Fall/Winter Premiere Issue of What Liberty Ate Magazine (#1)

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What Liberty Ate

food with love.


Liberty Loves

CAsual Appetizers

Sprouted Kitchen Not Without Salt Desserts for Breakfast Delicioasa Găteşte şi Muşcă Învăţ să Gătesc

ideas for Halloween and Christmas

soft boiled egg with soldiers

fall-winter 2011 |

Orient Express

Italy's Labyrinth - Venice Old Czech Style - Prague



What Liberty Ate

food with love.


Gabriela Iancu Founder & Creative Director

Medeea Iancu Contributing Writer & Photographer Liliana Rusu Contributing Writer Irina Vochiţă Contributing Writer Advertising Inquiries sales@whatlibertyate.com Magazine owned and published by Gabriela Iancu. contact@whatlibertyate.com www.whatlibertyate.com © Copyright 2011 by Gabriela Iancu All rights reserved by the author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording and/ or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author. First publishing November 2011 Publication published simultaneous in English and Romanian. For other credits see last page.


What Liberty Ate

Call for submissions You have a food blog or food related graphic design or fine art project and you’d like to see it featured in magazine?

What Liberty


You can send to us original, never-before-published projects (that means also your own blog and other blogs and websites too) if you think your project is worthed to be shared world wide.

What Liberty Ate

Here at , we’re committed to publish fresh content about food blogs, food photography, graphic design, fine art or crafting kitcken related projects. To submit your project, please include your contact info and a ttach photos of your project by sending them to info@whatlibertyate.com, using subject line “Submi ssion”. Fresh and original content will have priority into been fe atured in our magazine. We do not currently offer paid editorial co verage.

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Contributors Irina Vochiţă Contributing Writer

I'm a personal trainer. I'm taken up by nutrition and a healthy life style. I love to cook delicious and healthy meals. I believe that food is not only a source of energy, but also a way to say your state of mind. You can access my website here : www.sportychoco.ro

Medeea Iancu

Contributing Photographer

I'm a lyricist, drama director and I have been literally recomman ded by Baruţu T. Arghezi. [Medeea is just Medeea and nobody

else. If you will encounter her in your way to the bust station or to the newspaper stand, just stop, offer her a cigarette, and make an reverence.]. You can access my website here : www.medeeaiancu.com

Liliana Rusu Contributing Writer

I'm painting, making je we lry and hand-made accessories. I'm also cooking and today, I'm here with you to share goodies that you can taste along side me with some tea or co ffee. You can access my website here : www.gradinacumigdale.weebly.com

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A huge thank you to all contributors! A special thank you to Ashley Rodriguez, Sara Forte and Stephanie Shih for accepting to be interviewed for the first issue of

What Liberty Ate Magaz ine.

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Along for the ride... 8 - What Liberty Ate Magaz ine

I started this journey three months ago. After publishing my cookbook I fell an urge to tell the world what I think about food photography, about food bloggers, about this tremendous work that represents food, photography and blogging. I found myself blocked in few situations where people around us didn't understand what is this all about, nor wanted to cooperate into projects. We are at a milestone where the internet is boiling in talented people with great food blogs, but the media is repeatedly not advertising any of those.

I'm blogging since 2006 and just now I realized that I need to be in a place where I can push myself to do more creative work. Blogging is great in general terms, but blogging about something you love and is even better. Among all the blogs on internet, the best blogs are raising up because of their great content. Sadly, still there is not enough power and commitment to speak about all this. This magazine is not only the stamp of an inspirational project where I came across talented people, but also it has been the place to cross barriers of creativeness, of self-will to produce something exquisite instead of just good.

photography, blogs and people. It's a place where you can find out the best undiscovered food blogs/photographers, a place filled with great recipes, photographs, places to go and good thoughts. I can’t think of a better way to start this new chapter than with you all joining me and sharing your dreams, energy and creativity. Please join me.



This magazine wants to be, with your solidarity, a place where you can state loud and proud what you think about food

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Sprouted Kitchen www.sproutedkitchen.com

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Interview by Gabriela Iancu | Photography by Hugh Forte Incredible enthusiasm for healthy food, simple recipes taken to the next level of goodness and prepared as a therapy in the life busyness, they all are part of the amazing food blog of Sara Forte. Sprouted Kitcken is a place where food becomes easy to make, easy to eat and easy to think about it later.

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You have a very convivial blog. I find it very positive and I'm checking it regularly to see your adventures in the kitchen, but also to see the nice photography of your husband. What made you want to open a food blog? Hugh, my husband, started it as a gift to me. I had been reading 2 to 3 food blogs religiously, always talking about them, and he thought it would be a good place to do what I love, and keep me accountable to keep learning.

What's your favorite being a food blogger?



I love the feedback. I adore that people leave comments when something matters to them, whether it be the food, words or photography. It always amazes me that people actually make this food, and my favorite part is getting their positive feedback.

From all your posts on the blog, I feel a real enthusiasm that you have for food : healthy food and pure ingredients. In

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what you find your inspiration, enthusiasm and conviction that we must eat healthy? Since working on an organic farm a few years back, I grew a new appreciation for what labor goes in to growing good food. I never want to take advantage of that. My approach to food comes from a stand point of wellness, and wanting people to be good to their bodies. I do believe, and it is a proven fact, that the foods you eat affect your energy, skin, disease fighters, aging etc. I want to do my best to live this life well, and I think a big contributor of that, is eating right.

How do you manage to start right for a creative work day? I keep another part time job as well, so I don't have to think creatively all day long. I think thats been a good thing, as creativity comes and goes. I just started getting up at the same time every morning and starting work, like you would if you worked for someone else. I have to consider this creative process a job, so I try to create some routine.

What's your discovery?


food Yes, it is pretty much an echo of the site. The

difference is I do have some chicken in there, and the blog has been primarily how I eat (vegetarian+fish). I wanted the book to reach a Since its mid summer, I am obsessed with fresh slightly wider audience. Like the blog, the recifruit. Not a lot of cooking or additions, just eating pes are not fussy, they can easily be adapted, fresh seasonal fruit. and they are produced focused. I have a number of gluten free items, some dairy free. These What do you think about the trend days there are a lot of food preferences and that food photography and food a llergies, and I tried to speak to everyone. It has been a challenge for Hugh and I, as we have blogs took today? never done anything like this before, but I am It is a huge market now, there are thousands, beyond excited to see what happens with it :). if not millions of food blogs. Its something that brings people together, so no matter how many people are doing it, if you are photographing, writing or creating something that brings you joy, All photography © Hugh Forte it doesnt matter how many people are doing it, and by courtasy of Sara Forte keep doing what makes you happy.

You have a mentor in life? From your point of view, why it is important to have a mentor? I greatly respect Heidi Swanson as a food blo gger. She has established a clear intention in the food world, and I respect what she does, how she cooks, and how giving she is with her advice. There are older women in my life that have qualities I really admire, and I try to spend time around them as often as I can. I absoluetly think having a mentor is important. Life is a big deal, and it gets hard, we need people, without question.

What changed in your life after launching the blog? I have always considered myself a hard worker, and imagined I would lead a life behind a desk or for a big corporation. Hugh encouraged me to tap in to this creative side of me, as he watched and listened to me get so excited about food. The blog sort of canon balled me into this industry, it gave me a point of reference to do whatever I do from here on out.

