Misc Bookazine 2664 (Sampler)

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complete meal plan


Fast, simple recipes

Quick & Easy

Keto Diet 30

low-carb, high-fat recipes

Learn to plan meals

How to get into ketosis

first edition

Digital Edition

Advice for eating out and food on the go

breakfasts • sweet treats • snacks • lunches • main meals • & more

quick & easy keto diet

Often bodybuilders will use a carbcycling approach to the keto diet to help them prepare for competition

Types of keto diet There are a few variants of the keto diet, with important differences. Read on to find out which one is right for you


ou might think that there is only one diet called ‘keto’, but actually it’s almost an umbrella term for a range of diets. All of the plans follow the low-carb formula, but they are slightly changed to suit different lifestyles. There are three main versions of the keto diet, as well as one further adaption to the standard diet. You may also come across other keto-centred diets on the internet, but they usually fall into one of these basic categories.

(www.myfitnesspal.com), you can input your target percentages, as well as your personal details, and this will calculate the macros in grams for you. The standard keto diet is the one that we use throughout this book. There is a variant on the standard keto approach that is sometimes categorised as another version of keto in its own right. It is a slightly higher-protein version that changes the ratios to 60 per cent fat, 35 per cent protein and 5 per cent net carbs. This is usually only used by those who lift weights on a very regular basis. Too much protein could affect your chance of reaching ketosis.

Classic keto The classic ketogenic diet is probably where you will start off on your keto journey. It is often referred to as the SKD, Standard Keto Diet. This is the one that is normally referred to as the keto diet, particularly when it comes to wanting to lose weight. The standard keto diet normally follows these ratios for food intake: 75 per cent fat, 20 per cent protein and 5 per cent net carbs. These percentages will equate to a certain number of grams of fat, protein and carbs, which is dependent on your height and weight. If you use a tracking app like MyFitnessPal

A targeted approach This is a more advanced version of the ketogenic diet, the targeted ketogenic diet (TKD). You eat broadly the same percentage values as the standard keto diet, but you eat your carbohydrate intake at a specific time of day, rather than spread out over all of your meals. Normally, if you’re interested in the targeted approach, you are already familiar with the keto diet



For most people who undertake a normal level of exercise the standard ketogenic diet is perfectly suited

You will need to learn how to measure the net carbs in all of your food to make the right keto choices

What do we mean by ‘net’ carbs? To complicate matters when you’re first starting out on the keto diet, the carbs you are measuring are ‘net’ carbs, which is not always the same as the ‘carbohydrate’ value that you read on the back of a packet of food. Net carbs are what is left when you deduct the value of carbohydrates from fibre sources. Total carbohydrates – Carbohydrates from fibre = Net carbohydrates

and have some experience with it. You need to know what the right amount of carbs is for your body to maintain ketosis, and this takes practice. This diet is used by people who want to follow keto and maximise their exercise performance. The idea is that you eat most of your carb ratio in one meal, about 30-60 minutes before a planned exercise session. This gives your body easy access to an instant fuel source, which helps you power through your workout. Your workout will then, in theory, burn through the carbs during the session so that the larger intake of carbs doesn’t interrupt your ketosis. You need to be careful what carbs you eat on this approach. Anything too sugary could leave you with digestive issues when you exercise soon afterwards. Instead, you need to pick something that is easily digestible. Once you have completed your workout, you want a high-protein meal without too much fat to aid muscle recovery.

This is calculated because carbs from fibre are not processed into glucose in the same way as starch or sugar. Fibre is also a very important part of a healthy diet and digestive system, and your body needs it. It can take a bit of getting used to, but once you start to get the hang of the keto diet, this will become second nature and help you reach you goal of ketosis.

The majority of the time, you would follow the standard ketogenic diet, with the normal ratios. This equates to approximately 20-50 grams of carbohydrates per day. For most people, this would be followed either five or six days every week. Then, on the one to two high-carb days, you would eat a huge amount of carbs, somewhere in the region of 450-600 grams per day, looking for a percentage value of around 50 per cent. This is called ‘carb-loading’. Like the targeted approach, this is a version of keto used by athletes. However, the targeted approach, detailed above, is for people who work out frequently, but want to maintain their muscle glycogen at a moderate levels. You eat your carbs before exercise so that you can give your best to the workout. The cyclic ketogenic diet gives you long periods of ketosis before the carb intake, which should completely deplete muscle glycogen so that it can be fully restored on high-carb days. It’s more often used by those who compete at a high level.

