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Author: Shawn M. Vibert

Hey! I challenge each one of you to implement this in to your life! You can do this! Your heart wants this lifeď Š

Contents 1) 2)

Intro to Shawn, PPA and ILN Discover about State of Mind!

3) 4)

What to say to self to see success! What not to say to have success!

5) Where to go to find answers to questions? 6) Discover 46 Key Things You Must Know before you spend a Penny On Advertising!

7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

Learn about Key Facebook Marketing Tools! Facebook Group Marketing Secrets! Discover and learn about Key Web Recourses! Discover habits of a successful marketer! What NOT to do to improve your performance! 7 Ways Deal with Road Blocks in Your Life!

14) 15) 16)

How solve problems with Brainstorming! Solving a Problem or Issue with Research! How to Solve Problems with Diligence!


How to overcome any Issue or Problem?

Welcome Friends! Shawn Here

Shawn Vibert – Online Business Exclusive and Father! Thanks for connecting with me. I find this is a very effective way of you getting to know who I am and what I am about. My Name is Shawn Vibert, I live in Kelowna in the province of British Columbia which is Canada. I was born here. I have to say I love Kelowna. It’s commonly known as the California of Canada. The weather here is beautiful and we are surrounded by Lakes and mountains. I have two beautiful kids, Victoria(12) and Jordyn(6)

I have been online full time since late 2009. I had thought then, I want to learn about the internet and how to make money with it. I had been in the sales and marketing industry pretty much my whole life. I started in my first sales job when I was 20 and I am 38 now. I was top 1O in the company in Canada my second month.

I have a love for sales and people. What most people do not realize the best sales people are not really sales people they are more like a friend who helps you make a decision on what best for them to buy. Most people just want be treated well and to get a the best value for their money. When I first started online in late 2009, I had thought “how can I take what I have learnt over the years in sales and apply it to the online world.” But selling online is much different. It was quite the learning curve. After spending a ton of time and spending a ton of money. In fact I spent over hundred thousand dollars, learning and testing. I did figure out how the internet works. There was a lot trial and error but I had I lot of success too. What I developed now in 2014 after realizing the power of social media is an app called Perfect Post App. I decided to develop PPA after being sick of spending on paid advertising and spending so much time posting in Facebook groups. Why Facebook groups? Many reasons, one big reason you can reach a ton of people for free in your exact target market. Facebook has over a billion users. So posting in fb groups is highly effective. At that time I was in 700 groups and each group on average has about 3000 members in the work at home, make money online, mlm niche. 700 x 3000 is 2,100 000 people that I do have seen my post each day. The problem is takes a ton of time be active in 700 groups each day. But with Perfect Post App it’s easy, the app does the work for you. It posts around the clock 24/7 365 days a year in moderation to keep viewers and Facebook happy. No one likes spammers. So the app posts multiple messages to multiple groups in a systematic structure. You can schedule hundreds of posts to hundreds of groups in your exact target market. Does it work yes! I get sales and leads everyday all day and you can too.

Likely you have an online business, affiliate product or MLM business of some kind. The app works great for all these businesses being there is hundreds and hundreds of these groups online. As long as you are currently make money in your business this app will help you make money faster. If you’re not making money yet online become an affiliate of Perfect Post App. The app literally sells itself. Just join a ton of groups on Facebook. I have videos on how to do this and about the app here: There is a free trail available, try it out and let me know if you have any questions. I want to help you have success online. Sincerely PPA is a God Sent. Once you have it, you will not want to live without it.

I personally created this book to help you have success online. This is real stuff that real works! No pie in the sky ideas! Just real solid facts on what works and it all starts with you! Enjoy Friends! Nice to meet you! You’re Friend Shawn P.S. Feel free to add me to Skype, shawn.vibert1 or Facebook me! P.S.S. Check out my Blog I am a part of an elite online Community called Internet Lifestyle Network. This community is the fast growing online community. You will be blown away at what is shared with you. If you join and I highly recommend you do. You will gain more than money. Your mind, heart and soul will transform. Join The Internet Lifestyle Network, its an Elite Online Community!

Mark Hoverson’s Internet Lifestyle Network Co founder – The REAL Story Law of Money Attraction with the $10,000 000 Man – Mark Hoverson – Absolutely EPIC!!! Watch This Friends! Excellent! You’re about get all the juicy details right here directly from me. After reading this, if you still have questions, feel free to add me to your Skype so we can connect, chat, talk on a call or even Video Chat and or Screen share which is one of Skype’s super cool features! My Skype ID shawn.vibert1. This might be the most important piece of literature you’ve ever read regarding the Mark Hoverson’s Internet Lifestyle Network if you are truly serious about firing your boss and really learning online marketing. This Mark Hoverson Internet Lifestyle Network Review will be offering my perspective on whether it’s a scam or legitimate platform for you to become a true success, working from home. So let’s get to it… First off, Is Mark Hoverson and the Internet Lifestyle Network the answer for everyone? No but almost everyone. Why I say that is almost everyone who experiences this level of coaching will have a life changing experience. That alone is worth every penny. What ILN has

done for me is priceless. Because money cannot buy how I feel about myself and about what I do now. I personally had a radical transformation in my mind about many things Until you experience it yourself you will not be able to understand and believe it or not the cost to be a member is not a lot. It’s only $37 for easily over $10,000 in value. I personally spent over $100,000 and I did not receive this level of transformation.

Joining ILN could be a turning point for you that will do the groundwork to lay the foundation and point you in the right direction. The courses and action plans are done in an easy follow format and are easy to listen too. ILN is like online University for Internet Marketing. You learn the core of what’s needed to have success. You see most training platforms out there are so overwhelming you end up being pulled in 12 different directions and doing 12 different things at once so you end up floundering around and never make it to the money. In order to be successful online and work full time from home you have to be educated on how to be an entrepreneur FIRST in a clear, concise, step-by-step fashion, it’s almost like a science. 2nd, There are many opportunities available today but the harsh reality is that the majority of them will just take your money and not offer any sort of training or support system to bring you to the top in order to give you the much needed and required independence as a marketer.

After all, you are (or will be) paid as an ‘Independent Contractor’. If you take the time and learn how to become a superb marketer FIRST, your life will be much easier in the long haul…In business you need to have leads, and TONS of them in order to sustain the growth of your business, it’s basically do or die…The other half to the puzzle is learning how to bring in those leads using one of the many available programs which we teach you about, there are many effective ways. Mark Hoverson and the Internet Lifestyle Network Community is the best I have found in 5 years full time online. After spending $100,000 on different products, courses and testing and trial and error and learning from all the top guru’s online. You name I have bought it. Why? I decided back in late 2009 I was going to learn everything there was to know about the internet because I knew that the internet is where things are headed and I wanted to be on top of it. The internet is the future. Local economies are struggling and the Internet is on fire! But the FACT is, what I learn over the 5 years, is sum up and taken a level up in ILN. The teachings of Mark Hoverson and the ILN Team do a super job of communicating what to do to be successful. The community shares what is working right now and what you need to do to be a 6, 7 and even a 8 figure earner online. You learn how to earn more than top paid doctors and lawyers in a shorter time frame and for over 1000% less money. If your lucky you pay only 20,000 a year in fess for university and have to go to school for up to 7 years. It’s sad to say but online marketers do not get same respect like a doctor or lawyer does. Yet in many cases make much more money. Most people have this idea that everyone online out to scam you. That is far from true. There is scammers everywhere in the world not just online. Some the most successful people in world make their money via the internet. But most people have no clue how. Understanding the internet puzzle can be a little confusing but so is anything that you are new to and have not experienced before. If you want to understand something and be good at you need knowledge, training and tools and an education on the topic and that’s what Internet Lifestyle Network is. Mark and his team build the ultimate

online university. They took years of experience, trial and error and the best of best strategies that are up to date and put them in to courses which you can access via being member starting at $37/m for would should cost in the real world $10,000+ Everyone who has taken these courses and seen the ultra-easy to use blogging platform where you can make an unlimited amount should cost triple what the membership costs on its own, members laughs at the $37 they pay for the membership. Then on top of it ILN pays $20 of the $37 to affiliates to refer people in the community. It’s really mind blowing and to me and it’s kind of a piss off that I paid 100x that and did not get this kind of coaching. All of you are so blessed to pay so little to get such a massive amount of valuable knowledge that is seriously life changing. Anyone who apply the knowledge will be successful that’s a fact the problem is 1-5 percent of people in the world will really get it and act on it Most people are not driven enough or have enough faith in themselves or the knowledge to go for their dream. Most people quit soon as something goes wrong and online stuff goes wrong all the time. That’s life, especially online but successful people understand things happen keep going and are determined to succeed. Winners have vision and see the finish line and do not let a bump in the road stop them or any road block they drive over it or go around.

“Winners leap over hurdles. Losers wine & complain about them.”

