Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union Penryn Campus
Falmouth Campus
Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE 01326 255861
Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4RH 01326 213742
Re gis t e r ed C h a ri t y N u m b e r 1 1 4 5 4 0 5
Welcome to our top 10 Hello all! As your elected FXU Presidents 2015/16 we are extremely excited to present to you our Top 10 Priorities for this year! All of these priorities have come directly from you, the students, and it’s your student experience that is at the heart of every single one. They are created to enable us to clearly show Falmouth University, the University of Exeter and FX Plus what you care about and what you want us to work with them on. We create these priorities directly from feedback from students; everything from the conversations had around both campuses, the National Student Survey (NSS), Woodlane Walkabouts, Annual General Meetings (AGMs), President drop-ins, Union General Meetings (UGMs) and so much more. Some of these priorities can be achieved in a year, and in fact we’ve already started to make progress on a few! However some take more time to achieve and therefore will continue into next year; we’ve also brought parts forward from last year’s Top 10. Please get involved with these priorities! Feed back to us at AGMs and UGMs; Student Council and Student Staff Liaison Meetings; have a chat when you see a President walking around or (as always) feel free to pop into either of the FXU offices for a cup of tea and a chin wag. There are so many ways for you to let us know what you think, all of our contact details are on the left. We look forward to working on these Top 10 Priorities for you! Yours, Fred Mallin FXU President Falmouth Amanda Chetwynd-Cowieson FXU President Student Experience
Grace Fisher FXU President Exeter Alexa Webster FXU President Community and Welfare
these priorities have been developed following research from:
Advisers casework
All quotes within this document are from the students of Falmouth University and the University of Exeter Cornwall Campuses.
Mental Health Support
Disabled Students’ Allowance
Financial Transparency
Postgraduate & International Experience
Better Academic Practice
Facilities, Space and Resources
Accommodation - Keep all price rises minimal (in line with inflation) and continue to work towards having more flexible pricing options available (develop single occupancy at the rate of less than ÂŁ100 per week), without compromising quality and standards. - To maintain the student experience and improved integration between Exeter and Falmouth students; our recommendation is that all University Owned and Managed Accommodation (UOMA) is available to students from both institutions. - Continue both the Accommodation Hardship Fund and the first year guarantee (for first year and Postgraduate home, EU and International students) with funds rising in line with any increase in any accommodation costs. - Monitor the private sector (via the Falmouth & Penryn Studentpad site) to ensure that, as property becomes available, it is of an acceptable standard and quality.
“I wish the University could ensure tenants are happy, safe, warm and treated fairly.�
Disabled students allowance - Both Universities and FX Plus (in consultation with FXU) to produce plans by Easter 2016 on how they will improve their learning infrastructure, to minimize the effects on students caused by national DSA cuts. - Work with FX Plus to produce an audit on both campuses’ accessibility, which will then feed into the 2020 Masterplan. Therefore, ensuring that the campuses are as accessible and user friendly as possible for all types of disability by 2020.
"Be more accommodating of disabled students."
Postgraduate & International Experience - Both Universities to provide a dedicated and ‘fit for purpose’ postgraduate space by September 2016. - Work with FX Plus to develop stronger representation for Postgraduate, International and Liberation students’ needs throughout the year – guaranteeing a consistent student experience all year, especially outside of undergraduate academic term dates. - Improve the support for all study abroad programmes, e.g. by providing a shared member of staff via FX Plus or FXU.
“I wanted to see FXU widen its participation to include postgrads, mature students, and international students.”
- Allocate a small amount of funding (approx. £5000) to help subsidise trips away from campuses thereby helping international students to explore Cornwall and the benefits of living and studying in the South West. Some of this can be used for internationally focused events on campus to develop the international feel of the campuses.
Better academic practice - Each University to publicly define and clarify the following:
“Being part of a curriculum that is being crafted around the students has made the learning experience an enjoyable one. While more specific details would be great, please avoid jargon!�
Contact Time; Assessment; Students as Co-Creators; and Feedback. This will help students understand the expectations of the University and what they can expect to be delivered as part of their degree. - A pledge from both Universities that suitable student consultation, in partnership with FXU, becomes part of every stage of decisionmaking in relation to the student experience; specifically around areas such as course changes, new course developments and cessations.
