The twist in this year's annual April Fool's Issue?: Can you tell the real articles from the fake? Because we're not telling!
CHALLENGE T he New sl etter of the Gay Act iv is t Allian ce in Morris Cou n t y S e r v i ng New Jer sey’ s G LBTI Commu n it ies Con t in u ou s ly S in c e 1 9 7 2 V o lu m e 40 , I ssu e 3 , Ap ril 2 0 14
Join and Disrupt by Sherri Rase
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, as the old saying goes. This refers to the winds of change that blow weather-wise, but we can also say the same of the political climate. A most apt description for what's happening is "climate change" as we've seem some amazing lifeaffirming and life-altering positive change for the LGBTQ community, but more remains to be done. By you. By me. Activism in years gone by included picketing, as Barbara Gittings and Frank Kameny so famously did in Philadelphia in the shadow of Independence Hall. ACT-UP members laid down in front of buses to protest the lack of treatment and education for and about HIV/ AIDS in the earlier days of the epidemic. There have always been people who have written letters and lobbied their legislators. Now the 21st Century has brought us greater leverage and a greater voice. At the beginning of March, I attended a conference in Atlanta where the people who organize Pride celebrations of all sizes and descriptions converged on the W Hotel near Piedmont Park. The committees hailed from South Florida to Southern Maine and on the first morning we were addressed by Simone Bell. Ms. Bell is the first openly gay woman to be elected to any State Legislature in the country and she has the honor to serve the Atlanta area. She is a dynamic speaker and she made points that have always resonated with me. First, be a part of the conversation. You need to be at the table in order to make change.
Second (this pierced my activist heart), there are people presently at the table who do NOT want your voice to be heard. If these people will not let you be part of the conversation, then DISRUPT the conversation. What? Wait, I was brought up to be polite and mannerly and wait my turn to speak. Luckily I've overcome my upbringing and when Ms. Bell said that, another bell echoed in my head and heart. Whatever we need to do in order to be heard is what we need to do. Write letters. Call your representative to Congress and your state senators and assembly members. Better yet, visit them in their offices and make a warm contact. You'd be surprised how willing they are to meet you. You needn't "out" yourself if you're not ready, but make sure your voice is heard. Ms. Bell went on to say that she would never put her partner of 25 years and their family through what they had to endure as the family of a public figure if she did not believe in the change she was advocating. I was so inspired by her that I went up to shake her hand afterward and she looked in my eyes and reeled me in for a hug. That transfer of energy from Ms. Bell to me is my gift to New Jersey. Make this souvenir a living thing. Use this energy to join the conversation. Your voice is important. If there are those who will not permit you to be part of the conversation, the answer is simple. Disrupt. Disrupt. DISRUPT!
Inside Challenge Challenge Information .................................... page GAAMC Events.............................................. page What's happening at our Monday meetings Letters to the Editor...................................... page Bulletin Board.............................................. page This Month's Contributors............................... page Gleanings ................................................... page
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Q-munity Calendar........................................ page 6 How to Spend a Saturday in Michigan ................ page 8 On the Aisle: Theatre review .......................... page 9 Board Minutes for January 2014..................... page 10 Late Breaking Gleanings ................................ page 11 GAYMIX: the review that's just too too! ........... page 11 GAAMC Information ...................................... page 12
In Challenge Online Dancing to Architecture™ page 13, and Media Outage™ page 15 Challenge Online & In Color! @ *Click!*
Page 2 CHALLENGE Volume 40, Number 3 April 2014 ISSN 0277-1675 Staff Editor .....................Allen Neuner Assistant Editor ............. Bill Stella Advertising Manager ............. open Circulation Manager ............. open List Manager ............ Allen Neuner Submissions The deadline for all articles, inserts, and advertisements is the fifteenth of the previous month. All submissions must be provided as electronic files. Email submi ssions to Challenge @ Ad Rates Single issue: Full page, $125.00; Half page, $85.00; Quarter page, $45.00; Business card, $25.00. For multi-issue rates, contact the Editor at Challenge @ GAAMC members may place one free classified ad per month, of no more than 200 characters in length. Change of Address Please let us know your new address! All address changes should be sent to the List Manager at Challenge is © 2014 by the Gay Activist Alliance in Morris County, a 501(c)3 taxexempt not-for-profit corporation. All rights reserved. All articles reflect the views of the original contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of GAAMC, its officers, or executive board. All copyrights revert to the original contributors upon publication. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the contributor. All articles, contributions, and advertisements are printed at the discretion of the Editor and/or GAAMC Executive Board.
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GAAMC Events for March 2014 Discussion Groups
OpenTalk: A regular weekly discussion group, open to all. 7:00, in the Library. Moderators: Elias; Gordon (Apr 14, 28); Kerry (Apr 21); Liz (Apr 7); Sherri (Apr 14). Discussion group does not meet on Film Festival nights.
Main Events
All start at 8:00 unless otherwise noted. April 7: An Introduction to Induction Cooking Andy Skurna, one of GAAMC's resident chefs, takes over the Terrace Room for an introduction to the newest, fastest, and most energyefficient method of cooking — magnetic induction. He'll also share some basic techniques for making our time in the kitchen healthier, safer, and more efficient. We will learn how to make a one-pot vegetarian dish, which everyone will be invited to taste. April 12: GAAMC Outing — Act One at Lincoln Center Lance Roberts will take to the stage in his fifth Broadway show in three years, Act One, based on the autobiography of playwright/director Moss Hart. Tickets for the 2:00 performance will be sold through Meetup (using PayPal) and the Four Square Market online store. Orchestra seats are $105 each. After the show, there are tentative plans to meet at a local eatery, where Lance may join us before heading back to perform the evening show. Direct questions to Andy at April 14: Extended Women's/Men's Only Discussion Groups GAAMC's regular Open Talk groups are women and men mixed, sharing thoughts, points of view and more. Now and then there are separate common languages women share only with women and men only with men. This special evening is when GAAMC women and GAAMC men will each have a discussion group. Each gender can discuss issues and questions that pertain to health, philosophy, and life. April 15: Challenge Deadline Every GAAMC member is invited to submit content to our newsletter so we can keep it "The best damned newsletter in New Jersey!" All submissions go to the Editor, Allen, at April 21: The Role of Networking in Your Job Search Have you been searching for a job? Have you been hitting the internet and applying online only to find your paperwork disappearing into the online "black hole"? Learn from Len Resto's experience as he walks us through his job search successes and failures. Find out how to leverage your connections into a powerful network that will plug you into the job you want in a relatively short period of time. Don't miss out on this opportunity! April 28: Pastabilities! GAAMC's annual springtime fundraising event is where the Board of Trustees whip up some of their famously fabulous family favorites to share with members and guests. NOTE: Admission to tonight's event is $10 per person — no exceptions!