You shared on your blog, that you're working on your cookbook. It will keep the same spirit of the blog? Can you share more about this?

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Desserts for Breakfast


Interview by Gabriela Iancu Photography by Stephanie Shih Did you ever thought that there is a blog which can speak up about all things sweet and even more, that is holding so many beautiful photographs? By entering the food blog Desserts for Breakfast, you are entering a world of farytales, where elfins are making magic perfect sweets and some great master is immortalizing them by taking breathless photographs. This is the world that Stepahine is handing over to us, via her wonderful awarded food blog.

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Photo : Toni Gauthier

What made you photographer?




a lucky to encounter incredible people and places

and food, and then I have this inexplicable need to share it with everyone else. Here’s a random list of current inspirations off the top of my head: I started photography because I spent so much farmers markets, rhythm and music, trees, light, time wishing I had a camera with me that I shadows, Dutch still life, ice cream, travel, Infigured I should just spend all of my time with stagram, my wonderful friends (who do everya camera! There wasn’t really one particular thing from leading geological expeditions in the reason beyond my intuition telling me, this is Himalayas to knitting lace), language, oddities in what you need to do. iambic pentameter, the beach, wind and fog, stories, really good and beautiful food, pet photos What's your favorite part of being people post on Facebook.


The best part of being a photographer is being able to see an unprocessed image of the world and finding beauty and interestingness in what’s around you—little things or angles that we might miss walking by too quickly every day.

How does a typical day in your work life look like?

A typical shooting day usually begins with me cleaning the studio and prepping for a shoot, whether it’s running around to stores and markets for the fresh ingredients that are needed or You have an incredible enthusiasm cooking in the kitchen. Then shooting takes place for your job. In what you find during the daylight hours, and then cleaning up your inspiration and this great the kitchen and studio happens while the images are downloading from the camera. I usually try enthusiasm? to take a long break for dinner and some down My inspiration comes from literally everywhere— time, and the rest of the night is spent for postit’s impossible to really break it all down. I’m so processing or other admin work (or, most likely,

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egy has just been to keep doing what I love doing and to fight for my vision and the way I want my photographs to portray the world rather than to stray too close to the popular styles of the moment. I strongly believe that the more you believe in what you’re doing, the more other people will believe in your vision as well. True sincerity is one of the most attractive qualities in anything artistic, and it’s one of the hardest to fake.

You have a mentor? From your point of view, why it is important to have a mentor? Yes! I have a wonderful mentor and friend (she’s an absolutely amazing portrait photographer) whom I annoy to death with constant photography questions (It’s okay, I feed her cake). It’s so important and crucial to have a mentor because they’ve been through what you’re going through and can help you make sense of your developchatting with other food bloggers on Twitter). ment from the other side. Also, it’s much easier for others to see what’s special about your work How do you manage to start right in ways that you can’t, and having someone point for a creative work day? out your value to you is invaluable. I try to think about whatever I have to shoot for a few days ahead of time, turning over images or particular aspects that I want to capture in my head. I also like to clear my calendar of anything else on the days I’m shooting or cooking, so that I can wake up and immediately concentrate and focus on photography and food.

What's your discovery?



Roasted plums. I grew up not liking plums because they got too tart as you eat towards the center seed, but then I discovered that roasted plums are beautifully sweet and melt-in-yourmouth all the way through.

What would be your advise for young photographers who want to enter the world of photography but nobody supports them. What's the best way to start right and make yourself noticed in a world full of creative people? I’m still trying to figure this one out! My strat-

What changed in your life after launching and popularity of your blog? The blog has introduced me to an amazing co mmunity of like-minded artists and food fanatics who are some of the most supportive and generous-hearted people that I know. It’s been great to meet and make friends because— let’s face it—not everyone in the general public understands the bizarre urge to photograph everything we’re about to eat! All photography © and by courtasy of Stephanie Shih

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Not Without Salt www.notwithoutsalt.com

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Interview by Gabriela Iancu | Photography by Ashley Rodriguez Beautiful series of photographs taken on film, stories about life's wonders, sadness or joy of love, recipes on how to make your own sea salt or mascarpone cheese, all these and even more, you can find in the precious blog of Ashley Rodriguez. Not without salt has also place for leftovers, the photography lets you speechless and the recipes are e ffortless. Ashley's recipes and photographs have been featured in Times Online, Saveur, Bon Appetit and her blog is one of the proudest blogs to be part of Martha Stewart's circle.

You have a very convivial blog. You are sharing stories from your day-to-day life and you are not afraid to share your doubts and the real part of the life. What made you want to open a food blog?

a nother. I feel so fortunate to have readers who are so encouraging and open with me as well. The comments and emails from readers have been a continual blessing in my life and have shed light in some dark seasons. I can never thank them enough for that.

You are sharing amazing food Many different reasons. I have a hard time not photography on your blog. What's truly being myself on a space that I cared so much your favorite part of being about. It’s not that if sharing my realities doesn’t photographer? make it real but to me it seemed as if I wasn’t painting the right picture of my life. I also really struggle with insecurities and found that this was heightened when looking at other wo men’s blogs and thinking they had it all figured out. I didn’t want women to think less of themselves by looking through the blog. Rather I wanted to foster a community of openness and honesty in hopes that we can inspire and encourage one

Thank you. I am an artist in the sense that I need to create in order to fully feel like “me”. Photo graphy is another medium (that I adore) that I can use to capture moments, memories. It helps us to see the everyday in a new way and from a new angle. I also love, if done well, it can elevate food to a fine art. A place, I feel, it is worthy to be.

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Generally people are afraid of ea ting too much. Everywhere, you're hearing don't eat too much sweets, too much fat, and people are finally choosing to bereave themselves of eating any of those. But you have an incredible enthusiasm for food. In what you find your inspiration to cook and this great enthusiasm?

How does a typical day in your work life look like?

Three kids five and under, two home busines ses, and home shooling means that there are no typical days. We are continually trying to find out what works best for us. Currently I have been able to work two mornings a week and try to frantically get as much done while the younger two sleep and late into the night. I have an incredibly supportive husband that is willing to do whatever he can to make sure I am able to purI am continually amazed by food. I’ve been eating sue my passions. for nearly 30 years now and I still have food experiences that can bring tears to my eyes. It’s a How do you manage to start right subject that’s ever changing and no matter how for a creative work day? long I study it I will never truly master it. There is just so much. As an avid learner I like the feeling I pray, which helps to remind me of what my of continually discovering new tastes and new f ocus is, why I am doing what it is I am doing and ingredients. At the same time food, at it’s best, is it takes the focus off of me and on puts in on to simple and not overly complicated. I have a great something much bigger than myself. I like that respect and appreciation for food, which I think feeling. is one of the reasons why I don’t take advantage of it in an unhealthy way. What's your latest food


Yesterday I made a beautifully simple lunch with plans to repeat it often. White beans, strips of raw zucchini, sun-dried tomatoes, rosemary, and salt. Heaven in a bowl.

What would be your advise for young photographers who want to enter the world of photography but nobody supports them. What's the best way to start right and make yourself noticed in a world full of creative people?

