Happy Pride Month from The Best Damn Newsletter in New Jersey!TM In living color and with more content online at issuu.com/gaamc/docs!
CHALLENGE T he New sl etter of the Gay Act iv is t Allian ce in Morris Cou n t y S e r v i ng New Jer sey’ s G LBTI Commu n it ies Con t in u ou s ly S in c e 1 9 7 2 V o lu m e 40 , I ssu e 5, J u ne 2 0 14
June's Boon by Sherri Rase
This month is Pride Month in the New Jersey, the United States, and many parts of the globe. This is the month that we commemorate Stonewall and Sylvia Rivera, who threw the Shoe Heard Round the World. Many attribute the Stonewall Riots in the wee hours of June 28, 1969 to overwhelming grief over the death of gay icon Judy Garland that made the injustice of a police raid on the Stonewall Inn in New York’s Greenwich Village completely intolerable. When the raid happened, the patrons refused to give their IDs to the police and a scuffle ensued. That was 45 years ago this year, and the anniversary falls on the Saturday before NYC’s Pride Parade down 5th Avenue. So much has happened and still, so little. The burgeoning LGBT movement began much earlier than Stonewall…the question is when. Did it begin after World War I when women and men settled in Harlem and Greenwich Village to continue to experience the freedom they knew? Did it begin in California where military veterans converted caissons into clubs for people who found camaraderie and love in war? Did it begin with Harry Hay’s Mattachine Society in 1950? The gays didn’t want him because he was a Communist; the Communists didn’t want him because he was gay; yet Hay made a movement among like-minded male homosexuals in California and shortly thereafter women formed their own organization, the Daughters of Bilitis, to organize around their interests. Stonewall was the flashpoint, but homophile movements had been gathering steam. Randy Wicker organized a group to picket the Whitehall Street Induction Center in New York in September 1964 after confidentiality of draft records of gay men were compromised. In December 1964, also in New York City, four gay men and lesbians protested at a speaking
engagement by a psychoanalyst who characterized homosexuality as an illness. In April 1965 in Philadelphia, a protest was held after a restaurant refused service to people who “looked” gay. ECHO (East Coast Homophile Organizations) consisted of separate lesbian and gay rights groups who banded together for specific actions like the demonstration they organized at City Hall in Philadelphia that year, a very visible symbol of freedom. They met every year thereafter to picket in their “Annual Reminder”, the final chapter occurring in 1969, about a week after the Stonewall Riots. The marchers included nowfamous activists Barbara Gittings, Frank Kameny, Kay Lahusen, Randy Wicker and others all marching in genderappropriate work attire. But now after the Stonewall Riots, the gloves were off and groups like the Gay Activist Alliances and Gay Liberation Front began taking LGBT rights to the streets, much like counterparts in the civil rights movement. Christopher Street Liberation Day in 1970 commemorated the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. A new era was born and the closet door was kicked down, with sometimes bloody clashes. At times back then, LGBT people were working together but most often groups each had different agendas to pursue. These days we march together, but we still have ego problems. We are not the voting bloc that the Black and Latino caucuses have worked so hard to create. Now is our time, now is the push, now we have momentum but only if we can work together. The Mattachine Society and the Daughters of Bilitis wanted to show that LGBT people were the same as “normal” people and we all wanted the same things. Yet from the mo(continued on page 3)
Inside Challenge Challenge Information .................................... page GAAMC Events.............................................. page What's happening at our Monday meetings Bulletin Board.............................................. page Upcoming Pride Events................................... page Gleanings.................................................... page Q-munity Calendar........................................ page
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GSE Receives Award from NJ Association of School Psychologists .................................. page 8 This Month's Contributors ............................... page 8 Board Minutes for April 2014........................... page 9 Dancing To Architecture ................................ page 10 Music reviews and news with a queer ear The Little Box of Concerts ............................. page 10 GAAMC Information ...................................... page 12
Inside Challenge Online More Dancing to Architecture™ ~ E x p a n d e d Little Box of Concerts™
Page 2 CHALLENGE Volume 40, Number 5 June 2014 ISSN 0277-1675 Staff Editor .....................Allen Neuner Assistant Editor ............. Bill Stella Advertising Manager ............. open Circulation Manager ............. open List Manager ............ Allen Neuner Submissions The deadline for all articles, inserts, and advertisements is the fifteenth of the previous month. All submissions must be provided as electronic files. Email submi ssions to Challenge @ GAAMC.org. Ad Rates Single issue: Full page, $125.00; Half page, $85.00; Quarter page, $45.00; Business card, $25.00. For multi-issue rates, contact the Editor at Challenge @ GAAMC.org. GAAMC members may place one free classified ad per month, of no more than 200 characters in length. Change of Address Please let us know your new address! All address changes should be sent to the List Manager at ChangeAddress@GAAMC.org. Challenge is © 2014 by the Gay Activist Alliance in Morris County, a 501(c)3 taxexempt not-for-profit corporation. All rights reserved. All articles reflect the views of the original contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of GAAMC, its officers, or executive board. All copyrights revert to the original contributors upon publication. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the express written permission of the contributor. All articles, contributions, and advertisements are printed at the discretion of the Editor and/or GAAMC Executive Board.
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GAAMC Events for May 2014 Discussion Groups
OpenTalk: A regular weekly discussion group, open to all. 7:00, in the Library. Moderators: Elias (June 23); Gordon (June 9, 30); Kerry (June 2); Liz (June 16); Sherri. NOTE: Discussion group does not meet on Film Festival nights.
Main Events
All start at 8:00 unless otherwise noted. June 2: Jersey Pride Share Fest Pride season has well and fully begun. What was your favorite part of the Asbury Park event? What will you do differently for next year? Did you get to enjoy the nightlife, the music, and the amusements at the shore? Swap sunburn cures, swap hangover cures and connect to people from all over the event. June 9: What's Cooking at GAAMC? Who’s in the kitchen? Chef Liz , who will guide us through a favorite of many families, stuffed cabbage — It's tastier than you might think, and so simple to make that you won’t believe you’ve never done it before. And who knew something so satisfying could be good for you too? June 15: Challenge Deadline The next issue of Challenge will be a double issue, covering July and August! Every GAAMC member can submit content to keep our Challenge "The Best Damn Newsletter in New Jersey! TM " All submissions go to Allen the Editor at Challenge@GAAMC.org. June 16: Summer Reading, Summer Memories, Summer Loves What books are always with you? Are you strictly virtual where reading is concerned? Do you prefer to turn physical pages? What’s your favorite book (or a couple of them) and which do you recommend people read this summer? Summer memories: First kiss. First broken bone. First broken heart. Do you remember? Many of us have scars from the slings and arrows we’ve suffered. Did you go to camp in the Catskills? Was there a summer where no one put Baby in a corner? Who’s your favorite romance from a balmy halcyon year? Lovers, archivists, and bibliophiles unite! June 23: Open Mic Night Sultry summer nights bring out the songbirds, the poets and the lovers. What will you perform? Which talents will you reveal? Just send a message to Programs@GAAMC.org to tell us you'd like a few minutes of our friendly attention ! Here’s your chance to sing out and tell your tales. June 30: Stonewall 45 On the 45th Anniversary of the Stonewall REBELLION of June 27, 1969, share your recollections, your readings and your questions with people at every point of the spectrum of experience. Whether it’s your first Pride season or your 45th, come share your love, your loss, your joy, and your pain coming out to yourself and the community. We all need each other, and our perspectives help us create a more rich tapestry of Pride.
