2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

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2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God… Today! Wayne Sutton Copyright ®2014


www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

There are two distinct ways that you can hear the voice of God…. Today! Now, actually there's more than two ways to hear the voice of God. But in this book we're going to talk about two ways to hear the voice of God today. How can you hear the voice of God today in your life?

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” – John 10:27 Jesus Christ was very clear when He said that His sheep would hear His voice. His sheep would hear His voice. Are you a sheep? Are you? If you're a believer in Jesus, then you, my friend, are a part of His flock. You're a sheep, and if you're a sheep, then you should surely hear His voice. Think about that a moment. Think about what it means to truly hear the voice of God, the Creator, your Savior, the one who holds all things in His hands, the one who spoke all of life into existence, speaks to you, speaks into your heart, and we're able to hear from the Father Himself. Let's take a few moments in this booklet to look at a few verses from the word of God. His promises of how He speaks to us… www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

Romans 10:17 - So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 - All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

John 14:16-17 - And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

1 Kings 19:11-13 - And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; [but] the LORD [was] not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; [but] the LORD [was] not in the earthquake: John 16:13 - Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. John 6:63 - It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, [they] are spirit, and [they] are life. James 1:19-27 - Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: Romans 8:14 - For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. John 8:47 - He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear [them] not, because ye are not of God. Luke 11:28 - But he said, Yea rather, blessed [are] they that hear the word of God, and keep it. John 14:26 - But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

John 10:16 - And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, [and] one shepherd. Jeremiah 33:3 - Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Psalms 32:8-9 - I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. Galatians 6:6 - Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. 1 John 1:7 - But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. Ephesians 2:8 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Romans 12:1-2 - I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service. Acts 16:6-10 - Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia. John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word

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2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

was with God, and the Word was God. Isaiah 30:19-22 - For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem: thou shalt weep no more: he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee. Psalms 5:3 - My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct [my prayer] unto thee, and will look up. 2 Timothy 3:16 - All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Now, in our counseling and life coaching practice at www.TheSecondAdam.com we often have people come to us, their question is often the same… "How do I hear the voice of God?” “How do I know if this is God speaking?” “How do I know if this is my voice or another voice?” “How do I know if this is God or how do I know if this is the devil?" We have these questions asked to us almost everyday. www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

See, when you look at hearing, when you think about hearing the word of God, we look at the prophetic realm. In the prophetic realm, there are visions, there are visitations, there are day dreams, there are night dreams, there's the angelic, there's the demonic when we look into the realm of darkness. There are a lot of voices out there today that are trying to grab for your attention, whether you're in the workplace, or you're in the church, the TV, or social media. There are thousands of messages everyday screaming out for your attention. So, how do we “tune-in” to hear the voice of God? If you're reading this book, then obviously you want to know more about the voice of God; you want to know more about how God speaks, and I commend you. At our website, www.thesecondadam.com, we receive prayer requests every day. We receive counseling request every day from people that are just like you wanting to know God's voice, wanting to know what He has for them, their purpose, their destiny, their direction in life. What is your question? What are you looking for? Now we are surely not delving into every area in a booklet such as this, because there's so much teaching on dreams and symbolism, on visitations from angels, visitations from Christ Himself, visitations of the supernatural, there's prophetic words that are given through a prophet, there's prophetic words that are given through the gift of prophesy, there's the word of God, which

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

should speak to all of us, the Bible, which is the written, or "logos", word of God. Then there is that Rhema word, the word that is spoken- the inspired word of God. How do we take those words? How do we distinguish if God is speaking to us or not? There's two ways we're going to teach in this booklet. I wanted to keep this booklet, this teaching, this revelation quick and easy, so you can begin the practice of the presence of God's voice. Let me say that again, "You want to practice the presence of God's voice," because as you begin to practice hearing His voice every day, then you will be able to learn the voice. You'll tune into the voice just as a child would know the voice of their parent; so will you learn to distinguish the voice of your heavenly Father. As I said, there's many ways to hear, but these two are not necessarily how God speaks, but how we discern His voice. Part One: Active Listening. Active listening is a skilled art of HOW we listen to one another. How do use active listening in our communication skills? What is active listening, and how does it apply to you? Active listening is actually more than it sounds like, it's not simply listening, but being active, that means being a participant, an active participant in the listening.