ILN teaches the mindset you need to have success along with the strategies and tools and allow you to get paid %50 of on the membership fees to promote memberships that should cost 10x the price. Mark Hoverson’s went from qualifying for welfare to 10,000 000 in 5 years all using the internet. He shares his story and how he did, Mark story will touch your heart. See this YouTube Video to get to know Mark and his heart and mind frame! If you want to know who’s behind this soon to be Billion Dollar Empire called Internet Lifestyle Network. Is ILN really a legitimate way to begin creating wealth? Yes! In fact no matter who you are I strongly suggest you invest at least the $37 to get in and see what I am talking about. What you will discover will affect you on some level. There is no better deal, value, offer than ILN online or offline. If this was offline the price would sky rocket so feel blessed that you can pay so little to have a life change event. Mark Hoverson and the Internet Lifestyle Network gives you the basic principles for creating wealth. Don’t just whip out your credit card, sign up and expect millions to start pouring in, that’s like crossing your fingers and hoping you win the lottery…it just doesn’t happen. Action is key! You have to APPLY what you learn into your business. Knowledge is power, but it’s nothing without application. Take your newfound knowledge, continue to develop yourself, programs like Mark Hoverson’s Internet Lifestyle Network will make you rich if you believe in it and apply it and take action over and over and get excite, tell everyone and become a leader but if you are not a true believer and you do not consistently take action not much will happen. Things do not make people rich, people make people rich. These training systems are meant to give you a leg up and put you ahead of 95% of all the other online marketers out there. Those who succeed spend their time learning and growing as they continue to develop themselves. By simply taking action you’re creating the single biggest thing ANY business can have – MOMENTUM. Over time you’ll become an unstoppable force to be reckoned with and you’ll have the knowledge to

generate cash like clock-work that will bring you results far beyond what you could expect. Bottom line, get in and learn and apply and start to envision your dream and make a plan and follow it through to the end regardless of anything that might get in your way. Shit happens and will happen, say oh well move forward and keep creating your ultimate life. Have faith in you and in what you do and you will get there. The stronger your faith the more of chance you have to make your dream a reality. The only thing that is truly in your way is what you believe about yourself and world. Everything can will change when you do! Join ILN and get an epic education to becoming a successful marketer! Join the Family! Be real and things will really happen! Join My team and discover what our Internet Lifestyle Network team is doing that’s different. You’ll gain instant access to the exact blue print that allows you to generate Tons of new leads per day, and thus generate more sales for your business, guaranteed.

What your about the discover is extraordinary! When you implement this in your business and in your life, your life will sky rocket in many ways. What your about to learn is about you, your mind and practices that are proven to work for every person. The key is you must believe it and put it into action on a consistently. Then you will see success! I can personally a test myself that this extremely valuable stuff that I have apply to my life and my business. I have both seen and feel the change in me and my business.

There is a science to success! Follow it! It works a 1000%!!!! Leave fear in the dust and go with Faith! Believe in you and what you do and create the life of your dreams! Take the time to invest in you and your life. Read this over and over.

Take it all in and soon like magic your life will change for the better in many ways. There is more to life than money. Money will be bi product of your success. Follow your heart! Get excited and have passion! Thanks everyone for taking time to read this Absolutely Epic Document!

Success is a State of Mind = Integrity + Action & Balance Life is what you make it but it only occurs in the present: NOW. No one forces us to do anything, but every decision that we make has an impact on the quality of our present moment. Success is a state of mind Successful men and women become successful because they acquire the habit of thinking in terms of success. A Success Marketer makes a choice. He makes he’s mind up that he will not stop till he has success. He is determined to win, if he fails he learns.

How can we get to that state of mind? We all have this state of mind, how to get or active it? By becoming passionate about what you are doing! Your success will be determined by the level of drive you have and the commitment you have made. Nothing great comes easy, everything is a puzzle or maze and you will have to see it as such and get through. Why?? If you do not do this you will fail and keep failing till you’re in the right state of mind.

Learn the key elements to success! “Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.� Albert Einstein Besides action and balance, which were beautifully synthesized by our friend Albert, there is another key element that will define our success, happiness and quality of life: INTEGRITY Integrity, meaning being consistent with who we are and having the values that will allow us to live in harmony within our infinite and abundant Universe. The level of integrity in every one of our decisions, actions and thoughts in the now, will determine the quality of life in our future now. In other words again: Life is what you make it NOW and success is a state of mind.

Gandhi was asked, what are the factors that destroy the human??? He replied:

Politics without principles, Pleasure without conscience, Wealth without work, Wisdom without character, Business without ethics, Science without humanity and Prayer without charity. Life has shown me that people are friendly if I am kind; people are sad if I am sad; people love me if I love them; people are mean if I hate them; people smile if I smile; people scowl if I am scowling; that the world is happy if I am happy; that people get mad if I am mad; that people are grateful if I show gratitude. Life is like a mirror; if I smile, the mirror returns the smile. The same attitude I have towards life is what life will have towards me. He who wishes to be loved, must love first.

So now I invite you to take your bicycle and take a good ride! Don’t forget to enjoy and fully experience all the little and simple things in life because it is within them that our true wealth lies. A successful mind is a grateful and happy. You cannot be successful in ungrateful and unhappy mind frame. We are all energy and you’re in control your of the state of your mind and the choices you make. The thoughts and words you use are your fuel. Premium is recommended.

What to say to self to see success… When you feel lonely and sad: 1. 2. 3. 4.


feel the love of those who are not physically around me. take pleasure in my own solitude. am too big a gift to this world to feel self-pity and sadness. love and approve of myself.

When you feel terrified (without your safety being in danger): 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I focus on breathing and grounding myself. Following my intuition and my heart keeps me safe and sound. I am making the right choices every time. I am drawing from my inner strength and inner light. I trust myself.

When you feel insignificant: 10. I am a unique child of this world. 11. I have every bit as much brightness to offer the world as the next person. 12. I matter and what I have to offer this world also matters. 13. I may be one in 7 billion but I am also one in 7 billion! When you are nervous: 14. 15. 16. 17.

I trust my inner light and intuition to guide me. Nervousness surrounding what I want to do is a good sign. I know the situation will work out for my highest good. Wonderful thing unfold before me.

When you are angry: 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.


forgive myself for whatever mistakes I have made. let go of my anger so I can see clearly. accept responsibility if my anger has hurt anyone. replace my anger with understanding and compassion. offer a sincere apology to those affected by my anger.

When you feel hopeless and at the end of your rope: 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.


may not understand the good in this situation yet but it is there. can muster up a little more hope and courage from deep inside me. choose to find hopeful and optimistic ways to look at this. kindly ask for help and guidance if I cannot see a better way. refuse to give up because I haven’t tried all possible ways.

When you feel conflicted about a decision: 28. I know my inner self will guide me to the right decision. 29. I trust myself to make the best and smartest decision for me. 30. I receive all feedback about my decisions with kindness but make the final call myself. 31. I listen with love to this inner conflict and reflect on it until I get to peace around it. 32. I love my family even if they do not understand me completely. 33. I show my family how much I love them in all the verbal and nonverbal ways I can. 34. There is a good reason I was paired with this perfect family. 35. I choose to see my family as a gift. 36. I grow into a better person from the hardship that I feel with my family. When you are among friends: 37. I choose friends who approve of me and love me. 38. I surround myself with friends who treat me well. 39. I take the time to show my friends that I care about them. 40. My friends do not judge me, nor do they influence what I do with my life. 41. I take great pleasure in my friends, even if we disagree or live different lives.

When you are around strangers: 42. I am beautiful and smart and that’s how everyone sees me. 43. I take comfort in the fact that I can always leave this situation. 44. I never know what amazing incredible person I will meet next. 45. The company of strangers teaches me more about what I like and what I don’t like. When you are at work: 46. I am doing work that I enjoy and find fulfilling. 47. I know that I have a choice in the work that I do in this world. 48. I do not settle for meaningless, boring, and frustrating work. 49. I engage in work that impacts this world in a positive way. 50. I believe in my ability to change the world on a small scale with the work that I do. When you can’t sleep: 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.


know that peaceful sleep awaits me in dreamland. let go of all the lies I tell myself. let go of my thoughts until the morning. embrace the peace and quiet of the night. sleep soundly and deeply and beautifully into this night.

When you don’t want to face the day: 56. What if this day were to bring me a great joy? 57. I bet today will be a day to remember. Let us go and greet it. 58. My thoughts are my reality and I am thinking of a bright new day. 59. I fill this day with hope and face it with joy. 60. The day will come and go, whether I participate or not. Let us participate. When you worry about your future: 61. I let go of my fears, worries that drain my energy for no good return. 62. I make smart, calculated plans for my future. 63. I enlist the help of experts as needed in my financial planning.

64. I refuse to fall victim in a state of panic by preparing for my future. 65. I trust in my own ability to provide well for my own future. When you can’t get your loved ones to support your dreams: 66. I follow my dreams no matter what. 67. I show compassion in helping my loved ones understand my dreams. 68. I ask my loved ones to support my dreams. 69. I answer questions about my dreams without getting defensive. 70. I know that my loved ones love me without fully grappling with my dreams. 71. I accept them as they are and continue on with pursuing my dream. When you come face to face with a problem: 72. 73. 74. 75. 76.

I am safe and sound. Everything is going to work out for my highest good. There is a great reason that this is unfolding before me now. I have the smarts and the ability to get through this. Every problem has a solution, and I seek my solution with resolve.

When you want to do more with your life but feel stuck: 77. 78. 79. 80.


attempt all – not some – possible ways to get unstuck. seek a new way of thinking about this situation. know the answer is right before me, even if I am not seeing it. believe in my ability to unlock the way and set myself free.

When you can’t stop comparing yourself to others: 81. I have no right to compare myself to anyone for I do not know their whole story. 82. I compare myself only to my highest self. 83. I choose to see the light that I am to this world. 84. I am happy in my own skin and in my own circumstances. 85. I see myself as the gift I am to my people and community and nation.