Coming next month! July 7: Ice Cream Social GAAMC’s summer favorite takes the stage to cool us off after the heat of Pride Season! You’re still remembering the sparkle of fireworks, so come share some tasty treats with friends of long standing and friends you’ve just met! NOTE: All events are subject to change without notice. Check out GAAMC.org for up-to-date information on all upcoming events!
June 2014
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Bulletin Board Youth Connect, sponsored by the Hudson Pride Connections Center, announces its 2014 LGBTQ Prom, "Color Me Paris"! The event, scheduled for Saturday, June 24 th at 6 pm, is designed for those between the ages of 14 and 22. The event includes dinner, music, and even a prom king and queen! The location is the Boys & Girls Club of Hudson County in Jersey City. RSVPs are required, so contact Stephanie Mills at 201-963-4779, x718, or e-mail her at stephanie@hudsonpride.org. Garden State Equality is thrilled to announce that its 5th Annual Equality Walk will be held Saturday, June 21st at 4 pm at Erie Park in Montclair. This year’s theme, "Taking Steps to Protect our Future," reflects an emphasis on strengthening our recent wins in anti-bullying and marriage equality, while continuing to push for protections for LGBT youths, seniors, and the transgender community. The Walk, Garden State Equality's biggest yearly event, attracts many supporters each year. Equality is important: in the workplace, in schools free from bullying, and in adult and assisted living housing that is safe and welcoming to our LGBT seniors. But all of this takes significant time and
2014 Pride Events by Mickey Suiter
June is Pride month and GAAMC will be taking part in three Pride events! On Sunday, June 1st, we will have a table at the Jersey Pride festival, New Jersey’s oldest and largest, in Asbury Park. We will also have a contingent marching in the parade. Volunteers are needed to help staff the table and hand out literature from noon until about 5:00 PM. Drop by and help out for a short time or all afternoon. We also need marchers for the parade. It’s an easy stroll down Grand Avenue, only about a mile and perfectly flat. We will meet at City Hall on Main Street between 11:30 and 12:00 for the parade. The next Sunday, June 8, is the North Jersey Pride festival in Memorial Park in Maplewood (across from the train station). This is a more intimate family-friendly event. GAAMC will have a table there and once again we could use some volunteers to help out. The festival runs from noon until 6:00 PM. GAAMC will also be marching in the huge Pride March in New York City on Sunday, June 29. This will be our 42nd consecutive year marching, something very few organizations can be proud of. If you’ve never experienced the thrill of marching down Fifth Avenue with hundreds of thousands of your closest friends you’ve just got to join us. The March starts at noon at 40th Street and Fifth Avenue and GAAMC will be assembling somewhere in that vicinity. We’ll be notified of the exact location somewhere around the middle of the month and will get the word out via Facebook and email. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for any or all of these events, see me any Monday night, or e-mail me at Operations@GAAMC.org.
investment. Signing up to walk is a great way to support GSE and keep it a strong and vital voice in our state. For more information about this year's event and to become a walker, please visit Equalitywalk.kintera.org or contact John Mikytuck or Patrick Lenahan at (973) 509-0428.
Upcoming Pride Events June 1 st : Jersey Gay Pride Festival, noon, Asbury Park, NJ; www.facebook.com/JerseyPrideFest June 8 th : North Jersey Pride, noon, Maplewood, NJ; www.NorthJerseyPride.org June 29th: H e r i t a g e o f P r i d e , N e w Yo r k C i t y ; www.NYCPride.org/events J u l y 2 0 th: N e w a r k P r i d e Fe s t i v a l , N e w a r k , N J ; newarklgbtqcenter.org August 2 nd : Jersey City LGBTQ Pride Festival, noon, Jersey City, NJ; HudsonPride.org/events/jc-pride-2014
June's Boon
(continued from page 1) ment Stonewall radicalized the Movement, LGBT organizers began fighting, not asking, for equal rights. Simply Equality. Like many civil rights organizations, our battles are still being fought. Fight for your rights. Fight for equality. March in Jersey Pride, Inc’s Parade June 1st. Go to North Jersey Pride, Heritage of Pride’s NYC parade at the end of June, World Pride in Toronto in June, Hudson Pride in August. All over the globe, you are a part of a world-wide movement. I’ll look for you in Asbury Park on June 1st. I’ll be the one with the grin that runs from one side of Bradley Park to the other, knowing you’re with me.
