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CEU Challenge
Members of the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA) may earn continuing education units through the CEU Challenge! Answer the questions published on this page, based on the technical articles in this month’s issue. Circle the letter of each correct answer. There is only one correct answer to each question! Answer 80 percent of the questions on any article correctly to earn 0.1 CEU for your license. Retests are available.
This month’s editorial theme is Biosolids and Bioenergy Management. Look above each set of questions to see if it is for water operators (DW), distribution system operators (DS), or wastewater operators (WW). Mail the completed page (or a photocopy) to: Florida Environmental Professionals Training, P.O. Box 33119, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. 334203119. Enclose $15 for each set of questions you choose to answer (make checks payable to FWPCOA). You MUST be an FWPCOA member before you can submit your answers!
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Article 1 ____________________________________
LICENSE NUMBER for Which CEUs Should Be Awarded
Article 2 ____________________________________
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If paying by credit card, fax to (561) 625-4858 providing the following information:
Contact FWPCOA at membership@fwpcoa.org or at 561-840-0340. Articles from past issues can be viewed on the Journal website, www.fwrj.com.
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Anaerobic Codigestion of Food Waste to Increase Methane Yields
Karamjit Panesar, Ian Atkins, and Sarina J. Ergas (Article 1: CEU = 0.1 WW02015387)
1. Which of the following assays produced the highest methane yields? a. Food waste alone b. Food waste plus tea leaves c. Food waste plus compostable plates d. Inoculum
2. In Phase 1, the low final pH and volatile fatty acids (VFA)/alkalinity ratio indicated that the rate of _______________ exceeded the rate of methanogenesis. a. decomposition b. fermentation c. acidification d. cell wall degradation
3. This research showed that the codigestion of food waste with both tea leaves and compostable plates resulted in high biomethane production when _____________ is maintained in the correct range. a. the ratio of these materials b. pH c. temperature d. alkalinity
4. A common attribute of existing anaerobic food waste codigestion systems is that a. operating costs are unsustainable. b. they only accept preconsumer waste. c. they are ineffective. d. they are unsafe.
5. Which of the following is among the listed problems created by disposing of food waste in landfills? a. Consumes landfill volume b. Creates high leachate ammonia concentration c. Contributes to landfill methane emissions d. Creates high leachate chemical oxygen demand (COD) 58 June 2021 • Florida Water Resources Journal
The State of Biosolids in the U.S. and Florida: Can You Have Your Cake and Dispose of it Too?
Nicole Cohen and Jody Barksdale (Article 2: CEU = 0.1 WW02015388)
1. Amendments to the _____________ set the precedent for biosolids regulations codified in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 503. a. Safe Drinking Water Act b. Clean Water Act c. American Water Infrastructure Act d. Florida Pollution Control Act
2. By 2013, the Florida Legislature effectively stopped Class B biosolids from being applied _____________ unless a Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP)-approved nutrient balance could be produced. a. statewide b. in northern Everglades watersheds c. withing 300 yards of any Class 3 water d. in coastal areas
3. Executive agencies, such as FDEP, enact ________________ to implement laws passed by the Florida Legislature. a. statutes b. guidelines c. best management practices d. regulations
4. Proposed amendments to chapter 62-640, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), may reduce land application of biosolids by an estimated ___percent. a. 10 b. 25 c. 50 d. 75
5. The regulations and nutrient restrictions discussed in this article apply to Class ___ biosolids. a. AA b. A c. BB d. B