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Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Always be taking pictures. Eventually the camera will feel like an extension of your eye and you will see the world differently. It is inspiring and exhausting to see so much ta lent around. But cream rises to the top. If you are passionate and serious about your craft you will get noticed. Also, the fact of the matter is anything you do is equal parts passion and business. Network, put yourself out there and give back to the community in which you are a part of. Learn from others then when it’s your time, teach.

You have a mentor? From your point of view, why it is important to have a mentor?

All photography © and by courtasy of Ashley Rodriguez

I don’t really have a mentor. But I am surrounded by a community who is not afraid to share the lessons they’ve learned, encourage when I need it most, and help in whatever ways they can. It’s beautiful.

What changed in your life after launching and popularity of your blog? My blog has changed with my life. It started as a way to market my wedding cake business and now, through it I’ve found a passion for writing, a love of photography, and a place to intimately share and inspire. In this tiring season of rai sing three young children my blog has been grace in my life. A place I can commune with friends, create, and rest. I am so thankful for it and all that has come along since it’s start.

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Tchaikovskyan seasonsAutumn What Liberty Ate Magaz ine - 23

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Autumn Fig Tart REcipe by Gabriela Iancu Photography by Gabriela Iancu As sophisticated as it seams, this tart is the easiest one that can exists. In three time movement - puff pastry, figs and sugar - your tart will be ready before you will clean-up your kitchen.

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1 frozen puff pastry dough mascarpone cream to serve 5 big fresh figs 3 tablespoons of brown sugar

1. Preheat oven to 200째C. Line a cookie pan with parchment paper. Roll the pastry onto the pan. Sprinkle the pastry with the brown sugar, and top with figs. Lightly sprinkle brown sugar over the figs. 2. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes, until the pastry is puffed and golden brown.

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French Rose Apple Tart REcipe adapted from Sara Moulton Photography by Gabriela Iancu Nothing is better than the taste of a home made apple tart. Kick back the old style and refresh your tart with a beautiful 5 heat restaurant rose tart design. The petal rose tart was an tremendous hit, back in 1980 in New York's La Tulipe restaurant. Cookbook author and TV personality Sara Moulton, is learning you today how to do it.

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French Rose Apple Tart* 1 1/4 cups flour, plus more for dusting 12 tablespoons unsalted butter, cubed and chilled 1/4 teaspoon salt 7 Golden apples, peeled, cored, and halved 1/4 cup sugar Whipped cream or vanilla ice cream, for serving

1. Combine flour, 8 tablespoons of butter, and salt in a food processor and pulse until peasize crumbles form, about 10 pulses. Drizzle in 3 tablespoons ice-cold water and pulse until dough is moistened, about 3—4 pulses. Transfer dough to a work surface and form into a flat disk; wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour. Unwrap dough and transfer to a lightly floured work surface. Using a rolling pin, flatten dough into a circle and then transfer to the tart pan with a removable bottom; trim edges; chill for 1 hour. 2. Heat oven to 190°C. Working with one apple half at a time, thinly slice into sections, keeping slices together. Press sliced apple half gently to fan it out; repeat with remaining apple halves. Place 1 fanned apple half on outer edge of the tart dough, pointing inward; repeat with 7 more apple halves. Separate remaining apple slices. Starting where the apple halves touch and working your way in, layer apples to create a tight rose pattern. Fill in any gaps with remaining apple. Sprinkle with sugar and then dot with remaining butter. Bake until golden brown, 60—70 minutes. Let cool completely before slicing and serving with whipped cream.

*recipe was published on Saveur website in January 2011

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pumpkin bread REcipe by Irina VochiĹŁÄƒ Photography by Gabriela Iancu This is a wonderful cake perfect for Hallowen, or any autumn morning, when we want to indulge ourselves with something sweet and flavoured.

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1 cup wheat flour 1/4 cup oatmeal flour 1/2 cup sucanat 1/4 cup agave syrup 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon powder ginger 1 tablespoon of chia seeds 1 organic egg 1 cup pumpkin purée 1/4 cup sweet almond oil bourbon vanilla seeds pinch of salt

pumpkin bread

1. Preheat the ove to 180°C. Line two loaf pans with parchment paper. In a mixing bowl, add the sugar, agave syrup, egg, almond oil and vanilla. Mix until combined and then add in the pumpkin purée. 2. In other bowl mix the flour with cinnnamon and salt. Then pour it over the mix made above. Add the chia seeds. Pour the composition into the pans. Bake around 40 minutes or until golden.

Organic glaze Tip : You can add some organic delicious glaze. 1 cup cashew nuts 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon hydrated seedless dates 1 tablespoon coco butter bourbon vanilla seeds pinch of salt 1. Add all ingredients in a blender and mix until you'll obtain a creamy mixt. Glaze the cake with this cream and let it rest for an hour in the fridge.

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Chia seeds are a great source of fat acids Omega 3, antioxidants and aminoacids. They are energiazing - 1 tablespoon of chia seeds was enough to give energy for a whole day to an Aztec warrior. Sweet almond oil is very nourishing, being rich in vitamins A, B and E. It improves digestive function, reduces blood cholesterol, nourishes the brain and nervous system, stimulates intelligence, reduces pain and muscle tension. Pumpkin slows aging and prevents cardiovascular disease due to high content of antioxidants. Pumpkin pulp contains vitamin A, vitamin E, C, minerals, carbohydrates and protides. Beta-carotene has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, reducing the possibility of diabetes and is regulating the blood glucose levels. Agave syrup has a low glycemic index and is a delicious natural sweetener. Can be used moderately by the ones following a strict diet or diabetics.

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All I want for Christmas 38 - What Liberty Ate Magaz ine

is you... What Liberty Ate Magaz ine - 39

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Organic Cinnamon Winter Cookies REcipe by Irina Vochiţă Photography by Gabriela Iancu These cookies are crunchy and soft. Are delicious and very flavoured. Can be eaten in a cold winter day with a black coffee or a green tea.

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Organic Cinnamon Winter Cookies 1 egg 1/4 cup cocoa butter 1 cup sucanat (for regular sugar use only 1/2 cup) 3/4 cup wheat flour 1 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 2 handful of oatmeal organic flakes pinch of salt

1. Mix all dry ingredients - flour, cinnamon, sald and lemon zest. Melt the cocoa butter on a water bath. Add in the sucanat and mix until completly melted. 2. Lightly beat one egg and add it to the mixture above. Next, add in the oatmeal flakes and mix well. 3. Preheat the oven to 150째C. Using your hands form small cokkies balls. Line a cookie pan with parchment paper and place the balls onto it. Flat all balls using your palm or a fork. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

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Cocoa butter is rich in stearic acid, oleic, palmitic, linoleic essential fat acids Omega 6 and Omega 9, polyphenols, theobromine, squalane, tocopherols and phytosterols. It is also an important source of vitamin E. Oatmeal flakes are a good source of nutrients such as vitamin E, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese and magnesium. Also, oatmeal is a good source of protein. Sucanat is the name given to evaporated cane sugar. Being unprocessed, the nutrient intake is unchanged. The organic sucanat is a very good source of potassium. Be careful not to confuse it with brown sugar. Cinnamon stimulates the immune system, helps eliminate unwanted kilos and lowers blood sugar levels. It is also a good source of magnesium, fiber, iron and calcium. Help relieve nervous tension and has beneficial effects on memory.

