Florida Water Resources Journal - January 2025

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Crest Avenue WWTF

7.5 MGD (2025)

Latest installation of MBR technology

Babcock Ranch WRF

Phase 1 - 0.75 MGD (2020)

Phase 2B – 1.5 MGD (2023)

Bonita Springs East WRF

4.1 MGD (2007)

Fort Drum Service Center

0.1 MGD (2013)

Glades County WWTP

0.36 MGD (2005)

Island WWTP 5.0 MGD (2006)

Rotonda WWTP 2.0 MGD (2008)

Donax WRF

2.0 MGD (2021)


Editor’s Office and Advertiser Information:

Florida Water Resources Journal

1402 Emerald Lakes Drive

Clermont, FL 34711

Phone: 352-241-6006

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Business Office: 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711

Web: www.fwrj.com

General Manager: Michael Delaney

Editor: Rick Harmon

Graphic Design Manager: Patrick Delaney

Mailing Coordinator: Buena Vista Publishing

Published by BUENA VISTA PUBLISHING for Florida Water Resources Journal Inc.

President: Richard Anderson (FSAWWA) Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

Vice President: Joe Paterniti (FWEA) Clay County Utility Authority

Treasurer: Rim Bishop (FWPCOA) Seacoast Utility Authority

Secretary: Mish Clark Mish Agency


The Post Office will not forward your magazine. Do not count on getting the Journal unless you notify us directly of address changes by the 15th of the month preceding the month of issue. Please do not telephone address changes. Email changes to changes@fwrj.com or mail to Florida Water Resources Journal, 1402 Emerald Lakes Drive, Clermont, FL 34711

Membership Questions

FSAWWA: Casey Cumiskey – 407-979-4806 or fsawwa.casey@gmail.com

FWEA: Laura Cooley, 407-574-3318, admin@fwea.org

FWPCOA: Darin Bishop – 561-840-0340

Training Questions

FSAWWA: Donna Metherall – 407-979-4805 or fsawwa.donna@gmail.com

FWPCOA: Shirley Reaves – 321-383-9690

For Other Information

FDEP Operator Certification: Ron McCulley – 850-245-7500

FSAWWA: Peggy Guingona – 407-979-4820

Florida Water Resources Conference: 407-363-7751

FWPCOA Operators Helping Operators: John Lang – 772-559-0722, oho@fwpcoa.org

FWEA: Laura Cooley, 407-574-3318, admin@fwea.org


Florida Water Resources Journal: www.fwrj.com

FWPCOA: www.fwpcoa.org

FSAWWA: www.fsawwa.org

FWEA: www.fwea.org and www.fweauc.org

Florida Water Resources Conference: www.fwrc.org

News and Features

4 WEF Represents Water Sector at White House Roundtable on Water Security and Climate Resilience

6 Kevin G. Shropshire Elected as FWPCOA President for 2025

8 Contractors Roundup: STOP THE STCKY: Innovative Safety Program Focuses on Stopping Construction Fatalities

14 The Story of Water: How JEA’s H2.O Purification Center Will Immerse Visitors in the Water Experience—Geoff Thatcher, Ryan Popko, Shea Dunifon, and Jo Ann Jackson

24 2024-2025 FSAWWA Board of Governors

32 Get Ready for the 2025 Florida Water Resources Conference—Mish Clark

34 Good News From WEFTEC 2024: Contest Win, Committee Chair Recognition

49 News Beat

53 Water System Upgrades Could Require More Than $1 Trillion Over Next 20 Years

56 Technology Spotlight: Algae Control and Reducing Chlorine Loss

58 Research Finds Switching to Green Wastewater Infrastructure Could Reduce Emissions, Prove Huge Savings

59 FWEA Safety Committee Welcomes New Chair

Technical Articles

18 Advanced Phosphorus Recovery in Reclaimed Wastewater: A History of Pilot Studies of an Innovative Phosphorus Recovery Media— Domenic Contrino, Benjamin Pepper, Sebastian Sayavedra, Leverto Jean Charles, Stephen Suau, and Regina Rodriguez

45 Using Your Nose to Protect Your Assets: Wastewater Odor and Corrosion Control— Vaughan Harshman, Nickolas Wagner, Erik Gibson, and David Hunniford

Education and Training


Speaking Out—Lisa Wilson-Davis

Let’s Talk Safety: Be Kind to Your Body and Stretch Before

FWEA Focus—Joe Paterniti

Yourself—Charles Lee Martin Jr.


WEF Represents Water Sector at White House Roundtable on Water Security and Climate Resilience

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) joined other national leaders at a White House roundtable on water security and climate resilience that was held on October 31. As a water sector representative, WEF had the unique opportunity to highlight its commitment to building a more sustainable and resilient water future.

Ralph Exton, WEF executive director, stressed the importance of moving toward a circular water economy—an approach that

makes the most of every drop by reusing water, reducing waste, and turning byproducts into valuable resources. This shift is essential to ensure that America’s homes, agriculture, and industries have a dependable water supply, especially in the face of intensifying climate pressures.

Exton also emphasized WEF’s ongoing commitment to promoting innovative conservation technologies, as well as the importance of redefining the economics of water to drive conservation and resilience. In

particular, WEF advocated for policy changes to provide targeted incentives for water conservation technologies, including grants, low-interest loans, and tax incentives.

“Innovative funding approaches are essential. The estimated $1.25 trillion investment needed over the next 20 years calls for a sustainable economic model to support the future of our water infrastructure,” said Exton. “By advocating for better funding mechanisms, economic incentives, and supportive policies, the industry is helping create a path for meaningful conservation and innovation across the sector. It was a powerful moment of collaboration, and I’m proud of how our work positions WEF as a leader in this crucial conversation.”

At the roundtable, attention was also focused on the need to build a skilled and diverse water workforce to tackle future challenges by attracting workers with varied talents and experiences, investing in skills training, and establishing standardized career pathways for the sector. Through expanded workforce training and data-driven management practices, WEF seeks to empower communities and industries, enhancing water efficiency and resilience.

“The participation of WEF in this roundtable reflects our dedication to addressing water security through collaboration, innovation, and community engagement,” said Exton. “By prioritizing a circular water economy and workforce development we can help secure our nation’s water future for generations to come.” S

Ralph Exton at the roundtable.

Kevin G. Shropshire Elected as FWPCOA President for 2025

Kevin G. Shropshire was elected president of FWPCOA at the organization’s October 2024 board of directors meeting.

Kevin has been the pretreatment coordinator for the City of Rockledge since 2017. He has spent more than 20 years as an environmental regulatory professional at the municipal level within the state of Florida, working for the cities of Oldsmar, West Palm Beach, Orlando, and now, Rockledge. He specializes in industrial pretreatment, stormwater, and wastewater, and the enforcement, regulation, and public education that accompanies those topics.

Kevin has been involved as an active member of FWPCOA for 20 years as well, between Region IV and Region III, with most of that time actively involved with the board of directors at many levels. Over those years, he has earned his Pretreatment C and B; Stormwater C, B, and A; and Wastewater Collections C licenses through the organization. He also chairs the Industrial Pretreatment Committee, which is within the Education Committee.

He has also been an active member of the Florida Industrial Pretreatment Association for

20 years, earning his Pretreatment A license, and now serves as president of that organization.

He has lived in Florida since 1997, splitting time between Hillsborough County and Brevard County. He spent several years volunteering time with environmental programs around the Tampa Bay area, including the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, as well as representing the City of Oldsmar at the Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management Consortium. Since 2017, he has represented the City of Rockledge on the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program within the Management Council, as well as a member of the Small Communities Advisory Subcommittee to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

He enjoys amateur nature photography, learning and sharing new environmental experiences and knowledge, volunteering at local environmental events, and especially spending time with his young family. He also serves on the local Special District Advisory Committee (local zoning), School Advisory Council for his children’s school, and has been a youth soccer coach with Port St. John United Soccer Club for over seven years.

His wonderful wife, Debra, keeps his “honey do” list short and a few people appreciate his witty, yet dry, sense of humor. This leaves him time to focus on his true passion, which is to realistically protect and improve the natural environment for his children’s future. His boys, Devin and Julian, are his “mini-mes” known around the FWPCOA boardroom, and are soccer stars, academically talented, respectful, and gifted, with their mother’s sensitivity and heart and their father’s wit.

As the next president of FWPCOA, one of his priorities is to increase involvement of the membership—not just showing up to meetings and events, but accepting and carrying the torch of leadership to the next generations. He hopes to expand membership in the many current FWPCOA committees and spread the opportunities to volunteer, from the few to the many. S

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STOP THE STCKY: Innovative Safety Program Focuses on Stopping Construction Fatalities

With an influx of new workers entering the construction workforce, it‘s paramount employers educate and train their employees on safe behaviors that focus on not only keeping these employees safe, but preventing fatalities.

In 2019, Sundt discovered the construction industry’s recordable injury rate has steadily fallen over the last 20 years; however, the rate at which construction workers lose their lives on the jobsite hadn’t declined since 2007, with that number actually plateauing. Indeed, the metrics used in traditional construction worksite safety programs—the recordable injury rate and the experience modification rate—just aren’t cutting it.

Because fatalities in the industry aren’t declining, even the safest contractors could inevitably face a fatality. That’s not an acceptable result. Sundt is looking to close the gap through its innovative safety approach with its STOP THE STCKY® program.

What is the STOP THE STCKY Program?

The acronym STCKY stands for S#*! That Can Kill You—a mindset for all construction companies and their employees to pay attention to. According to Paul Levin,

vice president and corporate director of health, safety, and environment at Sundt Construction, “With STOP THE STCKY, we measure all information related to safety that gives you a whole new view of what success and improvement look like within the construction safety landscape.”

Going beyond recordables, Sundt now tracks and classifies all incidents, starting with all unplanned events. Not all incidents are equal; they are either classified as STCKY (high-energy) or non-STCKY (releases of energy). The STOP THE STCKY program was created and developed to disrupt the plateau and redefine safety in the industry.

The company has also reframed assumptions about risk and safety, and its safety training now includes enhanced techniques for assessing jobsite high-energy STCKY hazards and learning the direct controls and safeguards needed to control the energy that causes injuries. From this process, Sundt has also created and instituted a new four-step casual analysis to more clearly understand how incidents happen, rather than assign blame.

STCKY Wheel, Walks, and Technology

To improve high-energy hazard

recognition, the company created the STCKY Wheel to help in identifying energy sources that most frequently cause severe injuries and fatalities.

To truly make an impact on jobsites, the company instituted daily and weekly STCKY walks at the jobsite by the project team to identify high-energy STCKY hazards and then to remind workers about the proper protections, direct controls, and safeguards to prevent injuries and fatalities. Examples of direct controls include lockout/ tagout, properly protected excavations, and engineered fall protection systems. Safeguards include excavation perimeter protection, controlled access zones, and use of a spotter.

“The way we’re doing these STCKY walks and observations allows us to look at how somebody put themselves at risk when they were performing their work,” said Eric Cylwik, Sundt’s director of innovation. “We review the way a particular safety task or system was designed to determine whether workers even knew there was a STCKY hazard there. Perhaps they didn’t have the materials or equipment they needed to stop that from being a STCKY hazard; or, they did have all those things and they just didn’t utilize them in the best way.”

Continued on page 10

1. POLYMER REDUCTION: P6 PolyMix® Systems reduce polymer consumption by providing complete polymer/sludge mixing in a shear-sensitive manner. This patented mixing process allows long-strand polymer chains to remain intact and unbroken and wastewater floc to remain intact and unsheared. Typical applications result in a 25-50% REDUCTION IN POLYMER CONSUMPTION, thus saving the customer thousands of dollars in polymer expenses. By not breaking up the polymer chains, the dewatering equipment will experience less fouling, providing more reliability and reducing equipment cleaning costs.

2. DRIER CAKE SOLIDS: P6 PolyMix® technology optimizes the polymer and sludge mixing process, allowing INCREASE DEWATERED SOLIDS CONCENTRATION and INCREASED PERCENT SOLIDS CAPTURED. This unique mixing process results in more efficient sludge hauling, allowing customers to transport less water and more dewatered cake off-site.

3. ELIMINATION OF PUMP MAINTENANCE: P6 PolyMix® technology reduces pump parts and maintenance by utilizing the abrasion-resistant Discflo pumping principles of Boundary Layer/Viscous Drag. This principle can save the customer thousands of dollars in parts and maintenance over the lifetime of the equipment. All P6 PolyMix® systems in the municipal market include a 10-YEAR (extendable to 20 years) 100% WET END WEAR WARRANTY, No other pump manufacturer in the industry provides a wear warranty, let alone a 20-year wear warranty!

4. PUMPS & MIXES: P6 PolyMix® technology uses the unique principles of Boundary Layer/Viscous Drag for mixing polymer versus a mixer/check valve; this, paired with its unique InjeX™ polymer injection mixing chamber, is designed for MINIMAL POLYMER DEGRIDATION, allowing for maximum polymer savings. The hydraulic shear forces within the mixing pump provide a complete homogeneous wastewater polymer slurry fed to the dewatering equipment without breaking the long chain polymers or reducing floc size.

5. LOWER OPERATING PRESSURE AND INSTALLED HORESPOWER: P6 PolyMix® technology dramatically reduces the operating pressure by reducing back pressure within the piping system due to eliminating mixer/check valves. In some applications, customers have had a 75% REDUCTION IN PRESSURE Lower pressure allows the feed pump to operate at lower horsepower. HORSEPOWER SAVINGS OF UP TO 50% OR MORE are possible by installing a P6 PolyMix® system. Customers can see substantial long-term energy savings and reduced upfront capital costs associated with lower installed horsepower.

6. HOW IS IT APPLIED: P6 PolyMix® systems entirely replace bulky, expensive, outdated traditional sludge feed pumps. You can now replace thousands of dollars in equipment and regain valuable real estate space by switching to P6 PolyMix® and utilizing its unique compact design, patented process for eliminating mixer/check valves, and ultra-efficient polymer mixing process. Contact us to learn how P6 PolyMix® can revolutionize the efficiency of your BELT FILTER PRESSES, GRAVITY BELT THICKENERS, ROTARY THICKENERS, SCREW PRESSES, AND CRENTIFUGES.

Continued from page 8

Sundt’s safety team then uses the insight gleaned from the STCKY walks and observations to determine what kinds of improvements the company needs to make so workers on the frontline are equipped to make the best possible decisions. The STCKY walkers are empowered to stop the work if they see a safety issue. The “stop work” rate is tracked by project, type, and reasons— all information used to forecast trends. For example, after examining data on multiple projects, the team may determine there is an issue around potential building heights, but workers hadn’t realized there was a potential issue. By taking a few moments to identify how the decision was made to work in a

manner that was unsafe, it helps the company determine whether more education is needed or whether it may need to invest in fall arrest systems with more-clearly-designated labels.

Sundt has also leveraged the right tool to track STCKY situations. The STOP THE STCKY program utilizes an easy-to-use, modern solution that makes sure these new daily activities don’t slow down the construction process. Smart technologies make incident reporting and analysis seamless and convenient from the field to the office. The company’s custom-built incident reporting process enables on-the-spot reporting and classification of all incidents. Its STCKY walk feature enables the field to easily record all high-energy hazards

observed on each walk, and whether the proper direct controls and safeguards are in place.

Sundt’s safety dashboard enables the creation of transparent and intuitive reports that make it easy to track progress on the company’s mission to STOP THE STCKY. Sundt classifies incidents into non-STCKY situations, where significant injury or death would not likely have occurred, and STCKY situations, where significant injury or death could have occurred.

Sundt further classifies STCKY incidents into:

S STCKY success, where no significant injury or death and adequate controls were in place.

S STCKY luck, where no significant injury or death and inadequate controls were in place.

S STCKY injury, where significant injury or death did occur.

These metrics are tracked in real time with easy-to-understand dashboards.


Sundt’s team measures the program’s success by determining whether the company has the right controls and safeguards in place for all unplanned events to make sure that workers remain safe—even in the rare chance a major incident happens. The percentage of controls and safeguards in place is now significantly higher than before the program was implemented.

