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A piece of work that I didn’t get to talk about during my initial submission but one that is a crucial part of my portfolio today.

Initially I didn’t really see where this piece could go but I wanted to try and apply it to various products just to see how it could work in the real world and how it could be applied and sold rather than just sitting in a gallery all day.

One of my favourite briefs because I got a chance to explore a part of me that is important. My experimentation with watercolour was also really important and shows a key use of blending and a fragrant use of colour.

Probably one of the most exciting and interesting briefs I’ve been able to tackle. I made this brief into a project all about experimentation and working with traditional wet and dry media. I went for something out of my comfort zone and more abstract that usual so in the end the final piece itself reflected the end of that small journey overall.

In the end it turns out a lot of the sketches that I’ve done could work as finals so I wanted to show that in my initial portfolio about how expressive and important my sketches are and how when refined they can act as final pieces.

I found out that using simple linework and colour can do a lot when it comes to making final pieces. I had a lot of fun with this one and feel as though this style of painting for me is something that I should pursue further and make even more vividly painted final pieces for my portfolio as seen with the character sketch before.

Character design is another aspect of my practice which has been incredibly vital in the long run. I experimented with various of forms and ink in order to achieve unique character forms and create a far more improved and expressive version of my previous work in order to achieve something that I am satisfied with and shows my growth and change as a practitioner.

Landscape painting and drawing has always been critical to me and with this resubmission I got given a chance to refine that skill both with my selected briefs and my Final Major Project.

This resubmission has definitely showed me the importance of Extended Practice, and the importance of research as well. Although it was difficult at the beginning to come out of the small slump I let myself fall into, overall curating and collecting visual and artistic research really helped motivate me to work on my own practice even further. My practice before this resubmission did feel very weak and I feel as though that there are a lot of things I could’ve reworked if I really pushed myself. I have regrets but now it feels a bit silly to worry about them now. With this resubmission I was able to go back and rewrite my faults and improve o the work that was already there, as well as make new work that I feel passionate about. It’s really helped me not stray off the path and set me down into a strict working schedule day-by-day by working on my practical skills. Keeping my blog alive and constant has been difficult but from that I’ve learned just how important blogging is in the long run. Keeping up with the constant trail of thoughts, making notes, evaluating my own and overall just making a compact way of keeping track of each project has really helped me with improving my practice and making me a lot more motivated to keep up with my blog.

I felt as though this resubmission pointed out a critical part of my development over the years of the course, the fact that I’ve always struggled with making a good standing quality piece of work. I’ve always been touch on myself over it and this resubmission has given me a chance to really work on that flaw and to improve myself overall. The concepts and work that I’ve done over the past few weeks have reignited that creative spark that I felt burned out after the initial submission date. I no longer feel lost or out of touch with my work and whatever block I had is gone. .

I was working with the module criteria every step of the way which really helped improve and clean up my blog. I always felt that in the past I have felt the need to bombard my blog with big paragraphs when I should really just get to the point and collate and post about my progress a lot more rather than post big bloated posts that don’t really help other than jot down my random thoughts. So at the end I feel as though my blogging as improved overall just as my practical skills have.

Overall this resubmission has allowed me to improve myself further and given me a strong push into working on the quality of my work that has better improved me not only as a practitioner but as a person. I feel like I can move on from this and look back at it in a positive light from here on out, despite how down on myself I was at the beginning

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