resonate Worcester www.elimresonate.co.uk

Tadley Taste


Totnes Totnes United Free Church





Worcester Baptist Church


Worcester Vineyard

Wells Wells Vineyard


Yy York Calvary Chapel

Thetford Fountain of Life


TROWBRIDGE St Thomas Trowbridge


Truro Grace Church


Wimborne The Warehouse



Christ the Light Church Huntington www.christthelight.org.uk

Clifton Parish Church

Winchester Winchester Family Church





Winchester Vineyard


Uu Ulverston Ulverston Parish Meeting


Elim Pentecostal Church

Wirral Wirral Christian Centre

G2 York

www.yorkelim.com www.g2york.org



Uxbridge Hillingdon Park Baptist Church

Woking Woking Vineyard

Majesty Christian Centre Uxbridge

Wokingham Sindlesham Baptist Church


St Peters Baptist Church Worcester

Watford Soul Survivor Watford


Ww Wakefield Destiny Christian Church www.Destinychurch.co.uk

Walsall The Rock Church


St Matthews Walsall


Walsall Community Church www.walsallcommunitychurch.org

Walton-on-Thames Walton Baptist Church www.waltonbc.org

Gateway Church


Global York



The Ark


York Vineyard



Wolverhampton All Nations Christian Centre Wolverhampton


York City Church

York Community Church



Church 18-30 Lifespring Church Wolverhampton www.lifespring.uk.com

St Oswalds Church


St Michael le Belfrey www.thebelfrey.org

St Jude’s Wolverhampton

St Pauls


Vintage Faith Wolverhampton www.vintagefaith.co.uk/


St Thomas with Maurice York www.stthomaswithstmaurice.org.uk/

Worcester All Saints Worcester


join the fusion church connection Fusion believes God’s mission on planet earth is best carried out through the local church. We are convinced that the momentum and vision for student mission must come from the local church

Have access to a wide range of resources for school leavers, students and graduates.

Access and contact a list of freshers attending local universities and colleges

Registered Churches can:

Wherever your church is coming from, we would love to connect with you and work together to see the students of the UK come to know the good news of Jesus.

Create a page on our site for school leavers, students and graduates to browse and are listed in Fuse magazine.

Have access to training for their student workers and help in preparing school leavers.

Register your church by visiting www.fusion.uk.com/churches


For the sports Fans:

Don’t worry, you don’t need to miss out on the Games as we’ll be bringing you live, large-screen action in our dedicated venues.

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Saturday 21 – Friday 27 July 2012 Royal Bath and West Showground, Somerset

north & east

Saturday 28 July – Friday 3 August 2012 Newark and Nottinghamshire County Showground, Newark

Central & south West

Sunday 29 July – Saturday 4 August 2012 Royal Bath and West Showground, Somerset



Enter a team of four at www.fusion.uk.com/golf Join us from 12:00pm for lunch, golf, three course meal & charity auction.

Annual Report 2010-11 A Year of Growth

We are absolutely made up because of the many individuals, churches and agencies that have generously supported and prayed for Fusion during this last year. These Kingdom partnerships, stuffed full of grace, have contributed to a remarkable year of activity and growth. Student Linkup had the largest take up to date with 1850 new students being linked to a church in their place of study. A similar number were trained through preparation for university events and seminars. Seven new resources were developed for students, youth workers, leaders and parents to help with this transition.

Training. The year also included 19 love your uni project events. All of these were achieved by Fusion partnering with local churches and at times bringing specific expertise into an existing event. The 19 events that took place challenged, trained and commissioned over 1350 students with 59 churches involved. Fusion are strengthened by your support and ask for your continued prayers, encouragement and financial sacrifice as we work to see the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ impact students and the universities, cities and future work places they inhabit. Rich Wilson National Team Leader, Fusion

Momentum for church based student mission is gathering pace and last year we welcomed 218 new church connections. It was a great year for student workers as 150 were trained on Fusion’s Student Work Grants: £31,500 Gift aid: £11,156

Total Expenditure

Sale of training materials: £9,235

Total income



Training and conference fees: £3,200 Bank interest: £8 Donations from Churches and individuals: £136,442


Charitable activities: £204,690 Costs of generating funds: £18,712

Governance costs: £774

This information represents a summary extracted from the full financial statements of Fusion UK. The full accounts are available on request from Fusion UK’s registered office. Copies of these accounts and the trustee’s reports have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and the Charity Commission.

Investing in Fusion “Investing in Fusion strengthens our work today, and has a far reaching ripple effect as God’s call is outworked over a life time.”

Giving Form

Standing Order To the Manager Bank

Rich Wilson. National Team Leader, Fusion Address Your Partnership with FUSION in Student Mission will change the generations to come

I want to Support Fusion in Student Mission


. All Donors please complete this section in BLOCK CAPITALS Title and Name

Dear Sirs, Please set up a Standing Order payable to Fusion Barclays Bank, East Street, Chichester, Account No: 00047198 Bank Sort Code Number: 20-20-62 For the amount of


£ To be paid on the 1st or the 15th of the month and thereafter on a monthly basis until further notice. Postcode

Name of Account Holder(s):

Account Number:


Sort Code: Phone Number


Gift aid If you are a UK tax payer, paying income tax or capital gains tax, you can make your gifts worth 25% more at no extra cost to you. I am a UK taxpayer Please treat my donation as Gift Aid One off gift To give a one off gift please send a cheque along with this form to the address to the right. If you would like to give using a credit/debit card please go to www.fusion.uk.com/give


Please return forms to:

FUSION UK The Schofield Centre, 4 Greenclose Lane, Loughborough, LE11 5AS. Fusion UK is a company limited by gurantee registered in Enaland and Wales No. 3679369 and a registered charity no. 1073572. Registered office: Fusion UK, The Schofield Centre, 4 Greenclose Lane, Loughborough, LE11 5AS.


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