High-level keto The next level is called the cyclical ketogenic diet. This is not suitable for most people and certainly not beginners to the diet. It is used by experienced athletes who are very in tune with their own bodies. It is often used by bodybuilders, as it helps to burn fat very fast, while also building lean muscle mass. It’s a structured cycle of eating that changes from high-carb days to low-carbs days, giving followers an injection of carbohydrates when they need it. It does take a lot of experience with the diet to figure out how this could work with your exercise program and body type.


quick & easy keto diet

Benefits of a keto diet There are many reported benefits to undertaking a keto lifestyle – here is a rundown of what positive effects you can expect


f you’re thinking about undertaking a ketogenic diet, then you’re on your way to a whole new lifestyle. The diet comes with a huge list of potential benefits, such as better blood results, weight loss, improved wellbeing, enhanced mental clarity and focus, and more. The high fat intake of the diet has led to it being branded as ‘unhealthy’, with many believing that eating too much fat can directly be linked with an increase in heart-disease factors and cholesterol levels. This, in turn, saw a rise in low-fat diets hitting the headlines. In more modern studies, however, low-carb eating has been found to be healthy and beneficial. While eating lots of processed foods and unhealthy fats isn’t going to do you any good, the keto diet promotes eating well-balanced meals, packed with healthy fats, which makes a huge difference. Here we will explore the key benefits of the keto diet.

people are attracted to the diet in the first place. It promises an initial rapid weight loss, following by a sustainable steady weight loss until you reach a healthy weight for your body. It then helps you maintain this healthy weight while you continue your new lifestyle. Losing weight, if you need to, in itself promotes many health benefits. By being a healthy weight, you are less at risk of heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, Type 2 diabetes and some brain-related conditions too. For most people, losing weight is not the hard part, but keeping it off is. If you want to keep all the above benefits of being a healthy weight, you need to sustain it long-term. The keto diet helps here – the reliance on high-fat foods and adequate protein makes you feel fuller for longer. A diet that relies on carbs, can leave you on a rollercoaster of feeling hungry in-between meals, which is what can cause cravings and in turn failure to stick to a diet. As you are feeling fuller for longer and no longer reliant on carbs for energy, you are less likely to need to snack between your meals or make bad food choices due to hunger.

Weight loss There’s no denying that weight loss is a primary benefit of the keto diet. It is the reason that most

Losing weight is common on the keto diet, and that in itself brings about many health benefits, reducing your risk of certain diseases


benefits of a keto diet

No more mid-afternoon slump at work! The keto diet can help stabilise your energy levels and prevent a post-lunch energy drop

Healthy heart

heart disease, as it can thicken the walls of your arteries, causing a stroke or heart attack. High triglyceride levels can sometimes be associated with Type 2 diabetes, thyroid problems and liver disease. Keeping your triglyceride levels under control helps you to stay healthy. This involves eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and reducing your consumption of sugary, simple carbs. The keto diet ticks these boxes, and therefore helps to lower triglycerides. The keto diet may also reduce your

For years people believed that a high-fat diet would have a negative impact on your blood cholesterol levels, however this isn’t strictly true. To understand a little more about this, you need to understand what cholesterol is. Your body naturally has both cholesterol and lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are designed to carry the cholesterol around your body, and they contain both fat and protein. There are many different necessary lipoproteins, but the two most relevant ones here are called low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and highdensity lipoproteins (HDL). LDL is the one that we don’t want to have too much of. This molecule carries cholesterol from the liver into the rest of the body, where it can cause damage. You need to try and stay healthy to keep LDL levels low, in balance with your HDL levels. HDL does the opposite: it carries cholesterol away from the body to the liver, where it can be used or turned into waste product and expelled. We need a healthy high level of HDL to maximise this process, which in turn reduces our risk of heart disease. In order to boost your HDL levels, you need to be eating good, healthy sources of fat. The keto diet focuses on these types of fats. The diabetes community Diabetes.co.uk, states that a diet high in carbohydrates is likely to increase cholesterol levels and that a low-carb or ketogenic diet is proven to boost healthy HDL levels. The other important factor in the cholesterol equation is your triglyceride levels. These are usually measured at the same time as cholesterol. These are another form of blood lipid, or blood fat, molecules. A high level of triglycerides increases your risk of