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

You're not talking and you're not preparing the comeback for whatever words the person just spoke. You're truly listening, you're taking notes, whether it be mentally taking notes, or physically with pen and paper. You're taking notes, you're taking in what they're saying, and you're simply absorbing it. It's active. With a person it's eye contact; it's listening, and not speaking. When you speak to someone, and you're expecting to hear, that is active listening. So, when we pray to God, "God, I need to hear your voice, Lord I need an answer in this area… God, what is Your heart concerning this matter?" Then we can become silent and expect God to answer. In fact, if you're going to listen to God it will require you to stop praying, and stop talking. It will require the monologue of your own voice to be exchanged for the active communication between the two of you, between you and your heavenly Father. When I pray, "Lord, You have all the answers, but I need to gain some revelation. Concerning this matter, I need to know your heart. Lord, what are You saying to me about my ______" and then you fill in the blank. "Lord, what are you saying to me about my relationships?” “Lord, what are you saying to me about my career?” “Lord, what are you saying to me about my family?” “Lord, what are you saying to me about my destiny?” “Lord, what are you saying to me about ___________?” Fill in the blank. This is when you come to God as you take time to listen. www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

Listen to me, active listening will require you to separate yourself from all of the other distractions and all of the other noises. It includes separation from other people, separation from social media, and for that moment even your own voice of praying.

You pray and then you listen. Now, how do you hear? That's the key. See, when you pray and listen, God may speak through several of your senses. It may be through your ‘eye gate’ or your visual senses. Maybe you have an image in your mind, in your imagination, as God paints upon your thought life. In fact, your imagination is as a canvas unto the Lord. We open up and allow Him to paint his thoughts upon ours. Maybe it will be an open vision - as your eyes are open, you see something before you as if it were real. For many people, there's an image in their mind, but it's a snapshot, it's very quick... it comes quickly, and it leaves quickly. But it leaves an impression that you know that must be from God. Many times God will speak through your ‘ear gate’ in the auditory realm, that means you hear Him. It may be an audible voice as if you are hearing someone speak, or it could be that still small voice that you hear inside your mind, almost like your own thoughts. That is where it takes practice to discern, "Is this my own thought, or is this God's voice?"

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

Then, most of the time, we have a feeling that's more kinesthetic. We have a gut feeling, as people like to call it. "I feel like God is leading me here, He's taking me away from here. I feel a resounding 'Yes', or I feel that a 'No' is the answer." See, as human beings, we have one representation system usually, that is more dominant. Maybe you're more visual, you see things, you express your thoughts through words that have visual context to them, such as colors and pictures, and you speak from that place or you see from that place of visual. Maybe you're more auditory, maybe you learn by hearing and you respond to the voices and what you hear someone is saying. Or, maybe you're more kinesthetic, and it's the feeling that you get inside. It's not something you see or hear as much as how you “sense” the information that comes in and how you process that information through your feelings. When we're actively listening to God, we take the time to pray and then listen. So, "Lord, in concerning this matter, what are you saying?" And then we're quiet, and we're listening. In that listening time, whether it is one minute, 10 minutes, or an hour, we have to be very conscious, be very aware of what we're doing, because we should not be thinking of our next prayer to God, we should not be waiting to say something back to God. You already have given your voice to the Father, now it's time to listen to His reply. Now, I know many of you are saying, "Well, I've tried that, and I didn't hear from God." Many times you God is speaking yet you may not know how to discern His voice. It is my belief the Father's always speaking, but many times we do not know how to discern that still small voice. www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

“Is this my imagination or God's thoughts in my imagination? Is this a gut feeling, or is this a prophetic revelation?" So, if we're unable to rightfully discern, then we often go into a place of fear, or we often go into a place of misunderstanding. So, active listening requires dedication, it requires time alone with God, and it requires practicing the presence of His voice. In fact, many times you can simply say, "Lord, I just want to hear Your voice, I want to learn to discern Your voice instead of my voice, or the voice of the enemy. Lord, tell me how much You love me," and then you simply listen. Is it a feeling, do you hear His voice, does He show you? "Lord, tell me how much You love me," and then you simply listen. You're learning to discern the voice of the Lord.  Active listening is very important.  Active listening is very powerful.  Active listening will change the way you pray! You still take time for intercessory prayer, you still take time to pray and decree the word of God, you still take time to truly enjoy the presence and enjoy being a child of God outside of what God may or may not say to you. Yet, through that time with God, then you learn to separate yourself to listen and to say, "What would you say to me, my Lord?" Then you simply listen. Again, active listening is so very important for your direction in life’s challenges. Here at the ministry here at www.thesecondadam.com, we believe in praying and listening, and waiting for that precious voice of our Lord. We take time and practice active listening before we minister unto other people, and before we minister even unto our own life. Active listening requires effort, but it's not effort on your part to speak more, yet to listen and discern more.

