Beginners Bookazine 1661 (Sampler)

Page 1


Embroidery Choose the right thread Learn needlepoint Mount your embroidery Master the stitches

Everything you need to start stitching today


200 stitches

second edition

Digital Edition



e memory of Ganderton, my inspiration

Mary Lindsay r: Sarah Hall Michelle Thomas Jason Little nie Jackson, Jonathan alf r: Nigel Duffield Nicola Powling

: Kate Yeates r Dewhurst oger Bristow len Collins -Megginson, Bill Mason mpson Lloyd

at Britain in 1999 Great Britain in 2015 by ley Limited, n, WC2R 0RL

rling Kindersley Limited House Company 15 Lucinda Ganderton nda Ganderton to be or of this book has rted. 5 4 3 2 1 une/2015

eserved. n may be reproduced, o a retrieval system, or m, or by any means otocopying, recording, or or written permission of t owner.

ord for this book British Library.


nd in China. by Altaimage UK.

Kindersley Limited e:


Introduction .........

d by ging Ltd at Eastern Wharf don SW11 4NQ


8 .........

How to Use This Book 11 ......... .........


Dedicated Materials, Tools, to andthe memory of Techniques 12 Mary Josephine Ganderton, .........




my mother and my inspiration

Tools, Fabrics, Threads, and Frames 14 Mounting Techniques 19 Stitching Techniques 20 ......... .........

Senior Editor: Mary Lindsay Senior. Art Editor: Sarah Hall Production Controller: Michelle Thomas DTP Designer: Jason Little Managing Editors: Stephanie Jackson, Jonathan Metcalf 24 Gallery of Stitches Managing Art Editor: Nigel Duffield ................... Jacket Designer: Nicola Powling Produced by C&B Packaging Ltd London House, Great Eastern Wharf Parkgate Road, London SW11 4NQ 19/12/2014 14:21

Managing Editor: Kate Yeates Editor: Heather Dewhurst Art Director: Roger Bristow Art Editor: Helen Collins Designers: Suzanne Metcalfe-Megginson, Bill Mason Photography: Sampson Lloyd First published in Great Britain in 1999 This edition published in Great Britain in 2015 by Dorling Kindersley Limited, 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL Copyright © 1999, 2015 Dorling Kindersley Limited A Penguin Random House Company Text copyright © 1999, 2015 Lucinda Ganderton The moral right of Lucinda Ganderton to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 001-280243-June/2015 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Introduction .........


8 .........

How to Use This Book 11 ......... .........


Materials, Tools, and Techniques 12 .........



Tools, Fabrics, Threads, and Frames 14 Mounting Techniques 19 Stitching Techniques 20 ......... .........


A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN: 978-0-2412-0139-8 Printed and bound in China. Colour reproduction by Altaimage UK. All images © Dorling Kindersley Limited For further information see: A WORLD OF IDEAS: SEE ALL THERE IS TO KNOW

Gallery of Stitches .........




Line and Border Stitches 38 .........



Outline Stitches 40 Border Stitches 49 Composite Border Stitches 64 ......... .........

Openwork Stitches .........




Pulled Fabric Stitches 98 Drawn Thread and Insertion Stitches 106 Cutwork and Edging Stitches 113 ......... .........



Needlepoint Stitches .........

Filling Stitches .........




Powdered Filling and Isolated Stitches 74 Open and Solid Filling Stitches 86 ......... .........





Straight Needlepoint Stitches 120 Diagonal Needlepoint Stitches 130 Cross and Star Needlepoint Stitches 140 Looped and Tied Needlepoint Stitches 152 ......... .........


Acknowledgments 160 ......... .........


0 12 8

Stitch in g Techniques


Stitch in g Techniques

Stitching Techniques he key to a professional finish for any piece of Stitching Techniques Tneedlework is to keep the length of the stitches


regular to maintain even finish tension he and key to a professional forthroughout, any piece ofwhether or not the fabric isis to mounted onlength a frame. Takestitches time to sew needlework keep the of the aregular small and sample piece before embarking on any newwhether to maintain even tension throughout, project, to fabric become stitches to to sew or not the is familiar mountedwith on athe frame. Takeand time establish a rhythmic of working.onEmbroidery a small sample piece pattern before embarking any new stitches constructed either vertically, usually project, are to become familiar with the stitches andfrom to top to bottom,a rhythmic or horizontally towards the left or right, establish pattern of working. Embroidery although they may appear at any angle inusually the finished stitches are constructed either vertically, from top piece. Needlepoint fillings,towards which form all-over patterns, to bottom, or horizontally the left or right, are worked in diagonal, horizontal, or vertical rows. although they may appear at any angle in the finished piece. Needlepoint fillings, which form all-over patterns, are worked in B eginning todiagonal, stitch horizontal, or vertical rows. Fastening oFF Follow one of the two techniques shown below to start off or to to join a new length of thread. Beginning stitch Both will help to ensure that the reverse Follow one of the two techniques shown side below of as neat as length the front. to the startstitching off or toisjoin a new of thread. Both will help to ensure that the reverse side of the stitching is as neat as the front.