When to ask a doctor While most of us can follow the keto diet with no problems, there are times when you should seek a medical opinion before undertaking any form of new diet, including the keto diet. The following groups of people are not advised to follow the keto diet without seeking medical advice: • • • • • • • •


Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics Anyone with a history of kidney problems Anyone with liver or pancreatic problems Those with rare medical conditions, like muscular dystrophy Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive Anyone with a history of eating disorders Children aged under 18 Anyone on prescription medication

quick & easy keto diet



Good foods for keto We explore the best foods to include in your diet for your new keto lifestyle, as well as an overview of what’s definitely off the menu 26



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10 good foods for keto

1. Meat and poultry Most of your meals are likely to be based on meat or poultry, so buy the best that you can afford. Ideally you want to always eat grass-fed organic red meat, and free-range organic poultry, so shop around to see where you can get the best quality for your budget. Meat and poultry have a negligible carb value, but they give you the protein that you need as long as you stick to the right portion sizes. Make sure that you always serve them with a fatty sauce or cook them in coconut oil, and then fill the rest of your plate with veg.

2. Fish So that you don’t get bored with your meat and veg dishes, be sure to include plenty of fish in your diet. Aim for at least two portions of fish every week, with one of these being an oily fish. Fish is not only a great source of protein, but also packed with essential fatty acids, like omega-3. Try salmon, mackerel, tuna and cod to add variety to your meals. Shellfish is a good option too, but do be sure to check the carbs of whatever variety you choose, as some are significantly higher than others.

3. Eggs Eggs are one of your go-to foods on the keto plan, as they can be prepared in so many different ways. They are a great source of protein and fat, with only trace carbohydrates. They also contain a whole range of essential micronutrients, such as vitamins B2, B12, D and A. Make sure that you eat the whole egg, as the yolk is full of fatty acids and will help you feel fuller for longer, Eggs for breakfast is a great way to start the day, whether scrambled, hard boiled or fried in oil.

4. Oil Oil is such a storecupboard essential on the keto diet, as it’s a quick and easy way to add fat to any meal. Cook all your meat and fish in oil, as well as use it to drizzle over vegetables and salads. It’s useful to have more than one type of oil for different purposes. Coconut oil is great for cooking with, or you can simply eat a teaspoon straight every day. Extra virgin olive oil is great for making sauces or simply pouring straight. Experiment with other oils like avocado oil, sesame oil or rapeseed oil, which offer subtly different tastes.

5. Nuts and seeds Keeping a range of nuts and seeds to hand can be useful if you get hungry when you’re out and about. You do need to be mindful of how many carbs are in different varieties, as there is quite a big range, and also beware of portion sizes as the carbs can soon add up. But they are worth including due to the fact that they can contribute to your fat intake and are very portable for a snack. They are also great for adding to the top of salads for a nice crunch.


quick & easy keto diet


tips for keto success Embrace your new keto lifestyle with our top tips to help you stay on track and meet your goals




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1. Get prepared to start

Before you even get started, you need to get prepared. If you are organised, you will be in a much better mindset to meet your goals and stay motivated. Set a date for when you want to start your new lifestyle. Go into your kitchen and remove foods that you won’t be able to eat on the keto plan. If you live with others or have a family, you may need to just relocate things so that you have some space to keep your foods and to hide temptation – this is also a great chance to get your family on board with a healthy-eating plan, even if not keto. If you have food that you won’t eat, don’t let it go to waste. Food banks will happily take donations of unopened dried foods, packets and cans, for example. Next, you need to fill your cupboards and fridge with all the lovely new keto food that you can eat. Having everything to hand will make it much easier to get through the first week, when you will have a lot of adaptions to make.

2. Start tracking If you have never tracked your food before, this can be quite hard to get used to, but it’s an important step on the road to success. When you first get started on the keto plan, you will have a steep learning curve when it comes to knowing the carb values of each and every food. Not to mention having to deal with your own personal macro ratios, and learning to weigh your food for every meal. The easiest thing to do is download a tracking app and start logging everything you eat! Even if you haven’t started on keto yet, it can be a good habit to get in to. Not only that, if you track your pre-keto diet, you will be able to make direct comparisons when you start your keto tracking. You can track more than just food though – why not keep a log of your weight and measurements too? This can help you to stay motivated on the plan. You could also keep a log of how you are feeling, including physical symptoms or your mood. These can be important indicators to track patterns or issues, and make links between certain foods and their effect on you.

