FXU Volunteering Handbook
CONTENTS About FXU Volunteering
Why Volunteer?
Who’s who at the FXU Office?
V Team Volunteering Scheme
Student Led Volunteer Projects
RAD (Raise and Donate)
Your rights and responsibilities as a volunteer
Training and support
Policies and Procedures
Recognition for your volunteering
Dealing with problems
Student Feedback
Resources and Equipment available from FXU
About FXU Volunteering
In comparison with other Students’ Unions, FXU is young. In 2014, we celebrate our 10 year anniversary, and things can only get bigger and better.
FXU has a vision that it will be commonplace for students to volunteer whilst they are studying in Cornwall and that the Universities and FXU should do everything we can to support, promote and develop student volunteering. We believe that volunteering promotes a close relationship between the university and local community.
FXU Volunteering is under the umbrella of FXU Community Action (Volunteering and RAD). As a volunteer department, our main aim has been to set up relationships with local organisations and projects, to enable you to get the volunteer experience that you would like. From long term project placements, to one-off taster sessions, we aim to make volunteering accessible to everyone. In 2015 we will be introducing a volunteering scheme, the V Team which is set to revolutionise FXU volunteering.
Our mission is to make volunteering accessible to all students. To empower you to develop and lead your own volunteering projects, access long term volunteering placements and one-off taster sessions. These projects will offer significant value to the local community and provide opportunity for you to enhance your employability.
Why Volunteer?
WHY VOLUNTEER? • Make a difference to other people’s lives and become part of the community • Build your confidence and self-esteem • Access training • Develop skills, enhance your employability and obtain a reference • Receive a certificate to recognize your contribution • Gain experiences that relate to your learning and personal development planning • Network with professionals from the voluntary sector • Make new friends • Do something you enjoy
Who’s who at the FXU Office? Community Action Coordinator – Kristy Wallace
FXU Community Action (Volunteering and RAD) is coordinated on a day to day basis by Kristy Wallace. It is her responsibility to ensure that all FXU volunteering activities are safe, well organised and that FXU Volunteering continues to grow and meet the needs of the students and community. Email: Volunteeringandrag@fxu.org.uk Tel: 01326 253631
President Community & Welfare – Catherine Thornhill
Along with a Welfare remit Catherine looks after a wide range of community engagement activities, and student volunteering is one of them. She represents you at the top level, in both universities, to make sure that resources within FXU are the best they possibly can be. Email: presidentwelfare@fxu.org.uk Tel: 01326 255861
Volunteering Executive Officer – Jenny Coomes
The Volunteer Officer role is undertaken by an elected student, part-time alongside their studies. Their main focus is the development of student volunteering, adding a fresh student perspective into the mix. They actively work with the student body and the community to seek new exciting opportunities that will get more students involved. Email: volunteeringofficer@fxu.org.uk
Project Leaders
FXU Volunteering is changing, it aims to provide more support to student groups/individuals looking to set up student-led volunteering projects. Each project has its own leader and in some cases a full committee. Contacts for these student-led projects can be found here.
V Team Volunteering Scheme
V TEAM VOLUNTEERING SCHEME The V Team is new for 2015, and is going to revolutionise your student volunteering experience at FXU. All student volunteers will be able to register with the scheme and gain access to many new tools. The Scheme is a way for us to offer you recognition for your contribution to volunteering in the community. You will be able to browse opportunities and sign up to a mailing list which can be tailored to your interests. You will also be able to log your volunteering hours, evaluate skills learnt and access training and support. All volunteers will be able to work toward a Bronze, Silver or Gold accreditation. For more information of the V Team click here.
Student Led Volunteer Projects
STUDENT LED VOLUNTEER PROJECTS Student-led Volunteering Projects are set up and run by students. They aim to create social communities around projects and also offer opportunity to get involved with a project on a regular basis, building up skills and responsibility. Projects such as these are much more valuable from an employment perspective than a one off participation, as they show commitment and dedication, and a lot more responsibility can be given.
Details of which can be found on the FXU Website and Facebook • Flicka Horse & Donkey Sanctuary Volunteering. • Animal welfare and care at the local Sanctuary based in Mabe. • Generation Wild School clubs for children with an environmental education focus.