When you feel you are not good enough no matter how hard you try: 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91.


am more than good enough and I get better every day. give up the right to criticize myself. adopt the mindset to praise myself. see the perfection in all my flaws and all my genius. fully approve of who I am, even as I get better. judge myself to be both good and great at all times of day and night.

When you want to give up: 92. I cannot give up until I have tried every conceivable way. 93. Giving up is easy and always an option so let us delay it for another day. 94. I give up the permission to give up for good. 95. It is always too early to give up, so let me give it some more. 96. I must know what awaits me at the end of this rope so I do not give up. When you recognize how powerful, gifted, talented and brilliant you really are: 97. The past has no power and no hold over me anymore 98. I embrace the rhythm and the flowing of my own heart. 99. All that I need will come to me at the right time and place in this life. 100. I am deeply fulfilled with who I am.

What not to say if you want to have success… Negative Self Talk: Top 10 Things NOT to Say to Yourself

We tend inflict so much suffering upon ourselves through negative self talk. It’s really amazing when you think about it. So much suffering due to words running through our minds… In this post I’d like to share my top 10 self-damaging things we tend to say to ourselves. I have my own experience with negative self talk, believe me! One tool for overcoming negative self-talk is to call it what it is. I’ll say more about that in a minute. Here is my list of the top ten things to avoid saying to yourself. 1. I’m not worth it. This is a direct assault on your self-esteem and it is simply not true! Telling yourself you are not “worth it” only perpetuates negative beliefs you may have picked up early in life. 2. There’s no use. Telling yourself there is no use steals your personal power and leaves you with no motivation.

3. I can’t do it. Again, very disempowering. There are times when you truly cannot do something, however, most of the time this one is delivered as more of a self-attack than a statement of fact. 4. I’ll never follow through. This is a set up for failure before you really get started. We all know that success comes one day at a time. Telling yourself you will fail before you get started is shooting yourself in the foot. 5. People won’t like me. A set up for rejection. When you enter a new situation telling yourself that people won’t like you, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy! 6. Others are better than I am. We all tend to compare ourselves to others. Sometimes we exercise prejudice against ourselves, though. Telling yourself that others are better than you is an assault on your self-worth. 7. I am not enough. A huge one for people who feel inadequate to meet the demands of life. A sense of personal inadequacy is very discouraging – don’t reinforce it! 8. I must be perfect. The way to guarantee failure is to criticize yourself whenever you are imperfect, which is all the time. We are perfectly imperfect! 9. My opinion doesn’t matter. More low self-esteem in this statement. To say this one to yourself, you must consider yourself unworthy.

10. I’ll never be any different. We say this as if we are written failure into stone. It’s a hopeless thought. Just say no to this one! What To Do About Negative Self-Talk Follow these steps to get a better handle on your negative self-talk:

1. Catch yourself. So often we run on autopilot and allow our minds to ruin our day. So, start each day with the conscious goal to catch yourself saying negative things. 2. Call a spade a spade. Next, label what you just said! Recognize it as negative self talk. 3. Use the following formula: “I just had the thought…” (repeat the negative thought here).

If you caught youself saying, “I am not worth it,” for example, then you would pause and say, “I just had the thought, ‘I am not worth it.’” Using this formula securely labels the thought as a mere thought. If you do not realize that what you said was just a thought, you run a higher risk of taking it personally and allowing it to ruin your day. 4. Take a deep breath and move on! I hope you found this helpful! If negative self talk persists in spite of employing these methods, then you may have an underlying attachment that maintains the self-sabotage.

What are the habits of a successful marketer?

I have a genuine interest in people and what triggers them to want to both buy and advocate for a brand. To me, marketing is not about selling. It's about cultivating an audience of passionate friends who both do business with and for you. It's a utopian notion, but not impossible to achieve. Jason Falls, CafePress

I consider "curiosity" to be my superpower. I have to know how things work and why. It's a trait that drives my wife crazy from time to time but it also drives me to experiment, try new things, read deeply in fields unrelated to marketing and think beyond the obvious -- all of these things I believe make me a better marketer or at least allow me to provide more value to my community. John Jantsch, Duct Tape Marketing

I'm a constant observer. I continually watch the activity of brands in the marketplace, not only to fuel my blog but to energize my creativity. After all, marketing is a spectator sport! Jim Joseph, Cohn & Wolfe

I am persistent. It's super-useful to be persistent with anything in life. You'll fail lots. You won't understand lots of things on the first try. But none of that matters because you know that if you persist, you'll get where you want to be initially. Eric Siu,

I remind myself: Nobody dies in marketing. Marketers are not doctors. We are not in jobs where people's lives are in our hands. We are helping businesses solve problems, reduce costs and/or make more money. My advice: Have fun. Smile. Laugh. Dance. Don't take yourself too seriously. Be human. Positive energy is contagious SPREAD IT! DJ Waldow, Founder & CEO of Waldow Social

I have absolute certainty that not every potential client is the right fit. This keeps me from spending time trying to convince someone to work with me. Instead I look for a natural fit and obvious connection. This makes for the happiest and most successful client relationships in the long run. Karen Leland, Sterling Marketing Group

I have a deep-seeded desire to make people smile. Seriously. It's the same desire that got me branded as "Class Clown" in school and got me in trouble. But as an adult, it helps. I can figure out what a person needs, and figure out a way to get it. I'm not afraid to take the gamble - - get up at 4 a.m. to get online to bring a "cronut" to a meeting, for example, or take a client skydiving. Once you've gotten a client's trust and made them smile, doing business with them is the easy part. Peter Shankman,

I never stop learning. I've accomplished a few things: I've run an agency for 12 years; worked with some of the world's greatest brands; my company just came in second place on the West Coast for Ad Age Small Agency of the Year. You'd think I would consider myself a guy who knows what he's doing. But I don't. I walk into my office every day asking, "How could I do this better?" I take every opportunity I can to learn the answer to that question. I'm like a sponge when I meet people, trying to soak up bits of their knowledge. I read voraciously. I attend conferences. I watch people. I experiment. We live in such a rapidly changing world—the only way to constantly improve as a marketer is to seek out lessons to learn, each and every day. Adam Kleinberg, Traction

I keep an eye on what brands outside of my own industry are doing. It's great to keep track of what our competitors are doing but breakthroughs often happen when we take a step back and look outside our own industry. This is when we often find unique inspiration and ideas for growth. Rick Mulready,

I make time to meet with startup founders. We all get super busy but I do a couple of coffees or chats a week with new founders whether in person or via email. They tend to be tackling new market problems which keeps my creative juices flowing, and their passion is contagious. When I approach a new marketing campaign or channel or challenges I try to keep in mind smart people are out there hustling to build great things and I find I push myself for the better. Joanna Lord, BigDoor

I take action without hesitation. I trust my gut on the right thing to when faced with any business decision, and I don't procrastinate when I know what I need to do. Without action, results can't manifest, and I've found that many people know what they need to do, but have trouble taking action on it. If you can overcome your hesitations and excuses, you'll find that you can be much more productive. Jayson DeMers, AudienceBloom

I constantly experiment with new ideas, platforms, technologies, companies and people to see what's working or what could potentially work for the future. Applying this practice to everything I do helps to consistently push me out of my comfort zone, make me more agile and flexible to the needs of customers and partners.

What NOT to do to improve your performance! “Not-to-do” lists are often more effective than to-do lists for upgrading performance. The reason is simple: what you don’t do determines what you can do. Here are nine stressful and common habits that entrepreneurs and office workers should strive to eliminate. The bullets are followed by more detailed descriptions. Focus on one or two at a time, just as you would with high-priority to-do items. I’ve worded them in no-to-do action form: 1. Do not answer calls from unrecognized phone numbers Feel free to surprise others, but don’t be surprised. It just results in unwanted interruption and poor negotiating position. Let it go to voicemail, and consider using a service like GrandCentral (you can listen to people leaving voicemail) or Simulscribe (receive voicemails as e-mail). 2. Do not e-mail first thing in the morning or last thing at night The former scrambles your priorities and plans for the day, and the latter just gives you insomnia. E-mail can wait until 10am, after you’ve completed at least one of your critical to-do items… 3. Do not agree to meetings or calls with no clear agenda or end time? If the desired outcome is defined clearly with a stated objective and agenda listing topics/questions to cover, no meeting or call should last more than 30 minutes. Request them in advance so you “can best prepare and make good use of the time together.” 4. Do not let people ramble Forget “how’s it going?” when someone calls you. Stick with “what’s up?” or “I’m in the middle of getting something out, but what’s going on?” A big part of GTD is GTP — Getting To the Point. 5. Do not check e-mail constantly — “batch” and check at set times only I belabor this point enough. Get off the cocaine pellet dispenser and focus

on execution of your top to-do’s instead of responding to manufactured emergencies. Set up a strategic autoresponder and check twice or thrice daily. 6. Do not over-communicate with low-profit, high-maintenance customers There is no sure path to success, but the surest path to failure is trying to please everyone. Do an 80/20 analysis of your customer base in two ways– which 20% are producing 80%+ of my profit, and which 20% are consuming 80%+ of my time? Then put the loudest and least productive on autopilot by citing a change in company policies. Send them an e-mail with new rules as bullet points: number of permissible phone calls, e-mail response time, minimum orders, etc. Offer to point them to another provider if they can’t conform to the new policies. 7. Do not work more to fix overwhelm — prioritize If you don’t prioritize, everything seems urgent and important. If you define the single most important task for each day, almost nothing seems urgent or important. Oftentimes, it’s just a matter of letting little bad things happen (return a phone call late and apologize, pay a small late fee, lose an unreasonable customer, etc.) to get the big important things done. The answer to overwhelm is not spinning more plates — or doing more — it’s defining the few things that can really fundamentally change your business and life. 8. Do not carry a cellphone or Crackberry 24/7 Take at least one day off of digital leashes per week. Turn them off or, better still, leave them in the garage or in the car. I do this on at least Saturday, and I recommend you leave the phone at home if you go out for dinner. So what if you return a phone call an hour later or the next morning? As one reader put it to a miffed co-worker who worked 24/7 and expected the same: “I’m not the president of the US. No one should need

me at 8pm at night. OK, you didn’t get a hold of me. But what bad happened?” The answer? Nothing.

