Future Cities September 2015

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CONTENTS The Sections

smart technologies


MBR Housing Establishment opens its first smart home P.44

Internet of Things to play a key role in Dubai Smart Government P.16


transport Qatar plans US$40Bn worth of transport projects P.50

Sharjah Waterfront City debuts at Cityscape Global P.24

health & communities


Data Revolution transforming the future of healthcare P.54

EmiratesGBC and MEFMA host joint netwrking eventon FM and retrofitting P.30

food & agriculture

energy efficiency

GCC Fertilizers entering critical period of opportunities and challenges P.56

Project Sunroof: Online energy efficiency solutions P.38

special focus FC ThinkTank on Earlier Collaboration




2015 September issue



2015 September issue


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2015 September issue


publisher’s note


elcome to another edition of the future. As the region’s media platform for greater private-public sector collaboration this month we focus on early collaboration and sustainable construction. It has been a busy summer for the Future Cities team, and now we finally announce our latest initiative, the region’s first ThinkTank for the cities of tomorrow. This ThinkTank will be tasked with how can we implement earlier collaboration within projects and developments. In this edition we examine why this is so important while focusing on various stakeholders that can benefit from this. We also look at the technologies that can deployed to bring about more sustainable and cost-effective buildings. The full introduction starts on page 6, and we look forward to working with the ThinkTank over the next few months and create insightful, compelling reports that point towards practical solutions. We also look at some of the latest developments from Cityscape Global and follow up our roundtable with the DMCC with a closer look at the Burj 2020 project. And Burj 2020 isn’t the only exciting project we also examine the iconic Meydan One and the Sharjah Waterfront City. The latter is set to transform the face the Sharjah and provide living and working facilities unlike the emirate has ever seen before. In continuing with the Smart Cities focus in the last issue our readers will find a recurrent theme in this one. Which the Internet of Things and how it is going to influence all aspects of our lives very soon – from our homes and how they are built, to industrial production and personal healthcare. Despite the UAE’s vast oil reserves, the far-sighted thinking of its leadership is clearly demonstrated in the successful implementation of its alternative energy programmes. The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation has achieved another world’s first by executing the construction of 4 units at the same time in the same location. We hope you enjoy reading this month’s edition of Future Cities. As we promised from the start, innovation plays a key role on this platform and we would like to thank the partners for making this possible month after month. We will examine more burning issues of today and tomorrow in October...until then, let’s keep pushing the boundaries and take pride in our collective achievements and our unique identities.


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2015 September issue



By creating clear and strong communication channels between these parties at the beginning stages of a project, early collaboration can allow manufacturers to design and offer more innovative products with superior performance specifications and yet be within a reasonable price range

A ThinkTank on Earlier Collaboration? This is more than just good PR Traditionally we have approached major themes such as sustainability, safety, performance and aesthetics separately, focusing on how we improve each area independently. However, there has been a growing movement within the GCC Construction community to look towards combining these elements to provide a 3600 approach for designing and building better in our Future Cities.


ver the last 18 months there has been overwhelming support within the private sector for collaboration. From all the different summits and discussions in the region, the critical conclusion that has been drawn time and again is that various sectors of the construction industry need to work closer together to ensure that knowledge is universally shared and better standards are uniformly applied. The key to effective collaboration is timing. All members of the supply chain should be involved from the initial design stage itself. This will allow Consultants, Contractors and Manufacturers to work in conjunction to provide solutions and designs that result in projects being sustainable, on time, and cost effective. For early collaboration initiatives to achieve the desired results, they need


2015 September issue

to be adopted within both, the public and private sectors. Already, government projects and building codes have been successfully designed with the guidance of major consultants and much of the constructionrelated legislation in Dubai and Abu Dhabi has been strengthened by working in this manner. But this is only the beginning. With a vast array of major projects and initiatives announced this year, now is the perfect time for closer collaboration between the public and private sectors to implement inspirational projects using effective early collaboration methods that will create a lasting legacy within the GCC for many years to come. Within the Hospitality, Government, Healthcare, Education and Transport sectors, the Dubai Government has several iconic projects that will go a long way in influencing and shaping the future of the region’s cities. It is not only consultants that add value to earlier collaboration. Manufacturers invest heavily in R&D to create products and solutions which offer consultants a wide range of options to choose from. By creating clear and strong communication channels between these




parties at the beginning stages of a project, early collaboration can allow manufacturers to design and offer more innovative products with superior performance specifications and yet be within a reasonable price range. In this way last minute ad hoc mix-andmatch methods adopted by contractors and subcontractors based solely on price can be avoided. Partnerships between leading manufactures and consultants will allow the spreading of better awareness and education within the industry, and inspire developers and owners to look at the real, long-term benefits of product solutions available in the market today. Contractors are often tasked with making sure the project is on time and cost effective. These requirements are key. When contractors work closely with developers and consultants from


2015 September issue




2015 September issue



the initial design stage, we often find that the contractor better understands the true character and purpose of the project’s implementation. They can then share their knowledge with consultants and architects to ensure that the best quality products are procured and used on the ground. This collaboration will also enable developers to truly add value to the entire lifecycle of a project and ensure the feasibility of its long-term behavior. In this way, by involving the contractors early, the developer can empower the Contractor to look outside of their current key requirements of just time and money. Early Collaboration would not only benefit all parties within the public and private sectors, but could it not also help when implementing new technologies within the design process? Building Information Modelling or BIM has been a key area of discussion in the media in recent times, and all members of the supply chain understand its benefits. However, what has not been understood so far is how should the entire supply chain realize the benefits of BIM? It is not enough for governments to make BIM mandatory in projects, we need to work together to understand how we use it to build synergies between various players. How does a contractor use the architect’s plans? Do manufacturers know how to have their products incorporated within BIM? Should BIM be used to plan and model everything? Or just the key components? How well is the long-term behavior of a project and its subsequent economic and environmental impact shared with the developer? Earlier Collaboration within the private sector on technology, and how we implement the same will help us achieve the goals of truly successful and sustainable constructions. Future Cities ME believes that this discussion is fundamental in order to build the sustainable cities of the future. We are proud



to announce the region’s first ThinkTank on Earlier Collaboration during which we will work with leading consultants, architects, contractors and manufactures to create reports that will chart the course of early collaboration in the future. Supported and partnered by the public sector, this significant initiative will cover 4 key subjects over the next 12 months.

Hospitality Legislation and government projects Health and education Mega projects and bids

This is more than just a good PR exercise for our partners, this is a genuine initiative to see collaboration in action. We are joined with the shared belief that Earlier Collaboration benefits all, and the goal of the ThinkTank will be to inspire the construction community to implement early collaboration strategies in letter and spirit throughout the Middle East region. We look forward to working with you on this. l

2015 September issue



BIM and IPD can play a key role in facilitating early collaboration efforts Building Information Modeling or BIM is a virtual aggregation of all the physical and functional characteristics of a construction project. It is a shared knowledge base used for making decisions during a project’s life cycle from conception to demolition. It was first used in the 1980s as a modeling tool but since then has come a long way and today incorporates virtually all aspects of a construction project 10

2015 September issue


otwithstanding its long history and the inherently collaboratively nature of BIM and all the benefits that collaboration can deliver, to date, these benefits have been fully realised only in a relatively small number of projects. This is primarily because the traditional project delivery methods, such as construct only and design only or construct and contract have not fostered co-operation between the various agencies involved in a project. Under the traditional methods each party is required only to do what its particular contract obliges. There is no obligation to collaborate with all participants in the project or to ensure that an overall project goal or outcome is achieved. To the design team, BIM represents an integrated design that leverages technology, encourages creativity and provides valuable feedback from other players thus further empowering the team. To other project participants BIM represents an interoperable project delivery platform that clearly defines individual team tasks and how each team can



Nevertheless, this early investment of time and money means that design issues are resolved before construction is commenced, design alternative and their cost implications can be explored earlier with the constructor and, as a consequence, a far more robust construction schedule and cost is established

work collaboratively with others to conceive, design, build and operate a facility. Thus BIM can offer an accurate picture to developers and owners on: Entire project lifecycle cost Issues anticipated during construction Project programming constraints The enhanced collaboration that BIM fosters, can provide overall project cost savings of at least 10% by integrating services to reduce risk of defects, minimize wastage and optimize project engineering. The use of BIM and the high degree of collaboration it enable has given rise to the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) contract delivery model. The IPD system requires the


2015 September issue

execution of a multi-party agreement between: The owner Contractor Designers Facilities manager Major trade contractors (MEPs) In this way a cooperative environment is created with collective responsibility through the use of a multi-party agreements between the above. The critical benefit that IPD brings to the table is a contractual mechanism to enhance collaboration between all the major stakeholders in a project. This however requires a paradigm shift in approach as to how projects are delivered. Owners need to devote more time and incur expenditure at an earlier stage when compared with delivery on a design and construct basis. Nevertheless, this early investment of time and money means that design issues are resolved before construction is commenced, design alternatives and their cost implications can be explored earlier with the constructor and, as a consequence, a far more robust construction schedule and cost is established. IPD and BIM when used together enable early and meaningful collaboration between all stakeholders leading to significant cost savings due to enhanced productivity, tighter scheduling, more prefabricated work and less redesign at later project stages. l



DUBAI City Makers’ Race Heats Up Red Team comprising RTA, DEWA, Dubai Municipality and MRHE launches three shared-government initiatives to boost the real estate and construction sectors. TM, TARISH, and QAFAY support Smart Dubai by ensuring the management of the city’s facilities and services through smart electronic systems


he Red Team announced the official launch of three shared-government initiatives: TM, TARISH, and QAFAY at a launch ceremony held at the Grand Hyatt, Dubai. The event was attended by a number of prominent figures including heads of departments, and employees from the four organisations that comprise the Red Team, partners and stakeholders as well as media outlets. The Red Team’s launch is part of the City Makers Race initiative announced by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Executive Council. It aims to introduce a new work mechanism for government authorities to assure a creative environment that enriches cooperation and leads to innovative solutions and initiatives for shared government services, serving all segments of society and enhancing the happiness of residents. The race also aims to create the ideal environment for government authorities to compete as integrated teams and to entrench the importance of integrating the efforts of the government sector in achieving excellence in all services offered. The launch ceremony was inaugurated by Abdullah Al Hajri, Executive Vice-President, Customer Service at DEWA, and Head of the Red Team. In his welcome speech, he said: “On behalf of the top management of the Red Team’s authorities, and all employees of RTA, DEWA, Dubai Municipality and MRHE, we, at Red Team, extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to our esteemed leadership, and to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, for his boundless support


2015 September issue

to the government organisations and its employees. His Highness believes that the government sector is able to and can compete with the private sector, as well as surpass the level of performance and quality of services provided by the private sector, by nurturing and improving the employees of the government sector. For decades, the private sector has taken the lead in supporting and building innovation and creativity, which led to achieving a tangible and positive impact on people’s quality of life, and improved their happiness.” In a creative and innovative way that reflected the essence of the Red Team’s three initiatives, the heads of the four Government Departments officially inaugurated the initiatives through the collective pressing of a start button that initiated a video that illustrated the cooperation and collaboration between the Red Team authorities, the integration of services, and the unified vision in building Smart Dubai. During the launch ceremony, the Red Team made three presentations that illustrated their initiatives and highlighted their features and benefits. The first was by Jassim Hussain, Senior Housing Consultant at Mohammad Bin Rashid Housing Establishment, who presented the TARISH initiative. TARISH aims to integrate and unify laws and regulations, and conditions of electricity and water services, construction approvals, and NOCs. The initiative sets a clear framework for the Red Team’s ambitious services, and enhances transparency among landlords, contractors and consultants. TARISH also increases awareness about the Red Team’s projects and activities among the target audience. The word ‘TARISH’ is an Emirati Arabic word that means: Messenger, which implies the core mission of initiative; sending information to people. Commenting on TARISH, Jassim Hussain said: “The Red Team was keen to achieve the highest level in



the design and performance of the initiative. Therefore, we conducted opinion polls, live discussions with customers onsite, periodical customer forums, as well as organised several brainstorming sessions for all departments involved in providing electricity and water services, construction permits and NOCs.” “TARISH initiative enabled us to eliminate 16 paper-based processes for electricity and water services, construction approvals, and NOC. Additionally, in order to ensure the continuous improvement of the initiative, we have set a number of key success indicators. These include the time needed for completion of service, the number of returned transactions, the steps required to obtain NOCs and approvals for electricity and water connections, and the level of customer satisfaction,” he added. The second presentation was provided by Eng. Abdul Hakim Malik, Director of Geographic Information Systems at Dubai Municipality and Head of QAFAY’s technical team, on the QAFAY initiative, which aims to establish a sophisticated Geographical Information System (GIS). The system that implements full automisation of engineering audits and NOC issuance procedures, provides extensive data on geographical places in Dubai, and integrates the operations of all concerned government entities that are responsible for the issuance of NOCs and government, as well as non-governmental, approvals. The system will also provide all data and information to all concerned entities in Dubai. “QAFAY will help achieve 90% savings in time for employees and stakeholders in issuing NOCs and granting approvals. The system will provide 100% data, information on engineering drawing and geographical maps, and will increase customer satisfaction to 90%,” said Eng. Abdul Hakim Malik. Commenting on QAFAY, Eng. Abdullah Rafia, Assistant Director General for Engineering and Planning in Dubai Municipality, and Head of the QAFAY initiative said: “QAFAY will allow us to make 90% reduction in paperwork of all concerned organisations. It will achieve reduction in visits to concerned Departments and therefore result in 90% reduction in the carbon footprint caused by the frequent visits of contractors, consultants, landlords and building owners. The initiative will provide extensive and updated data related to the smart maps of Dubai, according to the ISO standards. It will also update this data automatically, which will improve decisionmaking process in the government sector, and help obtain accurate results in the field of infrastructure development.” QAFAY project is divided into two phases. The first one is being implemented in Al Barsha Area and includes providing the necessary information to the concerned employees of all government and semigovernment organisations about issuing NOCs through Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The second phase will be implemented across the city, and will integrate the operations of all networks in the city as well as implement full automation of checking and updating



the city’s network of engineering drawing according to ISO 13567 standards. The Red Team will provide all these pivotal data and information to the concerned parties when the project is completed in October 2016. Eng. Yousuf Al Khazraji, Senior Manager – Business Development at DEWA, and Head of the “Tm” technical team provided the third and last presentation during the ceremony on TM initiative. It is a smart application that provides – in its first stageall necessary information for real estate owners, contractors, and consultants in Dubai. It helps achieves transparency by providing information regarding the approval statuses of building permits, constructions, and connections of electricity and water services in government organisations and concerned entities. “We were keen to engage all stakeholders - contractors, consultants and building owners and developers - in enhancing the app in line with the Red Team’s strategy, and its vision to establish the role of partners and stakeholders as an important pillar in achieving the success in any initiative. To sustain the continuous improvement of the app, and enhance the customer experience, the Red Team has started working on the second phase of this project. This includes a number of improvements such as increasing the number of beneficiaries by providing the app to commercial and industrial sectors, implementing creative ideas that are generated and collected from customers, and introducing the payment services of the Red Team organizations. Several new features are also being introduced that will enable customers to get the most out of the ‘TM’ app,” said Moza Al Akraf, CIO of Information Technology at DEWA, and President of the ‘TM’ initiative. “TM, QAFAY, and TARISH contribute to the smart transformation of the Government of Dubai, and fortify its efforts in achieving the objectives of Dubai Plan 2021. The three initiatives will be a valuable addition to the set of initiatives and projects of Dubai Government, which were launched as part of the preparations for Expo 2020. They underline the UAE and Dubai’s position as leading international city in developing the infrastructure and housing sectors,” she added. l