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Queer news from around the world The Senate is considering a bill that aims to ensure that same-sex couples have access to Social Security benefits such as survivor and retirement benefits regardless of which state they live in. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), who introduced the bill, said ZIP code "should not determine whether or not your family will have the means to survive after the death of a spouse." (MetroWeekly (DC))
Ohio judge Algernon Marbley ordered the state to permanently resume the hormone therapy of a transgender woman while she is incarcerated. After being denied hormones needed for her transition in 2012, Whitney Lee filed a suit against the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, requesting a court order to continue medically necessary treatment. "Deprivation of hormone treatment wreaks havoc on Ms. Lee's physical and mental health and puts her life in danger," according to a request from the Ohio Justice and Policy Center. The state originally said Lee didn't meet the criteria for a gender dysphoria diagnosis, and was therefore ineligible for medical intervention. (Advocate.com)
The Department of Education announced that transgender students are protected from discrimination under the same federal laws that prohibit sex-based discrimination and harassment in schools. According to the department's Office for Civil Rights, Title IX of the Education Amendments "extends to claims of disMarriage Equality Statuses crimination based on gender identity or (by state/territory) failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity." The Full marriage equality: department also said it plans to investiCalifornia * Connecticut * Delaware gate any claims of harassment or discrimination on the grounds of gender District of Columbia * Hawaii * Illinois Iowa * Maine * Maryland nonconformity. (Washington Blade (DC)) Landon Wilson, a transgender former communications specialist for the U.S. Navy, says he was discharged after his superiors learned he had transitioned to become a male. The Pentagon bars individuals who are in the process of transitioning from serving, a policy which is rooted in outdated medical research, according to experts. A set of human rights goals released by the Pentagon does not address transgender service members. (The Washington Post) The Obama administration announced its nomination of Ted Osius to become the next U.S. ambassador to Vietnam. Osius, openly gay and married to a fellow Foreign Service officer, would replace outgoing Ambassador David Shear in the position. (LGBTQNation.com)
Massachusetts * Minnesota New Hampshire * New Jersey New Mexico * New York * Oregon Pennsylvania * Rhode Island Vermont * Washington
Ban struck down, appeal pending: Arkansas * Idaho * Kentucky Michigan * Oklahoma * Tennessee Texas * Utah * Virginia Ban currently challenged in court: Alabama * Alaska * Arizona Colorado * Florida * Georgia Indiana * Kansas * Louisiana Missouri * Mississippi * Montana Nebraska * Nevada * North Carolina Ohio * Puerto Rico * South Carolina South Dakota * West Virginia Wisconsin * Wyoming
The state of Indiana must recognize a lesbian couple's out-of-state marriage throughout their legal fight to have one of the women named as a spouse on her terminally ill partner's death certificate, according to U.S. District Judge Richard Young. The Indiana attorney general's office said it would appeal. Young did not rule on whether Indiana's gay marriage ban is unconstitutional; that ruling is expected to come later. (OnTopMag.com) Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley (D) signed legislation protecting transgender individuals in Maryland against discrimination in matters of housing, employment, credit, and use of public accommodations "We are closer today to creating that open, respectful, inclusive world that we want for all of our children," O'Malley said. (Washington Blade (DC)) U.S. District Court Judge Dale Kimball ruled May 19th that Utah must recognize all same-sex marriages that were performed in the state after a December ruling struck down the state's marriage equality ban. Roughly 1,300 couples wed in the state before the U.S. Supreme Court halted the issuance of licenses pending an appeal by the state. The ruling is set to take effect June 9th. (KOMO-TV/KOMOAM, Seattle)
Alaska violated its state Constitution Ban in place, no action: by denying a same-sex couple equal access to a property-tax exemption, the American Samoa * Guam state Supreme Court ruled. The state North Dakota offers heterosexual married couples a Northern Mariana Islands $150,000 property-tax exemption if one U.S. Virgin Islands of the spouses is a senior citizen or a veteran, but prior to the ruling same-sex couples were of- Arkansas Circuit Court Judge Christopher Piazza struck fered exemptions worth only half of the value of their down a marriage equality ban that had been approved by homes. (Washington Blade (DC)) voters in 2004. Judge Piazza wrote in his ruling that he could find "no rational reason" for the ban. State Attorney The Iowa House of Representatives passed a measure that General Dustin McDaniel (D) has indicated that he feels rewrites a law criminalizing the transmission of HIV. The compelled to support the ban and appeal the ruling, even unanimous vote sends the bill to Republican Governor Terry though he personally supports marriage equality. Judge PiBranstad. Social justice groups, who say that the current law, azza later issued an order barring officials from enforcing which dates from the 1980s, is outdated and discriminatory, any state laws that bar same-sex couples from marrying, have lauded the revision. (The Des Moines Register) expanding his earlier ruling overturning the state's marriage equality ban. Both the judge and the state Supreme Court
June 2014
have denied requests from the state to delay same-sex marriages pending an appeal. Same-sex couples in the state became eligible for marriage licenses on May 15 th . (MetroWeekly (DC); Politico.com; LGBTQNation.com) A ruling striking down Oregon's ban on marriage equality took effect immediately May 19th, as state officials indicated they would not appeal the ruling. The ruling is the 13th judicial reversal of a state marriage ban since a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June that invalidated parts of the Defense of Marriage Act. "I believe that if we can look for a moment past gender and sexuality, we can see in these plaintiffs nothing more or less than our own families," U.S. District Court Judge Michael McShane, who is openly gay, wrote in his decision. (BuzzFeed.com) U.S. District Court Judge John Jones III ruled that Pennsylvania's ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. The ruling also states that Pennsylvania recognize legal same-sex marriages from other states. Governor Tom Corbett (R), while stating his religious belief in marriage as between one man and one woman, has decided not to appeal the ruling, which took effect immediately. (USA Today) In Idaho, U.S. District Magistrate Judge Candy Dale declared the state's ban on same-sex marriages on May 13th after hearing arguments