Eagle's Insider - Inaugural Issue - September 16, 2015

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We ar e happy to announce that Gahanna Chr istian Academy r ecently w on the Father ly.com $1,000 gr ant for the planning and building of futur e gar den beds. The gar den w ill becom e the outdoor lear ning lab w her e all students w ill explor e lessons in subject ar eas including m ath, science, social studies, language ar ts, and health & fitness. The goal of this pr oject-based lear ning gar den is to allow students of all ages to use their classr oom skills in an exciting new w ay. The $1,000 w ill allow students to exper ience the gr ow ing pr ocess, take pr ide in their w or k , and help to develop long, healthy eating habits. The m oney w ill go tow ar ds the pur chase of constr uction m ater ials, a hose, spr inkler, gar den spade, and soil. The Father ly.com contest selected 5 nom inees fr om thousands of entr ies subm itted acr oss the nation. This contest w as in coor dination w ith Yahoo Par enting and Com m on Sense M edia to im pr ove one school com m unity. Gahanna Chr istian r eceived 2,727 votes beating four other schools w ith the second place par ticipants r eceiving 1,752 votes. The school, Elm Cr eek Elem entar y, located in M innesota, w as r equesting a gr ant to help 1st gr ader s advocate for them selves and bullying pr evention. M r s. Kir k , the m aster m ind stated "If w e can allow childr en gar dening, they w ould be m or e of their fr ee tim e outdoor s and using eletr onic devices." Kir k w ent pr oject, but w e have a gr oup of 3 initial step in the Outdoor Lear ning

BY JORDAN REEVES Junkies Special Sections Reporter

Su bj ect s t au gh t : "Bible Grades 6-8" Bi r t h day: "October 6" Su r pr i si n g Fact : "I love to hunt alligator s" W hy di d you becom e a t each er ? "I love to teach" W hy GCA? "We had just moved to Columbus and Ann Johnson recommended GCA to us" W i sh Li st : "Overhead Projector"

Bir t hday Wishes



BY JUNKIES STAFF Boar d Gam es Book Discussion (M iss Lyons) Constr uction (M r. Ram sey) Cooking (M r s. Ram sey) Inter national (M r s. Castr o) Jour nalism (M r. Pr ior ) Robotics (M r. Jugan/M iss Holland) Stage Pr oduction (M r. Har tje) Walking/Hiking (M r s. Gr ubich, M r s. Kir k) Wor ship & Sound (M r. Tr ueblood)

BY JUNKIES STAFF Acor n, Apple, Cor n, Fall, Jacket, Leaf, Pum pkin, Rake, School

2014 Puzzles-to-Pr int.com


behind this pr oject based pr ogr am , to explor e the out of door s thr ough inclined to spend a better par t BY JUNKIES STAFF not inside w atching TV or M atthew Dow ns - Sept. 16 - 9th Gr ade on to say, "I w ill over see the Alejandr a Polop - Sept. 17 - 8th Gr ade senior s w ho ar e using the Austin Ledbetter - Sept. 22 - 4th Gr ade Lab as their Senior Andr ew Br ew er - Sept.22 - 11th Gr ade Pr oject...This is indeed, an Cam er on M atthew s - Sept.22 - 4th Gr ade exciting event for (GCA)!"




TEACHERSCORNER BY JULIA ANETOM ANG & STAFF It's a boy! Congr atulations to M r. Tr ueblood w ith the bir th of Caden Daniel bor n on Tuesday, Septem ber 8, at 9:32 pm . The Junkies Staff w ould like to say goodbye to M r s. Allen, M r. Bedr a, and M r s. Glosser. Good teacher s teach by lighting up im aginations, not by r eading out of bor ing textbooks. They m otivate thr ough inspir ation, not long hour s of detentions. Far ew ell to these thr ee am azing teacher s. You w ill be m issed in the halls and classr oom s of GCA. W ith ever y goodbye, com es a new hello! The Junkies Staff w ould like to w elcom e Rebekah Davis (4th Gr ade), Kate Holland (M S Language Ar ts), Pam M cConnell (M athem atics Substitute), Lindsey Shaffer (HS Health & Science), Tam my Stevens (3r d Gr ade) & Kasey Sutton (M SHS Ar t). Welcom e to our school!