3. Learn about portion size When asked to dish up the correct portion size on a plate by eye, most of us will get it wrong. This can weigh up to a big problem on the keto diet. As we can only have a certain amount of carbs and protein, usually measured in grams, getting this slightly wrong at every meal can really affect our chances of getting into a state of ketosis. For example, nut butter is a great treat on the keto plan, but it’s not carb free. If you have a tablespoon, you are looking at 100 calories and 3 grams of net carbs. Serve yourself two tablespoons as a snack or in a baked treat, and you are eating a lot more


quick & easy keto diet

Leftovers and bulk cooking can really help when you need a quick and easy meal

Keeping it quick and easy The keto lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. We give you some top tips to make being keto fast and efficient


he great thing about the keto diet is that it’s quite uncomplicated. The basics of most meals are wholefoods, many of which are ready to eat with minimal preparation in the kitchen. Here we’ll be looking at how you can make your food quick, easy and tasty too!

Salmon is really quick to cook, so you can start that as soon as you come home. Rub it in olive oil, season with salt and pepper and put under the grill. While it’s cooking, you can prepare a super-speedy salad. Chop up some avocado, add raw spinach leaves or lettuce, some cherry tomatoes, and anything else you have to hand. If you have some pre-boiled eggs, you can add them too, or crumble on a little feta. Add the salmon on top when it’s cooked and drizzle with olive oil. You can do this in about 10 minutes from start to finish, and it’s packed with nutrients. This formula works for all protein. You may wish to have cooked veg instead, but vegetables benefit

Fast food If you need something to eat the minute you walk in the door after a long day, then you need to have recipes to hand that you can knock out in under 20 minutes. Luckily, there are plenty of options!



from only being lightly cooked to retain all their goodness. If you have a steamer, this is a very quick and easy way to cook your veg, taking only minutes. Or you might want to lightly fry them in some butter – this works well with things like asparagus. Another option for a super-fast evening meal or lunch is a stir fry. Stir fries need to be cooked quickly so that they stay packed with flavour. Spend five minutes chopping up everything you want to add in the pot, and get your oil nice and hot. It is best to use a proper wok, as you’ll be able to move the food around the pan faster. This is why it cooks so quickly, as the sides of the wok can cook the food too. You can add pretty much anything you like to a stir fry, so you have endless variety. Strips of pork can be fried with slices of red pepper, broccoli, spring onions, garlic, ginger, a little tamari (soy sauce) and some sesame seeds. If even this feels like too much cooking – and we all have days like that – just grab a big plate and open the fridge. Start with raw vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce, bell peppers, tomatoes and so on. Next add some protein – pre-cooked chicken is good for this, or you could have a can of tuna to hand. Preboiled eggs are another protein option. Now scatter over some seeds and nuts, a few olives, and select a cheese. Feta is good for crumbling over, or try thinly shaved parmesan. Finally, dress with olive oil and you have a super-fast and filling salad, without cooking a single thing.

Who says that eggs and bacon are just for breakfast? Switch it up and eat it as your evening meal instead!

Switch your meals around The whole point of a keto lifestyle is to make it work for you. We’re all conditioned to think we have to eat certain things at breakfast, lunch and dinner. But who says? You can eat whatever you like at your three main meals and you can work this to your advantage. Maybe you are an early riser and have more time in the mornings. Could you have something like a lean chicken breast and vegetables, to set you up for the day? Then, in the evening, when you are tired, can’t be bothered to cook and rushed for time, you can scramble up some eggs, add bacon and avocado, and enjoy ‘breakfast’. As long as you eat the right balance of carbs, protein and fat, and choose healthy ingredients, you can eat what you want, when you want.