Over the last five years, STOP THE STCKY has evolved into a way of life at Sundt—a comprehensive framework encompassing innovative practices, safety engagement, and proactive measures constructed to mitigate high-energy STCKY hazards.

“Through ongoing evaluation, radical candor, and feedback, we have refined our approach to safety, integrating industry best practices and leveraging advanced technologies,” Levin reports. “Perhaps the most significant aspect of STOP THE STCKY is the people behind it—the dedicated employees who have embraced its principles, championed its initiatives, and made safety a nonnegotiable aspect of their work ethos.”

The unwavering dedication of the employees, combined with the support of Sundt’s leadership team, has propelled STOP THE STCKY from a concept to a cornerstone of the company’s culture. “As we reflect on our journey thus far,” Levin said, “we remain committed to advancing the cause of safety in the construction industry.”

Sharing the STOP THE STCKY Story

Sundt has developed a dedicated website to spread the word about STOP THE STCKY that’s geared to encourage other construction companies to integrate its concepts into their program. The program can fit into any company, regardless of size, experience, or trade specialty, or whether the company selfperforms work or manages the work of other companies.

“We’re all part of the construction industry safety journey,” Levin said. “This is designed to help any company, at any mile marker of that journey—whether it’s how to complete orientations, safety planning, inspection compliance, or even better STCKY walks and incident management. The program reflects this modern-day view of safety.”

Levin added, “If you ask yourself ‘Is the industry safer?’ how would you answer that? That’s the dilemma we are facing because we’ve all convinced ourselves that success is a lower recordable injury rate or experience modification rate, when there’s other metrics

to be looking at. This program can drive better results for those metrics.”

To learn more about Sundt’s STOP THE STCKY Program, please visit www. STOPTHESTCKY.com and register for the company’s STOP THE STCKY Academy.


This article was published originally in the July/August 2024 issue of Constructor. It’s reprinted with permission from AGC of America and edited for content.

Contacts at Sundt

S Paul Levin, vice president and corporate director of health, safety, and environment

S David Rieken, P.E., DBIA, ENV SP, regional vice president S

Wastewater Operations— and the Knowledge Involved

’m not a wastewater operator; I’m a pretreatment coordinator. I regulate the industry’s processes and wastewater before it reaches wastewater treatment facilities. I have, however, worked alongside wastewater operators for almost the entirety of my 20-year career in pretreatment.

For the first several years, my “office” was merely a desk in the wastewater operators’ laboratory. Through the processes of observation, conversation, occasional assistance, and maybe a bit of osmosis, I’ve absorbed a lot of wastewater operations knowledge.

There is a lot of information and knowledge of the treatment types that can be learned and utilized within wastewater operations: biological, chemical,

physical, etc. I can tell you the basic biological process of wastewater treatment, with a hint of chemical and physical processes, and I can give a tour of a treatment plant to less-knowledgeable citizens, but there are many specifics of wastewater treatment of which I have no first-hand knowledge.

What Kind of Operator Are You?

Over the years, I’ve observed different types of wastewater operators. There are those who absorb knowledge like sponges, eager to use and share their information. There are also those who seem to have no interest in new knowledge; they just want to complete their shift, hoping for no change or upset to the routine. There are also many levels in between.

Where Are You as an Operator?

As an operator, which shift do you work? I understand we often don’t control our work shifts (for many reasons), but do you have any knowledge of how the wastewater treatment process differs during the day, night, or overnight shifts, or weekday versus weekend? I’ve observed many different treatment plants, with many differences in day versus night versus weekend flows.

How do the operators handle the changes? How do day, night, and weekend tasks and duties differ? Have you made an effort to change your shift assignment, maybe even temporarily, to learn what another side of the treatment process requires and involves? This is experiential learning.

When a consultant arrives to install a new process, are you hands-on, assisting, asking questions, listening, or more importantly, taking notes, so that you may troubleshoot a situation down the road? Where are those notes stored and are they accessible by others? Or are you sitting in a chair watching, comfortable with the fact that an expert has installed a new process that won’t require troubleshooting and that can be resolved without calling a consultant to fix the situation? How much is that consultant charging for their time? What happens when that consultant moves on?

What specific knowledge of wastewater treatment do you have or lack? Are you actively learning new information from water-related journals, reading the quizzes, obtaining continuing education units from new sources?

Do you attend local FWPCOA meetings, network with other operators, tour other facilities?

Do you attend classes—in person or online—to expand your

knowledge, sometimes even free of charge, courtesy of your employer?

As a supervisor to wastewater operators, which scenario that I’ve described represents your operators, and what are you doing to lead them, educate them, and encourage them to improve, thus advancing your facility operations and treatment?

Improve Yourself, Your Utility, and Your Community

If you’ve read this far, there’s a chance you’re likely interested in improving yourself, and thus, your collective community of wastewater operators. I encourage you all to expand your horizons and absorb new knowledge, whether from a book, online course, journal article, coworker, consultant installing something at your treatment facility, or even another operator at a nearby treatment plant.

Ask to attend a class. Ask “what-if” questions to the consultant. Ask for that shift change. Attend a regional meeting. Visit a nearby facility. Improve yourself.

Get Involved

For anyone interested, the FWPCOA website (www.fwpcoa. org) has a list of all the regions and a calendar of events. Every region of FWPCOA has regional meetings, training events, and/or some type of networking.

How involved are you as an operator? The health of our citizens and the environment depend directly on your involvement and knowledge as a wastewater operator.

Here’s to improving ourselves in 2025—as individuals, coworkers, colleagues, members of FWPCOA, and members of our society. S

The Story of Water: How JEA’s H2.O Purification Center Will Immerse Visitors in the Water Experience

When talking about water, professionals in the water industry usually begin with technical terms and jargon, such as antimicrobial resistance, base flow, or parts per million. Water, however, is more than research, statistics, and a critical sector.

Water is a story. Water moves us. Water is life.

Most people see Florida as a “wet state” with an abundance of water, but growing populations and increasing demands on groundwater are forcing many utilities to think

and sewer utility—known as JEA—delivers its customers more than 120 million gallons per day (mgd) of drinking water and produces over 30 mgd of reclaimed water. Yet, even with water conservation education programs, the demand for potable water continues to grow in Jacksonville, which is the largest city, in terms of square miles, in the continental United States. For JEA, water reuse is the future.

A new visitor center is being built by JEA that will communicate with the public via storytelling. Set to open in 2025, this facility will help JEA share its water story with the community it serves, and perhaps will inspire others in the water sector to follow suit.

Crafting a Story to Engage the Community

The same question must be answered by JEA that other utilities around Florida are facing: How does it explain to the public, government officials, and stakeholders that reuse is not only part of a sustainable future, but also backed by sound science? The answer begins with crafting a story and then translating this story into an experience.

For JEA, the story can be summarized in a few sentences:

“Water is the source of all life on Earth and all living creatures must have water to survive. All water on Earth is reused again and again. Here in Florida, water is all around us—in wetlands, springs, and the aquifer—but the supply of water is not endless. By reusing water, we can keep more water local for humans, as well as for the plants and animals that rely on it.”

As with any good book, there are chapters to this story and JEA identified three important themes.

Water Transforms the World

This theme focuses on the source of water— the Floridan aquifer—and highlights how JEA thinks about the water supply every moment of every day. While this theme touches on the role of the water cycle, it focuses on telling a unique Florida story, beginning and ending by both figuratively and literally stepping into the Floridan aquifer and then coming to the surface to see how water transforms the world.

Water Transforms Lives

“Water is vital to the way we live, the way we work, and the way we play,” according to JEA, which will remind visitors to the new center that everyone is brought together by the miracle of water, connecting plants, animals, and humans with its unique chemical characteristics. This reinforces the importance of protecting this valuable resource and ensuring that future generations will have a reliable source of clean water, while also protecting the environment.

Technology Can Transform Water

This final chapter of the story demonstrates how JEA is diversifying the water supply in Jacksonville through sector-leading technology. One innovative solution is replenishing the aquifer with purified water that exceeds drinking

The proposed entrance of the JEA H2.0 Purification Center, which is scheduled to open this year in Jacksonville. (courtesy: Haskell)
This conceptualized design for the circular Aquifer Theater shows the planned limestone walls designed to resemble the Floridan aquifer. (courtesy: Creative Principles)

water standards. Not only does this purified water increase the available water supply below ground; it also improves the quality of that supply. While visitors will be touring a demonstration facility, the message here is about a sustainable future made possible by technology.

Drawing Inspiration From the Sector

As important as JEA’s water story is, it means nothing unless people can experience it in ways never before possible. As one of the nation’s largest publicly owned utilities, JEA is building the first visitor center of its kind in Florida in the same facility as its purification demonstration center to create and drive a narrative.

The journey to designing this center began with a story and was shaped by studying other water exhibits and attractions, followed by brainstorming with other team partners.

Starting in the U.S., the team visited several leading facilities, such as the Orange County Water District’s Groundwater Replenishment System in California and Hampton Roads Sanitation District’s Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow Research Center in Virginia Beach,Va.

The team also toured the Water Replenishment District’s Albert Robles Center for Water Recycling and Environmental Learning (ARC). Located in Southern California, ARC was built to engage and educate the community about potable reuse and how water recycling provides a sustainable water supply for the region. The ARC offers an immersive, dynamic, and interactive environment for students and teachers to explore a diverse range of water topics. Visitors also can learn more about water careers with varying educational requirements.

Traveling abroad, team members also visited Singapore’s NEWater Visitor Centre, which demonstrates how NEWater—the brand name given to highly treated reclaimed water produced by Singapore’s Public Utilities Board—is produced. Appropriate for all ages, the facility emphasizes fun and enrichment, offering interactive tours and educational workshops. Singapore is a worldwide leader in the application of potable reuse, and the facility has been integral in educating the public about the benefits of recycling water.

Lastly, the team studied the Museum of Water in Saint Petersburg, Russia, which is located in the city’s very first water tower, built in 1860. Today, the former water tower offers a modern exhibition with plenty of hands-on experience for visitors. Museumgoers can see how water was treated, and currently is treated, in Saint Petersburg, and can try out pump operations and plumbing assembly themselves to learn more.

All of this research and brainstorming in a series of workshops kept leading the team back to the same thing—the story.

Bringing the Story to Life

The JEA H2.O™ Purification Center is branded as a nod to the 2.0 version of its water supply and showcases its commitment to not only a sustainable water future in northeast Florida, but also improved water quality.

To guide visitors, JEA partnered with a company that specializes in creating entertainment and educational experiences, Creative Principals, in Savannah, Ga., to design a unique experience that moves visitors through the water cycle, connecting the natural and human-engineered processes, beginning with the source of the local potable water supply.

Step Into the Aquifer

The experience begins in the lobby as guests step inside a circular theater with limestone walls resembling the Floridan aquifer. As guests look up at water rippling into a spring, they will hear a voiceover: “Our planet has a finite amount of water—one water—that has been used and reused since the beginning of time. It’s up to us to protect this precious resource. Like a drop of water in a still pond, the care we take today will spread, and the Floridan aquifer will thrive now and in the future.”

The Water Cycle

As guests exit the Aquifer Theater, they walk past a large wall graphic featuring the water cycle in Jacksonville. This graphic helps explains the role of JEA in this cycle, from wells and treatment facilities to reclaimed water production to the new purification facility. This graphic also explains the basic science of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and natural replenishment.

Purification Facility and Control Room

Guests will walk up a long ramp as they begin to see the purification facility through windows on their left. Halfway along this ramp, they will stop at a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows that appear opaque white. These windows actually are electrified with “snap glass” and can transform from opaque to transparent in an instant. After a short video discussing JEA’s larger purification program, the windows will reveal both the control room and the purification equipment. The lights in the control room will dim as theatrical lighting, accompanied by a voiceover, shows the path water takes through the technology. To simplify this story for guests, the center will focus on four key points in the water treatment journey:

Continued on page 16

The center will demonstrate the role of JEA in the Jacksonville water cycle, as shown in this water cycle exhibit design concept. (courtesy: Creative Principles)
As envisioned, floor-to-ceiling windows reveal the water purification facility and control room. (courtesy: Creative Principles)

S Membrane filtration

S Reverse osmosis

S Ultraviolet advanced oxidation

S Return to the aquifer

Water Tasting

Following the tour of the control room and purification facility, guests will continue up the ramp to a water tasting area where they can sample the same purified water that replenishes the aquifer. While sipping the water, they can sit on a concrete bench in the shape of the state of Florida, with blue resin epoxy simulating water spilling across the state and onto the floor.

Water Purification Experience

As guests step down and back toward the lobby, they will pass through the purification process as if they were droplets of water. Actual cutaway technology and products will be on display as guests walk through the experience so they get a closer look at what they saw through the windows earlier in the tour.

Interactive Water Table

As they exit the purification experience, guests will find themselves standing around an interactive water table. Here, they can design their own water system with a whimsical network of pipes and tanks. Water will be in constant motion as guests get their hands wet, connecting wells to water treatment plants, and then to homes, revealing the interconnected underground piping network that is typically invisible to JEA consumers.

Message Wall

The final experience in the center will challenge guests to answer the following question: “How does water impact my life?” Visitors can leave their answers in two ways. First, their answers will appear projected onto a screen when they type into their cellphones after scanning a QR code. Second, they can pull small props, such as an orange, coffee cup, football helmet, rubber duck, or even sprinkler head, out of a barrel and place them into open pipes on the message wall. The final image they will see on this wall is the Earth inside a drop of water, which connects

them back to the story introduced in the aquifer theater that water is life.

Challenges Ahead

While a good story can unite the storyteller and the audience, a story made the wrong way— no matter how valid the argument—may lose the audience. It simply is not enough to have the best new idea, new product, or most desirable new feature; storytellers need to get audience members involved in their story so they drop their defenses and become more receptive to the message. To convey information, storytellers first must engage the imagination; then, audience members can project themselves into the desired scenario. This is how stories work.

Water reuse is not a new topic in the water sector, but for Florida, the concept is not as widespread as in many other U.S. states. As mentioned, Florida is a wet state, and water appears abundant—from lakes, rivers, and nearby oceans—so most people do not see any water shortages with their eyes. There also is the challenge of introducing younger generations to the science and technology “beyond the traditional water cycle” they are taught in school. Lastly, there are challenges associated with misinformation. Providing basic information on treatment processes, technology, and examples of sound science allow communities the opportunity to see JEA’s approach to a sustainable water supply firsthand.

The H2.O Purification Center will showcase the exceptional purity of the water, as well as the meticulous quality control of the purification process while engaging the public and stakeholders through compelling, emotional content and fun, captivating, and interactive learning. The visitor education center will be available for community tours, with content to inspire environmental stewardship of this precious resource.

Included here are renderings of the center, which will strive to be a symbol for not only Jacksonville, but all of Florida, as JEA transforms the story of water to include the future — reuse.

This article is reprinted with permission from Water Environment & Technology (Vol. 36, No. 8), August 2024, ©2024, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Va. All rights reserved.

Geoff Thatcher is the founder and chief creative officer at Creative Principals in Savannah, Ga. Ryan Popko, P.E., is H2.0 purification program manager for JEA in Jacksonville. Shea Dunifon is chair of the WEF Public Communications and Outreach Committee and a program manager with JEA. Jo Ann Jackson, P.E., is the national practice leader for One Water in the Orlando office of Black & Veatch, which is headquartered in Overland Park, Kan. S

This conceptual design shows the water tasting area, which will feature a bench in the shape of Florida. (courtesy: Creative Principles)
Visitors will get their hands wet and design their own water system, as shown in this design concept for the interactive water table. (courtesy: Creative Principles)

Advanced Phosphorus Recovery in Reclaimed Wastewater: A History of Pilot Studies of an Innovative Phosphorus Recovery Media

Domenic Contrino, Benjamin Pepper, Sebastian Sayavedra, Leverto Jean Charles, Stephen Suau, and Regina Rodriguez

Introduction and Motivations

Increasingly, nutrient enrichment in waterways warrants the development of costeffective technologies. Utilization of treated wastewater effluent (also known as reclaimed water) for irrigation is a beneficial use of water resources, but can contribute to elevated nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment and resulting harmful algae blooms and eutrophication of downstream waterways. The state of Florida issued advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) standards, pursuant to Section 403.086(4)(a)4 of the Florida Statutes, establishing average annual nutrient concentration targets of 3 mg/L total nitrogen (TN) and 1 mg/L total phosphorus (TP) for treated wastewater effluent.