2015 September issue



Internet of Things to play a key role in Dubai Smart Government With the rapid advancement of mobile and information technologies, government authorities across the globe have been carrying on an ongoing automation, interaction, and organizational restructuring processes to create a broad spectrum of innovative service channels for all kinds of users. Dubai has been following this trend since the turn of the century when the first electronic government services were launched. This was followed by the launch of the first smart government in the region a few years later


oday, the prime technology that promises to change the way we live is the ‘Internet of Things’ or IoT. IoT is gradually making government services an integral part of the city’s facilities, its occupants’ homes and surrounding living areas. IoT enables all kinds of devices and appliances to connect via the internet using direct Machine to Machine Communications or through local and international telecommunications networks. This includes both, wired and wireless connections that deploy either a Wi-Fi connection or 3G connections of mobile phones. Connecting devices and facilities to the internet has so far only seen widespread applications in public infrastructure and control systems. Utilization of this technology has been limited to government institutions and companies that manage a wide array of infrastructure facilities like power generation facilities, traffic control, safety, protection and monitoring systems. With the advent of smart homes followed by the smart wearable devices revolution such as smart watches, medals and others, the IoT concept is gradually turning into a all-inclusive lifestyle and changing the way people, work, play and live.


2015 September issue

Dubai has been at the forefront of the IoT revolution with government’s strategic plans to deploy state-of-the-art technologies in every single department. From Construction and Energy to Governance and Social services, IoT technologies are making their presence felt in all spheres of the life of its residents. • The Civil Defence Smart Buildings System: This system provides comprehensive connectivity among various sensors and building control systems that monitor the status of buildings and their main facilities such as fire fighting and elevator management systems, entrance control and surveillance cameras and all devices associated with the central control system of the building. All of these are directly connected to the early alarm system in the civil defence operations centre and other relevant government authorities concerned with rapid intervention for the protection and safety of lives inhabiting the smart buildings in Dubai. • DEWA Smart Meters System: These are smart meters are directly connected with the central network of DEWA enabling it to read electricity and water consumption without the need to send an employee to do the reading manually. It also helps in calculating fees in accordance with the tariff segments applied by DEWA in order to encourage consumers to save energy. • RTA’s Road Control System: This centre is connected to all cameras and display screens all over Dubai in order to locate accidents and traffic jams and direct drivers to alternative routes through display screens or the RTA’s smart apps. IoT opens doors for new kinds of smart services which improve users’ lifestyles on the one hand, and help strengthen sustainability and energy-saving practices in the city on the other.



The most important sectors that can deliver its services to users through IoT include: • Healthcare Services: Those who work in the healthcare sector in Dubai foresee a maturity in wearable devices in ways that turns them into sensors monitoring the health status of patients and providing them with two types of health care: first, preventive care through monitoring the user’s vital indicators such as blood pressure, glucose level, sodium level and other indicators. The second is by therapeutic care to deal with diseases and emergency cases that patients might be exposed to. Health authorities look forward to playing a key role in enhancing a healthy lifestyle focused on exercise and movement via connecting these wearable devices to a system of facilities and devices that monitors the status of users as if each individual user has a personal trainer. • Public Transportation: The Road and Transportation Authority (RTA) is working on a new generation of smart services that provides public transportation services and taxis to users wherever they are through identifying the geographical location of the user and determining users’ preferences for using the services; in addition to equipping cars with smart navigation systems that allows vehicles to avoid traffic jams and save fuel through driving in less congested routes. Leadership challenges One of the challenges smart government faces in providing smart services through IoT is defining requirements and standards for government authorities to abide by when introducing their services.


Abu dhabi u government municipality

These include: • Benchmarks and guidelines: Work must start on creating documents and guidelines that include standards for government authorities to abide by when introducing their services through IoT and generalizing best practices that must be observed in order to strengthen user adoption for these services. • Security and Safety Standards: As is the case in the field of information security, the information security of IoT connected to the internet needs to always be in check or else, IoT might open doors for hackers and internet criminals to sneak into users’ private spaces. And not only gain access to their personal information but to their bank accounts as well. • Users’ Experience Lab: The users’ experience lab launched by Dubai Smart Government represents the perfect incubator for the development of government services through IoT in the best possible form ensuring high user adoption rates in order to improve the level and quality of government services to achieve goals of Dubai Government which is facilitating happier more fulfilling lives. l

2015 September issue



40,000 buildings to get Makani boards in first phase

Dubai Municipality will be installing Makani boards in 40,000 buildings located in 63 different areas across Dubai throughout the first phase of the project


2015 September issue


akani (or ‘My location’) will assign 10-digit coordinates to Dubai building entrances which will be viewable on a digital map found in the free application which can be downloaded on smart phones. Dubai Municipality has completed contractual procedures with the company responsible for the manufacturing of Makani signboards to kick-start the first phase of the smart geographical addressing system. Makani boards will be installed starting from October, covering various entrances of buildings across the city. Also, government entities and Metro stations will witness the installment of Makani boards during the first phase of execution, said Abdul Hakim Malek, Director of Geographic Information System (GIS) Department, Dubai Municipality. He also added that Makani boards will be placed at the entrances of buildings, schools, mosques and hotels, making locations more accessible to the public. The 10-digit coordinates allow users to accurately locate places. The Dubai Police 999 number, ambulances and civil defence can locate places using Makani when receiving calls. Malek explained that upon completion, Dubai will be the first city in the world to implement the smart geographical addressing system. He added that other emirates are also working towards achieving the same goal to unify standards and provide the service nationwide. Malek said the public can recognise Makani signs by looking at the logo in order to distinguish these from other boards hung on building entrances. Users can scan the QR code placed on the board with their smart phones in order to register the location on the telephone. The application also offers instant conversion to other coordinate systems to support any GPS navigation device in the world. It features turn-by-turn, voice-guided navigation from the current to the targeted location. Also, every building entrance in the Emirate of Dubai will be linked to the building’s boundary which is marked and highlighted on the interactive map found in the application. Users will be able to share the coordinates of a location with others through different communication channels. l


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Construction, Development & Infrastructure

MEYDAN ONE LAUNCHED AT CITYSCAPE GLOBAL Meydan City Corporation has brought two of its major real estate developments to life in an interactive exhibition stand at the Cityscape Global exhibition held earlier this month. The star attraction on the 792 sqm stand was Meydan One, a 3.67 million sqm leisure, residential and hospitality project that is set to become Dubai’s No. 1 destination when the first phase opens in 2020


eydan One will be home to more than 78,000 residents and feature the 711-meter tall Dubai One Tower, Meydan One Mall, a Civic Plaza with dancing water features, a 4km canal and 100 berth marina. Set to break at least seven world records, Meydan One has earned high levels of international interest and the large scale model of the development drew thousands of visitors and potential investors to the Meydan stand at Cityscape Global. Progress on the Dubai Water Canal development, a joint venture project with the Roads and Transport Authority, Meydan City Corporation and Meraas, was also highlighted at the real estate exhibition. The Canal, which runs 2.9km connecting Business Bay to the Arabian Gulf, will include the development of the Crystal Lagoons in Safa Park as well as 8.1 kms of waterfront. With 8.2 million square feet of open space, the Dubai Water Canal project will feature a 5.7 km


2015 September issue



Construction, Development & Infrastructure

boardwalk, 1.1 km natural beach and pedestrian connectivity between Safa Park and Jumeirah Beach Park. The Crystal Lagoon Towers, situated between Sheikh Zayed Road and Safa Park, will play an integral role in the creation of the Dubai Water Canal project. The two prestigious residential towers, both more than 35 floors high, will feature townhouses with private gardens facing Safa Park on the ground floor, and a mix of one, two and three-bedroom apartments, two-storey Sky Villas and threestorey Penthouses. Shared amenities in each tower will include an infinity swimming pool, gym, event space, day care and children’s play area. Management from Meydan also provided an update on Horizon, a 180 hectare development located south of the Ras Al Khor Sanctuary. With a gross floor area of 3,660,000 sqm, Horizon is a world class mixed-use district which will accommodate more than 72,000 residents. Adopting a street and block urban planning pattern, the development will enable human contact and interaction, business and trade, residence and community living. The northern half of Horizon will feature a cluster of high rise towers running in parallel to a canal and boardwalk, offering a range of al fresco dining and shopping options, while the southern side will see mid-rise buildings created around a central park and boulevard. A generous provision of schools and other community facilities will deliver high ‘live-ability’ value, a critical


2015 September issue


Construction, Development & Infrastructure

component in making a city competitive in the global market place. Meydan Chairman His Excellency Saeed Humaid Al Tayer said – “This is a significant year for the Meydan City Corporation and one which I believe will be a landmark phase for us. The response to the launch of Meydan One has been inspiring, making our presence at Cityscape Global even more important as we continue to communicate the sheer scale of the development to investors and the wider real estate market. “Furthermore, projects such as Dubai Water Canal and Horizon demonstrate the capabilities that Meydan has in conceptualising and delivering a range of quality, mixed-use communities which help to turn the ambitions of Dubai into a reality.” Meydan’s vision began with the completion of the Grandstand in 2010 and was underlined by the Group’s role in the development of Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum City, specifically District One, a collection of premium villas, within the heart of new Dubai. The construction of Meydan One will complete the company’s commitment to helping create the future of Dubai through the development of attractive, family-oriented residential and lifestyle projects. Meydan One and the water canal is part of the larger project Meydan City which is the visionary concept of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. The project is the culmination of his vision to create not just a venue for horseracing, but an integrated city that is sustainable, environmentally responsible and one that positions Dubai at the centre of the competitive global business stage. Meydan City Corporation is a multi-purpose commercial establishment that aims to link the world with the Emirate of Dubai through a range of commercial developments, hospitality, luxury, sports, entertainment and amusement services, as well as international horseracing and equestrian events, in addition to a series of state-of-the-art business parks, residential villa communities, schools, hospitals, business towers with luxury waterfront developments and shopping destinations. Meydan City Corporation brings together elegant lifestyle opportunities with leading entertainment and sporting events. The portfolio consists of The Meydan Hotel, Bab Al Shams Desert Resort & Spa, The Track Meydan Golf, QUBE Sports Lounge, Meydan Tennis Academy, Emirates Equestrian Centre, and the iconic architectural marvel, Meydan Grandstand and Racecourse, home of the world’s richest horse race – the Dubai World Cup. Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum City covers approximately 47 million square feet of prime freehold community development in the heart of Dubai. Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum City - District 11 is a cosmopolitan, familyoriented community comprising villas and mixed-use buildings and offering a number of attractive amenities and facilities including Emirates Airline housing, Meydan Villas and The Kent College of Canterbury. Meydan Heights is a premium residential development


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p The planned Dancing Water Fountains and a bird's eye view model of the water canal and Meydan One.

created for Emirates Airline pilots and their families. It consists of 528 units of townhouse community living and includes retail, park areas and public amenities such as a community centre and mosques. Meydan Avenue, which incorporates the iconic Grandstand and The Meydan Hotel at its heart, will set new standards of living based on an inspirational business culture, offering a lifestyle of exceptional quality. The centrally located Meydan Free Zone offers a prime location and ease of incorporation while driving businesses by offering advanced telecommunications, high technology and business space flexibility. l


Construction, Development & Infrastructure


FIRST GLIMPSES OF Sharjah Waterfront City REVEALED Sharjah Oasis Real Estate Development, an upcoming real estate developer in the region, has announced the successful launch of Sharjah Waterfront City. The official launch of the project was announced during a press conference at Cityscape Global 2015.