9. Do not expect work to fill a void that non-work relationships and activities should Work is not all of life. Your co-workers shouldn’t be your only friends.

Schedule life and defend it just as you would an important business meeting. Never tell yourself “I’ll just get it done this weekend.” Review Parkinson’s Law in 4HWW and force yourself to cram within tight hours so your per-hour productivity doesn’t fall through the floor. Focus, get the critical few done, and get out. E-mailing all weekend is no way to spend the little time you have on this planet. It’s hip to focus on getting things done, but it’s only possible once we remove the constant static and distraction. If you have trouble deciding what to do, just focus on not doing. Different means, same end. What other no-no’s would you add to the list? 1___________________________________________________ 2___________________________________________________ 3___________________________________________________ 4___________________________________________________ 5___________________________________________________

7 Ways Deal with Road Blocks

How many barriers are there to personal growth? Which ones have the greatest effect on your ability to create positive change in your life? Once you become aware of your personal roadblocks, you’ll be in an excellent position to overcome them. Let’s look at some possible contenders.

#1. Loosely defined goals. Setting goals is such a fundamental part of

achievement. Sounds basic, I know, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that everyone already knows what they want. I’ve found over and over again that vague, undefined goals are the norm rather than the exception. There are several factors that can keep you from defining exactly what you want. But regardless of the exact reason, if we can’t accurately define our goals, what chance do we have of actually achieving them? People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. ~Earl Nightingale A high degree of focus is required to create a new desired outcome. If all we have is a vague idea of what we want, then what is there to focus on? Lack of focus is a common roadblock to personal development and it leaves a person feeling like their efforts never produce the results they were hoping for. If you are going to set goals, make sure you take the time define them so you have something to focus on.

#2. Current status unknown. Once you know where you want to go,

it is vital that you accurately and honestly assess exactly where you are right now. If you don’t know where you are in relation to where you want to be, how will you be able to gauge your progress? Without honest selfevaluation you will be like a ship without a rudder, adrift in an ocean of busy work or procrastination. You’ll be doing a lot, but accomplishing very little. You can avoid this roadblock to personal development by taking inventory of your current situation to get an accurate picture of where you are. If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.~Lewis Carroll

#3. Focusing on what you don’t want. In an effort to avoid problems we can easily end up putting our focus on the outcomes we want to avoid. Because the mind is only creative, it will always try to attract or create the object of our focus. This is true even when it is something we are trying to avoid. Can you see why it is so important to focus on what you want, and take your mind off of what you don’t want?

Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve. ~Wilfred Peterson Obviously, we need to be aware of possible pitfalls and steer clear of them, but our primary focus needs to be in the direction we want to go. This sounds easy, but the fear of failing or of making a costly mistake can act like a powerful emotional magnet that captures our attention in subtle ways. Learning to master your focus is the best way to avoid creating what you don’t want.

#4. Internal conflict. Of all the roadblocks to personal development,

this is the one that can sabotage your effort without you even knowing what happened. If we haven’t taken the time to discover our deepest personal standards and values then we are vulnerable to this kind of inner disharmony. To create internal harmony we must live and act in harmony with our core values, but we can’t do that if we don’t know what those values are. In my coaching practice this is an area that I pay careful

attention to, especially if there seems to be some self sabotaging tendencies. The greatest conflicts are not between two people but between one person and himself. ~Garth Brooks The best way to avoid this roadblock is to analyze you deepest core values and make sure that everything you do is in harmony with them. In my book TRUE SELF there are several exercises that walk you through the process of creating internal harmony.

#5. Limiting or obsolete beliefs. In particular, I am referring to your

beliefs about what you think you are or are not capable of, and what you think you do or do not deserve. It is through the window of these beliefs that we form our self image and try to make sense out of the things going on around us. We also use them to form assumptions about likely future results. These beliefs may have been established during childhood and have now outlived their usefulness. Others may be leftover from situations and circumstances that are no longer relevant. It is important that we evaluate our beliefs regularly to see if they are serving us or holding us back. There are two formidable problems with limiting beliefs. First of all, these beliefs often operate on a subconscious level, screened of from our conscious awareness. Second, even if we are aware of them, changing beliefs can be very challenging because they usually have a strong emotional component making them almost impervious to logic. You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can’t have it. ~Dr. Robert Anthony Overcoming this roadblock is one of the main reasons clients come to me for coaching. If you have this challenge and can’t seem to get past it, have a look at this five part series called How Your Beliefs Create Your Reality. If you still can’t get past it you might consider getting some assistance from someone who has the skills to help you.

#6. Delegating personal responsibility. The quality of our life is our

personal responsibility. This is the foundation of all personal development. We can either accept conditions as they are, or accept the responsibility for changing them. Whatever we choose to do, we must acknowledge that we are the only person responsible for our decisions and actions. Taking personal responsibility is one of the most liberating things you can do because it completely eliminates the temptation to blame anyone or anything and it puts you in the driver’s seat of your life. Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves. ~Friedrich Nietzsche

#7. Resistance to change. One of the best ways to beat this

resistance is to practice letting go. When we successfully break our emotional attachments to “what is,” we allow room for growth. To do this we need to develop strategies for severing those attachments, because letting go is easier said than done. On an emotional level, there is a sense of security related to “hanging on.” Consequently, learning to let go can be challenging. Embrace change for it is the essence of life. ~Jonathan Wells As you embrace small changes in your life, your emotional security anchors will shift. Over time your resistance will fade and you will find comfort and security in a more fluid reality. When this happens, continued personal growth becomes your new security anchor.

What roadblocks have you encountered on the personal growth path? 1._______________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________ 5_________________________________________________

How have you managed to overcome your personal roadblocks? The lines are open! 1.________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________ 5._________________________________________________

How to overcome any Issue or Problem? Problem solving is one of the most essential skills in life. Regardless of who you are or what you do, you will face obstacles. How you deal with such challenges will often be a determining factor in how successful you are at life. While problems come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, this article will give you some tools to help find solutions.

#1. There are many ways to solve problems, and it will depend

on your situation, your experience, your knowledge, your attitude, and your problem to determine the best approach. 

 

Your situation may be that you have a long term problem that will take time to resolve, such as a legal dispute or a personal issue. Your situation may be pressing, but not immediate. Such may be the case for solving a problem at work, or how to help your child get a better grade on next week's test. At the extremes, your situation may be dire, such as discovering your single-engine plane has just run out of gas, and a solution is needed immediately. Your experience comes into play for all the above. If you are an attorney, or a counselor, you will know how to navigate legal and personal issues through training and experience, and the best approaches to take solving those problems. If you are an educator, or even a parent who has an older child, you've already experienced the difficulties of test-taking, and will have the necessary skills to help your child succeed. If you're in serious, you will likely rely on gut instinct to solve your problem. As a pilot, you will have been trained on how react in an emergency.

#2. Use logic to arrive at a conclusion. To solve virtually any

problem, you can use a process of elimination—dividing the issue down until all you have left is the problem. There are four basic steps to this process:     

1. Define the problem 2. Develop a plan 3. Implement the plan 4. Evaluate the results Until there's an acceptable answer, you'll repeat steps 2 through 4 until that answer has been reached. We'll use a common problem to illustrate this scenario.

#3. Define the problem. Your car won't start, there's nobody around,

and the mechanics of automobiles is a complete mystery to you. It's a brand new car, so you are not familiar with it. Furthermore, you are going to be late for work if you don't get your car started, so it's up to you to figure out what the problem is. There are many issues there to deal with, but only one problem: your car won't start. 

When defining the problem, do not consider things that are extraneous matters, only what the actual problem is. You can consider the other issues later.

#4. Have a plan. This is important to develop for solving any problem, and key for keeping the process on track and finding the solution in the shortest amount of time. For our example, the plan is straightforward— though maybe not simple—as a car is a fairly complex piece of machinery. The plan will be to break the issue down into smaller problems that are more easily solved, until we are left with the actual cause of the problem.

#5. Implement the plan. We’ll start with big, obvious yes/no

questions. Knowing what the problem isn't is just as important as knowing what it is. 

Does the engine turn over when you engage the starter? If it does, then the battery is not the problem, and you’ve eliminated one major possibility. If it doesn’t turn over, then we know the problem is probably electrical. For this example, we’ll say it didn’t turn over. o We know now that the trouble likely lies somewhere along the electrical path, whether it be starter or battery or some other electrical issue.