Activated carbon is not typically able to adsorb phosphorus from water. Finn et al. [1] showed that various raw materials of biochar and activated carbon contained different mineral compositions and thus created different affinities for removing ions from the solution. Their work highlighted the effects of inherent magnesium content and its conversion to magnesium oxide (MgO) during biochar formation at a minimum temperature of 840°F. Alternatively, they also

showed that MgO can be directly used to remove phosphorus from solution.

The presence of MgO has several benefits to phosphate adsorption. First, due to the high pHpzc of MgO of 12 [2] at pH values typical for reclaimed water (i.e., near 8) the MgO surface particle will possess a positive charge, which is beneficial for the attraction of negatively charged ions such as PO43-. Furthermore, the MgO directly reacts with phosphate species to create MgPO4 complexes [1, 3]. The presence of MgO as a mineral, or more likely Mg(OH)2 once in contact with water, is the driving mechanism in adsorption. Finn et al. showed the addition of Mg2+ ions to solution (by MgCl2 addition) had no effect on phosphate removal [1].

Through specialized manufacturing and additives, Carbonxt was able to deploy activated carbon pellets capable of removing phosphorus. Hydrestor® is a specially blended activated carbon pellet available in 4-mm pellets to minimize head loss through the media bed and is a product based on a patented process [4]. The company’s team in Gainesville has been studying nutrient impacts in the water systems for years, with a focus on developing, commercializing, and producing unique engineered activated carbons. A renewable

Domenic Contrino is an engineer, Benjamin Pepper is applications engineer, Sebastian Sayavedra is research and development director, Leverto Jean Charles is laboratory manager, and Regina Rodriguez is chief executive officer at Carbonxt Inc. in Gainesville. Stephen Suau is the owner and managing partner of Carbon-Life LLC in Nokomis.

wood-based sorbent is produced that lends itself very well to this application, having a wide distribution of pores for adsorption. The team has industry-leading research and development capabilities and a strong commitment to environmental remediations. This article showcases the work to date, through multiple pilot tests, of the efficacy of engineered activated carbon for the recovery of phosphorus from reclaimed wastewater.

Phase I: Small-Scale Pilot

The first pilot test using this novel adsorption media was conducted with 30-galsized adsorption vessels (Figure 1). This trial showed favorable results over a wide range of influent TP concentrations. It maintained the

Figure 1. 30-gallon bed volume drum setup for Phase 1.
Figure 2. Small-scale trial with

reduction of reclaimed wastewater below the target 1 mg/L TP with an empty bed contact time of 20 minutes (Figure 2). This test was done with a 30-gal bed volume drum filled with media and a gravel base using reclaimed wastewater directly fed to each vessel.

In a second trial, with much lower influent concentrations of TP (average 0.3 mg/L), the Hydrestor media was successful in reducing phosphorus concentrations down to 0.07 mg/L TP, and on average, the percent removal neared 40 percent (Figure 3). These results illustrate that even at already reduced concentrations of TP, the media was able to further reduce and polish phosphorus. These results were achievable as the utility was in a watershed with stringent discharge limits well below AWT standards. The results in Figure 3 were accomplished with extended empty bed contact times of 80 minutes and were also conducted with reclaimed wastewater.

Phase II: Full-Scale Trench System

In 2021, construction was completed for a unique passive reclaimed water treatment system to treat 1 mil gal per day (mgd). The design of this system flows the reclaimed water through pine chips for biological reduction of nitrogen and then through a modified activated carbon for chemical adsorption of phosphorus (Figure 4). The ingenuity of this system was that, aside from pumping to the site and spraying on top of the cells, no pumps were required, thus providing the ability to treat 1 mgd passively (Figure 5).

In this passive system, nitrogen removal was proven successful through the wood chips; however, phosphorus removal was not as effective. This was likely due to biological fouling found on the activated carbon, which had been installed directly downstream of the biologically active wood chip contactors with exceedingly low flow rates. It was found that a biofilm had grown on the carbon and clogged access to the pore network, thus reducing adsorption. Nonetheless, the trial showed this type of system was effective at reducing nitrogen; however, use of an adsorbent for phosphorus, vessels, or traditional contactors may be needed, thus prompting the work presented herein.

Phase III: Modular Pressure Vessel System

In fall 2023, to further test the media and provide the utility with a cost-effective solution to reduce its nutrient loadings in the reclaimed wastewater, a project was proposed to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Innovative Technologies Grant Program and was awarded. The aim was to test the media

Continued on page 20

Full-scale trench system (during construction) with cells to be filled with wood chips (right), followed by a surrounding trench of Hydrestor media (black media on left). The arrow indicates direction of water flow by gravity.

Total Phosphorus Concentration (mg/L)
Figure 3. Removal efficiencies as a function of influent total phosphorus concentration.
Figure 5. Diagram of the trench system. Orange cells were filled with wood chips for nitrogen removal, and the blue region filled with Hydrestor media for phosphorus removal. In some cells (3 and 4), woodchips were place on top of Hydrestor media.
Figure 4.

in a traditional pressure vessel system across different empty bed contact times to validate the innovative water treatment system designed to remove phosphorus from reclaimed wastewater to below AWT standards (1 mg/L TP). Funding was awarded by the FDEP grant program, and the trial took place in the Lakewood Ranch Stewardship District and was operated through the Braden River Utilities Department.

The trial, the new treatment design, and its effectiveness in phosphorous removal with a modular set up over eight to 10 weeks of pilot testing are presented.

Materials and Methods

Water Quality and Sorbent

Influent reclaimed water was collected from the community’s local water authority. The average influent water characteristics for the duration of the pilot are shown in Table 1.

The activated carbon used in this pilot trial was a commercially available phosphorusreducing sorbent, Carbonxt Hydrestor (Figure 6). The media is manufactured by proprietary processes using wood-based activated carbon agglomerated with specific binders to form a cylindrical pellet. Media specifications are listed in Table 2. Where applicable, industry standard ASTM methods have been used.

Porosity characteristics were analyzed using nitrogen adsorption/desorption via a Quantachrome NOVA 2200e (Boca Raton, Fla.). Each sample was held at 230°F under vacuum for at least three hours prior to analysis to effectively clear out the pores for accurate measurements. Isotherms were conducted with ultrahigh-purity nitrogen gas (Airgas) at a constant temperature of approximately -320°F as is typically done. The surface area of each sample was calculated by the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) equation at a relative pressure, P/P0, of 0.01 to 0.3. The average pore size is calculated from the pore volume, distributed over various pore sizes as done within the instrument software. The volume of adsorbed nitrogen gas adsorbed by the carbon was plotted against the relative pressure to determine the total pore volume.

Vessel Configuration

A mobile pilot trailer was installed in a previously established pump station near a reclaimed water retention pond. Connection to a municipal reclaimed water main line allowed for the continuous water supply to the vessels and adequate pressure. The pilot trailer (Figure 7) includes four 500-gal vessels, each loaded with virgin media.

The four vessels were configured in two separate lead-lag system trains and operated at a 60- and 90-minute total empty bed contact time, respectively (Figure 8). Sampling locations were on the inlet water line after primary filtration and on the outlet of each vessel. Particle filtration was done with 100-µ bag filters at the inlet of the system.

Operation and Monitoring

Minimal site modifications were required. Shell was added to the ground and compacted where the trailer would be parked to support the weight and allow for proper drainage. A dedicated reclaimed water service supply line capable of supplying 100 gal per minute (gpm) was extended from the existing infrastructure

Table 1. Average Water Quality of Influent Reclaimed Wastewater
Table 2. Hydrestor Media Parameters
Figure 6. Hydrestor media.
Figure 7. Pilot trailer installed in a roughly 20- by 40-foot space within an existing pump station.

and was connected to the pilot trailer inlet. The actual flow throughout the test was 30 gpm. Power was established with an installed transformer and was wired to the control panel to provide power to the automatic flow controls and pump. The pump, however, was not needed as pressure from the reclaimed water distribution system was sufficient. The treated water was discharged to a reclaimed water reservoir.

To provide the necessary empty bed contact time in each adsorption vessel, flow rates were monitored through inline flow meters and cross-referenced with flow totalizers. The average flows leading into Systems 1 and 2 were 18 and 12 gpm, respectively, and were maintained consistently, outside of a few instances where the upstream particle bag filters had clogged and reduced flow (further discussion follows). Some data points have been omitted to reflect these instances and smooth the overall data.

Sampling was conducted over a two-month period from September through November 2023. Influent and effluent water samples were taken in the field on days of sampling and brought to a FDEP-certified laboratory on the same days. Samples were taken in accordance with approved FDEP methods in precleaned high-density polyethylene bottles. Upon sampling, the bottles were immediately preserved with sulfuric acid (if necessary) and placed on wet ice to keep below 39°F. Laboratory analysis was then done for nutrient concentrations included TP, orthophosphorus, TN, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methodology as outlined in Table 1. The TP, TN, ammonia nitrogen, and TKN were preserved with sulfuric acid. Orthophosphorus was filtered in the field through a 0.45-µ filter to remove nondissolved species during sampling.


Nutrient Reduction

As expected, longer empty bed contact times were more effective at removing phosphorus. Breakthrough for the purpose of this study is the 1 mg/L of TP as outlined in the AWT standards; however, in real compliance monitoring, it would be a yearly average. An empty bed contact time of 90 minutes showed the longest time to breakthrough at 437 bed volumes. The shortest time to breakthrough was with a 30-minute empty bed contact time and a breakthrough time of 247 bed volumes. In all cases, increased empty bed contact time led to a longer time to breakthrough (Figure 9). Additional time from 30 minutes empty bed contact time to 45 minutes further increased the initial adsorption capacity and time to breakthrough for the lead vessels (Figure 10). Time to breakthrough increased as a function of empty bed contact time, and therefore, the volume of water treated also increased (Table 3). Of note, however, is that there is an apparent diminishing return with increased residence time of vessels placed in series. The configuration of the lead-lag systems shows that the majority of phosphorus uptake is achieved in the first vessel, followed by additional removal and polishing in the second vessel. This is most apparent in System 1 where the addition of a second vessel and doubling of total empty

Continued on page 22

Figure 8. Process layout of the two system treatment trains.
Figure 9. Breakthrough curves of total phosphorus for System 1 (a) and System 2 (b) plotted

bed contact time only adds an additional 20 percent of bed life, whereas System 2 shows an increase of 30 percent. Regardless, it’s apparent that the majority of adsorption occurs in the lead vessels, and there is a possibility to increase removal efficiency and further reduce the effluent TP concentration and extend bed life with the addition of adsorption vessels in series.

While TN was not an intended metric for removal, it was important to track any impacts the treatment may have had; over the course of the trial, TN was largely unaffected. Additional species of nitrogen, such as nitrate, nitrite, TKN, and ammonia, followed similar patterns, fluctuating with variations of the influent TN concentrations, and are omitted for brevity.

Phosphorus Capacity of the Media

Determination of phosphorus capacity was important to compare costs and long-term applicability. The adsorption capacity varied between vessels and averaged 2.3 mg/g in single-

pass vessels (i.e., 2.18 mg/g for 30 and 2.45 mg/g for a 45-minute empty bed contact time) and 1.8 mg/g in double-pass vessels (i.e., 1.94 mg/g for 60 and 1.71 mg/g for 90-minute empty bed contact time). While the media is the same in all vessels, the increased adsorption capacity is attributed to higher influent concentrations of TP into the lead vessel, along with higher rates of removal from the lead vessel. If the test continued until full saturation, it’s expected that the secondary lag vessels adsorption capacities will have increased. This drop in adsorption capacity, which was calculated by dividing the cumulative phosphorus removed over the trial period by the mass of media in each vessel, shows that the majority of adsorption occurred in the first vessel of the lead-lag configuration, with the second vessel acting as a polishing step. These are commonly observed activated carbon uses.

Longer empty bed contact times of 90 minutes showed the best removal efficiency and a maximum bed life of approximately 450 bed volumes before breakthrough above

AWT targets of 1 mg/L of TP. Adsorption capacities showed a maximum of 2.45 mg/g, achieved at 45-minute empty bed contact time. An elemental analysis by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy of the spent media was conducted showing an uptake of only 0.7 mg/g after use. Further work is needed to understand the differences between adsorption capacity as measured by removal and the elemental analysis. Possible leaching of phosphorus (and subsequent adsorption in the lag vessel) may indicate lower true phosphorus loadings while maintaining high removal efficiency.

Conclusions, Cost Analysis, and Engineering Benefits

Over two months, a novel pelletized activated carbon media was pilot-tested in 500-gal vessels with reclaimed wastewater directly from a municipal distribution system. Long-term scalability, including economic and engineering analysis, was also conducted. The cost for a full-scale 1-mgd system rated at a residence time of 60 minutes using a similar vessel configuration and a scalable vessel design was considered. During cost modeling, the influent TP concentrations, media adsorption, and phosphorus removal were assumed to equal those of this pilot system. Upgrading this pilot system to a full-scale system can be facilitated by using six vessels in series, each holding 30,000 lbs of media. For an all-inclusive system operating at 60-minute residence time, capital costs for a new installment are estimated at $650,000, which includes vessel materials, equipment, installations, control panel, and pump station (at the time of this writing). Annual operational costs include power consumption and routine media changeouts. For the 1-mgd system operating with a 60-minute residence time, costs are estimated to be $1.1 million, which translates to an annual unit cost of $393 per lb of TP removed. The largest contributor to the operating costs is replenishment of adsorption media. Operating costs may vary as each water utility will be operated at different TP concentrations and have different background matrices.

This system can be scaled up for small and/ or rural wastewater facilities. The effectiveness can be translated to a full-scale system where influent and target effluent concentrations (presumably at AWT standards) are specified to determine the residence time and media volume required. The modularity of vessels may suit small and/or rural facilities where typical biological processes prove costly or difficult to operate.

Table 3. Performance Metrics of Each System Train
Figure 10. Comparison of lead vessels performance.

Future work is also needed to understand the benefits of reusing spent media as a soil amendment. Biochar, or possibly woodbased activated carbons, have been shown to be effective soil amendments that enhance water retention in soil, foster bacteriological growth, and raise agricultural productivity [5, 12] . Furthermore, similar MgO-amended sorbents have shown promise as a slow-release fertilizer [13]. It’s possible that a beneficial reuse of spent media as a soil amendment could reduce overall operating costs of the utility. Additional work is needed to determine the viability of spent media as a soil amendment.


Funding for this project was provided through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Innovative Technologies Grant Program. Oversight and field operations were directed and performed by Anne Ross, Erik Fields, and Vincent Dodge. Their dedication and support is greatly appreciated. A special thanks goes to additional Carbonxt personnel who helped support this work, including Jack Drwiega, and Kemi

Moores. Additional acknowledgments are made to Waste2Water in Ocala for constructing the mobile trailer to custom specifications.


1. Finn, M., et al. Impact of inherent magnesium in biochar for phosphate removal from reclaimed water streams. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2022. 148(2): p. 04021085.

2. Yao, Y., et al. Removal of phosphate from aqueous solution by biochar derived from anaerobically digested sugar beet tailings. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011. 190(13): p. 501-507.

3. Chernyakhovskii, V. Technology of unfired periclase-spinel parts with a phosphate binder. Refractories, 1985. 26(1): p. 41-44.

4. Rodriguez, R., D. Mazyck, and S. Suau. Systems and Methods for Pollutant Removal From Fluids With Pelletized High Strength Carbon Products With Reactive Binders. 2020, Carbonxt Inc.: US.