in the case of four same-sex couples suing to overturn the ban. The couples filed a lawsuit last November contending that the state amendment banning same-sex marriage infringes on constitutional rights. Two of the couples are seeking to perform their vows in Idaho, while the other two are pressing for the state to recognize valid marriages performed out of state. However, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has granted Idaho Governor Butch Otter's (R) request for a stay of the decision, meaning that same-sex couples in Idaho were not able to start marrying May 16th as expected. The court is considering extending the stay until the state finishes appealing the decision striking down Idaho's marriage ban. (LGBTQ Nation.com; BuzzFeed.com) Lawyers hired by Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear (D) filed a brief urging a federal appeals court to uphold the state's ban on same-sex marriage. The brief argues that the state has a legitimate interest in preserving heterosexual marriages because a stable birth rate is essential to the economy. "The exclusion of same-sex couples on procreation grounds makes just as little sense as excluding post-menopausal couples or infertile couples on procreation grounds," said U.S. District Judge John G. Heyburn in his February ruling striking down the state's marriage ban. (Advocate.com) A married couple in Alabama seeking to become legal parents to their son have filed a lawsuit challenging the state's ban on recognizing same-sex marriages performed outside the state. The lawsuit argues that the state's marriage ban violates the Constitution's equal protection clause. Attorney General Luther Strange (R) has indicated that he intends to defend the ban. (U.S. News & World Report) A lawsuit filed in Alaska seeks to strike down the state's voter-approved constitutional amendment banning marriage equality. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit are four couples seeking recognition of marriages performed outside the state and an unmarried couple. "I think Alaskans are ready for
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this," said Chris Shelden, a lead plaintiff in the case. (Anchorage Daily News) Montana Governor Steve Bullock (D) and its two Democratic U.S. Senators, John Walsh and Jon Tester, have expressed their support for a lawsuit filed in federal court challenging the state's ban on same-sex marriage. The lawsuit was filed by the ACLU of Montana on behalf of four same-sex couples. (BuzzFeed.com) A North Carolina law banning same-sex couples from getting married violates the religious beliefs of clergy members and congregants who support marriage equality, argues a lawsuit filed in federal court. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a group of clergy members and same-sex couples, as well as the United Church of Christ. (Washington Blade (DC)) An Ohio lawsuit seeks to overturn the state's decade-old ban on marriage equality. Filed on behalf of six couples, the suit follows U.S. District Judge Timothy Black's decision ordering Ohio to recognize same-sex marriages performed out of state. Advocacy group FreedomOhio has begun circulating petitions to put the measure to repeal the ban on the ballot as early as November. The office of Attorney General Mike DeWine has announced that the state intends to defend the ban. (Advocate.com) A federal lawsuit challenging South Dakota's constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage had been filed in U.S. District Court. Six same-sex couples are suing for the right to marry and to have the state recognize their legal (continued on page 8)
KEVIN P. SUSZKO, PC Certified Public Accountant
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Ju n e 2014 Q- m u n it y Calen d ar Recurri n g Con t act I n form at i on
* Hackensack Peer Support Groups: 800-508-7577; www.njbuddies.org † Pride Center, Highland Park: 732-846-2232; www.pridecenter.org ‡ Hudson Pride Connections Center: 201-963-4779; HudsonPride.org λ LGBT Center Rainbow Lounge, Princeton: www.princeton.edu/lgbt ♦ North Jersey PrimeTimers: www.meetup.com/North-Jersey-Primetimers Tuesday - Saturday Project WOW! youth center, Newark; variable hours; njcri.org; 973-412-7080 Every Sunday 10:45 am - MCC of Christ the Liberator, Highland Park; tombohache10 @ gmail.com Noon - St. Francis of Assisi Church, Glen Ridge; 973-731-7765; stfrancisnj.org 2:30 pm - Liberation in Truth Unity Fellowship Church, Newark; 973-621-2100 5:30 pm - Central Jersey Rainbows Bowling League, Bradley Beach; CJRBowling @ gmail.com Every Monday 10:30 am - The Wellness Community, Newark; 973-565-0300; info @ hyacinth.org 7:00 pm - GAAMC, Morris Township (see page 2) 7:00 pm - Bowling, Union; merenl @ comcast.net 7:00 pm - S.E.L.F. HIV Men’s support group, Hackensack * 7:30 pm - New Jersey Gay Men’s Chorus choir practice, Princeton; 609-396-7774; www.njgmc.org 8:00 pm - Bowling, Green Brook; qcrollers @ aol.com Every Tuesday 12:30 pm - The Wellness Community, Newark; 973-565-0300; info @hyacinth.org 4:00 pm - Treatment Adherence Support Group, Jersey City; 201-432-1134; info @hyacinth.org 6:30 pm - TransView, Jersey City ‡ 7:00 pm - NA Group, Jersey City ‡ 7:30 pm - Tuesday Night Lesbian Connection, Bound Brook; 908-791-3764 7:30 pm - Men’s HIV support group, Asbury Park; 732-7755084; apstillpoz @ yahoo.com 7:30 pm - Positive Yoga, Oradell * 8:45 pm - Bowling, Belleville; 973-256-5936; NJGLB @ aol.com 9:00 pm - Bowling, Jersey City; 201-933-6028; JoeyNJ @ aol.com 9:15 pm - Bowling, Edison; 732-548-4550; cnjgbl @ yahoo.com
01 Sun Noon - Jersey Pride, Asbury Park (see page 3) 2:00 pm - Central NJ Rope Share, Highland Park † 4:00 pm - Dignity Metro NJ Mass, Maplewood; 973-509-0118; Dignitymetronj @ msn.com 6:30 pm - Gay Men’s Opera Club; 732-249-9034; hagol @ msn.com 02 Mon 6:30 pm - Dinner, Hamilton ♦ 7:00 pm - Support Group for Lesbians with Cancer, New Brunswick; 732-235-6781; slirzero @ umdnj.edu 7:00 pm - Lesbian Hot Topics, Ocean; schiffman @ rocketmail.com 7:30 pm - Spanish speaking social/support group, Highland Park† 03 Tue 7:30 pm - LGBT Fellowship, Belleville; 973-751-0616 7:30 pm - ComeOUT & Play, Highland Park †
Every Wednesday 10:30 am - The Wellness Community, Jersey City; 201-432-1134; info @hyacinth.org 2:30 pm - RU Pride, Newark; 973-353-5716 6:00 pm - Positive People peer support group, Hackensack * 6:00 pm - SAGE, Jersey City ‡ 6:00 pm - "With These Hands" crochet and kitting circle, Newark; 973-424-9555; newarklgbtqcenter.org 7:30 pm - Men’s Living Out group, Highland Park; njwarrior @ aol.com † 7:30 pm - Gay Men’s Coming Out group, Highland Park; njwarrior@aol.com † Every Thursday 4:00 pm - True Colors drop-in center, Newark; 973-424-9555; newarklgbtqcenter.org 6:00 pm - Our Youth weekly support group, Jersey City; www.myspacenj.org 6:00 pm - Ties Like Mine, Jersey City ‡ 6:00 pm - JC LGBT Fitness Explosion, Jersey City ‡ 6:30 pm - Double Jeopardy peer support group, Hackensack * 6:30 pm - Hudson Men of Pride, Jersey City ‡ 7:00 pm - Sexual Assault Survivor Support, Princeton; www.hitops.org 7:30 pm - Rainbows on Cleveland Street, Orange; 973-256-5936; rbowsoncleveland @ aol.com 7:30 pm - Writers group, Highland Park † Every Friday 3:00 pm - Youth Connect, Jersey City ‡ 3:00 pm - WAVE Youth, Ocean Grove; 732-455-3373; qspot.org 5:00 pm - CSA Produce Pickup, Jersey City ‡ 6:15 pm - Gay Men's AA, Ocean Grove; 732-455-3373; qspot.org