Lost Knot Method Use this technique for needlepoint and open embroidery stitches. Knot one end Lost Knotand Method of the thread insert the needle from Use this technique for needlepoint the front, a short distance along theand open embroidery stitches. Knot one end line to be worked. Continue stitching of the thread and insert the needle from so the thread is held down at the back the front, a short distance along the by the first stitches. Cut off the knot. line to be worked. Continue stitching so the thread is held down at the back by the first stitches. Cut off the knot.

018-021-Stitch.indd 18

... L eFt -h anded W oRKeRs ... All the illustrations in the following chapters show how the stitches would ... ... L eFt -h anded W oRKeRs be sewn by a right-handed worker, but All the illustrations in the will following most left-handed stitchers prefer to chapters how direction. the stitchesHold would sew in theshow opposite a be sewn by ainright-handed small mirror front of the worker, page to but mostthe left-handed stitchers will prefer turn step-by-step diagrams the to sew inway the round opposite Hold other anddirection. to reverse the a small mirror in front of the page to direction of the needle. turn the step-by-step diagrams the other way round and to reverse the direction of the needle.

thRead Fasten off the thread when it is no less than 10cm (4in) long. to finish too many Fastening oFF Try a tnot hRead threads in the the thread same area as this create an Fasten off when it is can no less than uneven surface, in finish needlepoint. 10cm (4in) long.especially Try not to too many threads in the same area as this can create an uneven surface, especially in needlepoint.

Running stitch Method Use when working embroidery stitches which are spaced closely together and stitch Method Running for needlepoint. Leaving a loose end of Use when working embroidery stitches thread at the back, work a few small which are spaced closely together and running stitches, and stitch over them. for needlepoint. Leaving a loose end The end can then be darned through of thread at the work a few small the reverse of back, the stitches. running stitches, and stitch over them. The end can then be darned through the reverse of the stitches.


Fastening oFF Take the needle through to the wrong side of the fabric and turn the work FF Fastening over. Pass the o needle under the loops at Take the needle through the wrong the back of the final few to stitches for a side of the fabric and turn the distance of about 2.5cm (1in),work then over.thePass needle under thetoloops clip endthe of the thread close the at the back of the final few stitches for a fabric surface. distance of about 2.5cm (1in), then clip the end of the thread close to the fabric surface.

12/12/14 2:58 pm

WayS of Working Holding the fabric in the hand is a familiar sewing technique and some stitches, including W ayS of Working looped embroidery stitches, are isbest worked Holding the fabric in the hand a familiar this way. When the fabric mountedincluding in a sewing technique and someisstitches, frame, aembroidery special two-handed technique is used. looped stitches, are best worked this way. When the fabric is mounted in a Embroidering in the Hand frame, a special two-handed technique is used. Support the area being worked over the forefinger. Hold the in the other hand and Embroidering in needle the Hand slide it inthe and outbeing in a single movement. Support area worked over the forefinger. Hold the needle in the other hand and looped StitcheS slide it in and out in a single movement. Loop the thread from one side to the other and use the free thumb StitcheS l toooped hold it down. Pull Loop the thread from the needle through one side to the and use the free thumb overother the working to hold it down. thread. The step-Pull the needle through by-step diagrams will over the the working indicate point thread. The stepwhere the thread by-step diagrams should be held. will indicate the point where the thread should be held.

Using Both Hands

Working with a free-standing frame may prove awkward at first but, with practice, both rightUsing Both Hands and left-handed workers will find that they Working with a free-standing frame may prove can stitchatquickly andwith evenly with two awkward first but, practice, bothhands. rightand left-handed workers will find that they can stitchtquickly and evenly with two hands. Stabbing echnique Keep one hand on either side of the frame. Push the needle Sdown tabbing t echnique into the fabric from Keep hand either side of the topone and pullon it through the frame. Push the needleup from below. Pass it back down into the fabric from it with this hand, and draw the top and pull it through through from from below. above. Pass it back up with this hand, and draw it through from above.

018-021-Stitch.indd 19

S t i tc h i n g Tech n i q ue s

1 29 1

S t i tc h i n g Tech n i q ue s


Hand-held Needlepoint

Straight, and some crossed, stitches can be worked in the hand without any problems, but Hand-held Needlepoint diagonal stitches will cause stitches some distortion. Straight, and some crossed, can be worked in the hand without any problems, but diagonal stitches will cause some distortion.

