History Of War 39 (Sampler)

Page 1

“I did it to protect my country” Battle of britain ace


Black duke

Scourge OF THE incas Spain’s Conquest

German hero of the napoleonic wars

of the New world


America goes to war PLUS:

Frontline surgery ✪ Battle of Spion Kop ✪ Medal of Honor hero ✪

How the pledge of ‘America First’ was betrayed in the carnage of the Western Front

CHIEFTAiN MK10 Inside the UK's WORLDbeating main battle tank

myanmar in chaos

From crazed dictatorship to destructive insurgency

Second Boer war

How guerrilla militias took on the might of an empire

Battle of Courtrai

Uncover the frenzied melee of the flanders rebellion

Issue 039

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Welcome to issue 39


Contributors Tom Garner

This month Tom sat down with pilot ace Wing Commander Paul Farnes, who reveals his experiences of combat during the Battle of Britain, as well as why the Hurricane was the superior aircraft (page 28).

“The day has come when America is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured” – President Woodrow Wilson, 2 April, 1917


ot long ago I was sifting through issues of The War Illustrated, Britain’s weekly magazine produced during WWI and WWII. The profundity of reading a publication 100 years old was not lost on me, so I’m delighted that one of those issues has now inspired this publication, a century later. In 1917, the USA finally broke its neutrality and entered WWI – a major event for the country and the world. In June that year, The War Illustrated’s cover featured an unnamed Texan volunteering in France, who upon hearing the news his country was at war, unfurled ‘Old Glory’ and charged

Marc Desantis

the enemy trenches at Vimy Ridge. This issue is dedicated to him and all those brave Americans who fought and died so far from home.

For those with an interest in all things brutal and Medieval, Marc takes you back to the pivotal Battle of the Golden Spurs, where sturdy Flemish rebels faced off against heavily armoured French knights (page 38).

Mike Haskew

Commemorating the centenary of the USA’s entry into WWI, Mike takes a look at the journey from isolation to armed action, as well as the stories of the first Americans to fight on the Western Front (page 46).

Tim Williamson Editor

Email frontline@futurenet.com






American soldiers take aim with a 37mm M1916 gun, which was deployed to counter enemy machine-gun nests


issue 39

Hurricane ACE THE

28 Pilot ace Paul Farnes discusses his experiences of air combat during the Battle of Britain


The Second Boer War 14

When the British Empire looked to dominate the Boer states, it sparked a brutally modern conflict

16 How the war unfolded

Imperial troops faced several crushing setbacks on their campaign to subdue the African states

18 Battle of Spion Kop

This clash pitched a compromised British force against well-prepared Boer guerrillas

20 Head to Head

Far from home, Canadian mounted infantry met a formidable foe in the Boer commandos

24 Weapons of the Boer War

22 The original concentration camps? The British deployed a cruel strategy to gain victory In this modern conflict, some of the most cuttingedge arms were deployed by both sides

26 Heroes and commanders

Leaders from all nations distinguished themselves both in the field and around the negotiating table


76 Never miss an issue, get your History Of War before it’s in the shops and save a bundle while you’re at it


the battle of GOLDEN SPURS

38 Flemish rebels face impossible odds against a horde of formidable, and heavily armoured, French knights


06 War in Focus

Stunning imagery from throughout history

28 The Hurricane ace

Veteran pilot Paul Farnes talks about life and death fighting in the Battle of Britain

38 Great Battles Golden Spurs

A superior French army marches to crush a force of seemingly weak Flemish rebels

46 America goes to war

Discover what led the USA into WWI and the first clashes of American troops

58 Scourge of the Inca

Explore how Francisco Pizarro carved out a fortune through brutal conquest

66 Medal of honor heroes Francis Brownell

In the opening shots of Civil War, one young Zouave volunteer became a national hero

70 Briefing Myanmar’s insurgency

From colony to dictatorship, discover the origins of Burma’s modern chaos

America goes war TO

46 How the USA turned from isolation to the carnage of the Western Front

Scourge of the inca 58 Explore Francisco Pizarro’s ruthless conquest of South America

78 Operator’s Handbook Chieftain Mk10

Take a look inside the United Kingdom’s formidable main battle tank

84 The Black Brunswickers

How one German duchy resisted Napoleon

92 Reviews

A look at the latest military history titles awaiting you on the shelves

98 Artefact of War 17th century bullet extractor A primitive but life-saving surgical tool


70 Chaotic roots of the modern military state 5


Total war

Taken: 12 February 1987 A young Iranian boy stands to attention in front of a group of parading female volunteers at a rally in Tehran. Lasting from 1980-88, the Iran-Iraq War infamously featured tactics and technology that were more reminiscent of the Great War, including mass infantry trenches and even chemical weapons.


© Getty






Flogger wreck Taken: c.May 2011

© Getty

The burnt-out shell of a MiG-23, code-name ‘Flogger’, lies on a Libyan runway after a NATO air strike. Despite being decades out of date, the Flogger was still widely deployed by the Libyan Air Force and posed a real threat to forces opposing Muammar Gaddafi’s government before the NATOenforced No Fly Zone.



Screaming eagles in the LZ Taken: 8 June 1968

Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division deploy from a Huey while on operations north west of Dak To, South Vietnam. Among the most prestigious divisions in the US Army, the 101st had existed in one form or another since WWI, but during the Vietnam war was re-designated as an airmobile division to reflect the change in infantry tactics prompted by the conflict.


© Alamy




Heavy flak at sky rock Taken: 23 November 1942

An anti-aircraft gun opens fire during a nighttime raid on Helsinki, Taivaskallio Park – which translates into English as Sky Rock, or White Rock. Though Finland’s capital largely escaped the heavy air raids experienced by other major European cities, in 1944 it suffered severe damage during what became known as the Great Raids.


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