Personals that Get the Right Attention When you’re lonely and needing company, it can be hard to put yourself out there to meet new people. Maybe you’ve tried looking for love in all the wrong places, as they say, and only come up empty-handed after spending one night after the other in bars and billiard halls. Personal ads can be quite effective at helping you hook up with someone who is more your type and eager to make you happy. They also let you gauge a person from a distance before committing to meet. Personal ads are like the penny stocks in the world of dating. Penny stocks and personal ads are both relatively cheap and good results can come slowly, but if things go right, they can result in a huge payoff. Like wisely investing, there actually is an art to writing effective personals. It’s easier to avoid the “not if you were the last person on earth” responses but you may still get quite a few “you’re a nice guy/girl, but...” responses. Learning the right phrasing can help weed those out a bit easier. Show Your True Personality Potential dates do not want to read paragraphs of verbal vomit from a person so full of their self that there couldn’t possibly be room for anyone else in their life, or even in their bed! What stands out is a positive attitude that doesn’t go over the top. Try to capture your everyday personality in the personals you write. Use your own tone of voice – you don’t have to sound like a scholar (unless you are one) or try to be cooler than you are because your ploy will be discovered quickly on the first meeting. Just Be Honest Sometimes it can be difficult to be honest in a personal ad without sounding cynical or bitter, especially if you’ve been the rounds with dating and are tired of the lack of prospects. Try to avoid making a laundry list of things you hate and don’t want in a person and list things you enjoy every day and what you’ll want in someone you meet. Also, be honest about what you’re looking for. If it’s just a romp, say so! The worst thing you can do is bait and hook someone only to change the rules in person. Be Unique, To an Extent Uniqueness is always a turn-on in townsville personals but be careful not to take it over the top. An ad that is so creative that it sounds like fiction is going to backfire because people will not take it seriously. You want to stand out from the crowd, not be shunned by it. Focus on clean quips and your most original features to grab attention and hold onto it. Borrow From Other Ads Plagiarism isn’t an issue in the online dating world, so cruise through other ads and see what stand out to you. Copying the catchy phrases into your own words for your ads will give your personals a voice you never knew you had. One thing to never borrow however are other people’s photos! Not only would you be in it deep if one of them came across your personals and found you out, remember you’re going to be meeting people from your ad responses in person. If they find out you aren’t at all the person you portrayed in your ad, to say the least, it won’t end well. The best advise you can take in writing personals is to just be yourself – but be your best self. If you simply can’t wait and you’re in the areas of Townsville, Mackay, Toowomba, Gladstone, Tweed Heads, Byron Bay, Lismore, Emerald or Dalby, we have girls and guys ready to meet you tonight! Just stop by our site,, and see what’s waiting for you!