Stitching on canvaS Bind the edges of the canvas and start at the far side. Keep the unworked part rolled in one hand, while stitching with the Sother. titching on c anvaS Be sure to keep the tension even. Bind the edges of the canvas and start at the far side. Keep the unworked part rolled in one hand, while stitching with the Working nkeep eedlepoint S titcheS other. Be sure to the tension even.

Stitches on canvas are worked into the square holes between the woven threads. To avoid orking needlepoint StitcheS W splitting on thecanvas stitches, tryinto to bring the Stitches arealways worked the square needlebetween up through an unworked and take holes the woven To avoid it down into an already worked hole. Do not splitting the stitches, always try to bring the pull theupyarn too tightly or the holes needle through an unworked spacewill and take become enlarged so the canvas shows through. it down into an already worked hole. Do not pull the yarn too tightly or the holes will become enlarged so the canvas shows through.

1 1

Work the first row, then fill in the bottom corner. Start each stitch from an Work the first row, thenthe unworked hole and insert fill in the bottom corner. needle in to the base of the Start each stitch from an stitches in the previous row. unworked hole and insert the needle in to the base of the stitches in the previous row.

2 2

Fill the top corner with stitches worked in the opposite direction, ending Fillone theattop each thecorner top of with the stitches worked in the last row. Use this method opposite ending with the direction, stabbing technique. each one at the top of the last row. Use this method with the stabbing technique.

12/12/14 2:58 pm

6 44

Ou tl in e St itches

Chain Chain


Ou tl in e Stitches

····· Other Names ····· point de chainette; Tambour stitch ····· Other Names ····· ··········· ··········· point Level de chainette; Easy stitch Tambour ············ Uses ············ ··········· Level ··········· Straight lines and curves; Easy lettering; in rows ············ Uses ············ or spiral as filling Straight lines and curves; ··········Method·········· lettering; in rows Looped stitch, worked or spiral as filling from top to bottom ··········Method·········· ······· Materials ······· Looped stitch, worked Any fabric; any thread from top to bottom ······· Materials ······· Any fabric; any thread

1 1


Take needle back into hole from which it emerged Take needle back into hole from which itHold emerged loop down with thumb or Hold loop forefinger down with thumb or forefinger


2 2



Make loops all Make same loops length all same length

Do not pull thread Do not tightly pull thread tightly


3 3




1 Start at A. Loop the thread from left to right and insert the needle again at A. Bring it through over the working thread at B. 1 to make the second stitch. Insertand theinsert needle Start atstep A. Loop the thread from left to right theinside needle 21 Repeat the first at B it and bring itover outthe at C. again at loop A. Bring through working thread at B. made, finish off by the Repeatthe stepfinal 1 tostitch makehas thebeen second stitch. Insert theanchoring needle inside 32 When last loop down with a small tie stitch (see p.22) from D to E. the first loop at B and bring it out at C.

3 When the final stitch has been made, finish off by anchoring the last loop down with a small tie stitch (see p.22) from D to E.

Square Chain Square Chain ····· Other Names ····· Ladder stitch; Roman chain; open chain stitch ····· Other Names ····· ··········· ··········· Ladder Level stitch; Roman Easy chain; open chain stitch ············ Uses ············ ··········· Level ··········· Broad outlines; Easy couching stitch; foundation for ············ ············ ribbon Uses decoration; Broad outlines; couching traditional Indian stitch;embroidery foundation for ribbon decoration; ········· Method ········· traditional Indian Looped stitch, worked embroidery from top to bottom ········· Method ········· ······· Materials ······· Looped stitch, worked Any fabric; thread from top toany bottom ······· Materials ······· Any fabric; any thread

042-045-Stitch.indd 44


Twisted Chain Twisted Chain



C Keep thread loose Keep thread

Come out at A.loose Insert the needle inside the previous loop at B. Bring it through over the Come out at A.atInsert the an working thread C, leaving needle inside the previous loop open loop. Repeat to continue. at B. Bring it through over Anchor the final loop with the a tie working thread leaving an stitch (see p.22)atatC, each corner. open loop. Repeat to continue. Anchor the final loop with a tie stitch (see p.22) at each corner.

··········· Level ··········· Easy ············ Uses ············ ··········· Level ··········· Curved Easy and textured outlines ············ Uses ············ ········· Method ········· Curved and textured Chain stitch variation outlines with crossed loop ········· Method ········· ······· Materials ······· Chain stitch variation Anywith fabric; any thread crossed loop – non-stranded threads ······· give Materials best effect ······· Any fabric; any thread – non-stranded threads give best effect

A Insert needle to left of start Insert point needle to left of start point


Ensure thread lies under needle Ensure thread lies Come upunder at A.needle Loop thread

from left to right, insert the needle at B. Come up at C, Come up at A. Loop pull through over the thread working from left to right, insert the thread. Repeat to continue. needle with at B.aCome up at C, Finish tie stitch (see pull through over the working p.22) over the final loop. thread. Repeat to continue. Finish with a tie stitch (see p.22) over the final loop.

