Page 1| Written and compiled by SRS members, ‘QUA’ (Have you news of… ?) is your source of news, views and informed opinion on all matters relating to and informed opinion on all matters relating to and about your hobby. September 4 Our “Burnt Fingers” evening is back!! Tuesday 1st November 2022 Extraordinary General Meeting Walthew House and Webex (7.30PM) Details to Follow Remember this scene back in February? Well, we’ve another planned for Tuesday the 27th September when the irons will be out once again. Always a popular event, Tony has raided Evan’s kitty and obtained some more kits which will be available during the evening for willing members to construct. Interested? Please see further details later in this edition of QUA.
Well WhilstdoneCovid is still with us, 2022 has been a busy year so far with:
Meeting Attendance Competition
Burnt Fingers Evening: Tuesday 27th of September Preceded by a Webex event on the 6th September, and following a successful evening earlier in 2022 some more kits have been secured for willing and interested members to construct during this
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The months of May through to July saw the society run a competition with the aim of attracting members to attend our Walthew House meetings, both Tuesdays and Sundays. Whilst we can’t report members coming out in their droves it was good to see a few familiar faces returning to the fold. At the end of July, the scores were totted up with the overall winner being Neil M6NAE, his trophy a clock made especially for the society by a rather talented and generous member.
Asevening.previously equipment will be provided, although you may bring your own and there will be mentorswhowill bepleased to lend a hand and provide guidance.
• Outdoor events meeting the public and local groups.
Editorial September already, the year is just flying by! Hello, and a very warm welcome to our newcomers and congratulations to all those who have successfully studied for and obtained their licence, and/or taken further steps up the ladder.
• Entries in NFD and IOTA contests as well as the big CQ WPX events.
Whilst we appreciate Covid is still with us, we ask that our members continue to support our Detailsactivities.of our programme is included in this edition and can also be found on our website with any updates notified through our Facebook pages and Google Groups email mailing list.
• Regular meetings, both Tuesdays and now Sundays at Walthew House.
• Attendance at the NARSA 2022 Rally.
• Active Facebook Group and YouTube video channel. With such activities it’s important to recognise the work put in by those members whose time and effort make them a success. We are keen to see our activities grow and hope our members will support us by joining in where possible by attending Walthew House for example, maybe helping at an event, or regularly join in a net. We are hearing stories of groups, not just like ours who are struggling through lack of involvement from members, in particular attending meetings.
• Online meetings and presentations via Webex • On air nets through the GB3MR repeater and 10 Metres as well as digitally via Zello.
8th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
AM/FM radio: 3 kits Bluetooth Speaker kit: 3 kits Airband Radio Receiver: 2 kits (A complex build) Whilst you are not obliged, a donation to the society to help cover the cost of the kits would be welcomed.
6th: Webex: Introduction to construction.
10th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
7th: Committee Meeting by Webex (7.15PM)
12th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
20th: Club Net via GB3MR (7.30PM)
25th: Social Evening at Walthew House
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17th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
13th: Club net via Zello (7.30pm)
14th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
27th: Club Net via GB3MR (7.30PM)
15th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
20th: Presentation Evening at Walthew House: AO 100 from the suburbs with Carsten G0SYP.
15th: Club Net via GB3MR (7.30PM)
27th: “Burnt Finger” Construction Evening at Walthew House 28th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
11th: Club net via Zello (7.30pm)
19th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
3rd: SRS Contest Group Review Meeting (7.15PM)
9th: Sunday at Walthew House (10.00am)
6th: Club Net via GB3MR (7.30PM)
22nd: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
4th: Online Social Event by Webex 5th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
8th: Club Net via GB3MR (7.30PM)
11th: Sunday at Walthew House (10.00am)
22nd: Club Net via GB3MR (7.30PM)
October 2022 Programme
21st: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
11th: 10 Metre Net 28.575MHz SSB (10.30am)
September 2022 Programme
18th: Presentation at Walthew House: Tory Island Dxpedition, the story!
9th: 10 Metre Net 28.575MHz SSB (10.30am)
13th: Club Net via GB3MR (7.30PM)
1st: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
The kits will be available on a first come first serve basis and to check availability and register your interest please contact our Chair Tony M0SAV by email ( or by telephone (07598 The892795).kitsavailable are as follows.