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

Part Two: Passive Listening. Now, what is passive listening? Passive listening, at least in our experience, is most often how we hear God throughout the day. I have found most people hear God passively, more than they do actively, even in the prophetic realm. Also, many times, once you hear God in active listening, it will often be confirmed over and over again in the passive realm because that is one way of confirming His word. So, let’s talk again passive listening… Passive listening is as you go, and you discern, you pay attention to, and you watch for those prophetic highlights throughout your day. If I said to the Lord, "Lord, I need to know about my family, what are you saying?" and I actively listen, then I may discern His voice, I may pick up on what He wants to say to me at that season. Or, I may not be able to tune in exactly at that moment, so I continue… I listen, I wait, and then I continue throughout my day… Throughout my day I'm passively listening, that means my mind is focused upon the other duties of the day, yet our mind is waiting for the prophetic highlights. Maybe it's a song, or the words of a song, maybe it's a book that I've read, or maybe just a sentence out of the book, maybe it's a conversation from someone else, maybe it's a post on social media. Yet, somehow it's highlighted,

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

somehow God seems to bring those words to life, that image to life, or that feeling to life within you, and passively, as you go, you begin to go, "Wow," and you begin to see a clue, a God-wink, a fingerprint from the hand of God upon your life. Now, passive listening has many ways of coming. Again, as we talked about with auditory, visual, and kinesthetic, we talk about the senses. You may see something in the visual realm, you may hear something in the auditory realm, or maybe it's just that feeling, that gut instinct, the intuition, the discernment, of something that happens throughout the day that confirms or begins to shed light upon the question that you had. Now, sometimes God will give us many clues, because He knows that we're only going to pick on a few. Many times we'll pick up on several of them. But again, we have passive listening that can go throughout the day or can take place for several days, months, or even years as He's leading us from one place of our life into another. See, God is really more patient than we are. If God wants to direct you, lead you, or guide you into another area of life, many times He will give us that passive communication over and over and over. Now, it is my belief that many people rely upon the passive communication so strongly, because they've never practiced the art of being in His voice, the art of active listening, and because they're not willing to actively listen to God, they must listen passively.

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

God chooses to speak, God wants you to grab a hold of what He has for you, so many times He speaks passively for days, weeks, or even years until we grab a hold of it. God wants you to hear His voice. You are a child of God, and therefore He wants to speak to you just as you speak to Him. He wants you to hear His voice just as much as you want Him to hear your prayers. That is the beauty of true prayer; it's the beauty of dialog. So, let's make a game plan! Number one, I want you to simply ask God over the next seven days, "God, show me Your love," and practice active listening, listen to His voice, look and see what He brings, what is He speaking into your heart? Does He speak mainly, or do you discern mainly through the visual, the auditory, or the kinesthetic realm? How does He speak, and how do you receive it primarily? Next, I want you to do that not only for the next seven days actively, but then as you go throughout your day, expect God to show His love for you passively, through other people, through media, through circumstances, through nature, through any way that God chooses! Ask yourself, "How does God want so speak, and how can I receive it?" Now, after the seven days, I want you to begin to take one area of your life at a time. For instance, your identity... "Lord, when it comes to my identity in You, what would You have me know?�

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

“Lord, when it comes to my identity in You, what would you have me know?" is a question that will bring deep revelation as you discern the voice of the Lord; and then listen actively, take five minutes, pen and paper in hand, and simply wait. What words, what images, what thoughts, what feelings being to manifest as ask the Lord to show you? Write them down, listen and write them down. Then, passively, throughout those seven days, "What do you have before you, what is God saying, what is He bringing, and what is He confirming?" Keep your pen and paper handy, because you need to write yet again. So, we've got two weeks worth of exercises. Your third week, I'm going to ask you to go and ask God about your purpose, your destiny. "Lord, when it comes to my purpose and destiny, what would you have me know?" and follow the same example as above, both for active listening and for passive listening. The following week, "Lord, when it comes to my relationships, what would you have me know?" Again, we're going to go back to the passive and active listening. Again, we're going to journal for seven days, paying close attention to the way you see, hear, feel, because now you've practiced the presence of His voice for several weeks, and you'll be able to begin discerning His voice above the other voices.

