Log book part 2

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WEEK 3: CAMPUS BUILDING Structural systems Elements ANALYSIS Surface, Curves, columns, independent foot pad structures 1. Car park

1. Pad footingà grounds structure by spreading the point load over wider area. Point load = south lawn trafficking. Tree roots also adding to the support. 2. Concrete to concrete joining. To create a stronger joint, the surface if roughed, making it harder for movement. 3. The structure made up of large concrete slabs joined together.

How materials are joined

-­‐ Rebar to provide Concrete continuity -­‐ Use of tree roots to ground the structure. -­‐ Concrete to concrete joins and to the ground a footpad.




Main materials

1. 2.

Expressed or concealed structure Concealed

Types of joints Mortar joints Concrete pads

2. Arts west

Beams, truss support. Noted: beams hang of truss

Many support systems such as concrete rock, walls and steel frames

Concrete block provides equilibrium for the steel framing. Concrete block and timber framing work in unison to create a balanced structure. However also used for aesthetic appeal.

Fixed joinings through bolts

Timber, steal, concrete, aluminum, galvanized steal, glass

Combination of different textured materials to stylize and beatify a structural frame. In the photo above, the mirror affect allows the user to become interactive with the structure.


Fixed jointà you don’t want rotation in the structure as it is in a major trafficking zone In this photo we can see two timber beams. These beams are vertically positioned and joined together with a horizontal metal beam. This beam is the main support of the steal framing that lies on top of it.

Skeletal 3. Union house

Steal cables for aesthetic appeal. use of different types of steals.

Steal cables-­‐ pin joints, stairs are braced by fixed joints

1. Fixed joint – the use of this is unknown. It is either acting a weight bearing support for the structure or is an allusion for support and is not load bearing. 2. Beams: aesthetic feature, creates the allusion that the stairs are hanging.

Stainless steal, aluminum, galvanized steal


Pin joint to support constant dynamic loads Fixed joint between beam and column.

1 .

Membrane Held in tension, Evidence of hybrid Holes for drainage system in the steal ring. 4. North court

Steel rods anchor the membrane structure to the ground when impacted with dynamic load Eg) wind Supporting columns Steal cables with pin joints

Stainless steal Expressed cabling, plasticized hessian (SPF resistant, composite materials) Steal ring acts as reinforcement

Pin joints connected membrane to outside columns.

1. When the dynamic load (wind) is not present the wire cables are relatively loose, however when wind is present the cables are held in tension. 2. Open hole: provides light and allows for drainage. 3. Held in tension by steel cables, joint by a pin joint and supported with concrete columns.

Portal frame Enclosure system: back brick wall and glass windows.

Salt, water, erosion, heat are major issues to consider, columns act independent 5. Swimming pool from the structure, piping acting as inspection points 1. Simplistic building = attention to fine detail that ensures the building function correctly. Eg) the concrete under the window structure is extremely important, as it is load bearing. It ensures the building is waterproof. Also acting as a main point of connection to which the columns connect.

Fixed. Loads transferred from the roof into the steal columns

Bricks, powered coated steel, aggregate concrete, aluminum, glass, piping.


Glass and frame only holding self-­‐ load. Bricks not load bearing.

Glass framework, brick: is part of the enclosure system. White columns and roof: load-­‐bearing system. Evidence of Waterproofing system

Timber stud framing

Two parts: existing building + new development. To expand foundations have 6. Oval pavilion to considered conservation of pre-­‐existing structure. Spacing of stumps indicate next layers width Evident from the restored building + the extension, underpinning would have taken place. Evidence of support structure: timber footings, suggesting pad footings.

Issue with joining to buildings together, different structural systems, underpinned structure, concrete stumps leading down to a pad.

Timber (old and new) Steal, aluminum, concrete, vapor barrier

Concealed – new development Expressed – old structure

Expansion joints, Joints are concealed within the enclosure system.

7. Architecture building

Recessed steel framing Structural steel trussing (tension rods)

Steal framing, insitu concrete cast columns. Slab enclosure system. Pre-­‐existing façade-­‐ push-­‐pull support Larger cantilever

Exposed support system for aesthetics Precast concrete slabs (enclosure system only)

Pad footings, raft slab footings. Stich plates to connect walls. Reinforcing cages Roof beams

External steel Concealed Fixed for pre-­‐cast (galvanized) structural systems, columns and stich Pre-­‐cast/insitu/ Exposed in some plates. sprayed/polished areas concrete Acoustic tiles Double glazed glass Timber + plywood Timber LVL beams Plywood:

8. Old geology south

Steal framing

Malians (vertical) Transnet (horizontal)

Brick veneer: not part of structural system Window frame: load bearing structure, support the base of the cantilever.

Brick (enclosure Concealed Fixed joints system) Stainless steal, glass Malians present (transient) Vertical panels in windows

Steal framing

9. Sydney Myer lawn

Unbalanced and counter balanced system at ground level. Supporting berth, perforated

Use of multiple structural materials for both structural and aesthetic approach. In this photo the use of the concrete block acts as structural support for the timber (melogomay) roofing.

Fixed joints, each element supporting each other. Footings accommodate building underneath. (2 purposes)

Timber, concrete, steal, natural mahogany

Lecture theatre below meaning structure acts as footings and foundation for the room below.


Fixed joints as provides shelter to people.

Open aired structure, categorized as pavilion

Concrete framing

Constructed insitu à due to space constraints. Built 10. Lot 6 upwards through under ground basement. -­‐ Concrete columns and beam are part of the enclosure system. Structural support is made form steel framing and is concealed behind the columns and glazed glass

Fixed. Concrete columns fixed and load bearing. Windows framing is only self-­‐load.

Concrete columns built insitu, glazed glass, stainless steal

Clearly identified systems and structures. However structural system is concealed Load paths.

Uniform structure. Fixed joints as much as visible.

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