3D World 192 Sampler

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FREE! 17gb of resources Videos • Models • book • brushes Inspiring CG Artists

matte painting for video games Learn 3ds Max & World Machine

Free Model! 3D print-ready


10 photoreal

3dworld.creativebloq.com March 2015 #192

Make this Image

render tips Master Maxwell Render

free book!

Worth $45 Teach yourself Maya in 24 hours!

model magical

zbrush creatures

making big hero 6

Disney‘s brave new world

Master the complete character design process! 11 hour video • ZBrush model • Easy to follow steps






s et assge 6 n d pa o a rn to



Welcome Master the complete character design process this issue

Subscribe & SAVE up to 59% Now you can get the best of both worlds! Subscribe to 3D World and get both the print and digital editions. Turn to page 32!

Designing great characters is hard, but this issue we aim to make the job a little easier. Our cover artist Raul Tavares has created a start-to-finish tutorial for designing, modelling, texturing and rendering a fantasy character. Supporting his tutorial are 11 hours of video training, the final ZBrush model, custom brushes, resource files and everything you need to make this month’s great cover character! Don’t forget to download all of your free resources either, including the free book Teach Yourself Maya, plus videos and scene files to accompany this issue’s tutorials! Everything you need to improve your art is here!

Ian Dean, editor ian.dean@futurenet.com

Email 3dworld@futurenet.com

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3D World March 2015



Free 3d printready model Turn to page 6 to download your free dinosaur model

Issue 192

Contents digital Subscriptions

Our complete line-up for this month’s 3D World

Get the latest magazine for free in our new offer or download a back issue on iPad and iPhone today! www.bit.ly/3dworld-app

6 Free downloads

Get your hands on 17GB of assets via our Vault download system

8 artist showcase

Discover the best new digital art

17 Community 18 A software revolution How should artists buy their tools?

18 revolution in the air?

22 Studio profile Toronto’s Intelligent Creatures

Debating how we buy our software

26 short cuts A moving tale of moving houses

28 In focus Bringing a famous character to life

34 artist Q&A

All your software queries solved

Feature 40 10 photoreal tips

45 Tutorials

Improve your CG skills

8 Artist showcase

Discover the most outstanding new creative work from the CG art community

22 intelligent creatures The studio that puts the artists first

76 3d maker

Explore the best 3D print art, technology and trends

85 Develop

Theory, research and reviews

Regulars 32 Subscriptions 38 back issues 57 Next Month 97 free book

30 in focus: lolita

34 artist Q&A

Your software queries solved by our experts

Nicolas Santos brings a character to life 3D World March 2015



40 photoreal rendering

How to make your renders more realistic


ok bo a l 97 r i ge t o pa tu n to ya Tur Ma



Tutorials 46 Design a character Raul Tavares reveals how to suggest stories for your characters

54 Create realistic lava Vikrant J Dalal shares techniques for simulating lava in RealFlow

58 Master Matte painting

58 master matte painting

Mix terrain generation and digital painting

Blizzard’s Anthony Eftekhari and Fabio Zungrone share their secrets

62 game environment In the final part of the series, Andrew Finch looks at finishing touches

64 Add detail to a figure In part two, Antony Ward shares his polypaint techniques

72 texture a game model Nicolas Garilhe shows how to create characters for your video games

46 Design a story-driven fantasy character

64 Add detail to a figure

Master the complete character design process, including video, model and brushes

How to detail asymmetrical characters

3d maker

ne 3d prw sectioint n

76 MODO joins the Thingiverse The Foundry’s 3D printing plans

78 Colour matching skills Laika’s colour matching techniques

80 Build a bobble-head Create a print-ready dinosaur model

82 modelling history

76 Modo and 3d printing The Foundry enters the Thingiverse

78 Laika Colour matching

80 build a bobble-head

Tips to better match screen and print colour

How to model a complex 3D print

How the Bardic Chair was printed to commemorate World War 1

Develop 86 big hero 6 interview Discover Disney’s new software that lit up San Fransokyo

90 Homemade VFX advice Tips on making your own VFX film from Randevú’s David Lance

Reviews 90 homemade VFX

Advice to create your own VFX movie

93 scan 3XS GW-HT15 Can this workstation really offer top-end performance on a budget?

