FWCD: The Beginning

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TheBegi nni ng

Wr i t t enbyPet erA.Schwar t zi n1975


For tWor t hCount r yDaycr edi t smuchofi t sear l ys ucces st ot hef i r s theadofs chool ,Pet erA. Schwar t z.I nt hi sdocument ,“For tWor t hCount r yDay:TheBegi nni ng, ”hes har es ,i nhi sownwor ds , whati twasl i ket ocr eat et hi ss chool .

Ani ndependentschooli sani nt ensel yper sonalor gani zat i on–per sonalt oever yone whohasanyt hi ngt odowi t hi t ,whet herasamemberoft hegover ni ngboar d,oft hef acul t y,st udentorpar entbody.Mostofal li ti sper sonalt ot heheadmast er ,especi al l yi fhe happenst obet hef oundi ngheadmast er .Eachper soni nhi swayr egar dst he i nst i t ut i onashi sschoolbecauseofwhathehasputi nt oi tandt akenoutofi t .Few humanor gani zat i onsr emai ni nt oday’ swor l d,whi chenj oyt hi sai rofper sonalpr opr i et or shi p,whi ch,whi l ei ti sasour ceofsomedanger ,pr ovi desani ndependentschoolwi t hi t s gr eat estst r engt h.Loveofschooli sapower f ulf act ort hatcont i nuesal i vei nt hei ndependentschool ,wher eascol l eges,busi nesses,cl ubs,andevenchur cheshavel osti t .

Ani ndependentschooli sani ntensel ypersonalorgani zati on– If i ndi tqui t ei mpossi bl et owr i t eahi st or yofourl i t t l eschooli nanybutaper sonal manner .Thei nt i maci esofper sonalcont actandi nt er act i onhavebeensomuchapar t oft heschool ,andsomuchapar tofmyl i f ef orsol ongt hatIam unabl et obeobj ect i ve aboutt hem.Useoft hef i r stper son,per sonali nt er pr et at i onoff act sandsi t uat i ons,per sonalbi aswi l lal li nevi t abl ybechar act er i st i coft hi swor k.Iapol ogi zef ori ti nadvance, butIexpect ,eveni nvi t e,al i keper sonali nt er pr et at i onbyeachofmyr eader swho,I ’ m sur e,wi l lt akei ssuewi t hmeuponmanyoccasi ons.


I tal lbeganf ormeont hemor ni ngofFebr uar y5,1962.AsIr ememberi tt hemor ni ng wasaf r esh,beaut i f ulone,war m andcl earf oraKansaswi nt erday.Themai l manhad ar r i vedandamongt hel et t er sf ormewasonef r om aMr s.Rober tP.DuPr eeofwhom I hadneverhear d.I twaswr i t t enf r om For tWor t h,Texas,apl aceofwhi chIhadonl y hear dbecauseal oquaci ouswi f eofoneoft hef acul t yoft hePembr okeCount r yDay Schoolhai l edf r om t her eandneverceasedt osi ngi t spr ai ses,t her ebypr ej udi ci ngme agai nsti t . Thati sn’ tqui t et r ue,f orIhadbeeni nFor tWor t h,once,whi l eonat r i pt oSanAnt oni o t oat t endameet i ngoft heI ndependentSchool sAssoci at i onoft heSout hwest .Ihad spentt heni ghtatt heHol i dayI nnatt hei nt er sect i onofHi ghways80and183,har dl yan ar ear epr esent at i veoft heci t y.Myexper i encet her edi dl i t t l et odi ssuademef r om my pr ej udi ce,f ort heeveni ng,mi dni ght ,anddawnpat r ol sf r om andt oCar swel lAi rFor ce Baset or esl eept oshr edandmyst omachgr owl edal lni ghtt r yi ngt odi gestt heal most r awst eakt hatt hechefhadt hr ownatmewhenIcamet ot hedi ni ngr oom j ustasi twas cl osi ngt heeveni ngbef or e. Iwasmi l dl yi nt er est edi nMr s.Dupr ee’ sst at ementt hatagr oupofFor tWor t hpeopl e wer epl anni ngt ost ar tanewi ndependentschool ,andf l at t er edwhenshewentont osay t hatt heywi shedt oconsi dermeasacandi dat ef ori t sheadmast er shi p.I tappear edt hat Al anLakeChi dsey,f oundi ngHeadmast erofSt .John’ sSchooli nHoust onandi n1962 oneoft hebestknownf i gur esi npr i vat eschool i ngi nAmer i ca,hadr ecommendedmet o t hem.Iwasf l at t er edbyt hat ,t oo,f ori ti sal waysmovi ngt obenot i cedbyt hegr eatof one’ spr of essi on.Beyondaf eel i ngofcur i osi t yaboutt hewhysandwher ef or esofpl ans f oranewschoolandaboutwhyAl an,agoodf r i endofmi ne,hadseenf i tt or ecommend meIf el tnor ealent husi asm f ort hepr oj ect . Iwasmi l dl yi nt erest edi n Mrs.Dupree’ sst at ementt hat agroupofFortWort hpeopl e werepl anni ngt ost artanew i ndependentschool ,andf l at t eredwhenshewentont osay t hatt heywi shedt oconsi der measacandi dat ef ori t s headmast ershi p.

Mr s .Robe r tP.Du Pr ee


I tj usthappenedt hati nadayort wof r om t het i met hatIr ecei vedMr s.Dupr ee’ sl et t erI wassupposedt oat t endameet i ngoft heNat i onalCounci lofI ndependentSchool sof whi chIwasaboar dmember .Mr .Chi dsey,l i kewi seamember ,woul dbepr esent ;so,I putof fr epl yi ngt ot hel et t erunt i lIhadhadachancet odi scusst hemat t erwi t hhi m. Af t ert hemeet i ngi nNewYor kIf oundt i mef oraconf er ence.Het ol dmet hatt hi swas oneoft hemostpr omi si ngschoolst ar t st hathe’ deverseen,al mostasgoodashi sown i nHoust onnear l yt went yyear sbef or e.Hehadbeencal l edi nt ot al kwi t ht heembr yo Boar dofTr ust ees,hadhadameet i ngwi t hal ar gegr oupofpr ospect i vepar ent s,and wasi mpr essedwi t ht heser i ousi nt er estandcar ef ulpl anni ngwi t hwhi cht hepeopl eof For tWor t hhadappr oachedt hepr oj ect .Het ol dmet hathal fami l l i ondol l ar shadbeen r ai sedi ngi f t sandpl edges,t hataboar dhadbeenf or med,t hatl andhadbeenpur chased,t hatpr operst epshadbeent akenwi t hst at eaut hor i t i est oest abl i shaschool , andwi t ht heI nt er nalRevenueSer vi cet oest abl i sht heschoolasat axf r eeent i t yent i t l ed t or ecei vededuct i bl egi f t s.I nshor t ,hewasver yent husi ast i caboutt hepr oj ectandbel i evedt hati twassomet hi ngt hatIshoul dbei nt er est edi n. Iwenthomet oKansasCi t ywi t hmucht ot hi nkabout .Iwasver yf ondoft hePembr oke Count r yDaySchoolwher eIhadbeenver ysuccessf ul .Iwasf ondoft hepeopl eof KansasCi t y.Ihadevent ur neddownt hechancet obecomeheadofaschoolknownt o beoneoft heweal t hi esti nt hel and.Andyet ,Ihadbeenf eel i nganaggi ngr est l essness. Tenyear sasheadofat hr i vi ngschool !Notaver yl ongt i me,sur el y.Yetchangewasi n t heai r .Schoolheadswer et al ki ng( ast heyst i l lar e)aboutwheni st hepr opert i met o movef r om onej obt oanot her .Fi veyear s? Ten? Fi f t een? Nooneanyl ongerspokeof st ayi ngt her estofhi sl i f ei nonepl ace.Andt hent her ewast hatwor d“ chal l enge” ? One hear di tadnauseam.I thadbecomet r i t e.Yet ,t her ei twas,andt her ewasachal l enge st ar i ngmei nt hef ace.Coul dIhel paski ngmysel fwhet herIhadt hecour aget ot akei t up? Tent at i vel y,Ibeganar epl yt oMr s.Dupr ee.Shehadaskedmet owr i t eadescr i pt i on ofmyeducat i onalphi l osophy.Thatwoul dbeachal l engei ni t sel f ,f orIhadneverbef or e wr i t t endownwhatIt houghtIst oodf ori npr i vat eeducat i on.Ist r uggl edwi t hi t ,t r yi ngt o putsubst ancei nt oaf ewsci nt i l l at i ngsent ences.AsIr er eadt hem Iam i mpr essedwi t h mycompl et el ackofor i gi nal i t y.Isucceededi nput t i ngonpaperal i stoft r ui sm noteven i nt er est i ngl yst at ed.Somer esoundi ngphr asesaboutpr eser vi ngt heher i t age,bui l di ng manhood,t eachi ngki dst ot hi nk,i nst i l l i ngspi r i t ualpr i nci pl es,andal li nt hef r amewor kof t het hr ee“ R’ s” . 3

