Horoscope Amour And Careers: A Brief Description

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Horoscope Amour And Careers: A Brief Description A number of people are interested in knowing their love and career prospects according to the horoscopes. If you happen to be one such individual, then you have landed on the right page. A brief descriptions of horoscope amour and horoscope career is mentioned below. Horoscope Amour: 1. Aries: Aries is a wildly flirtatious sign and are the first ones to start the romance. Once an aries is in love it is love of a lifetime. Aries are energetic, courageous and determined. 2. Leo: Like Aries, Leo is also a fire sign, Leo women are the most desirable women in the zodiac list and men are also ladies mans. Leos tend to wear their heart on the sleeve, but once they get the right person they are the most faithful, possessive and persistent. 3. Virgo: Virgos are very logical and staunch realists. They think of love as a myth that only exists in stories. Virgos are also unfortunate in love a well because they first face a lot of heart breaks before they finally end up with the perfect one. 4. Pisces: In contrast to Virgos, Pisceans are always ready to dive into the ocean of love. They are the most romantic sign in the zodiac chart. And even after heartbreaks they emerge strong and are determined to find love again. 5. Sagittarius: Just like the arrow that represents the Sagittarius, the Sagittarians fall in love with the speed of an arrow. If they are the 3rd person in the love triangle they will be at war and win, but in addition to this they have a conscience and are very wise. But they might fall out of love with the same speed they fell in love.


6. Cancer: Cancers are most passionate when in love; they reveal the qualities you wouldn’t have a clue about. They live in the past and don’t welcome change with open arms. They look for security and safety when in a relationship. One bitter experience can leave you bitter for a long time. Cancer men’s love life is affected by their past relationship with their mother. 7. Scorpio: Scorpion’s love life is a tale of magnificent highs as well as ghastly lows. Scorpios are very passionate and as much as this is attractive, it leads them into the dark valleys of pain and despair. 8. Libra: Libra is the most partner oriented sign, they have legendary charm. Libras are very attractive and people fall for them at the drop of a hat. They are perfectionists and keep moving from one person to another until they are sure they have found the one. 9. Capricorn: Love is a very serious matter for Capricorns. They are terrified to take risks, especially after mistakes they take the lessons learnt from mistakes very seriously. They want to love but are scared to fall too much in love. 10. Taurus: They are dangerous in love; they first set a target, and then analyze it and finally when they are sure they race at a bull’s speed towards it. They are normally very content, happy and patient with their love lives. 11. Gemini: They have quite contradicting nature because they need consistency as well as experimentations at the same time. So even though they will fall in love and marry but they never know when they might be bored of their partners, extra-marital affairs are very common. 12. Aquarius: They are freedom fighters; they don’t like to be tied down. Love and marriage don’t go hand in hand when it comes to them. They look for friendship in a romantic relationship; they are also opinionated and desirable of something worthwhile.


HOROSCOPE CAREERS: Capricorn: Law, Medicine, Accounting and Information technology. Aquarius: Arts, Astronomy, Aviation and Natural History. Pisces: Artist, Justice, Philanthropist. Aries: Military, Media and Advertising. Taurus: Banking, Science and Research. Gemini: Law, Psychology and Teaching Leo: CEO, Manager and Editor. Virgo: Investigator, Government workers and Negotiators. Scorpio: Espionage, Writing and Research. Sagittarius: Theology, Public relations and Administration.


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