Low and slow Another way that you can keep your keto cooking easy is to cook for longer. Okay, so that doesn’t sound very fast, but we’re talking about meals that you can prepare in minutes and leave to cook. While your food is doing its own thing, you can get on with something else instead, freeing up your time. A slow cooker can be a real bonus for busy days. Fill it in the morning, set it on low and when you come home, dinner is done. You can even prep all your ingredients the night before, so in the morning you can just tip, turn on and go. Slow cookers are

also great for bulk cooking, so plan to double your recipes, making a spare couple of portions for another time. There are so many keto-friendly recipes that you can try. You can use it to simply cook a large joint of meat – the fattier the better, as they tend to stay more tender and flavourful when cooking for a long time. Then you can slice and serve with your choice of vegetables. Soups are also great in the slow cooker, and while they might have a reputation as being more of a winter staple, you can make some really light and fresh summer soups too. You just have to add all your ingredients and leave to cook all day, then blend and serve. If you want to add yogurt or cream to your soup, it is best to leave it out of the slow cooker and add it in right at the end before you blend. Curries and stews work well in the slow cooker, as it gives them plenty of time to marinate and mix all the flavours together. Just bear in mind that if you are adapting a hob-top recipe for the slow cooker, you will need to use less liquid. Your oven can be a useful tool as well. There are so many recipes where you can leave something to bake after minimal prep, and come back to it when it’s ready. A simple chicken breast baked in garlic butter is

Chilli is a very simple meal that can be prepped and slow cooked, perfect for when you have guests


quick & easy keto diet

There are some side effects that can affect women on the keto diet, so you may need to get your GP’s advice

Side effects of keto There are some side effects of keto that should set alarm bells ringing – make sure you know what to watch out for


Who shouldn’t start the keto diet?

he keto diet is considered safe for most people who are generally fit and well and have no underlying or historical medical conditions. However, you never know exactly how your body is going to react when you start any new diet, so it is always worth being aware of the potential side effects and dangers. If you spot anything unusual or you feel very unwell – beyond the normal keto flu – stop the diet immediately and consult with your doctor as soon as possible. It’s very easy to pick up this book and just start preparing the delicious meals, cutting your carbs down significantly, but no diet is one-size-fits-all. You need to be sure that you are okay to start the keto diet, discuss any concerns with your GP, and stay aware of your body and any negative effects as you start on the diet. If you have any concerns at all, or something just doesn’t feel right, you should stop the keto diet immediately. Increase the amount of carbs that you are currently eating and make a doctor’s appointment to put your mind at ease. You may be able to resume the diet again, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

The very first thing that we need to mention is that this diet is not suitable for everyone. We have already touched on this elsewhere in the book, but there are some people who should never start the keto diet without consulting with a doctor. Your overall health has to come first and a medical professional can tell you if this is the right diet for you. It’s really important if you have diabetes to check with a doctor first, even if you have heard the reports that the diet can help with diabetes management. As it has an impact on your blood sugar levels, it can be a good option, but it would need to be monitored properly. A keto diet may not be suitable alongside some medications and could increase the risk of hypoglycaemia in Type 1 diabetics. Women who are currently pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive should also speak to a doctor first. It is not recommended to try any diet in these situations, let alone one that removes a whole food group. You midwife or doctor can advise on the right way to eat healthily at this time. We have more


side effects of keto

If you are already underweight, starting the keto diet, with its initial rapid weight loss, may not be right for you

information on the impact on women’s health in our boxout over the page. Anyone with any history of kidney problems or kidney stones is also not advised to try the keto diet without consultation. This is because the kidneys have to work extra hard to process the excess water being excreted as your fat stores are broken down. You liver will also be working harder than normal, so anyone with liver or pancreatic problems should see their doctor. If you have any thyroid issues, you should also be careful when thinking about starting the keto diet. Cutting out processed carbs and eating a moderate amount is often advised to help control certain thyroid conditions. However, a very low-carb diet could exacerbate certain hormonal symptoms. If you experience things like brain fog, insomnia and digestive issues as side effects of your thyroid problems, they may get worse on the keto diet. If you do wish to follow a low-carb diet, you should consult with your doctor first. Should you start the keto diet and find that your condition is worsening, you will need to increase your carb intake to find the right amount you need for your body. Some prescription medications are also affected by a low-carb diet, so double check whether you can follow the diet. Children aged under 18 are not advised to try any low-carb diet, as their bodies are still growing. And anyone who has had an eating disorder in the past should be very careful if considering the keto diet. Put simply, if you have or have ever had any medical conditions, a quick trip to the doctor can put your mind at ease before you start the keto diet.