Then,al mostasanaf t ert hought ,Idi dadi r t yt r i ck.Thewhol eaf f ai rseemedl i kean exer ci se–notr eal l yt r ue.Icoul dn’ tbel i evet hatIwasact ual l yt aki ngt hef i r stst ep t owar dqui t t i ngacomf or t abl eposti naf i r stcl assschoolt ol aunchf or t hupont heunknownatGodknewwhatr i sk.So,whynott hr owt hem acur ve? Texaswasi nt he sout h,wasn’ ti t ?I nt egr at i onwasasubj ectofgr owi ngi mpor t ance,wasn’ ti t ? Ther e wasagoodchancet hatt hi sgr oupofconser vat i veFor tWor t her swasset t i ngupawhi t e f l i ghtschool ,wasn’ tt her e? Iaddedaf i nalpar agr aphi nwhi chIst at edr at herpompousl yt hatofcour set hegr eatpr i nci pl esuponwhi chagoodi ndependentschoolwoul dbe f oundedwoul dappl yequal l yt oal lchi l dr en,r egar dl essoft hei rsoci al ,f i nanci al ,or et hni cor i gi ns.Per hapsIsecr et l yhopedt hatIwoul dber el i evedofhavi ngt omaket hi s dr eadf uldeci si on.Iwassi ncer ei nmybel i ef ,t henasnow,andhadmadeover t ur est o myboar doft r ust eesatt hePembr okeCount r yDaySchool .Asamat t eroff act ,oneof t het hi ngst hatIf el tIwoul dber unni ngawayf r om wer eIt ol eavewast hei nci pi ent bat t l ei nKansasCi t yont hi sver ysubj ect .Iwasr el uct antt ol eavet hef i el dbef or et he bat t l ehadevenbeenj oi ned. I nmynai vet éIwasdoi ngagr eati nj ust i cet ot heFor tWor t hpeopl e,asIwast ol ear n l at eron.ButImai l edt hel et t erwi t haf eel i ngofsat i sf act i on.Thatwast hat !Theendof t hemat t er !If el tcer t ai nt hatIwoul dhearnomor ef r om t hatquar t er . Buti twasnott heendoft hemat t er .Idi dhear ,andasonet hi ngl edt oanot herbr i dgeswer ebur nedbehi ndmeandIf oundmysel fl aunchedupont hegr eatunder t aki ngof myl i f e.Themi xt ur eofexci t ement ,r el uct ance,ent husi asm,r egr et ,f ear ,andconf i dencet hatassai l edmei sbeyonddescr i pt i on.Ther ewasanunr eal ,dr eaml i kequal i t y aboutt het r ansi t i onmont hst hatdi dnotdi sappeart i l ll ongaf t erFor tWor t hCount r yDay Schoolwasanaccompl i shedf act .Howl ongt hatwasIcannotsayf orIdonotknow whenwepassedt hel i nebet weenexper i mentandr eal i t y.

Buti twasnott heendoft hemat t er. Idi dhear,andasonet hi ngl edt o anot herbri dgeswereburned behi ndmeandIf oundmysel f l aunchedupont hegreatundert aki ngofmyl i f e.



Myl et t ert oMr s.Dupr ee,dat edFebr uar y11, 1962pr oducedani nvi t at i ont ovi si tFor tWor t hand t omeetwi t ht heBoar dofTr ust ees.Myr ecor dsdo notshowt hedat eoft hemeet i ngbuti tmusthave beeni nMar ch,f orIhaveacar boncopyofal et t er t oMr .JamesR.Meekerdat edMar ch30i nwhi chI t hankhi mf ort aki ngsuchgoodcar eofusonour t r i p.Ji m wasSecr et ar yoft heBoar dofTr ust ees dur i ngt hef or mat i veyear soft heschoolandf ort he f i r stf ewyear sofi t sexi st ence.

.JamesR.Meeker Mr

It ookt hei ni t i at i veandst art edt oask quest i onsaboutwhatt heBoardsexpect edofan i ndependentschool .Whatshoul di tst andf or? Whom shoul di tserve? How woul di tbef i nanced? Di dt heyreal i zet hesel ect i vi t ywoul dhavet oappl y t ochi l drenofBoardMembersaswel last oot her chi l dren?

Al t hought hef i l esdonotcont ai nmuchi nf or mat i onaboutt hi sget acquai nt edmeet i ng,I haveacl earr ecol l ect i onofi t .Themeet i ngoft heBoar dwashel di nt heof f i ceofMr .Per r y R.Bass,Pr esi dentandChai r manoft heBoar d,andIam undert hei mpr essi ont hati twas wel lat t ended.Manyquest i onswer easkedbutt hemeet i ngseemedt ol ackdi r ect i on;so,I t ookt hei ni t i at i veandst ar t edt oaskquest i onsaboutwhatt heBoar dexpect edofan i ndependentschool .Whatshoul di tst andf or ? Whom shoul di tser ve? Howwoul di tbe f i nanced? Di dt heyr eal i zet hesel ect i vi t ywoul dhavet oappl yt ochi l dr enof Boar dMember saswel last oot herchi l dr en? If el tt hatIwasmaki ngsomei mpor t ant poi nt s,butIknewt hatIwasn’ tr eal l yget t i ngt hr ough.Theschoolwasyetf arf r om ar eal i t y andwhatIhadt osaywasofmer eacademi ci nt er est . Fi nal l y,Mr .Basssai d,“ Mr .Schwar t z,wewantt hef i nestdayschooli nAmer i ca. ”Hedi dn’ t add,“ andr i ghtaway?”butIf el tt hatt i mewasoft heessence.Thi swasagr oupofpeopl e usedt oget t i ngwhatt heywant edi nahur r y.Theywer eusedt owor ki nghar df orwhatt hey want ed.Igotast r ongi mpr essi ont hatt hi svent ur ewoul dbebackedwi t hal otofpower . ButIal sogott hei mpr essi ont hatr esul t swer ewant ed,vi si bl er esul t s,soon.Ther ewoul d benoquar t ergi veni ft heappoi nt edheaddi dn’ tdel i vert hegoodswi t hspeed. 5