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he press conference was hosted by Hayssam El Masri, president of Sharjah Oasis Real Estate and Sheikh Abdullah Shkara, Chairman of Al Hanoo Real Estate Co. El Masri commented on the launch of the project: “We have launched Sharjah Waterfront City keeping in line with Sharjah’s development plans to attract 10 million visitors to its emirate by 2021. These robust plans will increase demand for residential and commercial units as well as hotels, especially in prime locations that offer all modern facilities. We can proudly say Sharjah Waterfront City will be able to match the demands and provide the desired quality of living. “The real estate market in this region has been stable and we are thrilled to have launched Sharjah Waterfront City at the right time in the right location.” Sheikh Abdullah Shkara, Chairman of Al Hanoo Real Estate Co. added: “We have invested a lot in this project and we are delighted to see Sharjah Oasis Real Estate Development doing a tremendous job in the construction of Sharjah Waterfront City. We believe this project will be the heartbeat of the city’s tourism 2021 vision.” Dusit–Sharjah Waterfront City and Shaza–Sharjah Waterfront City (a Kempinski affiliate) are the first two hotels to sign the agreement with Sharjah Waterfront City. The hotels are expected to start construction by the last quarter of 2016 and expected to open to the public in 2019. Dusit–Sharjah Waterfront City will be an entry-level five star hotel with minimum of 200 keys. There will also be a Serviced Residence component with a minimum of 200 Keys which includes facilities such as male & female spas, health & fitness centre, pool, meeting facilities and business centre/lounge. Shaza–Sharjah Waterfront City Hotel will meet the standards of an international five-star luxury hotel. It will comprise of approximately 300 hotel keys and 350 serviced apartments. The hotel element will also include the Shaza “Hammam & Spa” facility, a fitness facility, appropriate food and beverage outlets, banqueting and conference facilities, the Shaza Kids’ Club, a “Library Lounge” and other recreational facilities, retail space and adequate parking space. The real estate company also announced its partnership with Invest Bank on funding the project. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the two parties has been signed to fund the first phase of the project. “After carefully assessing the project, we realized the potential and the impact it will have on the community in Sharjah. Currently we are funding the first phase of the project which is expected to be completed by 2016, also we are considering the possibility of



Construction, Development & Infrastructure

p Hayssam El Masri, President of Sharjah Oasis Real Estate and Sheikh Abdullah Shkara, Chairman of Al Hanoo Real Estate Co.

financing the remaining phases; and to finance the Sharjah Waterfront City end users subject to bank’s terms and conditions,” said Sami Rashid Farahat GM of Invest Bank. Al Hanoo Group, is a pioneering group with impeccable real estate development credentials. Established 38 years ago, in 1972, with its headquarters in KSA, Al Hanoo Group has become one of the leading real estate masterdevelopers in the GCC region. Spread across 36km of coastline, Sharjah Waterfront City will be the largest commercial, residential and tourism development in the rapidly developing Emirate of Sharjah. Sharjah Waterfront City consists of a series of ten islands interconnected by canals made by nature featuring villas, apartments, offices, hotels, water theme park, marine clubs, parks and more. The development promises to offer all comprehensive facilities required for luxurious, private and elite lifestyle. Sharjah Waterfront City will be officially launched in CityScape 2015 and will be developed in a number of stages until completion with target to complete the phase I by Q3, 2018. The project will be developed by Sharjah Oasis Real Estate Development Company. Facts about Sharjah Waterfront City Sharjah Waterfront City is a series of ten islands interconnected by canals made by nature. Sharjah Waterfront City is spread across 36 Km of coastal land on the northeastern coast of Sharjah. Sharjah Waterfront City is expected to be the largest commercial, residential and tourism development project in the Emirate of Sharjah upon completion with total area of around 60 million Sq. ft. Sharjah WFC is projected to be at the forefront of the ultra-luxury development in Emirates of Sharjah.


Sharjah WFC is expected to be built over several phases and the overall concept involves 200 towers for residential and commercial purposes 95 apartment buildings Many multi-level hotels and service apartments More than 1,100 water-front and park-side villas Marine clubs World Class Water Theme Park 1 large Shopping mall including a hypermarket and various commercial centers spread across the Sharjah Waterfront City 2 main entertainment centers Several mosques, schools, banks, stores, coffee shops and restaurants

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Construction, Development & Infrastructure

p Sharjah Waterfront City Conceptual Master Plan.

Sharjah Waterfront City will have potential to accommodate over 120,000 residents. 60% of Sharjah WFC area will be landscaped with beaches, gardens, parks, and roads. Sharjah WFC will have a world class Water Theme Park “Crystal Lagoon” spread across a large area of around 1.5 million Sq. ft. with state of the art facilities and having numerous rides matching with the latest trends to make it a one-stop destination for family entertainment. Sharjah Waterfront City will have its own tram network. Having already secured most required approvals from the government and the municipality, Sharjah Waterfront City is now ready to start construction. Sharjah Waterfront City is environment friendly and is based on hydro-mechanic design. Sharjah Waterfront City is going to start construction for Phase I in the fourth Quarter of 2015. Phase I and Phase II of Sharjah WFC are spread across plot area of around 3,053,557 Sq. ft. and have construction area of around 15,220,292 Sq. ft. with total cost of approximately AED9.35 billion. Key Developments 1. Master plan for all the ten Islands is completed; most of the required approvals have been obtained and the project is ready to start construction. 2. Reclamation of land, canals interconnecting ten islands & piling have been completed. 3. Drawings for the roads and utilities along with full infrastructure design, is complete. 4. Most of the prerequisites required for infrastructure are in place and Scan Engineering is now constructing two Sub Stations for electricity to


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support the City needs and remaining infrastructure work for the whole project is going on in full swing. 5. Darwish Engineering has started construction work for interconnecting islands through bridges. 6. WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff is executing traffic impact study for the Sharjah Waterfront City. 7. World's renowned designer firm Jack Rouse Associates is preparing the Master Plan and Preliminary Concept Design for the Crystal Lagoon Water Theme Park. l



Construction, Development & Infrastructure

Al Habtoor Group debut at 2015 Cityscape Global The Al Habtoor Group makes a successful debut at Cityscape Global. The UAE conglomerate showcased its landmark project Al Habtoor City at the three-day event. The City comprises of three luxury residential towers alongside three five-star Starwood-branded hotels.


l Habtoor Group Chairman Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor, who was at the Al Habtoor City stand for the first two days, hailed the event a major success for the Group. "We received a very good response to our Residence Collection. Al Habtoor City is setting a new standard of luxury in Dubai, and potential homebuyers were showing great interest in the project." The Residence Collection consists of 1,460 apartments ranging from 1 to 4 bedrooms in addition to loft-style units, Simplex Penthouses, Duplex Penthouses and ultra-luxury VIP Penthouses spread over four floors and boasting 360 degree views of the Dubai skyline. Al Habtoor added, "The market appetite for multi-use development


is on the rise, and this was apparent at Cityscape. We will be making a decision soon on the sale of the residential apartments." He said, "There is nothing like Al Habtoor City in Dubai. It is a luxury hospitality, residential and leisure destination. Residents will be able to enjoy all the amenities within the towers, including a state-of-the-art fitness centre, the largest pool deck in the UAE, and unobstructed views of Dubai's famous skyline. They will also be able to take advantage of the added value right on their doorstep, including a boulevard lined with stylish cafes and boutiques, a marina on the Dubai Water Canal, a tennis academy and all the amenities in the Starwood hotels. Plus, there will be permanent Dragone Theatre Production designed exclusively for Al Habtoor City. There is nothing like this anywhere else. All these elements will make it a dynamic neighborhood in a prime location in the new heart of Dubai." l

2015 September issue


Construction, Development & Infrastructure

p Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman, DMCC

DMCC Unveils ‘Burj2020 District’ Concept Mixed-use urban destination will provide an ultramodern 24/7 living and working experience to the world’s leading businesses

p Sheikh Maktoum Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum (centre) with Ahmed Bin Sulayem (centre right).


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p From left to right: Adrian Smith, Partner AS+GG, Ahmed Bin Sulayem Executive Chairman DMCC, Gautam Shashittal, CEO DMCC and Gordon Gill Partner AS+GG.


MCC, the authority on trade, enterprise and commodities in Dubai, unveiled its conceptual master plan for the ‘Burj2020 District’ at the 2015 Cityscape Global Conference. Set to be the commercial heart of south Dubai and the epicentre of business activity, the master planned ‘Burj2020 District’ will comprise of ultramodern towers within a multi-functional urban landscape. At over 1 million square metres, the Burj2020 District’s built up area (BUA) will be the equivalent size of approximately onethird of the existing JLT area and nearly twice the size of New York’s Rockefeller Center. In addition to premium commercial space, a worldclass retail offering totalling over 100,000 square metres will serve a captive market in the DMCC Free Zone, JLT and the surrounding areas. Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Executive Chairman, DMCC, said: “Dubai’s commitment to expanding economic growth and its strong track record in attracting global businesses is continuously driving DMCC to deliver efficient premium marketplaces for the leading businesses of today and tomorrow. “The Burj2020 District is central to this strategy and will deliver the ideal balance of world-class commercial, retail, hospitality and residential space, all set within a thriving urban landscape at Dubai’s southern gateway. The ‘Burj2020’, the District’s landmark vertical destination will join the elite group of the world’s most unique super tall commercial towers



and complement the Dubai skyline with its striking design by Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill (AS+GG)”. The conceptual model of the ‘Burj2020 District’ master plan was revealed by DMCC’s Executive Chairman, Ahmed Bin Sulayem, and Chief Executive Officer, Gautam Sashittal, with worldrenowned tall tower architects, Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill (AS+GG). Adrian and Gordon, the architects of the centrepiece of the Burj2020 District, the super tall Burj2020, were also the architects for Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia, amongst other global landmarks. Adrian Smith, Partner, AS+GG said: “Inspired by faceted gemstones, the ‘Burj2020’s stunning design is rooted in the principles of perpetual value, enduring strength and everlasting beauty. Symbolising the next stage of growth for the city, the design of the ‘Burj2020’ is also inspired by the facets of a diamond – elegant, bold and timeless.” The ‘Burj2020’ will be a prestigious vertical destination that will join an elite group of the world’s super tall commercial towers, and has been designed to bring a dynamic, sustainable and efficient offering to the leading businesses of today and of tomorrow. The landmark commercial tower is set to deliver new levels of working environment efficiency and contiguous, flexible floor plates that address modern-day business demands.


Construction, Development & Infrastructure

“Dubai’s commitment to expanding economic growth and its strong track record in attracting global businesses is continuously driving DMCC to deliver efficient premium marketplaces for the leading businesses of today and tomorrow" ahmed bin sulayem executive chairman, dmcc

Gordon Gill, Partner, AS+GG said: “The ‘Burj2020’ will retain a bold and elegant architectural form that balances performance, occupier comfort and sustainability by using a holistic approach to the notion of efficiency. It will set the benchmark for what a modern office building should be and will undoubtedly attract businesses and people for whom excellence is the only standard worthy of pursuit.” The Burj2020 District has been designed with keen consideration for human scale and interaction and will also incorporate a variety of high-end hospitality and residential components that combine with a versatile plaza and public and communal spaces to create a high-energy, cosmopolitan environment and an enticing destination. The Burj2020 District will be integrated with the DMCC Free Zone in the JLT, with its 66 towers, and the current and planned developments in Dubai which demonstrate the Emirate’s next phase of growth and its strong, resilient future. As a major commercial business hub, DMCC’s distinctive offering has driven its Free Zone’s remarkable growth and enabled it to be fully occupied. The ‘Burj2020 District’ is part of DMCC Free Zone’s expansion strategy aimed at providing a commercial property offering unique to Dubai. l

2015 September issue



EmiratesGBC and MEFMA host joint networking event on Facility Management and retrofitting Industry experts identify future needs in Facilities Management development. Commitment of the EmiratesGBC to promote training for post-retrofit maintenance was emphasized.


he Emirates Green Building Council (EmiratesGBC), an independent forum aimed at conserving the environment by strengthening and promoting green building practices, has joined hands with Middle East Facility Management Association (MEFMA), the dedicated platform for the Facility Management (FM) industry, to host a networking event focused on the role

“Facility management is at the core of the retrofit process and plays a key role in ensuring long-term sustainability of buildings. It is crucial that we work together so that we can evolve and adapt to new retrofit processes” of Facility Management companies in the burgeoning retrofit market in the UAE and the importance of education and trained professionals in post-retrofit maintenance. The discussion was moderated by Khaled Bushnaq, Vice Chair of EmiratesGBC, with panellists including: Ali Al Suwaidi, Board Member of MEFMA; Stuart Harrison, Support Services Director of Emrill Services LLC;


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and K. Anbalagan, Managing Partner of Proleed Mechanical Engineering Consultancies. They discussed three key topics: training, retrofitting certifications and the importance of energy auditors in building retrofitting. To kick-start the event, the interactive discussion analysed training as the frequently cited missing link within the FM industry, and how FMCs are effectively training their personnel when it comes to short and long-term maintenance of building energy systems and for the implementation of preventive care in their building operation schedule. Aiming to shed light on the missing components that come in the way of sustaining energy saving and performance after a retrofit project is completed, experts took a look at the role of FMCs and how equipped they are in handling post-retrofit building systems and energy management systems. Khaled Bushnaq said: “Training and trained professionals play a pivotal role when it comes to post-retrofit maintenance and the continuation of preventive care implemented in any building. One of the key purposes of the joint networking event was to put the spotlight on the current situation of training within the industry and identify next steps to follow with the aim to create a fully integrated facility management industry adequately equipped for the “retrofit revolution”.



