Form giving processes

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Fog/ Frost

Form Giving Processes

Rythm- The expereince of Unity and Plurality


The proposal of this exploration is based on the study of kinetic tensegrity structures as a result of how these are able to respond to the gentle changes of energy in the process of fog and frost. The possibilities of a tensegrity structure to become activated are based on how these respond to differential loading. Elastic movement and energy decay of these structural systems could be investigated through changes of interactions between tension and structureal members which act as natural damping elements. The natural flexibility of equilibrium in tensegrity structures means that the thermal fluctuations of fog and frost will be able affect the character of an under-constraint structural system.

Time Scale

We are interested in exploring the motion resulting from the thermal changes with respect to the processes of formation of fog and frost. The changes brought about by this movement can be considered “virtual”, not tangible, because they are simply invisible to the human eye. Therefore we would like to explore how the intangible energy; naturally framed by the phenomena of interest can be sculpted into process giving forms. We are interested in transformation from the realm of the imaginary,-where all is possible- to the haptic reality and the relationship between the two. The processes of interest occur according to certain rhythmic patterns which are described by thermodynamic oscillations. The delicate environment necessary for these phenomena to be activated allow for an uncertainty on their actualization. Meaning that their delicate qualities would allow for a simple interruption on the cycle which can generate a differentiation on its process. The effect that this interruption might have on the human experience can help redefine the natural phenomena and open the possibilities for a new experience. We are thus interested on how this rhythmic differentiation can become not only expressed but living part of the covering and structure in an architectural expression. Our normal perception of the phenomena is experienced and defined as a unity. However we are interested on how the human perception might be affected if the phenomena could be experienced as a multiplicity of instances. In normal circumstances both fog and frost define an specific instance in the cyclic time. They occur within the parameters of dew points and frost points. If the processes where experienced as instances related to this natural continuum then the phenomena might redefined through a more paced experience. This breaking down of the cycle of time might reopen the possibility for the user to become a protagonist when being aware of each instance and able to contemplate on the present.

Tensegrity - Compression in an Ocean of

The scope of our time focus is that of a 24 hour period since the processes of fog and frost are characteristically ephemeral. This period of time will allow for a tangible exploration of the processes. It will enable us to experiments with both contemplative and active human experiences.

Situation Aarhus is a city where one could find suitable conditions to generate fog and frost. It’s common low temperatures and high probability of rain during the year make sthis city perfect for the exploration of these phenomena. An average temperature is 14 ° C with 77% humidity, are necessary conditions for the formation of the two phenomena of interest. The important of the proximity of the site to the sea shore is due to the tendency of a warm air mass to move over cold air as a result of thermal differences and wind. Furthermore salt particles can reach their dew points at a relative humidity of 70%; for this reason fog can usually be found at sea.

Possibilities of Kinetic tensegrity as a processs.

Francisca San Martin Turner Gabriela Alban Hidalgo

A Dialogue Between Skin and Structure

The probe in focus seeks to investigate the delicate equilibrium of a tensegrity structure and how a disruption of this equilibrium can result in variations of form and light. In order to materialize the energy of the processes of fog and frost a series of membranes were composed over the tensegrity structure, each attaching to the compression members. If a perfect equilibrium is achieved by the tensegrity structure then a variation of arrangements and relationships between membranes, which gather evaporated condensed water from the fog and frost will disrupt this equilibrium and animate the structure . This arrangement will express the gentle energy variations of the process of fog and frost by establishing a framework for a set of reactions that respond to the environment's density.

Setting up reactions by establishing relationships between structure and membrane

Change of mass in the membrane dramatically affects fog and light

With this probe we conclude that the defined tactic of changing the equilibrium by a change of mass in the membrane is effective as a method of changing the arrangement of the structure. However, a more thorough and precise investigation of the structural geometry would help predict and control changes of form and light.

Change of Weight in the Membrane

As a way to express the phenomenons in focus as a relationship of instances rather than a process the different reactions of a variety fabrics as a result of condensation and frost could be further investigated. A difference in permeability could be an strategy that further allows the structure to play with more variability.

Twist __ Untwist

Analysing the force necsary for the structure to twist down

Tensegrity Twist

This is a study of the ability of this tensegrity structure to change according to the pressure applied by a change of weight on the membrane. The change of weight in the membrane will variate according to the density of the phenomena, either fog or frost. Twisting the structure would change dramatically the quality of the space while simplying the complex reactions of tensegrity.

Analysing the force necsary for the structure to twist down

We learned that this tensegrity configuration is much more delicate to construct and balance due to its concentric arrangement. In the progression of our study we will look back at this model as an insight in finding more controlled and sculptural forms to the concept of tensegrity.

A Volume of Tensegrity This probe explores the potential of a tensegrity structure and its response to external forces. The implied forces are abstraction of the energy within the processes of fog and frost. The given geometry of the volume allows for a tangible exploration of the potential changes. The simple tensegrity model explores the unions and relationships between the compression and tension members. Strings that would allow for manipulation of the structure where attached to random compression membranes. This experimentation allows us to further understand the response of the geometry when subjected to a certain stress. The structure changed dramatically after moving certain key members and very little after pulling others.

Refelctions on Spatial Changes and possibilities

Abstracting the forces of Tensegrity

Through this experimentation we were able to learn about flexibility of the material and the possibilities of this structure to change its form with little force. By playing with the structural arrangement we were able to further understand the potential for this structural method to be both stable and flexible. Through this experiment we were encouraged to further study and understand the possible geometries of a tensegrity structure and the dynamism we are looking for.

Thresholds of Tensegrity

Experimenting with a tensegrity membrane

This probe seeks to generate a tensegrity membrane with the characteristics of previous models studied, flexibility and stability. With this membrane we sought to understand how different spaces could be generated an orchestrated path. We also sought to analyze the possibilities for this dynamic membrane to serve as an instrument of kinetic thresholds that would palpitate with different experiences. Closing and and opening the membrane to allow to the public to pass through and experience different instances of the phenomenons.

Investigation of spacial complexity

External Forces changing the membrane

This tactic of generating of a membrane and a path furthers our investigation of how to perceive a unity as a passage of separate instances. The methodical approach used to build this model relates to the logic and wholeness of the processes relevant in the phenomenons. However, a model such as this one would allow us to materialize the complexity of the phenomenons by opening a variety of possibilities for reactions to occur. In future experiments we would be interested in investigating how a simple modular structure of tensegrtity geometry could be repeated and used to formulate a variety of experiences and spaces.

Relationship between member movement and forces

Possibilities of Tensegrity in a changing landscape

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