Asur pr i si ngquest i onar oseconcer ni ngt he absor pt i onofanot herschool .Iwasi nt hedar k, ofcour se,unt i lt heyt ol dmet hatt her ewasa boys’choi rschoolt hatwasf astbecomi ng not i cednat i onal l yandt hatneededt obecome par tofanacademi cschool .Thi schoi rwasi n t hehabi toft aki ngl ongt r i pst hatnecessi t at ed absencef r om school .I twasal sodesi r abl e f r om t hepoi ntofvi ewoft hechoi rdi r ect ort o gi vet heboysoft hechoi ramuchst r onger backgr oundi nt hel i ber alar t s,par t i cul ar l yi n f or ei gnl anguages,t hanwasnor mal l y obt ai nabl eatt hel ocalpubl i cschool s.Di dI t hi nki tf easi bl et oi ncor por at et hi sal r eady exi st i ngschooli nt ot heabout t obef ounded For tWor t hDaySchool ? Fi nal l y,Mr.Basssai d,“Mr.Schwart z,wewantt hef i nestdayschooli nAmeri ca. ” s yR.Bas r .Per Mr

If el ti ncompet entt omakeadef i ni t i ver epl ysi nceIknewsol i t t l eoft heci r cumst ances,al l t ool i t t l eaboutt heci t y,i t sneeds,t hesoci alst r uct ur e,andt het r uenat ur eoft hedesi r esof t heBoar df ort heschoolt heywer eaboutt ost ar t .I nst i nct i vel y,however ,If el tt hi st obea ver yi mpor t antquest i oni nt heeyesoft hepeopl eIwasmeet i ngwi t h.Theywant edan answer ,andoneoft heheadmast ercandi dat eswoul dvent ur eone.WhynotI ? Anal r eadyor gani zedgr oupofboyswoul dbeat empt i ngassett oanyonet r yi ngt ost ar ta school .Enr ol l mentwoul dbet hemai npr obl em i nget t i ngst ar t edandf i f t yt oahundr edboys woul dbeaver ygoodbegi nni ng.Buti nt ui t i onbeganshoot i ngl i t t l er edl i ght sal lovert he pl ace.Anenr ol l mentcor ewoul dbeanasset ,butagr oupt hatwaspoi nt edt oasetofgoal s di f f er entf r om t hoseoft hemai nschoolwoul dbeadi st i nctl i abi l i t y.Icoul di magi nepar tof t hest udentbodyper mi t t edt obeabsentf r om schoolf oraconcer tser i esandwhatt hat woul ddot ot hemor al eoft her estoft hest udentbody.Icoul di magi nef acul t yat t i t udewhen r equi r edt ohel pt heabsentsi nger st omakeupt hewor kt heyhadmi ssed.Cl assesof f i f t eenort went ycoul dbepr et t ybadl yhamper edbyt heabsenceoff ourorf i vemember s. 6

Consequent l y,t houghIf el tt hatIwasf i r i ngbl i nd,asi twer e,Isai dt hatIwoul dnot appr oveofsuchanamal gamat i on.TheBoar dl i st enedat t ent i vel yt omyr easoni ngand movedont oot hermat t er s.Butt hatwasnott heendoft hemat t er . Themeet i ngendedonaver yf r i endl ynot e,andwedepar t edf orKansasCi t ywi t hwar m f eel i ngsaboutFor tWor t h.Theent husi asm oft heBoar df ort henewschoolpr oj ectwas unmi st akabl e.I twascl eart hatf i nanci albacki ngcoul dbeobt ai ned.Ihadbeeni nf or med t hatmanypr ospect i vepar ent swer eent husi ast i caboutapr i vat edayschooli nFor tWor t h t hatwast hent heonl yci t yofcompar abl esi zei nt heUni t edSt at est hatdi dn’ thavesucha school .Ont heot herhand,i twashar dt odet er mi newhet herornott heci t ywoul dt aket o suchaschool .I nt hemi dwestt hepopul arat t i t udet owar di ndependentschoolwast hat t heywer eel i t i st–r ef ugesf ort hepr ot ect edchi l dr enoft her i ch.Iwasf ami l i arwi t ht heat t i t udeasi texi st edi nKansasCi t y,butt her et hei ndependentschoolhadbeenaf actf orhal f acent ur yandt hr eest r ongschool swer ef l our i shi ngi n1962.Woul danyonedar et opi oneeronei nt heFor tWor t har ea? Mor ei mpor t ant ,woul dIdar e? Tr ue,Dal l ashadt hr ee t hr i vi ngpr i vat eschool s;but ,asmyFor tWor t hf r i endshadhast enedt ot el lme,Dal l aswas Dal l asandFor tWor t hwasFor tWor t h.Theydi dn’ tsay“ never ”buti twasi mpl i edt hatt he meet i ngwoul dbehar dt oachi eve. Amaj orr oadbl ockofaper sonalnat ur ewaspr esent ,t oo.TheFor tWor t hpeopl ewer e anxi oust ogetst ar t ed.Theywer ei mpat i ent .Theyhadwor kedont hepr oj ectf oral ong t i meandwant edt ogetonwi t hi t .Manyoft hei nt er est edpar ent shadchi l dr enr eadyt o ent erei ght horni nt hgr adeandt heywant edt ogett hem st ar t edi nt henewschoolwi t hout havi ngt oat t endpubl i chi ghschool .Theyknewhowhar di twoul dbet omaket hebr eak oncet hei rchi l dr enhadgot t ent hor oughl yi ndoct r i nat edi nt he“ bi gt i me” . Myt i mi ngwasnott hesameast hei r s,t hough.Mar chwasnotagoodt i met or esi gna headmast er shi pf oroner eason.I twoul dbemostunf ai rt omyBoar dofTr ust eesi n KansasCi t yt odr opsuchabombshel lupont hem atsuchat i me,especi al l yaswehad gonet hr oughsomucht oget herandhadbui l tupst r ongmut ualr egar d.Ofcour se,Ihadn’ t beenof f er edt hej obi nFor tWor t handt her ewasnoassur ancet hatIwoul dbeof f er edi t , butIhadt omakeupmymi ndi nadvancei ncaset heof f ershoul dcome.Cl ear l y,i twoul d bebet t erf orFor tWor t ht of i ndamanwhocoul dst ar ti nApr i lorMay.I nmyopi ni on,t he t i mewasmucht ooshor tt opul lt oget heraf acul t y,eveni ft hepr obl em ofaschoolbui l di ng coul dbesol vedonat empor ar ybasi s. 7


