Issue 4, Vol. 54

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highlights 4 5 0 B i r d R o a d , C o r a l G a b l e s , F L 3 314 6

Issue 4,

D e c e m b e r 2 013 , V o l . 5 4

One man dance crew wins Mr. CG

By Maggie Rivers & Nicolas Rivero MANAGING EDITOR & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Even though Slosbergas seemed to exude confidence throughout the competition – especially in the swimsuit contest where he relied on few props to compliment his good looks – Mr. Gablettes admitted the process was nerve-wracking and hard work. Although he was representing the school’s dance team, Marmesh said that Slosbergas had to be “coerced into getting really into [his dance].” What really won over the audience’s heart was Slosbergas’s affectionate side, which he revealed when asked which woman he admired the most other than his mother. Slosbergas chose his grandmother, who was in that crowed that night. Upon receiving her shout out, Slosbergas’s grandmother jumped and screamed in the aisles with glee. Slosbergas said she worked hard to make sure that his mother and family were provided for and was always there for him when he needed her. While he said the win felt amazing, what Slosbergas really appreciated was the friendships he got to take away from the whole experience of Mr. Coral Gables. “You know how close I am with all these kids here,” said Slosbergas after the show. “These are all my good friends right now.” “Slosbi is a really funny guy. He’s a good friend of mine and he deserves [the win],” said Matthew Llanes, Mr. Track and Field.


Just before the curtains opened, Mr. Coral Gables presenter Holden Payne announced that the next contestant would be performing a dance routine with the Gablettes. Payne stepped off the stage, the curtains were tugged aside, and the spotlight shined on Jacob Slosbergas, Mr. Gablettes, attached to an elaborate system of wooden poles, PVC pipe, balloons, duct tape and plaid skirts: his dance crew. During a surprisingly enthusiastic dance routine to music Slosbergas cut with his brother, his every move was mimicked by four puppet Gablettes held together by a contraption he built with his family over Hanukkah and Thanksgiving break. Slosbergas’s originality was rewarded by laughter, applause, and a high score from the judges. “When I would peek through the curtains to look at the judges’ reactions, I knew it. They loved it. I don’t know where he got it from, but his was the most original,” said Activities Director Anna Suarez. Ever modest, Slosbergas gave full credit for the idea to Mr. Coral Gables Coordinator and Gablettes Dance Coach Mo Marmesh. Slosbergas only claims responsibility for “bringing the idea to life.” Slosbergas went through a series of designs for the puppets’ heads, starting with printouts of the senior Gablettes’ faces that “looked like shrunken heads” and were too creepy to use, and finally settling on the balloons with hand drawn faces on the morning of the competition. “[When he was rehearsing his talent] it looked like […] a crow type of thing, you know, something you put outside your house to scare people away. At first it was scary, I can tell you, but now it’s funny,” said Chris Muñiz, Mr. Cheerleading. As a Gablette Sweetheart, Slosbergas saw the opportunity to be a part of Mr. Coral Gables by representing the school’s dance team. It had been his dream since freshman year to compete in the pageant.

Maggie Rivers/highlights

Healthy competition at sixth Mr. Coral Gables STAFF WRITER

GABLES FINEST: (Top) Teague Scanlon revives brother Cole Scanlon in the opening dance. (Bottom) Mr. Congeniality winner Jorge Suarez improvises on his saxophone.


PG. 3 Past athletic director Harold A. Cole honored with field dedication

PG. 10 Long-running teachers reflect on their time at the school


Maggie Rivers/highlights


Tuesday marked the sixth annual Mr. Coral Gables pageant. Jacob Slosbergas, Mr. Gablettes, was crowned the winner. Cole Scanlon, Mr. SOS, was first runner-up and Joseph Lopez, Mr. JROTC, was second runner-up. Mr. Congeniality, who is chosen by the contestants themselves, was Jorge Suarez, Mr. TV Production. Before the night’s event, contestants were scored on personal interviews and a video they created showcasing their talent. The night then opened with a doctorthemed dance performed by all of the contestants, followed by a performance by the Gablettes & Co. The ensuing Swimsuit Competition awarded points based on crowd reaction as each contestant stepped into the spotlight. Judges Bertha Lowell, Class of 1993, Gaby Vasquez, Class of 2006, Kevin Fletcher, Class of 2009, and Ramses Ghanem and Reece Hoffman, Class of 2011, tallied up the interview, video, and crowd reaction points to announce the Top 10. The Top 10 performed their talents in alphabetical order based on the name of their organization. Some of the more noteworthy talents included Mr. Football, Gregory “Buddy” Howell’s mash-up dance, Mr. IBHS, Julian Falconi’s guitar

solo and vocal duet to “No Woman, No Cry,” Mr. Swimming, Javier Fernandez’s “History of Rap” with co-Master of Ceremonies Karina Williams, and champion Slosbergas’s dance with four life-sized Gablette-look-alike dolls. The Top 10 was cut to a Top 5: Slosbergas, Falconi, Lopez, Scanlon, and Fernandez. The final point-scoring opportunity was the question/answer segment. Each of the five finalists was asked what woman, besides their mother, they admired the most and why. Slosbergas, Falconi, and Lopez unknowingly, yet unanimously, said their grandmothers, while Scanlon spoke of his sister and Fernandez of a friend. Videos of contestant interviews and bloopers were shown before the winners were finally announced. Despite the competitive nature of the pageant, the contestants said that the atmosphere surrounding Mr. Coral Gables was one of support, camaraderie, and even brotherhood. “The entire time we’re fighting with one another but it’s like a big old family. No one cares who wins. At the end of the day we’re just happy we’re all together doing it together,” said Chris Muñiz, Mr. Cheerleading. “Mr. Coral Gables was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had and I think that anyone who has the shot to do it should take it,” said Alex Maza, Mr. Drama.

PG. 13 Tennis and water polo teams train for the spring season


By Jordan Payne

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