Are you suffering from Celiac disease? It could be a side effect of Benicar intake! Daiichi Sankyo Inc. a Japanese drug manufacturer has recently spent billions of dollars to reclaim their credibility against the controversial drug called Benicar or Olmestran Medoxomil which they developed to treat high blood pressure. It was approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of the United States of America back in 2002 and most doctors have no problem prescribing the medication as the FDA still believes . Benicar lowers the body’s blood pressure by keeping the blood vessels dilated. However, the drug has a serious gastrointestinal side effects resulting to numerous users filing lawsuits against the company. If you’ve suffered adverse symptoms from using the drug, you may want to explore your options in filing a Benicar lawsuit!
What are the side effects of Benicar? The side effects caused by Benicar are similar to celiac disease that can lead to malnutrition, sudden drop of weight, intestinal damage, and chronic diarrhea. Most people who took the medication need to be hospitalized due to severe pain. Other side effects of Benicar are: • • • • • • •
Chest Pain Kidney Failure Arthritis Vomiting Nausea Hair Loss Irregular heart beat
Numerous Benicar users are seeking for legal justice in order for them to be compensated and be able to pay for medical bills, hospital bills, and other damages. The company used advertisements misleading the consumers and doctors about severe side effects Benicar can produce. They continuously promote and sell the drug in the market which is proven defective and not suitable for consumption putting people’s health at risk.
How Benicar affects the stomach? There are millions and millions of Americans who suffer from high blood pressure, naturally, most of them want to avoid hypertension wherein they need medication such as Benicar. However, the drug itself can damage the small intestines from absorbing nutrients which leaad to severe stomach pain. Since the symptoms are similar with celiac disease, doctors may misdiagnose your condition. The FDA ordered warnings about the side effects after the review of Mayo clinic back in 2012.
How to file lawsuits against Daiichi Sankyo Inc.? If you or your loved ones suffered from Benicar side effects, it is necessary for you to look for a lawyer who handles or specialize in medical prescription and drug cases. The lawyer should be able to provide you with some advice about the compensation you deserve. Remember that you are battling against a multi-million company; this is why it is important to seek the best lawyer you can have for your case. There are different types of documents you need to prepare including your doctor’s prescriptions. A good lawyer will help you to prepare necessary documents to avoid major mistakes that could happen during the hearing. Apart from winning the case, a good lawyer will make sure that you will receive the right compensation.
Explore your options with filing a Benicar lawsuit to seek the compensation you deserve! If you are suffering from serious side effects caused by Benicar such as celiac-like symptoms, severe stomach pain, sudden drop of weight and dehydration, you may be eligible for compensation by seeking out a Benicar lawyer from Clear Injury! You can fill out our form or give us a call and our lawyers will review your case and discuss any possible Benicar lawsuit you may be able to explore. Our consultation service is absolutely free and we never charge anything until a positive result is reached. Call now and avoid delays.