2 minute read
By Dennis Murphy
Our lives are shaped by the adversity and challenges we face but our spirit is defined by how we handle adversity and challenges. The life of Jimmy McKeon is one of much adversity and challenge but the spirit of Jimmy McKeon is one of a champion and an example that we can all learn from. We hear many cliches as we go through life that are meant to help us overcome our own challenges and adversity. “It is not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up.” And while cliches such as that can help us in times of struggle, actually knowing and witnessing someone handle those challenges has an even greater impact.
Jimmy McKeon is the oldest of Nancy and Jim McKeon’s two sons. At an early age he took a liking to his father’s love and participation in sports. Early signs pointed to a promising athletic life, not atypical of boys who are sons of “sports guys.” Unfortunately, Jimmy’s path was dramatically altered when he was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma at age five. This was a very serious form of the beast we know as cancer that impacts the brain and consequently most of the body’s functions. The treatment is very complicated and risky. The combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation had a tremendous physical impact. After the initial surgery, Jimmy was virtually paralyzed and had to relearn even the most basic functions such as swallowing, rolling over and talking. One can not imagine how grueling the days, months and years that followed were.
It was during those years of uncertainty, filled with dozens of medical procedures, that would cause even the most optimistic among us to have doubts and frustration that Jimmy’s spirit shown through. Jimmy McKeon is not a complainer. What Jimmy McKeon is, however, is a champion armed with a spirit that is marked by incredible maturity, patience, and kindness. It is this spirit that has been so inspiration- al to the literally hundreds of lives that Jimmy has touched. Beginning with his loving and supportive family and extending to his friends and those who have crossed his path often through his brother Ryan’s athletic teams, Jimmy’s spirit is an inspiration and an example for how to handle challenges and adversity.

From Jimmy - My journey started in 2004 when I was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma at 5 years of age. After the surgery, I couldn’t move and had to relearn the most basic functions such as, swallowing, rolling over and talking. Those days were grueling. I couldn’t communicate with my parents because I couldn’t speak. My family and friends were a great support team.

For the entire year after my surgery I was sequestered to a bed pretty much 24/7. After that first year my recovery was progressing and this meant I could go home. After I got reacquainted with life at home, I met Jaclyn and the Murphy family. I was also introduced to Friends of Jaclyn (FOJ) and I loved the cause. I have been working with Denis and FOJ to help kids find a collegiate or high school sports team to support them throughout their fight.
I’m now 24 years old and I ’d like to think I have contributed to changing the lives of those around me and hope I can help others that are going through the battle against the beast. I’ve tried to set an example of perseverance and having a mindset to overcoming obstacles while inspiring those around me.
I have always been inspired by a quote from the late, great Jim Valvano “Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul.” It’s my mission that my story and my efforts can motivate and inspire others to Never Give Up. New definition of a MULLIGAN!