Coming next month! May 5: Perry-Oke! Join Perry Riff for an unforgettable evening of song! He'll be performing — and so will you! Perry is an expert karaoke singer and operator, and he invites you to share the joy of connecting with one another through song. Tune up those pipes, we're looking forward to hearing you! May 12: PrimeTimers PrimeTimers is an organization for men of experience that connects them to one another and some dazzling events. Be on hand when members of the North Jersey PrimeTimers talk about life, love, and what there is to do in New Jersey. This program is not only for men but for anyone who has male friends in the LGBT communities, so be sure to hear what PrimeTimers have to offer! NOTE: All events are subject to change without notice. Check at for up-to-date information on all upcoming events!
April 2014
Letters to the Editor [Editor's note: The following exchange was based on an objection to an illustration of a female leprechaun appearing in the March issue of Challenge, sent to the Editor. That letter, the Editor's response, and the letter writer's reply, follows. The Editor encourages readers to send him their comments on Challenge, both positive and negative.] Dear Allen, As I believe you know, I take a copy of Challenge to the Middlesex [County] NOW meeting every month. It gets passed around, and everyone seems to enjoy it. We are, after all, allies in the same struggle. This month, however, there is something with which we had to take issue. On the back page there is an ad for the St Patrick's Day Social that we found offensive. It is a rendering of a very buxom young woman wearing short shorts and a bustier that is very sexually provocative. It was the consensus of the group that pictures like this only perpetuate the sexual objectification of women, and that there might have been a number of other symbols that would have been just as appropriate (if not more so) to advertise this event. How about a shamrock, a shillelagh, or a Leprechaun? We acknowledge that there was no intent on the part of GAAMC to insult or offend women, but that it was simply an unconscious slip on the part of whoever was putting together the clip art for this newsletter. However, I as chapter president was tasked with the job of contacting you as newsletter editor, to convey our thoughts about this subject, and I am asking you to share my comments with the appropriate person/ persons. We can all use a little consciousness raising from time to time. For Equality, Skip Drumm, President Middlesex County NOW-NJ
Dear Skip, Thank you for your letter expressing your concerns with an illustration in the March issue of Challenge. Please be assured that the intent was not to cause offense. The editorial staff felt that the picture, while being more provocative than most that we run, was intended to provide humor and some "eye candy" for our lesbian readers. We at Challenge welcome feedback from all our readers, and appreciate receiving your insights on our work. I would like to include your letter in the April issue of Challenge. Do I have your permission to do so? Yours, Allen Neuner Editor, Challenge
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Dear Allen, Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. We live in such a sexist/heterosexist world that the most frequent response to such a letter is something like, "Where's your sense of humor?" Or worse, "Can't you take a joke?" However, to women, sexual objectification is not a joke, and it only feeds the rape culture we live in, which affects both men and women. Your response was very gratifying, and I would be honored if you chose to publish my letter (and this one too, if you wish). It is wonderful to have allies like GAAMC whom we can rely on for support and a respectful response. For Equality, Skip Drumm, President Middlesex County NOW-NJ
Bulletin Board Living Out Women and Trueselves invite everyone to attend The Butch Event, a day-long conference and evening of entertainment on Saturday, March 29th, at the Pride Center of New Jersey in Highland Park. The conference aims to cover all things butch: the meaning of "butch"; the differences between trans men and butch women; butch perspectives on femmes; and presenting as butch in public and in private, among many other topics. The conference runs from 1 pm to 6:15 pm, followed by dinner from 6:15 pm to 8 pm, including an open mic from 7:00 to 8:00. The evening is capped by comedic performances from Kelli Dunham and Joanne Filan. Write for more information. To order tickets, go to Join The Center in Asbury Park for an evening under the stars at their signature event of the year, Center a la Carte! May 16th is the date and 7 pm is the time to attend The Center's signature event of the year, with over 25 food vendors and beverage establishments, a fantastic gift auction, and DJ and dancing, held under their fabulous tent. Tickets are $125 per person, of $1000 for a table of ten, with all proceeds going to The Center's ongoing efforts to provide housing and other services to people with AIDS. For more information or to purchse tickets, go to
This Month's Contributors Gary Rimar, CISSP, lives in Bloomfield Hills, MI. He works in computer security, is a professional musician, and is an allaround nice guy. And he's single, too! You can contact him at Gary AT (page 8) Andy Skurna is the Webmaster of GAAMC. He served as GAAMC's Treasurer and three terms as President, and currently is Chairman of the Pride Guide Committee. (page 9) Bill Realman Stella writes Dancing To Architecture because writing about music is dancing to architecture. Bill hosted the eclectic pop music radio show Highest Common Denominator, and seeks sponsors to revive it. Bill's music obsessions began at age 4, when he'd ask his mom "Do they have a record?" each time a song came on the radio. The act of making a record good enough to share is still a small miracle. To have Bill write, DJ, or promote for you, contact bearealman AT gmail, and visit B i l l ' s o n l i n e ' z i n e s a n d b l o g s i t e h t t p : / / H o w To Comments, suggestions and fan mail are also welcome.
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Queer news from around the world U.S. District Court Judge Orlando Garcia struck down Texas's ban on marriage equality, adding to a string of similar rulings in other states. "Without a rational relation to a legitimate government purpose, state-imposed inequality can find no refuge in our United States Constitution,” said Judge Garcia, who issued an immediate stay of his ruling pending an appeal by state officials. (Austin AmericanStatesman, TX)
U.S. District Court Judge John Heyburn, who invalidated Kentucky's marriage ban, has followed up on that ruling by issuing a final order for the state to immediately recognize the validity of same-sex marriages performed outside the state, then placing a stay on that order. In the wake of Attorney General Jack Conway's (D) refusal to defend the ban, Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear (D) announced that he will hire outside counsel to appeal Judge Heyburn's decision. Beshear explained that he wanted Kentucky to be part of a national debate on the constitutionality of marriage bans and not to act independently. “These issues...will be and should be ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in order to bring finality and certainty to this matter,” he said. (CourierJournal, Louisville; Eight legally married same-sex couples in Florida initiated a lawsuit challenging the state's refusal to recognize their marriages. The lawsuit was filed in Tallahassee by the ACLU’s national and state affiliates as well as a Miami-based law firm. "There is no rational reason for the discrimination that Florida inflicts on married [same-sex] couples," Florida ACLU Executive Director Howard Simon said. A similar lawsuit challenging the state's marriage ban was filed in January. (USA Today) Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan announced that county clerks across the state can begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples immediately, despite the fact that the state’s marriage equality law does not take effect until June. The directive, which was announced in a letter to the Macon County clerk’s office, was intended to serve as guidance following a ruling by Federal Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman that Cook County, which includes Chicago, could begin issuing licenses, with other counties quickly following suit. (; Chicago Tribune) The Maryland Senate passed a bill that aims to protect transgender residents against discrimination in employment, housing, credit, and public accommodations. The bill now heads to the state House of Representatives. "Today marks a historic milestone in the continued fight to advance equal rights for all Marylanders," said the bill's sponsor,