FXunity - The Universities and FXU to identify more opportunities for cross-collaboration between students and staff from both institutions as an accredited part of their course. Ideally initial implementation to be at the beginning of the 2016/17 academic year. - The Universities to support FXU in the creation of opportunities to promote the variety of work students and staff are undertaking.
“I think there needs to be much better integration between the two student bodies‌this could help to achieve a collective identity among all the students.â€?
Mental Health Support “I feel that the lecturers should be more aware of mental health issues on their courses.�
- Begin to work towards all staff, including personal tutors, having sufficient mental health training in order to recognise the symptoms of poor mental health. Aiming for full implementation within the next 3 years and included as part of CPD (Continuing Professional Development). - Support FXU Nightline with a dedicated safe space and secured long term resources.
Financial Transparency - Falmouth University to continue to work with FXU to produce a ‘Hidden Course Costs’ document by December 2015. - University of Exeter to publish Postgrad Research (PGR)/ Postgrad Taught (PGT) specific course cost information and a fee transparency document for all courses by December 2015. Also written confirmation of the introduction of a cap on international fees on the point of entry and making incremental rises clear from the start. - Both Universities to annually publish, via the FXU website, information from their financially audited accounts that is accessible and student friendly.
“It is sometimes difficult to see where £9,000 each year is spent when extra things like field trips or materials are still very expensive.”
Sustainability - Universities and FX Plus to continue work with FXU in supporting long-term student-led sustainability initiatives on all campuses. - FX Plus to continue to support the annual sustainability internship and provide dedicated time (via FXU) to support student-led initiatives. - Work with students to increase user-friendly waste, recycling, and energy-reducing mechanisms in all student residences, including working with facility managers of leased accommodation.
“It would be great to develop sustainability driven projects.�
Facilities space and resources - A commitment that the Universities will work with students and FXU to ensure that changes to a specific course/studio/individual’s space does not have a negative impact on students, ensuring a continuously high student experience. Any changes to space will be effectively communicated to students at the earliest opportunity, outlining the rationale for change and how the Universities will mitigate against any negative impact. - A financial commitment to increase available individual/group study, social and non-commercial space as student numbers increase; in time for the next FX Plus budget. - Improve, utilise and provide access to suitable existing spaces for clubs, societies and student groups to use for student purposes. - All Student Staff Liaison Groups/ Committee meetings to have a standing agenda item that covers equipment/resources, so that students can feed into the group issues around their course facilities and resources.
“Improve facilities; get more study spaces in the library. The lab facilities are good but there is a shortage.�
Employability - Progress Falmouth University’s Creative Skills Exchange with inclusion of Cornwallbased Exeter students by September 2016. - Lobby FX Plus to pay student employees the national living wage, providing equal pay for all students regardless of age.
“[More] job opportunities for students within the University.”
- Both institutions, FXU and FX Plus to immediately identify any internal opportunities to offer students work experience as a means for furthering employability skills. - Work with Falmouth University to look at including the HEAR reports for graduating students ideally by 2016 graduations. - Encourage strong links between academic societies and equivalent Student Staff Liaison meetings to increase student involvement and opportunities, with a focus on creating stronger links with the careers teams.
key dates for your diary November 2015 Thursday 26th November Union General Meeting (UGM) 4-6pm, Chapel Lecture Theatre Penryn Campus
February 2016 Friday 19th February Annual General Meeting (AGM) - Election Special 4.30-6.30pm, Falmouth Lecture Theatre 1 Falmouth Campus
May 2016 Wednesday 25th May Union General Meeting (UGM) 4-6pm, Chapel Lecture Theatre Penryn Campus
Make a change New for this academic year is our ‘Make a Change’ web feature, where any student can submit an idea they would like to see happen or something they would like to change. This could include an activity, event, action, or campaign. If your idea gets enough support from fellow students, it will be taken to the FXU Student Council to be discussed and voted on. Then FXU do it! You can submit your ideas via the website and keep an eye on new ones that come up! Find out more at
What Do You Want To Improve? Please tell us what you think Falmouth University, the University of Exeter and FX Plus could improve upon‌
Please leave this form in the Priorities Box in the FXU office, thank you.
Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union Penryn Campus
Falmouth Campus
Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE 01326 255861
Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 4RH 01326 213742
Registered Charity Number 1145405 Designed by Bethany Hall