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Tips: If you do not have cocoa butter, you can substitute it by using coconut oil or classic organic butter. From this mixture you will get 10 to 12 biscuits. If you want more, double or triple the ingredients amount. In this cookie recipe you can add nuts, almonds, raisins, cranberries, dried bananas, chocolate chips or anything that you like. For the vegan version, you can replace the egg with chia seeds or so - 1 teaspoon chia seeds or flax seeds mixed with 1 / 8 cup (30 ml) water.

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Christmas Fe

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estive Dinner

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Basil Taglioline with Spicy Shrimp and Grilled Veggies for 2 servings 300g fresh shrimps 1 garlic clove, minced 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon of Thai mango sauce 1 tablespoon of fresh chopped dill 1 medium bell pepper 1 small eggplant 1 big potato 1 small zucchini 1 small red onion, finely chopped 1 tablespoons of olive oil pinch of salt, black pepper 300g basil taglioline 1. Start by preparing the shrimps. Place the shrimps into a large mixing bowl, season with salt, pepper, squize half of a lemon over the shrimps, the diced onion, add in the Worcestershire sauce, Thai sauce and the minced garlic. Coat shrimp well. Preheat the oven to 200째C and place the shrimps onto a large tray. Cook for up to 15 minutes or until done. 2. Cut lenghtwise the bell pepper, eggplant and zucchini, drizzle it with olive oil, salt and pepper and place it over the grill for 10 minutes, or until are done. 3. Boil the pasta according to the package instructions. Serve the pasta with the grilled vegetables and spicy shrimp.

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Roasted Pork with American Style Wet Sauce REcipe by Gabriela Iancu Photography by Gabriela Iancu

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American Style Wet Sauce 70ml Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons Soya sauce 70ml ketchup 30ml apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon hot sauce 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1. Bring Worcestershire, ketchup, vinegar, sugar, hot sauce, soya sauce and the other ingredients to a boil in saucepan over high heat; remove from heat and cool.

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Roasted Pork Loin 500g boneless pork loin 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon sugar 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped

1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Line a pan with parchement paper. Rub spice mixture all over pork. Place loin onto the tray and sprinkle the chopped garlic over it. From 15 to 15 minutes, brush the loin with bit of the wet sauce to produce a crispy shell. Let pork rest for 15 minutes before slicing. Serve with sautÊe spinach.

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A foodie cat story O

nce upon a time, there was a cat named Î, also called the Fierceful Î. One day, the cat went for a short round in his appartment newly redecorated. Being upset because of the grey weather which was freezing the sun rays that he loved so much, Î made-up a cattish plan. He lay out in his room a flowered blanked, where he put the master's tableware. A small jam plate, a coffee grinder, where he hidden, for black days, little nuggets-pillows filled with chicken meat. He also put on the small plate, few of the master's favorite cake, rolling it over, slowly, from the kitchen, until he reached the blanked.

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Words by Medeea Iancu Photography by Medeea Iancu

He carefully sat next to his new conquests and awaited for the sun to raise up. While he was waiting with his ears perked up and his moustache tense, a small sun ray got into the room. ĂŽ fell asleep with a paw in the blueberry jam and one under his tummy. When the master arrived home she found ĂŽ still sleeping on the blanket. ĂŽ woozy of his sleep opened his eyes and saw his master's terrified face, he totally forgot about his jam, the golden nugget-pillows, and he automatically made a tour around his tail, looking for a place where to hide. He crossed the room, leaving behind him, traces of his paws full of jam...

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Învãt’ sã gãtesc (i.e. I'm Learning to Cook)


Interview by Gabriela Iancu | Photography by Irina When I first discovered, Irina's blog, I told myself I found one of the most creative Romanian food blog. Even miles away from Romania, Irina is sending to us genuine thoughts, good artistic ph otography and fantastic recipes. I compared her blog inevitably with the starting days of the famous Cannelle et Vanille. Irina's blog is so promising for the future of food photography in Romania.

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What made you want to open a food blog and how did you start to take photographs? What's your professional background? I left Romania a few years ago. My blog appeared more from the desire to write in my native language, to share with dear ones, my lifestyle, my feelings, my thoughts. This is my secret garden, from Sunday afternoon, before a new week starts. My background is totally different, I have a degree in Economy, I'm working in Paris, at the head quarters of a very important company. I like what I do. I live intensively in two parallel worlds, where I try to do best both. What do you like most when photographing food and what aspect do you think is hard to control in food photography? I'm still learning to take photographs...is hard for me to catch the light or the moment. I believe I don't have the necessary talent, but I'm pushing myself forward to read about photography, to learn to take photographs, to practice when I have time. I would like to be able to communicate, with the help of photography, the flavors, the taste, the environment, the perception of cold or hot.

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Each post on your blog has a small story aside, not just recipes and photographs. These small stories are introducing the readers into your world. How and from where do you get your inspiration? Are out there ph otographers that are inspiring you or do you have a mentor? The ones who read my blog are taken up, first of all, by the stories that are introducing my recipes. Sometimes are short, other times much longer, acting accordingly to my feelings. Generally, I cook what I sincerely like to eat. And I try to communicate this pleasure via the stories I tell. Moreover, almost all the stories are related to memories with people I have close to my heart, people that I miss. Is easy to tell stories when I'm speaking about them. Otherwise, I don't have a mentor, I like so many! How is your day when you want to publish a post on your blog? There is some special ritual that you are following, are you getting prepared while in ahead with ingredients for a specific recipe, or the inspiration is just coming and you are starting cooking with whatever you find in the store room? I cook only on Saturdays and Sundays and I try to use just fresh vegetable and fruits, or season picks. I believe that as fresh the ingredients are more good the food will be. I like to go to the market on Saturday morning, there I find aImost all the time my inspiration.

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What is your latest food discovery? The apple rose tart made by Alain Passard. I tried to make for you here. It's very beautiful, very tasty. Requires a bit of handiness, but pays it's price. It gives me a comfort good feeling and I hope you will like it too. All photography Š and by courtasy of Irina

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Apple Rose Tart REcipe by Alain Passard Photography by Irina

1 frozen puff pastry dough 200 g dulce de leche or caramel 6 big red apples powder sugar

1. Preheat oven to 180째C. Line a tart pan with parchment paper. Roll the pastry onto the pan. Pour over the pastry , the caramel or dulce de leche. You can replace it even with honey mixt with enough water just to brush the mixt over the pastry. 2. Wash the apples. Shed the apples, then roll the skin, until you form a rose shape. Place each rose on the tart. Sprinkle with powder sugar. 3. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden.

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Vegetables Tart REcipe adapted from Sonia Ezgulian Photography by Irina

5-6 carrots 2 zucchini 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil 1 tart pastry dough thym, salt, pepper

1. Roll the pastry onto the pan coated with butter and flour. Prick it randomly using a fork. Place the pan in the fridge. 2. Meantime, wash the vegetables. Cut the carrots lenthwise in thiny slices using a grated or a sharp knife. Do the same with the zucchini. Put out the dough from the fridge. 3. Preheat the oven to 180째C. Start by rolling in a slice of zucchini, then continue with the carrots slice, again zucchini, and so on. When the circle becomes big enough, place it in the pan over the dough. Continue to add vegetable slices. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and thym and bake for 30 minutes.

