Vocab log_english3

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Universidad del Valle de Guatemala English 3 Gabriela Ortiz Pivaral 13592


sentence where the word was encountered and/or source Headway Advanced Student book p# 9


synonym(s) and related words

n. A person who leaves

stranger, outsider, newcomer, migrant, emigrant

one country to settle permanently in another. n. A book of synonyms, often including related and contrasting words and antonyms. v. tr. To move or cause to move with quick light sweeping motions Adj. Self-deprecating; humble


Headway Advanced student book p# 13

Synonym finder


Headway Advanced student book p# 19


Headway Advanced student book p# 19


Headway Advanced student book p# 9

Adj. Skillful; dexterous.

cunning, scheming, sly, devious, knowing, designing


Headway Advanced Student Book p# 23

bring up, raise


Headway Advanced Student Book p# 26


Headway Advanced Student Book p# 29

v.tr. to care for (children or a child) during the early stages of life v.t. to oppose successfully; prevent from accomplishing a purpose n. a persistent, often wistful melancholy desire;

related meaning

a thesaurus organized to help you find the word you want but cannot think of

flick, whip, sweep, brush, wipe, twitch in an apologetic manner; "he spoke apologetically about his past"

frustrate, baffle

longing, hungriness, desire

Homework thwarted my plans for this weekend.

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