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New Products
The Econoline pressure transmitter from Keller is built for next-level performance at an optimum price point. It combines a proven media-isolated, piezoresistive silicon sensor with contemporary signal conditioning electronics to provide a compact pressure transmitter with class-leading total error band accuracy. In addition, the Econoline provides outstanding performance under harsh environmental conditions, including those with high levels of electromagnetic radiation, both conducted and radiated. The Econoline provides trouble-free service and sufficient accuracy for almost any application, including those involving aggressive media and/or high levels of electromagnetic interference and where small size, low weight, and reasonable cost are required. The modular design of the Econoline provides maximum versatility for customer specific applications and is produced using modern manufacturing methods. It allows for short lead times, which negates the need for the user to maintain extra inventory onsite. (www.kelleramerica.com)
The biological activity enhancer (BAE) from Prodex is an organic liquid formula for use in aerobic and anaerobic environments to improve operational efficiency and maximize renewable energy production. As the green component to the engineered infrastructure, it provides plants with a lowcost biostimulant for existing microbes, increasing activity and populations to give the plant the best biology possible. Wastewater treatment plants can use it to boost biogas production, convert food waste to energy, and help remove nitrogen, and it can be used in maintenance dosage and emergency use. It reduces operational costs, such as hauling, chemicals, and energy; enhances plant operational efficiency and stability; improves solids handling and sludge settling; and accelerates recovery after plant upsets. By maximizing the microbial workforce, it helps the industry work toward cleaner water resources and a greener energy supply. (www.prodexproducts.com)
The Model Q46H/79PR Total Chlorine Measurement System from Analytical Technology (a Badger Meter brand) is a highly versatile online monitoring system designed for the continuous measurement of total chlorine in solution. It’s well suited for potable water systems, water reuse systems, cooling towers, and monitoring wastewater treatment effluents. The basic sensing element used in the total chlorine monitor is a threeelectrode amperometric membrane sensor that measures chlorine directly. The chlorine measurement does not alter the sample or add any chemicals to the sample stream, so the water flow can return to the system, if desired. This direct measuring system does not require the addition of chemical reagents to measure total chlorine, which means that the unit can be deployed for months without having to change anything; usually, reagents typically need to be maintained on a monthly basis.
In addition to total chlorine measurement, the Q46/79PR is also available with an optional pH input that provides a two-parameter monitoring system. It can be supplied with sample flow controls mounted to a PVC back plate ready to mount; simply connect the power, water sample, and analog/ relay outputs. Systems are available with or without a flow switch for remote indication of loss of sample.
Its simplicity in design means less investment in replacement parts, and because it takes less manpower to operate, the overall operating cost is very manageable. The addition of features, like a pH input to its basic functionality, makes it all the more valuable in water and wastewater applications. (www.badgermeter.com)
The Davit Cranes from Patterson, available in ½-ton and 1-ton capacities, can give utility operations a lift. The lowmaintenance, easy-to-assemble design offers adequate reach to accommodate lifting large loads within tight spaces, and a boom that can be adjusted to nearly 45 degrees to allow for clearance over obstructions, such as handrails. Built for durability, it comes standard with a hot-dipped galvanized finish and stainless steel hardware to prevent rust and corrosion in wet work environments. Following Patterson’s tradition of safetyfocused innovation, the product features a reliable brake to keep loads in position without creeping. For over 160 years the company has been a trusted supplier of winches, rigging, fittings, and custom products for lifting applications. The cranes are made in the United States and deliver on the company’s promise of helping businesses run safer, easier, and faster. (www. pattersonmfg.com)
as a tried-and-true method for water and wastewater treatment. That doesn’t mean the technology can’t be upgraded, and the Leopold Texler lamella clarifier from Xylem is a great example, as its lamellae are made from a recyclable, durable, high-density polyethylene geotextile material that reduces service and maintenance requirements, while cutting solids by more than 80 percent.
The lamella plates typically found in clarifiers are made from heavy stainless steel plates, which require extensive support structures and significant capital investment. When exposed to sunlight, steel reflects ultraviolet rays and promotes algae growth in the clarifier, reducing the clarification performance and requiring regular, manual cleaning. The repellent and flexible nature of the geotextile prevents sludge accumulation on the lamella sheets, which reduces the need for regular cleaning.
Lamella sheets are installed at an inclined 55-degree angle. Solids settle as the water travels upward between the lamella sheets and flows through trough covers, featuring an integrated v-notch weir, resulting in even distribution of flow throughout the clarifier.
The inclined plate arrangement of the system allows for an increase in the clarification area and allows for higher surface overflow rates, reducing the required basin dimensions by up to 80 percent for new builds and allowing more than 100 percent increase in flow within existing sedimentation basins. The geotextile material has been proven in similar applications to last over 20 years. The width of the lamella sheets can be adapted to optimize the use of existing basins. As a result, water treatment capacity of existing rectangular clarification systems can be increased by up to 100 percent, with an over 80 percent reduction in solids and turbidity values reaching levels less than 1 NTU. The product’s modular design allows for easy maintenance as each lamella sheet can be easily removed independently. The flexible design allows for cost-effective retrofitting of existing rectangular basins, which significantly reduces the overall construction costs, while significantly increasing flow capacity. (www.xylem.com) S