“At EmiratesGBC, we strive to promote green building practices and have placed a strong focus on education and workshops to create awareness within the industry and to help stakeholders in their efforts to make a greener UAE. Events like this highlight our commitment to support the development of the industry towards sustainable development,” Ali Al Suwaidi added: “Facility management is at the core of the retrofit process and plays a key role in ensuring long-term sustainability of buildings. It is crucial that we work together so that we can evolve and adapt to new retrofit processes. We have been collaborating with EmiratesGBC, and find these joint networking events extremely useful to keep a line of communication amongst stakeholders and further develop the building and facility management industries.” The second discussion was on retrofitting certifications, and how ISO 50001 is emerging as an important certification in the commercial sector where savings in energy management are almost guaranteed, such as in the UAE. Lastly, the panel discussed the importance of energy auditors as an essential component in the list of



certified professionals needed for a building retrofit process and how FMCs can benefit from hiring certified energy auditors directly on their team as opposed to outsourcing the auditing task. “At EmiratesGBC, we strive to promote green building practices and have placed a strong focus on education and workshops to create awareness within the industry and to help stakeholders in their efforts to make a greener UAE. Events like this highlight our commitment to support the development of the industry towards sustainable development,” Bushnaq explained. As an independent forum aimed to promote green building practices, EmiratesGBC regularly hosts and participates in multinational events, conferences and forums. EmiratesGBC has also developed a suite of activities, inclusive of networking events, technical workshops, focus days and facilitated training based around specific issues related to the built-environment that meet the needs of its members, of the UAE community, and the wider Middle East. l

2015 September issue



RAK to get world’s most environmentally friendly desalination plant Utico Middle East, the GCC’s largest private full service utility and solutions provider, and Spanish energy giant Grupo Cobra have announced their joint venture partnership to construct a AED719 million water desalination plant in Ras Al Khaimah


he joint venture, to be called Al Hamra Water Company, is 60:40 partnership between Utico Middle East and Grupo Cobra and will oversee the development of the world’s largest privately financed independent desalination company. The facility will be located in the Al Hamra Jazeerah area of Ras Al Khaimah and will be the world’s most environment-friendly desalination plant. Once completed in 2017, the Al Hamra Water Company will generate 22 million gallons of water per day (MGD) to serve the needs of Ras Al Khaimah and surrounding regions. The project will create 300 jobs during the construction phase and 80 permanent positions once operational. About 20 to 25% of these jobs will be offered to Emirati nationals after training them for a year. Speaking at a press conference in Dubai today, Mr. Rashid Al Baloushi, Chairman of Utico, said, “The project is a pathbreaking development and comes at the right time especially when governments are removing subsidies for fuel and services. Utico has been a visionary utilities service provider that grew with opportunity and support from the Government of Ras Al Khaimah and Federal Water and Electricity Authority as well as Federal Ministries and Authorities. Our unique model of utilities development, combined with a pro-consumer, environment-friendly approach, has been widely recognised by governments and other utilities providers in the region.” Grupo Cobra will own 40% while Utico Middle East will control the remaining 60%. This will be one of the largest foreign direct investments in the UAE in recent times and certainly the largest in an infrastructure project of its kind. The tender for the project was announced in November 2013. The legal advisors for the project are Latham & Watkins while the financial advisors are KPMG.


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p Mr. Luis Rein from Grupo Cobra shakes hands with Mr. Rashid Al Baloushi, Chairman of Utico, after the signing ceremony, as Mr. Richard Menezes, Managing Director of Utico, looks on

Mr. Richard Menezes, Utico’s Managing Director, also said that the plant will be a state-of-the-art facility, being the most technologically advanced, and having one of the lowest power consumption levels in the region, as well as water re-use saving at least 33,280 tons of CO2 per year. These factors will help the facility to reduce impact on climate change as well as provide quality water to all consumers. Established in 1944, Grupo Cobra is part of the ACS Group, a 59 billion Euro annual turnover company, and develops, builds and operates industrial infrastructures. The company has over 30,000 companies located in 45 countries. Other important companies in the ACS Group include Hochtief (Europe’s largest construction company), Leighton (Australia’s biggest construction company) and Dragados, a leading international contractor that specializes in major infrastructure projects. Mr. Miguel Guevara Fernandez, CEO of Grupo Cobra (Water), said that the group’s investment is a vote of confidence in the UAE’s growth. He added that the company has built several state-ofthe-art facilities in countries from Algeria to Australia and was confident that the Ras Al Khaimah plant will be one of the most advanced in the world. Mr. Luis Rein, Managing Director Infrastructure Concessions, Grupo Cobra, said that the new facility was part of a strategy to increase the group’s footprint in the Middle East. “Over the past few years, the Middle East’s infrastructure industry, including the desalination market, is witnessing increasing activity and we are keen to expand our profile here. I am confident that our partnership with Utico will help in maintaining our leadership profile in the world and in this important market,” he added. l



Electric Vehicles show the way for a sustainable tomorrow By Jane Talbot

It may come as a surprise to many that the first electric vehicles (EVs) were developed in London and New York as early as the 1900’s and they are in fact, over 180 years old. However, at that time, the development of the faster more user-friendly motorcars greatly overshadowed the slow and bulky electric-powered vehicles in popularity, leaving the electric car industry simmering on the back burner


s governments and private companies around the globe strive to reduce their carbon footprint, the need for eco-friendly transport options has become critical. The resulting U-turn on the EV and development of hybrid vehicles has seen the European EV market grow 37% in 2014. In America, an 83% growth was reported in the sale of electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles. This global revolution is largely due to governmental efforts in establishing funding for EV supportive infrastructure. The introduction of tax incentives and awards for mobility towards sustainability, plus the international trend for environmentally friendly products have all contributed towards rekindling the interest of the masses. This year the Dubai Government announced the bold objective of transforming Dubai into the smartest and most sustainable city in the world by 2021. With currently one of the globes’ highest carbon footprints (per capita) this is yet another of this innovative country’s ground breaking initiatives. As part of the sustainability drive, Government entities such as DEWA and the RTA are taking strides to cut pollution through the introduction of electric and hybrid vehicles in the private sector, such as the cities hybrid busses. “The RTA has rolled out several initiatives concerned with the conservation of the environment. The authority made a successful launch of the trial run of hybrid, eco-friendly vehicles in 2008 and is pondering beefing up the fleet of hybrid vehicles each year,” said Mattar Al Tayer, Chairman of the Board and Executive Director of the RTA. Modern technology has eradicated the image of the bulky and cumbersome electric vehicles of the 1900’s, replacing them with efficient, sleek and expedient cars, which have longer-lasting battery power and a shorter charging times. This includes the BMW i8 plug-in hybrid super car, which has taken pride of place among the Dubai Police’s luxury fleet of patrol cars. To achieve the target of 2021 and to surpass all other cities, electric and hybrid


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vehicles are needed for private industries as well as in the public sector. Michal Ayat, CEO of Arabian Automobiles, commented during an electric vehicle summit in Dubai, that the first step in bolstering the interest of the public is to make more electric and hybrid cars available for purchase. “The regulations are not available right now, but we are confident that it will get approved as soon as possible,” he said. Proposals have also been submitted to the RTA for financial and social incentives that will encourage buyers, such as discounts on utility bills, dedicated parking spaces and free Salik, to name but a few. DEWA are reviewing



various options for making the vehicles more attractive to motorists,such as subsidized rates on car purchase and a reduction in customs duty. “The Executive council of Dubai is studying various proposals to encourage people to use eco-friendly vehicles. Having the infrastructure ready for charging the vehicles is the first step in this direction,” said Mohammed Al Tayer, Managing Director and CEO of DEWA. The infrastructure is supported by companies like Green Parking, an environmentally friendly car parking solutions company that has been chosen by DEWA to provide the majority high-end electric vehicle chargers in DEWA stations. They intend to play a fundamental role in assisting the Government in reaching its ecological goal through their state of the art EV chargers and sustainable car parking facilities. Managing Director of GreenParking, Sam Alawiye, believes that for Electric and hybrid vehicles to thrive in the region, efficient ‘park and charge’ facilities must be tactically located. “Electric and hybrid vehicles are not that popular here yet because the approvals and infrastructure are not in place, however the Dubai Government’s initiatives will soon change that. To further encourage the public to go green, Green Parking intends to install EV chargers in strategic locations across the Emirate. As a starting point there will be EV chargers in our numerous car parks, in shopping malls, and in private homes, so that charging an EV car is easy, fast and convenient. Once this happens then EV and hybrid car ownership in the region will boom,



making a big dent in the current carbon footprint,” he said. Sam believes that sky is the limit when it comes to evoking a shift in mindset of the region toward energy efficiency. “To help reach the targets of 2021 and to effect a drastic reduction in pollution levels, we are thinking big. Among other plans is the enterprising creation of a green, high-rise, EV charging car parks in which every element has an environmental benefit and the car owners will be able to charge their vehicle for free,” he added. The combination of the innovative public sector and the pioneering private industry will mean that very soon an abundance of electric and hybrid vehicles will be gracing the cities’ glimmering streets, helping to make a momentous contribution towards a more sustainable tomorrow. l

2015 September issue


Energy Efficiency & Management

Empower’s ‘set o to 24 C and save’ campaign achieves major reductions Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation (Empower) launched an emiratewide summer campaign to reduce district cooling (DC) consumption and boost transparency levels in its billing methodology, as part of effective communication with its rapidly growing customer base. The result of this successful summer campaign ‘Set to 24°C and Save’ was an almost 20% reduction in power consumption in August compared to the same period last year. “


n line with the directives of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, on the importance of preserving energy resources, and the need to educate all society segments on energy conservation, Empower continues to support the philosophy of optimum utilisation of natural resources and supports sustainable development plans to achieve His Highness’ vision,” said HE Ahmad Bin Shafar, CEO of Empower. “We succeeded in achieving a significant decrease in consumption of District Cooling as part of our ‘Set to 24°C and Save’ campaign. The statistics shows major reduction in end-user consumption, which means the summer campaign succeeded in raising awareness among customers.” “Despite the higher customer base we have this year compared to last year, we have succeeded in reaching out to a larger segment of them during this campaign, and consolidating their commitment to use District Cooling services rationally.” Since the beginning of summer period, Empower launched a campaign that is to last until the end of September, considering this as a peak usage time of the year in the region.


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The campaign, which has been running from June to mid-September, gives cooling reduction tips, such as setting the room temperature to 24°C, in addition to other recommendations that will help district cooling users across Dubai to minimise their energy consumption during peak times in summer. The campaign mainly targets end-users in residential and commercial projects covered by Empower services, focused on comparing consumption patterns during the corresponding period in 2014, in projects like Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR), Jumeirah Lake Towers, Business Bay area and International Media Production Zone (IMPZ). “Our aim is to communicate to the general public the importance of saving energy and helping the environment by setting their AC thermostat to 24°C at their homes and offices,” says HE Ahmad Bin Shafar, Chief Executive Officer of Empower. “This campaign will enhance awareness about minimising energy consumption of district cooling, especially in peak hours during summer.”



According to Bin Shafar, the Empower team will drive the campaign by educating customers through various channels, including educational brochures, emails, text messages and give-aways. Bin Shafar added: “Empower’s District Cooling system is underpinned by a skilled round-the-clock service team and a comprehensive set of emergency back-up systems that ensure complete reliability. In summer, demand for cooling service increases and it is our responsibility to educate people on how to optimize their consumption.” The company does pre-summer preparation works at its systems across Dubai, to ensure accuracy, efficiency and reliability for the peak season. “Leveraging on low-usage during winter months, Empower has developed systems to ensure a consistent service, irrespective of time of day or intensity of temperature,” concluded Bin Shafar. Empower makes preparations in advance to meet the increased demand for district


Energy Efficiency & Management

cooling during the busy period of June to September when temperatures reach the peak. Empower currently operates more than 1 Million RT, providing environmentally responsible district cooling services to large-scale real estate developments,such as Jumeirah Group, Business Bay, Jumeirah Beach Residence, Dubai International Financial Centre, Palm Jumeirah, Jumeirah Lake Towers, Ibn Battuta Mall, Discovery Gardens, Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai World Trade Centre Residences and Dubai Design District, among others. l

2015 September issue


Energy Efficiency & Management

Project Sunroof: Online Energy Efficiency Solutions “Google it” is a phrase that has caught on in the last decade as the ultimate answer to all kinds of difficult questions. Now if you want to find a cost-effective way of lowering your future electricity bills… just Google it!


oogle, which has funded big solar and wind projects around the world for some years now, is stepping into the solar industry in traditional Google style. The company unveiled a website called Project Sunroof that lets people Google their address and find exactly how much sun their roof gets, as well as the options in their area for buying new solar panels. To get started, you simply plug in your address and some data about your monthly electricity bill, and the tool will tell you what the recommended solar installation size is and how much it would cost to buy or lease the hardware. The tool then tells you how much you can expect to save with solar panels under different financing plans (you can plug in your current electric bill for a more refined calculation) and connects you with local companies that do installations.


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In case you want to go ahead with a solar installation, the tool also lets you reach out to local solar providers. Google says these listings are sponsored, so chances are it’ll get a bit of a kickback when it generates a sales lead for these companies. The project is the result of the “spare time” efforts of one of Google’s Boston-based engineers, Carl Elkin. In his 20% time (the free time that Google gives employees to work on projects they’re interested in) Elkin has created Project Sunroof. The site — which is currently only available in San Francisco, Boston and Fresno — uses data from Google Earth, including high resolution aerial mapping data, to factor in little details like roof orientation, shade from trees, and local weather. Google has spent close to $2 billion on clean energy projects globally, which is significant in itself. But any company with deep pockets and a commitment to clean energy could do that. Very few companies have the depth of data and information, combined with the experience of creating userfriendly products that Google does. While solar panels are cheaper than ever before, it’s the so-called “soft costs” — sales, marketing, and permitting — that account for the majority of that. With its trove of information, Google could use data to help reduce the price even more. Project Sunroof includes tie ups with solar installers like Vivint Solar, SolarCity, and SunPower with plans to bring more and more installers into the network. If Google can attract users to its new service, it could send substantial sales leads to these companies. Google marks the section of the site where it lists the solar installers as “sponsored.” So Google either is currently — or eventually can be — paid by the installer to get listed there.


