Issue 4, Vol. 55

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highlights 4 5 0 B i r d R o a d , C o r a l G a b l e s , F L 3 314 6

Is Gables liberal? TWICE



Maggie Rivers/highlights


ON 14 OUT OF 19

INDIVIDUAL POLITICAL ISSUES out of 140 students surveyed

Students SPEAK UP

-Marisel Lavizzari, junior

highlights conducted a political survey of students at the school in hopes of uncovering the general political climate of the student body. Based on a wide variety of current political issues, we compiled a list of political stances to determine where the school as a whole stands politically. Because the survey was intended to be a representation of the overall school population, it cannot cover the intricacies of every possible view on each individual political issue. Thus, it is important to note that the survey was based on responses that students considered closest to their actual views. Overall, a basic analysis of these responses led to the conclusion that the majority of students’ views lean towards the left. Recognizing the many factors that contribute to one’s political party affiliation—including family views, community influences, and basic social, economic, and moral values—survey results showed a correlation between party affiliation and the corresponding stances on the issues. Forty five percent of surveyed students identified as Democrats while 22 percent of students identified with the Republican Party. It is important to note that 23 percent of students identified as Independent. This is fairly indicative of the political party balance in Gallup Polls of the 2012 presidential election, which displayed 38 percent of voter registration

-Isaac Cimbler, senior

Compiled by Camila Lupi and Avery Budin

In an effort to get an idea about the school’s overall political climate, highlights surveyed 140 students about their affiliations and views. The results and their implications are presented below.


“I think the school is liberal, and I am independent. I don’t agree with any ideals too strictly because they’re too one sided. Immigration deters me the most; it’s too polarized.”

“Gables is very liberal and offers opportunities and education from around the world. Everyone is open minded.”

D e c e m b e r 2 014 , V o l . 5 5

By Ali Band



Issue 4,

as Democrats, 25 percent as Republicans, and 33 percent as Independents. The school survey displayed a higher percentage of students lending themselves to the liberal perspective, but also showed a larger proportion of students who identified as Independents than as Republicans. This may be suggestive of Americans’ increasing shift to an independent status, which has come more at the expense of the Republican Party than the Democratic Party, as shown by a recent Gallup Poll. When it comes down to the individual public policy issues, certain ones were dominated by high liberal responses and others generated overwhelmingly conservative responses. For example, in terms of foreign policy, a majority of students chose the option which supported the idea that the best way to ensure peace is through military strength, as opposed to the alternative of good diplomacy being the best way to promote peace. Additionally, despite the proportion of Republicans, students still greatly support the notion that homosexuality should be accepted by society, thus indicating that such Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) issues may be becoming less influenced by party affiliation and more by individual perspective. In regard to the immigration question, a majority of students surveyed showed their support for immigration as an enrichment of our nation. Overall, it seems that most students, while liberal, have a moderate political stance. The two traditional parties by themselves do not fully represent what it means to be a Gables student politically.

“I tend to see the student body as more liberal than conservative. I’ve heard discussions on liberal health care, legalizing marijuana, and strong support of same sex marriage.” -Caroline Bauwens, senior

Concession stand to open at school

In an effort to raise money for the boys’ an internship option through the concession stand as well. basketball team, head coach and business teacher The concessions will be sold out of a window that was Gaston Rodriguez is opening the Cavalier Corner originally made to sell tickets for basketball games, but has concession stand at the northeast entrance of the gym. not been used for many years. A $2,500 donation from State Business, Management, and Farm has been set in place to aid Information Technology Rodriguez with food purchases and It would be helping our students (BMIT) students will sell set up, but it has yet to be received. and helping our student-players snacks and drinks from 2:30-6:30 As of now, the production is being at the same time, so it would be p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays, paid for with money fundraised by and until 4:30 p.m. on Fridays. the boys’ basketball team. a win-win. Rodriguez said he came up with A paved seating area was Gaston Rodriguez, the idea to be able to bring in more constructed to accompany the Head Basketball Coach funds for the basketball team and to concession stand sales window with create an alternative for students who the help of an $800 supply donation go to the 7-Eleven near the school. from CEMEX. Rodriguez said he aims to make the area as “We figured; let’s do something that will be a somewhat inviting as possible by including a canopy over the window, healthier choice for our kids here. It would be helping our umbrellas for the table, and a large sign. students and helping our student-players at the same time, so it The ultimate goal of the snack sales is to provide money would be a win-win,” Rodriguez said. for the entire athletic department, as well as the basketball The stand will also be an opportunity for the BMIT team. Although no official date has been set, the grand opening students to earn community service hours and gain experience of the Cavalier Corner is being planned for the first week of with handling money. Rodriguez said he is hoping to provide school after winter break.


By Olivia Field STAFF WRITER

Olivia Field/highlights CAVALIER CORNER: The recently constructed patio accompanies the sales window behind the gym to make up the school’s new concession stand.


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