12/12/14 2:59 pm

Cable Chain Cable Chain 1 1 ··········· Level ··········· Intermediate

········· Method ·········· ··········· Level ··········· LoopedIntermediate and twisted stitch, worked from top ········· Method to bottom ·········· Looped and twisted stitch, ············ Uses worked from············ top Decorative straight or to bottom curved outlines ············ Uses ············ ······· Materials Decorative straight········ or Any fabric;outlines any thick curved embroidery thread ······· Materials ········ Any fabric; any thick embroidery thread

Hold thread to keep it taut Hold thread to keep it taut A

2 2

45 7

Ou t li n e S t i tc h e s


Hold thread down with thumb or forefinger


Hold thread down with thumb or forefinger


Pull needle over thread


Pull needle over thread



O u t li n e S t i tc h e s

3 3

1 Start at A. Wrap the thread over and under the needle from left to right.


Insertatthe at B.thread Bringover the point out atthe C A.needle Wrap the and under 12 Start


over the working needle from left tothread. right. Pull the needle through to form the first two links. 2 Insert the needle at B. Bring the point out at C thread around thethe needle again and to over the the working thread. Pull needle through 3 Twist work the the first nexttwo stitch from D to E. Repeat steps 1 form links. and 2 to continue stitching downwards. 3 Twist the thread around the needle again and work the next stitch from D to E. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to continue stitching downwards.


Broad Chain Broad Chain ····· Other Name ····· Reversed chain stitch ··········· Level ··········· ····· Other Name ····· Intermediate Reversed chain stitch ········· Method ·········· ··········· Level ··········· Looped stitch, worked Intermediate from top to bottom ········· Method ·········· ············ Uses worked ············ Looped stitch, Solid, flexible outline from top to bottom ······· Materials ········ ············ Uses ············ Any fabric; Solid, flexible outline firm embroidery thread ······· Materials ········ Any fabric; firm embroidery thread

1 1

2 2









Do not pull loop too tightly Do not pull loop too tightly

C Work stitches close D together to create solid chain Work stitches close create Start attogether A andtomake a short upright stitch to B. solid chain

Come out directly below B at C, and slide the needle under the upright stitch from right to left. Take it StartatatC,Apulling and make a short gently uprighttostitch 1down the thread form to theB.first Come out directly below B at C, and slide the needle loop. Bring the needle out again at D. under the upright stitch from right to left. Take it both sides loop, down C, needle pullingunder the thread gentlyoftothe form thethen first 2 Passatthe take itBring downthe at needle D. Repeat loop. out from againCattoD.continue.

2 Pass the needle under both sides of the loop, then take it down at D. Repeat from C to continue. 042-045-Stitch.indd 45

09/01/2015 14:33

8 66

C omp osite Border Stitches

Raised Chevron Raised Chevron


C omp osite Border Stitches

Points of arrowheads face inwards Points of arrowheads face inwards

·········· Level ··········· Intermediate ··········· Uses ············ ·········· Level ··········· Straight outlines Intermediate and light borders ··········· Uses ············ ········· Method ········· Straight outlines Chevron stitch worked and light borders over two lines of ········· Method ········· arrowhead stitches Chevron stitch worked ·······over Materials two lines of······· Anyarrowhead fabric; thicker thread stitches gives more ······· Materials ······· texture – choose two Anycontrasting fabric; thicker thread colours gives more texture – choose two contrasting colours

Backstitched Backstitched Herringbone Herringbone




Ensure stitches are spaced evenly Ensure stitches are spaced evenly

Stitch two parallel rows of arrowheads (see p.75) in the first colour. Bring the second Stitch two parallel thread out at A androws workofa arrowheads (see p.75) the band of chevron stitchin (see first colour. Bring the second p.51) from left to right, so thread at A andstitches work a that theout horizontal band of chevron stitch (see lie across the points of the p.5 ) from left to right, so 1 arrowhead stitches. that the horizontal stitches lie across the points of the arrowhead stitches.

·········· Level ··········· Easy

·········· Level ··········· Advanced

··········· Uses ············ ·········· Level ··········· Decorative borders Advanced ········· ········· ···········Method Uses ············ Interlaced herringbone Decorative borders stitch worked over ········· Method ········· padded satin stitch Interlaced herringbone ·······stitch Materials ······· worked over Any fabric; padded satinlustrous stitch thread in three colours; ······· Materials ······· blunt needle; frame Any fabric; lustrous thread in three colours; blunt needle; frame

064-069-Stitch.indd 66

Work upright stitches close together Work upright stitches close together

2 2

Work back stitches over crossed threads

Work a line of herringbone stitch (see p.54). Using the second thread, make a back Work from a lineAoftoherringbone stitch B. Bring the stitch (see Usingatthe needle up atp.54). C, insert D, second thread, make a back and come out at E. Continue stitch to B. Bring the to the from end ofAthe row. needle up at C, insert at D, and come out at E. Continue to the end of the row.