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm - HIV testing, Morristown; 973-889-6802 9:00 am to 1:00 pm - HIV testing, Asbury Park; 800-947-0020 10:00 am to 5:00 pm - HiTOPS Health Center, Princeton; www.hitops.org; 609-683-5155 x 211 Project Access syringe exchange program, Newark; variable hours; njcri.org; 973-558-5054 Project Access drop-in center, Newark; variable hours; njcri.org 7:30 pm - NJ Women Coming Out Support, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - The Tempest, Madison ♦ 04 Wed 7:30 pm - Gay Dad’s discussion group, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - Jersey Boys of Leather, Highland Park † 05 Thu 5:30 pm - Breast Cancer Education, Jersey City ‡ 7:00 pm - Coffee Night, Edison; njlgh.onefireplace.com 7:30 pm - PCNJ Marketing Committee, Highland Park † 06 Fri 7:00 pm - Positive Women peer support group, Hackensack * 9:00 pm - Karaoke, Highland Park † 07 Sat 1:00 pm - Women of Pride, Jersey City ‡
June 2014
2:30 pm - First and Third for GLBTI youth, Princeton; 609-683-5155; www.HiTOPS.org 8:00 pm - Dance for Equality, South Orange; www.northjerseypride.org 08 Sun Noon - North Jersey Pride, Maplewood (see page 3) 4:00 pm - Out Pagan Discussion Group, Highland Park † 6:00 pm - Gay Men’s Classical Song Club, Kingston; pbrown02 @ worldnet.att.net 09 Mon 5:30 pm - Youth Caucus, Montclair; info@gardenstateequality.org 6:30 pm - HIV Testing, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - PFLAG of Morris County, Mendham; 973-727-5288; pflag.morris @ verizon.net 7:30 pm - PFLAG, Princeton; 609-663-5155; www.pflagprinceton.org 10 Tue 7:30 pm - Pride Center Board Meeting, Highland Park † 11 Wed 3:30 pm 4:30 pm 7:30 am 6:30 pm
Driving Range, Willowbrook ♦ Youth Caucus, Newark; 973-424-9555 Living Out Women, Highland Park † North Jersey Prime Timers' monthly meetup, Little Falls ♦
12 Thu 7:00 pm - Under the Rainbow, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - PFLAG of North Jersey, South Orange; 908-789-7489; pflagwaver @ aol.com 7:30 pm - Alternate Thursdays, Montclair; kjdinkin @ comcast.net 7:30 pm - Kollege of Kink, Highland Park † 8:00 pm - Booked for Supper, Highland Park † 13 Fri 4:00 pm - SPECTRUM youth drop-in, Newark; newarklgbtqcenter.org 7:30 pm - Rock Band/Guitar Hero, Highland Park † 14 Sat 12:30 pm - IPG Gender Spectrum Support Group for Youth & Parents, Jersey City ‡ 1:00 pm - Youth Drop-In, Highland Park † 4:00 pm - Breast Cancer Education, Jersey City ‡ 6:00 pm - Youth Connect 2014 LGBTQ Prom, Jersey City ‡ (see page 3) 7:00 pm - Men's Potluck Dinner & Movie Night, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - Dignity New Brunswick gay Catholic liturgy; 732-968-9263; dignitynb @ earthlink.net 7:30 pm - Clueless murder mystery dinner show, West Milford ♦ 15 Sun 4:00 pm - Dignity Metro NJ Mass, Maplewood; 973-509-0118; Dignitymetronj @ msn.com 4:00 pm - TrueSelves trans support group, Highland Park † 16 Mon 7:00 pm - Support Group for Lesbians with Cancer, New Brunswick; 732-235-6781; slirzero @ umdnj.edu 7:30 pm - Spanish speaking social/support group, Highland Park† 17 Tue 7:30 pm - ComeOUT & Play, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - Lesbian Alliance of Princeton; 609-924-8174; Loisj @ msn.com 7:30 pm - PFLAG of Hunterdon County, Flemington; 908-752-1370; pflaghc @ yahoo.com 7:30 pm - Caregiver Support Group, Highland Park †
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8:00 pm - PFLAG of Bergen County, Paramus; 201-287-0318; www.bergenpflag.org 8:00 pm - NJ Women, Secaucus; info @ njwomen.org 18 Wed 5:00 pm - SoMa Youth Caucus, Maplewood; info@gardenstateequality.org 7:30 pm - United in Grace discussion/support group, Jersey City; 201-946-0650; greg.perez @ comcast.net 7:30 pm - Board Meeting, Edison; njlgh.onefireplace.com 8:30 pm - Bowling, Boonton ♦ 19 Thu 6:00 pm - New Volunteer Orientation, Jersey City ‡ 7:00 pm - GAAMC board meeting, Morristown All GAAMC members are invited to attend. 7:00 pm - GLSEN Training, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - NJ Women Coming Out Support Group, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - PFLAG of Northwest NJ, Sparta; 973-729-9909 7:30 pm - Volunteer Group Meeting, Jersey City ‡ 20 Fri 7:00 pm - Positive Women peer support group, Hackensack * 7:30 pm - Dignity New Brunswick social; 732-968-9263; dignitynb @ earthlink.net 8:00 pm - Out of the Box open mic night, Highland Park (Sign-up begins 7:30); outoftheboxinfo @ mac.com 8:00 pm - Gay Pride Shabbat, Edison; njlgh.onefireplace.com 21 Sat 1:00 pm - Women of Pride, Jersey City ‡ 2:30 pm - First and Third for GLBTI youth, Princeton; 609-683-5155; www.HiTOPS.org 4:00 pm - Equality Walk, Montclair (see page 3) 7:00 pm - Rainbow Bowling, Bradley Beach; 732-774-4540 7:00 pm - NJ Gay Film Society & Potluck Dinner Club, location TBA; gayfilms @ bigfoot.com 7:00 pm - Diversity Game Night, Highland Park † 22 Sun 3:00 pm - The Lavender Cinema Club, Highland Park † 23 Mon 24 Tue 7:00 pm - Stonewall Democrats, Highland Park † 7:30 pm - Donald's Events, Highland Park † 8:00 pm - Men's Social, Highland Park † 25 Wed 7:30 pm - Board Meeting, Edison; njlgh.onefireplace.com 7:30 pm - Living Out Women, Highland Park † 26 Thu 7:00 pm - Under the Rainbow, Highland Park † 27 Fri 10:30 am - LGBT Task Force, Highland Park † 4:00 pm - SPECTRUM youth drop-in, Newark; 973-424-9555; newarklgbtqcenter.org 7:30 pm - Living Soulfully, Highland Park † 28 Sat 1:00 pm - Youth Drop-In, Highland Park † 7:00 pm - Gay Bowling, Asbury Lanes, Asbury Park; 732-776-6160 7:30 pm - Our Coming Out Party, Highland Park † 29 Sun Noon - NYC Pride, New York City (see page 3) 30 Mon 6:30 pm - Dinner, Wayne ♦
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(continued from page 5) out-of-state unions. This filing leaves North Dakota as the only state that has not allowed marriage equality nor has a lawsuit pending to do so. (TheNewCivilRightsMovement.com) A legal challenge to Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage went before a panel of judges from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The three-judge panel appeared divided, with two judges expressing different views. The ban is being defended by two state clerks, after state Attorney General Mark Herring (D) said he would not defend the ban in court. (MetroWeekly (DC)) Students at Smith College protested the administration over what they consider to be minimal progress to the college’s movement toward a more inclusive admissions process for transgender women. Activists in the Smith Q&A student organization are frustrated after a year’s worth of talks with administrators that recently came to a halt. These discussions were sparked by the rejection of then-high schooler Calliope Wong, a transgender woman who was rejected from Smith last spring because a federal student aid form identified her as male. (BuzzFeed.com) A rules committee within the United Methodist Church is drafting a proposal that, if accepted by the church's governing bodies, would change its position on homosexuality and more fully embrace LGBT inclusion in the church commu-