5. EPA, Method 365.3: Phosphorous, All Forms (Colorimetric, Ascorbic Acid, Two Reagent). 1978.

6. EPA, Method 300.0 Determination Of Inorganic Anions By Ion Chromatography. 1993.

7. EPA. Method 351.2. Revision 2.0: Determination of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen by Semi-Automated Colorimetry. 1993.

8. EPA. Method 350.1: Nitrogen, Ammonia (Colorimetric, Automated Phenate). 1993.

9. ASTM. Standard Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Granular Activated Carbon. 2022.

10. ASTM. Standard Test Method for Apparent Density of Activated Carbon. 2019.

11. ASTM. Standard Test Method for Ball-Pan Hardness of Activated Carbon. 2023.

12. Ding, X., et al. Biochar application significantly increases soil organic carbon under conservation tillage: an 11-year field experiment. Biochar, 2023. 5(1): p. 28.

13. Yao, Y., et al. Engineered biochar reclaiming phosphate from aqueous solutions: mechanisms and potential application as a slow-release fertilizer. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013. 47(15): p. 8700-8708. S



Lisa Wilson-Davis Chair

City of Boca Raton, Utility Services Department 1401 Glades Road

Boca Raton, Florida 33431 E: lwilsondavis@myboca.us

Tyler Tedcastle, P.E. Chair-Elect

Carter & VerPlanck, a DXP Company 601 S.E. 10th Avenue

Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 E: TTedcastle@cviwater.com

Terri Holcomb, P.E. Vice Chair

E: terri_holcomb@yahoo.com

Marjorie Craig, P.E. Past Chair

Village of Tequesta 345 Tequesta Drive Tequesta, Florida 33469 E: mcraig@tequesta.org

Shea Dunifon Secretary

JEA Springfield Lab 1002 N. Main Street Jacksonville, Florida 32206 E: dunisn@jea.com

Kevin Carter Treasurer Broward County

2555 W. Copans Road Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 E: kcarter@broward.org

Monica Wallis, P.E. Treasurer-Elect

Destin Water Users Inc. P.O. Box 308

Destin, Florida 32540 E: mwallis@dwuinc.com

Richard Anderson Section Director

Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority

9415 Town Center Parkway

Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34202

E: randerson@regionalwater.org

William Young

Florida Section

AWWA by Region

General Policy Director Wright-Pierce 8647 Baypine Road

Spring Lake Business Center, Bldg. #1, Suite 103 Jacksonville, Florida 32256

E: william.young@wright-pierce.com


Adam Corn

Contractors Council Chair

Garney Construction

370 E. Crown Point Road Winter Garden, Florida 34787

E: acorn@garney.com

Patrick Williamson, PMP Manufacturers and Associates Council Chair

Badger Meter

2920 Eunice Avenue

4545 W. Brown Deer Road

E: pwilliamson@badgermeter.com

Larry Miller

Member Engagement and Development Council Chair

St. Johns County Utility Department

1205 State Road 16

St. Augustine, Florida 32084

E: lmiller@sjcfl.us

Duane A. Gilles

Operators and Maintenance Council Chair

A2O Consulting LLC

E: duanegilles@gmail.com

Keelie Carlton

Public Affairs Council Chair

Seminole County

200 W. County Home Road Sanford, Florida 32773

E: kcarlton@seminolecountyfl.gov

Mike Stoup, P.E.

Technical and Education Council Chair McKim & Creed 1365 Hamlet Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33756

E: mstoup@mckimcreed.com

Monica Wallis, P.E. Water Utility Council Chair

Destin Water Users Inc. P.O. Box 308

Destin, Florida 32540

E: mautrey@dwuinc.com


Felicity Appel, P.E.

Region I Chair (North Central Florida) Kimley-Horn

2619 Centennial Blvd., Suite 200

Tallahassee, Florida 32308

E: felicity.appel@kimley-horn.com


Emory Gawlik, P.E.

Region II Chair (Northeast Florida)

CDM Smith

4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 420 Jacksonville, Florida 32256 E: Gawlikea@cdmsmith.com

Andrea Netcher, Ph.D., P.E. Region III Chair (Central Florida) Black & Veatch

201 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 500 Orlando, Florida 32801 E: NetcherA@bv.com

Michael J. Condran, P.E. Region IV Chair (West Central Florida) Brown and Caldwell 4413 W. Paul Avenue Tampa, Florida 33611 E: mcondran@brwncald.com

Reshma Thummadi, P.E.

Region V Chair (Southwest Florida) AECOM

4415 Metro Parkway, Suite 404 Fort Myers, Florida 33916 E: reshma.thummadi@aecom.com

Emeliz Torres, P.E.

Region VI Chair (Southeast Florida) Black & Veatch

4226 N. Dixie Highway, Unit 97 Oakland Park, Florida 33334 E: TorresE@bv.com

Catalina Lopez Velandia, P.E. Region VII Chair (South Florida) Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department 3071 S.W. 38th Avenue Miami, Florida 33146 E: catalina.lopez-velandia@miamidade.gov

Wesley Oehmig, P.E.

Region VIII Chair (East Central Florida) HDR Engineering Inc. 1475 Centrepark Blvd., #230 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 E: wesley.oehmig@hdrinc.com

Heath Hardy, P.E.

Region IX Chair (West Florida Panhandle)

HDR Engineering Inc. 25 W. Cedar Street, Suite 200 Pensacola, Florida 32502-5945

E: heath.hardy@hdrinc.com

Heather Ripley, P.E.

Region X Chair (West Central Florida)

Kimley-Horn 1514 Broadway, Suite 301 Fort Myers, Florida 33901

E: heather.ripley@kimley-horn.com

Elayne Nash, EI

Region XI Chair (North Florida)

Jacobs 643 S.W. 4h Avenue

Gainesville, Florida 32608

E: Elayne.Nash@jacobs.com

Jeff Brittain, P.E.

Region XII Chair (Central Florida Panhandle)


120 Richard Jackson Blvd., Suite 230 Panama City Beach, Florida 32407

E: Jeff.Brittain@kimley-horn.com


Jay Madigan Trustee

Graham Inc.

E: jmadigan@grahaminc.com

Andrew Greenbaum Trustee

Sarasota County Public Utilities

1001 Sarasota Center Blvd. Sarasota, Florida 34240

E: greenbaumal@bv.com

Bina Nayak, Ph.D. Trustee

Pinellas County Utilities 1620 Ridge Road

Largo, Florida 33778

E: bnayak@pinellascounty.org

Mike George Trustee

R&M Service Solutions 11820 Uradco Place, #103 San Antonio, Florida 33576

E: mgeorge@rmservicesolutions.com

Mark McDowell Trustee

InfraTech Group 2920 Eunice Avenue

Orlando, Florida 32808

E: mark@infratechgroup.com


Kim Kowalski

Executive Director

Florida Section AWWA

1320 Tennessee Avenue

St. Cloud, Florida 34769

P: (407) 979-4814

E: kim@fsawwa.org

Peggy Guingona

Section Administrator

Florida Section AWWA 1320 Tennessee Avenue

St. Cloud, Florida 34769

P: (407) 979-4820

E: peggy@fsawwa.org

Casey Cumiskey

Membership Specialist/Certification Coordinator

Florida Section AWWA 1320 Tennessee Avenue

St. Cloud, Florida 34769

P: (407) 979-4806

E: casey@fsawwa.org

Donna Metherall

Training/Events Coordinator

Florida Section AWWA 1320 Tennessee Avenue

St. Cloud, Florida 34769

P: (407) 979-4805

E: donna@fsawwa.org

Jenny Arguello

Section Coordinator

Florida Section AWWA 1320 Tennessee Avenue

St. Cloud, Florida 34769

P: (407) 979-4804

E: jenny@fsawwa.org

OVolunteers: The Heartbeat of Our Organization

ur volunteers are the heartbeat of the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association (FSAWWA). With their energy, passion, and dedication, they breathe life into our mission and drive our achievements. Their unwavering commitment ensures that we make a meaningful impact in the water community every day. We are deeply grateful for the invaluable contributions of these incredible individuals who continually go above and beyond to make a difference.

As chair of FSAWWA, I am excited to shine a spotlight on the amazing volunteers who power our organization. Every other month this year, my column will feature a different group of volunteers—celebrating their accomplishments, highlighting their impact, and showcasing the incredible opportunities available for you to get involved.

Read on to discover the outstanding achievements of our councils, divisions, and committees and learn how you too can join this dedicated group of changemakers.

Do You Know About Section Councils?

The Florida Section has seven councils, with volunteers who work together and provide key resources and training for our members.

Manufactures/Associates Council (MAC)

Chair - Mark McDowell

Vice Chair - Pat Williamson

The MAC provides responsible representation of manufacturers and associates in FSAWWA and develops programs and activities to encourage

membership and participation within the organization. Yearly events include the Fall Conference and the Florida Section luncheon each year at the AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE), as well as the selection of water distribution award recipients.

The members of MAC are pivotal to the success of our annual Fall Conference. In its early years, this dedicated group of volunteers worked tirelessly to coordinate and execute the logistics and activities that laid the foundation for the conference’s success. Thanks to the incredible efforts of the MAC members, the conference grew so much that we eventually recognized the need for dedicated staff to manage the logistics and administrative functions.

Even today, the MAC members remain the driving force behind some of the conference’s most exciting and cherished activities, including the operator competitions, Poker Night, and the golf tournament. Their passion and commitment continue to be at the heart of our conference’s enduring success.

Water Utility Council (WUC)

Chair - Monica Wallis

Vice-Chair - Tara Lamoreux

The WUC is recognized as the authoritative resource for knowledge, information, and advocacy to improve the quality and supply of drinking water. Its mission is to develop action programs to initiate, evaluate, respond to, and comment on legislative, regulatory, and other matters directly affecting water utilities in Florida.

The members of WUC play a pivotal role in shaping water policy across our state through their work with the legislature and regulatory agencies. During each legislative session, they diligently track bills relevant to the water community, provide expert testimony during committee meetings, and have even been instrumental in drafting legislation that has become law.

One of its most impactful events is the annual Tallahassee Fly-In, where members travel to the state capital to meet with over

50 legislators, advocating for the priorities of Florida’s water community.

You have the chance to join us and make a difference! Mark your calendar for the next Fly-In, happening Jan. 21-23, 2025, in Tallahassee. Together, let’s ensure a brighter future for water in Florida!

Public Affairs Council (PAC)

Chair- Shea Dunifon

Vice Chair- Keeli Carlton

The PAC enhances awareness regarding the water industry and the expertise that we provide in the stewardship of Florida’s water resources. This is accomplished by execution of a marketing/communications plan in coordination with collaborative partnerships with all stakeholders maintaining effective relationships with the public, media outlets, government officials and liaisons, and educational outreach programs.

This council is extremely busy, with two committees and several subcommittees under it.

Youth Education and Outreach Committee

Subcommittees include:

S Drop Savers - A poster contest to raise awareness of water conservation in grades K-12.

S High School Operator Academies - Helps create a workforce pipeline between utilities and students seeking careers upon high school graduation.

S Model Water Tower Competition (MWTC) - Introduces youth to the field of engineering by building a functional water tower.

Utility Public Affairs and Outreach Committee

Subcommittees include:

S Landmark Awards - Recognizes waterrelated structures over 50 years in age.

S Water Monster Tanks - Provides potable drinking stations to promote the safety and consumption of tap water at public events.

S FSAWWA “Best of the Best” Tasting Drinking Water Contest - The 12 FSAWWA regional contest winners come

together at the Fall Conference to vie for the FSAWWA top honor and represent Florida at ACE.

S Industry and Public Advocacy Awards

– These awards honor individuals both within the water industry and outside FSAWWA who work to strengthen public relations, raise awareness about Florida’s water, and advocate for a sustainable water future.

• Industry Advocate Award: This award recognizes water professionals who go above and beyond to represent the utility and water industry in a positive light. These individuals understand the importance of advocacy and are dedicated to making a meaningful difference.

• Public Advocate Award: This award celebrates individuals outside of the immediate water industry—artists, educators, public officials, board members, and leaders of nonprofits— whose efforts align with FSAWWA’s mission. By raising awareness and building public trust, these advocates contribute to the betterment of Florida’s water resources and future.

With all the activities this council is involved in, the opportunity to volunteer is almost limitless!

Technical and Education Council (T&C)

Chair - Bina Nayak

The T&C is the training and educational resource for water quality and resources, information systems, water use efficiency, and water distribution in the state of Florida. There are five divisions and seven committees under this council, which include:


Distribution, Information Technology, Training, Water Quality and Resources, and Water Use Efficiency


Automation, Contaminants, Customer Service, Cybersecurity, Finance and Rates, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/ Asset Management, and Master Planning and Modeling

The Training Division offers a wide range of opportunities for operators and engineers to earn continuing education units (CEUs) and professional development hours (PDHs) to support their licensure and professional growth. Courses are available in multiple formats, including in-person seminars,

online prerecorded sessions, live webcasts, teleconferences, and hands-on training.

The seven committees meet regularly to provide specialized education through webinars, seminars, and workshops at state conferences. For example, our new Cybersecurity Committee focuses on cybersecurity and offers training materials, as well as sharing information about conferences and other relevant events tailored to the water sector’s cybersecurity needs.

Contractors Council (CC)

Chair - Adam Corn

Vice Chair - Courtney Dantone

The CC fosters collaboration across all facets of the water industry, including owners, engineers, contractors, and suppliers. Its mission is to help manage Florida’s future infrastructure needs while maintaining a careful balance with the state’s natural resources.

The CC is also known for hosting the ever-popular BBQ Challenge, a highlight of the incoming chair’s reception at the Fall Conference.

In addition to this flagship event, the CC organizes two annual workshops: one at the Florida Water Resources Conference (FWRC) in the spring and another at the Fall Conference. The members also contribute regularly to this magazine through the Contractor Roundup column, providing valuable insights and updates for the water community.


and Maintenance Council (OMC)

Chair- Duane Gilles

The mission of OMC is to increase member services to water plant operators, distribution system operators, and water supply maintenance staff through increased opportunities for association leadership, participation, local networking, and expanded awards and recognition programs. It also provides direction on long-term needs and priorities to the board of governors.

The OMC has two committees.

Top Ops Challenge Committee. This oversees

the Top Ops Challenge, a highlight of the Fall Conference. Known as the “college bowl” of the water industry, the competition showcases teams of one, two, or three water operators or laboratory personnel from FSAWWA regions. At FWRC, teams face off in a fast-paced, question-and-answer tournament featuring technical questions and math problems.

Since 1997, the FSAWWA has consistently sent a team to compete in the national Top Ops competition at ACE. Florida teams have proudly earned eight first-place wins to date, and we’re aiming for our ninth victory at ACE25 in Denver.

Operator Scholarship Committee. This supports operator development by providing scholarships. The OMC also presents awards recognizing excellence in the following categories:

S Outstanding Class A, B, and C Water Treatment Plants

S Outstanding Water Treatment Plant Operator

S Operator’s Meritorious Service

The committee’s efforts are reflected in the sustained growth of our operator membership, demonstrating the importance and impact of its work.

Membership Engagement and Diversity Council (MEDC)

Chair - Larry Miller

The MEDC is responsible for promoting and increasing section membership as we strive to be the association of choice for drinking water utilities, professionals, and organizations. We acknowledge that meaningful engagement for members is the key to making this vision a reality. While involvement might look different for everyone, a variety of opportunities are available to meet the interests of our diverse membership.

Our membership includes students and young professionals, utilities, operators and maintenance workers, consultants and engineers, equipment suppliers and manufacturers, and other industry professionals

Continued on page 28

who provide solutions to improve public health, protect the environment, strengthen the economy, enhance our quality of life, and help deliver clean drinking water to Florida.

Do You Know About Section Committees?

We also have several other stand-alone committees that do amazing work and provide even more opportunities for you to get involved.

Young Professionals Committee (YP) Chair - Emma Johnson

This committee organizes and sponsors events with the purpose of involving the younger members of FSAWWA and encouraging them to actively participate in FSAWWA throughout their careers. The committee also supports other FSAWWA committees and activities by cohosting events and encouraging YPs to participate in regional events.