www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

The following week, I want you to ask the Lord about your finances. "Lord, when it comes to my finances, my business, my job, what would you have me know?" Again, listening both actively, taking notes, and passively as you go throughout your week. On the final week we're going to ask the Lord about our health, "Father, when it comes to my health, what would you have me know?" In those seven days of active listening, those seven days of passive listening, you're going to begin to discover things, see things, and hear things that you may have never thought about before. The key is to never limit how God speaks, nor how you can discern! I've told you He can speak actively, which is intent listening, waiting for an answer, I've shown you how He can speak passively, or how you can hear Him passively as you go throughout your day. We've talked about the visual, the auditory, and the kinesthetic. But God is not limited, even by those parameters. The way God chooses to speak, and the way you can receive it will be personal for you. These exercises simply give you a way to honor God, honor His voice, and expect to hear back from Him. As you ask the Lord to speak, and as you honor by taking the time to listen, you will receive revelation, you will receive insight, you will learn to discern the voice of God. What I find really amazing and really fun is just by reading this simple booklet you can take time today, even now, and say, "Lord, what would you say to me now? What would you say to me today?" And you, today, can begin to hear and discern the word of the living God.

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2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

 Would you like more information on prophetic resources?  How to hear the voice of God?  How to discern your life's purpose and destiny? Then I advise you to go to www.TheSecondAdam.com, and www.CoachingWithWayne.com. Sign up for our free newsletter and podcast series! You will receive over 40 hours of free mp3 downloads, teachings, interviews, and much more. Plus, you will receive Pastor Wayne's newsletter in your email, bringing you new levels of revelation of God's goodness, God's mercy, and the prophetic power to hear and move in the destiny that God has created for you. God Bless! Pastor Wayne

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It’s Time To Experience The POWER Of HIS Calling… www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today! Awaken Your Mind And Body To The Guidance Of His Holy Spirit And Finally Unlock The Purpose God Has Planned For Your Life. Dear Believer, What have you done today to connect yourself with the power of God’s word? If you’re like I am, you’re constantly searching for His guidance, inspiration, wisdom and message. And, there’s a good chance that you see it around you—working to show you His glory—and hopefully guiding you on the path that He has defined for your life. Sometimes, however, times get difficult. It becomes hard to understand how the events of our lives, what happens to us, the interactions with the people around us, the struggles we face in our personal lives, at work, anywhere…

Sometimes, Finding The Way To His Path For Your Life Requires Help… · That’s Why We Have His Holy Word – The Bible helps us discover and follow the path we were designed to take during our lifetimes, preparing us for eternity in His kingdom. It’s the “how to” book for our lives—and when we need help, it’s the perfect place to turn. · That’s Why We Have Prayer – Talking to Him—experiencing the healing power of His grace and the emotions tied to His message—the power of prayer acts as another important way to find your path in life. Whenever you are lost, it’s the first place to go. · That’s Why We Have Communities – The church, a community of believers to surround yourself with fellowship, an active group of people ready to do His work and experience His message. We have communities to guide us on the path to righteousness.

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2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today! · And That’s Why I Am Speaking To You Now – The reason I wrote this message to you right now, is because I want to help you discover the power of God’s path for you through my ministry. Keep reading to learn more!

Prophetic Counseling Guidance, Instruction, And Wisdom That Helps You DISCOVER Your Path Through Life My name is Wayne Sutton, I am a Prophetic Counselor and the founder of an innovative one-on-one counseling program that can help you discover God’s plan for you. Throughout all of my work in ministry, I discovered one key fact that bothered me—so many people don’t have access to the personal support and fellowship community that they need to make a true connection with God and His plan. And solving that problem became part of my calling. As a fully licensed clinical Christian counselor, temperament therapist, and minister, I’m here to provide people like you with the guidance, instruction, and wisdom—all founded on Biblical Principles—to help you listen to the Holy Spirit and discover your path through life. “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am in their midst” -Matthew 18:20 If you need help discovering God’s plan and transforming your life… If you don’t have a minister to speak to… If you aren’t able to leave your home to participate in fellowship with others…. www.TheSecondAdam.com – Wayne Sutton

2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

Consider joining me and an inner circle of believers who are listening to God’s plan for them and experiencing significant transformation in their lives. Through the power of His holy word, proven prayer techniques, guided instruction and monthly one-on-one ministry calls, we’ll gather together in His name, exalting his glory and working toward making the changes in your life that put you on His path.

Join With Me In Fellowship Today For one monthly investment of $99, you can join with me and a community of believers working toward understanding God’s plan for them. You’ll receive access to… ·

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2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

I’ll also provide assignments, instruction, and Biblical-based learning strategies to help you improve your relationship with Him. Because I am busy with my ministry, spaces are limited. While I developed this program because I believe there are people who need support and people who would like to experience the power of God’s grace through fellowship sessions without leaving their homes, understand that I don’t have unlimited time! Additionally, your small gift of $99 helps us support the outreach ministry and continue to do God’s work. Click here to register!

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2 Ways You Can Hear The Voice of God Today!

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