The term "wine cellars" often bring up imagination of splendor and enjoyment. After all, the best European villas take pride in their wide collections of wine chillers. Even the finest restaurants in the locality brag about the meticulous way they have kept their expensive wines in a very excellent condition. In Malaysia, for wine lovers who likes having collection of varieties of wines, or enjoy stocking wines, a cellars solely for wines will be indispensable. A wine cellar, or sometimes known as wine chiller or wine cooler, can placed in any suitable location in your home. Before you get a wine cooler from XAMMAX online appliances store, there are several thing you need to put into concern, for instance, the size, humidity, light, vibration, and the temperature. In other words, how large the wine cellar will be, how many bottles capacity does it own. This can also be in relation to the availability of the amount of room you have available for your wine. Temperature, light, vibration, and humidity controls are important to keep your wine in high quality condition. Too much light (especially sunlight or fluorescent light) is known to ruin wines. Your wine cellar should offer a darkened storage space. One of the enemy of wine is vibration; too much of disruption to the sediments in wine, will cause it to have color and taste change. The more delicate a wine has, the exposure it will have to vibration and light. Another element you should consider is humidity, as it known that too much of humidity may cause the wine to mold and too little humidity may also affect the cork to shrink, which in turn lead to wine spoilage and spillage. The suggested optimal humidity for wine is about 70%. Last but not least, temperature is a different factor that will need consideration, since higher temperature will reduce the flavor of the wine and lower temperature will cause the wine to freeze.
So when deciding to buy a wine cellar, you should first of all consider some factors in particular: How many bottles holding capacity does it has. How many bottle of wines you would like to store The sensitivity factors in terms of how much sensitivity you need to control the temperature, light, humidity, and vibration. Whether the wine cellar will be placed in the open or somewhere in the room. Essentially, buying the right wine cellar in Malaysia comes down to the features, the price, and space. Hence, you know your drinking habits hence, purchase the best wine cellar online at you can afford which meets your current needs, and have room to expansion.