Garden State Equality Receives Award from NJ Association of School Psychologists Garden State Equality (GSE) was selected by the New Jersey Association of School Psychologists (NJASP) to receive the Dr. Irwin A. Hyman Service to Children Award. The group was honored for its efforts fighting bullying in New Jersey schools. GSE Treasurer Kim Otto accepted the award at NJASP's annual conference, held on Friday, May 9th at the East Windsor Holiday Inn. NJASP’S Service to Children Award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions to education, mental health or the general welfare of children and youth in New Jersey and the nation. GSE, along with key legislative supporters, helped to pass the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights in 2011 and has continued working to support the bill's implementation through education, training, and an anti-bullying helpline, 1-877-NJ-Bully. Garden State Equality, New Jersey’s leading civil rights organization, works to ensure the quality of life for the LGBT community through education, advocacy, service, and support. With support from over 150,000 members, GSE has helped enact such major laws as the freedom to marry and the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights. For more information about Garden State Equality, visit www.gardenstateequality.org The New Jersey Association of School Psychologists is the state affiliate of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Their mission is to advocate for all children to realize their full potential and to promote school psychological services for children and families. For more information visit www.njasp.org
nity. At a meeting in Chicago, the committee voted to move forward with legislation amending church doctrine to "fully include LGBTQ persons in the life and ministry of the church." The committee vote is just one step in a lengthy process to change church laws, and any eventual proposal will be tendered before the General Conference in 2016. (Advocate.com) Lawmakers in Cyprus are considering a bill that would punish homophobic behavior with fines and possible jail time. The legislation would, however, provide protections for LGBT individuals similar to those involving racism and xenophobia. The bill intentionally leaves vague the definition of "homophobic behavior" in order to provide flexibility in implementation, according to Aristos Damianou, a Cypriot lawmaker. (Gay Star News) Giovanni's Room in Philadelphia, the oldest operating GLBT bookstore in the country, closed its doors on May 17th. Ed Hermance, who owned the store for 38 years, announced his plans to retire in the fall, selling both the business and the two buildings it occupies. The store had lost between $10,000 and $15,000 since the beginning of the year. A potential sale agreement had been announced earlier, but the buyer could not come up with enough money to finalize the sale. (Philadelphia Gay News)
Buddy, can you spare an ad?
Business card ads start at just $25. Discounts for repeat appearances. Contact Ye Editor at Challenge @GAAMC.org This Month's Contributors Mickey Suiter is one of the original founders of GAAMC and has served in many positions, including multiple terms as President. He is currently Vice-President of Operations, charged with the smooth running of our Monday night meetings and events. (page 3) Bill Realman Stella writes Dancing To Architecture because writing about music is dancing to architecture. Bill hosted the eclectic pop music radio show Highest Common Denominator, and seeks sponsors to revive it. To have Bill write, DJ, or promote for you, contact bearealman at gmail, and visit Bill's online 'zines and blogsite http://HowTo FindTheBestMusic.blogspot.com/. Comments, suggestions, and fan mail are also welcome. (page 10)
June 2014
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GAAMC Board of Trustees, April 17, 2014 Meeting Minutes Attendance Voting Trustees: DeLeeuw, Dinkin, Gygax, Rase, Schaublin, Suiter Non-Voting Attendees: Allen Neuner The meeting began at 7:00 pm. I. Adoption of minutes: The minutes of the February meeting were approved unanimously (moved, Schaublin; seconded, Suiter). II.Old Business: GAAMC Outings: 10 people attended Act One. 16 people attended Standing on Ceremony. RSVPing on Facebook and Meetup helps increase responses. Pastabilities: Let John know what you are bringing. Admission fee is $10 firm; no discounts will be given. Hand out raffle tickets as an incentive. III.New Business: Macy's Shop for a Cause: S c h e d u l e d f o r S a t u r d a y, August 23. $5 ticket gets a 25% discount. Andy will create a link. IV. Reports: President: Sherri Rase — Written report on file. Treasurer: John DeLeeuw — Written report on file. Challenge: Allen Neuner — May issue stuffing is April 25. June issue deadline is May 15. May deadline extended to April 18. Programs: Sherri Rase — Written report on file. Andy suggested we plan an outing to see NJ Shakespeare Festival rather than having them come to GAAMC. Discussion Group Resources: Gordon Sauer — Written report on file. Pride Events: Mickey Suiter — Event dates were listed.
V. Save These Dates: April 28th, Pastabilities June 1st, Jersey Pride June 8th, North Jersey Pride June 29th NYC Pride August 2, Hudson Pride August 23rd, Shop for a Cause VI. Ideas & Suggestions: The next payment for Constant Contact is due. Andy reported no Board members use it. Motion to continue with Constant Contact for another year passed unanimously (moved, Schaublin; seconded, Suiter). VII. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn passed unanimously (moved, Schaublin; seconded, Dinkin) The meeting adjourned at 8:13 pm.
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Dancing To Architecture™ ~ Music Reviews & News with a Queer Ear
A Special, combined Memorial Day and Pride Month Edition ~ compiled by Bill Realman Stella
In These Boxes
Out Musician Dudley Saunders Creates "An Online Cemetery For Things The Dead Left Us" Dudley Saunders recalls the origins of In These Boxes: "In the fall of 1991, my two ex-lovers died of AIDS within two months of each other. What made it worse was realizing that nobody who remembered us together was still alive. My past life had suddenly become extinct. "Their few objects became for me the evidence that they had existed. How many other lives had disappeared, were disappearing every day, leaving objects like these that no one could interpret? The hidden meaning in ordinary objects haunted me. "Using a combination of video, song and text, In These Boxes tells the stories of lost people through the objects they left behind. Some of these stories are fictional but all of them are real. I would be honored if I could include the evidence of our loved ones' missing lives in this piece too." Say someone died and now you have their things. Or maybe just one thing. It might not even be valuable. An old spoon or a glove. But you can’t bring yourself to throw it out. You can leave it here. Musician and artist Dudley Saunders is asking for your images of such relics to create a “social media cemetery.”
