Home Interests Bookazine 3347 (Sampler)

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NEW O V E R 4 0 S I M P L E & D E L I C I O U S L O W - C A R B R E C I P E S I N S I D E





Digital Edition









We run through the basics of the keto diet, why it works and what potential health benefits there are for you


he keto diet has been around for a while now, proving that it is more than just a fad. It’s a popular diet with celebrities, which keeps it in the news, but there is a lot more to this low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet than the tabloids might suggest. For a start, it has medical origins, thanks to its ability to help control or even treat certain conditions, and over the last couple of decades it has made its way into the mainstream. Followers of the diet treat it more as a lifestyle due to the numerous benefits that they experience. For now, let’s back right up and look at what the keto diet actually is.


Keto is a short term for ‘ketogenic’; the basic premise is that you remove most carbohydrates from your diet, forcing the body to look for an alternative source of fuel. That source is ketones, which are produced by the liver from stored fat. In a normal diet, carbohydrates are used for energy because they are easily and readily available to the body. Insulin helps to convert carbohydrates into glucose, which can enter the blood stream. Excess glucose can then be stored as glycogen in the muscles and the liver, and when those stores are full, the rest can be converted and stored as fat. When we

run out of instantly available glucose, the body starts to burn through the stored glycogen. If you run out of glycogen, and don’t top up with a fresh source of glucose, the body has to look for another way to fuel – which brings us back to those ketones. If your body is reliant on ketones for its main energy source, the body is said to be in ‘ketosis’. The main aim of a true keto diet is to achieve ketosis and stay in it. This can be a lot harder than it sounds; the body will always prefer carbohydrates as its main energy source, so if you eat any significant amount of carbs, you will stop producing ketones.

What is the keto diet?

UNDERSTANDING LOW CARB Many diets claim to be keto, but they’re not; some are very similar though. For example, the Atkins diet now offers a variety of levels. The level aimed at those with a lot of weight to lose allows for 20g of carbs per day, which is pretty much the same as the standard keto diet. However, Atkins progresses you to a higher carb intake (though still lower than the average Western diet), whereas with a keto diet, you maintain your ultra-low-carb intake on an ongoing basis. To eat the ketogenic way, you have to monitor your intake of the three main macronutrients (macros): carbohydrates, protein and fat. The aim is to make sure that over the course of the day, only 5 to 10% of your food intake is made up of carbs (which is somewhere in the region

of 20 to 25 grams of net carbs, but this is dependent on your gender, body weight and energy output). You then need to eat adequate protein of around 15 to 25%; too much will cause the body to convert it to glucose and stop ketosis. The majority of what you eat needs to come from healthy fats, which should make up at least 70% of what you eat, but even up to as much as 90% in some cases. The hardest part of the keto diet is knowing how much of what to eat, so what your macros are. It isn’t the same for everyone, so it’s not as simple as saying: “Eat Xg of carbs and Yg of protein.” We have a whole section dedicated to this later in the book to help you work out your own personal ratios, so you can easily figure out exactly what you should be eating. It

does take some time to get used to, so it’s definitely worth downloading a tracking app like MyFitnessPal or Lose It, as these will enable you to list everything you eat in a day and see your macros. Before you even start the diet, it is worth tracking a typical day’s food and drink intake, as this will give you an idea of how much of a change keto will be for you. As you get used to the diet, you will find the need to track everything lessens. You will naturally start to understand how much you can eat each day. It also helps a lot if you prep and plan your meals in advance for a whole week, so you can do all your maths in one go and then you don’t have to think about it during the week.