24th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
29th: CQ WW SSB Contest
7th: Teatime Morse Net on 3564KHz (4PM)
29th: Club Net via GB3MR (7.30PM)
We are always on the lookout for speakers who can deliver radio related presentations to the society either in person or through the Webex Ifsystem.youare aware of anyone who may fit the bill or indeed if you would be happy to speak about a radio topic of interest to you and which may interest others, please contact Evan M0TJU at any meeting or by email to Alternatively, a message can be left using our telephone number 07598 892795.
Online meetings have been a feature of society life for some time now and will continue to do so as whilst they are not a substitute for “in person” meetings they do allow us to spread our wings wider. Our programme includesa monthly“get together” online, usually the 1st Tuesday of the month being the date although July saw an additional meeting thanks to the very warm weather locally.
June: Introducing the Backpackers Contest Series. A popular series of 2 Metre contests run over five sessions during the summer. This evening was an introduction into VHF contesting, in particular the backpackers contests.
July: Introduction to IOTA Programme including Bouvet Island DX pedition update video by Cezar VE3LYC. With the month of July featuring the IOTA Contest, this evening featured a couple of YouTube videos which included well known IOTA activator Cezar VE3LYC.
July: Presentation at Walthew House "Going Portable with the Xeigu X6100 and the Alex Loop".
30th: CQ WW SSB Contest Subject to change, please follow our website, Google Group mailing list and social media platforms for up to date details.
The second, originally delivered to the CDXC gave an update as to preparations for the Bouvet Island DX pedition due to take place in 2023.
Webex Meeting Review
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Presentations we’ve been pleased to enjoy have been:
Thanks to the warm weather Evan M0TJU quickly turned his presentation due to be held at Walthew House into an online version which was well received by those present. Being summer many operators are “out portable” and it was interesting to see Evan’s explanation and description of his new Xeigu along with the Alex Loop. In August at the Avro Fair those present on the Sunday had an opportunity to see the pairing in action when
For more information and a Zello password please email or telephone 07598 892795.
• Locator: IO83XH
To cater for members with different interests our nets take place on various bands and modes. Presently arranged nets are as follows and there are a few changes this month.
• Teatime Morse at 4pm local (Wednesday & Saturday): 80 Metres CW (3.564MHz +/ ).
Account Name: Stockport Radio Society Club “on air” Nets
• 2nd Tuesday of month at 7.30pm local: Zello Net.
• Input Frequency: 434.950MHz
On air nets are an important feature of any radio society’s activities and we are no different.
GB3MR Repeater
Evan joined in the SRS 10 Metre Net, run by Slawek
• Thursday Weekly at 7.30pm local: 70 CMs via GB3MR Repeater
August: Presentation, Digital Modes (Dstar, C4FM, DMR, etc) the basics with Neil M6NAE and Andrew M7USL. Designated “Digital Month” Neil M6Nae delivered a couple of presentations describing the use of such applications as BlueDV and Peanut with the DVMega DV Stick 30. Neil’s presentations example contacts and proved to be an excellent introduction to this part of the hobby. For those who are interested, or maybe just curious, the presentations are available to view of the SRS YouTube channel which can be reached through our website or Facebook page. Any member not familiar accessing the system, or even if you are and would like a refresher, then we recommend viewing this video on YouTube. At the outset we chose the package best suited to meeting the needs of our members and whilst this is not a free service the cost of thepackage has not been passed on to members. However, in the same way members contribute when attending meetings at Walthew House, we would like to ask those joining us online consider making a donation to our funds to help meet the annual cost of the facility. Should you choose to do so, then please transfer your contribution directly to the society’s bank account quoting a reference of “Webex” followed by your callsign, e.g. “Webex G8SRS”, this will help our Bank:Treasurer.Barclays PLC. Sorting Code: 205377 Account number: 40346314
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• 2nd Sunday of month at 10.30am local: 10 Metres SSB (28.575MHz +/ QRM).
The repeater is located to the south of Stockport on high ground close to Lyme Park, Disley, an area known locally as Bowstones.
OnceM0SQJ.again, for those interested, or just curious Evan has made the presentation available which will short be accessible through our website.