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Gãteste si muscã ’ ’ ’ (i.e. Cook and Bite)


Interview by Gabriela Iancu | Photography by Ciuşcă From savory delights like the French sea bream with fennel or Tur kish Divan Börek or Egyptian lentil soup to sweeter fare like Le Cordon Bleu's gâteau au chocolat, Ciuşcă covers so many cuisines. Personal yet accessible, the food featured on Găteşte şi Muşcă will draw you in, and the nice photography will make you coming back for more.

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What made you want to open a food blog and how did you start to take photographs? What's your professional background? I wanted to have more than just a notebook, where to write recipes (usually in bad handwritting). I wanted to have photographs, directions easy to follow, tips and tricks, therefore my blog was born as a notebook-journal. My professional background is journalism, and even if this is not exactly what I'm working, it's helping me to write better stories on my blog and take nice photographs.

What do you like most when photographing food and what aspect do you think is hard to control in food photography? I love the textures, there where they can be relevant. Textures are really hard to capture in a picture, and this is not always just a gear problem. Even more, I love - and not only in food photography - the light, and how it transforms everything around, especially behind the camera, where I can observe it better. How and from where do you get your inspiration? Are out there ph otographers that are inspiring you or do you have a mentor? I don't have a mentor. I get inspiration from my parents - the culinary skills of my mother, the trips and experiences of my father - from the storeis of my gourmand friends, from the books that I can't stop buying, from the multiculture of Dobrogea

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(i.e. region of Romania, located next to the Black Sea). Also from my trips, from what each season brings, and when I'm hungry - from the sky birds that I see as flying steaks :). How is your day when you want to publish a post on your blog? There is some special ritual that you are following, are you getting prepared while in ahead with ingredients for a specific recipe, or the inspiration is just coming and you are starting cooking with whatever you find in the store room? Generally, I do not document on the blog other recipes than the ones which are notable to remember. For instance, I can cook with the eyes closed any soup, but now adays you can find any soup recipe on internet. Otherwise, I don't like the idea of putting someting on a plate just for the sake of taking pictures and publishing contentless post on my blog, and I never upload on internet recipes or pictures that are laking in quality. I will always prefer not to photograph while I'm cooking, and it should be obvious why. However, if I really want to publish a post, I get professional, and then, even if I'm cooking, I can stop for few seconds to take photographs that will show what I'm preparing, and especially how I'm preparing a recipe.

As for the rest, sometimes I'm cooking with whatever I have in my store room - and usually I have a lot; I'm a good stockpiler, if someone locked me for one month in the house, definitely I would not starve - or I'm making lists to shop what I need - from

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where, for sure I'll buy what I need and even half more, because I have a great imagination, and I can not stop thinking about other recipes...and so on. I regret that in winter I don’t have that many hours of light and then, for the pictures’ sake, although a bit absurd, I prefer to cook during the weekend something that I know I want to publish on the blog. What is your latest food discovery? My last food discovery is conpoy (dried scallop), a wonderful asian invention. All photography © and by courtasy of Ciuşcă

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Gãteste si muscã ’ ’ ’

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Smoked Fish Pot-Pie Words and REcipes by Ciuşcă | Photography by Ciuşcă They are saying that this kind of fish pie (which is not exactly a pie) is an English dish. I'm very tempted now to make some jokes about the english gastronomy, but when I remember their pie invention, I wish more than a good joke, a warm piece of pie. This pie is a comfort food, and the fact that the dough is actually a potatoes paste, it makes it even more comforting.

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Smoked Fish Pot-Pie Ingredients : 300 g smoked fish 1 cup of milk 1 bay leaf and whole pepper 500 g potatoes 1 tablespoon of butter 1 onion 2 garlic cloves 1 tablespoon of flour 1 cup and half of milk 1 cup of peas ( fresh or freezed) 1 teaspoon of lemon zest 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

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Directions : 1. Boil the potatoes and drain them well. Then, a bit of salt, pepper and a tablespoon of butter. until the rest of the composition is ready.

mesh them with Keep them warm

2. Boil the fish in milk, together with the bay leaf and the whole pepper, for 10 minutes. Clean the fish taking off the skin and the bones and cut it in pieces. 3. In a large saucepan, sautĂŠe the onion and garlic - finely chopped - in butter, then sprinkle flour over it. Stir well and add the milk carefully, to avoid forming clods. 4. Add the peas, the fish, the lemon juice and zest and take the saucepan off the heat. Portion this composition into ramekins and top with the meshed potatoes and sprinkle with parmeggiano or melted butter. Bake it for 10 minutes. You can serve this dish, especially in the cold season, with a blanked on the shoulders or glazing at the falling leaves, over the window.

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Gãteste si muscã ’ ’ ’

Will you dance? Next to a fried fish topped with lemon. Or next to a veal steak, if you could sprinkle it with bit of thyme or mint. Or next to a grilled chicken, if you could season it with your preferred herbs or with nothing...

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SAlsa SAlad Words and REcipes by Ciuşcă | Photography by Ciuşcă

How to make it : Salsa




cheer salsa

you is















radish, green olives, celery stalks, cucumber, red hot peppers and

avocado. Whenever you want, without any ire, you can add it a handful of pars-

ley. Surely it will go well with some salt and few drops of olive oil. For a fresh snack before lunch, you can sprinkle your salsa with some goat cheese and some salty crackers.

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Delicioasa (i.e. The Delightful) www.delicioasa.com

I found Beatrice's food blog, drooling around the Romanian blogosphere. It caught my eye by the healthy recipes and devotion to a correct lifestyle. Her blog is breathing by all pores genuine happiness for her family, her hobbies. Unlike other Romanian food blogs, Beatrice's blog seamed right from head to toe: well documented recipes, inviting photographs, attention to details, no ads. Each post is like reveling to all of us better photography, sign that practice can really transform our hobbies into something really beautiful. A very sensitive, appreciable and super reliable person, Beatrice astonished me by her willing to cross the limits and deliver the best of her, today for all of you.

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What made you want to open a food blog and how did you start to take photographs? What's your professional background? My food blog was born suddenly, in March 2010. I never thought about writing, and my desire to take photographs was stagnant for years, due to other projects not at all related to photography. And if we are speaking about cooking, I started to cook relatively recently; more precisely, since we moved in our dream house, where I have a wonderful kitchen. Up till then I was constantly blaming the time, family or anything else, and I was simply passing the cooking to my mother. And I believe that is a strong disadvantage to have a mother which cooks so good :). You are even not tempted anymore to try...Everything started when I visited some Dutch friends, architects specialized in interior design. I was discussing with them the last details related to our house, we were visiting art galleries, shops...One evening we were invited to the house of one of them. He threatened us that he will cook. I was not scared first, because I was thinking he will cook and we will eat, but actually he had different plans. With a cookbook strategically set on a base, he made me cook harshly, I was picking few aromatic plants from his small garden, I was preparing the ingredients, I was washing, I was drinking wine, we were laughing, we were joking... I never believed that cooking can be really fun and even glamorous. Sincerely! It has been a dream experience! The perfect meal at the light of the candles was legendary. The next day, I dare to ask him what cookbook he was using. He drove me to a bookshop and he showed me The Naked Chef. He was famous, but I haven't heard of him, considering that I had no cooking skills at that time. I bought all the 3 books that Jamie wrote up till then, and I came home decided to cook. I broth spices and kitchen utensils from all around the world, including my wonderful Kitchen Aid, that's so everything to have a tremendous emotional load. I seeded with my hands, rosemary, oregano, lavender...What a wonderful feeling to pick aromatic plants from your own garden. And I started slowly, but surely. And since then, probably 8 years passed...