Florida 2051 Committee

Cochair - Courtney Dantone Cochair - Lisa Wilson-Davis

This committee plays a key role in supporting the section and shaping the vision for the future of the water industry. One of its cornerstone initiatives is the annual FSAWWA Utility Community Innovation, Technology, and Financial Workshop, held each year at the convention center in Orlando. This dynamic workshop provides a platform for participants to actively engage in discussions about the pressing challenges facing our industry and collaborate on innovative solutions. The theme for this year’s workshop, being held at the Orlando Convention Center on August 15, is “Fight the Fear!” During the workshop we will tackle critical topics, such as communication, funding, and emergency response and planning. Through interactive sessions, attendees will strategize ways to address the issues that “keep you up at night” and work together to build a more resilient water future.

Likins Scholarship Committee

Chair - Cristina Ortega

This committee awards scholarships valued up to $5,000 in both undergraduate and graduate categories. Last year, the committee awarded scholarships to 10 students!

Roy Likins was a life-long member of AWWA. He served as president of Palm Coast Utility Corporation for six years and served the utility in various capacities for 16 years. He was a leader in the water industry, serving as chair of FWPCOA Region 9 and on various state committees, with the primary focus on education and training. In 1972, he hosted FWRC and later served as secretary/treasurer and chair of the Florida Section. In 1982, he received the prestigious AWWA George Warren Fuller Award. Roy was also a strong and active member of his community, serving in the Jaycees, Flagler County Shrine Club as a member and chair of the school board, and as treasurer and chair of United Way.

After his untimely death in 1991 at the age of 53, the section honored his service and his memory by naming its scholarship program the Roy W. Likins Scholarship.

Water Equation Committee (WEQ)

Chair - Ken Broome

The WEQ is a relatively new committee, formed in November 2018, which strives to spread awareness about AWWA’s newest philanthropy, Water Equation. Other objectives of the committee include organizing section WEQ fundraisers, supporting regions with their local WEQ activities, and bringing WEQ programs to the section and our members.

Water For People Committee (WFP)

Chair - Raul Alfaro

The WFP operates under the policies and procedures established by the Water For People organization, headquartered in Denver. It was founded in 1991 by AWWA to help developing countries improve the quality of life by supporting sustainable drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene projects. It provides funding and technical assistance using an extensive network of volunteers, donors, and partner organizations. With the commitment to help people help themselves, it has supported over 500 projects in 40 countries worldwide.

FSAWWA Volunteers

Region Volunteers

In addition to our statewide councils and committees, FSAWWA volunteers provide invaluable services and opportunities across 12 local regions.

The dedicated volunteers in all our regions are instrumental in organizing numerous local meetings and activities for our

members. Signature events, like the Annual Drinking Water Contest, MWTC, and Drop Savers Contest, thrive thanks to their efforts. Beyond these, regional volunteers coordinate local workshops and networking events, delivering cutting-edge information and opportunities directly to their community.

I’ll take a closer look at the amazing work of our regional volunteers in upcoming columns—so stay tuned!

Recognizing Our Volunteers: New and Expanded Recognition Initiatives

Acknowledging the contributions of our volunteers is essential to showing our appreciation and emphasizing their value. The FSAWWA has always excelled in recognizing volunteers, but as our organization grows and relies on even more dedicated individuals, we are committed to enhancing our recognition programs. These gestures not only honor their hard work, but also inspire continued engagement and passion.

Here’s a glimpse of some exciting ways we’re celebrating our volunteers:

S New Awards: This year’s Fall Conference will feature two new awards from the PAC: Industry Advocate of the Year and Public Advocate of the Year.

S Spotlight Features: A rotating “Volunteer Spotlight” feature on our website to showcase outstanding members.

S Surprise Gratitude: Treats sent “out of the blue” as a token of our appreciation.

S Public Recognition: Enhanced visibility for volunteers at conferences, in newsletters, and during workshops.

S Your Ideas: We’re always open to new suggestions—what would you like to see?

We Want to Hear From You!

We’re eager to explore creative ways to celebrate and honor the dedication of our volunteers. Whether it’s through innovative events, meaningful awards, or new initiatives, your input can help make our recognition efforts even more impactful.

If you have suggestions or want to learn more about volunteering, please reach out to me at lwilsondavis@myboca.us or Kim Kowalski at kim@fsawwa.org.

Your ideas and feedback can help us show our incredible volunteers—like you— just how much they mean to us! S


This column addresses safety issues of interest to water and wastewater personnel, and will appear monthly in the magazine. The Journal is also interested in receiving any articles on the subject of safety that it can share with readers in the “Spotlight on Safety” column.

Be Kind to Your Body and Stretch Before Working

Making sure your team members are physically ready for work reduces injury risk and promotes a health, safety, and team culture

Utility work can be a physically demanding job. It frequently requires some workers to spend considerable time in awkward positions and postures. Just as athletes need to warm up before the start of a workout or competition, so do utility personnel. This includes office staff, as well as field workers! Through stretching you can prepare your muscles to handle the workload and possibly prevent the more frequent forms of work injury: sprains and strains.

Just as you benefit from stretching and warmup exercises in your day-to-day life, companies and their team members both benefit from a work readiness program consisting of stretching and warmup exercises, which helps prevent musculoskeletal disorders. These disorders are common and costly, to the tune of roughly $50 billion a year for companies, causing unnecessary pain and suffering for your employees.

Prevention is the Key

It’s very clear that prevention is the answer. Proactive prevention is always better than reactive treatment—everybody wins in the prevention scenario and nobody wins with painful surgery, medication, lost work days, a ruined safety culture, and a fortune spent on preventable injuries.

Before the start of a shift, or before heading out to the field, have your workers take a few moments to stretch. A few simple movements help increase circulation and reduce fatigue, plus, everyone might even become more relaxed! A stretch break any time during the day will also help workers feel better and work better.

Why Stretch?

A flexible body is crucial for physical activity. Stretching increases flexibility,

minimizes the chances of pulling or tearing muscles, and improves performance. A flexible muscle can react and contract faster, and with more force. Flexibility also increases agility and balance.

The Physiology of Stretching

Stretching is a vital part of a healthy fitness regimen. Before-shift stretching and warmup exercises reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries by reducing fatigue, improving muscular balance and posture, and improving muscle coordination.

Stretching Reduces Fatigue

S Stretching increases blood supply and nutrients to joint structures and soft tissues.

S Stretching increases soft tissue temperature and allows for greater elasticity of tissues.

S Stretching increases joint synovial fluid (lubricant for bones and articular cartilage) that allows greater range of motion and reduces joint degeneration.

S Stretching increases a joint’s ability to move through a greater range of motion, with less energy required to do so.

S Stretching decreases tightness and resistance in tendons and muscles.

Stretching Improves Muscular Balance and Posture

S Soft tissue structures often adapted poorly to effects of gravity and bad postural habits.

S Stretching realigns soft tissue structures, thus reducing effort to achieve and maintain good posture in the activities of daily living.

Stretching Improves Muscle Coordination

S Stretching enhances nerve impulse velocity (the time it takes an impulse to travel to the brain and back to the muscle).

S Stretching helps opposing muscle groups work in a more coordinated fashion.

Getting Started

Here are a few tips to help get the most out of stretching and exercise:

S Start out easy. If you haven’t been regularly exercising, don’t try to do too much in the beginning.

S Stretch regularly. Make it a routine at the beginning of every work shift.

S The warmup should not be painful, but you should definitely feel the stretching and the working of all the muscles and joints.

S Hold each stretch for 10 seconds. Do not bounce. Breathe normally during the stretch.

Easy Stretching Exercises

S Neck rotation. Turn your head to the side, stretching your chin toward your shoulder. Turn head back to center and repeat to the other side. Increase the range of the stretch by dropping the opposite shoulder. See if you can lower your head further.

S Shoulder stretch. Stand with feet shoulderwidth apart. Raise one arm overhead and stretch as far as you can without bending the torso. Repeat with opposite arm.

S Forearm stretch. Extend your right arm straight out in front of you, palm downward. With the left hand, grasp the fingers of the right hand and pull back gently, stretching the wrist and forearm. Repeat with the left arm.

S Tricep stretch. Raise one arm straight up, so your upper arm is near your ear. Bend your arm at the elbow and let your hand fall to the back of your neck. With the other arm, reach behind your head and place your hand on top of the bent elbow. Gently pull down and back on the elbow. Repeat with other arm.

S Trunk stretch. Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart. Reach your left arm overhead and bend to the right at the waist. Repeat on the opposite side.

S Torso twist. Stand at arm’s length from the wall, with the wall at your side. Reach one

arm out and place your hand on the wall. Reach the other arm around the body, stretching the hand to the wall. Repeat on opposite side.

If you have pain or discomfort, it probably means you did too much. Back off a little, and if pain persists, check with your doctor or healthcare professional.

Stretching Benefits: Beyond the Body

Incorporating a stretching program into your workers’ everyday routine will be beneficial for their health and well-being— and for your company’s bottom line. There may also be a psychological benefit in a stretching program. Company managers and workers stretching together as a common activity can increase bonding and improve morale. This social activity in the workplace can also create caring and support that’s felt by employees, both from each other and from management.


For more information on stretching, see the Mayo Clinic websites on stretching at www. mayoclinic.com/health/stretching/WL00030 and www.mayoclinic.com/health/stretching/ SM00043.

You can also go to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration website at www.osha.gov. S

Get Ready for the 2025 Florida Water Resources Conference

It’s going to be a great Florida Water Resources Conference (FWRC) at the West Palm Beach Convention Center, May 4-7, 2025, in West Palm Beach. The 2025 conference is for everyone in the water resources industry. Attendee registration opened on Dec. 16, 2024. As of early December, only 89 booths remain available on the exhibit floor, plus many sponsorships are spoken for. Don’t worry though—there are still great sponsorships and booths available.

Who Should Attend the 2025 Florida Water Resources Conference?

Anyone who works in the water industry can benefit from attending, including:

S Academics - Communicate your research results and learn about other research being conducted in your area of interest.

S Consultants - Demonstrate the power and dynamics in your client work and continue to learn from others in the water resources industry.

S Managers, Directors, and Policy Makers - Discover new technologies and innovations for your utility/organization.

S Operations, Maintenance, and Compliance

Professionals - Discover new technologies and what’s happening in the water resources industry.

S Practitioners - Show what is being done in your organization and learn what’s happening in the water resources industry.

S Public Officials and Regulatory Members - Meet water professionals who provide comprehensive information on every aspect of water usage.

S Educators - Introduce your students to the water resources industry and share your efforts for the future of water.

S Students - Share your research, get feedback, and network with the professionals.

your market share, develop leads, connect with existing customers and prospects, and market-

Have You Booked Your Attendee Registrations?


S Network with thousands of individuals in the water resources industry onsite.

S Explore the latest updates on innovative topics from industry leaders, researchers, and expert practitioners.

S Learn about the benefits of industry-leading products.

S Be inspired by practical applications and technologies from colleagues.

S Enhance your knowledge on the latest work and research to apply to your organization.

S Expand and strengthen your skill set and framework with hands-on workshops.

S Earn educational credits at hot-topic technical sessions.

S Present your research, project, and/or new product or technology to receive valuable feedback.

Why Exhibit? It’s One of the Best Opportunities to Reach Your Target Market

With approximately 450 exhibitors presenting new products and technical processes, there are more opportunities here than ever. The 2025 FWRC can help you grow

Get ready to be impressed with the latest and greatest from the best and brightest. Whatever your motivation or sales strategies, your bottom line will thank you for getting to the largest joint water resources industry event in the Southeast. It’s all here.

What’s Included With Your Booth Reservation?

S Exhibit space is a 10-foot by 10-foot unit that includes:

• booth carpet

• 6-foot table

• 3-foot side drape dividers

• 8-foot back drape

• 1 chair

• 1 trash bin

S Single line of one exhibitor company identification sign

S Up to four free booth staff (exhibit hall only) registrations per booth; must be registered by March 31, 2025 (booth staff tickets are $15 each starting April 1, 2025).

S Company listing in the official conference program issue

S Discounted advertising rates in the conference issue of the Florida Water Resources Journal

As we return to West Palm Beach, FWRC provides an excellent opportunity to reach those potential clients and workers who manage, design, and operate the water resources industry. There is access to technical papers being presented at sessions and workshops, and involvement in the Operations Challenge and Top Ops Competition. University students can participate in the Student Design Competition and the Student Poster Contest. With the popular Women of Water Forum, young professionals sessions and activities, a facility tour—and much more–there is something for everyone at every level at the 2025 FWRC. Register today!

Where to Register for a Booth, Sponsorship, or Book Attendee Registrations

For all of the information you need, go to www.fwrc.org.

See you in West Palm Beach in May at the West Palm Beach Convention Center!

Mish Clark is executive director of the Florida Water Resources Conference. Please do not hesitate to reach out at 267.884.6292. S

Good News from WEFTEC 2024: Contest Win, Committee Chair Recognition

Operations Challenge

Congratulations to the Polk County Biowizards, one of 19 Division II teams that competed at this year’s WEFTEC Operations Challenge, held last October in New Orleans. Not only did the Biowizards take second place in the maintenance event for their division, with Hurricane Milton threatening landfall during the competition, the team was able to compete on an advanced track to get back to Florida before the storm where they

performed their essential duties. Despite this challenge, not only did they place in the maintenance event, they had a fourth-place overall finish in their division.

Way to go Biowizards!

Public Communication and Outreach Committee Chair

Shea Dunifon, the immediate past chair of the FWEA Public Communication and Outreach Committee, was also recognized

WEF Public Communication and Outreach Community from 2022 to 2024. Besides building a strong community of active communications professionals in WEF, the committee also focused its efforts the last two years on bringing more communications programming to members, including a soldout workshop held at WEFTEC, on how to give public tours.

Congratulations on your “retirement” Shea! S

The team begins the safety event. (photo: Kieffer Photography)
The team during the collection event. (photo: Kieffer Photography)
Shea Dunifon with her award. (photo: Shea Dunifon)
Biowizards members, from left to right, are Mandi Herbert, Cody Diehl, Jeff Goolsby, and Ed Clark. (photo: Kieffer Photography)

Operators: Take the CEU Challenge!

Members of the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA) may earn continuing education units through the CEU Challenge! Answer the questions published on this page, based on articles in this month’s issue. Circle the letter of each correct answer. There is only one correct answer to each question! Answer 80 percent of the questions on any article correctly to earn 0.1 CEU for your license. Retests are available.

This month’s editorial theme is Wastewater Treatment . Look above each set of questions to see if it is for water operators (DW), distribution system operators (DS), or wastewater operators (WW). Mail the completed page (or a photocopy) to: Florida Environmental Professionals Training, P.O. Box 33119, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. 33420-3119, or scan and email a copy to memfwpcoa@gmail.com. Enclose $15 for each set of questions you choose to answer (make checks payable to FWPCOA). You MUST be an FWPCOA member before you can submit your answers!

EARN CEUS BY ANSWERING QUESTIONS FROM PREVIOUS JOURNAL ISSUES! Contact FWPCOA at membership@fwpcoa.org or at 561-840-0340. Articles from past issues can be viewed on the Journal website, www.fwrj.com.

