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Welcome to the March issue of Future Waste, an issue packed with some really inspiring events as we embark on a great year for sustainability. There’s so much to read; from the top mobile apps helping to reduce food waste, to finding out what you missed at The National Food Waste conference, organised by LetsRecycle. com. The event brought together many key food waste sectors including waste processors, food waste producers, waste management companies, local authorities & charities to discuss the opportunities and challenges that food waste presents.
This issue looks to bring you the latest on all things central to food waste, whether it’s the food waste itself or tackling the packaging it comes in.
Be sure to check out Keenan Recycling as our cover story on page 39, as they guide us through all you need to know about food waste recycling, including what it is, why you should recycle food and how it can save businesses thousands.

Also, in this food edition of Future Waste, Severn Trent Green Power, one of the largest food waste recyclers in the UK, explain how they are turning turning food waste into renewable energy for the residents of Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick on page 58.
Be sure to find out all that took place during WRAP’s Food Waste Action Week, which took place 6 - 12 March 2023, as they share ways to ‘Win. Don’t Bin’ in a campaign to increase confidence in ‘using up leftovers’ that can have a significant impact on reducing food waste in the home.
Keep up to date with the latest via our website and social media pages and we look forward to seeing you for our next issue!
Future waste is published by Kiwi Media and Promotions Ltd
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