Lifestyle Bookazine 3870 (Sampler)

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Digital Edition





We all need to take a mindful moment or two at some point each day, and if 2020 taught us anything, it was that our wellbeing should be our top priority – always. Mindful You is here to help you escape the everyday and prompt you to start seriously thinking about your wellbeing and mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness is a great way to keep well and help you process the stresses of everyday life. If your get up and go has got up and gone then we have expert advice for you. Discover how to boost your mood, find happiness and re-energise, as well as how to rediscover the real you. While mindfulness is often a solo pursuit, we discuss the benefits of sharing it with your partner to strengthen your connection. Learn why self care is so important and what to consider when creating a dedicated space for your mindful activities. If that wasn’t enough, we will explore a more conscious way of eating and have included a series of recipes packed with delicious superfoods. This bookazine explores mindfulness in a simple and accessible way – you’ll be able to easily adopt the tips and techniques and feel amazing as a result.

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CONTENTS 8 Finding peace in a chaotic world

Here’s how simplifying can bring back peace and clarity

10 One-minute wellness Boost your health even when you are short on time!

14 The joy of keeping it simple


Lessons we’ve learned after a year that disrupted us all

16 It’s time to re-energise!


Boost your get up and go when it has got up and gone

20 Soothe your stress Deal with everyday angst by changing your mindset

24 If you do one thing... Listen more!


Lots of issues in life can be solved by listening better

26 Find your happy place Try one of the many new ways to find your inner zen

30 The power of touch We explore the health benefits of the body’s pressure points

42 Mindful eating made easy This simple way of eating might transform your relationship with food

46 Supercharge your meals Eat the best food possible and feel great as a result

34 If you only do one thing... 52 Is it time you did nothing? Now might just be the moment to Say ‘I love you’ hit pause… Three small words that hold a whole lot of power

36 Grow & strengthen relationships Consider the positives for mindfulness together

40 Find the right massage for you Feeling run down? A massage might be just what you need!

56 Let’s go outside A daily dose of nature is essential for our health and wellbeing

60 Put pen to paper Give yourself time to practise journaling

66 Make your space work for you Organise a space just for you





70 If you only do one thing... Surrender your screen Put down your phone and take care of your eyes

72 Could colour be the cure? Immerse yourself in the right tones for an enhanced wellbeing

76 Find your dream routine Routines are good for you!

80 Breathe yourself better We’ll investigate if you really can breathe yourself better

84 Creativity matters Learn to let go and create – everyone can do it!

90 Making the workday mindful Turn off auto-pilot and learn to work consciously

94 Beat brain overload Is your brain suffering?


98 10 surprising benefits of sleep Did you know about these lesserknown gains of good rest?


102 If you only do one thing... Beware blue light The blue light emitted from your tech can be quite harmful

104 Find your true self Rediscover your individual identity for a happy and purposeful life

108 Self-care isn’t selfish! Looking after yourself is so important for physical and mental health

112 If you only do one thing... Stop being so cynical! It’s easy to get lost on cynicism – let’s mindfully rethink

114 Wake up your mind and body Start your day in a positive way with this yoga sequence

118 Wellness around the world Wellness trends from all corners of the globe

122 Healthy houseplants Invest in the right plants

126 Find your way back to you Learn to restore yourself


Finding peace in a


Do you regularly feel overwhelmed, stressed and like you’re doing too much? Here’s how simplifying can bring back peace and clarity to your life. By Sarah Ewing





It’s time to

RE-ENERGISE! Our favourite health experts reveal their secrets for boosting your get-up-andgo, when it’s got and up and gone...


adly there’s no magic pill that will take you from sluggish to sprightly. A sugar rush or caffeine jolt can give a quick fix, but it’s proven that maintaining high-energy is all about balancing well-being. But as these experts have learned, there are tricks you can try for both long term and instant energy...