Some of these keepsakes will be incorporated into video imagery in his performance In These Boxes, which you can see on June 5th at Dixon Place. Social documentary meets music, video and performance art in this cathartic tribute to past lives and imagined lost souls. Take a photo and post it to Instagram with the hastag #InTheseBoxes. If the object has meaning you can put into words, write it in your post. Your photo will live on t h e w e b a t w w w. InTheseBoxes.com and will also be incorporated into the transmedia piece In These Boxes, which will be performed in communities around the country in 2014. Dudley Saunders is a trans-disciplinary gay artist whose work explores the lives of marginalized people, in performance art, video, fiction, documentary, and music. The Kentucky native’s “surreal, modern folktales” (Village Voice) are featured on his albums Restore, The Billy White Acre Sessions, The Emergency Lane, and on his most recent album Monsters. His performance pieces include Birdbones (The Kitchen, 1994), praised for its “hallucinatory power” (NY Times) and Death Blues (1995), (“Best Musical” - NY Press). He was awarded the 2009 Outmusic Award for Best Album. He and his music are in the documentary United In Anger: A History of Act Up.
T H E L I T T L E B O X O F C O NC E RT S ™ GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! As a key component of Dudley Saunders' In These Boxes project, he has created a live, multimedia performance piece. The single scheduled New York City area appearance is Thursday, June 5 th at Dixon Place 161 Chrystie St in lower Manhattan. Performance starts at 7:30 PM DixonPlace.org or 212 219 0736 $12 in advance, $15 at the door, $10 students & seniors Dudley Saunders' IN THESE BOXES explores the human need to keep the dead from disappearing by holding on to their things. This performance will incorporate images collected from the local community. Dancing To Architecture and Media Outage ©2013 Bill Stella. All ©, ® & ™ items included for review purposes are ©, ® & ™ their respective owners. The stylized Q indicates albums by (or significantly contributed to by) Out Bisexuals, Gay Men, Lesbians and Transgendered persons. GAAMC is pronounced "GAY-mick".
June 2014
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Q ◂ Josh Zuckerman, Trance Smith, Hannah and Maggie Q ◂ and SONiA of Disappear Fear
on the Festival Stage at Jersey Pride, Asbury Park, NJ ~ Four of the Free Performances on the festival grounds ($10 suggested donation to enter) BE THERE EARLY FOR SONIA'S SET, BECAUSE @7:30PM SHE PLAYS Phil Ochs Night at Sellersville Theatre, in Sellersville, PA Saturday, June 7 The amazing engine fronting the legendary "Tucci Train" Q
◂ Christine Martucci and Special Guests:
Q ◂ Christine Havrilla, Dina D and Kiyomi
The Stone Pony, Asbury Park, NJ Sunday, June 8th
Q ◂ The Kinsey Sicks "Beautifully sung, comic and politically savvy." "Uproarious... brilliant... authentically joyful." Gut wrenchingly funny...pitch perfect a cappella harmonies." "Gloriously, proudly bad taste...gut-busting parodies and raucous shtick...high camp, unafraid, subversive...astonishing." Q ◂ Antigone Rising Q
◂ De'Borah Garner (The Voice, Season 3) Bea Miller (X Factor, Season 2)
on the Festival Stage at North Jersey Pride, Maplewood, NJ Memorial Park Amphitheater, 123 Dunnell Road
Pictured: The Kinsey Sicks (top) De'Borah (left) Bea Miller (right) Antigone Rising (bottom)
find more events and online exclusive features starting on page 13
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Officers President (President@GAAMC.org) — Sherri Rase VP Community Services (Info@GAAMC.org) — Gordon Sauer VP Operations (Operations@GAAMC.org) — Mickey Suiter Secretary (Secretary@GAAMC.org) — Ron Kennedy Treasurer (Treasurer@GAAMC.org) — John DeLeeuw Trustees Kerry Dinkin, Marty Grifone, Joe Gygax, Frank Lucek, Rich Schaublin, Liz Slicer Committee Chairs & Functional Officers Challenge Editor — Allen Neuner (Challenge@GAAMC.org) Discussion Group Resources — Gordon Sauer (Discussions@GAAMC.org) GAAMC Outings — Open Information — Andy Skurna (FreeLibrary@GAAMC.org) Membership — Open Pride Events — Mickey Suiter Pride Guide — Andy Skurna (PrideGuide@GAAMC.org) Programs — Sherri Rase (Programs@GAAMC.org) Publicity — Open Socials — John DeLeeuw (Socials@GAAMC.org) Webmaster — Andy Skurna (Webmaster@GAAMC.org)
GAAMC, the Gay Activist Alliance in Morris County, has served New Jersey’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and intersexed communities since 1972. GAAMC is a notfor-profit volunteer-run organization that provides social, educational, and outreach programs. GAAMC also offers opportunities for individuals to become politically active on issues related to the GLBTI communities. Our intent is to maintain a positive, healthy, respectful, and supportive environment in a safe space. Meetings are held every Monday evening at the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship, 21 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown, NJ (near the Morris Museum). Discussion groups usually meet from 7:00 to 8:00. The evening's program usually starts shortly after 8:00. Refreshments are available. For program information, check our homepage at www.GAAMC.org. Members and non-members are always welcome. Annual membership dues are: Regular, $40/single, $70/couple; Students/Seniors, $30/single, $60/couple. Those looking to help out at GAAMC can contact Gordon Sauer at Info@GAAMC.org. How to reach GAAMC Mail: PO Box 137, Convent Station, NJ 07961 Telephone: 973-285-1595 Email: info@gaamc.org Home page: www.GAAMC.org Mail List: groups.yahoo.com/subscribe/gaamc Facebook: www.facebook.com/gaamc Challenge online edition: issuu.com/gaamc/docs
June 16th
June 23rd
Makin' Yummy Stuff!
Memories & Recommendations
Open Mic Tonight!
See "GAAMC Events", page 2, for more details!