WHAT TO EAT ON KETO So, what can you actually eat? It’s quite a departure from the typical Western diet. It’s not uncommon in the UK and USA for more than 50% of our food to be made up of carbs. Most of us eat plenty of fat, but usually the wrong kind, and we don’t always eat enough protein. The focus of this diet is very much on health, so the bulk of what you eat is made up of lean meat, non-starchy vegetables, high-fat dairy products, low-carb fruits, healthy sources of fat, and nuts and seeds. You will still be able to eat protein, but as mentioned, you have to control the amount carefully if you want to achieve true ketosis. When choosing a protein source, you should go for lean meats, grass-fed and organic where possible, and serve them with fatty accompaniments. Oily fish is also worth adding to your menu, as this offers lots of lovely healthy fats. If you don’t eat meat, you can get your protein from other sources such as eggs, full-fat dairy, lentils, tempeh or tofu, and nuts and seeds. The main part of your diet will come from natural fats, some of

which will already be present in your chosen source of protein – meats are a good source of fat already, as are oily fish and eggs. You can also cook your protein in a choice of fats, such as olive oil or coconut oil, or you can add fatty sauces made from butter. Other sources of fat include dairy products, like yogurt and cream, as well as cheeses. What we haven’t mentioned so far are fruits and vegetables. There are plenty of vegetables that you can eat, but you do need to avoid the more carb-heavy ones. As a general rule of thumb, if they are grown below the ground, they are probably off the menu. So say goodbye to potatoes, sweet potatoes and any kind of root veg, plus some starchy above-ground produce like squash or pumpkin. Most other above-ground veg are generally perfect for keto, so fill your plate with loads of spinach, kale, avocados, tomatoes, broccoli, courgettes, green beans… well, you get the idea. Fruit is a little more complicated, as most varieties are full of natural sugars and therefore will break your carb bank pretty quickly. Most fruits are not recommended, but you can have a small amount of berries, such as strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. Beware of blueberries, though, because they have the most

carbs of all the berries, and eating too many can quickly add up to your daily carb allowance. The list of things you shouldn’t eat is pretty common sense. You can’t eat high-carb, processed junk food. You’ll also need to avoid all starchy carbs, like grains, fruit juices and most beans. All forms of sugar should be avoided too, so make sure you know its many names and guises. It’s also best to steer clear of packaged ‘lowcarb’ foods, as these are often lower in carbs than their highcarb alternative, but not low enough to complement a keto diet. Throughout this book, you will find lots of quick and easy meal ideas and recipes, a guide to shopping for keto, tips on preparing food for non-keto members of your






What is the keto diet?


nuts and seeds

Berries and nuts should be enjoyed in moderation


Food pyramids provide a rough visual guide to how much of different food groups we should be eating each day. You’ll notice that the keto pyramid is quite different to that of the standard carbohydrate-based diet.

full-fat dairy and eggs

Meat, fish and keto-friendly veg should make up the majority of your daily intake

Meat and Fish

Oils and low-carb vegetables

family, and much more. Hopefully you’ll be a keto pro by the end!

PHYSICAL BENEFITS No diet would be this popular if it weren’t for the benefits that it can offer you both physically and mentally. Followers of the keto diet are happy to sing its praises, and it’s not uncommon for it to be described as ‘life changing’. One of the main reasons that people start the keto diet is to lose weight. Cutting carbs from your diet will help you to burn fat and drop the weight. You will probably find that you lose a lot of weight very quickly when you start the keto diet, whether that was

your intention or not. This is mostly due to water loss as your body switches to a new fuel source. After this initial drop, your weight loss should even out and become steadier. If you stay on the diet long-term, you should be able to gradually work towards your target weight, and then maintain it. The change in diet and what you are eating is the main reason behind the weight loss. Even though fat has more calories per gram than carbs, fat can make you feel fuller quicker and for

WHEN TO SPEAK TO A DOCTOR Not all diets are suitable for everyone, and before starting keto, if you have any medical concerns you should speak to a doctor. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have (or have had) any of the following conditions, you should definitely seek advice: previous kidney or liver problems, including kidney stones; diabetes; thyroid issues; high blood pressure; high cholesterol. The keto diet may actually help in some of these cases, for example there is some evidence that it can help those with type 2 diabetes, but it is certainly worth a chat with your doctor first so they are aware you are trying a new diet in case of any problems.