Using Your Nose to Protect Your Assets: Wastewater

Odor and Corrosion Control

Vaughan Harshman, Nickolas Wagner, Erik Gibson, and David Hunniford (Article 1: CEU = 0.1 WW02015446)

1. What is the effect of higher wastewater temperatures on sulfate-reducing bacteria?

a) Decreases activity b) Increases activity

c) No effect d) Kills the bacteria

2. What is the most cost-effective approach employed by Manatee County Utilities for turbulence reduction?

a) Chemical dosing

b) Drop pipes and wet well level adjustments

c) Installing new pipelines

d) Increasing water flow

3. What is the effect of pH higher than 7.1 on sulfide in wastewater?

a) Shifts more sulfide to ionic forms, reducing H2S release

b) Increases H2S release

c) No effect

d) Converts sulfide to methane

4. What is the benefit of gravity sewers over force mains?

a) Less power consumption and avoids anaerobic conditions

b) Greater water flow

c) Lower water temperature

d) Greater pH levels

5. What is the effect of industrial discharges on wastewater systems?

a) Can exacerbate anaerobic conditions and accelerate sulfide formation

b) Reduces water temperature

c) Increases pH levels

d) Neutralizes odors

Advanced Phosphorus Recovery in Reclaimed Wastewater: A History of Pilot Studies of an Innovative Phosphorus Recovery Media

Domenic Contrino, Benjamin Pepper, Sebastian Sayavedra, Leverto Jean Charles, Stephen Suau, and Regina Rodriguez (Article 2: CEU = 0.1 WW02015447)

1. What is the main motivation for developing cost-effective technologies for nutrient enrichment in waterways?

a) To increase water temperature

b) To reduce downstream turbidity

c) To reduce water usage

d) To prevent harmful algae blooms and eutrophication of downstream waterways

2. What are the average annual nutrient concentration targets for treated wastewater effluent in Florida?

a) 5 mg/L total nitrogen (TN) and 2 mg/L total phosphorus (TP)

b) 3 mg/L TN and 1 mg/L TP

c) 4 mg/L TN and 1.5 mg/L TP

d) 2 mg/L TN and 0.5 mg/L TP

3. What is the primary mineral responsible for phosphate adsorption in the study by Finn et al.?

a) Calcium oxide (CaO)

c) Magnesium oxide (MgO)

b) Iron oxide (Fe2O3)

d) Aluminum oxide (Al2O3)

4. What material was used for biological reduction of nitrogen in the full-scale trench system?

a) Coconut shells

c) Pine chips

b) Activated carbon

d) Sand

5. What was the main issue that affected phosphorus removal in the full-scale trench system?

a) Low water temperature

b) Biological fouling on the activated carbon

c) High water flow rate

d) Insufficient contact time


Resolve to Boost Your Career in the New Year: FWEA is the Place for You!

ave you ever asked yourself, “How can I advance my career and obtain a broader view of the water and wastewater industry in Florida?” If you receive this magazine, you are already affiliated with one of the three professional associations that support the publication, and any one of the associations can assist.

Whatever your motivation, in this column I will make my case for how best to answer the question I posed from FWEA’s perspective.

How Will FWEA Assist You With Your Career Development?

We will start with FWEA’s mission:

have taken the opportunity to attend several of these events.

FWEA Chapters

The FWEA has over 1,500 members affiliated with our nine state chapters. Our West Coast and Central Florida chapters are our largest, with close to 700 members between them. Our Treasure Coast Chapter is our smallest, with 33 members.

excellent opportunity to build leadership skills, gain industry recognition, and help shape the water quality industry. I’d encourage you to contact a committee or chapter chair to obtain additional information on sharing your voice in shaping the committee’s future.

Table 2 lists the contact information for some of the FWEA committees.

FWEA Utility Council

FWEA is dedicated to promoting a clean and sustainable water environment by supporting and uniting our members with the public through public awareness and outreach, providing professional development and networking opportunities for our members, and creating alliances to promote sound science-based public policy.

The FWEA is organized to fulfill our mission. We have nine regional chapters that provide local professional development and networking opportunities to individuals in each region associated with Florida’s water and wastewater industry. I am sure many of you

FWEA chapter map.

Table 1 lists the contact information for the FWEA chapters.

FWEA Committees

Furthermore, FWEA has 14 committees, eight of which are technical committees that provide cutting-edge workshops and seminars focusing on different aspects of water resource management. The FWEA has opportunities for you to participate in water quality, be involved in policy making and utility management, or assist with planning workshops and programs. Volunteering on an FWEA committee is an

Chapter Chapter Chair Chapter Chair Contact

Big Bend Felicity Appel felicity.appel@kimleyhorn.com

Central Florida Meera McKie mjoshi@carollo.com

First Coast Brian Gaines gainba@jea.com

Manasota Ryan Messer ryanmesser.pe@gmail.com

Treasure Coast Jill Grimaldi Jill.grimaldi@kimleyhorn.com

South Abnery Picon abnery.picon@jacobs.com

Southeast Colin Devitt colin.devitt@stantec.com

Southwest Tom Meyers Tmeyers@Nugentco.com

West Coast Pamela Kerns Pkerns@chasoluKons.com

The Utility Council of FWEA brings together utility leaders from around the state to work to reduce and eliminate water pollution in Florida by supporting the adoption and implementation of effective wastewater legislation, regulations, and policy, primarily at the state and federal levels. The council gives wastewater utility providers a unified voice and continues to serve as Florida’s trusted source to collect and clean wastewater and to protect public health and the environment. Participation in the council is an excellent way to stay informed and shape Florida’s water resource industry policy and practice. More information is available at www.fweautilitycouncil.org.

Rewards of Involvement

My involvement with FWEA has given me countless opportunities to participate in exciting initiatives. In doing so, I have gained an appreciation for all the volunteers who give of themselves to promote our industry. Through my collaboration with these industry leaders, I have made lifelong friends. I am confident that you will have the same experience by becoming actively involved.

For more information, contact me at jpaterniti@clayutility.org or go to www.fwea. org. S

Technical Committee Committee Chair Committee Chair Contact

Air Quality David Hunniford dhunniford@vaengineering.com

Biosolids Manuel Moncholi,Ph.D., P.E. manuel.moncholi@stantec.com

Collection System Samantha Hanzel, P.E. samantha.hanzel@jacobs.com

Emerging Water Technology Jennifer Nyfennegger jstokke@carollo.com

Safety Jacqueline Hall safety@tohowater.com

Utility Council Kevin Carter kcarter@broward.org

Utility Management Elizabeth Keddy, P.E. ekeddy@hazenandsawyer.com

Wastewater Process Manasi Parekh, P.E. mparekh@ardurra.com

Water Resources, Reuse, and Resiliency Madeline Kender, P.E. Madeline.Kender@kimleyhorn.com

Table 2. FWEA Committee Chair Contacts
Table 1. FWEA Chapter Chair Contacts

Using Your Nose to Protect Your Assets: Wastewater Odor and Corrosion Control

Vaughan Harshman, Nickolas Wagner, Erik Gibson, and David Hunniford

Wastewater collection and treatment systems play a crucial role in safeguarding public health and environmental integrity. Among the myriad challenges faced by these facilities, odor issues have traditionally received significant attention due to their negative impact on the community. As customers and community residents complain about odors, utility leaders and local politicians often implement measures to maintain quality of life for those stakeholders. Since most wastewater odors are related to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and since it’s the major contributor to wastewater infrastructure corrosion, the correlation between foul odors and corrosion of critical components within wastewater systems is strong. Measures taken to prevent the release of odors don’t necessarily address corrosive H2S levels within the infrastructure; however, measures taken to control corrosion almost always simultaneously reduce odors to acceptable levels. An odor complaint is therefore an opportunity to identify and protect at-risk infrastructure.

Collection System as a Bioreactor

Wastewater is a complex and everchanging medium. The mixture of organic and inorganic substances, along with bacterial populations and debris, such as rags, grit, and other materials, creates an environment where chemical and biochemical reactions continually

occur. Thus, wastewater that enters a collection system will have a different composition when it arrives downstream at the treatment facility. It’s important to recognize collection system water quality changes and address them to minimize adverse impacts.

The H2S is an odorous and dangerous gas. In addition to causing odor and safety concerns, it also leads to the formation of sulfuric acid (H2SO4), which can cause severe corrosion and premature failure of wastewater infrastructure. The H2S is rarely contributed to the collection system via collected flows; rather, it’s usually formed in the collection system bioreactor. Once formed, H2S presents safety risks for utility personnel, corrosion risk from H2SO4 production, and odor risk from its distinctive rotten egg smell.

There are four main factors that contribute to H2S in wastewater collection systems:

S Dissolved sulfide concentration

S pH

S Turbulence

S Temperature

Dissolved Sulfide Concentration

Sulfide is formed in wastewater when sulfate-reducing bacteria break down organic matter utilizing sulfate (SO42-) as an oxygen source. These bacteria live in the slime layer that forms on all surfaces below the water line in a sewer. The slime layer has multiple zones of bacteria that will vary in population

Vaughan Harshman, P.E., is odor control practice lead with V&A Consulting Engineers in Manchester, N.H. Nickolas Wagner is utility superintendent—wastewater collections, and Erik Gibson is utility superintendent—lift station, with Manatee County Utilities in Bradenton. David Hunniford, P.E., is client service manager with V&A Consulting Engineers in Sarasota.

and thickness, depending on the conditions in the sewer. When dissolved oxygen or nitrate is present, aerobic and anoxic zones will dominate and prevent sulfide release; however, in anaerobic conditions where dissolved oxygen or nitrate are not present, sulfide formed in the anaerobic zone is released directly to the wastewater stream.


Sulfide exists in wastewater in one of three forms: sulfide ion (S2-), hydrosulfide ion (HS-), and H2S. These forms exist in equilibrium and the fraction of each is dependent on wastewater pH. Sulfide and hydrosulfide are nonvolatile and will remain in solution, while H2S is a dissolved gas and is the only form that can be released to the atmosphere. A pH higher than 7.1 shifts more sulfide to the ionic forms, reducing the rate of H2S release to the atmosphere, while

Continued on page 46

conversely, pH lower than pH 7.1 shifts more sulfide to H2S, which as a volatile compound, increases the rate of H2S release.


Soluble gases exist in equilibrium between a liquid solution and the atmosphere immediately above the solution. Wastewater turbulence increases the surface area of the vapor-liquid interface and accelerates the progression toward equilibrium, releasing more H2S gas from the wastewater, which in turn increases the vaporphase H2S concentration.


Like many organisms, sulfate-reducing bacteria are more active at higher temperatures; therefore, warmer wastewater temperatures result in higher sulfide production rates. In most systems this is a seasonal phenomenon wherein both wastewater temperatures and sulfide levels are higher in warmer summer months and lower in cooler winter months. Wastewater temperature and sulfide production levels can also be affected by large-volume, high-temperature discharges, which may be contributed by some industrial users.

Design Topics

Collecting wastewater, conveying it safely and efficiently, and treating it to permit requirements in a water resource recovery facility (WRRF) is the primary objective of a municipal wastewater utility. Consideration of the following design topics, however, can reduce sulfide generation and enhance the overall sustainability of the collection and treatment system.

Limit Anaerobic Conditions

Anaerobic conditions contribute to the formation of sulfide in wastewater collection systems. Considerations for limiting anaerobic conditions are as follows:

Minimize force mains, maximize gravity sewers Force mains have a 360-degree wetted surface and no headspace for oxygen transfer to the wastewater; therefore, dissolved oxygen is quickly depleted, and as a result, anaerobic conditions become the norm. Maximizing the use of gravity sewers not only reduces power consumption due to pumping, it avoids anerobic conditions and the associated negative impacts.

Limit detention time. Size collection system infrastructure for the anticipated flow conditions, but no larger than necessary. Oversizing leads to unnecessarily long hydraulic detention times that offer additional time for sulfide formation.

Keep lines clean. Debris in collection systems provides surface for slime layer bacteria. Regular cleaning and flushing minimizes the bacteria population, which minimizes sulfide production.

Use treatment technology as needed. Anaerobic conditions cannot be avoided entirely through design. In some cases, infrastructure can be protected and odors can be prevented by ventilation of system headspace and treatment of the ventilated air; in other cases, treatment will be necessary through addition of chemicals or oxygen.

Minimize Turbulence

Turbulence accelerates the progression toward equilibrium for vapor-liquid systems. In

wastewater, turbulence accelerates the stripping of H2S from the liquid to the atmosphere. It’s best to avoid turbulence, particularly at and downstream of force main discharges and the headworks of treatment facilities. Turbulence can be avoided by operating pump stations at the inlet level; installing drop pipes in wet wells, tanks, and manholes to avoid water freefall; and using wye connections rather than tees to combine flows.

Enforce Pretreatment

Some industrial discharges can exacerbate anaerobic conditions and accelerate sulfide formation in collection systems. Excessive biochemical oxygen demand/chemical oxygen demand, excessive sulfate concentrations, high temperature, and low pH of industrial wastewater are of particular concern. Limits on these constituents should be in place and be enforced.

Design for the Growth Curve

Most new collection system branches are installed to accommodate future growth. At start-up a collection system may operate at a small fraction of the ultimate build-out flow, resulting in long detention times, low velocities, solids deposition, and detrimental anaerobic conditions.

Design considerations to accommodate future growth can include:

S Installation of parallel pipes to be brought online over time as growth occurs.

S Multiple-size pumps in pump stations to enable routine operation and high-velocity flow for cleaning and flushing of lines.

S Installation of pig launching equipment.

S Chemical addition that can be reduced or phased out as the system reaches design capacity.

Design for Corrosive Environment

All collection system headspace exposed to H2S will form H2SO4 on damp surfaces. If these surfaces are designed for exposure to concentrated H2SO4 the corrosion can be avoided. Corrosion-resistant materials include thermoplastic pipe, stainless steel, aluminum, polymer concrete, and liners or coatings for concrete structures. While linings, coatings, and polymer concrete offer several advantages over standard concrete in terms of acid resistance, the choice among the materials depends on budget, specific project requirements, expected lifespan, and the environmental conditions the sewer system will be exposed to. Engineering considerations and a cost-benefit analysis are crucial in determining the most suitable material for collection system construction based on the project’s needs.

Use Targeted Ventilation

Wastewater systems naturally draw air in and force air out due to displacement and friction drag between the water and air. As wastewater flows through partially full pipes, friction between the wastewater surface and the headspace air causes air to be dragged in the direction of the flow. Ventilation effects can be severe where headspace is restricted or blocked at slope changes, inverted siphons, full-flowing or surcharged sewers, and lift stations. In these situations, airflow slows or stops, although the upstream sewer continues to drag air. This creates elevated pressure areas in the sewers, which can cause significant odor release. Natural ventilation effects can be combined with mechanical ventilation to extract H2S from wastewater systems, reducing the corrosive conditions in the headspace and preventing odor release to the surroundings.

Case History:

Manatee County Utilities

Manatee County Utilities (MCU) provides water and wastewater services to approximately 100,000 customers. The three regional WRRFs at MCU currently treat an annual average daily flow of 22 mil gal per day. As the flat terrain and high water table of coastal Florida is not suitable for construction of gravity sewer interceptors, large portions of the MCU collection system are comprised of lift stations and force mains to convey wastewater to the regional WRRFs. The historical approach of MCU to collection system design and operation has focused on hydraulics and odor control and it has operated a robust odor control program since the 1980s using both chemical dosing and ventilation to achieve odor control objectives.

In 2018 MCU expanded the focus of the

odor control program to include infrastructure protection via corrosion control. This involved a closer examination of the collection system bioreactions and new strategies for control. Strategies employed by MCU include limiting anaerobic activity, pH control, turbulence reduction, designing for corrosion, and targeted ventilation. These strategies have been applied to the existing collection system and to new construction in the rapidly growing collection system.

Limiting Anaerobic Activity

Nitrate has long been used by MCU to prevent anaerobic activity in the collection system. With the new approach, MCU is adjusting nitrate dosing locations to maximize the benefit in longer sections of the collection system and Manatee County (county) has also observed benefits from line flushing

and cleaning. This was especially apparent in summer 2023, which was unusually dry for the west coast of Florida. In most years, one or more significant rain events occur in the summer months, and sustained periods of lower H2S are observed thereafter. No such events occurred in 2023 and H2S levels remained high throughout the year, leading the county to consider practices to manually flush and/or pig lines if rain events do not occur.

pH Control

The county has added chemical dosing for pH control to the treatment program to enhance the solubility of H2S in targeted sections of the collection system.

