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PARTS DESCRIPTION Arm Biade A (e""""" ROIIIlionl Note: photos are for reference only, please in kind preva il. PARTS DESCRIPTION OF THE REMOTE CONTROLLER 360· RoIlover ---z:t::::::::I?:L:==::fF==rì===::::!:>L::::;zf:;---one key conectior Fine-tuning Throttlelevet 5teering rod Shortpressonekeynretum Camera up long press headless mode Camera down Switch -2-
Battery instaltation method : Open the battery cover on the back of the remote control, according to Ihe positive and negative instructions in Ihe battery box, correctly insert 3x1.5V -AAbatteries (batte ries need lo be purchased separately)
Batter y cover
Push Iha swilch of OFF opsilion !hen open the battery cover
3 "'AA batteri es After di sconnecling , connecl port A to Ihe co mpute(s USB inte nace, Ihe red light w ill be on, a nd the port B will be connected to the lithium batte ry. Th e red light w ill be ono The light is offwhen full. Charging tim e is around 180 minutes .
Attention :
1. Piea se sto p c h a rging w h e n the plug i s ove rh ea t due to ave r charge, or it m ay CBuse damages to the batteries .
2. Please sup ervise the charging process when cha r ging.
3. Piea se make sure yo u use the originai USO cab l e provided whic h is reliable balance cha rging m ode to avoid an accide nt.
4. Piea se do not charge the batteries if the s urf ace temperature i s s!t ll n ot coo l after ftying . it is better to wai t a roung 30 minutes unti l the temperature back to be norma I.
5 Piea se do not t hro w the batteri es i nto the file to cause accidents.
6. Piea se do not sho rt the circuit the batteries , do not mix the batteries with some sma ll m eta l part s, othe r wise, i t wi ll ca u se accidents easi l y.
7 Il needs lo use the fa etory charg ing line when eharging. And tha cha rging line ca n on ly be charged on the computer, if tha adapter is needad. please purehased it additionally. Il is forb ld den lo seleel other adapter yourselt. The eharging shall be supervlsed by someone , otherwlse, in case of any accident , the manufaclurer shall not take any respons ibility.
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Flight Environment
Ind oor: spacious space away lrom obstacles, people or pets is prelerred.
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Outdoor: sunny, windy and sunny days are prelerred.
Please keep the aircraft in line 01 sight during the flight and keep away Irom obstacles, high-voitage cables , trees and personnel.
Do not fiy in extreme environments , such as hot , cold , strong wind or rainstorm
Make sure the propeller is in stalled correctly securely and the aircraft arms are straight.
1.Turn on the power of the aircraft fuselage.Place th e aircraft on a lever surface .
Take-off Method 1:
2.0pen the remole contrai handle than turn on the powe r of the remote control and hear the "01 " sound is successful .
3.Push the teft lever up and down to the bottom and the indicator light is always ono
1.As shown in the fig ,operating 2.As shown in the fig ,operating 3.Push the throttle lever up the right and left control the right and left co ntrol slowly, and the aircraft will lever to start ca libration. lever to unlock aircraft. take cff. .
Take-off Method 2 :
1.As shown in the fig ,operating 2.Short press one key take-offl the right and left co ntrol landing button,the aircrafl will lever to start calibration. take-off.
Landing Method 1:
Landing Method 2:
1.Push the throttle le ver down slowly. until tha aircraft lands.Keep the throttle le ve r at the lowest position, aircraft lands, the motor stops and the aircraft lands successfully. -5-
1.Short press one key take-offl landing button,the aircraft will landing .
Push the throttle upor down, the quadcopter flies upward or downward .
Pull the throttle leh or right , the quadcopter turns to leh or right.
Pus h d.rectlCn le ve r up or
• _ c:::> down,the quadeopter f lle s
forward or backward
Pull the direction lever leh
c:::::> or rlght , the quadeopter to left or rlght s_de
UP t
• •
. .