SETTING UP YOUR OWN PROJECT If you are currently working on a project that you would like to open up to other students, or have a great idea for one, we are here to help. FXU can help with information and financial support (up to £150), to help you set up your project. To download an application form and to find out more click here or email volunteeringandrag@fxu.org.uk
• Woodlane Nursery Project Nursery play sessions including arts, crafts and outings.
FXU RAD (Raise & Donate)
FXU RAD (RAISE & DONATE) Every Students’ Union has a raise and giving (RAG) group, but down here in Cornwall we like to stand out, so welcome to FXU RAD! A valued part of FXU Volunteering, some students prefer to volunteer their time to fundraising for valuable, charitable causes. New for 2014-15, RAD enables students to come together and fundraise in all manner of interesting and fun ways. Your hours spent volunteering with RAD events can be added to the FXU Volunteering scheme, the V Team, where you can work towards a Bronze, Silver or Gold accreditation award. RAD events often include, endurance challenges, Raids, LOST, Cake Sales, Jail Breaks, Charity Challenges abroad, fancy dress and much more. You can join RAD in the societies section of the website here and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.
Supported by
Your rights & responsibilities as a volunteer
YOUR RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES AS A VOLUNTEER Thank you, first of all, for taking the time to volunteer with FXU. We understand that making the commitment to volunteer isn’t a decision that you will have made lightly, so we like to start off by clarifying what you can expect from FXU during your time as a volunteer and in turn, what we expect from you.
• A safe and well organised volunteer placement • A clear role description, advice, support and training • Clear policies and procedures to govern your voluntary work • The opportunity to take an active role in FXU Volunteering • For personal information to be treated confidentially and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 • To be treated fairly and in accordance with the FXU Equal Opportunities Policy • To be valued for the work that you do • Reimbursement for out of pocket expenses (by prior arrangement) • The right to complain
• To honour the commitment you have made to your volunteering placement • To respect policies and procedures • To keep the project informed of anything that may affect your volunteering • To give adequate notice if you are unable to attend or complete voluntary work or if you are going to be late • To tell someone if you are having a difficulty or problem with your work • To make every effort to attend training sessions • To carry out tasks in a way which reflects the aims and values of FXU and not bring its work into disrepute 17
Training & support
TRAINING & SUPPORT There are a number of training sessions on offer through FXU for volunteers; First Aid, Safeguarding and MIDAS (Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme) to name a few. Depending on the role you will be undertaking, you may require more specialist training. FXU Volunteering is here to help you find the training course most suitable for you.
In order to provide you with the support and skills that you need, FXU Volunteering put on a programme of training sessions. Some will be delivered by FXU or university Staff members, and some will be hosted by eternal bodies and will be certificated. The level of training required may vary depending on your work placement, to discuss your specific requirements, please pop into the FXU Office or email volunteeringandrag@fxu.org.uk to arrange a one-to–one meeting.
Your Project Leader is always there to listen to any concerns or comments you have regarding your volunteering. If you think that you are not getting the most from a project, or are concerned about the running of it, we are here to support
you and help to make those necessary improvements.
Once you have registered to the FXU V Team Scheme, you can keep a complete record of the training you complete, and keep a record of your skills evaluation. Your V Team profile will then act a virtual volunteering CV, showing your progress over time.
Your FXU Community Action Coordinator is happy to provide a reference to all volunteers. You should contact volunteeringandrag@fxu.org.uk to organise this when you are applying for jobs or other voluntary roles before passing on a referee’s details. 19
EXPENSES FXU encourage volunteers to claim out-of-pocket expenses. This will usually take the form of travel expenses to and from your place of volunteering and other miscellaneous expenses incurred throughout volunteer activities. Expenses can only be claimed, on the production of receipts if prior approval has been obtained from the Community Action Coordinator as the pot to support independent volunteers is limited. It is also worth asking your volunteer organisation as they may be in a position to provide some financial support to enable you to volunteer with them. If you have any queries about what you may be able to claim back please pop into the FXU Office or email volunteeringandrag@fxu.org.uk
Policies & Procedures
POLICIES & PROCEDURES FXU recognises that volunteers will have differing levels of experience with some of you volunteering for the very first time. We have therefore implemented a number of policies and procedures to ensure that you have a positive and rewarding volunteering experience. The policies aim to support and guide you during your voluntary work.