Can I do keto if I am underweight? If you are underweight and want to try keto for its health benefits, you do need to be careful. When you first start the keto diet, you can rapidly lose a lot of weight, which can have a serious impact if you don’t have the weight to lose. Being on the keto diet can also enhance any existing problems, such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which can sometimes be an issue in underweight people. If you are keen to try to the diet, it is incredibly important that you work out your calorie and macro allowances carefully, and ensure that you are eating enough healthy fats. When working out your macros, you need to allow for enough calories to gain weight if you need to, or maintain your current weight.

You can monitor how hydrated you are by checking the colour of your urine. Healthy wee should be a pale straw colour. If it’s very dark or has a strong smell, then you need to drink more water. Dehydration can be quite serious if not dealt with, and it can impact on your memory, concentration and focus. You can get specific rehydration drinks if you are seriously dehydrated. At the same time, you will also be losing electrolytes. These essential salts, like sodium, potassium and magnesium, are incredibly important. Drinking plain water might help rehydrate you, but it won’t help your salt levels. In fact, drinking lots of plain water will further weaken your electrolyte balance. If you don’t have enough of the right electrolytes, you may experience muscle cramps, headaches and constipation. You may find that you need to drink an electrolyte solution using special salt tablets that dissolve in water, or you can increase the salt in your food and choose products rich in magnesium and potassium.

Dehydration and loss of salts One of the potentially more serious side effects of the keto diet, if you’re not careful, is dehydration. You are going to be losing more water on this diet, so you need to be replacing it. You must make sure that you are drinking at least eight glasses a day or around two litres. Get in the habit of always having a bottle with you and take sips from it all day long.



Portobello mushrooms with fried eggs This satisfying breakfast is quick to prepare, but would also make a great weekend treat INGREDIENTS


2 tbsp avocado oil

Preheat the grill to a moderately hot temperature.

4 portobello mushrooms, peeled with stems removed 4 large eggs 4 rashers streaky bacon 1 small handful flat-leaf parsley, chopped Salt Freshly ground black pepper

Brush the mushrooms with the avocado oil and season with salt and pepper. Arrange on a grilling tray. Grill until just tender to the tip of a knife, about 4-6 minutes. Remove from the grill and let cool briefly. Arrange the bacon rashers around the perimeters of the mushrooms, fashioning a border. Carefully crack the eggs into the centre of the mushrooms. Return to the grill until the eggs are cooked through with the whites and yolks set. Remove from the grill and let cool briefly before serving with a garnish of chopped parsley.

INFORMATION PREP TIME: 5 minutes COOKING TIME: 15 minutes SERVINGS: 4 DIFFICULTY: Easy Cannot be frozen


portobello mushrooms with fried eggs

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Cal: 147 Protein (g): 13.4 Carbs (g): 4.6 Sugars (g): 1.2 Fat (g): 19.0 Sat. fat (g): 17.4 Fibre (g): 3.1 Sodium (g): 0.6


Zucchini salmoN Missing the comfort of a plate of pasta? This nutritious courgetti delivers on taste INGREDIENTS


4 large courgettes

Using a mandoline with a grater setting, shred the courgettes into long strands; you can also do this step freehand with a chef’s knife, or use a spiralizer if you prefer.

2 tbsp avocado oil 225 g | 8 oz | 1 1/2 cups Brussels sprouts, halved 150 g | 5 oz | /3 cup crème fraîche 2

150 g | 5 oz | 1 cup smoked salmon trimmings, or smoked salmon slices, cut into thin strips

Heat the oil in a large sauté pan set over a medium heat until hot. Add the courgette strands, Brussels sprouts, and a generous pinch of salt. Sauté for 2-3 minutes until softened, stirring occasionally. Add a splash of water, cover with a lid, and cook over a reduced heat until cooked through, about 3-4 minutes.

1 small handful chives

Remove the lid and stir in the crème fraîche. Bring to a gentle simmer before stirring in the smoked salmon, and some salt and pepper to taste.


Divide between plates and garnish with chives before serving.

Freshly ground black pepper

INFORMATION PREP TIME: 5 minutes COOKING TIME: 15 minutes SERVINGS: 4 DIFFICULTY: Easy Cannot be frozen


Zucchini salmon

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Cal: 282 Protein (g): 10.2 Carbs (g): 8.8 Sugars (g): 3.7 Fat (g): 22.7 Sat. fat (g): 10.2 Fibre (g): 2.8 Sodium (g): 1.1


Steak with asparagus and tomato This simple steak supper is indulgent enough for a treat yet only takes minutes to make INGREDIENTS


2 tbsp avocado oil

reheat a cast-iron pan over a moderate heat until very hot; it should P almost be smoking.