April 2014
Democratic state Senator Rich Madaleno, who is the state's only openly gay senator. Governor Martin O'Malley (D), as well as the three Democratic candidates seeking to replace him, have indicated that they support the bill. (Metro Weekly, Washington, DC) An independent commission led by a former U.S. surgeon general and a retired rear admiral concluded in a recent study that the military lacks a compelling rationale for banning transgender people from military service. Completed by San Francisco State University’s Palm Center, the study said outdated Department of Defense guidelines are to blame for the ban, and suggested President Barack Obama could rescind the ban without approval from Congress. The ban is "an expensive, damaging and unfair barrier to health care access" for transgender troops, the commission said. After the report's release, the Pentagon indicated that it has no active plans to change its transgender policy. (ABC News) In California, a coalition of organizations seeking to repeal a new transgender students' rights law failed to gather enough signatures to place the measure before voters in November, according to the secretary of state's office. The Privacy for All Students coalition fell roughly 17,000 signatures short of the 504,760 needed to force a public vote. "The forces of discrimination tried to go after California's LGBT young people, and it's a sign of our progress that they fell short of their goal," Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin said in statement. Privacy for All Students said it plans to challenge the secretary of state's ruling. (Los Angeles Times) Washington, DC Mayor Vincent Gray announced a series of actions designed to protect transgender residents from health insurance discrimination, including a mandate that health plans cover gender reassignment surgery. "This action places the District at the forefront of advancing the rights of transgender individuals," Gray said in a statement. (Washington Blade)
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Two groups of researchers working with an experimental antiretroviral injection found 100% protection in monkeys treated with the drug. Evidence from the trials suggests that the drug maintains its effectiveness even when used once every three months, reducing the problem of patients failing to take daily doses. A preliminary study with human subjects is set to begin later this year at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Larger trials remain years away, but the finding could represent a major breakthrough in HIV prevention. (The New York Times) U.S. District Court Judge Aleta Trauger issued an injunction ordering Tennessee to recognize the marriages of three samesex couples. In a 20-page order, Judge Trauger expressed her belief that the plaintiffs would succeed in their lawsuit challenging the state's ban on same-sex marriage. Judge Trauger, responding to state officials, refused to stay her decision, insisting that Tennessee must recognize same-sex marriages while an appeal works its way through the court system. (Washington Blade; Republican activists and officials at the annual Dorchester Conference in Oregon urged the party to shift its stance on marriage equality. With two lawsuits filed to overturn the state's same-sex marriage ban and a voter referendum on the issue moving forward, some Republicans say the issue threatens to make the GOP irrelevant in the state. Activists in attendance voted 233-162 to support marriage equality. "The government should get out of the business of telling me who I can love and who I should marry," said Kirk Maag, a gay Republican attendee from Portland. (The Register-Guard, Eugene, OR) A lawsuit filed by four same-sex couples and the group Wyoming Equality seeks to overturn the state's ban on marriage equality and compel the state to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. "Wyoming has a proud history (continued on page 8)
KEVIN P. SUSZKO, PC Certified Public Accountant
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April 2014 Q-munity Calend ar Recurri n g Con t act I n form at i on
* Hackensack Peer Support Groups: 800-508-7577; † Pride Center, Highland Park: 732-846-2232; ‡ Hudson Pride Connections Center: 201-963-4779; λ LGBT Center Rainbow Lounge, Princeton: ♦ North Jersey PrimeTimers: Every Sunday 10:45 am - MCC of Christ the Liberator, Highland Park; tombohache10 @ Noon - St. Francis of Assisi Church, Glen Ridge; 973-731-7765; 2:30 pm - Liberation in Truth Unity Fellowship Church, Newark; 973-621-2100 5:30 pm - Central Jersey Rainbows Bowling League, Bradley Beach; CJRBowling @ 7:00 pm - Chapter 9 - Couples in Recovery, Highland Park † Every Monday 10:30 am - The Wellness Community, Newark; 973-565-0300; info @ 7:00 pm - GAAMC, Morris Township (see page 2) 7:00 pm - Bowling, Union; merenl @ 7:00 pm - S.E.L.F. HIV Men’s support group, Hackensack * 7:30 pm - New Jersey Gay Men’s Chorus choir practice, Princeton; 609-396-7774; 7:30 pm - Overeaters Anonymous, Highland Park † 8:00 pm - Bowling, Green Brook; qcrollers @ Every Tuesday 12:30 pm - The Wellness Community, Newark; 973-565-0300; info 4:00 pm - Treatment Adherence Support Group, Jersey City; 201-432-1134; info 6:30 pm - TransView, Jersey City ‡ 7:00 pm - NA Group, Jersey City ‡ 7:30 pm - Tuesday Night Lesbian Connection, Bound Brook; 908-791-3764 7:30 pm - Men’s HIV support group, Asbury Park; 732-7755084; apstillpoz @ 7:30 pm - Positive Yoga, Oradell * 8:45 pm - Bowling, Belleville; 973-256-5936; NJGLB @ 9:00 pm - Bowling, Jersey City; 201-933-6028; JoeyNJ @ 9:15 pm - Bowling, Edison; 732-548-4550; cnjgbl @ 01 Tue 6:00 pm - Gay Pride Business Network, New Brunswick; 7:30 pm - LGBT Fellowship, Belleville; 973-751-0616 7:30 pm - ComeOUT & Play, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - NJ Women Coming Out Support, Highland Park † 02 Wed Noon - "Trans at Princeton", Princeton λ 4:30 pm - "The Extraordinary Religiosity of Second-Generation Asian American Muslims and Evangelical Christians", Princeton λ 4:30 pm - "The Transgender Child and Changes in the Self", Princeton λ 7:30 pm - Gay Dad’s discussion group, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - Jersey Boys of Leather, Highland Park † 03 Thu 5:30 pm - Breast Cancer Education, Jersey City ‡ 7:00 pm - Coffee Night, Edison; 7:30 pm - PCNJ Marketing Committee, Highland Park † 04 Fri 9:00 am - National Crime Victims' Rights Day, Jersey City ‡ 1:30 pm - "Active Allyship: Exploring Feminism through Contemplative Practice", Princeton λ
Every Wednesday 10:30 am - The Wellness Community, Jersey City; 201-432-1134; info 2:30 pm - RU Pride, Newark; 973-353-5716 6:00 pm - Positive People peer support group, Hackensack * 6:00 pm - SAGE, Jersey City ‡ 7:30 pm - Men’s Living Out group, Highland Park; njwarrior @ † 7:30 pm - Gay Men’s Coming Out group, Highland Park; † Every Thursday 6:00 pm - Our Youth weekly support group, Jersey City; 6:00 pm - Ties Like Mine, Jersey City ‡ 6:00 pm - JC LGBT Fitness Explosion, Jersey City ‡ 6:30 pm - Double Jeopardy peer support group, Hackensack * 6:30 pm - Hudson Men of Pride, Jersey City ‡ 7:00 pm - Sexual Assault Survivor Support, Princeton; 7:30 pm - Rainbows on Cleveland Street, Orange; 973-256-5936; rbowsoncleveland @ 7:30 pm - Writers group, Highland Park † Every Friday 3:00 pm - Youth Connect, Jersey City ‡ Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm - HIV testing, Morristown; 973-889-6802 9:00 am to 1:00 pm - HIV testing, Asbury Park; 800-947-0020 10:00 am to 5:00 pm - HiTOPS Health Center, Princeton;; 609-683-5155 x 211