longer. You tend to eat just what you need at meals and are less inclined to snack in-between. You won’t have those sudden mid-afternoon cravings and you shouldn’t feel hungry. Over the course of the day, you’ll probably be eating fewer calories just by cutting down on snacking. Losing weight, if you need to, brings its own benefits. Being a healthy weight decreases your risk of certain diseases and conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, some cancers, heart problems and strokes. There are other potential benefits from keto for your body, too. For example, it’s believed that the keto diet can help improve your blood results. Despite previous beliefs that a high-fat diet can raise your cholesterol, causing people to shy away from these kinds of diets, there is now a much



The Keto diet does raise your cholesterol, but the HDL kind – the ‘good’ one. It carries cholesterol to the liver where it can be removed

better understanding of fat. Eating the right fats – healthy fats – can actually help your cholesterol. It does raise your cholesterol, but the HDL kind (high-density lipoprotein), which is the ‘good’ one. HDL carries cholesterol away from your body to the liver where it can be removed as a waste product. The ‘bad’ type is LDL (lowdensity lipoprotein), which takes cholesterol from the liver to other parts of the body, and this is the one you need to keep low. The keto diet is also thought to help lower your blood pressure and your blood sugar levels. There are some lesser-known benefits that have been reported. These are mainly anecdotal and


not currently backed-up by any studies, but interesting to note. For example, people have found that following a keto way of eating has helped with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) conditions. There have also been reports of some women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) finding the diet has been beneficial in helping to manage hormone levels and improve side effects.

OVERALL WELLBEING Not all of the benefits of the diet are linked to the physical body. There are other benefits that can improve your overall mental health and wellbeing, helping you to feel better day to day. A common benefit that is often cited by keto followers is that they feel

What is the keto diet?

KETO SIDEEFFECTS As with any new diet that you’re not used to, there are inevitably some possible side-effects. You may have heard of ‘keto flu’, which is quite a common side effect that most people experience to some degree. This happens at the beginning of the switch to the keto diet, and includes cold-like symptoms,

headaches, and body aches and pains. You may also feel tired, struggle to concentrate and lack energy. This usually happens around three to five days into the diet, and is mainly due to water loss, salt loss and your body switching to a new fuel source. It should pass by itself within a few days. If you’re really struggling, you might need to increase your carbs again and slowly transition into keto rather than go straight to a very low carb intake. During keto flu, you must make sure you are eating enough calories, drinking plenty of water and electrolytes, and allowing your body to rest. Another potential side-effect is dehydration. You need more water on the keto diet,

like a ‘fog’ has been lifted from their mind. It’s not uncommon to find you feel more focused and have better mental clarity after starting the keto diet. While there is no hard evidence, it’s believed this is because eating mainly fats for fuel gives you a more stable energy release. Whereas simple carbohydrates release energy quickly, fat releases energy more slowly, which means you don’t get those peaks and slumps that you may have experienced before. Your blood sugar is far more stable and you’re less likely to feel fatigue after a meal, which in turn can lead to a loss of concentration. You might feel that you have more energy overall. Part of this can simply be due to the fact that you’re fuelling your body with much healthier foods, depending on how your diet was before. You may be eating more vegetables than previously, drinking more water and getting more healthy

and you also need electrolytes to replace lost salts (sodium, magnesium and potassium). If you don’t get enough, you might start to get muscle cramps, headaches or constipation. It is really important to get this right; long-term dehydration or salt deficiency can have more serious effects, such as kidney problems. Most potential sideeffects are not serious and should pass as you continue with the diet, however if you do experience anything unusual or you feel very unwell, it’s worth stopping the diet until you can get advice from a professional.