• Output Frequency: 433.350MHz
The2022.Gateway will be connected to the NWFG repeater network each morning from 0700 0830 to join the Squirrel Net. On Tuesday evenings it will be connected to "SuesNet" from 1930 2130. Reception and coverage reports are most welcome either on air or by email. /G5HVH Events News
The park opened to the public at 8am with a steady stream of visitors many of whom stopped by to see what we had on offer prior to joining the queue to enter the show. Stopping by were members, radio/aviation enthusiasts and members of the public but particularly pleasing was the opportunity to “share and compare notes” with Geoff G0BJR, President of Oldham ARC and John G7OAI from our counterparts in Rochdale who were visitors to the event. We decamped around 4pm storing our gear in the adjacent training rooms in readiness for another early start on Sunday which came all too soon.
Teatime Morse with Bernard & Tom Please see below for further information.
• Days: Wednesday and Saturday unless specified. • Time: 4pm local time • Frequency: 3.564 MHz +/ QRM • Email:
A popular event on the SRS calendar, having missed out in February we were pleased to make a return visit to the aviation memorabilia fair taking place once again at the Runway Visitor Park, Manchester Airport. With many still tucked up in bed, Neil M6NAE and his co pilot Bill M0WDS, our advance party were knocking on the gates of the viewing park early on Saturday morning. Eventually just after 6.30am the gates swung open, and our event began. With the remainder of the team soon arriving, minus Evan apparently still in the land of nod, work began to erect and decorate the marquee which was complete in a jiffy.
FIRST SWITCH-ON from Saturday 3rd September
Sunday duly arrived with Neil and Bill once again leading the way but this time the weather had changed and whilst the sun shone for a time, the wind had picked up leading to some discussions regarding position of the marquee. After some time, the decision was made and work began to once again erect and dress our home for the next
• Teatime Morse library: Click Here RSGB Morse Code pages: Click Here • Jodrell Bank WebSDR: Click Here • PROPquest: Click Here • Webex Meeting ID: 181 492 2539 (Password: YourG8SRS)comments and signal reports are very welcome either on air, via email to the dedicated address (see above) or a message can be left using the society’s dedicated phone line 07598 892795. New Fusion Gateway looked after by our very own Colin G5HVH.
Page | CTCSS Code: 82.5Hz For more information about GB3MR, please visit
Tony M0SAV, Nigel M0VNL, Bill M0WBS, Neil M6NAE, Evan M0TJU and Nigel G0RXA. July 2022
Finally, for us we came away having secured good relations with the event organiser, The Aviation Society, other local charities attending(Bloodbikes and RNLI), Airliners Live, plus the representatives of two local radio clubs. Success indeed. We’re already looking forward to a return visit in February, in the meantime next on the agenda is the “Wings and Wheels” event down the road at Heritage Centre, Woodford and we look forward to seeing you there. In the meantime, thank you to all involved and those who visited.
As for the fair, well by all accounts this was another success with plans afoot for similar events in February and July 2023. Similar in setup to a radio rally, the event attracted traders and visitors from all over the country as well as overseas. All kinds of aviation memorabilia were on offer from logo’d sick bags and towels to aircraft windows turned into framed art. Of course, the big attraction was the event being held in the shadow or Concorde “Alpha Charlie” with at least one of our number, Evan M0TJU being unable to resist the temptation to take a tour on board.
Page 7| few hours. This time our numbers had been bolstered by the arrival of Evan M0TJU who’d been collected by Tony M0SAV and Nigel M0VNL.
In a replay of the day before once again we were pleased to welcome a steady stream of visitors, however, the weather was going to deal a blow with aregular streamof showersturningtoamore prolonged spell of rain which accompanied by a strengthening breeze made dismantling the marquee challenging. This was achieved and with the clock chiming 4pm we were on our way home with another successful event under our belts. The focus of this event was to interact with the public and visitors to thefair, however, there were opportunities to operate with Neil leading the way with his digital setup making a number of contacts on Saturday, then 2 Metres with the addition of a VHF/UHF mobile rig on Sunday.
Despite the varying weather conditions, the Runway Visitor Park was very busy with aviation enthusiasts from across the north adding to the local general public all there to watch the regular stream of aircraft movements. On Sunday, the attraction of two returning Premier League Football Teams using chartered aircraft, one a Boeing 747 “Jumbo Jet” added to the interest and no doubt numbers attending.
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Always a popular date in our calendar, the 2022 event would prove to be a very successful, and warm one for us.
Everything from setup to tear down went smoothly and we were pleased to welcome many visitors including club members, non members, past members, new and old licensees as well as members of the public all of whom were interested in what we had on show.