7:00 pm - Positive Women peer support group, Hackensack * 8:00 pm - Karaoke, Highland Park † 05 Sat 2:30 pm - First and Third for GLBTI youth, Princeton; 609-683-5155; 1:00 pm - Male Erotic Art Exhibit/Sale, Highland Park † 8:00 pm - Rent, Princeton λ 06 Sun 1:00 pm - Program Planning, 2:00 pm - Central NJ Rope Share, Highland Park † 4:00 pm - Dignity Metro NJ Mass, Maplewood; 973-509-0118; Dignitymetronj @ 4:30 pm - Dance Master Class in Ballet Technique, Princeton λ 6:30 pm - Gay Men’s Opera Club; 732-249-9034; hagol @ 07 Mon 7:00 pm - Support Group for Lesbians with Cancer, New Brunswick; 732-235-6781; slirzero @ 7:00 pm - Lesbian Hot Topics, Ocean; schiffman @ 08 Tue 7:30 pm - Pride Center Board Meeting, Highland Park † 8:00 pm - Men's Social, Highland Park †
April 2014 09 Wed Noon - "LGBT and Human Rights in Africa", Princeton λ 3:00 pm - Driving range, Willowbrook ♦ 5:00 pm - Out on the Town, Princeton λ 7:30 am - Living Out Women, Highland Park † 6:00 pm - Gay Pride Business Network, Asbury Park; www. 6:30 pm - North Jersey Prime Timers' monthly meet-up, Little Falls ♦ 10 Thu 7:00 pm - Qspot Book Club, Point Pleasant; outdoorgirl @ 7:00 pm - Under the Rainbow, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - PFLAG of North Jersey, South Orange; 908-789-7489; pflagwaver @ 7:30 pm - Alternate Thursdays, Montclair; kjdinkin @ 7:30 pm - Kollege of Kink, Highland Park † 8:00 pm - Booked for Supper, Highland Park †
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Queering the Thesis, Princeton λ Positive Women peer support group, Hackensack * Take Back the Night, Princeton λ Dignity New Brunswick social; 732-968-9263; dignitynb @ 8:00 pm - Out of the Box open mic night, Highland Park (Sign-up begins 7:30); outoftheboxinfo @ 19 Sat 2:30 pm - First and Third for GLBTI youth, Princeton; 609-683-5155; 7:00 pm - Rainbow Bowling, Bradley Beach; 732-774-4540 7:00 pm - NJ Gay Film Society & Potluck Dinner Club, location TBA; gayfilms @ 7:30 pm - Diversity Game Night, Highland Park † 20 Sun 4:00 pm - Dignity Metro NJ Mass, Maplewood; 973-509-0118; Dignitymetronj @ 4:00 pm - TrueSelves trans support group, Highland Park †
11 Fri 2:00 pm - "Active Allyship: Disrupting Racism", Princeton λ 7:30 pm - Rock Band/Guitar Hero, Highland Park † 8:00 pm - Joey Arias and Sherry Vine, New Hope, PA ♦
21 Mon 4:30 pm - Young Men's Social Network, Highland Park † 7:00 pm - Support Group for Lesbians with Cancer, New Brunswick; 732-235-6781; slirzero @ 7:00 pm - Lesbian Hot Topics, Ocean; schiffman @
12 Sat 12:30 pm - IPG Gender Spectrum Support Group for Youth & Parents, Jersey City ‡ 1:00 pm - Youth Drop-In, Highland Park † 1:00 pm - Women of Pride, Jersey City ‡ 4:00 pm - Breast Cancer Education, Jersey City ‡ 7:00 pm - Men's Movie Night, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - Dignity New Brunswick gay Catholic liturgy; 732-968-9263; dignitynb @
22 Tue 3:30 pm - Drop-in Hours, McCosh Medical Center, Princeton λ 4:30 pm - Lecture with Alison Bechdel, Princeton λ 7:00 pm - Bisexual, Bi-curious, and Allies Support Group, Highland Park † 7:00 pm - Stonewall Democrats, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - Yoga for Men, Highland Park † 8:00 pm - Men's Social, Highland Park †
13 Sun 6:00 pm - Gay Men’s Classical Song Club, Kingston; pbrown02 @ 14 Mon Noon - Queer Seder, Princeton λ 6:30 pm - HIV Testing, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - PFLAG of Morris County, Mendham; 973-727-5288; pflag.morris @ 7:30 pm - PFLAG, Princeton; 609-663-5155; 15 Tue 7:00 pm - ComeOUT & Play, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - Lesbian Alliance of Princeton; 609-924-8174; Loisj @ 7:30 pm - PFLAG of Hunterdon County, Flemington; 908-752-1370; pflaghc @ 7:30 pm - Caregiver Support Group, Highland Park † 8:00 pm - PFLAG of Bergen County, Paramus; 201-287-0318; 8:00 pm - NJ Women, Secaucus; info @ 16 Wed 4:30 pm - Reading Series with poet D.A. Powell, Princeton λ 7:30 pm - United in Grace discussion/support group, Jersey City; 201-946-0650; greg.perez @ 8:30 pm - Bowling, Boonton ♦ 17 Thu 6:00 pm - New Volunteer Orientation, Jersey City ‡ 7:00 pm - GAAMC board meeting, Morristown All GAAMC members are invited to attend. 7:00 pm - GLSEN Training, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - NJ Women Coming Out Support Group, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - PFLAG of Northwest NJ, Sparta; 973-729-9909 7:30 pm - Volunteer Group Meeting, Jersey City ‡ 7:30 pm - NJ Women Coming Out Support, Highland Park †
23 Wed Noon - "Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Children", Princeton λ 7:30 pm - Board Meeting, Edison; 7:30 am - Living Out Women, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - "Lesbian Mermaids, Occult Melodramas, and West African Video-Film", Princeton λ 24 Thu 6:00 pm - Dinner, Fair Lawn ♦ 7:00 pm - Under the Rainbow, Highland Park † 25 Fri 5:00 pm - Class of 2014 Happy Hour, Princeton λ 7:30 pm - Living Soulfully, Highland Park † 8:00 pm - Shabbat Service, Edison; 26 Sat Noon - Reimagining Princeton, Princeton λ 1:00 pm - Youth Drop-In, Highland Park † 1:00 pm - Women of Pride, Jersey City ‡ 7:00 pm - Gay Bowling, Asbury Lanes, Asbury Park; 732-776-6160 27 Sun 3:00 pm - The Lavender Cinema Club, Highland Park † 28 Mon 6:30 pm - Dinner, Wayne ♦ 29 Tue 6:00 pm - Gay Pride Business Network, Asbury Park; www. 7:00 pm - Discussion, India's recriminalization of homosexuality, Princeton λ 30 Wed 4:30 pm -" A Conversation on Queer Studies and Asian-American Studies", Princeton λ
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(continued from page 5) of being the Equality State, and its refusal to allow same-sex couples to marry is contrary to the core values of our state," said Jeran Artery, chairman of Wyoming Equality. ( Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) announced that she has vetoed a bill that would have allowed businesses and individuals to refuse services based on their religious beliefs. "I sincerely believe that Senate Bill 1062 has the potential to create more problems than it purports to solve. It could divide Arizona in ways we cannot even imagine and no one
would ever want," Brewer said. Brewer's veto follows days of criticism of the bill from LGBT advocates. (CNN) Insurance companies that provide coverage to heterosexual married couples must offer identical policies to same-sex spouses, regardless of whether couples' states of residency recognize marriage equality, according to guidance released last week by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The policy is informed by last June's Supreme Court ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act, wrote Matthew Heinz, the director of LGBT outreach at HHS. (Washington Blade)
How to Spend a Saturday in Michigan by Gary Rimar
[Editor's note: Gary Rimar is a professional musician; a member of Mensa, where in 2010 he was the first out gay man to win the Mr. Mensa title; and, I'm happy to say, a good friend of mine. He posted the following on Facebook on March 22nd, the first day that same-sex marriage was legal in Michigan, and I enjoyed it so much that I decided to squeeze it into the April issue of Challenge. Gary is a jokester and a punster, but this is just what I would have expected him to do. He's that kind of guy.] I had an awesome day. Yesterday I received my professional melodica. It isn't perfect, and I may have to send it in for service, but it worked well enough for today. This morning I woke up, not knowing what I would do today, and got inspired. I put on a music tie and drove myself to the court house. If people are getting married, they deserve music. Since they didn't have time to plan, I didn't have time to charge. I played music for the first Jewish legal same gender marriage in the state. Afterward, I said. "Thank you rabbi," and she said. "Thank you Gary." Jennifer Tisdale Kaluzny, you are a class act, and it impressed people that you addressed me by my first name. From there I went to playing wedding processional music for those walking down the hall, and played recessional music for those as they were married and again when they left. To see their smiles and their beauty was a great gift to me. With the last group, I asked to be a witness instead. I wanted my name behind these weddings. We compromised: I was to be a witness, but the clerk still wanted wedding music. I was asked if I worked for the county. I was hugged. And I made the news. Most important, I helped special people enjoy their special day. My music has blessed me more than I can say.