Ther ef ol l owedaper i odoff r enet i cact i vi t y.Tel ephonecal l sandl et t er sal mostdai l y. ThenewHeadmast erwasassi gnedar et ai nerf eepl usexpensesf ort heper i odMay1, 1962unt i lJuneof1963whenhewoul dt akeupr esi dencei nFor tWor t h.For malannouncementofhi sappoi nt mentwashel dupunt i lJunewhenhecoul df or mal l yr esi gnas headoft hePembr okeCount r yDaySchool ,whi chr esi gnat i onwast obecomeef f ect i vei n Juneof1963.I not herwor ds,hewast obeheadoft woschool ssi mul t aneousl y,oner unni ngf ul lbl astandonei ni t sf or mat i vest ages,t hr oughoutt heschoolyear19621963. Anot hert r i pt oFor tWor t hwaspl annedf orl at eJuneof1962atwhi cht i met heheadmast erwoul dbei nt r oducedt oanumberofpr ospect i vepar ent sandent eruponaser i esof meet i ngswi t har chi t ect st oappr ovepl ansf ornewbui l di ngs,whi chwer et obebegunas soonaspossi bl e.Meet i ngswi t ht heBoar d’ sVi cePr esi dent ,Mr .O. P.Leonar d,Jr . ,pr oducedsomet ent at i vef i gur esf ort hef i r styear ’ soper at i ngbudget .Amostdi f f i cul tj obf or t her ewasnowayt obesur ewhatt heenr ol l mentoft heschoolwoul dbeori nwhatgr ades chi l dr enwoul dbeconcent r at ed.I twasdet er mi nedt ost ar twi t hgr adesonet hr oughni ne ( t heor i gi nalpl anhadbeent oi ncl udeonet hr oughei ght )soast oaccommodat et hosepar ent swhohadbeencount i ngupont hei rchi l dr enent er i ngi nt heei ght hgr adeandwho woul dnowbedi sappoi nt edbecauseoft hedeci si ont oopent heschoolayearl at er . Thebestadvi ceobt ai nabl ef r om var i ousheadmast er sandschoolconsul t ant sdi scour agedi ncl usi onofgr adeni nei nt heopeni ngyearont hegr oundst hathi ghschoolst udent s bei nganot herbr eedapar tf r om t her estoft heschoolwoul dbehar dt ohandl e.Theacademi cst r uct ur ewoul dnot ,i twast hought ,best r ongenoughf ort hem andt het ot alabsenceofahi ghschoolt r adi t i onwoul dputt hem atadi sadvant age.Pr essur ewasst r ongt o i ncl udet hesest udent s,t hough,si ncemanyoft hei rpar ent shadbeenl eader si nt hepr el i mi nar yst r uggl et oor gani zeaschoolandt or ai semoney.Consequent l y,t hest epwas t akent houghwi t hmuchmi sgi vi ngont hepar toft heheadmast erwhohadnowt oor gani ze at hr eepar tschooli nst eadofmer el yt hel owerandmi ddl edi vi si ons. Anot herser i esofnegot i at i onshadt obeent er edi nt owi t hmember soft heBoar dt odet er mi net hef eest hatwoul dbechar gedatt hevar i ousgr adel evel s.Fewboar dmember shad anyr ealsenseoft hecostofoper at i ngani ndependentschoolandwer eoft heopi ni ont hat f eescoul dbeataver yl owl evel .Theheadmast erwashar dputt oconvi ncet hem t hatl ow char gesmeantl owoper at i ngi ncomeandt hatt hat ,i nt ur n,meantpoorcompensat i onf or t eacher s.I twascl eart ohi mt hatboar dandpr ospect i vepar ent swant edt hebesti neducat i onalser vi cebutwer er el uct antt opayf ori t . 9

ByuseofaCadi l l ac/ For danal ogyhemanagedt oconvi ncet hem t hatt heycoul dnot enj oyt hel uxur yoft hef or merf ort hepr i ceoft hel at t erandar easonabl et ui t i onschedul e wasf i nal l yagr eedupon:$500f ort hef i r stt hr eegr ades,$700f ort henextt hr ee,$900f or t het opt hr ee. I twasataboutt hi st i met hatanannouncementoft hei ncept i onoft heTr i ni t yVal l ey Schoolwassuddenl ymadet hr ought hemai lt opeopl ewhohadexpr essedi nt er esti nt he f oundi ngofani ndependentschool .Tr i ni t yVal l eywast oopeni nt heaut umnof1962i n t heol dLaner iHi ghSchoolbui l di ngonHemphi l lSt r eet .Acur r i cul um r i chi nf or ei gnl anguageswaspubl i shedi nt hei rbr ochur e,t henamesofsomet eacher sknownt obegood wer ement i oned,andt ui t i onf eeswer esetataver yl owl evel . Thi sdevel opmentcausedsomeconst er nat i oni nt her anksofFor tWor t hDaySchool suppor t er s.I twasf el tt hatanef f or twasbei ngmadet o“ scoop�ar i val .Thedeci si ont o post ponet heopeni ngoft heDaySchoolunt i l1963hadl ef tavacuum i npr i vat eschooldevel opmentj ustwhenant i ci pat i onwasati t shei ghtandi twasf el t ,wi t hsomer eason,t hat par ent spl anni ngt osendt hei rchi l dr ent ot heDaySchooli n1963mi ghtbesi det r acked i nt oTr i ni t yVal l eyj ustbecausei twasr eadyandwai t i ngt obegi n.Thi shappenedi nsome cases,butsi ncet heTr i ni t yVal l eySchoolhadbeenf or medt oabsor bt heChoi rSchoolas pr evi ousl yment i oned,andsi ncei twasf orboysonl y,t her eneverwasmuchcompet i t i on f orst udent s.TheDaySchool ,f oundedasacoeducat i onalschoolatat i mewhencoeducat i onwast hecomi ngt hi ng,hadt heupperhandi nenr ol l mentunt i lTr i ni t yVal l eywentcoeducat i onalsomeyear sl at er .

. . . areasonabl et ui t i onschedul e wasf i nal l yagreedupon:$500f or t hef i rstt hreegrades,$700f ort he nextt hree,$900f ort het opt hree.

. d,Jr P.Leonar .O. Mr


. ,Jr er t .AmonG.Car s Mr

s i t aCur ni gi r .Vi s Mr


ey l l .BenT.Wi s Mr

Li st sofi nt er est edpar ent shadbeenpr epar edand l et t er sandf or msf orappl yi ngf oradmi ssi ont ot heDay Schoolwer ebei ngsentout .I tbecamenecessar yt osetup somesor tofof f i cest r uct ur et oconductt hebusi nessoft he schooldur i ngt hesummerandt hr ought hef ol l owi ngschool year .Mr s.Ol i veSwenson( Pel l i ch)hadbeen appoi nt edbyt heBoar dofTr ust eesdur i ngt hef undr ai si ng per i odandi twasagr eedt or et ai nherser vi ces.Shewas doi ngal lwor kont hepl edgecar ds,answer i ngt he t el ephone,r epl yi ngt oquest i onsaboutt heschool ,keepi ng boar dmember si nf or medondevel opment s,keepi ng mi nut esofBoar dmeet i ngs.I nshor t ,shewast heschool , f i r statanof f i ceonRosedal eandl at eri nherown apar t mentt hr oughoutt heyear1962andwel li nt o1963. Topr ocessappl i cant sexpect edi nt hef al li twas necessar yt osetupat est i ngor gani zat i on.Thr ought he hel pofMr s.AmonG.Car t er ,Jr . ,amemberoft heBoar d, Mr s.Vi r gi ni aCur t i swassel ect edt odot headmi ssi on t est i ngwi t hMr s.Swensont ohel pher .Aschedul eoft est dayswassetupf ort hef al landwi nt er .Apr el i mi nar y i nt er vi ewwi t hMr s.BenT.Wi l l eywhoappear edatal ar ge publ i cmeet i ngi nt heTexasHot elwher et henew headmast erwasi nt r oducedf ort hef i r stt i megavehopeof f i ndi ngaDeanofGi r l s,avi t alappoi nt mentatt henew schoolbecauset heheadmast erwaswi t houtpr evi ous exper i encei ncoeducat i onhavi ngal wayswor kedatboys’ school s. Thenameoft henewschoolt ur nedoutt obeani ssue. Si ncet hever ybegi nni ngi nt er est edpeopl ehadwr est l ed wi t ht hepr obl em wi t houtsuccess,andwhent heTr i ni t y Val l eySchoolappear edt ohavesel ect edamost appr opr i at enameef f or t swer er edoubl ed.Thebestt hat coul dbeagr eeduponwast heFor tWor t hCount r yDay Schoolandt heschoolwasf i r sti ncor por at edundert hat name,event houghal lbel i evedt hati tl ef tmucht obe desi r ed.

