Hydrangeas Region RegiĂŁo das HortĂŞnsias - Rio Grande do Sul Regional Tourism Planning in Brazil The Tourism Regionalization Program works on the convergence and interaction of all actions performed by tourism ministry within the Brazilian states, regions and municipalities. Its main objective is to support the structuring of destinations, management and the promotion of tourism in the country. It works under the perspective that even a municipality that does not have a clear vocation for tourism - it can still benefit from it, if that municipality plays a role as a provider or supplier of hand- labor or products designed to serve the tourist. Regionalized work thus allows gains not only for the municipality that receives the visitor, but for the entire region. The main interesting feature from this planning structure is the clustering of regions and municipalities according to their cultural, or landscaping common features. Region of HortĂŞnsias would predominate the sector of accommodation, that is, the cluster of hotels and inns. Several other sectors of activity revolve around this cluster, such as means of food (restaurants and cafeterias), commercial establishments (shops selling crafts and clothing) and agency services, transport and tourist guides.
52 About the Region_ Rediscover for Reactivation
They grown prosperity for the region, while fostering local tourism and economy. It is estimated that 40% of visitors come from other states in Brazil and around 2% from latin america countries. Even though the remaining 58% come from the same state. So with this there is less risk of gentrifying or predatory tourism development, because the visitors are the locals. Also some of the challenges they face may be common with the Limbourg region.