Be sure to stay hydrated while eating keto

fats, which can all help you to feel more alert and energetic. The body has plenty of fat reserves that it can tap into, so once your body gets good at using ketones for energy and tapping into fat stores, you have a greater amount of available energy, rather than waiting for the next glucose hit. Other possible benefits include better sleep, a reduction in headaches and migraines, and improved memory. It can be worth keeping a journal of how you feel now, and then how you feel each day after beginning the diet. This might help you pinpoint any positive effects you experience, which in turn can motivate you to continue with the diet. As the keto diet is encouraged as part of an overall healthy lifestyle, combined with regular exercise and fresh air, you could start to feel better than ever before! This book has been

designed to help you get to grips with the keto diet, but also to make it as simple as possible to follow. For any diet to be a real success, it needs to fit into your routine simply and easily, so it becomes a way of life.



NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Calories �����������������337 Carbs ������������������ 10.8g Sugars ���������������1.2g Fibre ������������������ 6.4g Net carbs �������� 4.4g Protein ��������������� 10.6g Fat ������������������������30.4g Sat. fat ���������������5.8g Sodium ���������������� 0.4g


Creamy avocado dip with cheesy crackers

Creamy avocado dip with cheesy crackers Prep time: 30 min * cook time: 10-15 min * Chill time: 30 min * Difficulty: medium * Servings: 6

INGREDIENTS For the crackers: * 80 g | 23/4 oz | 3/4 cup Cheddar, grated * 150 g | 51/2 oz | 11/2 cups almond flour * 1/4 tsp salt * 1 large egg, lightly beaten * Cooking spray (such as coconut oil spray) * 2 tsp smoked paprika

For the crackers:


Place the Cheddar cheese in a heatproof bowl and set it over a half-filled saucepan of simmering water, stirring until it has melted; it might not melt evenly but try to stir it together with a spoon.


In the meantime, stir together the almond flour and salt in a large mixing bowl. Add the egg, stirring until it forms a crumbly mixture.


Add the melted Cheddar knead the mixture into an even dough by hand; you may need to squeeze the ingredients together with your fingers to get it to shape into an even dough.


Shape the dough into a ball and wrap it with clingfilm. Chill for 30 minutes.

For the dip: * 2 large ripe avocados * 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil * 1/2 lemon, juiced * 1 clove garlic, minced * 1/2 tsp salt * 1 tsp caraway seeds (optional)

Me thod


Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan) | 350°F | gas 4. Grease and line a large baking tray with greaseproof paper and spritz with some cooking spray.


Turn out the dough onto a sheet of greaseproof paper that’s been sprayed with cooking spray. Pat it down into a disc and cover with with another greased sheet of greaseproof paper.


Roll out the dough into a rough rectangular shape about 1/4cm | 1/8" thick using a rolling pin. Cut into triangles and arrange on the baking tray.

For the dip:


Halve, pit, and peel the avocados. Transfer the flesh to a food processor, adding the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt, and 3 tbsp hot water. to break down the 10 Pulse avocado and then process

on high until smooth and creamy, scraping down the sides as needed.


Turn out into a serving bowl and top with caraway seeds, if using. Serve with the crackers on the side.

Bake until set and golden, 8 about 10-14 minutes.

Remove from the oven and immediately sprinkle with smoked paprika, letting the crackers cool on the tray.



B ee f a n d h a ll ou m i sk ew er s

ficult y: Easy * 15 min * Soak time: 30 min * Dif e: tim k coo min 15 e: tim p Pre *

INGREDIENTS soaked in water rehand befo for 30 minutes steak, trimmed t * 600 g | 11/3 lb fille chunks or s and cut into cube i, cubed oum hall * 200 g | 200 oz oil * 2 tbsp avocado * 1 tsp dried avocado es * 1/2 tsp red chilli flak oil olive rgin * 2 tbsp extra-vi wax ow * 250 g | 9 oz yell beans or green beans, trimmed diced * 1 shallot, finely ry tomatoes, sliced cher * 150 g | 51/3 oz or white gar, * 2 tbsp cider vine wine vinegar roughly chopped * 4 - 5 chive stalks, l leaves, torn basi * 1 small handful nd black pepper grou Salt and freshly

* 4 wooden skewers,



Met hod 1

Preheat the grill or a barbecue to a hot temperature; if using coals for the barbecue, wait until they turn white. Soak the skewers in water.


