Heritage Retrofit: Agrasen Ki Baoli

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Theaxi smundi ( al s o knownaswor l daxi sor c ent eroft hewor l d) , i n r el i gi onormyt hol ogy , i s t hewor l dc ent erort he c onnec t i onbet ween HeavenandEar t h. Ast he c el es t i al pol eandgeogr aphi cpol e, i texpr es s es apoi ntofc onnec t i onbet weens kyandear t h wher et hef ourc ompas s di r ec t i onsmee



T hei deawa st os hows omepa r i t ya mongs tt he t a l l s k y s c r a per sVSt hedeeps unk enba ol i .

T hedi ffer entl ev el spr opos edha v ehel pedi ni mpr ov i ngt heus ere x per i enc ea st heya r eea s i l ya c c es s i bl ea ndoffer ss ev er a l v i ewpoi nt sf r om whi c h t hebi l l c oul dbev i ewed. A


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