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed into law a bill that will impose strict penalties on homosexuality, including a life sentence for anyone found guilty of a same-sex relationship. Museveni said last week that scientists have failed to produce evidence contradicting the idea that homosexuality is a "lifestyle choice." U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called the development "a tragic day for Uganda and for all who care about the cause of human rights" and said that the U.S. would reconsider its relationship to Uganda in light of the law. (Reuters) Queen Elizabeth II officially approved Scotland’s marriage equality law, a move which will allow same-sex couples there to marry by the end of the year. Earlier in the month, the British monarch for the first time publicly acknowledged the LGBT community, issuing a congratulatory statement to the London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard on its 40th anniversary. (Gay Star News) Pope Francis called on Catholic leaders to explore the possibility of tolerance for same-sex civil unions in situations where couples' economic and health security is at stake. "We have to look at the different cases and evaluate them in their variety," the pontiff said In an interview with Italian newspaper Corriere delle Sera. Contrary to initial reports, Francis stopped short of saying that the Vatican should endorse civil unions outright. ( Guinness USA announced that it had dropped its support of New York City's St. Patrick's Day parade over restrictions on openly LGBT participants, along with similar moves by Heineken. From a Guinness press release: "We were hopeful that the policy of exclusion would be reversed for this year's parade. As this has not come to pass, Guinness has withdrawn its participation." Stonewall Inn and other gay bars in the city had threatened to stop serving Guinness if the sponsorship continued. Also, Mayor Bill DeBlasio declined to march in the parade. In Boston, similar concerns led the Boston Beer Company, makers of Samuel Adams, to withdraw its sponsorship of the city's parade, and Mayor Marty Walsh chose to forgo the celebration. (The New York Times; The Boston Globe)
For More on Michigan Marriage Equality and Other Stories, See Late-Breaking Gleanings on Page 11
April 2014
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On the Aisle
Review: Rocky, by Andy Skurna I had the privilege to see Rocky on Broadway on Monday, March 3rd, while still in previews. “Previews” is the period during which producers and directors have the opportunity to make changes before the press can officially release their reviews. That is why I am sharing this in April’s Challenge, and not online. Though I am by no means a professional critic, I have seen more than a few productions over the past three years and I don’t want to break any rules, even if they don’t technically apply to me.
First is the young and beautiful Margo Seibert (HBO's Boardwalk Empire), making her Broadway debut as Adrian. Rarely has anyone portrayed a character's growth from shrinking violet to hot-house rose with more subtly and strength. In her first scenes you will want to protect her, but somewhere along the way she’ll have that little voice in your head yelling, “All right! You go girl!” Ms. Seibert is a vocal powerhouse who beautifully emotes, without a trace of the nasal whine that normally floods the Great White Way.
I have to begin with a short disclaimer. I HATED the movie “Rocky.” I couldn't stand the over-the-top stereotypical Philly accents. The sweaty, grimy setting is nothing I ever want to experience. And I have never liked any project Sylvester Stallone has ever touched. The beginning of the first act of this musical (please use the term "musical" loosely...VERY loosely) is torture. Rapid set changes, more “Yo Adrian's” than anyone should have to endure in a lifetime; it’s very dark and dismal. It was so bad that several people got up and left during intermission. (Remember, I saw it when it was still in previews, so it wasn’t “finished” yet.)
Second is Broadway veteran Dakin Matthews, who is terrific as Mickey, Rocky's trainer. He manages to really piss you off during the first act, only to win your heart in the second act. I thoroughly enjoyed how his gravelly abrasiveness is slowly replaced with loyalty, empathy and booming passion.
But, then, the second act! It opens with mind-blowing dazzle: spotlights, rhinestones, pomp, ceremony, and thunderous orchestrations. It is during the second act you realize that the lead, Andy Karl, really can sing…and sounds like a MAN, a rocker even, when given the chance. Act two opens with a bang and continually escalates with emotion, pop and sizzle, building to the big fight. The choreographed fights and special effects were pretty darned amazing. There are two stars in this show, but neither plays Rocky nor Apollo (Terence Archie).
"Time To Start Prioritizing LGBTQ Youth" The Forty to None Project, a program of the True Colors Fund:
Rocky theme song.
If you are trying to get a straight guy to take you to Broadway, this is the ticket to get. Just don't call it a musical, because that will probably just frighten him...besides, it hasn’t earned the right to call itself that. You and he will forget the music before you leave the theater, with the possible exceptions of “Eye of the Tiger” and “Gonna Fly Now,” the
If you are trying to get a gay man to take you to Broadway, this may be the ticket to get. There is plenty of eye candy in the first act to get to you hang around to the even sweeter second helping…I mean act, the second act (of course). I haven't seen many Broadway productions this season. But, so far this gets my Tony vote in several categories. I hope they can inject a little more life into the first act before opening night, so more people can endure it long enough to enjoy the second act. At press time, Rocky, which opened March 13th, is playing at the Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway between 50th and 51st Streets.