94 V-ray for maya 3.0 Nicholas Gaul reviews the new version of the popular renderer

95 Element 3D V2 Can Video Copilot improve on the much-loved Element 3D V1?

96 Fusion 7 How does Blackmagic Design’s latest app compare to Nuke?

86 Big Hero 6: The Making of san fransokyo

94 V-ray for maya 3.0

Discover the new software Disney developed to light up its mashed-up cityscape 3D World March 2015

How does the new app match up? 5


98 my inspiration How Woei Lee got into film VFX

over 15 hours of video

in the vault

free resources

Follow the link to download your free files www.creativebloq.com/vault/3dw192 Get a complete video course and project files!

get your resources

You’re three steps away from this issue’s video training and files… 1. Go to the website Type this into your browser’s address bar: www.creativebloq.com/vault/3dw192

book learn Maya

2. Find the files you want Search the list of free resources to find the video and files you want.

Download the book, video and models

3. Download what you need Click the Download buttons and your files will save to your PC or Mac.


There are more files, art and resources waiting online…

video+files+model Design a story-driven character Download 11 hours of video training, the final model, custom brushes and much more!

video Use World machine Learn Blizzard’s matte painting techniques

Video Follow the training for Andrew Finch’s final game environment tutorial. Video Download the training for this issue’s Artist Q&A tutorials. WIPS Download the extra step images to accompany Showcase. Artwork Download the professional finished art from this issue’s artists.

video+scene files lava

video Add details in Maya model Print-ready dino

Get the files and video to master RealFlow 3D World March 2015

Follow the video for this texturing tutorial 6


Download Aiman’s .stl file for 3D printing

contact US us CONTACT


3D W 3D wO oR rL lD d MAG m ag AZI azi N nE e FUTURE Future PUBLISHING publishing Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, BA1 1UA telephone: +44 (0) 1225 442244 email: enquiries@3dworldmag.com website: 3dworld.creativebloq.com facebook: www.facebook.com/3dworldmagazine twitter: @3DWorldMag

editorial EDITORIAL EDITOR Ian Dean editor OPERATIONS editor EDITOR Kulsoom Kulsoom Middleton Middleton operations ART EDITOR Darren Phillips Art Editor Darren Phillips GROUP CONTENT EDITOR Tom May Group content editor MayCooper, COMMISSIONING EDITORSTom Martin Commissioning editors Martin Cooper, Beren Neale, Julia Sagar BerenWRITERS Neale, Julia Sagar STAFF Sammy Maine, Henry Winchester staff writers Sammy Maine, Henry Winchester C ONTRI BUTO R S Aiman Akhtar, Dovydas Augaitis, José Alves da c ont rib utors Silva, Cirstyn Bech-Yagher, James Clarke, Vikrant J AimanAnthony Akhtar, Dovydas Alves da Dalal, Eftekhari,Augaitis, AndrewJosé Finch, Fabian Silva, Cirstyn Bech-Yagher, James Clarke, Vikrant Flenker, Nicolas Garilhe, Nicholas Gaul, Jack M J Gilson,Anthony DamianEftekhari, Hall, SteveAndrew Jarratt,Finch, Woei Lee, James Dalal, Fabian Morris, Dan Newlands, Nikos Nikolopoulos, Mark Flenker, Nicolas Garilhe, Nicholas Gaul, Jack M Ramshaw, Barbara Robertson, Nicolas Santos, Gilson, Damian Hall, Steve Jarratt, Woei Lee, James Mateusz Sroka, Raul Tavares, Jim Thacker, Antony Morris, Dan Newlands, Nikos Nikolopoulos, Mark Ward, Alvin Weetman, Fabio Zungrone Ramshaw, Barbara Robertson, Nicolas Santos, MA NA Sroka, GEMENT Mateusz Raul Tavares, Jim Thacker, Antony CONTENT & MARKETING DIRECTOR Nial Ferguson Ward, Alvin Weetman, Fabio Zungrone HEAD OF CONTENT & MARKETING, PHOTOGRAPHY, CREATIVE & DESIGN Matthew Pierce Ma na gement GROUP EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dan Oliver Content & Marketing Director Nial Ferguson GROUP ART DIRECTOR Rodney Dive Head of Content & Marketing, Photography, A DVERTISING Creative & Design Matthew Pierce ACCOUNT MANAGER Suzanne Smith Group Editor-In-Chief Dan Oliver +44 (0) 207 042 4122 suzanne.smith@futurenet.com Group Art Director Rodney Dive