Ensure lacing is not pulled too tightly

1 Work a foundation of long horizontal surface

satin stitch (see p.88). Work a row of upright satin (see p.88) from left to right over the base stitches. 1 Work a foundation of long horizontal surface Bring the(see second thread upaatrow A of andupright work asatin row stitch p.88). Work 2satin of herringbone (see p.88) fromstitch left to(see rightp.54). over the base stitches. thesecond blunt thread needle up with third colour Bring the at the A and work a row 32 Thread thread. Come up at A and slide the needle upwards, of herringbone stitch (see p.54). under the centre of the first long diagonal stitch. thedown bluntunder needle the stitch third colour 3 Thread Take it back thewith second from top thread. Come up at A and slide the needle upwards, to bottom. Continue lacing to the end of the band. under the centre of the first long diagonal stitch. Take it back down under the second stitch from top to bottom. Continue lacing to the end of the band.


C D E A B Work back stitches over crossed threads

··········· Uses ············ ·········· Level ··········· Open borders; Easy in rows as a lattice filling ··········· Uses ············ ········· Open Method borders; in ········· rows Herringbone as a latticestitch fillingwith back stitch detail ········· Method ········· ······· Materials ······· Herringbone stitch with Any fabric; two back stitch detail contrasting threads in the ······· Materials ······· same or different weights Any fabric; two contrasting threads in the same or different weights

Raised Lattice Band Raised Lattice Band 1 1


3 3

Ensure lacing is not pulled too tightly


12/12/14 2:58 pm

Double Herringbone Double Herringbone 1 1 C

····· Other Name ····· Indian herringbone stitch ·········· Level ··········· ····· Other Name ····· Advanced Indian herringbone stitch ··········· Level Uses ············ ·········· ··········· Geometric border; in rows Advanced as open filling ··········· Uses ············ ········· Method Geometric border; in········· rows Twoasinterlaced rows of open filling herringbone stitch ········· Method ········· ······· Two Materials interlaced rows······· of Any fabric; any thick herringbone stitch thread in two colours ······· Materials ······· Any fabric; any thick thread in two colours




Co m po s i te B o r d er S ti tc h e s

67 9

Co m po s i te B o r d er S ti tc h e s


2 2


Twisted Lattice Band Twisted Lattice Band 1 1

3 3

·········· Level ··········· Advanced

··········· Level Uses ············ ·········· ··········· Ornamental border; in Advanced rows as filling ··········· Uses ············ ········· Method ········· Ornamental border; in Double herringbone rows as filling stitch with two rows of ········· Method interlacing ········· Double herringbone stitch ·······with Materials two rows of······· Any fabric; any thick interlacing thread in two colours ······· Materials ······· Any fabric; any thick thread in two colours

064-069-Stitch.indd 67





2 2




Pass needle under previous H stitch and over next Pass needle under previous stitch and over next J





Always pass needle under stitch

Do not pull lacing thread too tightly B A



Do not pull lacing thread too tightly




Slide needle F C B G under previous A E D stitch Slide needle under previous A E D Start at A and make a diagonal stitch to B.stitch

Bring the needle out at C, pass it under the stitch and take it down at D. Come out at E and insert at A needle and make stitch B. the 1F. Start Bringatthe out aatdiagonal G and slide it to under Bring the needle out at C, pass it under the last stitch. Continue to the end of the row. stitch and take it down at D. Come out at E and insert at contrastout thread F. at G up anddirectly slide itbelow underC, theat 2 Bring the needle H. Slide needle under last stitch.the Continue to thethe endsecond of the stitch row. and insert at I. Come out at J and pass the needle Bring contraststitch. thread up directly below C, at 2under thethe previous H. Slide the needle under the second stitch and the needle outneedle at L. Take insert at I. Come outatatKJ and and come pass the 3 Insert it overthe theprevious first thread and under the second. under stitch. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to continue. 3 Insert the needle at K and come out at L. Take it over the first thread and under the second. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to continue.


Always pass needle under stitch


1 Work a foundation of double herringbone stitch (see above) in the first colour. Bring the lacing thread out at A. Pass the needle downwards under a foundation stitch 1B, Work then upwards underofC.double Slide herringbone it beneath the next (see above) in the first colour. Bring the lacing stitch, at D, from top to bottom. thread out at A. Pass the needle downwards under weaving and the overnext the B, then upwards underthe C.thread Slide itunder beneath 2 Continue top stitches thetop endtoofbottom. the row. Bring the thread stitch, at D, to from out at E and interlace the bottom stitches in the Continue 2same way to weaving complete.the thread under and over the top stitches to the end of the row. Bring the thread out at E and interlace the bottom stitches in the same way to complete.