#6. Evaluate the results. What did you learn from the first test? Did it turn over a couple times, then slowed down and stop? Did it only make a clicking sound? If it did that, the problem would likely be a dead battery. For this example, though, what happened was neither the starter nor the engine made any sound at all, and didn’t even attempt to start. This could mean a totally dead battery, except for the fact that turning the key caused all the dash lights and the radio to come on, just like normal. 

Now we know that the battery seems to be OK, but something is still preventing the car from starting. So we know the problem is that power is not getting to the starter when you turn the key. That doesn't help you get to work, though, so start again.

#7. Develop the next plan. If you knew auto mechanics, you might look under the hood to see if all the parts were there. For this example, though, you wouldn’t know valve seal from a bivalve. Still, you look, see the engine is still inside, and nothing is obviously missing, so your next plan is to consult an expert—the owner’s manual.

#8. Implement the plan. Since you’ve narrowed the problem down

enough to know it’s not a dead battery or no gas, you look in the manual for where the problem actually is: starting the car. 

You note a large alert icon with text stating, “For safety reasons, you must step on the brake pedal to start your car.”

#9. Evaluate the results based on this new knowledge. Did you

press the brake pedal when you first attempted to start the car? If you did, then that’s not the issue. However, to make a long example bearable, let’s say you neglected to step on the brake pedal.

#10. Develop the next plan. It's getting easier, isn't it? Your next plan is to attempt to start the car with the brake pedal pressed down.

#11. Implement the plan. Attempt to start the car with the brake engaged.

#12. Evaluate the results. Did it start? Yes, it did! Your problem is

solved, and you’re on your way to work. Had it not started, it might also be the point where you call in a real expert—your auto mechanic. However, because of your methodical and diligent attempts to solve the problem, you will be able to give him a very good idea of what's wrong, which will lessen the time it takes him to figure out what’s wrong, which will lower your bill.

How Solve problems with Brainstorming

#1. Talk to people. If your problem is not immediate, and you have

time to gather together people who have skills or experience that relate to your problem, take advantage of having such smart friends. Let's say you want to start a business, but don't know how to proceed.

#2. Get your people together around the table. If you're in a

business setting, call a meeting. If it's more informal and you're calling on friends, invite them over for a social business meeting.

#3. Define the problem. Yes, just like above, you cannot solve a problem until you first define it. 

The problem is you want to start a business, but don't have the knowledge you need to do it successfully.

#4. Make a plan. Talk to your team. Brainstorm—that is, listen to their

ideas, discuss them, and build on them. Toss your ideas onto the table, and let people discuss them as well. Often times, you'll find that everybody will have little pieces of an idea, but together you create a much more substantial plan to continue. 

The plan in our example will be for you develop the outline for the business plan. This gives you concrete steps to follow that will enable you to define your business and its goals, examine the competition, evaluate the market, and have a clear outline of what you want to accomplish.

#5. Implement the plan. Build the business plan from the ground up. It will take a while, and it will test the limits of your knowledge, but it will push you along the path to having a successful venture.

#6. Evaluate the results. When you have created your business plan,

gather your team again, and discuss what you have discovered. Brainstorm again, listening to and implementing what works, discarding what doesn't.

#7. Repeat until you have fine-tuned your plan and you're ready to start your business. That problem has been solved, but there will be many more ahead!

Solving a Problem or Issue with Research!

There are many approaches to problem solving. Perhaps one of the most key approaches to solving any problem is research. Whether reading the manual to find out why your car won't start, or poring over endless legal volumes on case history and precedent to find the best approach for that civil suit, research can play a vital role in problem solving.

Solving Problems with Diligence

In closing, perhaps the best approach of all is to incorporate every approach you know, and don't give up until your problem is solved. There is a solution to every problem, even if that solution is difficult to accept. As the I Ching frequently states, "perseverance furthers."

If you feel like you can't do anything, stop thinking about what you can't do and start thinking about what you can do. Even if it's something small or seems unimportant, that little step might just lead to another, bigger step. If you start feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, take a breather. Realize that every problem has a solution, but sometimes you're so wrapped up in it that you can't see anything but the problem. Attitude is the key. The more problems you solve the greater is your experience with problem solving. You can apply a solution from one area to another only by gaining experience. Be open to new problems. Keep in mind the role others can play in problem solving. Team work often plays a vital role in such issues. The threat of personal tension in such situations merely underscores the importance of promoting clarity and logic within the group. Consider problem solving books related specifically to your issue. Polya's book "How to Solve It", is an example of an excellent book for general problem solving. Be brave. Albert Einstein famously said "You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it." When you identify a problem, you might be emotionally charged, disappointed that the problem exists. The initial emotional reaction is normal, but how you express it is very important. Getting angry at others will usually put them into a defensive or withdrawn position, far less helpful for collaborative problem solving. Give yourself a moment to let the initial emotions calm down, then you'll be better able to evaluate and decide on how to proceed productively. Try to be calm and logical when approaching a problem, resolution ultimately lies in this approach. Write down your thoughts so that the problem becomes a lot simpler in your mind. You become more relaxed and that often leads to better problem solving. There are different ways to get your thoughts on paper.

Where to go to find answers to questions?

#1. YouTube – Many times you can get step by step video instructions on how to do almost anything

#2. Google - Type in any question and you can get your question answered.

46 Things You Should Know Before You Spend Money On Advertising, Create an AD or a Post! Over the last 17+ years I've been searching out, studying and trying to make sense of Advertising Case Studies that other business owners have done. I’ve probably asked more than 1,000 business owners personally what's worked for them and what hasn't. I've been searching for common advertising principles that ANY business owner can use to increase lead flow and sales conversions from all of your advertising efforts. All the way back to the 1950's. Companies have spent BILLIONS testing and measuring results from advertising before you and I came along. The part that gets me excited is that the same psychological triggers that made sales in the 1950's still make sales today. Humans haven't changed much. This Checklist is the best place for your to start when creating any advertising for any product or service. This is not just my personal best advice to you, it's tested advice from all those that have pointed me in the right direction through the years. Or shucked out large fortunes figuring it all out for us. What I've found is that most of the the tips I'm giving you below are what I'd consider Universally Applicable Laws Of Advertising. Which means, they should work no matter what industry or business you're in. There's no reason for you to

bang your head against the wall losing money because your advertising isn't producing sales or leads. AND, I've found that you must test EVERYTHING in smaller doses before rolling out any larger advertising campaigns. Never assume you know what the consumer will do. Many companies have flushed their advertising budgets down the toilet by not testing. I can't stress that enough. Not everything works on the first try. I've also narrowed down a select 7 reasons to advertise. 1. To Survey what people actually want from you in the 1st place. 2. To get a lead to raise their hand and say they are interested. 3. To outright ask for the 1st sale. 4. To ask them to buy a lower end product if they didnt buy at 1st. 5. To ask them to buy more often. 6. To ask them to buy a premium priced product from you. 7. To ask them for referrals or introductions. Before you do anything. Before you write, design, make videos, or pick a media to advertise in, you must must must, narrowly define the person your product is for. Your Target Market. Then find where their eyeballs are. The Media. Then, when you know who it's for and where they're going to see it, and only then, does it make sense for you to begin to create your advertisement. "In order for your advertising to be effective, it helps a lot to have a great product first" Rosser Reeves once said, "Until a great product is outmoded, it's advertising should continue to keep making sales" or something like that. I probably butchered it but you get the point. Now for the nitty gritty tips, questions to ask about your own advertising, techniques for persuasion, and all out A-to-Z Advertising Checklist that I wish someone would have given me in my earlier years in the advertising field. 1) Your Position In The Marketplace

Is Your Most Important Decision To Make:

Do you position your service as a product? Do you position your product as a new product? Do you position your product for a different use or benefit?

Do you position your product to a new type of person? How you position your product effects everything else. 2) Your Big Promise What's the BENEFIT the user will receive from using your product? That's your Big Promise. NOT Your Claim, Theme, Slogan or Offer. Make the biggest promise you can KEEP without over-promising. Most of your competitors do not promise a thing, this is good for you. 3) Your Brand Image Keep it consistent from ad to ad, year to year. Never let just anyone, any designer or so called copy expert create your advertising. Be involved, it's YOUR money. It's YOUR product. Over time Brand Image does matter. But not that important if your product isn't a true solution. 4) Your Big Idea Big, simple ideas are not so simple to come up with. Big, simple ideas work for a long time and are worth working hard for. Without a big, simple idea your potential consumers may never even notice you.They need to NOTICE your product, REMEMBER your product and take ACTION.Big, Simple Ideas Do That! 5) Why Your Product Should Be First Class First Class Products make for invariably higher profits. Looks Cheap, must be cheap. Even Commodities can look first class and valued as first of its class. Pepperidge Farm Bread VS Store Brand Bead, Infinity VS Toyota, BMW VS Rolls Royce. 6) Are You Boring? Zzzzzzzzz Bored people don't buy, they turn the channel, flip the page or click back. The customer WANTS to participate. Get the consumer to get involved. Be Enthusiastic, Be Personable. Be Charming. Be Human. Be Fun, people like fun.