Whent heheadmast erf i r stappear edhewasaskedt onamet heschool .Bei ngt ot al l y i gnor antofl ocalnamesandcust omsandbei ngawar et hatt heBoar dwi shedaboveal l t hi ngst oavoi dusi ngt henameofanyper sonandt heconvent i onalt er mssuchas“ Hal l ”or “ Academy”hewasi nadi l emmaandcoul donl ysuggestFor tWor t hCount r yDay.Thi s name,hear gued,hadt woadvant ages:f i r st ,i tnamedt heci t y,t husgi vi ngt heunhear dof schooli nst antgeogr aphi ci dent i t y;andsecond,i tgavet heschoolt hegener i cname “ Count r y Day”whi chi mmedi at el yi dent i f i edi twi t hsi mi l arschool st hatusedt het er m,St . Loui seCount r yDay,Det r oi tCount r yDay,Nor t hShor eCount r yDay,Pembr okeCount r y Day,andahostofot her s.

Thenameoft henew schoolt urnedoutt obeani ssue. Thei deapr ovedt obeanaccept abl ecompr omi seandt henamewasadopt edsomet i me i nt hesummerof1962.Ar t i cl esofi ncor por at i onwer echangedaccor di ngl yandbyaut umn oft hatyeart heor i gi nalnamehadbeenf or got t enandFor tWor t hCount r yDaySchooli t was.Onmanyoccasi onssi nce,member soft heschoolhavebeengl adofi t sname, especi al l yatat hl et i ccont est sawayf r om homewhenst udent swer eabl et obearwi t ht hem t henameoft hei rci t yaswel last hatoft hei rschool . OnAugust28ani mpor t antmeet i ngoft heBoar dofTr ust eeswashel datwhi chsome si gni f i cantdeci si onswer er eached.Themi nut esi ncl udear epor toft heBui l di ngCommi t t ee,Mr .ThomasM.Ryan,Chai r man,pr esent edgener alpl ansf ort hef i r stt hr eebui l di ngs whi chwer edesi gnat edC,B,andA.Equal l yi mpor t antwast hepr esent at i onoft hecampus mast erpl anwhi chhasbeenwar pedsl i ght l yovert heyear sbutwhi chhasbeengener al l y adher edt oeversi nce.Somewhatt ot hesur pr i seofmember soft heBoar d,t hemast er pl anpl acedt hebui l di ngswel lbel owt het opoft hehi l lamongagr oupoft r ees.Thi sci r cumst ancecausedconsi der abl eadver secomment ,butf i nal l yr ecei vedappr oval ,asdi d t her estoft her epor t .Mr .Pr est onM.Ger en,Jr .andhi sassoci at esdeser vemuchcr edi t f ort hei rf or esi ghtbot hi nmast erpl anonbui l di ngpl acement ,f orast hear eahasdevel opedi ti scl eart hatpl aci ngt hebui l di ngsont hehi l l t opwoul dhavebeenasadmi st ake.

.ThomasM.Ryan Mr


Anot hersi gni f i cantact i ont akenbyt heBoar datt hi smeet i ngwast opl ananot her , f or malf unddr i vewi t hpr of essi onaldi r ect i on.Theact i onwast akeni nt heabsenceoft he headmast erwhohadbeenunabl et oat t endt hemeet i ng.I twasmuchopposedbyhi m ont hegr oundst hatt het i mi ngwaswr ong.Peopl ehadbeenl edt obel i evet hataschool wast obef or medi n1962,andcont r i but edt ot hatpr oj ectgener ousl y,andnowwer et o beaskedf ormor emoneybef or et her ewasanyevi denceofaschool .However , member soft heFi nanceCommi t t eef el tt hataddi t i onalf undswer enecessar yt omeet t heheavyexpenseofbui l di ng.Thear chi t ect s’pl anscal l edf ort heexpendi t ur eofabout $450, 000,noti ncl udi ngut i l i t i esorf ur ni shi ng,andsi ncet het ot alf undsoft heschool wer eonl y$500, 000,mostofi ti npl edges,aver yr ealf i nanci alpr obl em st oodi nt heway unl essaddi t i onalf undscoul dbeacqui r ed.Oct ober1stwassetf ort heopeni ngoft he dr i veandNat i onalFundRai ser swer edeci dedupont odot hej ob. Ar oughdr af tofapr oposedbr ochur edescr i pt i veoft heschoolwaspr esent edt ot he Boar df orcr i t i ci sm andappr oval .Mr .Sam B.Cant ey,I I I ,Tr easur eroft heschoolwas sl owl yaccumul at i ngmat er i alf ort hi sbr ochur e.I nputf r om t heheadmast erwast obe f or t hcomi ngbyear l yf al l .I twast obehi sj obt opr ovi decur r i cul um i nf or mat i on,school phi l osophy,andoper at i ngpr ocedur es.Mr .Cant eywoul dpr ovi det hegener alf or mat ,t he ar t wor k,andt hephot ogr aphy. Per hapst hemosti mpor t antdeci si onr eachedatt hi smeet i ngwast odi vi det heBoar d ofTr ust eesi nt ost andi ngcommi t t ees,eachdi r ect edt owar dsomeaspectoft heschool ’ s st r uct ur eandoper at i on.TheHeadmast erhadr equest edt hatt hi sbedonef orhewas per f ect l yf ami l i arwi t ht hepr obl emsar i si ngf r om get t i ngt oomanypeopl ei nvol vedi n ever yschoolsi t uat i on,evenatt hepol i cyl evel .Wi t houtacommi t t eest r uct ur emuch t i mei swast edi nboar dmeet i ngsanddef i ni t i veact i oni shar dt oachi eve;wher eas,a commi t t eecant hor oughl ydi scussamat t eri nasmal lmeet i ngandr epor tt ot hef ul l Boar dwi t hr ecommendat i onf oract i on.Theschoolcamet odependheavi l yupont hi s syst em andmanyboar dmember shavebeenabl et o r enderval uabl eser vi cet ot heschoolbecauseofi t .But , att het i meofi t si ncept i ont her ewasmuchopposi t i onby somemember soft heBoar dwhof el tt hatal lmember s shoul dbef ul l yi nvol vedi nal lboar dmat t er s. Thebal anceoft hesummerof1962waswi t hout i nci dentandt henewheadmast err et r eat edt o KansasCi t yt owr est l ewi t hsomepr obl emst hathad devel opedt her eandt ot r yt ogetsomevacat i onwi t h hi ssonsi nt heCanadi anWoodsCanoeCount r y. 13