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Energy Efficiency & Management

The U.S. solar industry is growing rapidly. There are more than 20 gigawatts of solar panels now installed in the U.S. and more than 1 gigawatt is being installed each quarter. One gigawatt is about the size of a large natural gas or coal plant. Another 50 gigawatts of solar panels are expected to come online in the U.S. by 2020. The downside of Project Sunroof is that there are startups like Geostellar that already offer these types of roof mapping services to both, the public for free, and to solar installers for a fee. Sungevity is another large company that’s built a strong business off of using public data to help drive lead generation in the solar industry. Pretty Visible is a new startup, out of the Oakland-based incubator SfunCube, which takes a community-focused web approach to solar information. Google’s introduction of this free site could cause some headaches, or at least some changes, for companies trying to make money off of similar services. At the very least, the site offers the fun of navigating around a totally magical-looking


2015 September issue

“DEWA supports the vision of our wise leadership, which outlines the road map for our work and initiatives to enhance the competitiveness of the UAE and Dubai. We are fully prepared to effectively and positively contribute to building Smart Dubai and add to the happiness of citizens and residents.” cityscape. But beyond the visual alchemy, this program can help loads of people decide whether to give solar a try. No doubt you’ll want a second opinion, and the financing options will differ from case to case, but Project Sunroof takes another step toward the normalization of rooftop solar for anyone ready to make the switch. Meanwhile, closer to home, an invitation by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) for building owners to install solar panels on their premises has resulted in 16 applications since the Shams Dubai smart initiative project was launched. The idea is to encourage owners to use solar power as needed for their building and any surplus is then exported to DEWA’s power grid. On Sunday, Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, managing director and CEO of DEWA, issued the invitation to other building owners to help join in the push to make Dubai one of the smartest, most energy efficient cities in the world. He said: “DEWA supports the vision of our wise leadership, which outlines the road map for our work and initiatives to enhance the competitiveness of the UAE and Dubai. We are fully prepared to effectively and positively contribute to building Smart Dubai and add to the happiness of citizens and residents.” The solar panel invitation is one of three smart initiatives being offered as part of the Smart Dubai project. l


Energy Efficiency & Management

“I am extremely proud to be here today at Barakah to witness this momentous occasion as ENEC enters a new phase of development by delivering the only nuclear energy construction site in the world to have four identical nuclear reactors underway simultaneously,” H.E. Suhail Al Mazrouei, UAE Minister of Energy

ENEC achieves another milestone Site of the UAE nuclear energy program now hosts the only simultaneous construction of four identical nuclear energy reactors in the world


nder the patronage of His Excellency Eng. Suhail Mohamed Faraj Al Mazrouei, UAE Minister of Energy, the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) today celebrated a key milestone for the UAE peaceful nuclear energy program as Barakah becomes the world’s leading nuclear energy construction site with four identical reactors being safely constructed simultaneously at one site. “I am extremely proud to be here today at Barakah to witness this momentous occasion as ENEC enters a new phase of development by delivering the only nuclear energy construction site in the world to have four identical nuclear reactors underway simultaneously,” said H.E. Suhail Al Mazrouei, UAE Minister of Energy. “Nuclear energy will play a critical role in the provision of sustainable energy to power the future of the UAE and, while the pace and sophistication of this historic program continues to grow, I am consistently impressed to see ENEC deliver its project to the highest international standards of safety, quality and performance. This approach ensures the long-term sustainability of the UAE peaceful nuclear energy program.” The milestone was achieved following the commencement of nuclear-related construction


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– regulated construction activity related directly to the reactor, containment building and supporting structures – for Unit 4, the UAE’s fourth nuclear energy reactor. ENEC’s Construction License for Units 3 and 4 was approved by the Federal Authority of Nuclear Regulation (FANR) in September 2014. With the construction of four identical nuclear energy reactors now underway, Barakah surpasses nuclear construction sites in China, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Russia and other countries to become the largest project with simultaneous construction of identical nuclear technology in the world. During the event, H.E. Minister Al Mazrouei, along with ENEC’s Board of Directors and key Government officials, performed a site visit to receive an update given by ENEC CEO Mohamed Al Hammadi on the company’s program to deliver safe, clean and reliable nuclear electricity in 2017. The visit included an exclusive tour of the four Barakah units, as well as an update on ENEC’s Culture of Safety and specific demonstrations on how the organization prioritizes the safety and quality of all work performed at the Barakah site. Following this, the delegation attended an official ceremony to mark Barakah as the world’s leading nuclear energy construction site. Since its inception in 2009, ENEC has focused on the safe delivery of the UAE peaceful nuclear energy program, expertly managing the complexity of the site development to ensure that all construction work meets the highest standards of safety and quality. “With the commencement of nuclear-related construction for Unit 4, ENEC becomes project manager for the world’s leading nuclear construction site,” said Mr. Al Hammadi. “We now have more than 18,000 staff at Barakah working diligently to safely deliver on our mission to connect safe, clean, reliable and efficient nuclear energy to the UAE in 2017. As our program continues to gain momentum, this is a role we take on with great pride and responsibility, and as always, safety remains our overriding priority.” The complex and extensive construction program underway at Barakah is the key focus of ENEC’s Culture of Safety efforts. The organization is committed to ensuring



all activities are performed with safety top of mind at all times, to be certain the Barakah site remains a safe workplace for thousands of employees every day. Earlier this year, ENEC received the top award in the “Building Risk Management Capability” category at the Institute of Risk Management’s 2015 Global Risk Awards. This award showed ENEC’s commitment to the highest international standards for safety, quality and risk management. As part of the organization’s commitment to safety, ENEC has also established a rigorous independent Quality Assurance (QA) program to ensure that the UAE’s first nuclear power plants are constructed, commissioned and operated in line with the best industry practices, governing codes and standards, regulations and license requirements. To date, ENEC has dedicated more than 41,000 man-hours to quality audits for all aspects of its program. ENEC’s QA program is applied to all aspects of its work and regular training sessions, assessments and audits are conducted to ensure the organization’s high standards are being met and continually improved upon. Importantly, the QA program applies not just to ENEC, but to every contractor and subcontractor involved in the program – the entire supply chain. The program is documented in ENEC’s QA Manual, which outlines the quality requirements and responsibilities for all activities conducted by or on behalf of ENEC, including oversight of its prime contractor, Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), as well as subcontractors and suppliers.


Energy Efficiency & Management

Ahead of the start of official construction for Unit 4, preparation works for ENEC’s fourth reactor were carried out under a separate license over the past seven months. The extensive preparation included lean-concrete to provide a mud-mat, waterproofing, cathodic protection and reinforcing steel installation. Construction of the Reactor Containment Building (RCB) will be completed over the next 36 months; with Unit 4 on track to enter commercial operations in 2020 following the completion of ENEC’s first three reactors. ENEC must apply for a separate operating license before plant operations can begin. Since the beginning of its program, ENEC has illustrated its ability and commitment to meeting the ambitious milestones of the UAE’s policy on the development of nuclear energy. To date, 13 key project contract milestones have been delivered safely and on time, and the organization remains focused on the safe and on-schedule achievement of its next major program milestone – the first fuel load for Unit 1 in 2016. This critical program milestone will see the alignment of the organization to ensure that construction, operations and all necessary support functions are coordinated and running efficiently in order to safely receive the UAE’s first batch of nuclear fuel. The UAE’s first nuclear energy plant is located at Barakah in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi, about 50 kilometers west of Ruwais. Unit 1 is now 75% percent complete and all four units are more than 50% percent complete. By 2020, ENEC’s team will be responsible for the operations of four nuclear energy units that are expected to provide up to a quarter of our nation’s electricity needs and to save up to 12 million tons of carbon emissions every year. In 2017, ENEC’s first unit is scheduled for completion, with additional units following at 12-month intervals. Unit 4 is set to commence commercial operations in 2020, pending regulatory reviews and licensing. l

2015 September issue


smart technology

MBR housing Establishment opens its first smart home When you’re not home, nagging little doubts can start to crowd your mind. Did I turn off the coffee maker? Did I set the security alarm? Is the babysitter doing her job?


ith a smart home, you can put your mind at ease with a quick glance at your smartphone or tablet. Today, you can connect all kinds of devices and appliances in your home so they can communicate with you and with each other. Any device in your home that uses electricity can be put on your personal home network and at your command. Whether you give that command by voice, remote control, tablet or smartphone, the home reacts. Most of these applications relate to lighting, home security, home theater and entertainment, and thermostat regulation. Bill Gates is reported to have spent $100 million building his smart home. However, once the domain of the techsavvy or the wealthy, smart homes and home automation are coming within reach of the not so wealthy. What used to be a quirky industry that churned out hard-to-use and frilly products is finally maturing into a full-blown consumer trend. Instead of start-ups, more established tech names are launching new


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smart home products. Gloabl sales of automation systems could grow to around $9.5 billion by the end of this year and maybe even balloon to $44 billion by the end of 2017. Much of this can be attributed to the widespread use today of smartphones and tablet PCs. These easy-to-carry computing powerhouses when connected to the Internet can be configured to control any number of online devices. The era of the Internet of Things is well and truly upon us. The Internet of Things is a phrase that refers to the objects and products that are interconnected and identifiable through digital networks. This web-like sprawl of products is getting bigger and better with every passing day. All of the electronics in your home are fair



game for this tech revolution, from your fridge to your furnace. Dubai, with its ‘Smart City’ initiative, is making rapid advances in the creation of smart homes. Dubai Media Office of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment has just announced the completion of its first “smart house” in the UAE. The announcement was made through Dubai Media Office’s Twitter channel. As per the report quoted in the tweet, the house in Al Barsha is the first “intelligent” government housing in the country, and comprises smart systems which can reduce dependence on traditional energy sources. The house is enabled to optimise solar energy. Executive director of Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment, Sami Abdullah Gargash, said the institution


smart technology

Dubai, with its ‘Smart City’ initiative making rapid advances in the creation of smart homes. Dubai Media Office of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment has just announced the completion of its first “smart house” in the UAE converted the house in Al Barsha to an intelligent unit, as a model to study the feasibility of smart homes. Smart systems included in the house can operate, control, and monitor various energy operations. Up to 16 companies contributed to 49.4% of the total cost of these systems, including sophisticated control devices such as touch screens on walls, through mobile phones, amounting to USD186,777. Gargash added the organization will study the intelligent housing model in the near future, in an attempt to demonstrate its applications. The system in the house can be linked to the internet, and mobile phone, allowing remote access for users too. Gargash said that housing is characterised by system control lighting and air conditioning, curtains, cameras, internal and external oversight (security system), and a system enabling the direct reporting in the event of a fire. The house also comprises solar panels, which convert electrical energy for use in water heaters, power generation, and other appliances. l

2015 September issue


smart technology


technologies to shape the future

Throughout history technology has always been the greatest catalyst for change. From zero-emission cars fuelled by hydrogen to computer chips modelled on the human brain, this year’s 10 emerging technologies offer a vivid glimpse of the power of innovation to improve lives, transform industries and safeguard our planet.


Digital genome While the first sequencing of the 3.2 billion base pairs of DNA that make up the human genome took many years and cost tens of millions of dollars, today your genome can be sequenced and digitized in minutes and at the cost of only a few hundred dollars. The results can be delivered to your laptop on a USB stick and easily shared via the internet. This ability to rapidly and cheaply determine our individual unique genetic make-up promises a revolution in more personalized and effective healthcare. Many of our most intractable health challenges, from heart disease to cancer, have a genetic component. Indeed, cancer is best described as a disease of the genome. With digitization, doctors will be able to make decisions about a patient’s cancer treatment informed by a tumour’s genetic make-up. This new knowledge is also making precision medicine a reality by enabling the development of highly targeted therapies that offer the potential for improved treatment outcomes, especially for patients battling cancer.

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Distributed manufacturing Distributed manufacturing turns on its head the way we make and distribute products. In traditional manufacturing, raw materials are brought together, assembled and fabricated in large centralized factories into identical finished products that are then distributed to the customer. In distributed manufacturing, the raw materials and methods of fabrication are decentralized, and the final product is manufactured very close to the final customer. In essence, the idea of distributed manufacturing is to replace as much of the material supply chain as possible with digital information. To manufacture a chair, for example, rather than sourcing wood and fabricating it into chairs in a central factory, digital plans for cutting the parts of a chair can be distributed to local manufacturing hubs using computerized cutting tools known as CNC routers. Parts can then be assembled by the consumer or by local fabrication workshops that can turn them into finished products. One company already using this model is the US furniture company AtFAB.

‘Sense and avoid’ drones Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, have become an important and controversial part of military capacity in recent years. They are also used in agriculture, for filming and multiple other applications that require cheap and extensive aerial surveillance. The next step with drone technology is to develop machines that fly themselves, opening them up to a wider range of applications. For this to happen, drones must be able to sense and respond to their local environment, altering their height and flying trajectory in order to avoid colliding with other objects in their path. In nature, birds, fish and insects can all congregate in swarms, each animal responding to its neighbour almost instantaneously to allow the swarm to fly or swim as a single unit. Drones can emulate this.

Fuel cell vehicles “Fuel cell” technologies have only now begun to reach a stage where automotive companies are planning to launch them for consumers. Initial prices are likely to be in the range of $70,000, but should come down significantly as volumes increase within the next couple of years. Unlike batteries, which must be charged from an external source, fuel cells generate electricity directly, using fuels such as hydrogen or natural gas. In practice, fuel cells and batteries are combined, with the fuel cell generating electricity and the batteries storing this energy until demanded by the motors that drive the vehicle. Fuel cell vehicles are therefore hybrids. Mass-market fuel cell vehicles are an attractive prospect, because they will offer the range and fuelling convenience of today’s diesel and petrol-powered vehicles while providing the benefits of sustainability in personal transportation.