7) Innovate or Stalemate Imitation is not flattery, it's less profitable. Never follow. Lead by example. Shatter Boundaries, Smash Competition & Start The New Trend In Advertising. Be careful, innovation is risky business. Dan Kennedy says "Pioneers Get Shot By Arrows" Test in small doses before rolling out larger campaigns. Don't assume you know what consumers will do, EVER! 8) Don't Worry About Winning Awards With Your Ads Rosser Reeves used to threaten to fire his designers if they won an award. He also said that you can't just make the ad better, you have to start with a better product. NEVER distract someone from understanding your message. The only award should be for the most sales, period. If the product is truly the hero, you'll almost invariably have success selling it. 9) How To Use Psychological Segmentation There're psychological reasons people buy, use this to position your products. Demographic Segmentation is effective. Add psychological segments and increase sales. What are your consumer's Fears, Frustrations, Passions And Desires. The stuff that keeps your potential customer up at night worrying about it. 10) Come Out Swinging, Tell'm The News! Don't wait till all lights are green to launch a new product, they never will be. If you wait too long someone else can beat you to the punch. Everyone likes new news, old news doesn't get read, watched or talked about. If it's new and exciting don't wait till the end to explain that, start with it.If your product is new and exciting, the best time to use that to your advantage is now! 11) Don't Overcomplicate Things - Keep It Simple & Go Hard! Too many options lowers sales. If you try to go in every direction at once you'll go nowhere at once. Pick your ONE biggest and best benefit you can promise and DELIVER IT. Don't try to accomplish too many things in your advertising. Remember: Big, SIMPLE Ideas.

12) Testimonials Work, But There Are Exceptions Actually, testimonials are almost always successful in every case. Except celebrity testimonials. Use "relevant" celebs, irrelevant ones distract viewers. Make them credible. Does a doctor endorse it. An industry leader. Big customers. Are they Verifiable? Can someone check on them at their convenience? 13) Sales Formulas, No Reinventing The Wheel Sales Funnels Work. Make one and improve it incrementally. There are PROVEN sales funnel scripts, use them. State The Problem, Their Aggravations, Your Solution. Using a formula allows you to change one thing at a time and improve your ads effectiveness. 14) Proof & Evidence The more PROOF you have that your product is the best solution the higher your sales. Have a Preponderance of Proof. Preponderance = More Than Enough. Types of Proof & Evidence That Will Help You Increase Your Sales : •Before & Afters •Statistics Showing How Right You Are •Relevant Celebrities That Agree With You •Industry Titans That Agree With You •Memberships You're A Part Of •Sponsorships •Endorsements •Association You Have •Accolades & Awards You've Accumulated •Case Studies of Your Product Or Service •Tests You've Done or Independent Tests •Graphics & Graphs Showing Your Results •Demonstrations That. Clearly Show Your Most Valuable Benefit(s) •Books You've Written (Reports, e-Books and online PDF's too) •Lists of Clientele (especially impressive ones) •Testimonials •Videos (w/clients, w/staff, w/vendors, w/partners, w/before&afters) •Social Proof & User Generated Content

15) Video Of Your Product In Action Don't tell me your product is awesome, show me. Don't cheat, be genuine and honest. Show real results. The viewer wants to visualize the benefit to them. It drives your big idea home. Seeing is believing. Makes it memorable. 16) A Slice of Reality Similar to seeing your product in action. But more from the perspective of a fly on the wall. Let the viewer imagine themselves in the same situation. 17) Your Story Should Be In Pictures Or Videos Words Can Sometimes Be Secondary. What you show them can hold more water then what you say. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth? Use pictures to tell an interesting story. People are conditioned to remember stories. They stay with us and we can even recall lessons better. 18) Live Action Videos (can) Outsell Voice Over Videos, But Both Work Got a face made for radio? Voice over videos will work too. Sometimes better. People do like to place a face with a voice though. Live action videos are quicker to make than voice over videos. Live on screen footage does require lighting and sound. Lighting is cheap. Use lapel mics. 19) The Face to Face Video Pitch Don't make a bobble head video. As long as you are honest and very forthcoming they do well. Confidence plays a big role in the effectiveness. Credibility plays a big role in effectiveness. 20) Keeping it Congruent This is where logos can come in. Just don't make a logo the focal point. The copy and product are. This is where design can come in. Keep some elements of design the same.

21) Edutainment, NOT Entertainment Anything that distracts too far from the sales message can lower your sales. Keeping with not being bored, make it fun. But not so fun that they forget your product and only remember the ad. Entertainment works with children, adults expect edutainment. 22) Why Advertising Failures Breed Successful Campaigns How do you know what's working if you don't know what's not? Always A/B Test. Only change one thing at a time, so you know what worked. A small change can sometimes more than double your response. Fail as fast as you can. Fail your way to success. Thomas Edison didn't fail 10,000 times making a lightbulb, he just found 10,000 ways NOT to make a lightbulb. 23) Why Facts Beat Emotions In Advertising, But Both Can Work Usually, factual advertising seems to outsell emotional advertising. Some have been very successful. World Wildlife Fund, Maxwell House Coffee. Use both facts and create emotions and watch your ads do well. The Fact, The Benefit, The Reason Why. The reason why can be an emotion too. 24) Getting Attention Immediately Got something to say? Better say it fast, readerships and viewerships drop fast.Get attention immediately, then keep their attention. But get it first or you'll never keep it. Interrupt their normalcy. Interrupt normal patterns. Turn on their reticular activator. Make them go from Alpha to Beta Mode. 25) The Ad For Your Ad Your Headline is read before the body of your advertisement. More than 5 X's as much. If your headline sucks, nobody will read the rest. A great headline can stand alone with a phone number. Spend a great deal of time creating headlines. Write hundreds if you can. Your best ideas will take a while to come up with. Whatever doesn't work as a main headline can sometimes serve as a sub head. 26) Why You Should Always Start With Your Biggest Benefit In Your Headline? Headlines with the benefit in them sell more. Who cares why, just do it.

If there are multiple benefits, test them to see which one works the best. Keep finding creative ways to explain the benefit in your headlines. Keep testing them. 27) Simple Language Works, This Is NOT A Spelling Bee People read at less than a 9th grade reading level. Short sentences work better than long ones. Nobody can read a 10 Syllable word, opt for shorter words in your headlines. Don't make the reader have to think about the meaning of your headlines. 28) Why Longer Headlines Sell More Than Short Headlines The same reason that long copy usually outsells short copy, depending on the application. Big corporations have tested this for us, headlines of 8 to 10 words are remembered easier. Longer headlines are usually more descriptive. You've gotta tell it to sell it. 29) If It's Local, Let Them Know Right Way Draw attention to the fact that your product is relevant to them locally.The closer to the beginning of the headline the city or state is the better it works. Don't try and wait until someone is farther into the ad or commercial to mention the locale. The more local it is, the more relevant it is. State, County, City, Neighborhood, Street. 30) Why You Should Flag Down Your Target Customer, As Early As Possible It's effective to hold a sign with someone's full name on it at the airport, right? As long as you are by the plane exit and not the airport entrance. Largo, Fl Men Over 40 That Wanna Lose Stomach Fat In A Week! 31) Why Long Copy Outsells Short Copy People make their decision to read or watch your ads in the first 50 words or so. If you have them in 50 words or less, they will continue to read or watch. This report has over 3,500 words and you're still reading it. So yes, long copy gets read. You just proved that long copy works, if it's relevant, educating, and offers a big benefit. 32) Does Everything Flow Correctly? Does every sentence lead you to wanna read the next? Does every paragraph make you wanna keep reading the next?

Does each page make you wanna read the next page. Have you read aloud to yourself? Does it sound like you speak? Does it read like a conversation? Is the tonality on point? 33) Are The Words & Inflection Appropriately Formatted? In print, did you format highlights, italics, bolds, underlines, slashes, dotted lines...In print, does the formatting support a reader's path if they are just skimming the content 1st? In video, especially voice over video, do the right words have the right inflection? Are you putting the right Em-phasis on the right Syllables? 34) What's This Got To Do With Me Syndrome Do you speak directly to one person and one specific person only? The most used words in the worlds best advertising have been You, Your, You're and Yours. We're all conceded and love hearing about ourselves so write or speak like we're face to face. 35) Why Making Your Pictures Tell The Story WORKS! If your picture has story appeal, and a good caption, the reader will start to read the body.The Hathaway Man Eye Patch. The Most Interesting Man In The World.This is where art direction, design and experienced photographers can come in. 36) Here It Was Then, Here It Is Now Before and After pictures and videos work extremely well. They make the product the hero very well. The more contrasting the difference the better they work. They work way above average. 37) Illustrations Are Cool, Pictures Are Cooler Illustrations can work, but why use them if a photograph works better. Photographs are more believable and carry more credibility. 38) How Your Picture Captions Can Save Your Ads People like pictures over reading. If the picture is captivating, two times as many people will read the caption before the body. Use the caption as a secret headline. Put the brand name, target audience and benefit in your captions.