FXU Volunteer Service Level Agreement
Data Protection
An agreement between FXU Volunteering and the organisations wishing to recruit student volunteers, put in place to protect you and make sure that you get the most out of your volunteering experience.
FXU holds and processes information about students, partners and other volunteering data subjects. When handling such information, FXU must comply with the Data Protection Principles which are set out in the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act).
FXU Volunteer Policy 2014
This Volunteer Policy is designed to ensure that the time and enthusiasm given by volunteers, is recognised, supported and valued, and that the FXU volunteer and community engagement partnerships, benefits all parties.
FXU recognises that within the course of its activities, students may come into contact with children or vulnerable adults who are not members of the University. This policy has been put in place to give you guidance and to add protection to yourself. 23
Equal Opportunities Policy FXU’s commitment to promote equality of opportunity, and to eliminate any unlawful or unfair discrimination and harassment to any student wishing to take part in FXU Activities.
Criminal Disclosure Records If you are likely to have regular contact with children or vulnerable adults as a volunteer then you may be required to have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check (formerly known as CRB). This is a background check to ascertain whether you have any unspent criminal convictions. Every organisation that we work with will have a DBS Code of Practice which is relevant to their activities. If you have any unspent convictions please speak with the Community Action Coordinator who will be able to advise you on your chosen project’s policy. For more information about the DBS procedure click here.
Recognition for your volunteering
RECOGNITION FOR YOUR VOLUNTEERING As a volunteer organisation, we see the importance of recognition for the work that you do, and the skills that you have gain. This might be for personal benefit, or as a contribution to your future career path. At FXU, we think that you should have something to show for your volunteering and be able to shout about it. Through the FXU Volunteer Scheme, the V Team, you can log your hours, training and skills learnt, and work towards a Bronze, Silver or Gold accreditation award.
Bronze Award More than 10 hours
Silver Award More than 25 hours
Gold Award More than 50 hours
Do you know someone who goes the extra mile?
In addition to this, you can also nominate outstanding volunteers for an FXU Award, which will be presented at the prestigious VIP event held in May. To find out more about the FXU Award click here. 27
Dealing with problems
DEALING WITH PROBLEMS We hope that most problems can be dealt with and resolved informally through discussion with the FXU Community Action Coordinator or the FXU Activities Manager. In the interests of fairness and the protection of volunteers, staff and our service users, it is necessary to have procedures for dealing with problems, complaints or other difficult situations which cannot be resolved informally.
Problems with your volunteering placement If you are having any difficulty as a volunteer please discuss it with a member of the FXU team. While we advise all volunteers to be patient and give their activity a go for at least a few sessions, we want everyone to be happy. There are plenty of roles to choose from and we should be able to find something for everyone. So if it isn’t working out as you thought, please do let us know and we’ll do our very best to sort it out.
Complaints Procedure FXU would like our members and customers to be happy with our services. However, from time to time things may not happen as you expect, and you may wish to complain. The FXU Complaints Procedure can be found on the FXU website.
Where a complaint is made against a volunteer, the FXU Community Action Coordinator and/ or FXU Activities Manager will deal with the issue in the first instance. If the complaint is of a serious nature the volunteer may be requested to take leave until the issue has been resolved.
Student Feedback
STUDENT FEEDBACK We welcome feedback, in fact we love it. FXU is constantly seeking new ways to improve our services for our members, and to help us do this we welcome suggestions and feedback from everyone involved in our activities. Suggestions and feedback can be given anonymously and if this is the case we ensure our student’s anonymity is respected.
Resources and Equipment available from FXU ITEM
Collection buckets Litter picking equipment Gardening tools & gloves A range of sports equipment (inc balls, rounders set, stop watchets etc) Walkie talkies x6 Megaphone Go Pro (inc mounts) Digital camera Gazebos Folding tables Sound system High vis vests Display boards/A boards Flasks x6 First aid kits Minibuses x3
Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Refundable deposit Hire charge dependent on Student/Non Student and length of hire and fuel charges apply.