Smarter robots Popular science fiction has popularised a world where robots take over all kinds of day-to-day tasks. This robotic future has stubbornly refused to materialize however, with robots still limited to factory assembly lines and other controlled tasks. Advances in robotics technology are making human-machine collaboration an everyday reality. Better and cheaper sensors make a robot more able to understand and respond to its environment. Robot


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bodies are becoming more adaptive and flexible. The new age of robotics takes these machines away from the big manufacturing assembly lines, and into a wide variety of tasks. Using GPS technology, just like smartphones, robots are beginning to be used in precision agriculture for weed control and harvesting. In Japan, robots are being trialled in nursing roles: they help patients out of bed and support stroke victims in regaining control of their limbs.


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Recyclable thermoset plastics Plastics are divided into thermoplastics and thermoset plastics. The former can be heated and shaped many times, and are ubiquitous in the modern world. Thermoset plastics however can only be heated and shaped once and are strong. Due to this durability, thermoset plastics are a vital part of our modern world. In 2014 critical advances were made in this area, with the publication of a landmark paper in

Additive manufacturing As the name suggests, additive manufacturing is the opposite of subtractive manufacturing. The latter is how manufacturing has traditionally been done: starting with a larger piece of material (wood, metal, stone, etc), layers are removed, or subtracted, to leave the desired shape. Additive manufacturing instead starts with loose material, either liquid or powder, and then builds it into a threedimensional shape using a digital template. 3D products can be highly customized to the end user, unlike massproduced manufactured goods. An example is the company Invisalign, which uses computer imaging of customers’ teeth to make nearinvisible braces tailored to their mouths. Other medical applications are taking 3D printing in a more biological direction: By directly printing human cells, it is now possible to create living tissues that may find potential application in drug safety screening and, ultimately, tissue repair and regeneration. An early example of this bioprinting is Organovo’s printed liver-cell layers, which are aimed at drug testing, and may eventually be used to create transplant organs. An important next stage in additive manufacturing would be the 3D printing of integrated electronic components. Like distributed manufacturing, additive manufacturing is also potentially highly disruptive.


the journal Science announcing the discovery of new classes of thermosetting polymers that are recyclable. Although no recycling is 100% efficient, this innovation – if widely deployed – should speed up the move towards a circular economy with a big reduction in landfill waste from plastics. Recyclable thermoset polymers are expected to replace unrecyclable thermosets within five years, and to be ubiquitous in newly manufactured goods by 2025.

Emergent artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is, in simple terms, the science of doing by computer the things that people can do. Over recent years, AI has advanced significantly: Most of us now use smartphones that can recognize human speech, or have travelled through an airport immigration queue using imagerecognition technology. Self-driving cars and automated flying drones are now in the testing stage before anticipated widespread use, while for certain learning and memory tasks, machines now outperform humans. Watson, an artificially intelligent computer system, beat the best human candidates at the quiz game Jeopardy. Like next-generation robotics, improved AI will lead to significant productivity advances as machines take over – and even perform better – at certain tasks than humans. There is substantial evidence that self-driving cars will reduce collisions, and resulting deaths and injuries, from road transport, as machines avoid human errors, lapses in concentration and defects in sight, among other problems. Intelligent machines, having faster access to a much larger store of information, and able to respond without human emotional biases, might also perform better than medical professionals in diagnosing diseases. AI clearly comes with risks – the most obvious being that super-intelligent machines might one day overcome and enslave humans. This risk, while still decades away, is taken increasingly seriously by experts today.

Neuromorphic technology Even today’s best supercomputers cannot rival the sophistication of the human brain. Computers are linear, moving data back and forth between memory chips and a central processor over a high-speed backbone. The brain, on the other hand, is fully interconnected, with logic and memory intimately cross-linked at billions of times the density and diversity of that found in a modern computer. Neuromorphic chips aim to process information in a fundamentally different way from traditional hardware, mimicking the brain’s architecture to deliver a huge increase in a computer’s thinking and responding power. Neuromorphic chips can be more energy efficient and powerful, combining data-storage and dataprocessing components into the same interconnected modules. In this sense, the system copies the networked neurons that, in their billions, make up the human brain. Neuromorphic technology will be the next stage in powerful computing.

Precise genetic-engineering techniques Conventional genetic engineering has long caused controversy. However, new techniques are emerging that allow us to directly “edit” the genetic code of plants to make them, for example, more nutritious or better able to cope with a changing climate. Currently, the genetic engineering of crops relies on the bacterium agrobacterium tumefaciens to transfer desired DNA into the target genome. More precise and varied genome-editing techniques have been developed in recent years. They can disable an unwanted gene or modify it in a way that is functionally indistinguishable from a natural mutation. Taken together, these techniques promise to advance agricultural sustainability by reducing input use in multiple areas, from water and land to fertilizer, while also helping crops to adapt to climate change.

2015 September issue


smart technology


f you want to check in, push one,” says the dinosaur. The visitor then has to punch a button on the desk and type in information on a touch panel screen. From its front desk to the porter, which is an automated trolley, this hotel in southwestern Japan - aptly named the Weird Hotel - is “manned” almost entirely by robots to save on labour costs. Hideo Sawada, who runs the hotel as part of an amusement park, insists using robots is not a gimmick, but a serious effort to use technology and achieve efficiency. Henn na Hotel, as it is called in Japanese, inaugurated in July this year, complete with robot demonstrations, has been successfully serving curious clients since then.

Robots take charge at this Japanese hotel The multi-lingual receptionist is a vicious-looking dinosaur and the one speaking Japanese is a female humanoid with blinking lashes Another feature of the hotel is the use of facial recognition technology. Standard electronic keys are created by registering the digital image of the guest’s face during check-in. The reason? Robots aren’t good at finding keys if people happen to lose them. Staying at Henn na Hotel starts at 9000 yen (USD70), a bargain for Japan, where a stay in one of the nicer hotels can easily cost twice or three times as much. The concierge is a doll-like hairless robot with voice recognition that prattles breakfast and event information. However, it cannot call a cab or do other errands. One area Henn na Hotel still relies on human beings is security. The place is dotted with security cameras, and real people are watching everything through a monitor to make sure guests stay safe and no one makes off with one of the expensive robots. “And they still can’t make beds,” said Sawada, who has also engineered the rise of a popular affordable Japanese travel agency. He has big ambitions for his robot hotel concept and wants to open another one soon in Japan and later abroad. He is also eager to add other languages, such as Chinese and Korean, to the robots’ vocabulary. In the hotel’s rooms, a lamp-sized robot in the shape of a fat pink tulip called Tuly answers simple questions like “What time is it?” and “What is the weather tomorrow?” You can also tell it to turn the room lights on or off. There are no switches on the walls. l


2015 September issue


Low operation costs Cooling meters designed for a long life with a minimum of maintenance

We launched the first ultrasonic meter in 1991. Time has shown that the ultrasonic technology has been extremely reliable in terms of accuracy over time. Through research and development we have focused on improving measuring stability over the entire product lifetime. We can therefore now document that our BTU meters measure correctly and deliver reliable consumption data still after more than 15 years in operation.



Qatar’s Minister of Transport H.E. Jassim Bin Saif Al Sulaiti Minister of Transport speaking

with the

media at the MEED Qatar Transport Forum

in Doha.

Qatar plans US$40bn worth of transport projects At the Qatar Transport Forum last week more than US$40bn worth of planned transport projects were announced. These include the expansion of Hamad International Airport (HIA) and Hamad Port, the Doha Metro and long-distance passenger and freight network, and the expressway programme


ne of the highlights of the Qatar Transport Forum, which was held under the patronage of H.E. Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Al Thani, Qatar’s Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, was the public unveiling of plans for the estimated US$8bn expansion of Hamad International Airport (HIA). NDIA Steering Committee Project Director Peter Daley, outlined the procurement timeline along with descriptions of the project scope, which includes an expansion of the main terminal building and concourse D and E. Also revealed for the first time were plans for two additional container terminals at Hamad Port that would increase the QR27bn (US$7.3bn) project’s handling capacity to 6 million TEUs by 2020. The first phase of the megaproject, which involved installing more pre-cast blocks than the pyramids, is due to open at the end of 2016, Aecom’s Programme Director Tim Verdon told the Forum’s attendees. Qatar Rail’s Chief of Service Delivery Andrew Tailor updated the Forum on Qatar’s US$20bn-plus integrated transport plan. A world record 21 tunnel boring machines are being used on the Doha Metro project, which so far has completed almost 50 kilometres of tunnels. A total of 26,000 workers are working on the project, equating to more than 78 million man hours worked as of end of August. Work on the Lusail tram scheme is even more advanced, with four of the five at grade stations completed, while the tender for the


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first phase design and build of the longdistance freight and rail network will be issued to contractors early next year. On the roads side, Eng. Nasser al-Kuwari, Manager of Highway Projects department at Ashghal, presented an overview of the QR40bn ($10.8bn) expressway programme. The massive project, which involves 1,000km of new or upgraded roads, 240 major interchanges and 360 bridges, has already seen 43 major contracts awarded. A total of 15 contracts are either in the market or are being prepared, while a further 23 are in the planning stage. Summarising the considerable number of opportunities in the Qatar transport sector, Ed James, Director of Content and Analysis at MEED Projects, revealed that the overall pipeline of planned projects in the state exceeded $200bn. Transport along with construction were the two largest individual sectors in the pipeline. The Forum was opened with a speech from His Excellency Jassim bin Saif al-Sulaiti, Minister of Transport, in front of a highly-distinguished audience that included H.E. Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Al Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, H.E. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Jassim Al Thani, Minister of Economics and Trade, H.E. Ali Sherif Al Emadi, Minister of Finance, H.E. Dr. Hessa Al Jaber, Minister of Telecommunication and Information Technology and H.E. Abdullah Bin Saleh Al Khulaifi, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. The Forum’s stakeholders included Qatar Rail who was the Platinum Sponsor, the Strategic Event Partners were UrbaCon Trading & Contracting, Al Khayyat Contracting & Trading, Qatar National Bank and Mowasalat. The Forum’s Gold Sponsors were the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy and Joannou & Paraskevaides. Qatar Development Bank was the Development Sponsor, Qatar Airways was the Official Airline Sponsor and ooredoo was the Official Telecom Sponsor. Manateq was the Econoimic Zones Partner and Atkins, Lean Park and Milaha were the Forum’s Silver Sponsors. Huawei, ALYSJ Joint Venture, GBM and Q Shield were the Forum’s Exhibitors and Sky News Arabia was the Official News Partner.l



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Saudi Arabia












AECOM wins contract to design world’s largest new airport AECOM has secured a contract to design a new airport in Istanbul that will be the world’s largest new airport in terms of annual passenger capacity.


stanbul’s New Airport will have a planned annual capacity of 150 million passengers. AECOM will design all the airside works for the project, including the three initial runways, taxiways, apron, associated drainage systems, airfield ground lighting and navigational aids. The company will be supported by its delivery partner, Deltaturk, a Turkish consultancy. AECOM will also deliver construction supervision services. The fast track programme will require AECOM to deliver its designs within one year, with the airport due to open in early 2018. The works that are to be designed cover an area of approximately 16 square kilometres and will be completed by specialist teams in the UK and Turkey. AECOM’s client is IGA, a consortium of five leading Turkish contractors comprising Cengiz, Mapa, Limak, Kolin and Kalyon. IGA won the concession to build the scheme as the engineering, procurement and construction contractor and will also be the operator. Yusuf Akçayoğlu, chief executive officer of IGA Construction, said: “Istanbul New Airport is an important investment for the future of Turkey, expected to contribute more than €32.4 billion VAT to the Turkish economy during construction and in its first 25 years of operation, and create hundreds of thousands of jobs. With flights to more than 350 destinations, the airport will make Istanbul one of the leading global aviation hubs in the world.” Bernardo Gogna, senior vice president and director of global aviation, AECOM, said: “The demand for mega hub airports is growing, with the most successful cities investing in air travel to attract international trade. Straddling the East and West, this ambitious plan will see Istanbul quickly become one


2015 September issue

of the most connected cities in the world. AECOM will work closely with IGA to provide global and local aviation expertise for this prestigious project.” The airport will be Istanbul’s third airport and will have an initial capacity of 90 million passengers per year. It will be located on the European side of the city, 35 kilometres from the centre on a site adjacent to the Black Sea. Subsequent planned phases will expand the airport to include six runways and three terminal buildings. When all phases are complete, the airport will have an annual capacity in excess of 150 million passengers. AECOM is a premier, fully integrated professional and technical services firm positioned to design, build, finance and operate infrastructure assets around the world for public- and private-sector clients. The firm’s global staff — including architects, engineers, designers, planners, scientists and management and construction services professionals — serves clients in over 150 countries around the world. AECOM is ranked as the #1 engineering design firm by revenue in Engineering News-Record magazine’s annual industry rankings, and has been recognized by Fortune magazine as a World’s Most Admired Company. The firm is a leader in all of the key markets that it serves, including transportation, facilities, environmental, energy, oil and gas, water, high-rise buildings and government. AECOM provides a blend of global reach, local knowledge, innovation and technical excellence in delivering customized and creative solutions that meet the needs of clients’ projects. A Fortune 500 firm, AECOM companies, including URS Corporation and Hunt Construction Group, had revenue of approximately $19 billion during the 12 months ended June 30, 2015. l


Health & Community

Data revolution transforming the future of healthcare By Asha Saxena President and CEO, Future Technologies, USA

To most people, “the robot doctor” sounds like the title of a terrible sci-fi movie. But it’s an integral part of the future of health care


he data revolution is already transforming the healthcare landscape, and if you want to help shape its future (and make a profit in the process), you must keep an eye on these five exciting trends: Preventive medicine will soar. As information from electronic medical records becomes available in the cloud, health care tasks are moving online. And the digitalization of diagnoses has implications for predictive and preventive medicine. By registering slight increases in temperature or detecting the early symptoms of a virus, sensors will make it easy for people to take care of themselves before they get sick. This technology is in the early stages, however, and it needs entrepreneurs to develop its full potential. You can help shape this future by keeping up with trends and innovations. Connect with your local university to see what you can learn or join a program such as StartUp Health Academy, a global coaching program for entrepreneurs who want to make waves in the health care space. Health care will go from general to personal The Internet of Things will connect devices that can support predictive medicine and products that link a patient’s


2015 September issue

wellness to her lifestyle will go from a luxury to a necessity. As data becomes more accessible and devices smarter, entrepreneurs are uniquely positioned to connect this new technology to the patient experience. So focus on building a good base of knowledge around data, analytics and tech. Invest in data to get ahead of the curve. Robots will be optimized for health tasks With the development of predictive data solutions will come the creation of devices and robots that can complete health care tasks on their own. Some prototypes already are functioning in hospitals. For example, Eve is a robot built by Aethon that’s programmed to deliver vital samples and supplies at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center. Getting your startup involved in this robotics trend can start with educating and training yourself on the basics. Places such as Codecademy and Coursera offer personalized training courses and programs - often for free. Couple education with up-to-date knowledge on trends, and you’ll set yourself up for success. Collaboration will destroy silos Entrepreneurs who can collaborate with researchers, health care organizations and other industry players will be able to innovate successfully and find gaps in technology.