Junkies Connect Reporter

This w eek , w e asked you the students, w hat you thought about the school year so far. Her e ar e som e of your com m ents: ?I have enjoyed school. It seems very well put together this year. M y favorite class currently is between marketing and AP history. M y favorite teacher is M r. Prior; he is a wonderful teacher and is good at what he does. I like the block periods[...], it gives you more time to get things done.? -Anonym ous ?The classes are definitely getting harder, but my favorite class is Spanish because M rs. Castro keeps the class activities fun and entertaining.? -Anonym ous

Senora Danalys Castro GCA Spanish Teacher

?The block periods are a bit uncomfortable because you sit in a class for over an hour doing one subject, but I assume it will get better when the year settles. I really like Spanish." -Anonym ous Well, ther e you have it. Shout out to M r. Pr ior and M r s. Castr o for killin?the teacher gam e! And keep using those big br ains of your s because YOUR OPI NI ON M ATTERS!


1 Tim othy 4:12 ?Don?t let anyone look dow n on you because you ar e young, but set an exam ple for the believer s in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in pur ity.? (NIV)

Pr over bs 8:32-33 ?Now then, my sons, listen to m e; blessed ar e those w ho keep my w ays. Listen to my instr uction and be w ise; do not ignor e it.? (NIV) ?Tw enty year s fr om now you w ill be m or e disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So thr ow off the bow lines. Sail aw ay fr om the safe har bor. Catch the tr ade w inds in your sails. Explor e. Dr eam . Discover.? - H. Jackson Br ow n Jr.


Cal endar What 's In Your Backpack? BY ELLIE WOLFE - Junkies Student Reporter If you like challenging gam es, this is for you. Tr y to guess w hich 6th gr ader has these item s in their backpack . Student #1 - Water, Dance Clothes, Tape Student #2 - Pencil Case, Gym Bag, Binder ANSW ERS: #1 - Adaria Fennoy, #2 Reese Christensen


SEPTEMBER18 College Fair 9:20 am to 10:05 am 20+ colleges r epr esented

Sept ember 21- 25 Spir it Em phasis Week Details to com e

Sept ember 24 Pictur e Retake Day Wear your sm ile :)

Sept ember 26

BY CALEB ROBINSON Junkies Sports Reporter

GCA Gar age Sale Fundr aiser Donations needed! Contact CHaugen@our gca.com

Var sity Soccer 9/8 - Scor e: L GCA 1-5 Village Academy (M adison (M addy) Schlesselm an w ith the goal for GCA)

Oct ober 6

Var sity Gir ls Volleyball 9/8 - Scor e: L GCA 0-3 Tr ee of Life Var sity Gir ls Volleyball 9/10 - Scor e: L Delaw ar e Chr istian 3-0 GCA (Colum bus Dispatch Website)

Dig Pink - Var sity Volleyball Star ts at 6 pm Bake sale, dr aw ings, and m or e

M S Gir ls Volleyball 9/8 W - Scor e GCA 2-1 TOL

Oct ober 16- 19

M S Gir ls Volleyball 9/10 W- Scor e GCA 3-0 Centr al College Chr istian

NO SCHOOL Par ent Teacher - October 16 Pr ofessional Dev. - October 19

JOURNALISMJUNKIESSTAFF M r. Pr ior - Lead Editor Ar ianne M or ton Ar r ington Gr eene Bailey Dor ity Caleb Robinson Donny M ugisha Ellie Wolfe Jasm ine Jung

Jor dan Reeves Julia Anetom ang Leslie Osei Lyndsy Hew lett M adison Schlesselm an Rachel M anko

LUNCHMENU | SEPTEMBER16 - 23 Wed., Sept . 16 - Baked Ziti, Br ead Stick , Peas, Pear s & M ilk Th u r s., Sept . 17 - M eatloaf, M ash Potatoes, M ixed Veg., Pr etzel, Peaches & M ilk Fr i ., Sept . 18 - Donatos Pizza, Gar den Salad, Yogur t, Fr uit & M ilk M on ., Sept . 21 - Chix Str ips, Tator Tots, Peas & Car r ots, Cinnam on Applesauce & M ilk Tu es., Sept . 22 - Beef & Bean Bur r ito, Bean & Cor n Salsa, M andar in Or anges & M ilk Wed., Sept . 23 - Chili M ac, Cor n Br ead, Salad, Fr uit & M ilk

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