3 minute read

Test Yourself—Donna Kaluzniak

Test Yourself What Do You Know About Water/Wastewater Staffing and Classification?

Donna Kaluzniak


1. Per Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 62-699,

Treatment Plant Classification and Staffing, classification and staffing requirements for each water treatment plant are determined using a two-step procedure. First, the plant’s category is determined by the treatment processes. Then the classification and staffing requirements within that category are determined by using the plant’s permitted a. annual average daily flow. b. maximum-day operating capacity. c. peak daily demand. d. peak hourly capacity.

2. Per FAC 62-699, an onsite computerized system with sensors and programs that can adjust and control domestic wastewater or water treatment plant equipment and processes over the normal range of expected operating conditions without operator assistance is a(n) a. automatic control system. b. electronic surveillance system. c. consecutive control system. d. process control system.

3. Per FAC 62-699, a 6-mil-gal-per day (mgd) wastewater treatment plant using the activated sludge process (not extended aeration), with filtration would require the lead/chief operator to be a Class A. The plant would also need to be staffed by a Class C or higher operator for how many hours per day? a. 8 b. 12 c. 16 d. 24

4. Per FAC 62-699, for water and wastewater treatment plants that are under an electronic surveillance system, automatic control system, or electronic control system, staffing requirements can be reduced for new treatment plants and for existing treatment plants that have been in compliance with water quality

standards and operation and maintenance requirements for the past a. six months. b. year. c. two years. d. five years. diverted to the reuse system only when operators are present. c. if additional filtration is added to the system. d. if additional disinfection is provided.

5. Per FAC 62-699, classification and staffing requirements for distribution systems are determined with a two-step procedure using the highest-classification treatment plant to which they are connected and the

a. number of persons served directly by the distribution system. b. maximum treatment plant capacity. c. peak hourly demand over the last year. d. peak daily demand.

6. Per FAC 62-699, suppliers of water shall employ only those appropriately licensed to be in onsite charge of any water distribution system operation or maintenance activity that may affect a. customers utility bills. b. the water treatment process. c. the utility’s budget. d. water quality or quantity.

7. Per FAC 62-699, a Class C, 0.5-mgd conventional filtration water treatment plant would require staffing by Class C or higher operator: 6 hours per day for five days per week. On the weekend it would require an onsite examination to ensure that equipment is functioning properly, that chemical supplies are sufficient, and to record the quantity or quality of drinking water being treated and other relevant information. This is defined as a(n) a. abbreviated workday. b. drive-by. c. short shift. d. visit.

8. Per FAC 62-610, Reuse of Reclaimed Water and

Land Application, minimum staffing requirements for domestic wastewater treatment plants that provide reclaimed water to a reuse system permitted under Part III is a Class C or higher operator 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

The lead/chief operator shall be at minimum

Class B, or higher if required by FAC 62-699.

The minimum staffing requirement, however, can be reduced in conjunction with provisions for increased facility reliability or a. if an automatic control system is installed. b. if acceptable quality reclaimed water is 9. Per FAC 62-640, Biosolids, the level of operator staffing at biosolids treatment facilities is determined by the type of facility, based on design capacity in dry tons per year and a. class of biosolids based on pathogen reduction. b. type of biosolids treatment. c. level of volatile solids reduction. d. level of vector attraction reduction.

10. Per FAC 62-699, an operator meeting the lead/ chief operator class for a treatment plant and an operator meeting the lead/chief operator level or class for the water distribution system shall be available

a. 8 hours per day, five days per week. b. 8 hours per day, seven days per week. c. 12 hours per day, seven days per week. d. during all periods of treatment plant or distribution system operation.

Answers on page 62

References used for this quiz: • Florida Administrative Code 62-699, Treatment Plant

Classification and Staffing: https://www.flrules.org/gateway/ChapterHome. asp?Chapter=62-699 • Florida Administrative Code 62-610, Reuse of

Reclaimed Water and Land Application: https://www.flrules.org/gateway/ChapterHome. asp?Chapter=62-610 • Florida Administrative Code 62-640, Biosolids: https://www.flrules.org/gateway/ChapterHome. asp?Chapter=62-640

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