FWCD Student Publications: Then and Now

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St udentPubl i cat i ons :ThenandNow

Wr i t t enby Li s aWal l ace,news paper /year bookadvi s er

STUDENTPUBLI CATI ONS:THENANDNOW ByLi saWal l ace,newspaper / year bookadvi ser

St udentpubl i cat i onsatFor tWor t hCount r yDayhaveenj oyeda heal t hysuppor tf r om st udent sandf acul t yal i ke,asevi dencednot onl yi nt hebr eadt hofpubl i cat i ons,butal soi nt hel ongevi t y.Some t ypeofst udent pr oducedwr i t i ngshavebeenapar tofourhi st or y f or50year s.Rangi ngf r om t hehandwr i t t enheadl i nes andpur pl emi meogr aphedcopi esoft he“ TheFal con Tal e, ”whi chchr oni cl edr esul t sofspor t scompet i t i ons, t ot hepr of essi onal l ypr i nt edpubl i cat i onsoft oday, st udent shaveshownt hei rsuppor tof ,andi nt er esti n, wr i t i ngandr eadi ngal laboutFor tWor t hCount r yDay. Whi l et hef i r stFl i ghtyear bookcameouti n1967and hasbeeni ncont i nuouspubl i cat i onsi nce,ot herst udent publ i cat i onsi ncl udi ngPr i sm,TheFal conQui l l ,TheChi ckenPl ucker ,Fal conFl edgl i ng, Scor pi on,TheTal on,TheFal conTal eandTheFor um,havecomeandgone. Memor i esofchangesi nt echnol ogy,t hel ocat i onoft hepubl i cat i ons’headquar t er s,adver t i si nganddel i ver ymet hodsar eal li ncl udedbel ow,aswel lasar ecapofst udent publ i cat i onsast heyexi stt oday.Sever aloft heFl i ghtedi t or sandot herpubl i cat i ons st af f er shaveshar edt hei rmemor i eswi t husf ort hi sar t i cl eandt hecompl ement ar y Fal conFact s.

Somet ypeofst udent producedwri t i ngs havebeenapartofourhi st oryf or50years.

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Tor iOl i nRos s‘ 72

Publ i cat i onst udent shaveseenvastchangesi nt echnol ogyovert hepast50years.

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