OUIL603 | Brief 5 Research

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Sadly I cannot find all of the specific artists who worked on this game, but the general aesthetic and worldbuilding that was put into this project is pretty evident to see. I’ve always deemed this game as a general source of inspiration for me giving its themes and ability to create such a bleak, cold and beautiful landscape like Skyrim itself. The amount of research and details that the concept art team and the design team put in show every detail and aspect of this fictional world. In particular for this brief I found myself looking at the ruins, and old Nordic aesthetic that they were going for since I am debating on what old world I should base mine off as well.

Isamu’s use of texture and rich landscapes is something that I’ve always admired. His work on Final Fantasy XII and XIII prove his capability to create lush, full and colourful worlds. Each of those games in particular have a lot of bombastic and ancient ruins, something which is very relevant for this project and the general aesthetic in which I am wanting to go for.

I think I’ll just be using Final Fantasy XIV as a reference overall, with not just one but all of my briefs since of the amount of work and talent that goes into the world building and design in this game.

An artist who I only just discovered recently and one who I regret not discovering sooner. Snowskadi has a really gorgeous portfolio of work! Such character, colour and general amazing use of environment and lighting as well. The attention to detail is what really gets me, I love it when artists and especially environment designers and artists pay closer attention to the smaller things in their work. It shows good observation.

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