Incubators, such as Chicago’s Matter, are doing an amazing job at connecting innovators with big companies, research institutions and investors to create new life-science start ups

Becoming familiar with networks of health care professionals and entrepreneurs can provide you with this collaborative power. Incubators, such as Chicago’s Matter, are doing an amazing job at connecting innovators with big companies, research institutions and investors to create new life-science startups. Get involved in energetic environments such as this as much as possible.


health & Community

Doctors will have access to more data Physicians are already using computers and other hightech devices and the use of these devices is improving health care. As data becomes more readily available, extensive and personalized, it will revolutionize the way doctors diagnose disease and treat patients. The X Prize Foundation, an innovation organization led by Dr. Peter Diamandis, is offering a $10 million award to the first team to deliver a working “tricorder,”” the handheld diagnostic device used by medical officers in Star Trek to detect diseases. Diamandis has predicted a team will succeed in the next five years. Entrepreneurs who are able to adapt and innovate technology that connects doctors with diagnostic tools will be poised to take advantage of the data revolution. You might have noticed that all these trends have one thing in common: Data. By building a strong backbone of data in your company, you will reinforce your ability to innovate in line with the health care industry. And by seizing the opportunities provided by technological advancement, you can become this era’s innovator. “The robot doctor” doesn’t sound so improbable now, does it? l

2015 September issue


Food & Agriculture


Khalifa Al-Sowaidi, Chairman of the GPCA’s Fertilizer Committee and Chief Executive Officer of QAFCO

GCC fertilizers entering critical period of opportunities and challenges, say experts at GPCA Fertilizer Convention While fertilizer producers in the GCC have achieved many milestones in the last decade, demographic and economic challenges lie ahead in the near term, warned industry insiders at the 6th Fertilizer Convention, hosted by the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA) “


he GCC is a major global exporter of urea and ammonia,” said Khalifa Al-Sowaidi, Chairman of the GPCA’s Fertilizer Committee and Chief Executive Officer of QAFCO, in his keynote speech. “Traditionally, the margins for GCC producers are healthy due to access to favorably priced gas, a key raw material in the production of fertilizers.” Producers in the Arabian Gulf manufacture 40.9 million tons of fertilizers, according to the latest GPCA research, a capacity that has grown by 102% since 2004. An exported oriented industry, which trades up to 22.9 million tons of products to diverse markets including North America, Asia and the Far East; the sector earned US$6.5 billion in revenues in 2014.


2015 September issue

Globally, the fertilizer industry is expected to grow by 1.8% every year from now till 2018, said Al- Sowaidi. Yet, there are clear challenges on the horizon. The Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA) represents the downstream hydrocarbon industry in the Arabian Gulf. Established in 2006, the association voices the common interests of more than 240 member companies from the chemical and allied industries, accounting for over 95% of chemical output in the Gulf region. The industry makes up the second largest manufacturing sector in the region, producing up to US$102.6billion worth of products a year. “By 2050, the global population will reach 9.7 billion up from 7 billion people today, with the growth coming from Asia and Africa. The biggest challenge for leaders around the world is feeding this huge population,” said Al- Sowaidi. “We estimate that food production will need to increase by 70% to feed these people yet net arable land in this period will rise by just 5%.” And for regional fertilizer producers, a majority of which are government- owned, there are also economic challenges ahead.


u food & agriculture

“By 2050, the global population will reach 9.7 billion up from 7 billion people today, with the growth coming from Asia and Africa. The biggest challenge for leaders around the world is feeding this huge population,” Khalifa Al-Sowaidi, Chairman of the GPCA’s Fertilizer Committee and Chief Executive Officer of QAFCO “The global fertilizer capacity is increasing so we [the GCC’s fertilizer industry] might be in a position of oversupply, which will drive prices down,” continued AlSowaidi. “An additional challenge is the possibility of a nuclear deal with Iran, which could bring more oil to world markets, resulting in continuing low oil prices of the oil exporting GCC states.” Despite looming capacity shortfalls in the long- term, fertilizers will continue to be critical to the survival of the human race, according to a top executive of the International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA). “Without fertilizers, we would hardly be able to feed more than 4 billion people,” said Patrick Heffer, Director, Agriculture Service, IFA. “Without fertilizers, we would need 1.2 billion hectares of land to produce just cereal. This area is something we do not have.” Looking ahead, the GCC’s fertilizer industry must find strategies to meet demand for diverse markets, while remaining competitively priced. “The fertilizer industry in the Arabian Gulf has reached many milestones in the last decade, growing into


a multi- billion dollar sector employing 51,000 people,” said Dr. Abdulwahab Al- Sadoun, Secretary General, GPCA. “However, with demographic and economic challenges, the era of large capacity growth with high profits is drawing to a close as competitors have access to favorably priced gas, an advantage that has traditionally served this region’s petrochemicals industry well. “Therefore, GCC fertilizer producers must look into diversifying their portfolio to include high- value products. With the imminent launch of Saudi Arabia’s Wa;ad Al Shamaal phosphate city, and a small but growing specialty fertilizer industry, the good news is that the region is already well on its way to overcoming these challenges.” The 6th edition of the GPCA’s Fertilizer Convention hosted more than 300 delegates from 34 countries to discuss strategies that enable the efficient and sustainable production of fertilizers to contribute to global food security and an environmentally sustainable future. l

2015 September issue


New & Current Projects in GCC construction supervision. Main Consultant: Builders International (Saudi Arabia) Design Consultant Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (Abu Dhabi) Main Consultant-2 Engineering Consultants Group - ECG (Saudi Arabia) Foundations, Enabling & Piling Contractor Saudi Bauer Foundation Contractors Ltd. (Saudi Arabia) Tender Categories Hotels Prestige Buildings Tender Products High-rise Towers Hotel Construction

n Project Number WPR768-U Project Name One Jumeirah Beach Residence Tower Project Territory Dubai Client Name Dubai Properties Address Bldg. No. 15, Dubai Internet City City Dubai Postal/Zip Code 500424 Country United Arab Emirates Phone (+971-4) 391 1114 Fax (+971-4) 390 4640 eMail info@businessbay.ae Website http://www.dubai-properties.ae Description Construction of a 45-storey luxury residential tower comprising 1-4-bedroom apartments, including high-end amenities like pool, gymnasium, spa and dining areas in addition to a beach club with its own facilities for visitors. Budget $ 200000000 Period 2019 Status New Tender Remarks The One Jumeirah Beach Residence Tower will be located on Sheikh Zayed Road, Al Sufouh Road, overlooking the Palm Jumeirah and Blue Waters schemes. It will offer 100% sea views. The spacious units all enjoy private sky gardens with excellent visibility of the beach and nearby landmarks, while maintaining privacy. The project is currently in preliminary design stage. Design Consultant L+B Design Group (Dubai) Tender Categories Prestige Buildings Tender Products High-rise Towers Residential Buildings n Project Number WPR762-SA Project Name Four Seasons Hotel Project - Jeddah Territory Saudi Arabia Client Name Midad Real Estate Investment & Development Company Ltd. (Saudi Arabia) City Jeddah Country Saudi Arabia Phone (+966-12) 652 4580 Description Construction of a 34-storey hotel comprising (275) rooms, (25) serviced and (50) branded apartments, including an 8-storey retail podium and basement for parking and services. Budget $480000000 Status New Tender Remarks The Four Seasons Hotel will be located in a distinguished spot within the upscale district of Al Shatee in Jeddah.It will cover a plot area of 18,812 square meters and total built-up area of 218,409 square meters. Site preparation works are currently in progress. Local Builders International, in joint venture with Engineering Consultants Group (ECG), has been awarded a contract to provide construction supervision services. The scope of contract covers design review, tender documents preparation, construction management and


2015 Summer September Edition issue

n Project Number WPR684-O Project Name Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club Project - Phase 2B Territory Oman Client Name Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club (Oman) Address Seeb, PC 111 City Muscat Postal/Zip Code 3358 Country Oman Phone (+968) 2451 4080 Fax (+968) 2451 4005 Website http//:www.muscathillsgolf.com Description Construction of a Golf and Country Club. Status New Tender Remarks This project involves construction of Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club in Oman - Phase 2B. Bids have been submitted for the main contract. Evaluation is currently underway and an award is expected before the end of 2015. InterContinental Hotels Group has been appointed as operator for the club. Main Consultant: Arabtec Jardaneh (Jordan) Main Architect Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo (WAT&G) - USA MEP Consultant Arabtec Jardaneh (Jordan) Project Manager Braemar Golf Developments (UK) Civil Engineering Consultant Azd Land Surveying Services L.L.C (Oman) Tender Categories Construction & Contracting Hotels Leisure & Entertainment Tender Products Hotel Construction Playgrounds & Associated Equipment Public Buildings n Project Number WPR080-Q Project Name Marina Mix 11 Mixed-use Tower Project - Lusail District Territory Qatar Client Name Real Estate Services Group (Qatar) City Doha Country Qatar Phone (+974) 4458 3388 Fax (+974) 4458 3377 eMail info@rsgqatar.com

Website http://www.rsgqatar.com Description Construction of Marina Mix 11, a 5-star hotel and residential building comprising 2 basement levels, a ground floor, 2 podium levels, 36 additional floors and a services floor. Budget $ 300000000 Period 2017 Status Current Project Remarks This project is located at Lusal City in Qatar. Local Al Bandary Engineering Trading & Contracting has been awarded the main contract on this scheme. Enabling works are currently in progress. Design Consultant EHAF Consulting Engineers (Qatar) Project Manager Hill International Middle East Ltd. (Qatar) Main Contractor Al Bandary Engineering Trading & Contracting (Qatar) Tender Categories Hotels Prestige Buildings Tender Products High-rise Towers Hotel Construction n Project Number ZPR445-K Project Name Al Zour North IWPP - Phase 2 Territory Kuwait Client Name Kuwait Authority for Partnership Projects (KAPP) Address Formerly Partnerships Technical Bureau, Touristic Enterprises Co. Bldg., 2nd Floor, Al-Jahra Street City Shuwaikh Country Kuwait Phone (+965) 2496 5900 / 2496 5902 Fax (+965) 2496 5901 eMail infor@ptb.gov.kw Website http://www.ptb.gov.kw Description Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) contract for the construction of Al Zour North independent water and power project (IWPP) with capacity of 1,500 MW of power and 102 million gallons a day of desalination - Phase 2. Status New Tender Remarks This project is at Al Ahmadi in Kuwait. The desalination plant will use either Reverse Osmosis (RO) or thermal technology, or both. Feedstock will consist of natural gas and gas oil as back-up fuel. Output of the plant will be purchased by Kuwaiti Ministry of Electricity & Water under a long-term Power Purchase Agreement. Client has prequalified seven consortiums for the BOT contract. They are led by the following developers: - Spain’s Abengoa - Saudi Arabia’s Acwa Power / local Al-Mulla - South Korea’s Kepco - Japan’s Marubeni / local Fouad AlGhanim - Japan’s Mitsubishi - Japan’s Mitsui - Japan’s Sumitomo/Osaka Gas Company / local National Industries Holding Consortium. They have been invited to collect tender documents by September 28, 2015 for the BOT contract. No bid deadline has yet been announced. Tender Categories Power & Alternative Energy Water Works Tender Products Independent Water & Power Plants (IWPP) n Project Number WPR572-B Project Name Ras Al Barr Resort Development Project Territory Bahrain Client Name Kuwait Finance House - KFH (Bahrain)


