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Students call for Girls gender neutral flag football team formed bathrooms By Angelika Menendez STAFF WRITER
“Using the bathroom would be a misdemeanor. Something punishable by law. Using the bathroom that you feel you should use is punishable by law. We can’t In early April, the school’s Gables stand by that. It’s our job to make sure that the student Paradigm club, also known as the Gay Straight body here in our community feels safe. We have had a Alliance (GSA), wrote a petition to implement couple of people that have had issues with the bathrooms a gender-neutral bathroom at the school. GSA here at the school and at other places. So we want to President senior Camilo Bacca and members of make sure that they feel safe as well,” Bacca said. the GSA club presented the petition with over The idea is to take one of the male teacher bathrooms 400 signatures to Principal Adolfo Costa and on the second floor of the New Building and turn it into a the school’s administration last week and hope gender- neutral bathroom that anybody can use. to present it to the Miami-Dade County Public School Once GSA received the approval from Activities (M-DCPS) board before the end Director Ana Suarez to start of the school year. the petition, students and It’s our job to make sure that The goal of the petition is to faculty began to sign it. The the student body here in our create gender-neutral bathrooms goal was to get the whole community feels safe. at the school to be used by student body and as many not only transgender students, faculty members to sign the Camilo Bacca, but also by any students who petition as possible. But to be Senior feel more comfortable using a able to expedite the process, bathroom that is not gendered Bacca and members of GSA because they feel like they do not conform to the male or presented the petition to Costa and the administration female gender. with over 400 signatures. Costa and the administration “For the transgender students, they have expressed responded by telling Bacca and the GSA members that vividly that they would like these bathrooms. As GSA they would have to go directly to the M-DCPS board for president, I feel like it’s a responsibility to provide those approval. resources for students. It’s not a human right, but a basic “The school board is the one that dictates the use of human necessity because everybody needs to use the the facility and the designation of the facility. Right now bathroom and everyone, especially at the school, should the facility is designated to have boy bathrooms and girl be comfortable using the bathroom,” Bacca said. bathrooms and adult male bathrooms and adult female According to Bacca, the reason that the petition bathrooms for the teachers, so any change in that has to was first brought up was that a recent piece of Florida come from the school board. I don’t have the authority to legislation, called the ‘Gender Bathroom Bill,’ was go ahead and make any of those changes,” Costa said. approved that would require people to use the bathroom Bacca said he hopes that even if the school that corresponds to their biological gender. However, board turns down the petition, it will have sparked transgender people and people who do not identify conversation and created awareness about the benefits of with either gender feel that they do not belong in those implementing gender-neutral bathrooms. bathrooms. The legislation would make it illegal for “The student body not only wants it, but the student them to use the bathroom they feel they should use. body needs it,” Bacca said.
“[Gender neutral bathrooms] would make things easier and less complicated for the guys and girls who don’t feel comfortable going into an all girls bathroom.” -Natasha Landsberg, freshman
Compiled by Vanessa Vazquez and Kasandra Scholz
“I feel like [gender neutral bathrooms] should be initiated and the administration should look into them... I just think it’s really cool.” -Manny Diaz, senior
Maggie Rivers/highlights
By Camila Lupi
The school’s 2016-17 spring sports season will include a new sport: girls flag football. Public schools across the district are beginning to incorporate girls flag football into their sports programs. This will become the school’s 19th sport and 27th sports team. Athletic Director Louis Romero decided to start the sign up for the girls flag football team as a way to get more female student athletes at the school. He said he hopes to have 20-25 girls on the team. “We are out of compliance with a state regulation that states that we need to have an equal number of female student athletes as male, and girls flag football will help us in that situation,” Romero said. The federal regulation that mandates equal representation of both sexes in public schools is Title IX. Florida enacted the regulation in 1972 to ensure that male and female students had equal opportunities to participate in school activities. Along with ensuring equal representation of girls and boys in public schools, Title IX states that there should be no under representation of a gender in school sport teams. To make sure schools are in compliance with Title IX regulations, the ‘Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act’ was created in 1994. It mandates that schools show their records of the male to female ratio in sports. The school currently has a total of 227 female and 277 male athletes. Additionally, the school has teams for both sexes, excluding football and wrestling, which has one team for both sexes. Romero said that the hope is for girl’s flag football to fill the difference between the number of female and male athletes, as well as the number of female and male sports teams. The girls flag football team’s season will begin on March 9 and end on April 25 of 2016. The team will be competing against other schools that have also recently created flag football teams. According to Romero, all public schools are “getting on board” with flag football at the same time. Meanwhile, private schools have already begun to implement girls flag football teams into their sports programs. “It will be in its first year, its infancy, so the importance is for the girls who do participate to enjoy the process,” Romero said. No teacher has stepped up to coach the team, so the school’s administration is currently looking for a head coach. At the moment, no one is in consideration for the position. Simultaneously, the school is trying to get the word out by putting up the announcement on CavsConnect to see how many girls would be interested in joining the team. The sign up for the team is scheduled to begin in May. Students who are interested should see Romero in his office.
number of female flag football varsity championships held
number of female flag football participants number of schools that
192 Source: ESPN
competed in the sport in 2012 Maggie Rivers/highlights