450 g | 16 oz sirloin steak, trimmed 2 vine tomatoes, cored, seeded, and roughly diced 250 g | 9 oz | 2 cups asparagus, woody ends removed 100 g | 3 1/2 oz | 1 cup mangetout 1 tsp dried oregano 1 tsp dried rosemary 2 - 3 tbsp flat-leaf parsley, chopped

Rub the steak with the oil and season generously with salt and pepper on both sides. Carefully lay the steak into the pan away from you. Let cook without disturbing until a golden-brown crust forms underneath the steak, about 4-5 minutes. urn and cook for a further 2-5 minutes depending on how well-done you T like your steak; the thickest part should register 60°C | 140F on a meat thermometer for medium-rare. Remove from the pan and loosely wrap in aluminium foil. Let rest for at least 10 minutes. Add the tomatoes to the pan juices, stirring off the heat and seasoning with a little salt and pepper.

Salt Freshly ground black pepper

I n the meantime, cook the asparagus and mangetout in a large saucepan of salted, boiling water until tender to the bite, about 3-4 minutes. Drain well and refresh under cold running water for 30 seconds. When ready to serve, split the asparagus spears in half. Slice the steak on the bias against the grain and divide between plates along with the asparagus and mangetout. poon over the tomatoes and pan juices. Sprinkle with the dried herbs S and chopped parsley before serving.



steak with asparagus and tomato

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Cal: 329 Protein (g): 37.1 Carbs (g): 6.9 Sugars (g): 2.0 Fat (g): 16.4 Sat. fat (g): 4.6 Fibre (g): 2.6 Sodium (g): 0.4


Vegan chocolate and avocado pudding Chocolate can be on the menu every so often with this rich and indulgent dessert INGREDIENTS


320ml | 11 fl oz | 1 1/3 cups coconut milk, full-fat

Combine the coconut milk, cacao powder, stevia, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and salt in a heavy-based saucepan.

3 tbsp cacao powder, or cocoa powder

Warm over a low heat, whisking, until the mixture is smooth and even.

4 tbsp granulated stevia

In the meantime, halve, pit, and peel the avocados. Dice the flesh.

1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 pinch salt 2 ripe avocados

Pour the coconut milk mixture into a food processor or blender and add the avocado. Cover and blend on high until smooth; scrape down the sides from time to time as needed. Divide the pudding between serving glasses. Cover and chill for 4 hours before serving; if desired, transfer the pudding to a large piping bag fitted with a star-shaped nozzle and pipe the pudding into the glasses before chilling.



Vegan chocolate and avocado pudding

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Cal: 162 Protein (g): 2.4 Carbs (g): 9.9 Sugars (g): 6.9 Fat (g): 13.7 Sat. fat (g): 2.1 Fibre (g): 6.9 Sodium (g): 0.1



Salted peanut butter cookies Make these salty-sweet cookies for a delicious flavour combo that’s great for a teatime treat INGREDIENTS


125 g | 4 1/2 oz | 1/2 cup salted peanut butter, no added sugar

Preheat the oven to 180°C (160° fan) | 350F | gas 4. Line a large rimmed baking tray with greaseproof paper.

1 tbsp raw coconut oil, melted

Thoroughly beat together all the ingredients, apart from the salt, in a mixing bowl until an even cookie dough forms.

6 tbsp granulated stevia

Drop 10 even tablespoons of the dough onto the baking tray, spaced apart. Flatten out with damp fingertips and then leave a cross-check imprint in them with the tines of a fork.

120 g | 4 oz | 1 cup ground almonds 3/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda 1 tsp vanilla extract Flaked sea salt, to serve

Bake for 10-12 minutes until golden at the edges. Remove from the oven and let the cookies cool on the tray for 10 minutes. After cooling, transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. When ready to serve, sprinkle with sea salt.

INFORMATION PREP TIME: 5 minutes COOKING TIME: 10 minutes SERVINGS: 10 approx. DIFFICULTY: Easy Cannot be frozen




NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Cal: 115 Protein (g): 5.5 Carbs (g): 4.0 Sugars (g): 0.9 Fat (g): 9.6 Sat. fat (g): 2.0 Fibre (g): 1.4 Sodium (g): 0.2

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