RECHARGE Lisa Artis, head of The Sleep Council ‘I’ve learned that sleep is not a passive process, that during restorative sleep we make sense of our days and detox. We’re eager to believe that sleeping one hour less gives us one more hour of productivity but in reality, it’s likely to do the opposite. We need sleep to function, both physically and mentally. It regulates mood, improves memory and maintains health, weight and energy. If sleep deprivation mounts up, I get sleepy during the day, feel lethargic, find decision-making difficult, make more mistakes, have a shorter temper and slower reflexes.’

Sleep solutions for all-day energy ✢ GET REGULAR Our bodies thrive on routine, so establish a fixed bedtime and a time to get up – and stick to it.

✢ FLING OPEN THE CURTAINS Natural light resets the internal body clock and is effective, even on a cloudy or grey day. ‘Exposure to morning light helps me get over that groggy feeling when waking and makes me more alert,’ says Lisa. ✢ NAP IF YOU NEED TO An energising power nap works if you’re feeling particularly fatigued – just don’t make it a substitute for quality sleep at night. ‘A 20-minute nap can provide as much energy as two cups of strong coffee but the effects are longer lasting. It turns off the nervous system and recharges the whole body,’ says Lisa.

✢ DITCH THE NIGHTCAP Alcohol may help you relax and fall asleep quicker, but it interrupts sleep patterns. ‘By losing valuable sleep and having vital brain functions disrupted,


you’ll wake up feel drained, groggy, and often with a headache,’ says Lisa.

✢ WIND DOWN WELL Give yourself an hour before bedtime to sufficiently de-stress. ‘Do things that you find relaxing whether that’s a warm bath, reading, listening to music. Write down any worries, thoughts or to-do’s in a notepad,’ suggest Lisa.

MONDAY Unsurprisingly, this is the day on which Brits report having the least amount of energy.*


We can sometimes struggle to articulate what it is that is really bothering us about a situation, but by giving ourselves space and time to practise journaling we can often hit that painful nerve


f you find mindfulness a tricky habit to develop, give journaling a try. In short you’re writing down your thoughts and feelings in a mindful fashion, keeping an eye on your emotions and triggers. We can use journaling to reflect on our behaviours and solve anything that keeps reoccurring.

WHY JOURNAL? Journaling is on a par with meditation as you’re tapping into that deep part of your psyche that may be drowned out by the noisier distractions in our heads. You’re giving yourself a quiet moment to ‘be’ and look inwards.

SO MANY USES! We can use journaling as a management tool for the stresses that modern life throws at us. Journals can be used to manage your workload and organise your thoughts and ‘to dos’, as well as calm yourself by dispassionately analysing your day. Journaling isn’t just the preserve of teenagers in their bedrooms! You’re also training your brain by using both hemispheres of your brain at one time; the right side to feel creatively and the left side to work rationally. There are also so many different styles of journaling practice to try, so don’t feel constrained to one – or if one type doesn’t ‘stick’ start a new blank page and try again! Check out some of the options on the following pages.





Gratitude journaling is a way of reflecting and taking stock of what you’re thankful for in your life. These things can be life changing or minuscule in detail but it’s important as you are essentially rewiring your viewpoint, by looking at your life in a positive way. If we think hard on the people and events in our life that we are grateful for, we may find ourselves becoming less materialistic – we’re realising that the things we usually value (materially) aren’t what make the world go around! Allow the gratitude you practise in your journal to spill into your life.

Dreaming is a little like unconscious mindfulness, our brains process our past in a subjective way, filing it all away. Annoyingly, we often forget our dreams as soon as we wake. Writing a dream journal can help improve our dream memory skills and you may find that after a period of dream journaling your dream memory becomes stronger. Try to write your dreams down as soon as you wake up to catch all the details. You can then use a dream dictionary to find reoccurring themes or try to work out your own personal meanings.



Try to use your journaling time to reflect on the positive things in your life. When we drill down we can find that under the surface there is a lot to be happy about. When things go wrong in life it is important to look for the silver linings. There is no point in practising positivity in your writing if you still expect everything to go wrong when you wake every morning! Remember, use the power of positive thinking; like attracts like!