I I ey,I .Sam B.Cant Mr


chapt erf our

Theschoolyear19621963wasnotan easyone.TheHeadmast erwasconf i ned t ohi sschooli nKansasCi t ywher eevent s wer emovi ngswi f t l yandwi t hmanycompl i cat i ons.Fi r stwast her egul art askof r unni ngt heschool ,butwi t ht hedi f f er ence t hatt hi swasal ameduckyearf orhi m. Secondwast hecompl i cat edt askof choosi ngasuccessorf orhi m.Hewas notdi r ect l yi nvol vedi nt hesel ect i on pr ocessbuthewasexpect edt oactas hostt ot hemanyvi si t i ngheadswhocame t ot heschoolt ol ookar oundandt obei nt er vi ewed.Thi r d,af t ert hesel ect i onwasf i nal l y madesomet i mei nJanuar y,i tpr ovedt obet heheadmast er ’ st askt ohi r et hef acul t yf or t hePembr okeCount r yDaySchool ,f ort hemanchosent osucceedhappenedt obeempl oyedatRober tCol l egei nI st anbulandwasnotabl et oconductnegot i at i onswi t hcur r entandpr ospect i vet eacher s.Thi smeanthi r i ngt wocompl et ef acul t i es,onef orPembr okeandonef orFor tWor t h. I nt hemeant i met hi ngscont i nuedt oboi lal ongi nFor tWor t h.Pl ansf ort hebui l di ngs wer ef i nal i zed.Appl i cat i onsbegant ocomei nsuf f i ci entnumber ssot hatt est i nghadt o begi n.Appl i cat i onsf r om t eacher swer ebei ngr ecei ved.TheHeadmast ermadeat r i pt o For tWor t hi nOct obert ot ouchbasewi t ht hemanypeopl econcer ned.Meet i ngswi t h commi t t eesoft heBoar dconsi der edever yaspectoft heschool .Thecopyf ort hebr ochur ewasf i nal i zedandt ur nedovert oMr .Cant ey.I nt er vi ewswi t ht eacher swer esetup i nt heTexasHot elwher et heHeadmast erwasst ayi ng.Al ar gegat her i ngofpr ospect i ve par ent smeti noneoft hebal l r oomst ohearf r om t heHeadmast erpl ansf ort henew school .Number sofst udent sbegant ot akeshapei nt hevar i ousgr adessot hati twasa l i t t l eeasi ert oseewhatt hef acul t yneedswoul dbe.Pl answer el ai df oraser i esof cof f eemeet i ngsatvar i ousBoar dmemberhousesf ort hepur poseofgi vi ngpr ospect i ve par ent sabet t erchancet ot al kwi t ht heheadmast er .Thesemeet i ngswer et ot akepl ace dur i ngt hewi nt er . Anot hert r i pwasmadet oFor tWor t hi nNovemberdur i ngwhi cht heHeadmast ervi si t ed t heCasadySchool ,whi chwasi nt ur moi l ,havi ngf i r edi t sheadmast er ,andwher eal ar ge numberoft eacher swer er est l essandat t r act edbyt henewpr oj ecti nFor tWor t h.Thi s pr ovedaf r ui t f ult r i p.Dur i ngt het i mei nFor tWor t hdi scussi onswi t hBoar dmember sand pr ospect i vepar ent swer ehel datever yoppor t uni t y. 14

OnDecember12,1962groundwasbrokenf ort he FortWort hCount ryDaySchool .Al argenumberof Trust eesandf ri endsoft heschoolgat heredont he col dhi l l si deandwi t hshovel shast i l yprovi dedby Mr.Leonardf rom hi sst ore’ sst ock,eart hwas ceremoni al l yt urned.

OnDecember12,1962gr oundwasbr okenf ort heFor tWor t hCount r yDaySchool .A l ar genumberofTr ust eesandf r i endsoft heschoolgat her edont hecol dhi l l si deandwi t h shovel shast i l ypr ovi dedbyMr .Leonar df r om hi sst or e’ sst ock,ear t hwascer emoni al l y t ur ned.Bul l dozer swer ehar datwor kdur i ngt heeventandCount r yDayLane( notyet sonamed)wasr ecei vi ngi t sf i nalt ouches.TheHeadmast erwasdi st ur bedt ol ear nt hat t her oadhadbeendedi cat edt ot heci t y.Uponquest i oni ngt hi sact i onhewast ol dt hat al lt hel andt hatt heschoolcoul dpossi bl yuse( 55acr es)hadbeensetasi dewestand nor t hoft hatr oadatnocostt ot heschool .I twast r uet hatal lt hef l atl andhadbeen r et ai nedandt hatt hebui l di ngswer et obepl acedont hesi ghtr i set ot heeastandsout h. St i l l ,t heHeadmast erf el tt hatgi vi ngawayt her oadwasanact i ont hatwoul dr et ur nt o hauntt heschool ,andsoi tpr oved. Att het i meofgr oundbr eaki ngt heschoolownedout r i ghtonl yt enacr esofl and.The bal anceoft heappr oxi mat el yni net yacr est hathadbeenmadeavai l abl e,mi nust hear ea cover edbyt her oad,nowaci t yst r eet ,washel dunderopt i onat$2, 000peracr e.Thi s wasaver yr easonabl epr i ce,especi al l yasMr .Ryanwhocont r ol l edt hepr oper t yhad agr eedt oputup$1, 000f orever yacr et hatt heschoolbought .Thi sl andar r angement wasver yf avor abl e,ofcour se,butt heheadmast erwoul dbeuneasyunt i lal lt hel andhad beenacqui r edf ort heschool . 15

Hehadhadexper i encewi t hpr obl emsf acedbyagr owi ngschoolonapl otofl andt hat wasmucht oosmal l ,aci r cumst ancer esul t i ngf r om f ai l ur eofaBoar dofTr ust eest o acqui r eenoughl andmanyyear sbef or ewheni twasr eadi l yavai l abl e. I nFebr uar yt heHeadmast ermadeanext endedt r i pt ot heeast er nseaboar di nsear chof t eacher sf ort henewschool .Hehadl i neduppr ospect si nmanyschool st hr oughoutt he Mi dwestandeast ,f r om Ohi ot oMai ne,andsi ncei twaseasi erandcheapert ovi si tt hose pr ospect sont hei rownt er r i t or yhemadet het r i pbyaut omobi l e.Hehaddeci dedt hatt he f acul t yoft henewschoolshoul dr epr esentTexas,nonTexans,andpeopl ewho,r egar dl essofwher et heyhadbeenr ear edandeducat edwer ecur r ent l yr esi dent sofFor tWor t h. Theset hr eegr oupswer et obei nappr oxi mat el yequalnumber s.Hedi dnotwantt obe accusedofbui l di nganEast er nTypeschool .Thenewschoolwast obe“ di f f er ent ”i never y sense,butnotsodi f f er entast obet hr eat eni ngt opr ospect i vepar ent sandt hei rchi l dr en. Suchapl annecessi t at edawi der angi ngsear chaswel lascar ef ulsel ect i onf r om l ocal sour ces.

Hedi dnotwantt obeaccusedofbui l di nganEast ernType school .Thenew schoolwast obe“di f f erent ”i neverysense, butnotsodi f f erentast obet hreat eni ngt oprospect i ve parent sandt hei rchi l dren.

I nt hecour seoft het eachersear cht heHeadmast erbegant or eal i zet hatt eachert al ent wasi nshor tsuppl y.Real l ygoodt eacher swer er el uct antt ogi veupsecur ej obst ogot o t he“ wi l dwest ”t oaci t yt hatt heyhadneverhear dofandt oaschoolt hatdi dnoteven exi st .Al lt heyhadt ogoonwast her eput at i onoft heHeadmast erandhi swor dt hatt hey wer enotmaki ngami st ake.Sal ar i esof f er edwer eadequat ef ort het i mes,butnot muni f i cent .