Take thread over crossed stitches Take thread over crossed stitches

12/12/14 2:58 pm

2 120

Straight Needlepoint Stitches

Hungarian Hungarian 1 1


Straigh t Needlepoint Stitches





1 2 3 4 1 5 2 3 4 5

Work three upright stitches to make diamond Work three upright stitches to make diamond

2 2

·········· Level ··········· Easy ··········· Uses ··········· ············ ·········· Level Textured fillings Easy ········· ········· ···········Method Uses ············ Horizontal rows of small Textured fillings interlocking diamonds ········· Method ········· ······· Materials ······· Horizontal rows of small Single canvas; any thread interlocking diamonds in one or two colours ······· Materials ······· Single canvas; any thread in one or two colours

1 Starting at top left, make a short stitch over two threads from 4A to 2A. Work a long stitch from 5B to 1B, then another at top left, make a 1 Starting short stitch from 4C to 2C. Miss one space, then short stitch over two threads from 4A to 2A. come up at 4E to start the next diamond. Work a long stitch from 5B to 1B, then another Continue to the end of the line. short stitch from 4C to 2C. Miss one space, then up aatcontrasting 4E to start colour, the next diamond. Using come up at 6E to 2come Continue to the of thethe line. start the next row.end Repeat sequence of three stitches and one space, working from right to left. 2 Using a contrasting colour, come up at 6E to start the next row. Repeat the sequence of three stitches and one space, working from right to left.

Hungarian Diamond Hungarian Diamond 1 1 ·········· Level ··········· Easy ··········· Uses ··········· ············ ·········· Level Striped backgrounds and Easy fillings ··········· Uses ············ ········· ········· StripedMethod backgrounds and Hungarianfillings stitch variation on larger scale ········· Method ········· ······· Materials ······· Hungarian stitch variation Singleon canvas; larger any scalethread ······· Materials ······· Single canvas; any thread

120-123-Stitch.indd 120





1 2 3 4 51 62 73 84 95 10 6 11 7 8 9 10 11

Work progressively longer and shorter stitches Work progressively longer and shorter stitches





1 2 3 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 5 6 7

Second row of stitches is worked into spaces below first row Second row of stitches is worked into spaces below first row

·········Technique Variation··········

When Hungarian stitch is worked in just a single ·········Technique Variation·········· colour it produces a When Hungarian stitch smooth, brocade-like is worked just a single texture which provides a goodinbackground colour it produces a for detailed tent stitch designs. smooth, brocade-like texture which provides a good background for detailed tent stitch designs.

2 2

1 2 3 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 6 10 7 11 8 9 10 11







1 Start at top left. Work three progressively longer stitches from

5A to 3A, 6B to 2B and 7C to 1C, then a shorter stitch from 6D to 2D. Repeat these four stitches to the end of the row and at top left. Work three progressively longer stitches from 1 Start work two shorter stitches to complete the final diamond. 5A to 3A, 6B to 2B and 7C to 1C, then a shorter stitch from to 2D. Repeat theseforfour to the of the rowstitch and a second colour thestitches next row. Startend with a short 26DUse work two shorter stitches to complete the final diamond. from 9K to 7K and continue as above, working from right to left. Repeat these two rows to fill the required area. 2 Use a second colour for the next row. Start with a short stitch from 9K to 7K and continue as above, working from right to left. Repeat these two rows to fill the required area.

Stitch second row in opposite direction, working into spaces Stitch second left below firstrow in opposite direction, working into spaces left below first

12/12/14 2:57 pm

S tr a i g h t N eed lepo i n t S ti tc h e s

Single Twill Single Twill


··········· Level ··········· Easy Uses ············ ··········· Level ··········· Ridged fillings Easyand woven effect backgrounds ··········· Uses ············ ········· Method ········· Ridged fillings and woven Diagonal rows of vertical effect backgrounds straight stitches ········· Method ········· ······· Materials ······· Diagonal rows of vertical Singlestraight canvas;stitches any thread ······· Materials ······· Single canvas; any thread

1 2 3 4 15 26 37 48 59 6 7 8 9


Work each stitch a single thread higher than Work eachstitch stitch preceding a single thread Start at the top higher left with than a straight stitch from 9A preceding to stitch

5A. Work the next from 8B Start thecontinue top left with a to 4Batand stitching straight stitch from 9A to upwards. Start the next row 5A. next from 8B at 9EWork to 5E,the and continue to 4B anddownwards. continue stitching working Repeat upwards. Start next row these two rowsthe to continue. at 9E to 5E, and continue working downwards. Repeat these two rows to continue.