39) How To Correctly Sell Your "Stuff" Using Advertorials An ad that doesn't t look like an ad at all gets read. People skip ads.Editorial looking advertisements don't scream SALE. Editorial ads use more space for words and the more you tell the more you sell. 40) Ask Believe it or not, many advertisements drone on and never even ask for anything specific. Just like asking for too many things at once can lower sales conversions, so can NOT asking. 41) About Your Offer Is it clearly understood? <--- "Brevity Is The Soul Of Wit", 'ole Billy Shakespeare. Is there a sense of Scarcity or Urgency that can be added to help people take action quicker? Is this the best you can do? There's nothing you could add, nothing that can be taken out? Have you added Bonuses? Do they complement the original purchase? Have you shown the "Perceived" Value of each component of your offer, then your pricing? Is there a Coupon or Discount that can be used to increase purchases? 42) The Guarantee Test w/Guarantee, Test w/o a Guarantee, sometimes without wins. Less refunds too! Is it clearly understood? Is it Realistic? Can you make it INSANE? Are you going to stand behind your Guarantee 100%, if not don't do it. Can you make it stronger and still make your guarantee? Time, financial, special conditions? 43) P.S.'s They are the second thing people read after the headline, it pays to work hard on it. It can sum up the offer. It can bring up your big promise. It should bring up the consumer's biggest benefit. 44) The Word FREE It's only powerful if you use it correctly. If it's used as Bait to get a response or a Lead it can work well. The words "It's FREE" increases your responses. Giving someone a free chance to try your service or product before buying increases sales. 45) The Final Touches, If you have horrible grammar and spelling, get/hire an editor. Is the pricing correct everywhere mentioned, sometimes it gets changed in one place. Have you tested placing an order?

Have you called the phone number, address, faxes, email, checked the site works? Do at least 3 "Stupid" Checks. 46) If It Ain't Broken Don't Fix It, Drive It Like You Stole It & Ride It Till The Wheels Fall Off! When you find something that is working don't abandon it too soon. You wouldn't believe how many business owners change a perfectly working ad, for no reason. When you create an ad that is working awesomely, run it everywhere it's profitable. And don't stop running it until it stops working profitably. Keep in mind that no matter how many new media choices get thrown at you, the same Universally Applicable Advertising Principles will work. Don't pick a media to advertise in unless that's where your most narrowly defined potential customer's eyeballs are or your ads fall on deaf ears. The #1 Technique I've used to get customers for myself has always been to take initiative and go after them. Pick up the phone, walk into their office, get personal. There seems to be a tendency for newer business owners to hope for "push-button" success. There is no substitute for hard work coupled with smart work, mixed with creativity, a positive attitude and the knowledge that failures shed light on positive changes. Add also, knowing the reason "why" you are motivated. I think this report has the power to change your advertising's effectiveness rapidly. The more you implement these principles into your advertising the more you'll start to see them working better and better. Each one of the items I've mentioned have the ability to increase your conversions by a few percentages. Every time you find something that works and stack another good idea from this list on top of it there is a sort of multiplying effect. If you're used to getting 1 sale a month and just one idea has the potential to double your sales to 2 per month, THEN one more change doubles your sales again you're at 4 sales per month. Not 3. Are you starting to see now how this report can revitalize your advertising immediately? Now

use it as a checklist for doing any advertising going forward. Only make one change at a time so you know which changes helped or hurt your message, and go get'em. Remember, the biggest financial LEVERAGE you have at your fingertips is your ability to command more leads and sales from every advertising dollar your spend. ____________________________________________________________

Discover the power of laughter…make people laugh. It’s not about better cards ‘ how you play the cards you get. Study successful people. Watch what successful people do and do it or one up them. Look for talent, what does talent look like? Be real and be you. _______________________________________________ “Write out a daily goal, weekly, monthly, 90 day 6 months 1 year and 2 year 3 years and 5 and 10 year.” ______________________________________ All business problems are personal problems, We all have emotions, “EPIC YOUTUBE VIDEO” What’s the size of your but.."but what if" There is three kinds of butts #1. but I don't have the... #2. but what if, #3. but am not... Don't get stuck on your butt... Take a stand.

You will be noticed

Facebook Marketing – Secrets Exposed 100% FACT: FACEBOOK has changed the game! You can change your life at Nitro – Speed using Facebook! Friends Worldwide! I have Exciting news for you! Never in the history of the world has this ever been easier to make money online! 1,100 000 000 Billion + people all on one site! WOW!!! The potential for people has never being easier. Your time is now

My goal is to improve your life. “I own an app called Perfect Post APP!” It a Facebook scheduler that will save you time and make you money simultaneously. I make it a practice to listen all the users’ feedback. Then I meet with my team on how to make it so.

“I believe all things are possible when we work together and listen. The success of Perfect Post APP, owes a big thanks to all of you who offered great feedback. Keep it coming and will keep growing. Thanks Everyone! “ Let’s take a look, Here’s Facebook graph:

What I am about to explain to you could change your life. Please here my heart and soul on this matter. This is for real Here’s what I got! It’s an app. Called Perfect Post App, It’s Awesome! He’s name is Nitro! Perfect Post APP is better than any else on the market. Here is what he will do for you. He’s works at Nitro-Speed as a 24/7 Scheduler for Facebook groups news feed, you can potentially Reach Millions A Day! Saving you a ton of time and potentially making you a ton of money! You can now be active in hundreds of Fb groups 24/7. Reaching your exact target market on Facebook! There is no limit to the amount of groups you can be in and it’s free to join groups.

Meet your new best friend! Nitro! He works at Nitro-Speed for you even while you’re sleeping! Here’s what you need to do next. Click! #1. Resister for FREE! ...Do it now! #2. Its 100% Risk FREE! ...For real! Go Register! #3. Its Works! 100% Legit! Go now! Perfect Post App is a Blessing. It’s Simple too! The faster you do this, the more you will make and guess what? You can Get PAID to connect others to this amazing app! It’s the Perfect APP! Turn your Facebook addiction into money. Its beautiful! ClickNOW! See Perfect Post App's Epic Features! Yes Friends! IT’s FINALLY HERE!!! We can all SAVE TIME and MAKE MONEY SIMUTANOUSLY! It’s TOTALLY AWESOME! The app AUTO GENTERATES TRAFFIC! LEADS! and SALES! 24 HOURS A DAY. Its 100% RISK FREE! Also the app has 100% Money Back Guaranteed! Friends try PPA today. You will LOVE IT! Friends, getting Perfect Post App is the no brainer, of all no brainers! Register today free! NITRO will help you blow up your business! This is so cool This app is changing people’s lives worldwide.

Social Apps Rock! Do You Want A Monster Marketing APP? Facebook marketing is made easy with the new marketing app Perfect Post APP. The best way to get your marketing campaign off and running high on octane is to use Perfect Post APP. Decide your niche market and get this app working for you 24/7. make money well you sleep! Nitro aka Perfect Post APP. Does not Sleep! He does not ask for time off or call in sick! There is no limit to how many Facebook groups you can join. Find groups that are similar to what you do and join them. Use PPA to be consistently active online in hundreds and hundreds of Facebook groups in your niche! Awesome Advantages to Perfect Post App  Post images, video, text messages and URL links. Grow your exposure of products, goods, and services exponentially in your niche market.  Don’t be afraid to turn off your computer, the app runs 24/7 promoting your products and delivering you new leads and sales around the clock.  Perfect Post app allows you to schedule your messages whenever you want. Just pick the time you want, group and message. Designate, starting and stopping times.  You can add as many messages as you want in a marketing campaign. Perfect Post saves your messages. You don’t have to rewrite, or use the same message to every contact.  To avoid spam and to protect against being banned from Facebook, PPA posts messages in batches. Shipments are sent out in different

    

time periods throughout during the day in moderation instead of all at at one time. This way Facebook will have no reason to stop your posts. You can use your own branded app. You are not just a part of the crowd; you have presence. You have the capability to post or message in multiple groups. You can do this eaisily with a click of a button. Perfect Post APP has at a one-time purchase option saving you from on going costs and achieving 100% Profit margins. Try the free trail! Start on the sales ride of your life. Your personalized app will run on our servers 24/7 No download or web host or domain is needed. A huge feature that sets Perfect Post APP apart is the click-able image posts. Customers can click the image that goes directly your webpage instead of another page in Facebook. PPA post large siz images. Consumers love to click pictures.

Want to get paid with Perfect Post APP? Look into our affiliate program. Affiliates get 50 percent of sales coming from their websites. Our affiliate program is amazing, one the best in the online marketing world. Think about it. Market Perfect Post APP to just two people and your app is free. Use Perfect Post App and get leads and sales 24/7 on autopilot. You can watch how PPA works by checking out our video. Promote your products or service with perfect post app, build your brand, generate leads and convert your online traffic to sales. Marketing anything online? Checkout this app. www.PerfectPostAPP.NET


What do Recommend Online? “What businesses am I part of because they work and bring joy to my life?”


Perfect Post App- Facebook Marketing Made Easy Why? Bottom line it works! The app generates tons traffic, sales, and leads for me 24/7 365 days a year. Who does not want this? PPA is a Dream Come true for most!

Set your online business or businesses on auto pilot! If you’re like many online these days, your promoting multiple products and or in multiple businesses. Perfect post app can promote all of them for you back to back 24/7. Rotating posts potentially seen by millions day for as little as 1 penny per day.

#2. Join Internet Lifestyle Network!

Mark Hoverson (left) – Vincent Ortega Jr (middle) – Clifton Hatfield (right) When I started going through the Internet Lifestyle Network I was seriously tripped out… it was everything I had envisioned, and more.