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showcase The best digital art from the CG community

Skeleton Warrior Artist Mario Baldi Software ZBrush, LightWave, Marvelous Designer, Substance Suite, Marmoset Toolbag 2 Unsurprisingly, multi-talented Mario also has experience working on games as senior character artist at Bohemia Interactive Studios. “I studied computer science, so I can grasp technical concepts quite easily, and if requested I can rig and script as well,” he says, something which came in handy when baking Skeleton Warrior from a high-poly to low-poly model. “I wrote a script for both Maya and LightWave which converts ZBrush polygroups in edge boundaries, and applies a crease to them. I did this because using the Polish by Feature button in ZBrush can give you a lot of good shapes without an insane amount of polygons, but the shading looks weird when smoothed in Maya or LightWave, and it shows up in the normal map.” As well as rewriting renderers, Mario also used his bony creation as a chance to learn new software. “I put a lot of effort into learning Marvelous Designer for the pants and the cape,” he says. “It took me a while to figure out how to get the folds I wanted. The trick is to think about how it should work in reality – pretty much like a curtain.” For more artwork and tutorials from Mario FYI visit www.mariobaldi.com

get published Email your CG ART to ian.dean@futurenet.com

Visit the online Vault to download extra process art for these projects: www.creativebloq.com/vault/3dw192

3D World March 2015



I grasp technical concepts quite easily, and I can rig and script as well

3d world view “Mario’s passion for games such as Gears of War, Doom and Mass Effect really shines through on Skeleton Warrior. It could fit in as an end-of-level boss in any of those console blockbusters.” Ian Dean


learning the script

Mario wrote scripts for both Maya and LightWave in creating this bony being 3D World March 2015





Artist Anto-Tony Juricic Software ZBrush, Maya, Mari, V-Ray

I find my inspiration in everyday life… Besides working as a 3D artist I also have experience in teaching digital art

Anto-Tony Juricic began his career working at Croatian film and video production company Prime Time. He moved to Ubisoft and then joined Digital Domain to work on texturing and modelling for big budget blockbusters such as Maleficent. Between jobs he creates some truly amazing renders, switching effortlessly between digital portraits of Barack Obama and fantasy characters such as Yoda and The Joker. Cheers! is based on a piece of art created by legendary fantasy artist and author JeanBaptiste Monge. To give the piece an organic feel Anto-Tony used procedural texturing for all the objects in the scene, apart from the character’s head and hands. “I find my inspiration in everyday life,” says Anto-Tony, which explains the image’s basis in reality. Overall the image took the artist about four to five weeks to complete, an impressive turnaround given its level of detail. And as well as being a master of the medium, AntoTony is happy to share his secrets. “Besides working as a 3D artist I also have experience in teaching digital art,” he says. To see more of Anto-Tony’s work visit FYI www.anto-toni.cgsociety.org

3d world view “The procedural texturing has resulted in an impressive level of detail, with the bobbles on the character’s trousers and the pockmarks on his cauldron lending an air of believability to this fantasy world.”

Certified organic

For an organic feel, AntoTony used procedural texturing for most of the objects in his scene

darren Phillips

Art editor

3D World March 2015




The challenge was trying to evoke the personality of the vehicle and get it to work in a 3D space, without having to sacrifice mechanical articulation

El Caracol II

Working logically

Tim says he isolated the build into logical sections and worked them up to medium resolution

Artist Tim Blake Software Maya, Nuke, Photoshop, V-Ray, Mari, ZBrush, mental ray, Arnold

Tim Blake, a modelling and texturing technical director at MPC, created this intricate industrial design over four months in his evenings and weekends. Tim, who taught himself CG as a teenager before completing a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Effects, at The University of Hertfordshire in 2013, says the challenge of the project was, “trying to evoke the personality of the vehicle and trying to get it to work in a 3D space without having to sacrifice mechanical articulation.” Attention to detail, accuracy and precision were all watch words on the project, as Tim aimed to focus on all the elements you tend not to notice the first time you look. “I think it’s what ultimately separates something of quality,” says the artist. See more of Tim’s personal and professional FYI work at www.tblake-vfx.tumblr.com 3D 3DWorld World March 2015

3d world view “Incredible detail brings Tim’s machinery to life. The mix of military and industrial hardware evoke a story even without a setting.” Darren Phillips

Art editor



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