Thread the steak and halloumi onto the wooden skewers, bookending the skewers with the steak pieces.


Rub with avocado oil and season with dried oregano, chilli flakes, and plenty of salt and pepper.


Place on the barbecue or under the grill, until the steak is ing cook golden-brow n and firm to the touch with a slight spring, turning occasionally, about 8-10 minutes.

Servings: 4


In the meantime, gent ly warm the olive oil in a sautĂŠ or frying pan set over a medium heat. Add the wax beans, shallot, along with a pinch of salt and a splash of water.


Cover with a lid and cook until the beans are just tender to the tip of a knife, about 4-5 minutes.


Remove from the heat and remove the lid. in Stir the cherry tomatoes, vinegar, herbs, and some salt and pepper to taste.


Remove the skewers when ready and let them rest under aluminium foil for at least 5 minutes before serv ing with the salad on the side.

Beef and halloumi skewers

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Calories �����������������653 Carbs ���������������������5.4g Sugars ��������������� 2.3g Fibre �������������������1.6g Net carbs ���������3.8g Protein ��������������� 39.7g Fat �������������������������51.1g Sat. fat ������������ 12.0g Sodium �����������800mg



Turkey meatballs with peppers Prep time: 20-25 min * cook time: 25-30 min * Difficulty: easy * Servings: 4 Can be frozen


INGREDIENTS * 600 g | 11/3 lb turkey mince * 2 large eggs * 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped, divided * 1 tsp dried oregano * 2 tbsp avocado oil * 1 red pepper, cored, deseeded, and chopped

1 2

Preheat the oven to 190°C (170° fan) | 375°F | gas 5

In a mixing bowl, scrunch together the turkey mince, eggs, one-third of the chopped garlic, and the dried oregano with 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp black pepper. Divide and shape into about 12 meatballs.



* 1 yellow pepper, cored, deseeded, and chopped

* 400 g | 14 oz tinned chopped tomatoes

* 1 small handful flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped

* Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Me thod

Heat the oil in a casserole dish set over a medium heat. Add the peppers, remaining garlic, and a pinch of salt, sweating until the peppers have softened, about 5 minutes.


Stir in the chopped tomatoes, 250 ml water, and some salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer, stirring, and then pour into a casserole dish. Arrange the meatballs in the sauce.

Calories ���������������� 490 Carbs ���������������������7.0g Sugars �������������� 5.0g Fibre �������������������1.2g Net carbs ���������5.8g Protein ��������������� 45.8g Fat ������������������������ 29.6g Sat. fat ���������������6.9g Sodium �����������800mg


Bake in the oven until the meatballs are cooked through and the sauce has thickened slightly, which should take about 25-30 minutes or so.


Remove from the oven and season to taste with salt and pepper as needed. Leave to stand for 5 minutes before serving with a garnish of chopped parsley.

Turkey meat balls with peppers



Scampi diabolique with courgetti Prep time: 25 min * cook time: 25 min * Difficulty: Easy * Servings: 4

INGREDIENTS * 2 courgettes * 4 tbsp avocado oil * 600 g | 11/3 oz fresh prawns, peeled and

deveined, with tails intact * 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped * 2 red chillies, seeded and finely chopped * 2 tsp paprika * 1 cayenne pepper

* 1 tbsp tomato purée * 200 ml | 63/4 fl oz | 3/4 cup + 1 tbsp double cream * 200 ml | 63/4 fl oz | 3/4 cup + 1 tbsp fish stock, or vegetable stock * 1 handful coriander, to garnish * Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Method 1

Trim the ends from the courgettes and then cut them into sections.


