Opening Number and Introductions
Questions and Answers
Royal Dance
Mystery Segment
Royal Dance
Final Walk
15th Mister and 85th Miss FVSU
Evening Wear
Questions and Answers
Presentation of Candidates for Mister and Miss FVSU
Anaya Simone Arnold is a 20-year-old Junior Plant Science major with a concentration in Biotechnology from the small yet emergent city of Covington, GA. Anaya is the eldest daughter of Davia and Dionne Arnold and sister of Taylor Arnold. Anaya’s favorite quote is, “You are only as beautiful as the many beautiful things you do for others without expectation.” - JanelleMonae.
Dion Goodwin Jr. is a Junior Biology major with a concentration in Health Science from the garden city of the south, Augusta, GA. Dion is the son of Toshia and Dion Goodwin Sr., he is the youngest of three. Dion’s favorite the quote “If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same position. “-Nora Roberts
Leona Teneá Guthrie is a Junior Media Studies Scholar hailing from the city that produces black excellence Atlanta, Georgia. She is the daughter of Darlene and Leon Sr. Guthrie and the sister of TJ Guthrie. Leona’s favorite quote is “Well-behaved women rarely make history”- former First Lady of the United States of America, Eleanor Roosevelt.
Ahmad Harden is a Junior Agricultural Economics major, hailing from the young and prosperous city of Lithonia, GA. He is the son of Roderick and Sebrenia Harden and is the second oldest of four children. Ahmad’s favorite quote is “Everything you share with the world, your words, your energy, what you wear must tell a story. You must present yourself as the person you want to be seen as, even if your reality tells a different story” – Curtis Jackson, also known as 50 Cent.
Terrah Lavern Sullivan is a junior psychology major hailing from the loud but historical city of Atlanta, Georgia. Terrah is the daughter of Terry Sullivan and Alicia Smith and has 3 siblings. Terrah’s favorite quote is “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”- Maya Angelou
Taylor Arnold
Nya Floyd
Haley Williams
Brenieya Flagg
Robyn Willis
Shemari Salkey
Orion Gaston
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a l w y a s s u p p o r t y o u o n a l l y o u r s d r ea m s . C o n t i n u e
b e i n g t h e w o n d e r d f u l p e r s o n t h a t y o u a r e .
" O u r m i s s i o n i s t h r o u g h a c a r i n g c u l t u r e o f e q u i t y , t r u s t , a n d c o l l a b o r a t i o n , e v e r y s t u d e n t w i l l g r a d u a t e r e a d y f o r c o l l e g e , c a r e e r , a n d l i f e . O u r v i s i o n i s o n e o f a h i g h - p e r f o r m i n g s c h o o l d i s t r i c t w h e r e s t u d e n t s l o v e t o l e a r n , e d u c a t o r s i n s p i r e , f a m i l i e s e n g a g e a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y t r u s t s t h e s y s t e m . "
this is just the beginning and it does come with challenge. You are a winner who never gives up!
Dream big and work hard to achieve your goals! We love you!
Auntie Tasha and Tyson
Believe! Achieve! Succeed!
Best wishes for a rewarding and successful future.
Former School Adminstrator, T.H. Andrews
Best Wishes
Healthy Chief
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Killa Koncept
Priscilla Farris
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Phone: (254) 534 - 1068
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Sharpe Sessions
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Dr. Shanah K. Grant
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Email: info@sharpesessions.com
Phone: (404) 580 - 7319
Instagram: @sharpesess ions
RJ Mathis II – 2023 Showcase Director
Heidi Gregg and Barcardo Styles – Royal Court Advisors
Office of University Events 2023 Showcase Production Team
Office of Marketing and Communications
FVSU Facilites Event Set up team
Sodexo Catering
University Events Student Media Team
BMMB Drum Majors
Dancing Doll Divas
Rodeny Johnson – Dance Choreography
Khalil Moss – Event DJ