Turbulence Reduction

Turbulence reduction is the most cost-

Continued on page 48

Nitrate dosing system.
A pH adjustment dosing system.
Turbulence reduction hydrogen sulfide impact.

effective approach employed by MCU. It can be achieved with no operational cost and little capital infrastructure cost. Drop pipes have been used in some locations, while wet well level adjustments have been used in others where hydraulically feasible. One example of turbulence reduction is at master lift station CC6, where the incoming wastewater gravity line was near the top of the wet well and a drop pipe had been installed to ensure the wastewater discharged below the wastewater surface. The top of the drop pipe was open, allowing for H2S gas to escape from the turbulence caused by the falling wastewater; however, the opening was covered to assess the impact on well H2S. Within minutes, the H2S concentration in the wet well dropped from the 20 to 100 parts per mil (ppm) range to under 10 ppm.

Designing for Corrosive Environment

A significant portion of the collection system in the western part of the county is approaching 50 years old and is reaching the end of its useful life. Simultaneously, MCU is experiencing rapid growth in the previously

undeveloped eastern portions of its service area; therefore, it has multiple rehabilitation and replacement projects, as well as new greenfield construction taking place at any given time. In both types of projects, the county is designing for corrosive environments. Methods include polyvinyl chloride or high-density polyethylene pipe for both force mains and gravity lines and extensive use of polymer concrete for manhole and wet well construction.

Targeted Ventilation

The county has long used ventilation and vapor-phase odor control technology to control odor released from the collection system. Recently, there has been a focus on targeting ventilation to not only prevent odor release, but to also improve conditions within the collection system infrastructure. Ventilation systems have been configured to introduce fresh air into corrosion-vulnerable structures to reduce H2S concentrations and relative humidity in those spaces to slow the production of H2SO4. The H2S levels have been reduced by over 80 percent in some wet wells by relocating air extraction points to the upstream manhole.


These practices have enhanced the sustainability of the county’s wastewater system operation. The collection system infrastructure is more robust and able to prevent failures in the future, odors are controlled, and there are fewer public disruptions due to service interruptions or odor impacts. The county’s efforts were recognized with the 2021 Florida Water Environment Association Environmental Stewardship Award for Odor Control. Financially, the county’s efforts to extend infrastructure life have an estimated net savings of $20 million over the next 30 years.


Systems and stakeholders benefit when wastewater practitioners recognize the biological and chemical reactions that take place within collection systems and account for the changes in wastewater quality in collection system design and operation. Specifically, addressing the reactions that produce sulfide and conditions that strip H2S will not only reduce odors and safety hazards, it will also protect infrastructure, extend asset life, and lead to a more sustainable wastewater system. S


Scientists at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science and several of its partners were recently awarded a four-year, $16 million grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to lead an ambitious program to implement and scale up new approaches to increase the climate resilience of Florida’s restored coral reefs.

The collaborative effort is designed to translate new research into transformative restoration action and will unite the University of Miami with 10 other south Florida partners to form a network that shares new knowledge, resources, and best practices to maximize the ability of newly restored corals to survive climate change impacts.

In response to the unprecedented marine heatwave of 2023, which resulted in record levels of coral bleaching across Florida’s Coral Reef, the team aims to scale up new coral restoration practices to enhance the resilience of these vital marine ecosystems. The project will take place across multiple sites in south Florida, including in Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe counties.

The project will integrate novel interventions aimed at increasing heat tolerance in corals, including selective breeding of corals that survived the 2023 bleaching event, the cross breeding of Florida’s endangered elkhorn corals with resilient elkhorns from outside Florida, the conditioning of baby corals to warmer temperatures and their provisioning with heat-adapted algae that help them resist bleaching, and the use of beneficial probiotics to help corals deal with heat stress. By focusing on breeding resilient populations, the project will significantly boost the number of climate-resilient corals introduced into the reef ecosystem each year.

The initiative will also develop and leverage innovative technology developed through previous research, such as new cement materials, hydrogels, and anti-algal coatings, to improve coral recruit survivorship and overall restoration efficacy.

In addition to ecological restoration, the project will also prioritize outreach and training, emphasizing the long-term commitment required for successful coral recovery. Through community engagement programs at the Frost Science Museum and citizen science initiatives across seven counties, the project aims to foster ocean stewardship and build public support for sustainable coral restoration practices.

The coral reefs of southeast Florida are facing devastating losses from the combination of climate change, disease, poor water quality, and

Continued on page 59

What Do You Know About Iron and Manganese Control? Test Yourself

1. The recommended limit for iron in water is

a. 0.6 mg/l.

b. 0.3 mg/l.

c. 0.5 mg/l.

d. 0.2 mg/l.

2. The recommended limit for manganese in water is

a. 0.05 mg/l.

b. 0.07 mg/l.

c. 0.02 mg/l.

d. 0.04 mg/l.

3. One method to treat water that contains up to 0.3 mg/l manganese and less than 0.1 mg/l of iron is feeding

a. pyrophosphate.

b. tripolyphosphate.

c. metaphosphate.

d. all of the above.

4. When water containing manganese is chlorinated, manganese is converted into the jet-black compound called

a. manganese trioxide.

b. manganese dioxide.

c. manganese oxide.

d. none of the above.

5. The soluble form of iron that produces a groundwater with a high iron content is

a. Fe2+

b. Fe3+

c. Fe5+

d. Fe+1

6. Manganese and iron react with dissolved oxygen to form

a. insoluble compounds.

b. soluble compounds.

c. semi-soluble compounds.

d. semi-insoluble compounds.

7. Water samples collected for iron and manganese analysis are preserved with

a. nitric acid.

b. hydrochloric acid.

c. sulfuric acid.

d. phosphoric acid.

8. Water that is treated to remove iron and manganese via ion exchange must not contain

a. nitrogen gas.

b. carbon dioxide.

c. dissolved oxygen.

d. none of the above.

9. The ion exchange unit used to remove iron and manganese in treated water is regenerated with a solution of

a. brine.

b. potassium permanganate.

c. sodium bisulfite.

d. muriatic acid.

10. Water treated via oxidation by aeration to remove iron forms insoluble

a. ferrous hydroxide.

b. ferrous chloride.

c. ferric chloride.

d. ferric hydroxide.

Answers on page 62

References used for this quiz:

• CSUS Water Treatment Plant Operation Volume 2, Seventh Edition

Send Us Your Questions

Readers are welcome to submit questions or exercises on water or wastewater treatment plant operations for publication in Test Yourself. Send your question (with the answer) or your exercise (with the solution) by email to: charmartin@msn.com


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Water System Upgrades Could Require More Than $1 Trillion Over Next 20 Years

EPA studies show how aging infrastructure and climate change are driving increasing financial needs

Water quality projects needed to meet the goals of the Clean Water Act will cost the United States an estimated $630.1 billion over the next 20 years, according to the most recent Clean Watersheds Needs Survey (CWNS) conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The survey was completed in 2022 and published in a report to Congress in April 2023.

The analysis comes on the heels of a second study that was recently conducted, the Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment. This analysis, finalized in September 2023, found that water utilities in the U.S. will need to spend $625 billion to fix, maintain, and improve the country’s water infrastructure.

The two surveys together— one focused on wastewater and stormwater and the other on drinking water systems—indicate a total infrastructure funding deficit greater than $1.2 trillion over the next two decades.

The CWNS indicates that clean water infrastructure needs have risen 73 percent since the last survey was completed in 2012. The survey, which EPA is required to conduct periodically under the Clean Water Act (initially enacted in 1972) evaluates the capital investments needed to meet water quality regulations and address water quality issues that affect public health. California, New York, Florida, Virginia, Louisiana,

and Georgia reported the highest needs and collectively accounted for 42 percent of the national total.

Survey Topics

The survey covers four areas:

S Public Water and Wastewater

S Stormwater

S Nonpoint Source Control

S Decentralized Wastewater Treatment

Public water and wastewater treatment involves publicly owned treatment works that treat, store, and recycle drinking water and wastewater. Stormwater management involves controlling water runoff from rain or snow.

Nonpoint source control is the management of water pollution from sources such as runoff, drainage, or precipitation. Finally, decentralized wastewater treatment refers to individual or community wastewater treatment systems.

The EPA added the nonpoint source control and decentralized wastewater treatment categories to the total needs in the 2022 survey in response to a 2014 law. That change increased the number of projects eligible for Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) financing from EPA. These new categories proved a significant reason for the notable increase in needs between the 2012 and 2022 surveys.

Funding Shortfalls

Still, the unfunded clean water needs in the U.S. are numerous and growing. Although the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provided nearly $12 billion to the CWSRF and $1 billion for projects that address emerging contaminants, the results of the survey indicate that Continued on page 54

Mollie Mills Aleena Oberthur

the needs that communities will face over the next two decades far outweigh the federal funds.

On top of this already daunting deficit, the EPA report estimates that the total national need is likely underestimated because of data and reporting challenges, lack of long-term planning by utilities and municipalities, and the exclusion of tribal water needs. Additionally, there may be a lack of incentive for states to complete this survey. Unlike the drinking water survey— used to distribute state revolving funds for related projects, including allocations under the IIJA—the CWNS results do not change the formula used to distribute federal funds to the CWSRF.

Aging infrastructure is likely to blame for at least part of the increase in need reflected in both surveys, a conclusion supported by evidence of failing water systems throughout the U.S. For example, in January of this year, a flash flood in San Diego destroyed homes, flooded cars, and created a sinkhole, all because of its failing stormwater infrastructure, which has a deferred maintenance backlog of at least $2 billion. In Prichard, Alabama—where the water infrastructure has been neglected for decades, resulting in water loss, flooding, and unreliable service—the total cost to repair pipes, sewage treatment, water treatment plants, pump stations, and other essential components could exceed $400 million.

Although these repairs are expensive, continued neglect will eventually lead to negative consequences. In April, for example, EPA issued an order to Hawaii County to address sewer discharge resulting from its failing wastewater treatment facilities.

Importantly, the CWNS also says that climate change will take a toll on aging infrastructure. Short-term risks (hurricanes, floods, tornados, and wildfires) and longer-term ones (rising temperatures and droughts, increasing precipitation, and sealevel rise) can cause broken pipes, overwhelmed stormwater systems, loss of power, and poor water quality, all of which prevent water

systems from operating effectively and can have devastating effects on communities. For example, heavy rainfall in January 2024 overwhelmed wastewater facilities across three states in the Chesapeake Bay region, causing nearly 300 million gallons of contaminated stormwater to be dumped in local waterways in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

Many cities and states have noted these risks in planning documents and reports. A report from San Francisco predicted that, compared with historical levels, the city could receive nearly 40 percent more precipitation by 2100. Such an increase would devastate its existing infrastructure and cause widespread flooding. Also, according to New York City’s water resiliency plan, all 14 of the city’s treatment plants and 60 percent of its pumping stations were at risk of flooding as of 2013.

Water infrastructure funding has been one of the priorities of federal legislation, such as the IIJA and the American Rescue Plan Act, but EPA’s latest drinking water and clean water infrastructure surveys point to rapidly growing financial needs that far exceed the influx of funding. While aging infrastructure is already presenting huge obstacles for cities, water utilities, and consumers throughout the U.S., climate change will only increase costs over the next several decades, underlining the importance of addressing critical water infrastructure projects in the near term.

Copyright © 2024 The Pew Charitable Trusts. All rights reserved. Article reprinted with permission.

The Pew Charitable Trusts is an independent nonprofit, nongovernmental organization, founded in 1948. Pew’s stated mission is to serve the public interest by “improving public policy, informing the public, a nd invigorating civic life.”

Mollie Mills is a principal associate and Aleena Oberthur is a project director with The Pew Charitable Trust state fiscal policy project. S

Instructor Highlight


Senior Training Specialist for Water and Wastewater programs at the University of Florida TREEO Center

Ron entered the water and wastewater treatment field soon after graduating high school in 1983, during the past 41+ years, he has worked his way up the career ladder from Plant Mechanic Helper/ Operator Assistant to become a Treatment Plant Chief Operator, later moving on to a Project Manager Intern for a worldwide operations firm, and then an Education Specialist in the US Virgin Islands and a Process Control Specialist for Hillsborough County Public Utilities Division. Ron has been employed at UF TREEO Center for more than 16 years, teaching most of the drinking water and wastewater treatment courses. Ron has also developed many online courses approved by the Florida DEP and many other states as prerequisites for treatment plant operator exams. Ron is an accomplished author of many laboratory and troubleshooting related articles for Treatment Plant Operator (TPO) magazine in a column he called “Lab Detective”.

Ron has been a Certified Environmental Trainer (CET) and Certified Instructional Technologist (CIT) through the National Environmental, Safety and Health Training Association (NESHTA) since 1998, as well as obtaining Master Environmental, Safety and Health Trainer status in 2021.

Ron currently holds Florida Class A Wastewater Operator and Class B Drinking Water Operator licenses, and voluntary certification through the Southeast Desalting Association (SEDA) as a Membrane Treatment Plant Operator. Ron has also been a member of the Water Environment Federation (WEF) since 1988.


Jan. 13-16 |

Algae Control and Reducing Chlorine Loss

In 2017, Billy Waitt, superintendent at the Bradenton wastewater plant, was concerned about algae control in his 7500-square-foot chlorine contact chamber. He asked Chuck Baxter, owner of J. Mosher Enterprises in Sarasota, which has been providing industrial repairs and custom products catering to water treatment plants in the Sarasota and Bradenton area for over 20 years, to find a good answer to the problem.

Chuck searched the world and found that no one offers anything for this problem in this environment, so he decided to create an industrial sunscreen system himself, designed just for chlorine contact chambers.

Billy said, “Since using the new system, in the past seven years I have never had to clean my chambers, and not only did it eliminate the algae problem, but it also reduces my chlorine loss.”

Chuck said, “I have made many improvements during those years and have now constructed a very strong, almost indestructible sunscreen system.”

Technology Specifics

Q: What type of screen is used?

A: The fabric is made in the United States by Dewitt Fabric, a family-owned and -operated American manufacturer of industrial fabrics and screen materials since 1977. It manufactures a very strong, lightweight, 90 percent ultraviolet (UV) protection and chlorine-resistant sunscreen fabric made from a noncoated, polyolefin-type, polypropylene material. It comes with a one-year warranty from factory defects.

Q: How strong is it?

A: It has a 132-pounds-per-square-inch bursting strength, so it is very strong for being so lightweight. To demonstrate its strength, Chuck likes to stand on his display model.

Q: If it does get damaged, is it repairable?

A: Yes. It repairs easily. The screen can be handsewn with a needle and patch kit.

Q: Does it hold water?

A: No, but the screen allows some air and water to flow through it. Chuck uses an Actron laser temperature gauge to measure the concrete tank temperature: one test is taken in the sun and another taken under the screen.

Chuck said, “That’s amazing, there are only about 8 inches separating the two test spots and a there is about a 13 degree difference between them.” To test the screens UV effectiveness, Chuck uses a Solarmeter, model 6.5, electronic UV measuring instrument.

“Today, the UV reading in the sun is 9.1 and under the screen is 0.1,” Chuck said. “The difference in the UV results is even more amazing than the temperature difference. Combining these results together is what makes this system so effective for both algae control and reducing chlorine loss.”

Q: How well does this work for algae control?

A: Very well. The screen is so effective that less than 1 percent of UV rays get through under it, which is not enough to support algae life, so the chambers stay clean.

Q: What percentage of chlorine loss reduction will this produce?

A: The screens will produce about a 30 percent reduction on chlorine loss, and with the extra coverage from the custom end panels, it makes the total coverage from the sun to about 99 percent, so it’s possible to see results higher than that.

According to Chuck, “Each screen is tailored to fit the tank; the custom end panels also help make it more aerodynamic and forces most of the wind to blow over it.”

Q: What are the cables and hardware made from?

A: All the cables, rigging, and hardware are marine-grade, 316 stainless steel, so nothing will rust, corrode, or have severe reaction to chlorine, and the aluminum mounting parts are the same type of anodized aluminum, industrial hand railing systems that are used on all facilities.

Q: How long does the screen last?

A: The life expectancy of the screens is about seven to 10 years, depending on the wrath of Mother Nature or other damage.