Bill M0WBS has kindly put together his thoughts on the weekend.
Overinterest.the two days I saw Neil M6NAE doing his thing on D star, C4FM and using Echolink to make contact with stations from Argentina. Panama, South Africa, and Brazil to name just a few. He made the most contacts as usual, but then I see him using the peanut app on the club’s PC working a station in Chicago using QO100. The team made good use of the TV monitor by displaying the positions of all the aircraft shown in the sky. We had lots of people approach us asking “where is the Lancaster bomber on the screen” and before we knew it the marquee was full of people tracking the planes due to go overhead at Avro. This as you would expect led to more interest in the Amateur Radio aspect of the event.
The centre pieces of the show were the daily fly pasts by the Avro Anson and Avro Lancaster, plus the onsite Vulcan which doubled as an amazing parasol in the very hot weather experienced over the two days.
Avro 2022 The thoughts of Bill M0WBS. Hi, from M0WBS de Bill, I would just like to say what a Fabulous, Wonderful, Great weekend I have just had with the Stockport Radio Society Events team. I have only been with the events team for a short time, but from all the events of which I have previously and recently been a part of, this weekend’sAvro WingsandWheels eventhastobe the best event I have had the pleasure of being a part of, this now great team have now got it running in a good manner.
The atmosphere was so relaxed whilst setting up the marquee, every member played their part in the roles each person took upon themselves to do. The events marquee was up and running in a very short time, it was seen that Nigel G0RXA had two Yaesu FT857’s and a Yaesu FT817 all stacked on top of each other just at the entrance of the marquee, one radio wason GB3MR and the others on various other air bands during the weekend’s Ievent.wasimpressed that Nigel had his arrow antenna in use and was working the satellites and had made a number of contacts with other stations with the use of his arrow antenna, people were stopping and asking a lot of questions. Also, it was great toseeEvanM0TJUwithhisportableHFradio with a magnetic loop antenna transmitting from under the nose of the Vulcan bomber in which again members of the public were showing great
Contest Group News
In the last few weeks, the results have been announced for a couple of this year’s events with our team scoring be announced was those of the RSGB National Field Day where we achieved 2nd place in the Low Power Assisted Section. Our final score was 554,224 from 1,017 valid QSO’s. Well done Carsten G0SYP and Dave G0LZL who did a sterling job, and of course the support crew. First place went to De Montfort University ARS scoring 619,563 points from 1,86 QSO’s with third place going to the “Windmill Contest Group” scoring 550,770 from 1,079 QSO’s. So, you can see the race for 2nd place was a close run thing.
Page 9| pleasurethemsmore.ofmorehavegroupIontotoItwasapleasureformeandtheothersoftheteamspeakwithpeopleofthepublicwhohadstoppedtosayhello,someofwhomwereinfacthamradiooperatorsthemselves(OldandNew),weevenhadaladycometothemarqueeanddoherdailydance,whichweallenjoyedandavisitfromagentlemanfromStockporttourismwhotookaphotooftheeventsteamandputitsocialmedia.wouldliketoaddanotethatthemembersofthehavechangedfrompreviouseventsthatIbeeninvolvedwith.ThenewgroupseemrelaxedandateasespeakingwithmembersthepublicandasaresultenjoyedthemselvesTheyalllaughedandjokedamongstelvesmakingtheweekendsogreatitwasatobepartoftheteamwhichnowcanbe called “a team”, what a pleasure. Please don’t change anything you have done over the weekend moving forward, keep the setup as you now have it, it really was a crowd stopper. Thank you to all involved, it will be my pleasure to see you all at and be part of the next event. Many thanks de Bill M0WBS 15th August 2022 Thank you, Bill, it's great to hear how much you enjoyed the event as did we all, however, I think our dance moves may need a bit of work before next year. Our thanks go to Tony M0SAV, Nigel M0VNL, Evan success.allM0TJU,BillM0WBS,NeilM6NAE,NigelG0RXAandthosewhovisitedustomaketheeventa
Contest/Station Details Date: 30th & 31st July 2022 Contest Callsign: G5O IOTA: EU Operators:005M5KJM, M1PTR, M0TJU, M0DCG, G0LZL, G0SYP and G6RSU Station Setup: Run 1 (primarily set for SSB): Yaesu FT5K with Heatherlite Linear. Antennas 20m and 15m monobanders plus 40m delta loop and 80m dipole.