As such rather than trying to reinvent the wheel I decided to partner with Mark Hoverson, Vincent Ortega Jr and Clifton Hatfield (the co-founders of ILN) and help them promote their “movement.” There are many reason for me calling it a movement, rather than just a business opportunity or an affiliate program. Unlike a lot of systems out there, what both Mark, Vincent and Clifton have created in terms of culture is phenomenal. This of course is all thanks to their private Facebook community. I seriously can’t describe in words how great everyone within the community is. There is just a vibe that you get from seeing the willingness of everyone inside of it to help each other succeed. A real “no man or women left behind” mentality is present. When I joined I was welcomed by a ton of people, who wanted to make me feel welcome and help me out if I had any questions (little did they know how much experience I already possessed hehe). I would show you a screenshot, but I would literally have to scroll down the group’s wall for probably the next hour because it is such an active community (and I can find much more valuable ways to spend my time that will impact more people).

Enough of me rambling though… let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this Internet Lifestyle Network review to help you understand what it is exactly, how you make money with it etc. What Is The Internet Lifestyle Network? If you want to understand the Internet Lifestyle Network then here’s the sentence that will do it for you (somewhat): The Internet Lifestyle Network was created to teach everyday people to start a business online by branding themselves. It does this by teaching you cutting edge marketing techniques that are proven to allow you to see results as soon as being implemented, while working on transforming your mindset at the same time so you can begin thinking like an 8-figure earner. The reason I put somewhat in brackets though is because putting the Internet Lifestyle Network in words just isn’t possible. It would be like describing color to someone who was born blind. You have to experience it to truly appreciate it.

Internet Lifestyle Network Products With that said let’s get into what makes the Internet Lifestyle Network… the Internet Lifestyle network. It’s products! The various products ILN has to offer is split up into the following memberships and one-time purchase courses.   

Apprentice Membership Professional Membership Executive Training

Let’s start with the Apprentice Membership.

Apprentice Training Essentially the Apprentice Membership is like your access card to everything the Internet Lifestyle Network has to offer. You have to have an active Apprentice membership to gain access to both the Inner Circle Training, Kings & Queens training! With your Apprentice Membership you get your very own done-for-you blog, access to the Internet Lifestyle Network University, the private Facebook Community and the affiliate program. Let’s start with the blogging platform. The Internet Lifestyle Network’s done-for-you blogging platform will act as a magnet and attract customers to your business while doing all the talking

for you. You can utilize this blogging platform to create unlimited blogs that can be used to promote the Internet Lifestyle Network, yourself (a personal blog) or whatever business opportunity you are currently in. Not only do the blogs look great out of the box, but they can be easily customized (seriously a monkey could do it) to stand out from the crown, lead generation and management is already handled for you, you can setup domain masking (so your blog domain could be

rather than and so much more. There is even some advanced options for experienced Internet Marketers. Just take a look at some blogs members have created below:

Don’t they look sexy? I actually did a more hands-on tour with the blogging platform over here if you would like to see what its backend is like and how easy customizing it really is. Besides your very own customizable blog that can bet setup in seconds, you also gain access to the Internet Lifestyle Network University. This is where all of the video training courses are kept and with your Apprentice Membership you gain access to 2 courses.  

The Speed Wealth System Fast Profit Formula The Famous Viral 5 ILN Lifestyle Formula The Speed Wealth System Fast Profit formula will teach you the quickest way to start seeing results with ILN leveraging the Speed Wealth System which is included with your Apprentice Membership.

The Famous Viral 5 ILN Lifestyle Formula includes everything you will need to build a long-term sustainable business. You can take a look at the 7 lessons it includes below: The “Viral 5 ILN Quick Start” Guide!

The “Viral 5 ILN Quick Start” Guide!

How to create an AMAZING blog

“DreamScaping” your new lifestyle

The Famous 8-Figure Million Dollar Day

How to sell by “getting inside people’s hearts”

The “Viral Magnet” Daily promo strategy

“How To Sponsor 140+ People On Facebook”

And the list goes on and on! Receive real effective ways of cashing in!

The information shared in these courses will not only teach you how to start a successful Internet business by teaching you cutting edge marketing strategies, but they will also work on your mindset. This is HUGE because often times what sets people back from making money online is not being in the right frame of mind. The bottom line is all of these lectures are all killer, no filler that upon going through and taking action on (the key to success) will allow you to improve the quality of your life. Lastly as I went into detail on previously you will be getting access to the Internet Lifestyle Network private Facebook community, which will be on the of keys to your success. In all honesty I would pay a monthly fee just to be a part of this big ball of energy and love.

This is in part just because of the awesome energy in the group that invigorate and motivate you, but also because the founders of ILN (that includes Mark Hoverson, Clifton Hatfield and Vincent Ortega Jr.) are extremely active. They are always around to offer advice to members and lend a helping hand when needed. Why this is impressive is because each of the founders charge over $1000/hour if you wanted a private coaching session with them and with the Apprentice Membership you get access to them for FREE! All of this is only going to cost you $37/month (there is no hidden affiliate fees).

I have said this before and I will say it again, I seriously feel like I am stealing from the founders of ILN when they bill me each month because there is just so much value in the Apprentice Membership.

Some people would probably be willing to sign up right now after hearing everything that is included, but let’s dive a little deeper though into some of their other products for you keeners out there.

Professional Training The Professional membership builds on the foundational principles you learned in the Apprentice Training and shows you how to scale up your marketing efforts quickly and efficiently. You will learn advanced strategies that will allow you to take your business to $10,000+/month. Best of all, just like the Apprentice Training, it is all interactive meaning after you finish each lecture you are given a list that breaks down the action steps required to implement what you just learned.

At the time of writing this badass review there is over 70 hours of content in total that are categorized as follows: 

Mark Hoverson’s 8-Figure Professional Game: Jump-Starts Your Future Million Dollar Business! Vincent Jr’s “Viral Attraction” Facebook Marketing: This Is How You Turn Facebook Into A Viral Lead Generating Machine! Mark Hoverson’s Leadership Branding For Direct Response: How To Create An 8-Figure Marketing Mindset Mark Hoverson’s Famous 8-Figure Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint: The 8Figure Irresistible Info Marketing Blueprint. Mark Hoverson’s NEXT-LEVEL Professional Members Only Marketing Training: Mark Hoverson’s BEST OF THE BEST Stuff That He’s Never Shared Publicly! Vincent Ortega Jr’s NEXT-LEVEL Professional Members Only Marketing Training: Vincent Jr’s BEST OF THE BEST Stuff That He’s Never Shared Publicly! Inner Circle’s Top ILN Affiliate Training & Webby Replays: Next Level Leadership & Marketing Training By Our Top ILN Affiliates! Creating 8-Figure Easy Video Sales Letters: This Is How 8-Figure Earners Make Simple & Powerful Video Sales Letters! Take Your Video Marketing To The Next Level: Video Marketing Tips & Tricks To Look Professional Even On A Budget! More lectures and training is always being added to the Professional training, which makes it a must-have for anyone who is serious about being successful online. It costs $95/month and is again something of immense value (notice a trend here?).

Bottom Line! #1. Get in! #2. Start Learning #3. Start Rock’in!

#3. I Highly Recommend You Join IQKonnect!

The Shift is Coming There's a movement coming! IQLife social media Platform IQKonnect will change the social media world! Join us and ride the wave! As this shift continues, there are new and exciting technology trends that we as Brand Partners re positioned to enjoy and utilize. IQLife has strategically aligned with a Brand New Social Sharing Platform that will soon be released exclusively to all existing Level 9/iQLife Brand Partners. Why is that significant? This NEW Social Sharing platform will start a movement by rewarding you for bringing all your life experiences to this platform! All your passions, your family, your friends, your work, your leisure, your interests. Everything that you are and everything that you will be! A platform to tell your story and write new chapters along the way. We believe that by you bringing all your experiences with you to this community, you will enhance the quality of life for all of those enjoying this

New Social Sharing Platform, the entire community across the globe. As a thank you from iQKonnect, you will be rewarded for sharing! It is a new and fresh twist on the already enormous multi hundred billion dollar social media arena! You have been extended a very special invitation to join now, before the rest of the world comes, ahead of millions that will join after you, each and every one sharing their experiences, those parts of themselves that are unique to them and make them who they are. Collectively compiling a collage of life experiences from people all across the globe, iQKonnect is passionately connecting to share life, love, and the individual pursuit of happiness! You have already begun to share on other social media platforms. Right now, here, today, at this time, we invite you to bring your experiences to our community and be rewarded for it! Come share in this movement by simply becoming a Brand Partner, then start inviting others to join with you NOW, ahead of the millions of Free connections that will be invited very soon.

Bottom Line this is massive! Get in now! It’s a forced Matrix! Hello Money!

Can you see how you can use Perfect Post APP to promote all 3, PPA ILN and IQKonnect and. You can get paid to promote all 3 and if you wanted you can do on auto pilot.

Can you see how you could use IQKonnect to Promote, Perfect Post App and Wake up now? Use all three to help each other generate sales. You will meet people in IQKonnect who will want to app and want to get into Internet Lifestyle Network! Can you see how you can make money through Internet Lifestyle Network, Perfect Post App and IQKonnect! Multiple sources of income is the way to go!

_____________________________________ Join all three today and change your life forever! They all work like a charm!

Have Questions?

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Enjoy these powerful tools

Thank You Everyone!

Take Action on all you have learnt today! In a nutshell it’s like this. Get your head straight and focus! Make a goal and have a plan. Use this knowledge, the tools and resources to explode your online business! If you do not have one yet? Become an affiliate and promote this. It rocks! Perfect Post APP and this training are killing it right now. Join the party! There is loads of money to be made. Contact me on Skype or Facebook with any questions? I want you to succeed!

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.