If the idea of a blank page fills you with dread, help is at hand. Journaling has become really popular over recent years, and for many people prompted journals are a great place to start. These journals guide you through the process and can keep you accountable and focussed. The wide range of prompted journals also cater for many specific types and kinds of journal-ers – from teens to people looking to be more mindful. There is no standard prompted journal, as the ‘right’ choice for you may not be the same for everyone. Keep in mind what you want to get out of journaling when looking for a prompted journal. Take a look at reviews to check the tone and commitment level before you buy.


Making the work day




So many of us start our work days on autopilot, and this pattern doesn’t end until we pack up for home time


t’s easy to spend the whole day at work being distracted by the sheer amount of stuff you have to do. You might have found yourself bouncing from one task to another, ‘multitasking’, but never feeling like you really got anything done. While working on mindfulness for yourself, don’t forget to include it in your work life too. Mindfulness is all about being fully present and focused on the now; we can teach ourselves how to work consciously and be more productive

(not to mention more satisfied!). Essentially, you’re training your attention span, and the daily exercise of this makes your brain stronger and more resilient. When we work more mindfully, we can also find more opportunities to think creatively and ask curious questions, which has the brilliant side effect of making us feel more motivated. One of the key tenants of mindfulness is treating oneself with kindness. It is all too easy to beat yourself up at work over missed deadlines or work that you might not consider your best. Take time to reflect and learn, non-judgementally, about how you respond at work. Listen to that negative voice and take time to question it. Instead of spiraling into anger or sadness, work on growing and changing instead.


Don’t pressure yourself and rush into decisions at work

TIPS & TRICKS FOR APPLYING MINDFULNESS AT WORK Work is often the component of the week with the fewest number of mindfulness opportunities. Take another look and see where you can switch up your routine

CLEAN SPACE, CLEAN MIND Work can be stressful, and stress can make your life seem impossible to live. If you make your environment as stress-free as possible, you can reduce the unnecessary stresses you encounter. Your workplace might have a clean desk policy, which helps protect sensitive data, but clutter can also stop you from doing your job as productively as possible. Start by removing everything (that you can) from your desk, throw away rubbish securely, and wipe down all your surfaces. Use a spray with a pleasant scent. When rearranging your desk, take your time and consider what the essentials really are. Distractions on your desk actively hamper your focus. File the things that you don’t need easy and quick access to – you’ll feel (and actually be) more organised! Block out

time annually to review your paper files to ensure you’re keeping the information that helps you with your work.


The aim of mindfulness isn’t to empty your mind completely, but rather to enable yourself to be more present in the current moment. Assist yourself in doing this by planning your day (as


meticulously as you need) to avoid distraction when it comes to work time. We’ve all experienced a day when the top-tier tasks on the to-do list just don’t get done because you’re ‘fighting little fires’ as they pop up. By planning our days, we can prevent these little fires from cropping up in the future, and feel more productive by allocating time to the tasks that matters. Try to make this planning part of your daily routine; sit at your desk, breathe, ground yourself and ask yourself what the most important priority is and how can you achieve it. In a way, you’re also setting an intention for the day. Make this a ritual and you’re set up for good.


Fueling you body correctly is another mindful choice we can make every day. Help yourself make the right choices at work by prepping your breakfasts and lunches the night before. Look for colourful food full of vitamins and minerals. Mindful eating is based in meditation and helps you to recognise what your body and emotions are really telling you. You work hard at being present in the moment, rather than being distracted or focusing on that next task you need to do. When we eat mindfully, we should work at noticing the whole experience – the way the empty bowl feels in our hands, the temperature of the food straight out of the fridge, not to mention the range of textures and tastes we experience every meal time! Take a quiet moment, away from your desk, next time you eat to practice mindful eating; take it slowly and without distractions.

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