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Minutes of the GAAMC Board of Trustees Meeting, February 20, 2014 Attendance Voting Trustees: DeLeeuw, Grifone, Gygax, Kennedy, Lucek, Rase, Schaublin, Slicer, Suiter Non-Voting Attendees: Andy Skurna The meeting began at 7:00 pm. I. Adoption of minutes: The minutes of the January meeting were approved unanimously (moved, Grifone; seconded, Suiter). II.Old Business: None. III.New Business: GAAMC Outings, Act One: Scheduled for Saturday, April 12 at Lincoln Center Theatre. A 12-person minimum is needed to get reduced pricing. A flyer has been placed in DropBox. A cross-promotion with Alternate Thursdays is being considered. Motion to pursue this outing passed unanimously (moved Kennedy, seconded DeLeeuw). Make MeetUp Happen: Sherri encouraged all Board members to participate. Board Communication Chain: Sherri requested she be told directly of any absentees or other important facts. She will send out alerts if a Board Meeting is cancelled. IV. Reports: President: Sherri Rase — Written report on file. Treasurer: John DeLeeuw — Written report on file. Andy announced QuickBooks has been installed on John's PC. $1440 in uncollected accounts payable from the prior year have been credited out of the books; two Challenge ads are still on the accounts payable books. The checking account has a very low balance. Challenge: Allen Neuner — Written report on file. Options were discussed regarding the donation made by Bob Verbrugge; no decisions were reached. Webmaster: Andy Skurna — Written report on file. MagicJack telephony solution was discussed; a vote on paying for a long term contract was postponed. Sherri discussed using Tweetcaster to send out periodic timed tweets. Programs: Sherri Rase — Written report on file. Discussion Group Resources: Gordon Sauer — Written report on file. V. Save These Dates: February 24th, Marsha and Louise; March 3rd, Film Festival, Victor/ Victoria; March 17th, St. Patrick pot luck; March 20th, next Board Meeting; March 24th,
Hyacinth visit; March 31st, NJ Leather Family VI. Ideas & Suggestions: The following program suggestions were made: April 21st, Perry-oke; May 5th, a political discussion to be arranged by Frank; May 12th, a PrimeTimers meeting to be arranged by Marty; June 9th, "Cooking with Liz", an intro to slicing and dicing. Rich also mentioned a Bergen County Alien Abduction Group. VII. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn passed unanimously (moved, Kennedy; seconded, Suiter) The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
April 2014
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Late Breaking Gleanings The Congressional Black Caucus sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry urging that U.S. embassies “protect individuals endangered by anti-gay laws.” Signed by 41 members, the letter says laws such as those passed in Uganda and Nigeria “not only violate human rights, they endanger lives and undermine public health….” The Caucus called on the Obama Administration to reassess its relationship with the "at least 78 countries [that] have penalties for adult consensual sexual conduct", to “reprogram assistance” away from "governments that support discriminatory laws", and help "protect individual endangered by anti-LGBT laws". ( Chicago LGBT activist Vernita Gray has died at the age of 65. Gray and wife Pat Ewert were the first same-sex couple to marry legally in Illinois after a federal judge ruled that they could get a marriage license before the state's marriage equality law goes into effect this June, in consideration of Gray's ailing health as a result of breast cancer. The two married last November. Gray had been a pioneer in the Chicago LGBT community, setting up a hotline in her home in 1970, and writing for the Lavender Woman newspaper. She also worked on her own writing and poetry, eventually releasing the chapbook Sweet Sixteen. She called herself a hippie, and often signed her work with the final word "Peace." (Windy City Times; U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman ruled that Michigan's prohibition of same-sex marriage violates the Equal Protection clause in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, and ordered the state to stop enforcing the ban. Republican state
Attorney General Bill Schuette filed an emergency request for Friedman's order to be stayed and appealed. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the ban to stay in place at least through Wednesday until it could make a more reasoned consideration of Schuette's motion. At press time, over 300 same-sex marriages, legal the day before the stay, are in legal limbo and may not be recognized by the state, though the federal government will. "Music for marriage: As couples prepared to get married after receiving their licenses at the Oakland County Courthouse, many of them walked past a lone man playing "Here Comes the Bride" on a melodica, a cross between an accordion and a harmonica. 'It just seemed like the perfect instrument to bring,' said Gary Rimar of Bloomfield Hills. 'I'm absolutely happy to be able to give people wedding music on their wedding. Straight couples have it, why shouldn't we? ' " (See page 8 for more on Gary's story.) (CNN; Los Angeles Times; Detroit Free Press) Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum stated in a court filing that the state was prepared to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples should a federal judge declare the state's marriage equality ban unconstitutional. Rosenblum announced previously that she would not defend the ban on behalf of the state. (The Oregonian, Portland) The Portuguese Parliament voted down a provisional "coparenting" bill that would have granted same-sex couples the right to adopt the children of their partners. The bill was rejected by a narrow center-right majority of the coalition government of Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, on a vote of 112 to 107. (Portuguese American Journal)
G AY M I X b y DJ MC M ack G
thumpatthumpathumpathumpabootsnpantsnbootsnpantsnthumpathumpathumpathumpabootsnpantsnbootsnpantsnbootsnpantsnbootsn thumpatthumpathumpathumpabootsnpantsnbootsnpantsnthumpa
FIRST: A big, big, BIG smooch <*"MWHAH!"*> to fav fan boy Michel, who trendingly-tweets: "That was a hell of a column! At last someone can spin it like a 12-inch! You sure know how to write and who to write about! No doubt those "Top 8 NJ DJs" NEEDED the recognition they weren't getting from all those dance floor zombies." My humble thanks, and a hairy tip o' my bro-rim — And aren't zombies just so-o-o trendy?!? thumpatthumpathumpathumpabootsnpantsnbootsnpantsnthumpa
BEST BEAT EV-UH: This week is "Frothy and Batty" by Daddy Imágeline, the hottest of hot sex kittens to purrambulate the darkest, dirtiest corners of your local watering hole to! So frothy are these beats, so dirty these samples, you may well feel like you're knee deep in santorum -- and lovin' it! thumpabootsnpantsnbootsnthumpa BEST BEAT EV-UH, LADIES CHOICE: "Boots and Pants", the newest, slap me on the forehead, why didn't I think of that, tight-ass jam by Dykes From T.H.U.M.P.! Was it only last summer that we were salivating over that rock-hard grind-coresampled beatdown these wimmen-
thumpers laid end-to-end, from docks to Dockers, on their breakout hit "Puss and Cats"? So, how long 'til "Puss 'n' Boots"? bootsnpantsnbootsnpantsnthumpatthumpathumpathumpathumpa
More evidence that GAYS ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD: The broody-bitchy Morrissey's tell-'em-all'-off auto-bio just was the subject of a series of "book club" broadcasts on ex-dusty classics (now merely dusty) radio station WNYCFM's equally old and gray "Sounder" program. No way would anyone as in-again, out-again, in-again (of the closet, thillies!, not that other thing!) as Mo' be given an outing in respectable NYC company even a mere 3 White Parties ago! thumpatthumpathumpathumpabootsnpantsnbootsnpantsnthumpa