Feed them onto a spiraliser, turning the handle to create strands. Gather in a steaming basket and cover with a lid.


Heat the oil in a sauté pan set over a high heat until hot. Add the prawns and some salt and pepper to taste, sautéing until just pink, about 2 minutes. Remove to a plate.



Reduce the heat to medium before stirring in the garlic and chillies. Cook for about 2-3 minutes, or until softened, then add the spices.


Cook for a further minute or so before stirring in the tomato purée. Cook and stir until the purée darkens in colour, about 1 minute.


Whisk in the cream and stock. Bring to the boil, whisking well, then remove from the heat.


Steam the courgette over a half-filled saucepan of simmering water until just tender, about 3 minutes.


As the courgette steams, return the prawns to the sauce, cooking over a moderate heat until cooked through, about 2 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.


Divide the prawns, sauce, and courgette between bowls. Garnish with coriander and serve straight away.

Scampi diabolique with courget ti

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Calories ���������������� 486 Carbs ��������������������� 7.8g Sugars ���������������3.5g Fibre �������������������1.4g Net carbs �������� 6.4g Protein ��������������� 32.5g Fat ������������������������ 35.6g Sat. fat ������������ 14.1g Sodium �����������900mg




Baked goat cheese & apricot salad

Ba ke d go at che ese & ap ric ot sal ad Prep time: 20 min cook time: 20-30 min Difficulty: Easy * *

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Calories ���������������� 369 Carbs ���������������������7.0g Sugars ���������������1.7g Fibre �������������������1.7g Net carbs ���������5.3g Protein ����������������11.7g Fat ������������������������ 33.9g Sat. fat �������������11.8g Sodium �����������600mg

1 2

INGREDIENTS * 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped * 100 ml | 31/2 fl oz | scant 1/2 cup

extra-virgin olive oil 1 * handful flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped * 1 large courgette * 2 goat’s cheese rounds, ~85 g | 3 oz each * 2 fresh ripe apricots, halved and pitted * 150 g | 51/3 oz mixed leaf salad * Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Me thod Preheat the oven to 180°C (160° fan) | 350°F | gas 4.

Gently warm together the garlic and olive oil with a pinch of salt and pepper in a small saucepan set over a medium heat, for about 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.


Pour into a glass or mixing bowl and stir in the chopped parsley. Set aside until needed.


* Servings: 4

Trim the ends of the courgette. Slice into long, thin ribbons using a mandoline set to a thin setting. Alternatively, use a peeler to create the ribbons.


Use the courgette ribbons to wrap the cheese rounds, overlapping and interweaving to secure them as needed.


Arrange on a baking tray, placing the apricot halves around the goat’s cheese parcels, cut side down.


Bake the parcels and apricots until the cheese is starting to melt and the apricots are slightly caramelised, about 20-30 minutes. Remove from the oven when ready.


Divide between plates along with the salad leaves and spoon over the dressing before serving.



Chocolate and cherry cupcakes Prep time: 20-25 min cook time: 20-25 min * Difficulty: Easy * Servings: 8

INGREDIENTS For the cupcakes: * 100 g | 31/2 oz | 1 cup almond flour * 40 g | 11/2 oz | 1/4 cup ground flaxseed * 11/2 tbsp coconut flour * 2 tsp baking powder * 1/2 tsp xanthan gum * 1/2 tsp salt * 120 g | 41/4 oz | 1 stick unsalted butter, softened * 4 tbsp double cream * 80 g | 3 oz | 3/4 cup cocoa powder * 125 g | 41/2 oz | 2/3 cup granulated stevia * 4 large eggs, at room temperature

Can be frozen

For the but tercream: * 2 tbsp cocoa powder * 50 g | 13/4 oz | 1/4 cup granulated stevia * 175 g | 61/4 oz | 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened * 2 tbsp double cream * 8 cherries, with stems attached

Method For the cupcakes:


Preheat the oven to 180°C (160° fan) | 350°F | gas 4. Line a 12-hole cupcake tin with eight cupcake cases.