Double Twill Double Twill


·········· Level ··········· Easy ··········· Level Uses ············ ·········· ··········· TexturedEasy fillings and backgrounds ··········· Uses ············ ········· Method ········· Textured fillings and Alternate rows of backgrounds long and short upright stitches, ········· Method ········· worked diagonally Alternate rows of long ······· Materials ······· and short upright stitches, Single canvas; any thread worked diagonally ······· Materials ······· Single canvas; any thread

120-123-Stitch.indd 121

1 2 3 4 15 26 37 48 59 6 7 8 9


Work short stitches over two threads Work short Work the first rowstitches as forover single two threads twill stitch (see above). Start

the second row with 7E to 5E Work the first working row as for single and continue short twill stitch (see above). Start stitches downwards. Repeat the second row to with these two rows fill 7E theto 5E and continue working short required area. stitches downwards. Repeat these two rows to fill the required area.

121 3

Bargello Bargello 1 1

S t r a i g h t N eed lepo i n t S ti tc h e s

1 2 3 4 15 26 37 48 59 610 711 8 9 10 11

····· Other Names ····· Florentine stitch; flame stitch ····· Other Names ····· ·········· Levelstitch; ··········· Florentine Easy flame stitch ··········· Level Uses ············ ·········· ··········· Large patterned Easy areas ········· Method ········· ··········· Uses ············ Straight stitch worked Large patterned areasin wide zigzag bands ········· Method ········· ······· Materials Straight stitch worked······· in Single any yarn widecanvas; zigzag bands in a selection of toning ······· Materials ······· and contrasting colours Single canvas; any yarn in a selection of toning and contrasting colours Insert needle into base of previous stitch Insert needle into base of previous stitch



2 2 4 5 6 7 48 59 10 6 11 7 12 8



9 14 10 15 11 16 12 17 18 14 19 15 16 17 18 19

1 Start at the left with a straight stitch from 11A to 7A. Make three stitches upwards from 9B to 5B, 7C to 3C and 5D to 1D. Work the next three stitches downwards, Start two at the left with a straight from 11ACome to 7A. 1leaving threads between each,stitch ending at 7G. Make three stitches upwards from 9B to 5B, 7C to up at 9H and repeat this sequence to the end of the3C row. and 5D to 1D. Work the next three stitches downwards, thethreads next row in the each, same ending way, starting 15A leaving between at 7G.atCome 2 Stitchtwo andatusing a lighter of the same colour. third up 9H and repeatshade this sequence to the endThe of the row. row is worked in a paler yarn, starting at 19A. Repeat Stitch therows nexttorow in the same way, starting at 15A 2these three continue. and using a lighter shade of the same colour. The third row is worked in a paler yarn, starting at 19A. Repeat ················Technique Variation················· these three rows to continue. To create a wider zigzag with a stepped effect, work blocks of ················Technique Variation················· two and three stitches in the To create a wider zigzag with centre of the diagonals. Addain stepped effect,colour work blocks a contrasting yarn toofgive two three stitches in the moreand visual interest. centre of the diagonals. Add in a contrasting colour yarn to give more visual interest.

12/12/14 2:57 pm

58 0 14

C ross an d S tar Needlepoint Stitch es

Star Star


C ross an d Star Needlepoint Stitches

1 1


····· Other Name ····· Algerian eye stitch


··········· Level ··········· ····· Other Name ····· Intermediate Algerian eye stitch


······· Materials ······· Single canvas; thick thread

Eye Eye

1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 insert 5

Always insert needle into same hole

1C to 3C, 1A to 3C and 3A to 3C.

four stitches complete the star, to Start at topmore left with fourtostraight stitches fromfrom 1E 5A to 3C, 21 Work 3C, 5C3C, to 3C, 5E3C to and 3C and to 3C. Begin the next star 1C to 1A to 3A 3E to 3C. at 1E and repeat steps 1 and 2 to continue. Work the next four more stitches to complete the star, from 5A to 2 Work row directly below. 3C, 5C to 3C, 5E to 3C and 3E to 3C. Begin the next star at 1E and repeat steps 1 and 2 to continue. Work the next row directly below.

1 1

Enlarge centre hole to accommodate 24 stitches Enlarge centre hole to accommodate 24 stitches

1 2 3 41 2 A B C

········· ········· ···········Method Uses ············ Square blocks straight Large scaleoffilling stitch with open centres, ········· Method ········· outlined with back stitch Square blocks of straight ······· ······· stitch Materials with open centres, Single canvas; outlined with backthick stitch thread; embroidery scissors ······· Materials ······· Single canvas; thick thread; embroidery scissors

148-151-Stitch.indd 148


2 2



··········· Uses ············ ·········· Level ··········· Large scale filling Intermediate

