FWCD 50th Anniversary - August Update

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Vi sualAr t s

“ . . . t heonet hi ngt hatremai nedconst antwasour commi t mentt ot hest udent ’ sbestdevel opmentof ski l l s,i magi nat i onandcreat i vi t y. ”

Evel ynSi egel

TheFal coner,Spri ng1988

TheVi sualAr t satFWCD For50year s,t hear t shavebeeni nf usedi nt ol i f eatFor tWor t hCount r yDay. Thevi sualar t spr ogr am hasgr ownr i cherovert heyear s,pr ovi di ngst udent s wi t haf oundat i onoft heconcept sandmet hodsconnect edt ot hei rcr af t ,aswel l asanout l ett oexpr esst hemsel ves. Faci l i t i eshavet r ansi t i onedf r om abui l di ngassi mpl easanar mybar r ackst o oneoft hear ea’ sf i nestf aci l i t i es:TheSi dW.Ri char dsonVi sualAr t sCent er ,a spacet hatencour agesi magi nat i onandpr omot escr eat i vi t y.Si mpl yput ,FWCD st udent sar ei nspi r edt ol oset hemsel vesi nt hecr eat i vepr ocess—andul t i mat el yf i ndt hatt heydesi r et opur sueanar t scent er edcar eerort hatt hey' vef ounda l i f el ongout l etf orexpr essi on. Di st i nct i onsofFWCD’ sar t spr ogr amsi ncl ude: •St udi oar ti nst r uct i oni ngr adesK12 •Por t f ol i opr esent at i onsf ormanyAPar tcour ses •Col l abor at i ver el at i onshi psamongUpperSchoolpai nt i nganddr awi ng st udent sandt heat erandst r i ngsst udent s •Dynami cf i near t sf acul t ywhoencour ageandsuppor tgr owt h •Bl ack&Whi t eI magesPhot ogr aphyCont estandExhi bi t i on

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