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The Year 2018 was the European Year of Cultural Heritage, and in the framework ofit, our goal is to share an important contribution in spreading European dimension, as well asencouraging awareness and promotion of Europe´s cultural heritage among nine to thirteen –year old peers from different European countries. This project including five Europeanschools which have cooperated and created a two- year planned activities focused ondeveloping pupils LITERACY SKILLS, stressing social inclusion of each participant, digitalliteracy, reading literacy as we are aware of the fact that is decreasing among students in thelast years, foreign language skills, cultural diversity and creating real advanced futurethinkers. Following the SWOT surveys of each participating school and of the institutionalprogress plans we were comparing, we concluded that the students need to be motivated tofind imaginary worlds as the way to help them understand the backgrounds outside theirexperiences and train their imaginatinary scenes in a safer space. We have created a projectthat involves several different learning styles - using Neil Fleming´s model of students’learning: visual, auditory, reading/writing preference and kinesthetic- stories and storytellingoccurring as main elements. This crucial idea would support the organisation andmanagement of this project that will increase our pupils’ personal and profession alimprovement, including all the backgrounds, besides, it will widen the cooperation relatingschoolsfamilies, and moreover, schools-external stakeholders. The project should beestablished because it would definitely bring a variety of advantages both, at the school,locally and at international level. The direct international collaboration will open theopportunity to the participants to spread networks, to gain useful knowledge, to share ideas,didactic approaches and methods for creating innovative tangible results. It will definitelylead to the internationalization of schools, development and getting new knowledge offoreign educational systems, school curricula of the countries involved in the project bystudying and using transnational tools and new teaching methods. Our project will focus onencouraging network and transnational cooperation at the partner schools.