Always a popular event in our calendar, in previous years the team would be looking to "go on their travels” and operate from some faraway place with the Orkney's, Rathlin Island and the very popular Arranmore featuring in recent years. However, with holidays and other commitments restricting the numbers available the decision was taken to enter the contest from our usual hilltop site at Common Barn Farm. Afterall, the UK is an island meaning the team would be operating from an island location. Manager for this event was Kieron M5KJM and with plans afoot construction of the antenna farm and station began in the week leading up to the event. The event passed by and whilst there were a few gremlins entering the system a score of 3,116,400 points was achieved from 725 CW and 589 SSB QSO's. This year added to the operating team was Roy G6RSUwhofulfilled avacantslotintherota.When asked for a comment on how he found his time in the hot seat Roy replied "Overwhelming"!! At the time of writing this piece 2,283 logs have been received for adjudication so it will be interesting to see where we finish.
Next to declare their results were the organisers of this year’s CQ WPX SSB Contest which took place over the final weekend in March. Once again, our team performed well securing 1st place in England in the Multi Two category, 9th place in Europe and 22nd in the World. The team scored 4,453,036 points from 2,195 QSO’s. Well done to all concerned. With a couple of good results in the bag and the outcome of the CW leg of the WPX events awaited it was on to the IOTA Contest over the last full weekend in July. Here’s a brief outline of the event followed by a more detailed overview by Evan M0TJU.
IOTA Contest 30th & 31st July 2022
As shown indicated by the graph below, showing the proportion of contacts on every band during each two hour block, 20 metres (14MHz) dominated the daylight hours, with 40m fighting out with 80 (3.5MHz) after dark. Being severely restricted by ionospheric absorption and a short skip distance while the Sun is up, 80 metres kicked in at about 2000UTC, peaked around UK midnight, and fizzled out at dawn on Sunday. As the Sun rose across Europe, 20 metres re emerged to take charge for the final segment of the contest, with 15 metres (21MHz) giving a helping hand. Ten metres finally made an appearance, mid morning, taking advantage of sporadic E (Es) hovering over western Europe. Es, a mainly summertime phenomenon that facilitates openings on the high HF bands (and even VHF), was disappointingly absent for most of the contest weekend, suppressing our QSO numbers on 15 and 10 metres as a consequence.
Common Barn ‘Staycation’ My Experience of the 2022 IOTA Contest with the SRS Contest Group by Evan Duffield M0TJU. After a hiatus of nearly two months, the SRS Contest Group was back in the fray at the end of July, with the IOTA (‘Islands on The Air’) contest on the 30th and 31st of that month. This particular event is, perhaps, the highlight of the Contest Group’s calendar, despite being only 24 hours long. (Each of the four annual ‘CQ’ contests that the group enters is 48 hours in length.) In recent years, the group has made its way to the Irish Republic/Northern Ireland islands, such as Rathlin (off NI) and Arranmore (County Donegal). The coronavirus put paid to such journeys forthe last three contests, unfortunately. Being on ‘boring old’ EU 005 (the IOTA reference for mainland Great Britain) doesn’t just mean the absence of the adventure of travelling ‘overseas’; the number of contacts that can be made goes down substantially when operating from an island containing plenty of active operators. On Arranmore, for instance, we would be one of a only a handful of stations on the particular set of islands called ‘Irish Coastal’, denoted by the reference EU 121. Folks wanting the EU 121 multiplier for each band plus mode combination, therefore, had little choice but to contact us. Consequently, the contest group’s operators would face numerous pile ups, with several stations replying to our CQ calls all at once. Despite the handicap of being on a populated island and being forced to compete for attention with numerous other EU 005 stations at least we were on an island. This enabled (non EU 005) stations that we worked to, each, get triple the points that it could from working a non island station. Combining that advantage with G5O being ‘loud’ (i.e. heard across a wide area of the globe) meant thatwe couldwork quiteabit oftraffic over contest weekend. Band conditions were of a ‘could’ve been better, could’ve been worse’ variety: the solar flux index registered about 100 over the end of July weekend (despite reaching over 170 a few weeks prior), making 10m (28 31MHz) quiet for most of contest period. Earth’s magnetic field was unstable, too, further restricting the higher HF bands and, ultimately, our score.