Q: How long does the hardware last?

A: Since the marine-grade, 316 stainless steel hardware is just about indestructible, it will last almost forever.

Q: What is the average recovery time for the initial investment cost?

A: In most general cases, it can be expected to recover the initial cost in approximately 24 months.

Chuck said, “When the screens become old or severely damaged, replacing only the screens is necessary and that will only be a fraction of the original installation cost, which will save even more money down the road when that day comes. This creates a very cost-effective and long-term return on investment.”

These are also available for decant tanks, plastic chemical storage tanks, and other areas where UV protection and algae control are needed.

Contact Information

For more information, call Chuck at (941) 376-6465.

Email: industrialsunscreens@yahoo.com Website: www.industrialsunscreens.com S

Ultraviolet Index difference between direct sun (left) and under a suncreen (right).

Technology Spotlight is a paid feature sponsored by the advertisement on the facing page. The Journal and its publisher do not endorse any product that appears in this column. If you would like to have your technology featured, contact Mike Delaney at 352-241-6006 or at mike@fwrj.com.

Temperature difference between direct sun (left) and under a suncreen (right).

Research Finds Switch to Green Wastewater Infrastructure Could Reduce Emissions,

University researchers have shown that a transition to green wastewater-treatment approaches in the United States that leverages the potential of carbon-financing could save a staggering $15.6 billion and just under 30 million metric tons of CO2-equivalent emissions over 40 years.

The comprehensive findings from Colorado State University (CSU) were highlighted in Nature Communications Earth & Environment in a first-of-its-kind study. The work from the Walter Scott Jr. College of Engineering explores the potential economic tradeoffs of switching to green infrastructure and technology solutions that go beyond existing gray-water treatment practices.

Built off data collected at over 22,000 facilities, the report provides comprehensive baseline metrics and explores the relationship among emissions, costs, and treatment capabilities for utility operators and decision makers.

Potential of Green Infrastructure

Braden Limb is the first author on the paper and a Ph.D. student in the department of systems engineering; he also serves as a research associate in the department of mechanical engineering. Limb said the findings are a key initial step to categorize and understand potential green solutions for wastewater.

“These findings draw a line in the sand that shows what the potential for adopting green approaches is—both in terms of money saved and total emissions reduced,” he said. “It’s a starting point to understand what routes are available

Provide Huge Savings

and how financing strategies can elevate water treatment from a somewhat local issue into something that is addressed globally through market incentives.”

The research was completed in partnership with the University of Colorado at Boulder and Brigham Young University. Findings center around both point source water treatment and nonpoint sources of water pollution.

Traditional point source water treatment facilities, such as sewage plants, remove problem nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus before releasing water back into circulation. This grayinfrastructure system—as it’s known—is monitored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Regulation standards may tighten in the future, and facilities would need more power, and in turn, more emissions, to reach newly allowable thresholds. Existing facilities already account for 2 percent of all energy use in the U.S. and 45 million metric tons of CO2 emissions.

Another significant source of freshwater contamination in the U.S. comes from nonpoint source activity, such as fertilizer runoff from agriculture entering rivers. Other nonpoint sources of pollution can come from wildfires— aided by climate change—or urban development, for example.

Financing Options

Rather than building more grayinfrastructure treatment facilities to address these increasing sources, the paper explores green

approaches financed through carbon markets that can tackle both types simultaneously.

“There could be a switch to nature-based solutions, such as constructing wetlands or reforestation, instead of building yet another treatment facility,” said Limb. “Those options could sequester over 4.2 million carbon dioxide emissions per year over a 40-year time horizon and have other complementary benefits we should be aiming for, such as cheaper overall costs.”

Carbon financing is a mechanism aimed at mitigating climate change by incentivizing activities that reduce emissions or sequester them from the atmosphere. Companies voluntarily buy “credits” on an open market that represent a reduction or removal of carbon from the atmosphere that can be accomplished in a variety of ways. This credit offsets the institution’s emissions from operations as it aims to reach sustainability goals.

These trades incentivize development of sustainable activities and can also provide a source of fresh money to further develop or scale up new approaches.

While there are similar financing markets for water, the problem is initially more localized than it is for air quality and carbon, which has limited the value of water market trades in the past. The paper suggests that these existing markets could be improved, and that the carbon markets could also be leveraged to change some of the financial incentives farmers have around water treatment and impacts from their activity.

The researchers found that using the markets could generate $679 million annually in revenue, representing an opportunity to further motivate green infrastructure solutions within water quality trading programs to meet regulated standards.

Jason Quinn, a mechanical engineering professor, is a coauthor on the study. He said the findings have some limitations, but that this was an important first step to model both the problem and opportunity available now. He said the results in the paper have supported new research at CSU with the National Science Foundation to further develop the needed carbon credit methodology with stakeholders.

“This is the first time we are considering air and water quality simultaneously—water is local and carbon is global,” he said. “By bringing these market mechanisms together we can capitalize on a window of opportunity to accelerate the improvement of America’s rivers as we transition to a renewable energy and restored watershed future.”

Continued from page 49

other factors. These critical ecosystems support valuable commercial and recreational fishing, as well as Florida’s tourism industry. According to NOAA, coral reefs in southeast Florida generate $2 billion in annual revenues and support 70,400 jobs. In addition, the reefs play an important role in protecting people and property from the effects of hurricanes, such as flooding and storm surge, along the highly urbanized coastlines of Miami and Ft. Lauderdale.

ROver the past two decades, blooms of blue-green algae have emerged in Lake Okeechobee and have been flushed into nearby urban estuaries, causing serious environmental and public health issues. Historically, the lake has only been considered to be impaired by phosphorus, leading to efforts focused solely on reducing agricultural phosphorus runoff.

Recent research marks a new step in understanding and preserving this crucial ecosystem. Researchers from the Florida Atlantic University Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute have conducted the first comprehensive sampling across the Lake Okeechobee Waterway in south Florida, which extends from the St. Lucie Estuary on the east coast to the Caloosahatchee River Estuary on the west coast.

To determine what’s causing recent cyanobacterial blooms, researchers conducted two research cruises across the waterway and three sampling events of these blooms. They measured nitrogen isotopes in phytoplankton to see if human waste or fertilizers were involved.

Results of the study, published in the journal,  Harmful Algae, reveal that combatting harmful algal blooms in Lake Okeechobee requires managing both phosphorus and nitrogen, and that human waste played a role in influencing these algae blooms. Findings also underscore the importance of rainfall and extreme rainfall events in driving these big blooms.

Inorganic nitrogen levels were elevated in urbanized estuaries and the Kissimmee River, which extends north through the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes to the greater Orlando area, and its water flows into Lake Okeechobee. Furthermore, the expanding urbanization in Orlando was identified as a contributing factor to the increasing prevalence of these blooms in Lake Okeechobee.

Findings highlight the need for integrated nutrient management strategies and improved wastewater treatment to effectively combat these blooms and protect both the lake and its connected estuaries. S

FWEA Safety Committee Welcomes New Chair

Jackie Hall is a dedicated safety professional with over two decades of experience in occupational safety and health across diverse industries. With a deep commitment to employee well-being, she excels in developing comprehensive safety programs that not only mitigate hazards, but also foster a strong safety culture. Jackie believes that through effective training, positive role modeling, and continuous engagement, all employees can improve their own safety practices and contribute to the safety of others.

A proud graduate of West Virginia University with a master’s degree in safety management, Jackie brings both expertise and passion to her work. Her credentials include certifications in incident investigation, occupational safety and health (general, construction, oil and gas), hazardous waste and emergency response (HAZWOPER), and basic life support instruction, as well as specialized training in homeland security and Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster preparedness and emergency management.

Jackie’s extensive career includes leadership roles in safety within a large bituminous coal operation in western Pennsylvania, where she was responsible for safety compliance and overseeing 30,000 hours of annual training for 1,300 miners. She ensured compliance with many organizations, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Department of Transportation, National Fire Protection Association, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and was recognized as a national subject matter expert by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Her work has extended to collaborations with union operations, government agencies, and various safety task forces. As a Safety Task Force leader and Audit Committee member, Jackie developed and led emergency response training scenarios—including those for catastrophic events, such as active assailants, fires, gas leaks, and water inundations. She

also contributed to developing technical guidance and safe operating procedures in these high-risk situations.

Currently, as the director of safety and risk management at Toho Water Authority in Kissimmee, Jackie leads initiatives that drive improvements in workplace safety, reduce incidents, and manage organizational risks. With a focus on compliance and the protection of both people and assets, she is committed to delivering impactful safety programs that ensure the well-being of employees and the resilience of the organization.

Jackie grew up on a 500-acre farm and still enjoys the outdoors, specifically hiking and cycling. She also loves spending time with her son, gardening, traveling, cheering on the Pittsburg Steelers, and participating in Fantasy Football.

The FWEA Safety Committee is dedicated to building a culture of safety through training, education, and recognition. It strives to ensure an incident-free industry by improving hazard recognition skills, ensuring employees return home safe daily, and that the communities where people work and live remain hazard free.

Jackie looks forward to her new role. For more information about the committee, go to www.fwea.org. S

Jackie Hall


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES - Classified ads are $22 per line for a 60 character line (including spaces and punctuation), $60 minimum. The price includes publication in both the magazine and our Web site. Short positions wanted ads are run one time for no charge and are subject to editing. ads@fwrj.com


Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent

$80,767.00 - $125,188.00 Annually

The City of Naples is seeking an experienced and dedicated Wastewater Treatment Plant Superintendent to oversee daily operations at our state-of-the-art facility. This role ensures compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, manages plant personnel, and upholds high standards of safety and environmental stewardship. Responsibilities include directing plant maintenance, monitoring process controls, and implementing efficiency improvements.

Apply now! www.naplesgov.com

Industrial Pretreatment Supervisor- Polk County BOCC

Location: 1011 Jim Keene Blvd. Winter Haven, FL 33880 Shift: Mon-Fri. 8A-5P

For all details and to apply please use this direct link:


Water Plant Operator I,II,III - Polk County BoCC

WATER PLANT OPERATOR I - $21.94-$31.81



Polk County BoCC offers an excellent benefits program in addition to a $1,000 Sign-On Bonus!

Visit www.polk-county.net to learn more!

You can also contact the recruiter at kralston@ad-vance.com

Water Chief Operator Sr. Operations Specialist

Orange County Government is an employer of choice, embracing innovation, collaboration and inclusion. Orange County shines as a place to both live and work, with an abundance of world class golf courses, lakes, miles of trails and year-round sunshine - all with the sparkling backdrop of nightly fireworks from world-famous tourist attractions. Orange County continues to build a thriving economy and a welcoming community that works for everyone.

Orange County Utilities is one of the largest utility service providers in Florida and has been recognized nationally and locally for outstanding operations, efficiencies, innovations, education programs and customer focus. We provide water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services to a population of over 800,000 citizens; operate the largest publicly owned landfill in the state; and manage in excess of a billion dollars of infrastructure assets. Our focus is on excellent quality, customer service, innovation, sustainability, and a commitment to employee development. Join us to find more than a job - find a career.

The Water Division is seeking a highly qualified individual to fill the position of “Water Chief Operator” (Sr. Operations Specialist). This position is responsible for:

• Leading day-to-day water production;

• Troubleshooting operational problems using available data;

• Following the proper course of action to meet plant operating objectives;

• Providing leadership to staff;

• Coordinating, directing, and training operation staff to achieve efficient operations in compliance with environmental regulations;

• Responding immediately to emergency situations to correct operating problems during normal work hours, after-hours, and on call; and

• Protecting the environment and public health through monitoring and attention to process operations.

This position may also assist with budget recommendations, and is responsible for meeting budget objectives and approving minor budget expenditures. Work requires a great deal of independent judgement under the general supervision of a designated supervisor.

Chief Operator (Sr. Operations Specialist), Water Division Annual Salary

$58,656 Min - $93,808 Max

Starting salary of external candidates is based on qualifications. Apply online at: http://www.ocfl.net/careers

Orange County Government is an employer of choice, embracing innovation, collaboration and inclusion. Orange County shines as a place to both live and work, with an abundance of world class golf courses, lakes, miles of trails and year-round sunshine - all with the sparkling backdrop of nightly fireworks from world-famous tourist attractions. Orange County continues to build a thriving economy and a welcoming community that works for everyone.

Orange County Utilities is one of the largest utility service providers in Florida and has been recognized nationally and locally for outstanding operations, efficiencies, innovations, education programs and customer focus. We provide water, wastewater, and reclaimed water services to a population of over 800,000 citizens; operate the largest publicly owned landfill in the state; and manage in excess of a billion dollars of infrastructure assets. Our focus is on excellent quality, customer service, innovation, sustainability, and a commitment to employee development. Join us to find more than a job – find a career.

The Water Reclamation Division is seeking qualified individuals to fill multiple positions of “Wastewater Treatment Operator” (Plant Specialist Trainee, I, II and III.) These positions are responsible for:

• the analysis and troubleshooting of operational problems using available data

• following the proper course of action to meet plant operating objectives

• performing operation and maintenance of treatment facilities

Work requires independent judgement and is performed under the general supervision of a designated supervisor. Work is reviewed through observations, conferences, reports, and results achieved. Work is physically demanding, in hazardous conditions, and requires close contact with different chemicals while wearing the appropriate safety equipment. Plants operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and may require Operators to work overtime and rotational shifts.

Plant Specialist Trainee, I, II, and III

Water Reclamation Division

Annual Salary

Plant Specialist Trainee- No license Required - $17.30 hourly

Plant Specialist I - FL Class C License -$20.82-$27.47 hourly

Plant Specialist II - FL Class B License - $22.26-$29.37 hourly

Plant Specialist III- FL Class A License - $23.84-$31.46 hourly

($1,000 Sign on Incentive For All Positions)

Starting salary of external candidates is based on qualifications.

Apply online at: http://www.ocfl.net/careers

Water Treatment Plant Operators

The Water Treatment Plant at the Village of Wellington is currently accepting applications for a full-time WATER OPERATOR and an INSTRUMENT TECH/OPERATOR positions. Apply online. Job postings and applications are available on our website: https://wellingtonfl.munisselfservice.com/employees/ EmploymentOpportunities/

We are located in Palm Beach County, Florida. The Village of Wellington offers great benefits. For further information, call Human Resources at (561) 753-2585.

Continued from page 49

Editorial Calendar









September... Emerging Issues; Water Resources Management



New Facilities, Expansions, and Upgrades


Technical articles are usually scheduled several months in advance and are due 60 days before the issue month (for example, January 1 for the March issue).

The closing date for display ad and directory card reservations, notices, announcements, upcoming events, and everything else including classified ads, is 30 days before the issue month (for example, September 1 for the October issue).

For further information on submittal requirements, guidelines for writers, advertising rates and conditions, and ad dimensions, as well as the most recent notices, announcements, and classified advertisements, go to www.fwrj.com or call 352-241-6006.

1. B) 0.3 mg/l.

The recommended limit for iron in water is 0.3 mg/l.

2. A) 0.05 mg/l. The recommended limit for manganese in water is 0.05 mg/l.

3. D) all of the above.

One method to treat water that contains up to 0.3 mg/l manganese and less than 0.1 mg/l of iron is feeding pyrophosphate, tripolyphosphate, and metaphosphate.

4. B) manganese dioxide. When water containing manganese is chlorinated, manganese is converted into the jet-black compound called manganese dioxide.

5. A) Fe2+.

The soluble form of iron that produces a groundwater with a high iron content is Fe2+

6. A) insoluble compounds. Manganese and iron react with dissolved oxygen to form insoluble compounds.

7. A) nitric acid.

Water samples collected for iron and manganese analysis are preserved with nitric acid.

8. C) dissolved oxygen. Water that is treated to remove iron and manganese via ion exchange must not contain dissolved oxygen.

9. A) brine.

The ion exchange unit used to remove iron and manganese in treated water is regenerated with a solution of brine.

10. D) ferric hydroxide.

Water treated via oxidation by aeration to remove iron forms


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