1 2 3 4 51 2 3 4 5


Work second star to right of first Work second star to right of first

1 Start at top left with four straight stitches from 1E to 3C,


·········· Level ··········· Intermediate


Always needle into same hole

··········· Level Uses ············ ··········· FineIntermediate textured filling ········· ········· ···········Method Uses ············ Straight starsfilling worked Fine stitch textured in horizontal rows ········· Method ········· ······· ······· StraightMaterials stitch stars worked Single canvas; thick thread in horizontal rows

2 2



1 Start at top left. Enlarge the hole at 4D by

carefully twisting the scissor point between the canvas threads. Work two straight stitches from at top left. Enlarge the hole at 4D by 1 Start 1A to 4D and 1B to 4D. carefully twisting the scissor point between the Makethreads. eleven Work more stitches into stitches 4D, starting two straight from 2canvas from 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G 1A to1C, 4D1D, and1E, 1B 1F, to 4D. and 7G. Work the second half as a mirror image Make eleven more stitches into 4D, starting 2 the of first, then start the next block at 1G. from 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G Finish off by outlining each square with back and 7G. Work the second half as a mirror image stitch (see p.42), worked over one thread. of the first, then start the next block at 1G. Finish off by outlining each square with back stitch (see p.42), worked over one thread.

Stitch in clockwise direction Stitch in clockwise direction

Work each stitch over three threads Work each stitch over three threads 1 2 3 4 51 62 3 7 4 5 6 7





·········Technique Variation·········· The back stitch outline stitch can ·········Technique Variation··········

be worked in a The back stitch contrasting outlinetostitch can colour create a be worked in a square grid pattern across the canvas. contrasting colour to create a square grid pattern across the canvas.

12/12/14 2:57 pm

Diamond Eye Diamond Eye 1 1

··········· Level ··········· Advanced ··········· Level Uses ············ ··········· Geometric background or Advanced filling for large areas ··········· Uses ············ ········· Method ········· Geometric background or Straight stitch diamonds filling for large areas with open centres, ········· Method ········· outlined in back stitch Straight stitch diamonds ·······with Materials open centres,······· Single canvas; thickstitch thread outlined in back ······· Materials ······· Single canvas; thick thread

Fan Fan

Work each stitch over three threads Work each stitch over three threads

······· Materials ······· Single canvas; thick thread

148-151-Stitch.indd 149

Cr o s s a n d S t a r N eed lepo i n t S ti tc h e s


2 2 A B C D E F





1 2 3 4 A B C D E F G H I J K L 15 26 37 48 59 6 7 8 9

Make seven more stitches into the same hole from 2F, 3G, 4H, 5I, 6H, 7G, 8F and 9E, then work the second half of at topasleft with an upright stitch 1theStart diamond a mirror image of the first.from 1E to 5E. Make seven more stitches into the same hole from 2F, 3G, the 7G, next8F block thethen same way,the starting 4H, 5I, 6H, andin 9E, work secondwith half5Iof 2 Work to 9I, and stitch the next row directly below the first. the diamond as a mirror image of the first. When the area is complete, outline each diamond with the(see next block in theover sameone way, starting 5I 2backWork stitch p.42) worked thread, to with conceal to 9I, and stitch the next row directly below the first. any canvas that may show through. When the area is complete, outline each diamond with back stitch (see p.42) worked over one thread, to conceal any canvas that may show through.

1 1

·········· Level ··········· ····· Other Name ····· Easy Ray stitch

········· Method ········· ··········· Uses ············ Blocks of radiating stitches, Fine textured filling worked in horizontal rows ········· Method ········· ······· Materials ······· Blocks of radiating stitches, Single thick thread workedcanvas; in horizontal rows

14 59 1

1 Start at top left with an upright stitch from 1E to 5E.

····· Other Name ····· Ray stitch

··········· Level Uses ············ ·········· ··········· Fine textured Easy filling

1 2 3 4 15 26 37 48 5 6 7 8

Cr o s s a n d S t a r N eed lepo i n t S ti tc h e s


4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7















Insert the needle at same point for every stitch Insert the needle at same point for Starting at stitch bottom left, make an upright stitch every

from 4A to 7A. Work six more stitches into the same hole, from 4B, 4C, 4D, 5D, 6D and 7D, to at bottom left, make an at upright 1formStarting a square. Start the next block 4D tostitch 7D from 4A to 7A. Work six more stitches and continue working towards the right.into the same hole, from 4B, 4C, 4D, 5D, 6D and 7D, to the next above and form a square. Startrow thedirectly next block at the 4D first to 7D 2 Work stitch in the opposite direction, starting at 1G to and continue working towards the right. 4G. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to continue. 2 Work the next row directly above the first and stitch in the opposite direction, starting at 1G to 4G. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to continue.

2 2

Always insert needle into same hole Always insert needle into same hole

1 2 3 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 6 7 8










C D E F Work stitches in G opposite direction to first row Work stitches in opposite direction to first row

12/12/14 2:57 pm


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