SKIP "Hedwig & The Angry Inch"! Why go to all the trouble to shop for a new outfit and arrange for a sitter for your darling poochie, just to see some old fags playing house in trannie drag, spewing a tired old rock score (Rock-n-roll... How cliched! So tired) when you can admire our GAY-lorious divas in glittery, fabulous, NEW Broadway musicales! Can you say Idina Menzel? Well of course you CAN'T! You don't want to upstage forever-a-heartthrob MISTER TraVOHltah! SQUEAL! thumpatthumpathumpathumpathumpathumpathumpa
Burning Man? He's Flaming! bootsnpantsnbootsnpantsnthumpathumpathumpathumpa
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CH AL L ENG E Ap r i l 2 0 1 4
Officers President ( — Sherri Rase VP Community Services ( — Gordon Sauer VP Operations ( — Mickey Suiter Secretary ( — Ron Kennedy Treasurer ( — John DeLeeuw Trustees Kerry Dinkin, Marty Grifone, Joe Gygax, Frank Lucek, Rich Schaublin, Liz Slicer Committee Chairs & Functional Officers Challenge Editor — Allen Neuner ( Discussion Group Resources — Gordon Sauer ( GAAMC Outings — Open Information — Andy Skurna ( Membership — Open Pride Events — Mickey Suiter Pride Guide — Andy Skurna ( Programs — Sherri Rase ( Publicity — Open Socials — John DeLeeuw ( Webmaster — Andy Skurna (
GAAMC, the Gay Activist Alliance in Morris County, has served New Jersey’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and intersexed communities since 1972. GAAMC is a notfor-profit volunteer-run organization that provides social, educational, and outreach programs. GAAMC also offers opportunities for individuals to become politically active on issues related to the GLBTI communities. Our intent is to maintain a positive, healthy, respectful, and supportive environment in a safe space. Meetings are held every Monday evening at the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship, 21 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown, NJ (near the Morris Museum). Discussion groups usually meet from 7:00 to 8:00. The evening's program usually starts shortly after 8:00. Refreshments are available. For program information, check our homepage at Members and non-members are always welcome. Annual membership dues are: Regular, $40/single, $70/couple; Students/Seniors, $30/single, $60/couple. Those looking to help out at GAAMC can contact Gordon Sauer at How to reach GAAMC Mail: PO Box 137, Convent Station, NJ 07961 Telephone: 973-285-1595 Email: Home page: Mail List: Facebook: Challenge online edition:
April 21st
April 28th
Divided Discussion Groups
Need We Say More?
See "GAAMC Events", page 2, for more details!
April 2014
Page 13
Dancing To Architecture™ Music Reviews & News with a Queer Ear by Bill Realman Stella
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." - Martin Mull * "I'm dancing to architecture." - Tris McCall Cecil Taylor at 85 Jazz legend Cecil Taylor does not hide who he is, neither as an innovator since the 1950s of "Free Jazz" nor as a Gay Man. But because conventional wisdom has decided his music is "challenging" (a word we like, here at this periodical), convention has determined that his is a body of work that is decidedly rarely broadcast and has had limited state-side opportunities to be performed, resulting in a dedication-required fanbase. Neither does his name come readily to mind to most Jazz fans (myself included) unless you've made a special effort. This is a shame, since Taylor's take on Free Jazz typically defies the expectations of most listeners exposed to often wildly atonal or dissonent playing (or both). Taylor typically remains tonal and consonant, though not slavish to key nor shy of dissonance. (Listen here to a beautiful, masterful, avant-garde defining and avant-garde defying live performance of his from a self-released 1974 album "Spring of Two Blue-J's".) While Taylor is credited with being one of the key visionaries of Free Jazz along with Ornette Coleman and Sun Ra, he could be heard as a musical father to Keith Jarrett among others. But like many innovators and influencers, it's to their followers that greater name recognition is often accorded. That's why I was delighted to read in the Philadelphia Gay News (PGN) that Cecil Taylor was honored with an 85th birthday tribute concert at The Painted Bride Art Center in Philadelphia, performed by several of his bandmates from over the decades. These include saxophonist Bobby Zankel, a former student of Taylor's who is curator of the three-concert “Celebrating Cecil”, a "mini-festival" which the tribute concert inaugurated. (The next show in the series, "Still The New Thing!," happens April 19th. More information is at this link.) Other tribute makers include drummer Andrew Cyrille, bassists Henry Grimes and William Parker, and pianist Dave Burrell. And one observes that they all, in real ways, if informally, have been his students, as well as his musical co-conspirators and music-magic convenors. In the article, Out jazz great celebrated at local festival by Ray Simon, Zankel is quoted saying, “That’s the thing that I got from Cecil. That I felt like I could do anything, that I had unlimited potential to express myself, that I had unlimited ability to feel empathy with other people, that I had unlimited ability to find joy in living, even in as hard times as we live in. And I would like to be able to share that feeling of limitless possibility.” Due to the historic nature of Taylor's milestone 85th Birthday tribute concert, I took it on myself to add a sentence about it to his Wikipedia page. This is something I do so infrequently, I had to re-learn how to include citations
to references. While I was at it, I discovered that PGN has only been referenced once before at Wikipedia. Its own entry is far-too-brief and inexplicably incomplete. So this also is a Call For Help to any suitable and willing persons within reach of these words of or for the greater Q-munities, asking you to contribute entries and content about matters and moments of Queer History to Wikipedia. It's dearly in need of some Gay Love today. More specifically, it makes sense that PGN should be a primary source for Queer History, with items probably worthy of Wikipedia inclusion in most if not all issues. Seriously: Someone should get on t hat ! (Like I said, I contribute infrequently.) (And if you follow the link to the Cecil Taylor at 85 tribute concert story at PGN, you can read there my comment pleaing for Wikipedians to put PGN items into Wikipedia!) (My online work at PGN and Wikipedia as just described is otherwise known as "How I Spent My St Patrick's Day 2014.") Future Islands ~ Singles I hope there are days in every reviewer's life when they just realize that other people have done it better than they have. The new album Singles from the s t r i k i n g l y confident-sounding band Future Islands is such a case. Want words to glide through your literary receptors with ease? Go read this at NPR — it dances to architecture like nobody's business. Meanwhile, this is what I've got for you. I first got turned on to this decade-old band while watching them perform Singles' lead single "Seasons (Waiting On You)" earlier this year on Late Night with David Letterman - and I fell in musical lust. If you were to watch me watching it again today, on the outside you'd catch me rapt and shaking my head as if in dismay. On the inside, my mascara would be dripping as my lonely emotional teenager experienced the kind of scary connection which only screaming might hope to relieve. (The clip from the program is here, part of my Best New Music of 2014 playlist at YouTube). Turn it up, peel your eyeballs until you are fully focused, don't raise your hopes too high.) This is NOT my typical response to a new band on Letterman, nor on ANY late night show. From Kimmel and Colbert to Letterman and Saturday Night Live, including all the silly Fallon-follies and et ceteras in between, exposure on late night must be good for bands but they consistently come across flat, out of tune or tuneless (sometimes both), and generally not ready for prime time. (Even bands I love(d), like WU LYF, lost their dynamics on the Ed Sullivan stage.) But I raved on Facebook about this band, posted the video clip there a few times, not just because of the lead singer's singular performance (more about him in a bit) but because I couldn't shake this feeling of impending popular breakout.