Wi th ou t an y operate d c f t he co ntr o l Jever, th e quadeo pt er keep s rotating in t he sky, yo u ca n co rr eet it by pressing t he bu tton of " fi ne-tuning" .
Whe n t he airc raft from t Me groud is around 30cm , the fl ight will be affected by the a!reraftiuelf as the blades tot atin g , we ca li this as " Ground Reaction" , the effective will be more strong when t he aiteraft get more ci o se to t he g round.
• •
When the aircraft 1$ hOYering, the fuselage
- mcves backwards, firsl Pfess the fine-Iuning _ button, and then mova the joystldt. lorward • • unti! the aircraft does noi move backwards
• •
When the alrcraft 15 hovering, the fuselage
moves fo4"ward, firs! press the line.tuning · buttan, and then move the ;oystick backwards • • until the alrC:f1lft does noi move backwards
When the aircraft Is hovering, tha fuselage nles lo the lett Press the fine.tuning key once, end then move the jOystick 10 the right ootil the ain:raft does not move lo
When the alrctaft Is hovering, Ihe fuselage will lIy IO the righI. Press the fine-Iunlng OOllon, end then move 1M joystick lo the 18ft until the aJrcraft does noi move lo the righI.
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precise ro tatin9 f orward and backward
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sideward fl y precise l anding
1. Switch to headless function:
After frequency modulation of the aireraft with the f emote controller, long press down headless function switch on the top left of the contreller, remote controller wi" give out " Di " and the indicator li ght i5 flashing from long bright state, it means that it enter into headless state.
2. Exit headless function :
After enter into headless state, long press down the headless function switch and hearing "Di " • and the indicatar light is into long bright state from flashing, it means that it e)(its headless state.
3. (orrecting forward direetion:
After aireraft erashes into headless state, it needs to adjust the aireraft' s direetion , that means when the aireraft st art frequeney modulation, the direetion of the indicator light on the aireratt means the co rr ect direction that aireraft moves on.
4. One key return :
Under headless state, one key return " , the aireraft will fly to the player, when you press aga in , il will exit to the normal playing.
Tr y some exe rci se afte r familiar with some basic learning . .
problems ca uses so lu t ions
1 The switeh is on the
1 Move to the position of " ON" position of " OFF "
Power off of the
2 Batteries in wrong polarity the r emo te co ntroller
3 Power off
1 No turning on the energy
Remote control le r 2 No connecting the
3 Checking and change the new batteries
1 Move to the position of " ON °
2 Checking and correet canne,t has no aircraft' s batteries the power on respanse
3 $tron9 wind
3 Plea se play indoors where is spacious.
1 Rotor speed is too low
1 Push up the acceleratoT can not be up
2 The aircraft ' s po wer is
2 Please make the aircraft ' 5 not enough batteries fully charged
Accelerator operated no return
when you do the frequency modulation, the aircraft upward the accelerator operated should be bacie Out of to the originai position control
Out of the contrai distance
Plea se play within the effective distan ce
Please pull the contrai le ver slow ly, landing pulling is too fast. maintai n a smooth landing .
Excessive The speed o f accelerator
1. The control di s tan ce wi ll be effected by the low battery
2. It is hard to fl y or height is not enough when the batteries energ y is lo w.
3. If there is any damage s occured p lese stop playing and take it to be rep a ired to avoid accidents .
4. Pleas e remo ve the batte ries trom the remote controller if long time not used to prote ct trom batteri e s leakage S. l o avoid the quadcopter trom h igh fa ll ing or collision each other. 6. If there is any p r ob lem occured during using , ple ase replace au r factory 's or igina i pa rts , or it ma y cause the damages ea si ly.
01 Main body 02.Bottom Cover 03 Atm 04.Blade [I] m WiFI version 05 Battery C6 Camera 07 Rece lver Board 08 Motor
Note: photos are for refe rence only, please in ki nd prevail.