June 2014
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The STONEWALL Veterans' Association ("S.V.A.") is comprised of the actual, surviving and active veterans of the 1969 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender ("GLBT") monumental 1969 Stonewall Rebellion at and the former regular patrons of The Stonewall Club (no one called it the "Inn") at 51 and 53 Christopher Street in Greenwich Village, New York, U.S.A. The rebellion (it was never a 'riot') lasted five inconsecutive nights (they were not 'riots') from Friday, June 27th, to Thursday, July 3rd, 1969. On two nights (June 30 and July 1) it rained, so, no one wanting to get wet, the rebellion was postponed! Symbolically, it was on the 'seventh day', July 4th, American Independence Day, that the united Gay community triumphantly celebrated our Gay independence -- though not our full civil rights and freedoms! The S.V.A. was founded on the following Friday, July 11, 1969, literally just a stone's throw from The Village in a New York delicatessen restaurant known as The Victoria on 14th Street off Fifth Avenue. The S.V.A. organization is a cultural, historical, educational, advocacy and politically-aware, non-profit, volunteer organization primarily, but not exclusively, for the GLBT communities. It includes the SVA's non-Gay members, friends and supporters. The S.V.A. is registered (since 1969) with the New York State Attorney General's Charities Bureau and listed with the City of New York's non-profit groups. The "STONEWALL Newzletta" is the popular publication of the S.V.A. Originally a two-sided news flyer, it grew to a 16-page newsletter with commendation letters from public officials and candidates as well as Gay and non-Gay organizations. The newsletter includes business, public service and public official advertisements. An "S.V.A. Speakers Bureau" of Stonewall veterans is available to other organizations and groups and for events and forums. The Stonewall veterans of the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion led the annual New York Gay Pride parades in Manhattan (the first in 1970 to the 40th in 2009), Queens (through 2004), Long Island (until 2000), Brooklyn (through 2007), The Bronx (1998 to 2002 when they ended) and sometimes across the big "V" bridge to Staten Island. The S.V.A. has also been the guest leaders of Gay Pride parades throughout America. Spanning a few decades, the S.V.A. periodically partakes in the annual nighttime Greenwich Village Halloween Parade. The S.V.A. leading any New York City parade is with the classic, eye-catching and now famous 1969 blue Cadillac convertible "Stonewall Car" with the big white wall tires, white leather interior and the colorful magnetic signs that read "1969 Stonewall Car"! The S.V.A. regularly meets on the last Saturday of every month @ 4:15 p.m. at the New York City GLBT Community Center. The S.V.A. phone number is (212) 6-27-1969 (the exact date of the first night of the Stonewall Rebellion, June 27, 1969). STONEWALL Veterans' Association's mailing address is 70-A Greenwich Av., Suite 120, Manhattan, NY 10011 [All text on this page and next is reprinted from STONEWALLvets.org, the S.V.A.'s "informative, interesting and fabulous website."]
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Remembering the SVA's King Stormé DeLarverie Sunrise: 24 December 1920 * Sunset: 24 May 2014 * * * * * STONEWALL Veterans' Association S.V.A. Executive Committee (1969 to 2014) Former STONEWALL V.A. Ambassador * * * * * Imperial QUEENS & Kings of New York Imperial King * * * * * Jewel Box Revue Sole Male Star
K. Stormé DeLarverie was born 'way down yonder' in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was incredibly not long after the end of World War I on Christmas Eve, December 24 of 1920 -ironically and prophetically, the year that American women won the right to vote in America! To quote Stormé: "I've been fighting for the Gay community ever since!" Stormé has a silvery baritone voice with a jazz-oriented sound. In the 1940s, Stormé was a solo performer with a three-piece band. Stormé is probably best known for being part of the legendary Jewel Box Revue, a popular "drag" performance group which toured America -- not always under the best of accommodations or circumstances. The Jewel Box Revue ensemble was composed of two dozen males dressed beautifully and seductively as females and one biological female dressed very gentlemanly and convincingly as a man: Stormé! It's a role he does persuasively on stage and off. During the 1950s and the 1960s, Stormé was the Jewel Box's only male impersonator. He did so as a fine gentleman. The entertaining uniqueness was that the entire talented troupe were in gender-bender roles -- all except one! The "J.B." was a forerunner to the Broadway musical "La Cage aux Folles". Unlike the latter, the J.B. confronted acceptance, joyousness, praise and fulfillment on one side but segregation, prejudice, scorn and sadness on the other side of the coin. Stormé DeLarverie initially got involved with the STONEWALL Veterans' Association ("S.V.A.") when it happenstancely began spiritually the very first night of the Stonewall Rebellion, Friday, June 27th, 1969 at The Stonewall Club in Greenwich Village, NYC. Stormé had just returned to New York City from touring with the Jewel Box Revue. The S.V.A. officially formed exactly two weeks later on Friday, July 11th of that exciting year 1969. Storme was there!
Unlike the mainstream and heterosexual media, The Advocate got it right! Stormé is a Drag King not a "lesbian activist", although he is understandably perceived by many as such. He is a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Storme was really never involved in any activism except whatever the STONEWALL Veterans Association does, which is mainly historical, educational, public forums and pride parades. That of course is standing up and speaking out! The Advocate [at this link] acknowledged the reality of King Storme being well-known for the past 45 years through the S.V.A. and its sister group the Imperial Queens & Kings of NYC, a transgender social (not activist nor lesbian though it has both in it) group! Storme would abhor, despise and hate the use of the word 'riot' as he always did, since June 27, 1969, when he participated in the first night of the Stonewall uprising.
Please attend the "S.V.A. 45th Conference & Stonewall Reunion" on Saturday, June 21st with your photos and/or spoken remembrances of Stormé DeLarverie! In the true spirit of Stormé, all are welcome!
June 2014
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Appearing nightly, Thursday June 5 to Sunday June 8 Q
◂ The Kinsey Sicks
at The Rrazz Room at The Ramada, 6426 Lower York Rd (Rt 202), New Hope, PA The Kinsey Sicks — America's Favorite Dragapella® Beautyshop Quartet! — Celebrate their 20th anniversary with their new over-the-top musical — and brilliant new album recording:
"America's Next Top Bachelor Housewife Celebrity Hoarder Makeover Star Gone Wild." In this brilliant "reality" send-up, we find Rachel, Winnie, Trixie and Trampolina in the jungle, trying their best to score at challenges that involve singing, dancing, dating, dieting and, of course, large insects. But is that the complete story? Surprise Yourself! You must see The Kinsey Sicks to know for sure!
If you somehow miss the fine artists shown below Appearing June 1, 2014 at Jersey Pride, Asbury Park First row: SONiA (twice), Josh Zuckerman, Trance Smith Second row: Hannah and Maggie, Thelma Houston Do watch their videos (for something you haven't seen before, try "Can't Stop" by Trance) and explore their websites for your further enjoyment! And join ye Editor Allen and Me in our other annual Gay, June tradition, watching the Tonys on June 8!