City Manama Postal/Zip Code 2066 Country Bahrain Phone (+973) 1722 1666 Fax (+973) 1722 8666 Website http://www.kfh.com Description Development of a Resort, which will be spread over several islands housing theme hotels, resorts and souqs, residential units, schools, park-lands, public waterfront and sports facilities. Status New Tender Remarks The Ras Al Barr resort will cover an area of 1.5 million square meters and developed on 110,000 square meters of reclaimed land to the south of Durrat Al Bahrain resort, close to Ras Al Barr in Bahrain. The company responsible for delivering the project is PH Development Company. The scheme will be completed over two phases. Phase 1 will include three islands containing an open, gated development with smaller residential communities, waterfront apartment blocks, the souk, a yacht club, four hotels, schools, a commercial area, mosque and a beach area. Phase 2 will contain some bigger residential schemes spread over 14 different islands. Kuwait’s SSH International Consultant has been appointed as the main consultant. It won the contract in a competitive tender process. The scope involves master planning, architecture and engineering consultancy services. Main Consultant: SSH International Consultant (Kuwait) Main Architect SSH International Consultant (Kuwait) Master Plan Consultant SSH International Consultant (Kuwait) Tender Categories Construction & Contracting Education & Training Hotels Leisure & Entertainment Marine Engg. Works & Seaports Tender Products Educational Developments Hotel Construction Marina Development n Project Number WPR768-U Project Name One Jumeirah Beach Residence Tower Project Territory Dubai Client Name Dubai Properties Address Bldg. No. 15, Dubai Internet City City Dubai Postal/Zip Code 500424 Country United Arab Emirates Phone (+971-4) 391 1114 Fax (+971-4) 390 4640 eMail info@businessbay.ae Website http://www.dubai-properties.ae Description Construction of a 45-storey luxury residential tower comprising 1-4-bedroom apartments, including high-end amenities like pool, gymnasium, spa and dining areas in addition to a beach club with its own facilities for visitors. Budget $ 200000000 Period 2019 Status New Tender Remarks The One Jumeirah Beach Residence Tower will be located on Sheikh Zayed Road, Al Sufouh Road, overlooking the Palm Jumeirah and Blue Waters schemes. It will offer 100% sea views. The spacious units all enjoy private sky gardens with excellent visibility of the beach and nearby landmarks, while maintaining privacy. The project is currently in preliminary design stage. Design Consultant L+B Design Group (Dubai) Tender Categories Prestige Buildings Tender Products High-rise Towers Residential Buildings n Project Number WPR762-SA Project Name Four Seasons Hotel Project - Jeddah Territory Saudi Arabia Client Name Midad Real Estate


Tender Products Hotel Construction Playgrounds & Associated Equipment Public Buildings

Investment & Development Company Ltd. (Saudi Arabia) City Jeddah Country Saudi Arabia Phone (+966-12) 652 4580 Description Construction of a 34-storey hotel comprising (275) rooms, (25) serviced and (50) branded apartments, including an 8-storey retail podium and basement for parking and services. Budget $480000000 Status New Tender Remarks The Four Seasons Hotel will be located in a distinguished spot within the upscale district of Al Shatee in Jeddah.It will cover a plot area of 18,812 square meters and total built-up area of 218,409 square meters. Site preparation works are currently in progress. Local Builders International, in joint venture with Engineering Consultants Group (ECG), has been awarded a contract to provide construction supervision services. The scope of contract covers design review, tender documents preparation, construction management and construction supervision. Main Consultant: Builders International (Saudi Arabia) Design Consultant Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (Abu Dhabi) Main Consultant-2 Engineering Consultants Group - ECG (Saudi Arabia) Foundations, Enabling & Piling Contractor Saudi Bauer Foundation Contractors Ltd. (Saudi Arabia) Tender Categories Hotels Prestige Buildings Tender Products High-rise Towers Hotel Construction n Project Number WPR684-O Project Name Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club Project - Phase 2B Territory Oman Client Name Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club (Oman) Address Seeb, PC 111 City Muscat Postal/Zip Code 3358 Country Oman Phone (+968) 2451 4080 Fax (+968) 2451 4005 Website http//:www.muscathillsgolf.com Description Construction of a Golf and Country Club. Status New Tender Remarks This project involves construction of Muscat Hills Golf & Country Club in Oman - Phase 2B. Bids have been submitted for the main contract. Evaluation is currently underway and an award is expected before the end of 2015. InterContinental Hotels Group has been appointed as operator for the club. Main Consultant: Arabtec Jardaneh (Jordan) Main Architect Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo (WAT&G) - USA MEP Consultant Arabtec Jardaneh (Jordan) Project Manager Braemar Golf Developments (UK) Civil Engineering Consultant Azd Land Surveying Services L.L.C (Oman) Tender Categories Construction & Contracting Hotels Leisure & Entertainment

n Project Number ZPR445-K Project Name Al Zour North IWPP - Phase 2 Territory Kuwait Client Name Kuwait Authority for Partnership Projects (KAPP) Address Formerly Partnerships Technical Bureau, Touristic Enterprises Co. Bldg., 2nd Floor, Al-Jahra Street City Shuwaikh Country Kuwait Phone (+965) 2496 5900 / 2496 5902 Fax (+965) 2496 5901 eMail infor@ptb.gov.kw Website http://www.ptb.gov.kw Description Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) contract for the construction of Al Zour North independent water and power project (IWPP) with capacity of 1,500 MW of power and 102 million gallons a day of desalination - Phase 2. Status New Tender Remarks This project is at Al Ahmadi in Kuwait. The desalination plant will use either Reverse Osmosis (RO) or thermal technology, or both. Feedstock will consist of natural gas and gas oil as back-up fuel. Output of the plant will be purchased by Kuwaiti Ministry of Electricity & Water under a long-term Power Purchase Agreement. Client has prequalified seven consortiums for the BOT contract. They are led by the following developers: - Spain’s Abengoa - Saudi Arabia’s Acwa Power / local Al-Mulla - South Korea’s Kepco - Japan’s Marubeni / local Fouad AlGhanim - Japan’s Mitsubishi - Japan’s Mitsui - Japan’s Sumitomo/Osaka Gas Company / local National Industries Holding Consortium. They have been invited to collect tender documents by September 28, 2015 for the BOT contract. No bid deadline has yet been announced. Tender Categories Power & Alternative Energy Water Works Tender Products Independent Water & Power Plants (IWPP)

Courtesy MiddleEastTenders.com Tel +9712-6348495 EMail sales@MiddleEastTenders.com

2015 2015 September Summer Edition issue


Top 30 Tenders in GCC Project Name






Budget (USD)


Afnan District Project Midtown by Deyaar (Phase 1)

Development of a District comprising seven residential buildings ranging in size from 7 to 17-storey blocks containing (132) studio apartments, (347 Nos.) onebedroom apartments, (143 Nos.) two-bedroom apartments and (10 Nos.) three-bedroom apartments.

Deyaar Development (Dubai)


Hyder Consulting Middle East Ltd. (Dubai)



New Project

West Yas Villa Complex Project - Yas Island Zone K

Development of (1,017 Nos.) four and five-bedroom villas, each comprising a ground floor and an additional floor, including all community facilities.

ALDAR Properties PJSC (Abu Dhabi)


Jamal Al Amri Al Alawi Consulting (Abu Dhabi)



New Project

Police College Complex Project

Construction, Completion and Maintenance of a Police College Complex with capacity to accommodate (1,250) students.

Ministry of Interior (Qatar)


Consulting Engineering Group (CEG) Qatar



New Project

Boutique Hotel Project Saraya Bandar Jissah

Construction of a 5-star hotel comprising (106) rooms.

Saraya Bandar Jissah (Oman)


WSP Middle East (Dubai)

Leighton Middle East L.L.C (Oman)


Current Project

Mohammed Bin Khalifa Al Khalifa Specialist Cardiac Center Project

Construction of a state-ofthe-art specialist cardiology center comprising seven floors featuring (150) beds, operating theaters, an emergency unit and laboratories among other facilities.

Supreme Council for Health (Bahrain)


Atkins & Partners Overseas (Bahrain)

Mohammed Abdulmohsin Al- Kharafi & Sons (Kuwait)


Current Project

Kabd Waste-toEnergy Plant Project

Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) contract for the development of a waste-to-energy plant with initial capacity of 3,275 tonnes a day.

Kuwait Authority for Partnership Projects (KAPP)





New Project

Obhur Creek Crossing Project

Design and construction of a concrete arch bridge spanning 380 meters long and 75 meters wide comprising 8 lanes for road traffic, a single railway line and two sidewalks.

Jeddah Development & Urban Regeneration Company (Saudi Arabia)

Saudi Arabia

AECOM (Al Khobar) - Saudi Arabia



New Project

Tahrir Petrochemicals Complex Project - Ain Sokhna

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract to build a petrochemicals complex comprising a 4 million tonnea-year (t/y) naphtha cracker and downstream plants with capacity to produce 1.4 million t/y polyethylene, 900,000 t/y of propylene, 250,000 t/y butadiene and 350,000 t/y benzene.

Carbon Holdings (Egypt)


Foster Wheeler International (Abu Dhabi)

SK Engineering & Construction Company (South Korea)


Current Project

Gharraf Oil Field Development Project - Phase 2

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for the second-phase development of an oil field.

Petronas (Iraq)





New Project

Chedi Khorfakkan Resort Project

Construction of Chedi Khorfakkan Resort comprising three components - the fort, the hilltown and town square offering a total of (170) rooms.

Sharjah Investment & Development Authority (Shurooq)


AECOM Middle East (Dubai)



New Project

Muscat Sohar Product Pipeline Project

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract to build a new 290-kilometrelong product pipeline to connect refineries in Sohar and Muscat.

Oman Refineries & Petroleum Industries Company (ORPIC)


Compania Logistica de Hidrocarburos (Spain)

Gulf Petrochemical Services & Trading L.L.C (Oman)


Current Project

Automated People Mover System Project - Education City Complex

Construction of an automated people-mover system spanning 11.5 kilometres within Education City complex.

Qatar Railways Company (QRC)


Hyder Consulting Middle East Ltd. (Qatar)

Siemens W.L.L. (Qatar)


Current Project

Gas Processing Plant Project - Ratawi & Bin Umar Fields

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract to build a gas processing plant with capacity of 50 million cubic feet a day.

South Gas Company (Iraq)


SNC-Lavalin Inc. (Canada)



New Project

Low Cost Housing Units Construction Project - Phase 1

Construction of 100,000 lowcost housing units.

Ministry of Defence & Military Production (Egypt)


Architecture & Planning Group (Dubai)

Arabtec Construction L.L.C (Egypt)


Current Project


2015 September issue



Top 30 Tenders in GCC Flow-lines & Source Well Construction Project Minagish Oil Field

Construction of flow-lines and a source well in an oil field.

Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)



Mushrif Trading & Contracting Company (Kuwait)


Current Project

Sharm ElSheikh Airport Expansion Project

Carrying out expansion of an airport, which will provide capacity for 10 million passengers a year, bringing the total capacity to 18 million a year.

Egyptian Airports Company





New Project

Four Seasons Hotel Project – Jeddah

Construction of a 34-storey hotel comprising (275) rooms, (25) serviced and (50) branded apartments, including an 8-storey retail podium and basement for parking and services.

Midad Real Estate Investment & Development Company Ltd. (Saudi Arabia)

Saudi Arabia

Builders International (Saudi Arabia)



New Project

Aloft Hotel Project - Al Ain Stadium Development

Construction of a 3-star hotel comprising a ground floor and 4 additional floors offering (172) rooms and suites.

Department of Municipal Affairs - Al Ain Municipality


EC Harris International Limited (Abu Dhabi)

Bam International L.L.C (Abu Dhabi)


Current Project

Infrastructure Development Project – KIZAD

Development of infrastructure at an Industrial Zone.

Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC)



Al Habtoor Leighton L.L.C (Abu Dhabi)


Current Project

Living Communities Program Development

Program to support industrial cities by developing healthcare, education, commercial and social schemes.

Saudi Industrial Property Authority (MODON)

Saudi Arabia

Hill International Middle East Ltd. (Saudi Arabia)



New Project

Dubai Creek (Dubai Water Canal) Extension Project

Carrying out extension of Dubai Creek (Dubai Water Canal), which will include shopping malls, four hotels and 450 restaurants.

Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) – Dubai


Parsons International Ltd. (Dubai)

Gunal Construction Company (Abu Dhabi)


Current Project

Industrial Gas Complex Project

Construction of an industrial gas complex, which will supply 75,000 metric tons per day (20,000 oxygen and 55,000 nitrogen) to a 400,000 barrels per day refinery.

Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)

Saudi Arabia


ACWA (Arabian Company for Water & Power Development) - Saudi Arabia


Current Project

Olefins 3 Petrochemicals Plant Project

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for the development of a Petrochemicals plant.

Petrochemical Industries Company PIC (Kuwait)


KBC Advanced Technologies (UK)



New Project

Duqm Seawater Supply Facilities Project

Engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract to build a seawater supply and disposal system for a new refinery.

Duqm Special Economic Zone Authority SEZAD (Oman)


Parsons International (Oman)



New Project

Park View Saadiyat Island Project

Construction of a mixeduse scheme offering (234) residential units and (188) hotel apartments ranging from studios to 2-bedroom apartments and a wide variety of retail, amenities and facilities.

Bloom Properties (Abu Dhabi)


MZ Architects (Abu Dhabi)



New Project

North Gate Mixed-use Project

Development of a mixed-use scheme comprising residential towers, a community center, a four-star hotel and villas.

Raseel Real Estate (Saudi Arabia)

Saudi Arabia

Consolidated Architerctural & Engineering Consultants (Saudi Arabia)



New Project

Doha Oasis Mixed-use Project

Construction of (14 Nos.) nine-storey buildings featuring penthouses and (245) apartments, including a mixed-use podium comprising housing, retail outlets and one of the largest indoor amusement theme parks, a 7-star hotel consisting of 28 floors, six restaurants, a gymnasium, indoor pool ans business center.

Halul Real Estate Investment Company (Qatar)


Projacs International (Qatar)

Redco Construction - Almana (Qatar)


Current Project

Khalifa Stadium Upgrade Project

Upgrading of an existing Stadium to increase seating capacity to 40,000 spectators from the current 20,000.

Aspire Academy for Sports Excellence (Qatar)


Projacs International (Qatar)

Six Construct Ltd. (Qatar)


Current Project

Master Gas System Expansion Project - Phase 1

Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract to build 500 kilometres of 56-inch pipelines as well as construction of two gas compression stations and associated facilities.

Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)

Saudi Arabia


Sepco III Electric Power Construction Corporation (China)


Current Project

Airport City Development Project

Development of an Airport City comprising a free zone, cargo facilities and residential communities

Ministry of Roads & Urban Development (Iran)





New Project


2015 September issue


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