Mr s .Br uceLandi s

Mi s sRaeSki nner


Ever yt hi ngel sewasavacuum oft heunknown.Manyexcel l entpr ospect swer e i nt er vi ewedbutwheni tcamet ot aki ngt hepl unget hespi r i tofadvent ur eseemedt odr y up.Thesear chi nt heFor tWor t har eabegant obearf r ui ti mmedi at el y.Mi ssAl annBedf or d( Mr s.E.W.Sampson,Jr . )wasappoi nt edasheadoft hehi st or ydepar t ment .Mr s. Ar t hurCl emenswasappoi nt edt ost ar tt hear tdepar t ment .Mr s.RoyceM.Wi l l eywas appoi nt eddi r ect orofgi r l s’at hl et i csanddeanofgi r l s.Mi ssRaySki nner( Mr s.EdSchol l mei er )wasappoi nt edt ot eachgr adet hr ee.Mr s.Br uceLandi s,ourmostexper i enced t eacher ,wasappoi nt edt ot eachgr adet wo. Testr esul t swer esentt ot heHeadmast eri nKansasCi t yf oreval uat i onandact i on.Al l par ent swhoappl i edr ecei vedper sonall et t er sandmostoft hechi l dr enwer eaccept ed. Act ual l y,t estr esul t swer enotpar t i cul ar l ygoodandt heHeadmast erhaddi f f i cul t y maki ngeval uat i onoft hem.Thet est susedwer est andar df ori ndependentschool s,but si ncenoneoft heappl i cant shadeverat t endedani ndependentschool ,t het est i ng pr ocesswasal i t t l el i kemeasur i ngaboar dwi t hameasur i ngcup.Thei nst r umentwas notr eal l yadequat ef ort hej ob.Someshr ewdguesseswer emade.Someeval uat i ons wer emadebyi nt er vi ewi ngt hepar ent s.I fpar ent sseemedt ohaveani nt el l i gentunder st andi ngoft heai msofsuchaschoolandi ft heyseemedt obet heki ngofpeopl ewho woul dr equi r et hei rchi l dr ent omaket henecessar yef f or t ,admi ssi onswassomet i mes gr ant edevent hought estr esul t swer edi scour agi ng. Andt hust heyearwor eon.Bui l di ngswer egoi ngup.Pl answer ebei ngmade.The Headmast erwasvi br at i ngbet weenFor tWor t handKansasCi t yl i ket hecl apperi nan el ect r i cbel l ,at t endi ngt hepr ospect i vepar entcof f ees,t al ki ngwi t har chi t ect s,boar d member s,andt eachercandi dat es.TheHeadmast er ’ swi f ecamet oFor tWor t hhouse hunt i ng,i nbet weent i mesofr unni ngherownhousehol dandact i ngasKansasCi t y secr et ar yf ort heFor tWor t hCount r yDaySchool . Fi nal l y,wi t ht hePembr okeCount r yDaySchool ’ scl assof1963saf el ygr aduat edand al lf ar ewel lpar t i esf i ni shed,t heHeadmast erandhi sf ami l ymovedt oFor tWor t h,ar r i vi ng June12t ht ot aker esi dencet hef ol l owi ngdayonSi mondal eDr i ve.


STARTI NG UP chapt erf i ve

Si ncet heschool ’ sbui l di ngswer enotyetopenf oruse,t heschoolof f i cewassetup i nt heHeadmast er ’ shome.Fi l esaccumul at edbyhi m wer emovedi nandt he r emai nderoft her ecor dscont i nuedt obest or edatMr s.Swenson’ shouse.Mr s. Schwar t zcont i nuedt oactast heHeadmast er ’ ssecr et ar yandMr s.Swensondi d ever yt hi ngel se.Hermosti mpor t antt askwasst r ai ght eni ngoutt heHeadmast eron t heper sonsandper sonal i t i escl osel yconnect edwi t ht heschool .Hehadt ol ear n namesofpar ent sandt hei rchi l dr enandt hei rr el at i onshi pt oot herpeopl e– gr andpar ent s,cousi ns,uncl es,andaunt s.For t unat el yf orhi m shewasami neof i nf or mat i onandwasabl et osavehi mf r om manyabl under . Theschool ’ sf i r stmai nt enancemanhi r edt ur nedoutt obeknowl edgeabl eabout f ar mi ngandr anchi ngandcoul dt akegoodcar eofl awnsandf i el dsbutknew not hi ngaboutt hecompl i cat edmachi ner yt hatwasbei ngi nst al l edi nt hecaf et er i a basementt ohandl eheat i ngandai rcondi t i oni ng.Wi t hl i t t l eornoassi st ancehewas goi ngt ohavet ocar ef oral lcl eani ngandr epai r i ngofi nt er i orspaces.Ast r uggl ef or cl eanl i nessensuedunt i lassi st ancewasf i nal l yacqui r edi nt heper sonofMr .Huber t Wi l l i amswhor emai nedwi t ht heschoolunt i l1976.

ams i l l tWi .Huber Mr

l chel t tMi .Rober onandMr veSwens i .Ol s z,Mr t erA.Schwar .Pet Mr


Abusi nessmanagerwasneeded,t oo,andf i nal l yonewasf ound.Mr .Rober tMi t chel l agr eedt ot akeont het askwhent het i mecamet hatwecoul dgi vehi m anof f i ceanda desk.I tt ur nedoutt hathewasnott r ul ypr epar edf ort hej obofr unni ngt hef i nancesofa schoolandhi st enur ewasnotl ong,butl ongenoughf orhi sson,Bobby,t obet hef i r st t ophonor sst udenti nt heMi ddl eSchool .Hi snamei sont het opoft hepl aquet hat hangsi nt hehal lout si det heHeadmast er ’ sof f i ce. I nJul ydi sast erst r uck.Aver yi mpor t antmemberoft hef acul t ywhohadbeenhi r edt o t eachLat i nandFr enchwr ot et osayt hathewasunabl et ocome.Hewasoneoft he “ f or ei gni mpor t s”t heHeadmast erhadcar ef ul l ysel ect edandhi sdi sappear ancewasa ser i ousbl ow.Teacher swer ever yhar dt of i nd,especi al l ygoodones.Teacher sof f or ei gnl anguagewer ei nespeci al l yshor tsuppl y,butt hehandoft heLor dwassooni n evi dence.At el ephonecal lcamef r om anEngl i shSchoolMast erwhocl ai medexper t i se i nLat i nandat hl et i cs.Hewasbr oughtt oFor tWor t hf oravi si t ,hi scr edent i al schecked, andsi ncehemadeani mmedi at ehi twi t hal lpeopl euponf i r stmeet i nghewassi gnedup andt heemer gencyt er mi nat ed. Onl yt womor eappoi nt ment sneededt obemade,adi r ect orofboysat hl et i csandaf i r st gr adet eacher .Thel at t erpr ovednecessar ybecauset heexpect ednumberofdr opout s f r om enr ol l mentf ai l edt omat er i al i zeandt hef i r stgr adet hr eat enedt obet ool ar ge.Mr s. Anni eSpencer ,ar et i r edpubl i cschoolt eacherwi t haf i ner eput at i onandknownt omany pr ospect i vepar ent swashi r edt of i l lt hel at t erpost .DonHammer ,ami ni st eratt he Uni ver si t yBapt i stChur ch,becamet heschool ’ sf i r stdi r ect orofat hl et i csandcoachof boy’ sat hl et i cs.Heal sot aughtAmer i canHi st or yt ot heei ght hgr ade.Lat er ,af t erhehad movedont omor ei mpor t antpost si nhi schur ch,hi ssonj oi nedCount r yDayasaf i ne memberoft hest udentbody. Soon,enoughoft headmi ni st r at i vebui l di ngwascompet edsot hatMr s.Cur t i swasabl e t oconductasmal lcl assi nr emedi alr eadi ngdur i ngt hel at t erpar toft hef i r stsummerand t heHeadmast erwasabl et omovei nt ohi sof f i ce.Hi sf i r stt askwast oacqui r eadesk andachai reachf orMr s.Swenson,Mr .Mi t chel landhi msel f ,andt wof i l i ngcabi net s,one f orst udentandf acul t yr ecor dsandonef ort hebusi nessof f i ce.I twast ouchandgo whet hert heot hert wobui l di ngswoul dbecompl et ef oropeni ngday,butt hebui l der skept pr omi si ng,f ur ni t ur eandbookskeptar r i vi ng,t eacher sbegant odr opi nt oseehowt hi ngs wer epr ogr essi ng,st udent sandpar ent sbegant oappeart omeetmember soft hest af f andt oaskquest i ons.Aschooldi dseem t obeevol vi ng,al mostmi r acul ousl y,amongt he br i cksanddebr i sofbui l di ng.