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In March 2010, I read an article about blogs. That was the moment when I found out about WordPress and I immediately opened an account. A name flashed my mind : Delicioasa (i.e. The Delightful). I wrote few simple recipes, and I learned everything from scratch. I was studding harder then in school, with a great passion. I believe this happened to me : I discovered the passion which stimulated my life and gave me wings. Everything came naturally, I could even say without fear that it has been a divine inspiration, because there is no logical explanation for my decision to write a food blog :). I have big dreams and I hope they will grow nicely along with my sweet children. What do you like most when photographing food and what aspect do you think is hard to control in food photography? I love to take photographs of the food. I love surprises! Each photograph is a surprise for me. I know that food photography should be planed, drawn, thought, but I feel photography when I have the food in front of me. When I start to cook I start to see the final product.

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All process is like a dream which becomes reality step by step. I'm sleeping with the notebook next to me, because it happens that I will dream a recipe, or photograph and I don't want to forget it :). What I find difficult to control? Definitely the light, and I founded hard to follow the instructions related to shutter or aperture. Eventually, I concluded that you must to practice. You are playing and you are learning how to do it. I love this game and the race after the props. I love me camera. Once I had an issue with it and I couldn't enter the kitchen without it. Is like I have a reflex now :). How and from where do you get your inspiration? Are out there ph otographers that are inspiring you or do you have a mentor? I discovered food blogs that I love - La Tartine Gourmande, Cannelle et Vanille, O rangette, 101 Cookbooks - from where you can learn much more then from a book. A food blog must to tell a story, to express feelings, to take you to a different world, not only to communicate a recipe. I'm checking frequently sites like TasteSpotting or FoodGawker to study the photographs and the recipes. I'm continuously searching, because I don't like to get bored. Your food blog - What Liberty Ate - is also a delightful source of inspiration. How is your day when you want to publish a post on your blog? There is some special ritual that you are following, are you getting prepared while in ahead with ingredients for a specific recipe, or the inspiration is just coming and you are starting cooking with whatever you find in the store room? I’m trying to have permanently a minimum stock of ingredients, thus I can play at anytime in the kitchen. Usually, I'm not planning any recipe, but there are few recipes that are obliging me to plan ahead. The past days I was busy for the first time, with some pigeons, and I needed to make my homework: looking for recipes, shopping, making the marinade, the garniture. I liked it :). I have culinary obsession, usually seasonally. In autumn I love the pumpkin, the quince, the plums, cinnamon, cardamom, pimento, star anise. Usually, when I have an idea, I do it. I'm creating my post like a small puzzle. The pieces are getting together, and the central idea must be one ingredient, new, fresh, and not expected; around this idea I must to build a story, a recipe. I love this game :). Tomorrow a big pumpkin is waiting for me. What it will be? Almond tart, tatin tart, muffins, pumpkin salad baked with rucola, creamy soup or mom's pie? Let's see what I will dream tonight. If this game wouldn't be there, most probably I will loose my interest. I'm not a big fan of the planned tasks. I like surprises, unexpected vacations, playing. Let's play delightful :). All photography © and by courtasy of Beatrice

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Delicioasa] Words and REcipes by Beatrice Photography by Beatrice This is a warm breakfast, e xtrem ely flavored, perfect for a cold morning. Is super healthy and totally vegan. Quinoa is a super cereal, the po-wer food, essential for a healthy diet. 5000 years ago, the Aztecs were eating quinoa and they consi dered it the main source of their energy. Ohh, mother grain!

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Quinoa porridge with cardamom flavor, cinnamon and Start anise Advantages of quinoa:  contains proteins, more than any other cereal;  the quality of the protein is much better than any other meat protein;  technically speaking, quinoa is not a cereal, but a fruit;  quinoa is very rich in minerals and vitamins;  contains four times more calcium than wheat;  contains iron, vitamin B and vitamin E;  has a low fat content;  contains essential fat acids.

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Quinoa porridge with cardamon flavor, cinnamon and start anise

Quinoa porridge with cardamon flavour, cinnamon and star anise 250 ml rice milk ⁄50 g quinoa ⁄ cinnamon stick 3 seeds of green cardamom ⁄ teaspoon of allspices (Myrtus Pimenta) ⁄ teaspoon of cinnamon powder ⁄ star anise the juice from a half of lime 2-3 tablespoons of honey, vanilla cream or plain honey ⁄ teaspoon of vanilla extract the zest of a lime strawberry pistachio 1. Start by putting quinoa into a fine mesh, and wash it under a cold water shower. Then, cook quinoa for 30 minutes, in a medium pot filled with water. After cooking, carefully, filter the quinoa apart from the water. 2. Pour the rice milk into a medium pot over medium heat. When the milk starts to boil, add in quinoa, the honey, the lime juice, the cinnamon stick, the anise, the green cardamom, allspices and the cinnamon powder. Let the milk boil over low heat for 30 minutes, until quinoa starts to absorb most of the milk. Then, you can discard the cinnamon stick, cardamom and anise. The porridge can be served hot, sprinkled with strawberries, pistachio and lime zest.

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Earl Grey cupcakes with orange flavored frosting

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Delicioasa] Words and REcipes by Beatrice Photography by Beatrice I can not imagine the cold months of winter without the orange and bergamot flavor. I love the Earl Grey tea and its taste is delighting me each morning, topped with a bit of cold milk or a slice of lemon. Ah, and if I have next to it a piece of cake, even better... Life is beautiful!

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Earl Grey Cupcakes 130ml milk 4 tea bags good quality Earl Grey 120g flour+ 140g sugar + 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 40g butter at room temperature 1 egg 1. Soft boil the milk. When almost reaches the boiling temperature, take the pot off the heat and add 3 tea bags. Cover it. Leave the milk to cool. Keep the milk in the fridge until next day together with the tea bags inside. 2. Preheat the oven to 170째C. Line up muffin paper in a muffin pan moulds. Strain well the milk, add in the sifted flour, the baking powder,one tea bag of Earl Grey grinded and the sugar. Next, add the butter and mix until you will get a crumbly dough. Add in the milk and mix well. Continue by adding the egg and combine soflty using a spatula. Don't over mix. Pour the mixture in muffin mouldes (2/3) and bake for 20-25 minutes. Let cool completely on a rack.