Run 2: Yaesu FT5K and Quadra linear with the TH6, along with 40m and 80m dipoles. The TH6 was supposedly set for mid band, primarily for CW but able to operate SSB.
Recent months has seen me actively assemble a library of publications which are of interest to the radio amateur.
• CQ WW SSB Contest: 29th & 30th October
Whilst there is no charge, members using the facility may wish to donate to society funds.
Alternatively, a 16GB USB storage device, kindly donated by ICOM UK can be provided with a £5 deposit. If the device is not returned, the deposit will be used to secure a replacement. My thanks go to, Icom UK, all those sources and
Stockport Radio Society Publication Library
Upcoming contests
As you may know the equipment used, rigs, linears, etc are all borrowed from the various operators notably Kieron M5KJM and Tom M0DCG. Recently, Kieron’s linear experienced an issue necessitatingatriptothe“rig doctor”which in this case was Ms Kay Pullen at the Electronic Repair Centre Ltd in Mirfield, West Yorkshire ( Well worth a look if you are in a similar situation.
A regular term used by the team is maintenance of the equipment especially the two 60ft telescopic masts as well as cables of all types. During the IOTA Contests problems were experienced with the steel cables and pulleys used when raising the masts leading to replacement of the steel cables. Also, one of the pulleys experienced some damage with replacements now being necessary.
73 de Evan M0TJU Maintenance
The continually expanding library in PDF format is available to members who can bring their own USB storage device to Walthew House and copy all, or the required publication(s).
IOTA, honestly, is not the easiest contest to participate in: island stations, such as ours, need to communicate both the serial number of the contact being made plus the IOTA reference and must accurately copy those details of the station being worked. So, well done to Roy G6RSU for making this event his first operational sortie with G5O. (Perhaps an ideal contest to do as a first timer is the ‘CQ World Wide DX SSB’, in late October, the exchange for which requires only the signal report always ‘599’ and the CQ zone of your QTH always ‘14’ if you’re based in the British Isles.) Plans for next year’s contest have yet to be made. A triumphant return to Arranmore is on the cards, perhaps….There will several factors to consider. With the sunspots on the rise and the contest being more popular than ever, 2023’s IOTA Contest promises to be an exciting one, whatever G5O’s QTH happens to be.
• CQ WW CW Contest: 26th & 27th November
Neil M6NAE Stockport Radio Society Funding Manager / Social Media.) SRS HF Ladder
For those not yet involved with the ladder and would like to, points are awarded for each different DXCC entity worked per band 160m through 6m. A worked DXCC is only counted once per band regardless of how many different modes are used to work the DXCC. Any mode can be used but contacts must be via RF propagation only. The competition runs from 00:00 hours 1st January until 23:59hrs 31st December and the overall winner is the recipient of the Jim Barlow G3VOU trophy. Recognition and a separate trophy is also awarded for the leading Foundation entrant.
Page13| organisations who have made publications available at no cost, notably Practical Wireless, and members donating books and publications from the likes of the ARRL, RSGB and Practical AsWireless.wellas books, the library presently holds copies of many popular periodicals such as Radcom, Practical Wireless, BATC CQ TV and Practical HeElectronics.rearesome examples of publications held in our library with new editions being added almost daily as they become available.
For afulllistofpublications available,and/or if you haveanypublicationsinPDFformat you would like to donate, please contact me.
please sign
M0TJU Secretary: Nigel
the current
Interim Committee
& 6
2022 Chair: Smithies Chair: Vacant Duffield Roscoe Members:Bernard
G0RXA (Acting) Committee
General Enquiries: Treasurer: Membership: Contesting: Teatime Morse: Postal Address Stockport Radio Society Walthew House 112 Shaw Heath SK2Stockport6QS Telephone: 07598 892795 Stockport Radio Society is an affiliated member of the RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain) and NARSA (Northern Amateur Radio Society Association) StockportRadioSociety1920 StockportRadioSociety1920 @G8SRS @SRSContestGroup
air Net Co ordinator:RoyAnstee G6RSU Contact
On emails:
Naylor G3SHF Kieron Murphy M5KJM Nigel Smithies M0VNL
To include your log in the HF Ladder up to Club Log then join the SRS club league. You can then upload your files from your logging programme throughout the year. You log in to club log to see the league table a quick way to view HF DXCC ladder scores is via the link
Ladder Guide.
Treasurer: Evan
M0SAV Vice