Mix together the almond flour, ground flaxseed, coconut flour, baking powder, xanthan gum, and salt in a mixing bowl.


In a separate heatproof bowl, combine the butter, cream, and cocoa powder. Set the bowl over a half-filled saucepan of simmering water, whisking until evenly melted and smooth. Set off the heat for 5 minutes.


Whisk the sweetener into the melted butter mixture, followed by the eggs, one by one. Thoroughly whisk in the flour mixture until a smooth batter comes together.


Divide the batter between the cupcake cases, gently rapping the tin on a flat surface to help settle them.



Bake until risen and set, about 20-25 minutes, rotating the tin halfway through baking; a toothpick should come out virtually clean from the centres when ready. Remove to a wire rack to cool in the tin.

For the but tercream:


Pulse together the cocoa powder and sweetener in a food processor until fine and powdery.


Gradually stir together the cocoasweetener mixture and butter in a mixing bowl until just combined. Add the cream and beat well until smooth and thick, about 2-3 minutes.



Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a star-shaped piping tip. Pipe swirls on top of the cupcakes and decorate with cherries before serving.

Chocolat e and cherry cupcakes

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Calories �����������������473 Carbs ������������������ 15.2g Sugars ������������� 2.4g Fibre �������������������7.0g Net carbs ����������8.2g Protein ����������������� 9.4g Fat ������������������������ 43.5g Sat. fat ������������ 24.9g Sodium �����������600mg



NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Calories ���������������� 330 Carbs ������������������������ 6g Sugars ������������������ 2g Fibre ����������������������4g Net carbs ������������ 2g Protein ��������������������� 7g Fat ����������������������������33g Sat. fat ������������ 13.3g Sodium ����������� 240mg



Key lime pie Prep time: 20 min * baking time: 25 min * Difficulty: Medium * Servings: 10

Can be frozen

INGREDIENTS FOR THE CRUST: * 100 g | 31/2 oz | 3/4 cup ground pecans * 100 g | 31/2 oz | 3/4 cup ground flaxseed * A pinch sea salt * 1 tbsp granulated sweetener * 115g | 4oz | 1 stick butter, melted

FOR THE FILLING: * 240 ml | 8 fl oz | 1 cup double cream,

plus extra to top * 3 tbsp sweetener (to taste) * 6 eggs * 100 ml | 3 fl oz | 1/2 cup lime juice * 4 tbsp lime zest, plus extra, to decorate



Preheat the oven to 120°C (100°C fan) | 225°F | gas 1.


Mix the ground pecans, flaxseed, sweetener, vanilla and melted butter together, and press the mixture into the bottom and up the sides of a 23cm | 9” pie tin. A springform tin is ideal for this. Use the back of a spoon to make it as compact as possible.



Pour the cream into a saucepan and warm over a medium heat, then add the sweetener and stir.


Next, beat the eggs using an electric whisk until they are fluffy and start pouring the lime juice in slowly. The chemical reaction from the lime juice will cause the mixture to thicken slightly.


Once the cream starts boiling, remove it from the heat and – while continuing to whisk – slowly start adding the egg mixture.


Return the pan to the heat for a few minutes, but don’t let it boil. in the lime zest and 8 Mix pour the cream into your

pie crust. Pop the pie in the oven at 150°C (130°C fan) | 300°F | gas mark 2 and bake for 15 minutes.


Leave to cool completely, top with some more whipped cream (optional) and decorate with freshly grated lime zest.


Bake the crust in the oven for 10 minutes, until it begins to turn golden. Remove it from the oven and then leave it to cool completely.



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