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Orange flavoured frosting 100g butter at room temperature 350g powder sugar, sifted 60ml whipped cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 teaspoons orange zest

1. Mix well 175g sugar with 100g butter, then add the vanilla extract, the whipped cream and orange zest. Mix well until you will get a creamy consistency. 2. Continue by adding gradually the rest of the sugar, and mix well until you will get a smooth consistency. In the last 3 minutes, you can use the electric mixer to obtain a puffy frosting. Keep the frosting in the fridge. Decorate.

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Delicioasa] REcipe adapted from Christophe Felder Photography by Beatrice J'adore le chocolat! This unctuous and rich chocolate cake is extremely easy to prepare, can wait in the fridge until the right moment, then in 10 minutes is done. A festive feeling is gi ven by the raspberry heart. Baked for 10 minutes, is like a delicate moelleux; after 12 minutes is super delicious.

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Chocolate cake with

raspberry heart

100g black chocolate (75% cocoa) 90g butter, cubed 120g sugar 3 eggs 40g flour Butter to brush the ramekins 100g raspberries 2 tablespoons of powder sugar 1. Using a blender, mix the raspberries with sugar, then pour the mix in a ice cube mold tray and frizz it for few hours. 2. Prepare the ramekins (aprox.6 pieces) by coating them with butter. Mix well the eggs with sugar until you will obtain a creamy mousse. Melt the chocolate on a water bath, add the butter and combine well. Pour the chocolate cream over the mousse and mix carefully with a wooden spoon. Pour the composition in the ramekins. Keep them in the fridge for at least one hour. 3. Preheat the oven to 200째C. Take out the ramekins from the fridge just before to put them in the oven. Fit in the middle of the ramekins the raspberry ice cubes. Bake the chocolate cakes for 10-11 minutes. Serve immediately.

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The Venice's harbours - a wealth of architectural and culinary heritage Words and REcipe by Gabriela Iancu Photography by Gabriela Iancu

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Venice disclosed itself to me in a chill morning of May. I had travelled by train from France to Italy, to see its beautiful blue waters. Long journey it was back then in 2008, when I launched myself in a kind of the trip of my life. I had travelled uncounted hours (most probably around 6-7 hours) with many stops until I set foot on the lagoon's borders. That chill morning had transformed quickly in a torrid day, where the streets of Venice became inexplicable and suddenly too crowded.

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The City of Water charmed me by its floating, wriggler houses, where you didn't knew how it's like, how it's smelling, how it's feeling. The cracked coating of the houses because of the waters around, fascinated me, putting the authentic stamp of the old times. You could also scent a damp musty smell. The mystery of some houses was perfectly preserved; almost you could feel the old renaissance music style. However, I was disappointed by the numberless merchants that were making the city to look too much touristical.

When I reviewed Venice this su mmer, I blended easily into the background. It was like I've seen an old friend, from forgetten times. A sweet rejoining of roads, now in a different fo rmula.

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How to plan a nice trip to Venice :  Since I saw Venice at the end of Sring and also in Summer, try to avoid these periods, because Venice can be r eally crowed. For sure, late autumn will suit better for visit this city.  In Summer, Venice and its surroundings are full of mosquitos. I was not b elieving this, until I came back screened by mosquitos bites.  Plan your trip to Venice, for at least 4 days. There are a lot of things to see, even if the city is small. Also don't forget that Venetian Lagoon is composed in many islands, therefore reserve some time to see at least Murano, famous for its glass making.

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Bites of fegato alla Venez iana Words and REcipe by Gabriela Iancu Photography by Gabriela Iancu Velvety taste of sautĂŠ liver embraced by the bland taste of polenta will awake your taste buds. Venetians are usually serving this dish with grilled polenta. If you want to impress on your Christmas festive party, server these Italian appetizers and everyone will ask you for more.

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3 tablespoons olive oil 2-3 large onions, thinly sliced 300-400g calves' liver, any membrane and tubes removed and cut into small slices 100 ml dry white wine 1 teaspoon dry thyme 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1/4 kosher salt made polenta, to serve

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1. Preheat the olive oil in a large frying pan and cook the onion over a low heat for at least 20 minutes, or until translucent and soft. Add the spices and seasoning. 2. Add the liver and wine and cook until it becomes browned and the liquid drains itself. Set aside and let it cool for 10 minutes. Using a blender or food processor, purĂŠe the livers and onion together. 3. To assemble, use a cookie circle shape and start by layering a teaspoon of polenta, next a teaspoon of liver purĂŠe, and top with a layer of polenta. Continue until you will use all liver composition. Keep the appetizers in the fridge until you will serve them.

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Prague seen from airplane

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Old Czech Style Prague Praga Praha Words and REcipe by Gabriela Iancu Photography by Gabriela Iancu First time I visited Prague back in 2009, just after a few months of crossing the beer land - Czech Republic. I have not appreciated it at his true value at that time. Since than, for business reasons or just for plaisure, I came back in Prague at least twice a year. Each time I discovered it more and more beautiful, full of mistery and painted by nature, in true fairytale colors.

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Old Town - Stare Mesto Prague Astronomical Clock was first installed in 1410, making it the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world and the only one still working. Onto the outer ring of the lower face of the clock, 365 traditional Czech names are carved. Keeping it on the old style, at the top of each hour you can hear the clock's bells melodious sounds, and see how the rings of the clock are rotating and how the figures are moving.

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Staromestske Namesti - Prague's Main Square

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On the way to Jewish Quarter

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House in Jewish Quarter

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Castel District - Hradcany You will notice easily the Prague's Castel standing proud on the heal, and for sure, you'll not need any direction to reach its gates.

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New Town - Nové Mesto Prague is bursting in a huge arhitectural heritage, from Gothic to Rennaissance, and from Art Nouveau to Communism. You will find a nice aggregation of arhitectural styles. Don't miss visiting the Municipal House and Estates Theater, in the venue of which Mozart performed in 1787. Also, Mozart is claimed to have said, "Meine Pra ger verstehen mich" ("My Praguers understand me"), a saying which became famous in the Bohemian lands. Make a nice promanade next on the Czech Champ Elysées - Wenceslas Square and don't forget to enojoy the wonderful National Museum.

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National Museum of Prague

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Opera House

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Words and Recipe by Gabriela Iancu Photography by Gabriela Iancu

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A Czech pride, Marlenka cake is made accordingly to an old Armenian recipe. Rich in honey and walnuts, this honeyed cake will make you fall in love with it almost instantaneously.

For the cake's layers

For the cream

2 eggs 60 g butter 40 g honey 600 g flour 200 g crystal sugar 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

2 eggs 60 g butter 30 g honey 100 g ground walnuts 230 ml condensed milk

1. Add the sugar and honey in a small saucepan on medium heat and stir until all melted and well blended. Then add the butter and mix well. Add the eggs, baking powder and mix well. Add the flour bit by bit stirring well. Add the flour until the dough is still kneadable but slightly hard. It should not come apart. Add flour or milk necessary to make the dough non-sticky. Separate the dough into 4-5 pieces, and roll it into 5 large fine squares equally square.

to 5 minutes, or until golden brown, then cool on an iron rack.

