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WEF Stormwater Institute: Providing Leadership and Advocacy

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) Stormwater Institute is a center for excellence and innovation focused on developing bestin-class solutions to stormwater runoff and wet weather issues. The institute is able to draw from the broad diversity, expertise, and engagement of the WEF membership, which is the largest and most-informed clean water solutions membership in the world.

The institute identifies cross-cutting issues and convenes experts to tackle those issues, provides insights and leadership to policymakers, and helps chart a new course toward a healthier and more sustainable stormwater system in the United States—and beyond.


Stormwater is the only growing source of water pollution in many watersheds across the country. As urban areas grow and severe weather becomes more common, the issue of stormwater management will only escalate in importance.

The growing issue of stormwater pollution, coupled with regulatory pressure, is driving the need for innovative approaches, training, technology solutions, and progressive financing. As such, there is a clear need for national leadership and collaboration to help forge the path to more sustainable stormwater management.

Stakeholder Groups

The institute focuses on addressing critical stormwater management issues as a means to protect public health and the environment. It serves as a conduit for information and feedback between the stormwater and regulatory communities. It benefits many stakeholder groups, including: S Municipal agencies with responsibility for managing stormwater S Individual stormwater and green infrastructure practitioners S Technology providers S Academics and researchers S State and federal regulators S Regional and state stormwater organizations

This hub for technical information, networking, and policy advocacy expands on and leverages ongoing and proposed WEF programs. It focuses on developing technical tools, communication strategies, professional training, and networking opportunities for stormwater practitioners worldwide.

Institute Programs

The institute serves as a center of excellence to address the growing issues of stormwater management and is a hub for technical information, networking, and policy advocacy. Its programs include: S National Green Infrastructure Certification

Program (NGICP) S Stormwater Testing and Evaluation for

Products and Practices (STEPP) Initiative S National Municipal Stormwater and Green

Infrastructure Awards S WEFTEC Stormwater Congress S World Water: Stormwater Management magazine S The Stormwater Report online newsletter S Targeted Stormwater Projects

Organization Benefits

Institute subscribers enjoy benefits such

as: S Opportunity to provide input and direction on new projects and participate in their development. S Access to exclusive subscriber webcasts. S Briefings on stormwater legislative issues and early input on regulatory activities. S Recognition in institute publications. S Invitations to special events, including networking opportunities.

The community of subscribers consists of: S Municipal stormwater agencies S Stormwater and green infrastructure practitioners S Technology providers S Academics and researchers S State and federal regulators S Regional stormwater organizations

With the support of dedicated industry experts, WEF is a proven leader in the stormwater sector—providing access to stormwater news, education, and training opportunities, as well as policy support and advocacy. The institute fills the vacuum of national stormwater leadership and advances the support of professionals in a water sector poised for major growth.

For more information, please contact: Adriana Caldarelli, Stormwater Institute director • acaldarelli@wef.org, 703-684-2406 Rebecca Arvin-Colón, Stormwater Institute senior manager • ravin-colon@wef.org, 703-684-2400 x7017 S

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