Oneaf t er nooni nAugustt heHeadmast erhel daspeci almeet i ngofmember soft heni nt h gr ade.Mostat t endedsatuponpi l esofl umberi nt heunf i ni shedcaf et er i aanddr ankcoke whi l el i st eni ngt ot heHeadmast er ’ sexpl anat i onofhowt heschoolwoul doper at e.They appear edunent husi ast i cabouthi schal l enget ot hem –t hatt heywer et obet hel eader gr oup,t hepi oneerf i r stgr aduat es,andt hatheandt heschoolwoul dneedt hei ri nt er est andhar dwor k.I twoul dbel i kebei ngseni or sf orf ouryear s.Comeon,f el l as,we’ vegota j obt odo!Theysucceededi nmaski nganyser i ousf eel i ngt heymayhavehadandonl y want edt oknowwhet hert heschoolwoul dpl ayf oot bal l .Uponbei ngassur edt hatt hey woul dbegi vent hechance,t heybr i ght enedupabi t ,andevent hegi r l sshowedsome spar kofi nt er estwhent heyt houghtoft hepossi bi l i t yofcheer l eadi ng.I twashar dl ya successf ulmeet i ng,butatl eastt hei cewasbr okenandt hest udent sknewsomeone at t achedt ot heschool .Nonewi t hdr ew. Thef i r stmeet i ngoft hef acul t ywashel di nAugust .Ther ewer enol abdesks,cupboar ds, gas,wat er ,orel ect r i cf i xt ur es.Themember soft heor i gi nalf acul t ywer est r anger st oone anot her ,onl yoneort wooft hem havi ngmetbef or et hi sday.Theyr epr esent edawi de r angeofgeogr aphi candcul t ur albackgr ounds.Event heTexansamongt hem di dnotal l hai lf r om For tWor t hbyanymeans,whi l esomecamef r om f arof fpar t soft heUni t ed St at esandf r om abr oad.I twasani nt er est i ngmi xandi twasanyone’ sguesswhet heror nott heywoul dbeabl et owor kt oget herami cabl y. TheHeadmast erpr esent edt heFacul t yHandbook,adocumentt hatwhi l ei thas under gonemanyr evi si ons,r emai nssubst ant i al l yt hesamet odayi nbasi cphi l osophyand i nwhati tdescr i besasdesi r abl et eacherat t i t udeandbehavi or .I tt ookal loft wodayst o gooveral lpar t soft heHandbookwi t ht hegr eatcar enecessar yt oassur et hatal l member soft hef acul t yunder st oodi tcompl et el yandagr eedt oabi debyi t .Thatone documentandt heper sonoft heHeadmast erwer eal lt hatt hef acul t yoft heschoolhadi n commonatt heout set .Pol i ci esandpr ocedur eswer esket chedi n,buti twascl eart o ever yonet hatt heywer et empor ar yandt hatonl yi nt i meandt hr oughmut ualef f or tcoul d t hedi st i nctor gani sm t hati saschoolevol ve. I twasagr eedamongt hef acul t yt hat Comeon,f el l as,we’ vegotaj obt odo! neverhadt heyhadsuchdel i ght f ul l y comf or t abl equar t er st owor ki nas pr ovi dedbyt henewschool .I tseemedt hatever yt hi nghadbeent houghtof .Thesheer comf or tofanai rcondi t i onedschool ,t hef i r stsuchi nFor tWor t h,gaveever yoneaspeci al l i f tast heyr eal i zedt hatt hef i r stawf ulweeksofhotcl assr ooms,dust yai r ,andsweat y bodi eswoul dbenomor e. 20

Thencamet hegreatday,Sept ember9,1963.The FortWort hCount ryDaySchoolopenedi t sdoorst o i t sf i rstst udent s.Therewere210oft hem i nal l , pol i shedandscrubbed,f eel i ngawkwardi nnew uni f orms,st rangeamongst rangers,butexci t edby t hei rnew surroundi ngs.

Thencamet hegr eatday,Sept ember9,1963.TheFor tWor t hCount r yDaySchool openedi t sdoor st oi t sf i r stst udent s.Ther ewer e210oft hem i nal l ,pol i shedand scr ubbed,f eel i ngawkwar di nnewuni f or ms,st r angeamongst r anger s,butexci t edby t hei rnewsur r oundi ngs.Al lt hest udent sandatl eastonepar entf r om eachf ami l yat t endedt heopeni ngassembl yi nt henewcaf et er i a.Ther ewaspl ent yofr oom.Openi ng pr ayer s,ahymn,abr i efwel comef r om t heHeadmast err emi ndi ngt hem oft hei rgood f or t unet obef ounder sofanewschoolandchal l engi ngt hem t osetast r ongpacef or t hemsel vesandf ort hoset of ol l owwast heor derofevent s.Thenal lst udent sand t eacher swer edi smi ssedt ot hei rcl assesandt heschoolyearbegan. However ,ver year l yont hatf i r stmor ni ngt hemai nt enanceman’ shel perar r i vedt o makesur eal lwasi nr eadi ness.Tohi samazementhedi scover edaver yyoungopossum r unni ngupanddownt hehal lofBui l di ngC.Tot hi sdaynooneknowshowt he cr eat ur egott her e,buthewast ur nedovert ot hesci encedepar t mentandbecameani nst anthi twi t ht hechi l dr enwhot houghtt hatanai r condi t i onedschoolcompl et ewi t hpet s hadt obet hebest .Ther ewassomedi scussi onamongt hef acul t yaboutdecl ar i ngt he opossum t obet heschool ’ smascot ,butwhent heybegant or eal i zet hesymbol i sm t he i deawasqui ckl yabandoned. Theschoolwasont r ackandmovi ng.Thatwast hei mpor t antf act .I t sf i r stst epswer e shaky,i mpededbyunf ami l i arpr ocedur es,equi pment ,andbui l di ngs.Butt heexci t ement wasi nf ect i ousandt hespi r i thi gh.Fr om t hef i r stmoment si twasevi dentt hatt heni nt h gr adewast aki ngi t sr esponsi bi l i t i esser i ousl y.Thesest udent shadneverbef or ebeen t r eat edasmor et hanhumanbodi esi naher dandast heygr adual l ydi scover edt hatt hey wer et obepar t yt odeci si ons,t hei ropi ni onsr espect edandt hei rl eader shi pgenui nel y neededandappr eci at ed,t heyr oset ot heoccasi onwi t hbecomi ngmat ur i t y.I twoul dbe har dt oassesst hecont r i but i ont ot heschoolmadebyt hi sf i r stcl ass,t heCl assof1967, t hatf orf ouryear spr ovi dedst udentl eader shi p,sett het oneoft heschooli nwor kand conduct ,andsetanexampl eofmeet i ngt henewandunexpect edwi t hpoi seanddi gni t y. 21

Itwoul dbehardt oassesst hecont ri but i ont ot he schoolmadebyt hi sf i rstcl ass,t heCl assof1967, t hatf orf ouryearsprovi dedst udentl eadershi p, sett het oneoft heschooli nworkandconduct , andsetanexampl eofmeet i ngt henew and unexpect edwi t hpoi seanddi gni t y. 22

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