3. In a small saucepan melt the butter on medium heat. Then pour in the eggs lightly beaten and the honey. Stir well until combined. Add the condensed milk gradually and stir continuously. Leave the cream on heat until starting to become thicker, around 3-5 minutes. Set aside and cool. Put filling between layers to assemble the cake. Sprinkle walnuts on top layer after the last fifth layer of filling. It is best to 2. Preheat the oven to 180째C. Line a let the cake rest and cool in the fridge for parchment paper in a large pan. Place the minimum 6 hours or better, over night, dough layer inside. Bake each layer for 3 before serving.

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AUTUMN GOLDEN LIGHT FOR YOUR KITCHEN This chandelier is intended to produce a nice and original space. It's the perfect object to admire along side a slice of tart in a late afternoon or a tea with dear ones. Can be purchased here : http://www.etsy.com/listing/76664368/masonjar-chandelier-lighting-mason-jar

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Eco Spirit Words by Liliana Rusu Photography by see last page Autumn's distinction and the delicacy of winter are reminding us of the desire of comfort and warmness that we all search in the homelike feeling of the kitchen. The textures, the color's shades from brownyellow to white-gray, are setting us in contact with the purity of the nature. The objects that we are using to decorate our house, or those who help us to style recipes, are redrawed to their basic elements, where the practical sense is perfectly blended with the natural materials, such as wood, cotton or rocks.

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HANDMADE VINTAGE UTENCILS MADE FROM NATURAL WOOD These precious forks will enrich your kitchen utensils collection. They are great for mixing ingredients. Can be purchased here : http:// www.etsy.com/listing/78620903/naturalwood-utensils-set-of-3-italian

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This small eco-vintage cabinet decorated with fruits and vegetables images can be used to hold your precious spices. You can find it fully equipped with 16 glass jars, some already filled with spices, others waiting to be filled with your harvest spices for soups or delicious steaks. Can be purchased here : http://www.etsy.com/listing/69992942/ three-mountaineers-spice-cabinet-with-16


For a autumn's start full of flavours this cheese dome is perfect for your cheese assortment. Created in a minimalist and traditional way, the dome includes multistriped cutting board made from ash and purpleheart and a glass dome top. Can be purchased here: http://www.etsy.com/ listing/76512851/cheese-dome

Eco-friendly GEOMETRY

This small wood cutting board is the perfect size for slicing fruits, cheese or any kind of meat. Is made from of a mix of woods locally grown in USA. The simple and warm design of this board is an elegant choice for your kitchen. Can be purchased here : http://www.etsy.com/listing/77047599/ small-cherry-wood-cutting-board-the

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The glazed grey is embellishing the calm and quietness of the winter. Two mini decorative flower pots to make much of the sight of the kitchen selves. Can be purchased here : http://www.etsy. com/listing/76065551/mini-roundconcrete-pot-set-of-2

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CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY AND NEW YEAR'S SPIRIT Four napkin rings made from organic bamboo and vintage french lace, created for festive parties, will become habitual on you lunch or dinner holiday table. Can be purchased here : http://www.etsy. com/listing/67686566/napkin-rings-organicbamboo-vintage

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This coffee ceramics set is beautifully decorated with vegetal elements. Delicate and exquisite it will add a plus of loveliness to your autumn's mornings. Can be purchased here : http://www. breslo.ro/Product/Set-cafea-Pour-sereposer_355578

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When outside is snowing and the cold is taking over the world, the gesture of serving tea becomes a sweet plaisure.This set of three creamy speckled stoneware mugs and saucers, complimented with the prettiest shade of pale green areperfect for spending time with friends in codl days. Can be purchased here : http://www.etsy.com/listing/68498195/little-speckled-coffeefor-three


SNOWFLAKES STRAINED THROUGH THE MESH OF THE CRYSTAL SKY Exquisite white pottery planter hig hly texturized with leaves elements. Suitable for festive parties. Can be purchased here : http://www.etsy.com/ listing/79576066/textural-white-planter

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Silver and black sugar crystals to decorate your drink glass. suitable for any holiday or friends party. You will amaze your friends with this exquisite decoration. Can be purchased here : http://www.etsy. com/listing/70460163/silverblack-cocktail-rim-sugar-kit-dark


White snow colour and words' spiral on a kitchen towel made from organic cotton. Winter invited itself in the calm space of the kitchen, and the words' weel is cathing you in the play of good cheer and enthuziasm. Can be purchased here : http://www.etsy. com/listing/73132474/white-animal-spiral-tea-towel-fairtrade


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Photo Credits Cover- Winter Breakfast by Gabriela Iancu page 2 - Autumn Fig Tart by Gabriela Iancu page 3 - Winter Doughnuts by Gabriela Iancu page 4 - Winter Campfire by Gabriela Iancu page 8 - Autumn Feeling by Gabriela Iancu page 11 - Sara Forte by Hugh Forte page 12 - Cookies by Hugh Forte page 14 - Raspberry Lemon Lime Sparkling Punch and Layer Cake by Stephanie Shih page 16 - Stephanie Shih by Toni Gauthier page 17 - Milk by Stephanie Shih page 18 - Poppy Seed Cake, Mascarpone Frosting by Ashely Rodriguez page 20, 21 - Grilled Soft Cheese, Thyme, Honey and Fresh Figs by Ashely Rodriguez page 22, 23 - Autumn in Prague by Gabriela Iancu page 24, 26, 27 - Autumn Fig Tart by Gabriela Iancu page 28, 31 - Apple Rose Tart by Gabriela Iancu page 32, 34, 36, 37 - Pumpkin Bread by Gabriela Iancu page 38 - Christmas Tree by Gabriela Iancu page 40-45 - Organice Winter Cookies by Gabriela Iancu page 46-48 - Basil Taglioline with Spicy Shrimp by Gabriela Iancu page 50-55 - Roasted Pork with American Style Wet Sauce by Gabriela Iancu page 56-59 - A Foodie Cat Story by Medeea Iancu page 60-67 - All photographs by Irina page 68-77 - All photographs by Ciuşcă page 78-94 - All photographs by Beatrice page 96-101 - Venice by Gabriela Iancu page 102-105 - Fegatto alla Veneziana by Gabriela Iancu page 106-119 - Prague by Gabriela Iancu page 120-123 - Marlenka Cake by Gabriela Iancu

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page 124 - Photo by BootsNGus http://www.etsy.com/shop/BootsNGus page 126 - Photo by gretaloves http://www.etsy.com/shop/gretaloves page 127 - Photo by TheFrontHouse http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheFrontHouse page 127 - Photo by newberry http://www.etsy.com/shop/newberry page 127 - Photo by TimberGreenWoods http://www.etsy.com/shop/TimberGreenWoods page 128 - Photo by roughfusion http://www.etsy.com/shop/roughfusion page 130 - Photo by frenchfelt http://www.etsy.com/shop/frenchfelt page 132 - Photo by JasminBlanc http://www.breslo.ro/Shop/JasminBlanc page 134 - Photo by PrairieSeed http://www.etsy.com/shop/PrairieSeed page 134 - Photo by PineandMain http://www.etsy.com/shop/PineandMain page 135 - Photo by Xenotees http://www.etsy.com/shop/Xenotees page 135 - Photo by dellcovespices http://www.etsy.com/shop/dellcovespices Dell Cove Spice Co./Crystal Gayle Photography

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More recipes at : www.whatlibertyate.com

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