Self assessment rubric livio g

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Teacher self-assessment of current practices in Math class Please reflect on the instructional practices listed below and the frequency with which you use them (where 1 = never and 5 = always). For each item, write examples of the ways you incorporate effective instructional practices into your teaching. What areas would you identify as strengths? What areas you feel you could improve? What would you like to know more about? Instructional practices Content and context The content of your instruction is relevant to the students’ needs and interests and based on their previous experiences and knowledge.

Frequency level 1



Math learning is embedded in real world contexts, the activities allow your students to understand how the procedures they learn are applied in real life situations. You develop students’ in-depth understanding of the meaning of mathematical concepts and procedures rather than simply the application of them.

Your instructional support is equally available to all students and removed when no longer needed. You do not “feed” students information. Student-centered learning Students set their own learning goals and are accountable for achieving them. Students have active roles in the classroom e.g. through cooperative learning, pair and group work, role play, debates, etc


It’s not easy to adjust the content to all the needs, but it’s fundamental to keep in mind what have been their previous experiences E twinning projects help to make math more related with life


I I always ask “why” because it’s important not just to stop to the right answer, it’s important to understand how they came to the answer. They must manage their thinking. I try to let them struggle…..


In primary school this is a bit difficult I think Today’s students don’t like frontal lessons, they need to do things and not just listen and watch. I try to differentiate




2 X


4 X

The proposed activities are diverse, in order to accommodate students with various learning styles and abilities. Students are allowed to make choices about content and classroom activities. Students are co-authors of the classroom norms

4 X

Remarks / Examples




This s possible particularly for the quick ones. This is something I

and encouraged to self-monitor. Scaffolded learning You choose activities and topics that help students set their own goals and identify what they already know as well as what they/want need to learn. Your students acquire strategies that help them learn autonomously inside and outside the classroom e.g. making predictions, asking for clarification, group work, etc. You facilitate students’ development by allowing them to explore and develop their own hypothesis and conjectures. Class interaction You use small group discussions to promote alternative problem solutions and foster lateral thinking. Students are offered regular, structured and authentic feedback in order to improve the quality of their work. You respond actively to students’ feedback and support requirements. Questions are encouraged and stimulated. The instruction time is well balanced between whole group and small group instruction, including a good mixture between individual and team work.

Your expectations regarding students’ performance are realistic at all times and students are informed and accepting of them. Strategies and tools You provide assignments and activities that promote critical thinking skills, including guidance for thinking critically to determine which calculations, formulas, or processes must be used to solve problems. Students understand there is no single “right way” to solve a problem, and that it is OK to make mistakes and learn from them. Students make use of technology as a tool that can help them achieve a specific goal. They use it inside or outside of class

still have to work on 1


3 X



I show them tools and methods





3 X


I use group working to put them in front of something new to elicit their creativity 5

I can do better


Questions are essential


I have some troubles with timing, looks like there’s always something requiring more time (dueing to various kind of interruption, from the lack of the materials to the collegue entering the class…) I can do better











Assessment You use both formative and summative assessment to evaluate learning. You constantly evaluate teaching and learning focusing on students’ understanding and needs e.g. using various methods during class via frequent quizzes, show and tells, etc. Students are offered regular, structured opportunities to self-assess their progress as well as assess their peers when appropriate. Partial scores Total


I need to learn to do more formative assessment X


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