Dancing To Architecture, The Little Box of Concerts and Media Outage ©2014 Bill Stella. All ©, ® & ™ items included for review purposes are ©, ® & ™ their respective owners. The stylized Q indicates albums by (or significantly contributed to by) Out Bisexuals, Gay Men, Lesbians and Transgendered persons. GAAMC is pronounced "GAY-mick".
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Future Islands on "Late Show with David Letterman"
Now the critics have caught up, and the buzz is on. This time I'm near certain they won't remain critics darling. The tour has begun. At the time this column is published, they've sold out half their scheduled dates, including their upcoming NYC performance at Webster Hall, and Philadelphia and DC shows. Before that, they play the massive Coachella festival. And this string of dates shall bring legions of fans into their fold. Of this, I am sure. Back to that singular performance. Front man Samuel Herring gave the most charismatic network television debut I've seen in I don't know how long. How unique is this man's persona? Try as I may, the best I got is this: Watching Samuel Herring onstage is like witnessing Michael Buble and Henry Rollins in the form of fascinating, multiple-voiced, conjoined twins. Back to reality. Singles is in fact an album of snappy songs, made for goldilocks sensibilities. Not too happy, not too sad, not too pop-radio ready, not too adventurous, neither revolutionary nor bland. Heck, as its own animal, it enters the fray like many hundreds of others, partially subject to circumstance and the zeitgeist to lend a hand or leave them to remain semi-obscure. A new, artistically satisfying video has arrived for featured track, "A Song Of You And Me", splendidly animated with natural items from the seashore and abstract objects evoking the seashore, including sand that glitters like a clear night sky. (As this column is published, this latest video begins my Best New Music of 2014 playlist at YouTube, meaning you can watch this first then enjoy the entire list from start to finish.) And I keep returning to this man Herring's distinctive voice of many registers, fronting a Modern Rock band with a timeless sound, neither revolutionary nor bland. If for no other reason than that they sound more like themselves — therefore, my equally-highest praise: they sound less like everybody else — than any other bubbling-under band I know, I really want them to win. Give them a place in your deficit-addled attentions. Mary Lambert ~ "She Keeps Me Warm" Watch the clip of Mary Lambert performing "She Keeps Me Warm" on the Queen Latifah Show, linked here, (also part of my Best New Music of 2014 playlist at YouTube), then tell me your heart isn't also warmed? Her new album is called Welcome to the Age of My Body, and more examples of the strong presence and gentle spirit of the Lesbian v o i c e b e h i n d Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' hit "Same Love" can be f o u n d throughout.
Great Caesar ~ "Still Love" The band that brought you "Don't Ask Me Why" has a brand new song not even yet on iTunes (tho' that's promised for a few days after this late March publication date. But it does exist as a single-picture video here. It's a gentle, intimate song, sung as if it were lying in bed next to you. Until, that is, a bliss-inspiring finger runs softly over your skin, like the horns that enter at precisely the 2 minute mark, and grow ever more blissful, bolstered by happy to be with you drums, until, at 3 minutes in, voices appear and join in a bolt of joy. "Still Love" then lays back into a warm, r e v e r b e r e n t afterglow. It's a real good song. Lily Allen ~ Sheezus (Out May 5 th.) Dig how the title pun(k)s on Kanye's Yeezus. Ms Allen is my favorite Pop singer-who-can't-sing, more or less. (She writes unchallenging melodies to give herself better than even odds of hitting the intervals more than a minor third.) But I shall perpetually forgive her her shortcomings because she wrote and performed "Fuck You" — not the C-Lo blandishment, but the simply superior, lyrically Gay-relevant one, the one which too much of our Qmunity is still too conformist and timid to stand up for. For all the alleged individualism said to be the result of the fall of mega-corp music labels and pop radio, and the rise of internet/web/music-app listening, most SAMEricans listen to the same thing the closest "they" do, so any po(o)p will do. No need to bother looking to other English speaking countries or anything, right? If attitude is everything in Pop, I'd far prefer to be smothered in Lily Allen-brand Bubblegum crap like the new "Air Balloon" — or any of her select notgummy picks and faves in her playlists — all day long than either Katy Perry's buddy-slut po(o)p OR Kanye West's pseudointellectualized justifications for classy hippop. As Allen says right there at the bottom of her album cover, "Quidquid latine dictum altum videtur", or: "Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound."
April 2014
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Media Outage™ News and commentary
by Bill Realman Stella On March 27 online, and on the front page of its March 28-dated issue, PGN published an in-depth, lengthy article, PA treasurer enters marriage fray. Rob McCord The core news item, "Pennsylvania Treasurer Rob McCord submitted [his] amicus curiae brief March 24 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in Palladino v. Corbett" reports about the unprecedented action from a Pennsylvania state treasurer in support of same-sex marriage equality. But the piece, by Jen Colletta, PGN's Editor, extends its scope far beyond reporting the news, covering areas of the marriage debate in society which remain poorly understood and rarely well-rebutted or sensitively responded to. In the interview with Mr. McCord, a candidate in the Democratic gubernatorial race, he not only responds to why he is in the position to enter the legal fray — which comes across as both an extraordinary sense of responsibility to the equal rights of the people of his state, as well as to his employees — but also rationally applies his personal experience to the political situation. Rob and his wife Leigh are an interracial couple who "not too long ago" would have been denied the right to marry themselves in most of the U. S. Coincident with my writing this summary and analysis of the story is the date when England's marriage equality law, approved months ago, at last goes into effect. And
once again, as they seem never to tire of doing, as they seem never to learn the truth, critics of marriage equality pretend to be marriage defenders, and trot out, for the 2000th time in the last 20 years, the impotent argument that you just can't change marriage, an institution that has been around for centuries, just because you feel like it. "It's selfish!" bleated one English spokeswoman woundedly. Yet they ignore the myriad ways that marriage laws have changed over those same centuries. In the U.S. you don't have to look back further than the 1970s for the Loving v. Virginia ruling that established our nation's last major change in marriage law. My at-hand knowledge of English law isn't strong enough to cite cases, but memory serves that women (such as the marriage "defending" spokeswoman) were not equal partners in marriage under the law in both our countries until well into the 20th century. In other words, when you hear that tired argument that marriage has existed for centuries and can't be changed, simply remind the speaker that marriage has been changed repeatedly within most of our living memories. Dig back further in history, and you'll discover all manner of variations on what constitutes legal marriage, from the vile property arranagements rampant throughout most of western civilization (and beyond) to factually documented same-sex marriages sanctioned by the Roman Catholic and other churches many centuries ago.
★The Tiny Box O' Comedy Concert★ Comedian Julie Goldman performs at Para dis e 101 Asbury Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ Friday, April 11 - Doors open 6 PM $20 online at A BENEFIT FOR BREAST CANCER PREVENTION G e t Out Of Th e H ouse !